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Proceedings of the XVI ECSMGE

Geotechnical Engineering for Infrastructure and Development

ISBN 978-0-7277-6067-8

© The authors and ICE Publishing: All rights reserved, 2015


Artificial Ground Freezing: from applications and case

studies to fundamental research
Congélation artificielle des sols: des applications et études de cas á la
recherche fondamentale
G.M.B. Viggiani*1 and F. Casini1
Università di Roma Tor Vergata,Roma, Italy
Corresponding Author

ABSTRACT The use of Artificial Ground Freezing (AGF) to form earth support systems has had applications worldwide. These cover a
variety of construction problems, including the formation of frozen earth walls to support deep excavations, structural underpinning for
foundation improvement, and temporary control of ground water in construction processes. Excavation of some of the stations of Line 1 of
Napoli Underground through loose granular soils and a fractured soft rock provides a recent example of an extensive and successful appli-
cation of AGF. Construction was accompanied by an intense programme of monitoring designed to measure and control the effects on ad-
jacent structures, which, for its extension and completeness, represented a unique opportunity to collect field data on the performance of
AGF. Significant thaw settlements were systematically recorded at all sites, in many cases larger than the heave recorded during the freez-
ing stages. The paper describes the main phenomena that were observed during construction and some of the early analyses that were car-
ried out to interpret different aspects of the process, and then illustrates some recent work conducted in the framework of an international
co-operative research project involving academics and technical personnel and engineers of Napoli underground. This includes a prelimi-
nary experimental investigation of the behaviour of pyroclastic soils on freezing/thawing cycles, the calibration of a fully coupled termo-
hydro-mechanical constitutive model against available experimental data, and its application to the back analyses of Toledo Station. The
final goal of the research is to be able to model the AGF process accurately, thus gaining confidence in the design of other works from the
engineering point of view.
RÉSUMÉ L'utilisation de la congélation artificielle des sols pour former des systèmes de soutènement a eu de nombreuses applications
dans le monde entier. Celles-ci vont de la formation de murs de sol gelé pour le soutènement d’excavations profondes au soutien structurel
pour l'amélioration des fondations, ou encore le contrôle temporaire du niveau de la nappe phréatique pendant la construction. Excavation
de certaines stations de la Ligne 1 du Métro de Naples dans des sols granulaires et une roche fracturée fournit un exemple récent d'une ap-
plication extensive et réussie de la technique de congélation des sols. Un programme conséquent de surveillance a été conçu et mis en place
pour mesurer et contrôler les effets induits par l’excavation sur les structures adjacentes; ce qui, par son extension et son caractère exhaus-
tif, représentait une occasion unique de recueillir des données de terrain sur la performance de la technique. Des tassements significatifs
dus au dégel ont été systématiquement enregistrés sur tous les sites, souvent plus importants que les soulèvements mesurés au cours de la
congélation. L’article présente les principaux phénomènes qui ont été observés pendant la construction, ainsi qu’une partie des premières
analyses qui ont été effectuées afin d’interpréter les différents aspects du processus. On présente également certains travaux effectués ré-
cemment dans le cadre d'un projet de recherche international impliquant à la fois des chercheurs, du personnel technique et des ingénieurs,
par exemple une étude expérimentale préliminaire du comportement des sols pyroclastiques sous cycles de gel/dégel, l'étalonnage d'un mo-
dèle constitutif thermo-hydro-mécanique entièrement couplé a partir des données expérimentales disponibles, ainsi que son application à
l'analyse du comportement observé de la station Toledo. L’objectif final de cette étude est une modélisation réaliste de la congélation arti-
ficielle des sols, ce qui nous permettrait d’améliorer la conception d'autres ouvrages d'ingénierie souterraine.

1 INTRODUCTION hand, man-made freezing is a controllable process

that can be used by civil engineers to stabilize tempo-
Natural freezing occurs seasonally in many areas of rarily the ground in order to support and/or exclude
the globe and can affect negatively the engineering groundwater from an excavation until the final retain-
performance of geotechnical structures; on the other ing and lining structures are constructed.


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Geotechnical Engineering for Infrastructure and Development

The last decade has seen an increased use of Arti- al interactions. For example, phase changes of the
ficial Ground Freezing (AGF) in underground con- pore fluid caused by temperature variations can mod-
struction; many recent examples are reported in the ify the hydraulic regime of the soil, which in turn can
literature of structures such as station tunnels, pas- induce mechanical deformation. At the same time,
sageways, and shafts that have been successfully any changes in the hydraulic and mechanical condi-
completed using AGF under very diverse geotech- tions affect the thermal processes by advection and
nical conditions all over the world (see e.g. Pimentel changes of ice and water contents.
et al. 2012, Yu et al. 2005, Haß & Schäfers 2013). A research project bringing together constitutive
Besides protecting excavations, AGF can be used to modelling, laboratory tests and field data was started
stabilise slopes, retrieve undisturbed samples of as an international co-operation involving Universitat
coarse grained soils, construct temporary access Politécnica de Catalunya Barcelona, Università di
roads, and maintain permafrost below pipeline foun- Roma Tor Vergata, Seconda Università di Napoli,
dations and heated buildings (Harris 1995). Labora- and technical personnel and engineers involved in the
tory and full field experiments have also demonstrat- design and construction of Napoli underground. The
ed the effectiveness of AGF for the containment of paper will illustrate some recent results obtained in
subsurface hazardous and radioactive waste (Dash et the framework of this co-operation. These include
al. 1997); the US Department of Energy has desig- the results of a preliminary experimental investiga-
nated frozen ground barriers as one of its top ten re- tion of the behaviour of pyroclastic soils on freez-
mediation technologies and the technique has been ing/thawing cycles, the calibration of a fully coupled
considered as a possible solution to radioactive con- termo-hydro-mechanical constitutive model against
tamination of the water surrounding the compro- available experimental data, and its application to the
mised Fukushima nuclear power plant. back analyses of Toledo Station.
The paper describes a successful application of The final goal of the research is to be able to mod-
AGF during construction of some of the stations of el the construction process accurately, thus gaining
Line 1 of Napoli Underground; here the technique confidence in the design of similar works from the
was extensively used to ensure stability and control engineering point of view.
ground water flow during excavation of the station
tunnels through loose granular soils and a fractured
soft rock of pyroclastic origin. In some instances, the 2 LINE 1 OF NAPOLI UNDERGROUND
innovative techniques that were implemented had
almost the character of full scale experiments; there- Metropolitana di Napoli, or Napoli Underground, is
fore, construction of the line was accompanied by an the metro system serving the city of Napoli. At pre-
intense program of monitoring designed to measure sent, it includes six underground rapid transit railway
and/or control the construction processes and their ef- lines, a commuter rail network, and four funicular
fects on adjacent structures. lines, with planned upgrading and expansion work
The growing awareness of the merits of artificial underway. The idea of a fully integrated urban rail
ground freezing as a temporary ground improvement network was proposed in the 1950s as part of the
system with minimal environmental impact is direct- post-war regeneration effort; plans were first formu-
ly related to the progress made in the understanding lated in the 1960s, but funding, planning, and devel-
of the behaviour of frozen soils. However, there is opment problems all caused long delays. Construc-
still scope for fundamental research to be carried out tion began in 1976 and the first 4-km-long rapid
in the areas of constitutive modelling and experi- transit line opened in 1993, running between Colli
mental characterisation of the mechanical behaviour Aminei and Vanvitelli Stations; two years later, the
of frozen/unfrozen ground, particularly to clarify line was extended to reach Piscinola, for an overall
some aspects of the response of frozen ground to track length of 13 km (Briginshaw 1999).
freeze/thaw cycles. Freezing and thawing of the pore The City Transport Plan, approved by the Munici-
fluid within soils involve complex thermal, hydraulic pality in 1997, included three main phases of re-
and mechanical processes that have significant mutu- development. Phase 1 consisted of an expansion to


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Viggiani and Casini

five lines, to take the network up to 53 km of track age was uncovered by excavation. In fact, in these
(45 km of existing lines), with 68 stations (23 newly two cases, the original design had to be changed to
built), and 12 interchange nodes, and was completed accommodate for the outstanding archaeological
by 2002. Phase 2 was designed to increase the net- findings, and the two stations are slightly lagging be-
work to 7 lines, with 84 stations, and 16 interchange hind the rest of the line, which is otherwise complet-
nodes, and is currently under way. Phase 3 will see ed.
the network expanded to 10 rail lines with 93 km of At present, Università, Toledo, and Garibaldi Sta-
track, and a further 30 km of new light rail linking tions are open to the public, bringing the number of
114 stations, with 21 interchanges. Once the plan is operating stations on Line 1 to a total of 17. In an
completed, 70% of Neapolitans should be living ordinary working day, about 135 000 passengers al-
within 500 meters of a transport access point. ready travel on the line; this should increase to an es-
The final layout of Line 1 of Napoli Underground, timated 500 000 people per day, or 40 000 people per
as per the City Transport Plan of 1997, consists of a hour in rush hour, once the line is completed (Cascet-
closed ring connecting the northern outskirts of the ta 2000). All three stations have received the atten-
city, the area of the hills, the historical centre, the tion of the international community: Toledo Station
administrative district, and the airport, for a total was voted the most beautiful European Station by the
length of about 40 km and 25 stations (see Figure 1). Daily Telegraph and by CNN, while, in 2011, Uni-
versità Station won the Emirates Leaf International
Piscinola Award in London.
Miano Capodichino
13 km (9)
completed 1998
Aeroporto 2.1 Ground conditions
8 km (5)
Colli Aminei
completed 2002
Poggioreale Figure 2 shows the ground profile and groundwater
Rione Alto
6 km (5)
Montedonzelli Tribunale
conditions along the part of Line 1 under examina-
UNIVERSITÀ 2011 Medaglie d'Oro Materdei Centro
tion. All the natural deposits within the depths of in-
Direzionale terest are geologically recent and were formed in a
7 km (4) Salvator Museo
relatively short period of time. The Yellow Tuff and
construction Quattro Rosa
the Pozzolanas were deposited about 12 000 years
5 km (2)
ago, as a result of the volcanic activity of the nearby
design Toledo
Phlegrean complex. The Yellow Tuff is a soft rock
Municipio Università with a compressive strength between 1 and 6 MPa,
Figure 1. Line 1 of Napoli Underground. characterized by the occurrence of randomly distrib-
uted sub-vertical fractures, locally known as scar-
The first part of the line, between Piscinola and pine, probably generated by rapid cooling of the py-
Dante Stations, started operating in 1998 and was roclastic mass after eruption and deposition.
completed by 2002. Construction of the following Following deposition, erosion of the pyroclastic for-
6 km proved to be very problematic as the excava- mations occurred over a period of about 2 000 years,
tions required for the five stations included in this causing material to be transported and re-deposited.
part of the line had to be constructed through coarse- The remoulded Pozzolanas are very well graded and
grained soils and well below the water table, in an not easily distinguished from the original intact pyro-
extremely densely built urban environment with clastic deposits; they appear layered and sometimes
many buildings of historical and artistic value. Fur- inter-bedded with in situ Pozzolanas, or sometimes
thermore, significant direct interferences between the with marine sand deposits, such as encountered in the
line and buried archaeological remnants arose during area of Municipio Station. After erosion and re-
construction (Lobell & Merola 2008), particularly at deposition of the pyroclastic formations, a new ex-
Municipio Station, where the works exposed part of plosive phase of the Phlegrean complex deposited the
the structures of the Roman port of the city, and at so-called Neapolitan Pyroclastic Pile, which consists
Duomo Station, where a Roman building of Imperial of easily eroded alternating layers of pumices, ashes,
pozzolana and lapilli and, where not eroded, has a


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Geotechnical Engineering for Infrastructure and Development

thickness of about 15 m. The pyroclastic deposits are high pore pressures, together with the random occur-
overlain by sands or silty sands of marine or fluvial– rence of scarpine in the tuff, made it necessary to
lacustrine origin. Most of the coastal areas of the city bore the running tunnels with closed-shield earth
derive from relatively recent reclamations (1400 – pressure balance machines, andthe station tunnels,
1800); this is reflected in the thickness of the made which were enlarged by conventional mining, had to
ground, which, in some areas, can reach more than be constructed with the aid of a variety of ground
10 m. The water table is relatively close to ground improvement methods, including chemical injections,
surface. cement grouting, and the extensive use of artificial
ground freezing, which is the main subject of this pa-

Figure 2. Soil profile and groundwater conditions.

The pyroclastic deposits are very common in the

area of Napoli and have very well known physical
and mechanical properties (see e.g. Aversa et al.
2013); because of their granular nature, they were
characterised mainly by in situ penetration tests, such
as CPTs and SPTs (Viggiani & de Sanctis 2009). In
many ways, the most important aspect of the ge-
otechnical investigation was the definition of the lev-
el of the roof of the Yellow Tuff formation.

2.2 Design issues and use of AGF

The preliminary design of the line between Duomo
and Garibaldi consisted of shallow tunnels construct-
ed by cut-and-cover. At a later stage, it was decided
to bore the tunnels within the Yellow Tuff formation,
because this would both minimise direct interfer-
ences with the archaeological layer and reduce limi-
tations to the surface traffic during construction Figure 3. Layout of Municipio, Università, Duomo, and Garibaldi
(Viggiani 2000). The good mechanical properties of Stations.
the tuff also reduced the risk of settlements and hence
potential damage to nearby structures. The main The layouts of Municipio, Università, Duomo, and
drawback associated with this design is that a long Garibaldi stations are all very similar (Figure 3, Ma-
part of the line is well below the groundwater table, iorano et al. 2002). They consist of rectangular
with hydraulic heads between 25 and 30 m. The very shafts containing the escalators and other plants, with


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Viggiani and Casini

dimensions in plan ranging between 4623 m2 and excavation required to create the service tunnel, was
4416 m2, and depths between 35 and 45 m; four carried out with the aid of AGF at the crown, which
platform tunnels, and other horizontal and inclined is contained mostly in pozzolana, and chemical and
passageways are located outside the shafts. cement injections at the sidewalls and at the invert,
Support for the open excavations was provided by which are contained in tuff.
reinforced concrete diaphragm walls, typically sup- Owing to the many variables affecting it, it is very
ported by steel tubular props at the surface and 4 to 6 difficult to assign firmly a figure to the cost of AGF
levels of pre-stressed anchors. Platform tunnels are per cubic metre of frozen ground. The major factors
generally contained within the Neapolitan Yellow affecting the final cost of the treatment include:
Tuff, while inclined access passageways run at least ground and ground water conditions, spacing of the
in part in the granular soils; both were excavated by freezing pipes, available time for freezing and time
conventional mining. At Municipio, Università, and over which freezing has to be maintained. In com-
Garibaldi stations, these works were carried out with paring the costs of AGF with more conventional
the extensive use of AGF, to ensure stability and wa- ground improvement and support systems, one also
terproofing during excavation below the ground wa- has to consider the potential cost and time savings
ter table (Viggiani & de Sanctis 2009, Cavuoto et al. that may be associated with eliminating other works
2011; Russo et al. 2012). At present, the use of AGF that may otherwise be necessary to carry out safely
at Municipio is being considered again, to construct excavation such as, e.g. dewatering or ground im-
two short tunnels connecting the stations of Line 1 provement by chemical and cement injections. Expe-
and of Line 6, with a modification to the original de- rience demonstrates that, although at first impression
sign, which was based on chemical and cement injec- AGF may appear costly, in many cases it is less ex-
tions. At Duomo, where the station develops mostly pensive than more conventional systems; as an ex-
in the Yellow Tuff, AGF was used only to excavate ample, Table 1 gives an indication of the costs of
one inclined passageway, which runs partly in the AGF as implemented on Line 1.
pozzolanas. Table 1. Costs of AGF on Line 1 of Napoli Underground.
In all these stations, AGF was typically carried out
by driving freeze tubes into the ground parallel to the cost AGF*
nitrogen brine
tunnel length around the future excavation section, activation maintenance
and then circulating a refrigerating fluid into the €/m3 exc. tunnel 589 129 82
tubes until the temperature of the ground around the €/m3 frozen ground 908 232 113
tubes was below the freezing point of water. Freez- * including horizontal directional drilling, installation of freeze
and secondary holes, use of preventers, etc…
ing was activated with liquid nitrogen, entered at
about -196°C, and then vented as gas to the atmos- The experience gained in the works of Line 1 of Na-
phere at -60°C to -100°C, and maintained using brine poli underground is significant mainly because of the
(calcium chloride) entered at about -35°C, and then size of the intervention: for each station, a volume of
re-circulated through a refrigeration plant. The con- approximately 33 000 m3 of ground was frozen to
tractor specified that construction of both platform permit excavation of the four station tunnels, with a
tunnels and inclined passageways should be under- cross section of 87 m2 and a length of 40 to 70 m, and
taken within 1 m thick frozen collars with external of the four inclined passageways, with cross section
surfaces at a temperature of -10°C. The growth of of about 40 m2 and a length of 25 m (Colombo 2010).
the frozen body was monitored with temperature sen- Due to the complexity of the works, construction was
sors located within secondary holes parallel to the accompanied by an intense programme of monitoring
freeze pipes. designed to measure and/or control the effects of
Toledo Station, which will be described better in construction on adjacent structures, which, for its ex-
the final part of this paper, has a very different layout tension and completeness, represented a unique op-
from the other four stations on this part of the line, portunity to collect field data on the performance of
with a vertical shaft connected to a large service tun- AGF.
nel giving access to the four platform tunnels. The


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Geotechnical Engineering for Infrastructure and Development

Figure 4. Plan of Garibaldi Station with indication of monitoring points and construction stages.

3 THE EARLY APPLICATIONS thus preventing ingress of water into the excavated
area from the existing system of scarpine. Figure 6
Garibaldi Station was the first to be constructed. illustrates the recorded settlements of reference point
Figure 4 shows its plan view with the position of B8 on Building B during station excavation, ground
some of the installed instrumentation, and summaris- freezing, bottom sealing treatment, and construction
es the sequence of construction stages. Four floor of platform Tunnel B1.
slabs, constructed top down, provided support in the
upper part of the excavation, and, in its lower part,
six levels of anchors with lengths between 12 and
31 m were installed. At the top of the retaining
walls, one level of tubular steel props further restrict-
ed wall movements. Two relatively large residential
masonry buildings, 37 m  74 m size in plan and of
five and seven storeys, were located very close to the
station box at a minimum distance of about 3.6 m,
and the settlements of their foundations during con-
struction were measured by precision levelling.
The excavation of the station box began in Octo-
ber 2002 and was completed almost exactly two
years later, in October 2004. Work on the platform
tunnels began after completion of the main excava-
tion, in mid-October 2004, and was completed by
February 2007. At Garibaldi Station, the crown of Figure 5. Freeze holes installed around one of the platform tunnels
at Garibaldi Station.
the platform tunnels is always contained within the
Neapolitan Yellow Tuff so that AGF was implement- During the freezing stages (November 2004 to Ju-
ed mainly as a protective measure to create an im- ly 2005), heave was recorded at the ground surface,
permeable collar around each tunnel (see Figure 5),


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Viggiani and Casini

while during excavation and subsequent installation portant: even if the freeze holes were inserted using
of permanent lining in frozen ground, the settlements directional drilling heads, over the required length of
of the building increased, and they continued to in- about 50 m, deviations from the design alignment
were unavoidable. Figure 7 shows the "as built" po-






May 03 May 04 May 05 May 06 sitions of the freeze holes around platform Tunnel B1
in Piazza Garibaldi. The shaded areas correspond to
   

(1) (2)
positions where one may expect problems in the for-

(2) (3)
settlement (mm)

(4) mation of the ice wall or a reduced thickness because
20 (5) of the increased spacing between contiguous freeze
cedimenti [mm]

-20,0 (5)
Punto B8
Edificio lato CDN holes.

(7) 30

temperature, T ( C)

Figure 6. Settlements of reference point B8 on Building B. (1) and
(2): Installation of anchors; (2) and (3): Ground freezing; (4): Ex- 0 GT12
cavation of platform tunnel; (5): Permanent lining installation; (5) GT10
and (6): Thawing; (7): Corrective measures by underpinning. -10
-20 GT14
crease, at dramatic rates, as thawing proceeded. This
was due to a combination of volume loss at the tun- -30
15/11/04 07/02/05 02/05/05 25/07/05 17/11/05
nel, water flow into the excavated area through im-
perfections in the ice lining, particularly at the con- Figure 8. Garibaldi Station: temperatures measured around Tunnel
nection between the diaphragm wall and the station B1 at 48.5 m distance from the diaphragm wall.
tunnel, and thawing. Such unfavourable rates of set-
tlement at the ground surface appeared incompatible The restitution of the temperature measurements
with the safety of the existing buildings and, conse- in the freeze holes, affected by similar problems of
quently, their foundations were underpinned by mi- deviation from the design position, was originally
cro-piles, thus preventing further movements. carried out only in terms of time histories of meas-
ured temperatures along the secondary tubes. An ex-
ample of these measurements is given in Figure 8,
showing the temperatures measured at different posi-
tions around Tunnel B1, at 48.5 m from the dia-
phragm wall; it can be noted that, probably due to
deviation of the secondary holes from the intended
positions, the temperatures measured at positions
GT12 and GT11 were not reaching the design target
values even after prolonged freezing. The retarded
response of some of the temperature sensors is re-
flected in the long duration of the freezing stages be-
fore the start of tunnel excavation, particularly for
tunnels B1 (9 months) and A1 (11 months), which
were the first to be constructed (see Figure 4).
Prolonged ground freezing affected adversely the
performance of the retaining structures of the station
Figure 7. Garibaldi Station: "as built" positions of the freeze holes box. Figure 9 shows the horizontal displacements of
around platform Tunnel B1. one of the panels towards the excavation in the fro-
zen area, obtained by convergence measurements on
Checking for freeze tube alignment was very im- targets established on the diaphragm wall. From the


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Geotechnical Engineering for Infrastructure and Development

start of freezing, an increase of the outward horizon- 22i 21i 20i

19i 18i
15i 13i ST7

tal displacement of the diaphragm wall of up to

16=ST6 14i 11A
ST4 23

24 20=ST5 12

30 mm was recorded, which was about the same as

27 26 11 ST8

the maximum horizontal displacement due to excava-

28 9B


tion of the station.

5i ST9
32 5

34A 4

34B 35 3
ST1 ST10
36 1
16 15 1
17 3 2
ST14 14 10 4
7 ST11
13 6 5
11 9
ST13 8 ST12


Figure 9. Garibaldi Station: horizontal displacements of Panel P7

towards the excavation.

18/10/04 freezing 02/05/05 freezing

activation at crown activation at invert
205 (-18.7 m asl)

305 (-23.0 m asl)
anchor load (MN)

nominal load

0.4 305 405 (-27.5 m asl)

22/07/04 19/01/04 19/03/05 17/06/05

Figure 10. Garibaldi Station: loads recorded at some instrumented

anchors during the freezing stages - axis of Tunnel B1.

Figure 10 shows the loads recorded at some in-

strumented anchors corresponding to the axis of (d)
Tunnel B1, which, during freezing, increased of up to
about 40%, taking some of them close to their pullout
value. Both phenomena were probably due to the
formation of a continuously growing ice lens behind
Figure 11. Municipio Station - Tunnel B1 – 18 m from diaphragm
the diaphragm wall, as a result of the frozen front at- wall: actual positions of freeze and observation holes (a); contours
tracting water because of the negative pore water of iso-temperature at the end of nitrogen activation (b), after 26
pressures that developed around the frozen fringe. days of maintenance with brine (c), and after localised re-
activation with nitrogen (d).


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Viggiani and Casini

At a later stage in the project, the measured tem- ous and fragmented, particularly near the crown,
peratures were processed to produce contours of iso- probably due to the high groundwater seepage veloci-
temperature around the tunnel; Figure 11(a) shows ties in the fractures of the tuff which prevent the clo-
the actual positions of the freeze holes and of the ob- sure of the freezing body obtained during nitrogen
servation holes around platform Tunnel B1 at Muni- activation. This is a much more useful representation
cipio Station at 18 m distance from the diaphragm of the data in terms of construction process control,
wall, together with the contours of iso-temperature at permitting localised re-activation of nitrogen freezing
the end of nitrogen activation, Figure 11(b) and after for repair, as shown in Figure 11(d).
26 days of maintenance with brine, Figure 11(c). Figure 12 shows the settlements of a five-storey
masonry building located at a distance of about 9 m
from Municipio station box, during construction of
platform Tunnels A1 and B1, together with the pie-
zometric head measured at four piezometers located
immediately outside the corners of the excavation.
During excavation of Tunnel B1 under AGF protec-
tion, the settlements of the building were accompa-
nied by significant reductions of the water head rec-
orded at all piezometers around the station. This is
likely to result from the tunnel acting as a drain, due
to imperfections in the formation of the ice ring, as
indicated by the data in Figure 13 comparing the
measured water flow rate into Tunnel A1 and tunnel
advancement in time.

Figure 13. Municipio Station: (a) tunnel advancement, and (b) wa-
ter flow rate into tunnel.

A field trial of AGF was conducted at Municipio,

with the main purposes of optimizing the in situ
ground freezing technique and of determining the
consumption of coolant needed for the formation of a
barrier of frozen ground characterized by the mini-
Figure 12. Municipio Station: plan showing position of instrumen-
tation (a); settlements (b) and piezometric head (c), recorded dur- mum requirements of the project (temperature of the
ing construction of platform Tunnels A1 and B1. frozen front, T = -10 °C, thickness, s = 1m).
Figure 14 shows the layout of the field trial, which
At this time, the frozen wall, as identified by the included 5 vertical freeze holes, 5 vertical secondary
iso-line at -10°C (darker colour), appears discontinu- observation holes to measure the temperature of the


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Geotechnical Engineering for Infrastructure and Development


De-coupled thermal (T) or partly coupled, hydro-

thermal (TH) analyses can be carried out to evaluate
the time needed to achieve the required temperatures
in the ground, and the associated refrigerating fluid
and energy consumption.
Assuming that there is no seepage through the fro-
zen body, i.e., that the seepage velocity is null, the
convective heat transport is not modelled and the
equation for heat transport contains only diffusive
terms plus the latent heat released at the frozen front
Figure 14. Layout of the field trial at Municipio Station including during phase change. Even neglecting the hydro-
freeze holes (A, C), secondary holes (T), and boreholes (PF). thermal coupling, transient heat propagation in freez-
ing ground in the presence of phase changes of the
ground, and two boreholes, to a maximum depth of pore water is a highly non-linear problem as the
31.5 m bgl, to retrieve 19 undisturbed samples of thermal diffusivity of ice is about eight times that of
Pozzolana (10) and Tuff (9) for laboratory testing, liquid water, so that the propagating ice front sepa-
before and after freezing. The in situ experimental rates the domain in two regions with very different
program included nitrogen freezing tests, brine thermal properties.
freezing tests, and mixed freezing tests with nitrogen The problem of defining the evolution in space
activation and brine maintenance (de Sanctis 2006). and time of the propagating ice front was tackled for
An example of the recorded temperatures at the the first time in the pioneering works by Lamé and
experimental site is given in Figure 15. Clapeyron (1831) and Stefan (1891). Analytical so-
lutions are available for one-dimensional layouts and
simple boundary and initial conditions (Sanger &
-10.5 m
freezing Sayles 1979); for more complex layouts, approxi-
(N + CaCl2)
-16.0 m mate, semi-analytical, or numerical solutions have
-21.5 m
-27.0 m been developed and their results checked against the
T ( C)

0 available experimental evidence (see, e.g. Özişik

1989 ).
-10 In this case (Viggiani & de Sanctis 2009), the
problem was tackled numerically with plane strain
-20 numerical analyses carried out using the FE code
freezing thawing ABAQUS. The platform tunnels at Municipio Sta-
(CaCl2) tion have an equivalent diameter of 10.6 m and there
are 53 freeze tubes around each of them. As reported
06/12/05 05/01/06 04/02/06 06/03/06 above, in the applications for the stations of Line 1,
Figure 15. Temperatures measured at different depths along sec- freezing was generally activated with nitrogen and
ondary hole T1. maintained with brine. This permitted to reduce the
time required for the formation of the frozen collar to
An important by product of the experimental field a few weeks and overcome the main reason for in-
trial was the definition of thermal properties that complete or inadequate ground freezing, which is the
govern the phenomenon of heat diffusion in a porous excessive seepage of water in the vicinity of the ice
medium, by numerical back-analysis of the freezing barrier, while containing the maintenance costs. At
process with finite elements. the end of the nitrogen activation phase, before brine
can be circulated, the temperature in the freeze tubes
has to rise to -40°C, otherwise the brine would freeze


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Viggiani and Casini

in the tubes. In many cases, however, before brine

was circulated, the inner copper tube of the freeze
holes had to be replaced by a polyethylene pipe to
avoid corrosion, and the time required to change the
inner tube on all the probes, typically one or two
days, was long enough to ensure that the temperature
inside the freeze holes would rise to about -40°C. In
this time interval, the frozen front continues to ex-
pand, as a result of thermal inertia.

Figure 17. Nitrogen freezing: evolution with time of (a) tempera-

tures at point A, and (b) thickness of frozen wall.

Figure 16. Details of the FE mesh showing the position of the

freezing tubes.

In the FE analyses, the interaction between four

freezing tubes was considered, as shown in Figure
16. The imposed boundary conditions were a con-
stant temperature of 15°C at a sufficient distance
from the tubes not to be affected by AGF, and a tem-
perature of -174°C or -40°C at the surface of the
freeze tubes, depending on the freezing stage. The
thermal properties of the soil were obtained by back Figure 18. Brine freezing: evolution with time of (a) temperatures
at point A, and (b) thickness of frozen wall.
analysis of the instrumented trial field at the site of
Municipio Station. Figure 17 and 18 show the evolu-
brine it is necessary to wait about 25 days to obtain
tion with time of (a) the predicted temperatures at
the same frozen thickness. A series of analyses were
point A in Figure 16, and (b) the thickness of the fro-
carried out of nitrogen activation and brine mainte-
zen wall, defined as the distance between two con-
nance with different activation times. Figure 19
tours of iso-temperature at -10°C, for nitrogen and
gives the thickness of the frozen wall at the end of ni-
brine freezing, respectively. From the results it is
trogen activation, after the time required for the tem-
clear that there is no interaction any further than two
perature around the freeze holes to be above -40°C
freezing pipes, as the results obtained for four pipes
(thawing) and after about 35 days of brine mainte-
are not substantially different than those for two
nance. It is clear that, if nitrogen is used until a 1 m
pipes. While using four freezing tubes and nitrogen
thick wall is created, as per design requirements, by
freezing the required thickness of 1 m is obtained af-
the end of the thawing stage, a larger wall than re-
ter only about 5 days, if the system is operated with
quested is obtained at the end of thawing, and this is


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Geotechnical Engineering for Infrastructure and Development


Frozen ground is soil or rock with a temperature be-

low the freezing point of water (0°C). The definition
is based entirely on temperature and is independent
of the water and ice content of the soil or of the rock
(Andersland & Landanyi 2004). The two main ef-
fects of an increasing ice content in the soil as the
temperature decreases are (i) the increase of soil
strength and (ii) the decrease of permeability, which
makes the frozen soil impervious to water seepage.
It has been long recognized that the mechanical
properties of frozen ground depend markedly not on-
ly on temperature but also on time: in particular, their
Figure 19. Evolution with time of the thickness of frozen wall for strength and stiffness at working loads are signifi-
different durations of the nitrogen activation phase. cantly affected by the rate of applied deformation.
The thermo-hydro-mechanical processes induced
not economical; on the other hand, if nitrogen freez- by freezing and thawing of pore fluid within soils are
ing is stopped too early, the frozen thickness at the complex and can have significant mutual interaction
end of thawing is insufficient. The optimum proce- (Nishimura et al. 2009). Assuming that the soil is
dure can be established by numerical trial and error, saturated, when the temperature drops to 0°C, the
depending on the required time to start excavation. water least bound to the solid surface starts to freeze.
As pointed out by Colombo (2010), who analysed As the temperature drops further, more liquid water
realistic layouts of freezing tubes similar to those becomes frozen in a progressive manner. Liquid wa-
used during construction of Napoli Underground, it is ter/ice interfaces appear, which play a role similar to
difficult to compare directly the results of these type that of the liquid/gas interfaces in unsaturated soils.
of analyses with the data collected in situ, since A consequence of this process is that liquid water de-
groundwater seepage, not included in the model, may velops increasing values of suction as temperature
delay or prevent the closure of the freezing body. reduces: this suction is responsible for attracting wa-
In principle, TH coupled analyses, solving the ter from the unfrozen soil areas, in response to the
generalised, transient heat transport equation, consid- difference in potential. Also, as the temperature de-
ering non zero seepage velocities and convective heat creases, the ice content of the soil increases; the ice
transport, and taking into account temperature- becomes a bonding agent between soil particles or
dependent material parameters (specific heat and heat blocks of rock, increasing the strength of the
conductivity) and phase change effects, including la- soil/rock mass and modifying the pore water pres-
tent heat, arbitrary layouts of the freeze pipes and sures and the effective stress on the soil skeleton,
time-dependent boundary conditions (e.g. variable which, in turn, induces mechanical deformation. At
freeze pipe temperatures) should be carried out to the same time, any changes in the hydraulic and me-
model realistically the problem. A numerical code chanical boundary conditions can affect the thermal
with these features was developed at ETH (Sres processes by advection and changes of ice and water
2009) and implemented in a FE program (Papa- contents (Gens 2010).
konstantinou et al. 2012). Several models for the behaviour of frozen
In practice, however, as the water seepage takes ground, with various degrees of sophistication de-
place mostly in the system of randomly distributed pending on their particular application purposes, have
sub-vertical fractures in the tuff, whose location is been developed and implemented. However, a solid
unknown before the execution of the works, it is dif- framework, including also the transient effects, has
ficult to carry out truly predictive calculations of the yet to be established for fully coupled THM ap-
imperfections in the frozen barrier. proaches. Historically, most geotechnical analyses of


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frozen soils adopted total-stress-based mechanical (1998) for high temperature problems involving a gas
treatments (e.g. Andersland & Ladanyi 2004), some- phase, and implemented in the finite element code
times combined with uncoupled thermal analyses. CODE_BRIGHT. In this formulation, the gas phase
Total-stress analyses have continued to be adopted in is replaced by a second solid phase representing ice.
more recently proposed models. Sometimes, in the The governing equations were developed from fun-
applications for underground construction, a simple damental physical requirements, taking into account
approach is taken in which freezing and thawing and the interactions between thermal, hydraulic, and me-
the mechanical interaction between the frozen ring chanical processes in frozen soils. The formulation
and the surrounding soil are studied separately, in de- includes a critical state constitutive model that adopts
coupled analyses. Examples of this approach are re- net stress and suction as stress variables, which re-
ported in e.g. De Santis (2006) and Rampello et al. duces to an effective stress-based model similar to
(2011); in both cases an attempt to predict ground Modified Cam-Clay under unfrozen conditions.
heave on freezing and subsequent settlements on In the model, the mechanisms linking the change
thawing was carried out by finite element analyses in volume of the liquid phase relative to the ice phase
imposing freezing-induced volume strains to the are defined as a function of the thermodynamic prop-
ground, while the mechanical interaction between the erties of water; the liquid ice-surface tension, li, de-
frozen ring and the surrounding ground was tackled veloping at the interface between the two phases as
by assigning increased strength and stiffness to the the temperature decreases, is balanced by the differ-
frozen ring depending on the temperature. ence of pressure in frozen and liquid water, pi and pl
Parallel efforts to simulate mass and heat transfer (see Figure 20), and thermodynamic equilibrium be-
problems in freezing and thawing soils have led to tween the two phases is given by the Clausius-
independent developments in TH-coupled models. Clayperon-Poynting equation.
Extensive literature reviews are reported by Nishi-
mura et al. (2009), Gens (2010) and Pimentel et al.
(2012). A common feature of TH-coupled models is
their lack of an explicit formulation for the mechani-
cal behaviour of the soil skeleton. In hydrodynamic
models, mechanical equilibrium is usually not con-
sidered, while in other approaches the soil skeleton
stresses are only implicitly invoked in the particle
segregation criteria. When shear stresses and soil de-
formation play a significant role, as in many bounda-
ry value problems, an independent treatment is re- Figure 20. Suction development at the ice-water interface.
quired outside the TH-coupled framework. It is
desirable that the mechanical constitutive model for The link between the degree of saturation of liquid
frozen soils has continuity with the effective-stress (unfrozen) water, Sl, and suction, defined as the dif-
constitutive model applied to unfrozen soils, as most ference between the pressures of ice and liquid water,
boundary value problems involve both states, and s = pi - pl, is represented using the van Genuchten
transient moving boundaries between them. (1980) equation (freezing retention model). As suc-
tion depends on temperature and liquid pressure, us-
ing the van Genuchten equation, it is possible to ob-
6 A FULLY COUPLED THM CONSTITUTIVE tain the relationship between Sl and T. Finally, the
MODEL FOR FROZEN SOIL ratio between the permeability of the soil containing
ice (Sl  1), and the permeability of fully saturated
A THM formulation for low temperature problems in unfrozen soil (Sl = 1), is obtained considering the link
water-saturated soils was developed by Nishimura et between the relative permeability and the degree of
al. (2009) based on the THM model originally devel- saturation of the liquid phase (Mualem 1976, van
oped by Olivella et al. (1994, 1996) and Gens et al. Genuchten 1980).


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Geotechnical Engineering for Infrastructure and Development

The mechanical behaviour of the solid skeleton is an increase of suction) involves both enhanced parti-
modelled using an extension to frozen soils of the cle interlocking (expansion towards the right) and ice
Barcelona Basic Model (BBM, Alonso et al. 1990), strengthening (expansion towards the left). In this
with a two-stress variable constitutive relationship simple way, the combined effects of porosity and ice
(Nishimura et al. 2009) making use of net stress, strengthening are accounted for. For further details,
n =  - max(pl, pi), and suction, s = max(pi - p, 0). the reader is referred to Alonso et al. (1990), Nishi-
Effective stress approaches, using a single (Bishop) mura et al. (2009) and Gens (2010).
effective stress variable, in which the gas pressure is
replaced by ice pressure, have also been proposed in 6.1 Model calibration from TX test data
the literature (see e.g. Li et al. 2000) but they have
To test its predictive capabilities, Casini et al. (2014)
the drawback that, in ice-rich soils where ice pressure
calibrated the parameters of the model described
is dominant, they lead to very low values of shear
above against the experimental results of a number of
strength at low stresses, against the available experi-
triaxial tests carried out at different temperatures and
mental evidence. In the formulation by Nishimura et
confining stress on samples of Pozzolana retrieved
al. (2009) ice pressure plays the role of the reference
from the subsoil near the sites of Municipio and To-
ledo Stations. The tests had been carried out by
Tecno-in SpA as part of the geotechnical investiga-
tion for the works of Napoli underground, using a tri-
axial cell working under temperature controlled con-
ditions, described in some detail by Cantone et al.
(2006) and de Sanctis (2007). Both at Municipio and
Toledo, the subsoil consists essentially of made
ground and alluvial and/or in situ pyroclastic sand
(Pozzolana) over the Neapolitan Yellow Tuff, and
the samples were retrieved at depths of about 10 to
11 m b.g.l.. At Municipio this is below the ground-
water table (at about 8.5 m b.g.l.) and therefore the
samples were fully saturated, while at Toledo the
volcanic ashes are above the groundwater table (at
about 21 m b.g.l.) and therefore only partly saturated.
Table 2 summarises the values of average physical
properties of the tested material.
Table 2. Average physical properties of tested volcanic ash.

GS (-)  (kN/m3) d (kN/m3) w/c (%) e (-) Sr (%)

2.46 17.32 13.05 36.96 0.90 91.62

Figure 22 summarises the testing conditions of

two triaxial tests (TX1 and TX2) in terms of mean to-
tal stress – temperature path, during the freezing
stage, and mean total stress - deviatoric stress path,
during the shearing stage. The main phases of the
Figure 21. Qualitative predictions of constitutive model by Nishi- tests were: (i) initial drained isotropic compression to
mura et al. (2009) on temperature decrease. target mean effective stress p' (= 200-350 kPa); (ii)
freezing to target temperature T (= -10°C) over a time
As shown in Figure 21, the expansion of the yield of about six hours, followed by an equalization stage
surface when temperature reduces (associated with at constant temperature; (iii) shearing at controlled


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Viggiani and Casini

axial displacement rate v (= 0.06 mm/min). During

freezing, obtained by circulating a refrigerating fluid
(glycol) in an inner cylinder surrounding the sample,
the drainage lines were open. However, as the pore
water froze, drainage was progressively inhibited. In
the course of the shearing stage of test TX1, the tem-
perature was increased from -10°C to -6°C while test
TX2 was sheared to failure at a constant temperature
of -10°C.

Figure 23. Results of triaxial compression on frozen samples.

(Farouki 1982, Frivik 1981), in the numerical simula-

tions, average constant values were considered with-
out introducing an error larger than about 9%; the
thermal conductivity of pozzolana was obtained by
back-analysis of the experimental data from the trial
site at Piazza Municipio (de Sanctis 2006).
Figure 22. Paths followed in triaxial tests on frozen samples: (a)
mean total stress, p – temperature, T; (b) mean total stress, p – de-
viatoric stress, q.

Figure 23 shows the results of the triaxial tests in

terms of deviatoric stress versus axial strain (a:q)
and temperature versus axial strain (a:T). Literature
data (Nicotera 1998, Picarelli et al. 2007) were used
to calibrate the parameters needed to define the
freezing retention curve, the compressibility and its
evolution with suction, and the loading collapse
curve, linking the evolution of the pre-consolidation
stress to suction. The strength of the soil in unfrozen
conditions was obtained from conventional drained
triaxial tests while the remaining parameters of the
mechanical model, namely the shear modulus and
one parameter defining the increase of the intersec-
tion of the yield surface with the isotropic axis with
suction, were obtained by direct calibration against Figure 24. Measured and predicted stress strain behaviour in triax-
the experimental data. ial compression.
The thermal conductivity of the soil depends on
the volume fractions and on the conductivities of the Figure 24 shows a comparison between the ob-
soil mineral phase, the liquid (unfrozen) water phase, served and predicted stress-strain behaviour; the
and, in the case of frozen ground, the ice (solid) wa- agreement between model predictions and experi-
ter phase. Although the thermal conductivities of mental data is satisfactory. The predicted strength of
liquid water and ice depend slightly on temperature the two samples is the same, about 3.5 MPa, irrespec-
tive of the different values of cell pressure, showing


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Geotechnical Engineering for Infrastructure and Development

that the strength provided by the ice bonding prevails matter of fact, the experimental observations show
on that provided by the increasing confining stress. that, when a load is applied to frozen soil, this will
The mechanical behaviour predicted by the model is respond with an instantaneous deformation and a
slightly stiffer than observed, and thus the final time-dependent deformation. This is due to com-
strength is reached at strains of the order of 1%, bined mechanical and thermodynamic effects, the
while in the experiments the maximum deviatoric former controlling stress sharing under an increase of
strength was attained at axial strains of about 5%. total stress and consolidation, and the latter the pres-
On the other hand, the softening behaviour on thaw- sure melting phenomena, which, under ordinary
ing of sample TX2 is remarkably well reproduced by stress, would occur mainly locally at grain contacts
the model. (Andersland & Ladanyi 2004). As the water perme-
Besides the stress strain behaviour, the model ability in frozen soils is very small, although frozen
permits to follow the evolution of the state of the soil undergoes consolidation, eventually leading to
sample; as an example, Figure 25 shows the predic- transfer of applied stress to the grain structure, the
tions of the model in terms of contours of tempera- time required for consolidation is extremely long,
ture, T, liquid water pressure, pl, porosity, n, and de- and therefore the majority of tests on frozen ground
gree of saturation, Sl, at a specific time (t = 15h) reported in the literature should be classified as un-
during the freezing stage of test TX1. The freezing drained.
front advances from the boundary of the sample to- Because the loads applied to the frozen ground are
wards its centre, with a gradient T/x ≈ - shared between the soil skeleton and the pore ice, the
1.0/0.019 º/m. Due to the decreasing temperature, time-dependent behaviour of frozen ground is con-
the liquid water pressure becomes negative where the trolled by the time-dependent behaviour of the two
freezing front advances. Also, in the frozen area, components. Ice displays a wide range of mechani-
there is a marked increase of porosity induced by cal properties, including elasticity, visco-elasticity,
phase transformation (from water to ice) coupled visco-plasticity, creep rupture and brittle failure
with the changes of liquid water pressure, and a cor- (Schulson & Duval 2009); in glaciers and ice sheets,
responding decrease of liquid water saturation. ice is commonly treated as a non linear viscous fluid.
The results of creep tests on ice indicate that stress
level, temperature, grain size and growth, re-
(a) (b) (c) (d) crystallization, and the presence of particles and im-
38 purities all play a role in its time-dependent behav-
iour. On the other hand, the available experimental
sample height (mm)

evidence on time-dependent behaviour of sands, ob-

tained mainly by one-dimensional compression tests,
indicate that significant secondary compression oc-
curs under maintained loading. This behaviour is re-
lated not only to particle rearrangement but also to
0 grain crushing, which is particularly important for
19 19 19 19 sands and soft rocks of pyroclastic origin, such as the
sample radius (mm)
pozzolanas and tuff in the subsoil of Napoli, charac-
Figure 25. Test TX1 – predicted contours of: (a) temperature (b) terised by high values of the coefficient of secondary
liquid water pressure (c) porosity, and (c) degree of saturation of compression, and increasing with increasing stress
liquid water, during freezing. level (Evangelista & Aversa 1994). Strain rate ef-
fects on the stiffness and strength of sands and soft
6.2 Viscous formulation rocks have also been observed in triaxial compres-
The constitutive model described above fails to in- sion (see e.g. Tatsuoka et al. 2000).
corporate some important features of the mechanical The constitutive relations by Nishimura et al.
behaviour of frozen soils, the most obvious of which (2009) described above were implemented in the vis-
is the characteristic time-dependent behaviour. As a co-plastic form proposed by Perzyna (1966). The to-


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Viggiani and Casini

tal strain rate, is the sum of the elastic and visco- model the time dependent behaviour of frozen soils,
plastic strain rate: and the role played by temperature may be accounted
for by introducing the dependency of fluidity on suc-
   e   vp (1) tion (Alonso et al. 2005).
The numerical predictions reported in the previous
in which the visco-plastic strain rate is expressed as:
section were obtained with a loading rate of 0.06
F mm/min and values of N = 3 and F0 = 1 MPa based
 vp   ( F ) (2) on literature data (Sayles 1968, Morgenstern et al.
1980). Due to the lack of experimental data to cali-
where  is referred to as the fluidity parameter, with brate the model adequately, the dependency of fluidi-
units of inverse of time, and denotes the relative rate ty on suction was neglected, and a constant value of
of visco-plastic strain. The scalar flow function   = 10-7 s-1 was assumed.
increases monotonically with F and defines the cur- Figure 26 shows the predictions of the model for
rent magnitude of the visco-plastic strain rate; this is test TX1 with three axial displacement rates
expressed with argument F, which is the yield func- (v = 0.006, 0.06 and 0.6 mm/min); in the same figure,
tion with associative plasticity. The adopted form of results are also reported for three different tempera-
the flow function is: tures (T = -2°C, -6°C, and -10°C). It is clear that,
even in this relatively crude form, the visco-plastic
 F  formulation of the model can capture the dependency
( F )   
 (3) of strength on strain rate, and that the results of the
 F0  numerical simulations given in Figure 27 in terms of
where exponent N is a material parameter and F0 is a strength versus axial strain rate resemble very closely
normalizing constant with the same units as those of the results reported by Bragg and Andersland (1982)
F. for a frozen sand. A better designed experimental
campaign, using new equipment (see below),
should permit to calibrate better the dependency of
fluidity on suction and, hence, on temperature.

Figure 26. Test TX1: predicted stress-strain behaviour with differ-

ent values of axial displacement rate and temperature.

Although visco-plasticity was implemented with

the main aim of regularising integration of the elasto- Figure 27. Model predictions: shear strength dependency on tem-
plastic material law on softening (Zienkiewicz & perature and axial displacement rate.
Taylor 2000, Conti et al. 2013), this can be useful to


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Geotechnical Engineering for Infrastructure and Development

7 THAW BEHAVIOUR from Municipio site at depths of 11 m b.g.l. and

22 m b.g.l., respectively, were sent to UPC, Barcelo-
Volume change of thawing soil results from both na. Two tests were carried out for each material, fol-
phase change (ice to water) and flow of excess water lowing the stress paths shown in Figure 28.
out of the soil; drainage of the thawed soil leads to
additional volume change, the amount of which de-
pends on consolidation and soil structural changes
that may have occurred during the freezing cycle. A
variety of factors such as stress level, amplitude of
the thermal cycle, and history of moisture changes af-
fect the amount and distribution of ice in frozen
ground (Andersland & Ladanyi 2004), and hence the
settlements exhibited on thawing.
In very general terms, on freezing, the ice content
and the suction increase and the frozen soil swells
due to the decrease of effective stress acting on the
soil skeleton and to the phase change of water; on the
other hand, on thawing, as the ice content and the
suction decrease with increasing temperature, the ef-
fective stress in the soil skeleton must go back to bal-
ance the given overburden stress, and the voids ratio
of the soil will decrease. Plastic deformation within
the main yield locus and structural degradation in- Figure 28. Paths followed in oedometer tests on pozzolana and
tuff in terms of vertical stress – temperature.
duced by swelling on freezing may give rise to cumu-
lated changes of voids ratio on cycles of freezing and After about 6-hour saturation under a back pres-
thawing. sure of 10 kPa, the samples were incrementally load-
The experience on Napoli underground was that ed to a target vertical stress representative of the in
large thaw settlements were systematically recorded
situ conditions, vmax = 200 kPa and 500 kPa for poz-
at all sites, in many cases larger than the heave rec-
zolana, and vmax = 500 kPa and 800 kPa for tuff. A
orded during the freezing stages. However, artificial
temperature cycle of freezing and thawing with an
ground freezing was typically switched off after tun-
amplitude of +22°C to -20°C was then applied in
nel excavation and installation of the permanent lin-
steps of 5°C/6 hours, at constant vertical stress. The
ing, also contributing to the overall measured settle-
samples were maintained at the minimum tempera-
ment at surface, so that it was not always easy to
ture of -20°C for 48 hours, whilst monitoring the dis-
distinguish between the different sources of ground
placement of the top of the sample. Finally, after
settlement. The indication coming from the early ap-
thawing, the samples were incrementally unloaded
plications of AGF on Line 1 was that volcanic soils,
and dismantled.
such as pozzolana and tuff, may be particularly prone
Figure 29 shows the results of the four tests in the
to large thaw settlements, and, at a later stage in the
project, it had become customary to associate prelim- e-log(v) plane. The voids ratio changes in the ther-
inary ground treatment with chemical and grout in- mal cycle are larger for pozzolana than for tuff, but
jections to artificial ground freezing of pozzolana. for both materials the change of voids ratio after
To get a better understanding of thaw behaviour of freezing and thawing decreases with increasing verti-
pozzolana and tuff, a preliminary experimental inves- cal stress. Further testing at different values of verti-
tigation was carried out (Peláez et al. 2014) using cal stress and temperature are planned in the future.
two oedometer cells that were modified to work at Figure 30 compares the predictions of the THM
temperatures below 0°C (Peláez 2013). Two undis- model and the experimental data obtained for pozzo-
turbed core samples of pozzolana and tuff, retrieved lana. The agreement between model predictions and
observed behaviour is satisfactory; as in the expe


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Figure 30. Pozzolana: comparison between oedometer test results

and model predictions.

Figure 29. Oedometer test results: (a) tuff; (b) pozzolana.

rimental data, the model predicts a larger cumulated

change of voids ratio after the thermal cycle at lower
vertical stress. In the model, the cumulated changes
of voids ratio are connected to the negative hardening
of the yield surface on freezing: the plastic volumet-
ric strains on freezing are negative (dilative) and Figure 31. Results of MIP tests on tuff and pozzolana.
therefore the size of the yield locus decreases.
Even if preliminary, the experimental data seem to terms of voids ratio of the non-wetting fluid, in this
indicate that the observed cumulated change of voids case mercury vs. pore entrance diameter. The results
ratio is larger than predicted by the model with a rea- for Pozzolana indicate a reduction of the macro pores
sonable set of parameters. This may be due to micro- on increasing vertical stress at the same minimum
structural changes induced by freezing and thawing. temperature (T = -20°C), while those on Yellow Tuff,
To test this hypothesis, the results of Mercury In- for a maximum vertical stress of 500 kPa and a min-
trusion Porosimetry (MIP) on natural samples of tuff imum temperature of -10°C, point to a reduction and
and those obtained on samples that had been subject- a shift to smaller diameters of the macro-porosity and
ed to freezing to -10°C at a vertical effective stress of an increase in micro-porosity relative to the intact
50 kPa are compared in Figure 31, together with material. These preliminary results show that the
those obtained for two samples of pozzolana which freezing process has relevant effects of on the macro-
were taken to -20°C at two different values of verti- porosity and hence on the microstructure of the mate-
cal effective stress. The results are reported in rial.


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Geotechnical Engineering for Infrastructure and Development

8 EQUIPMENT DEVELOPMENT nal cell is used to measure the volume changes of the
sample which is not accurate.
Because testing of frozen soil is non-conventional, Often the modifications to existing equipment are
any fundamental research in the behaviour of frozen not very expensive, only they require a certain
soils involves a certain amount of equipment devel- amount of experimental creativity and care to details.
opment. The two oedometer cells that were used at UPC to
The triaxial tests discussed above were carried out explore the thaw behaviour of pozzolana and tuff are
in a double-walled triaxial cell working under tem- existing suction controlled oedometer cells (Romero
perature controlled conditions, which was originally 1999) which were immersed in a thermal bath, in
developed by Tecno-in SpA, and has been described which a refrigerating fluid was circulated at con-
in some detail by Cantone et al. (2006) and de Sanc- trolled temperature between +30°C and -30°C. The
tis (2007). The cell fluid (glycol), which also acts as temperature of the refrigerating fluid, which was a
the refrigerating medium, is circulated in an inner 50/50 mixture of water and ethylene glycol, was con-
cylinder containing the sample, while the outer cyl- trolled using a thermostat immersed in the thermal
inder is kept under vacuum to limit condensation. bath, and the temperature in the sample was meas-
The loading ram moves vertically in a sleeve seal, ured using thermocouples. Water drainage was al-
which is connected to an LVDT for the measurement lowed through the bottom and this is connected to a
of vertical displacements. The axial load is measured reservoir (Pelaez et al. 2014, Pelaez 2013). The ver-
using an external load cell fixed under the cross bar tical stress was applied through compressed air at the
of the loading frame. Tests are generally performed top of the sample and it was regulated in steps. Alt-
at controlled displacement rate. There are three in- hough this may seem relatively simple, there were a
dependent pressure circuits, one controlling the cell large number of sub-experimental problems connect-
pressure and two controlling the pore water pressure ed to the high thermal conductivity of the metal parts
in the sample. A probe placed in the middle of the of the oedometer, such as the brass piston rod and
samples monitors its temperature. Despite its many guiding pin of the top membrane, which meant that
advantages, in its present configuration, this piece of ice would form around the top of the oedometer and
equipment has several limitations. For instance, as block both the cell itself and the LVDT that was
during the freezing stages the water in the drainage meant to measure the vertical displacements of the
lines freezes, it is impossible to measure the volume sample, see Figure 32. The problem was solved
changes using the external volume gauge and, contra- changing many metal parts of the odometer cells
ry to the site conditions, freezing proceeds from the with specially manufactured PVC parts, as shown in
outer boundary of the sample towards its centre. At Figure 33.
present, to overcome these limitations, modifications
to the apparatus are under design and funding has
been requested to build and set up a prototype stress-
path-controlled triaxial system for frozen soils.
Other triaxial apparatuses for tests on frozen soils
have been developed in different research institu-
tions. For instance, a triaxial apparatus was designed
at IGT-ETHZ, originally to carry out creep tests on
snow (Von Moos 2001, von Moos et al. 2003), and
then modified for stress path testing of frozen soils
(Arenson & Springman 2005, Yamamoto & Spring-
man 2014). Despite the fact that it is possible to car-
ry out stress path testing, the equipment shares some
of the drawbacks of the Tecno-in cell: freezing pro-
ceeds from the outside of the sample towards its cen- Figure 32. Picture showing ice forming around the top of the mod-
tre and, again, the refrigerating medium in the exter- ified oedometer.


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Viggiani and Casini

Another potentially very interesting tool to determine

experimentally the freezing retention curve of soils is
represented by the application of Electrical Resistivi-
ty Tomography (ERT), which has been applied re-
cently in the laboratory to monitor the local water
content changes during transient wetting processes in
sands and silts (Cosentini et al., 2012). In this meth-
od, an electrical current is applied to the soil by two
electrodes, and the induced electrical potential differ-
ence is measured across other pairs of electrodes.
Since the collected measurements are linked to the
conductivity of the soil by known physical laws, it is
possible to estimate the distribution of conductivity
within the sample by solving an inverse problem
Figure 33. Picture showing modified oedometer with piston rod
and guiding pin of the top membrane manufactured in PVC.
(Comina et al. 2008), although the inversion and in-
terpretation of ERT data from ice-rich samples are
Promising developments come from innovative challenging due to strong resistivity contrasts and
techniques such as Frequency Domain Reflectometry high contact resistances. In perspective, the same
(FDR). The ice retention model has recently been method could be applied at field scale, to monitor the
explored experimentally measuring the temperature propagation of the freezing front during engineering
and the degree of liquid saturation during freezing of applications of AGF.
samples of pozzolana (Pelaez 2015). A commercial
FDR device (see Figure 34), including both bulk
electrical conductivity and temperature sensors was 9 TOLEDO STATION
used in connection with three additional thermocou-
ples at different heights in the sample. Such methods Toledo station is inserted in such a densely built en-
are based on the propagation characteristics of elec- vironment that it was not possible to use the same
tromagnetic waves and electric/dielectric properties layout adopted for the other four stations of this part
of the soils, which change with changing liquid water of the line. In this case, the only available space to
content and salinity. The technique was calibrated at locate the vertical access shaft between the existing
different target temperatures on saturated pozzolana buildings was on a side of the running tunnels, Fig-
and on another saturated sand, showing encouraging ure 35(a); from the vertical shaft a large service tun-
results to determine experimentally the ice retention nel gives access to the four platform tunnels and two
properties at different temperatures and during freez- pedestrian passageways, Figure 35(b). The service
ing at different rates. tunnel has a maximum height of 17 m, a width of
14 m, a length of 40 m, for a total volume of exca-
vated soil of about 8 000 m3 (see Figure 36). The
soil profile consists of made ground followed by a
small layer of Neapolitan Pyroclastic Pile (6.4 m), al-
luvial and/or in situ pyroclastic sand (pozzolana), for
a thickness of about 23.5 m and then Neapolitan Yel-
low Tuff. The crown of the service tunnel is mostly
contained in pozzolana, while the bench and invert
were to be excavated in tuff; the pore water pressures
are hydrostatic with a piezometric head of 4.7 m a.s.l.
(or 22.3 m b.g.l.). Excavation was carried out with
Figure 34. FDR device including both bulk electrical conductivity the aid of AGF at the crown, for both stability and
and temperature sensors.


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Geotechnical Engineering for Infrastructure and Development

arch maintained with brine until the excavation of the

crown and the bench had been completed in February
2007. The service tunnel was constructed by sequen-
tial excavation. The crown section, with a height of
6 m, of which about one half pozzolana and one half
in tuff, was excavated first, in steps advancing 4 m,
for each of which excavation was followed by cast-
ing of the first concrete lining with a thickness of
0.75 m. After completing the crown, 7.5 m of the
bench section, completely contained in tuff, were ex-
cavated and the first lining cast following a similar
schedule as for the crown. Excavation of the bottom
part of the bench and of the invert started concurrent-
ly with de-activation of freezing in February 2007.
After opening the connections to the four platform
tunnels and the two pedestrian passageways through
the service tunnel lining, the structure of the service
tunnel was completed by casting another concrete
layer, 0.8 m-thick and separated by the first lining by
a waterproofing layer.

Figure 35. Toledo Station: plan (a) and section through vertical

waterproofing purposes, and cement and chemical

grouting at the sidewalls and at the invert, using mul-
ti-packer sleeved pipes, mostly to prevent access of
water through the system of scarpine. The freeze
tubes were inserted around the tunnel crown horizon-
tally from the access shaft and sub-vertically from a
pilot service tunnel located about 10 m above the
crown, that is just above the water table. From the
vertical access shaft a jet-grouted plug section was
created at the end of the service tunnel.
Figure 36. Toledo Station: section through service tunnel.
Artificial ground freezing was activated with ni-
trogen at the end of June 2006; after about 10 days,
the system was changed to brine and then the frozen


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Viggiani and Casini

analyses to evaluate the state of stress in the frozen

arch protecting excavation of the crown; Russo et al.
(2015a, 2015b) carried out 3D finite difference ana-

Figure 37. Toledo Station: settlements measured during station

construction with indication of construction phases of service tun-

During the entire duration of the works, tempera-

tures in the ground were measured using thermocou-
ples installed in observation holes; at the same time,
the surface vertical displacements of a number of sur-
face reference points were monitored by precision
levelling and the piezometric level in the area were
measured by piezometers installed at different
Figure 37 shows the settlements of some of the Figure 38. Toledo Station: plan (a) and section (b) through vertical
reference points during construction of the station to- shaft.
gether with the main ground treatment (injections,
freezing, and thawing) and excavation phases (pilot, lyses of the service tunnel excavation to assess its
crown, bench, invert), while Figure 38 shows the impact on existing structures and services. In the lat-
contours of the final settlements, after completion of ter case, both pozzolana and tuff were modelled as
the station. The final maximum settlement at the mid elastic perfectly plastic with Mohr-Coulomb failure
section of the service tunnel (reference point 146), criterion and non associated flow.
was about 90 mm; of these about one third were due The actual sequence of construction stages was
to construction of the service tunnel. Excavation of simulated in the model, in drained analyses including
the pilot service tunnel in conventional mining excavation of the pilot service tunnel and ground
caused about 10 mm settlement, cement and chemi- treatment. The mechanical parameters of frozen and
cal grouting were responsible for another 5 mm, thawed pozzolana were obtained in part from the re-
which were completely recovered during activation sults of laboratory tests carried out on frozen and
of freezing with nitrogen, about 8 mm were due to thawed samples, and in part by back analysis of the
the excavation of the crown under AGF, while only monitored displacements. The overall agreement of
about 4 mm to the excavation of the bench and invert the results of the numerical model with the observed
in tuff. Finally, after switching off AGF, about settlements was satisfactory, even if the extension of
12 mm settlements were recorded on thawing. Simi- the computed surface settlement trough was wider
lar to the experience in Municipio, surface settle- than observed, and the model failed to capture the de-
ments were accompanied by groundwater lowering tails of ground movements during the freezing and
during the execution of the works. thawing stages.
Several attempts to analyse the observed behav- To get a better understanding of the coupled phe-
iour have been conducted by different Authors. Ca- nomena taking place around the tunnel in the frozen
vuoto et al. (2006) carried out 2D finite element area, more recently, an attempt to back analyse the


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Geotechnical Engineering for Infrastructure and Development

ground temperatures and surface displacements dur- ferent stages considered in the analysis, from activa-
ing construction of the service tunnel has been car- tion of AGF with nitrogen to thawing.
ried out by Casini (2015) using the coupled THM Finally, Figure 41 shows the predicted displace-
formulation by Nishimura et al. (2009). ments at surface together with those measured on
reference point 146.

Figure 40. Toledo Station: measured and predicted temperatures at

Figure 39. Toledo Station: layout of analysed section showing po- secondary hole TF2.
sition of freezing holes and secondary hole TF2.

These analyses, still in progress, are carried out in

plane strain conditions due to the computational costs
of running fully coupled 3D analyses. The simula-
tions are representative of the middle section of the
cross tunnel; because of symmetry only half of the
problem is included in the finite element mesh, which
is 65 m and 75 m deep, including an upper layer of
Pozzolana with a thickness of 35 m and a bottom
layer of tuff with a thickness of 40 m. The tempera-
ture changes induced during nitrogen activation,
brine maintenance and thawing are applied as bound-
ary conditions on sub-vertical lines representing the
freezing holes installed from the pilot service tunnel
and on a series of points corresponding to the posi-
tions of the horizontal freezing holes installed from
the shaft (see Figure 39). Figure 41. Toledo Station: measured and predicted surface dis-
An example of the results of the numerical anal- placement at monitoring point 146.
yses is given in Figure 40 where the values of tem-
perature measured along secondary hole TF2, located The predictions were corrected to take into ac-
1.47 m directly above the crown, at various distances count the fact that the analyses are conducted in
from the vertical access shaft are compared with the plane strain, using the results from parallel 2D anal-
model predictions in the mid-section of the service yses carried out in the longitudinal section of the tun-
tunnel. The comparison is satisfactory for all the dif- nel. Although more work is required to fine-tune the
results, this preliminary comparison is very encour-


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Viggiani and Casini

aging, as it shows that the model is capable of captur- cant reductions of the recorded water head, probably
ing at least the quality of surface displacements dur- due to incomplete or delayed closure of the frozen
ing all phases of construction included in the simula- barrier due to excessive water seepage. Although in
tion (nitrogen activation of freezing and maintenance principle the problem may be tackled by coupled
with brine, excavation and thawing). thermo-hydraulic analyses, in practice the imperfec-
tions in the frozen barrier are mostly connected to
high water seepage velocities in the system of ran-
10 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS domly distributed sub-vertical fractures in the tuff,
whose location is unknown before the execution of
The starting point of this paper was the description of the works. This makes it difficult to carry out truly
an extensive and successful application of the tech- predictive calculations and suggests the implementa-
nique of AGF to ensure stability and to control tion of an observational approach relying on the sys-
ground water flow during excavation of some of the tematic measurement of piezometric head and tem-
stations of Line 1 of Napoli Underground through peratures in the ground, with localised nitrogen re-
loose granular soils and a fractured soft rock. Con- activation in the most severe cases of incomplete or
struction was accompanied by an intense programme inadequate formation of the frozen wall, such as e.g.
of monitoring designed to measure and control the at Municipio.
effects on adjacent structures, which, for its extension Additional settlements on thawing may result from
and completeness, represented a unique opportunity volume changes associated to the phase change of ice
to collect field data on the performance of AGF. to water and flow of excess water out of the soil, the
To reduce the time required for the formation of amount of which depends on consolidation and soil
the frozen collar while containing the maintenance structural changes that may have occurred during the
costs, in this application, AGF was typically activat- freezing cycle. The indication coming from the ap-
ed with nitrogen and maintained with brine; the plications of ground freezing on Napoli is that vol-
ground freezing procedures were optimised by means canic soils such as pozzolana and tuff may be par-
of field trials and parallel numerical and theoretical ticularly prone to large thaw settlements.
analyses. The paper has documented some of the back-
Directional drilling of freeze and secondary tubes analyses and interpretations of different aspects of
and accurate surveying of their alignment proved to the AGF process that were carried out right from the
be crucial as well as the development of appropriate beginning of the project with varying degrees of so-
data reduction techniques permitting timely control phistication, depending on their particular application
of the growth of the frozen body. In the early appli- purpose. These included de-coupled heat propaga-
cations, such as in Garibaldi Station, prolonged freez- tion analyses carried out in parametric studies intend-
ing due to the delayed response of some of the ther- ed to evaluate the time needed to achieve the design
mocouples affected adversely the retaining structures temperatures in the ground and optimise the process,
of the station box, with an increase of the horizontal and finite element back analyses of the observed sur-
displacements of the diaphragm wall and of the loads face heave and settlements in which freezing and
in the anchors. thawing and the mechanical interaction between the
Significant thaw settlements were systematically frozen ring and the surrounding soil were modelled
observed at all sites, in many cases larger than the separately, assigning strength and stiffness parame-
heave recorded during the freezing stages. As tunnel ters to the frozen ground determined by ad-hoc la-
excavation and seepage through imperfections in the boratory tests carried out under temperature con-
frozen barrier and the permanent lining also contrib- trolled conditions.
ute to the overall measured settlement at surface, it is More recently, a research project bringing together
not always easy to distinguish between the different constitutive modelling, laboratory tests and field data
sources of ground settlement. As a matter of fact, in was started as an international co-operation involving
many cases, surface settlements during excavation UPC Barcelona, Università di Roma Tor Vergata,
under AGF protection were accompanied by signifi- Seconda Università di Napoli, and technical person-


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Geotechnical Engineering for Infrastructure and Development

nel and engineers involved in the design and con- are gratefully acknowledged: Alessandro Mandolini,
struction of Napoli underground. The paper has il- Luca de Sanctis, Filippo "Iceman" Cavuoto, Andrea
lustrated some of the work carried out in the context Corbo, Lucio Amato, Antonio Gens, Enrique
of this project. A two-stress-variable model for fully Romero, Sebastia Olivella, Ronny Pelaez. The sec-
coupled termo-hydro-mechanical analyses of frozen ond Author was supported financially by the Europe-
ground, developed using the analogy between the an Commission through the “Marie Curie Intra Euro-
physics of frozen-saturated and unfrozen-unsaturated pean Fellowship” (EU FP7-NuMAGF, grant
soils, has been calibrated against the results of la- agreement 272073).
boratory tests carried out under temperature con-
trolled conditions and is currently being used to
back-analyse the behaviour observed in situ. Alt- REFERENCES
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