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Asking and

Giving Opinion
Anggota :
Syavilla Ariviana
Khalisah Izaty Salsabilah
Muhammad Haekal Arebi
Alven Januar
Muhammad Lutfi Aziz
Asking Opinion
Asking opinion is an expression of asking for someone's opinion
about something, or asking someone to convey their ideas, ideas or
thoughts about something. Here are some examples of asking
opinion sentences that you can use:
What do you think about this plan?
Do you think it’s ok to leave the office now?
In your opinion, who will win this game?
What is your opinion about this new library?
Do you have other points of view?
Do you have other perspectives about this?
Do you have any ideas?
How do you feel about this situation?
What do you think of my idea?
Do you have any opinion about this book?
Giving opinion
Giving opinion is an expression of giving an opinion about something, or
responding to someone who asks our opinion about something. Here are
some examples of giving opinions that you can use:
I think you should obey your parents.
In my opinion, this book is good enough.
From my point of view, we need to do small research.
Based on my opinion, you should go there.
In my mind, you are right.
Honestly, this is so risky.
Thank You

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