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4rd UIN Imam Bonjol International Conference on Islamic Education

“Islamic Education in Era of Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities and Challenges”



Erna Nurkholida1, Ulin Ni’mah Rodliya Ulfah2, Annisa Aulia Saharani3

English Department of IAIN Kediri, Indonesia,;;
ulinni’ 2
Islamic Economics and Business Faculty of IAIN Kediri,
English Department of IAIN Kediri, Indonesia

Author1*, Author2, dan Author3

*e-mail of Correspondence Author

Articel Received: xx/xx/xxxx; Accepted: xx/xx/xxxx


The problem of this research is how to strengthen digital competence in IAIN Kediri
students through project based learning. This research aims to improve the digital
literacy skills of English study program students through the Project Based Learning
method. Strengthening was carried out in the Teaching English for Young Learners class
using classroom action research. With the strengthening of the class, there were 6
meetings to conduct training and also provide guidance to implement the final result,
namely the digital project. In this strengthening the class was divided into 8 groups with
different projects. Each of these projects is Designing Learning English Website for
Elementary Students, using Google Site and having Canva Poster. Developing listening
material and exercises using Quizzis and Canva, constructing speaking material using
White Board Animation, speaking exercises using Quizzis and Canva, Designing writing
material using White Board Animation and Canva, designing writing exercises using
Quizzis and Canva, designing writing exercises Using White Board Animation and Canva,
Designing writing exercises Using Quizzis and Canva. All results from strengthening
digital competencies based on project-based learning are published in the following
link:, after being checked by the instructor
with satisfactory results.

Articles registered in this conference can be written in English. The abstract describes
problems, objectives, implementation methods, results, and conclusions. There are no
quotes in the abstract section. cambria 11pt font, 150-200 words, 1 spacing.

Keywords: keryword 1; keyword 2; keyword 3.

Paparkan masalah yang dikaji, diakhiri dengan menjelaskan tujuan dan urgensi
penelitian yang dilakukan. Tiga poin penting yang wajib ada dalam pendahuluan secara

4rd UIN Imam Bonjol International Conference on Islamic Education
“Islamic Education in Era of Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities and Challenges”

berurutan adalah menguraikan secara jelas tentang: (1) sedikit latar belakang umum
kajian; (2) state of the art (kajian review literatur singkat penelitian-penelitian
sebelumnya yang mirip untuk menjustifikasi novelty artikel yang dibuat; (3) hasil yang
diharapkan atau tujuan penelitian. (Font Cambria 12pt, rata kanan kiri, 1,15 spasi).
Isi artikel boleh menggunakan Bahasa Inggris, Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa
The introduction should define the main purpose of the study and its
significance, highlight the principal conclusions. Three important points that must be
included in the introduction sequentially are to clearly describe: (1) a little general
background of the study; (2) state of the art (a brief literature review study of similar
previous studies to justify the novelty of the articles made); (3) the expected results or
research objectives.

In this study, the authors used the Classroom Action Research (CAR). Action
research is a type of research conducted by teachers in the classroom. This research can
provide new methods and procedures to improve the professionalism of teachers' teaching
process and students' learning effects. Action research is research of a series of projects that
teachers can participate in, either because they want to enrich their teaching, or because of
data related to try out a new strategy. It can be concluded that action research is a cycle of
settings carried out by teachers in the classroom to enrich all aspects of teaching and evaluate
the success of certain activities and settings. There are four components to carry out
classroom activity research in one cycle. They are as follows:
1. Planning
A plan is a research question that determines a plan after performing treatment.
Researchers need to prepare behavioral research before doing this study.
2. Acting
This part talks about the procedures and works which will be taken by researchers. I
stated that the researchers apply the plan, which is finished in the previous phase of the
research field.
3. Observe
In this step, the researchers have to check all works during the time. The observation is
carried out inside the steps of the study, and the objective is to reveal any facts during the
study process to show the condition of the students.
4. Reflection
Reflection is an effort to check the success or failure in achieving a temporary goal in
order to set another ways. This may be the ultimate goal of the research.
The steps are as follows:
1. The first activity (Pre-Cycle)
The works set began in January 2022. The focus of the research is to build

4rd UIN Imam Bonjol International Conference on Islamic Education
“Islamic Education in Era of Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities and Challenges”

rapport with fifth semester and researchers choose TEYL class to build trust and
comfort to obtain in-depth data. The main reason for choosing this class is because it
consists of 20% theories and 80% media production and practice with friends.
Researchers are observing and discussing what are the problems with students' digital
abilities, especially in designing websites, identifying applications for students’
assessment, using interactive media for online teaching, and making digital
interactive media for teaching and learning. A total of 3 tests will be carried out, like
the pre test in the pre-cycle, the main test in the first cycle, and the last test in the next
cycle. In each loop, there are 10-15 sentences.
2. The second activity (the first cycle)
a. A sort of plan: Planning actions relate to the students’ predicted outcome.
Designing the project, and developing the implementation plan project.
b. Implementation: Implementation of digital capabilities; designing Google
website, using Canva posters, using Wordwall to develop student materials,
whiteboard animations, and quizizz to create student assessments. The class is
divided into 8 groups. Each group consists of 4 or 5 students and has a project
with different responsibilities.
Here are the items for each group.
Name Project Digital
of the Competenc
Group ies
Group Designing Using
1 Google Site
and having
English Canva
Website for
Group Developing Using
2 Quizzis and
material and
Group Constructing Using
3 White
material Animation
Group Constructing Using
4 Quizzis and
Group Designing Using
5 White

4rd UIN Imam Bonjol International Conference on Islamic Education
“Islamic Education in Era of Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities and Challenges”

material Animation
and Canva
Group Designing Using
6 Quizzis and
Group Designing Using
7 Quizizz and
s material
Group Designing Using
8 Quizizz and
s exercises

c. Observing
Based on the principle of project-based learning, students' activities are
observed through the use of rubric questions.
d. Reflection
The items are checked by PBL assessment scores based on assessment
aspects (attitude, knowledge and skills), and the results of the first round are
obtained. This result determines the second cycle. The result of this research is
that TEY1L2 class will have theirown website with a large amount of teaching
materials. Therefore, it can become a capital for students to be teachers around
the world.
In implementing this classroom action research, the researcher was assisted by an
instructor as the collaborator. The research was planned by following the schedule arranged
by the TEYL class. The research was divided into two main parts namely the stage which
was carried out in two meetings. TEYL class of class was every Saturday at 09. 00 a. m until
12.00 a. m.
The researcher was initiated by doing the preliminary observation. The observation
was done on Wednesday, April 13, 2022 at 08. 40 a.m. in the TEYL class C.

Metode penelitian adalah langkah-langkah sistematis yang dilakukan peneliti

untuk menjawab rumusan masalah penelitian. Pada bagian ini harus dijabarkan
apa/siapa objek penelitian, bagaimana prosedur pelaksanaan penelitian, bagaimana
teknik pengumpulan data, dan bagaimana teknik analisis data. Metode peneilitian harus
dijabarkan dengan detail. (Font Cambria 12pt, rata kanan kiri, 1,15 spasi).

4rd UIN Imam Bonjol International Conference on Islamic Education
“Islamic Education in Era of Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities and Challenges”

The research method is the systematic steps taken by the researcher to answer
the research problem. In this section should be describes the participants, the
procedures employed in the study such as technique of data collection and data
analysis. Research methods should be described in detail.


Hasil Penelitian harus dipaparkan dengan jelas dan ringkas. Hasil penelitian
bukan merupakan rincian data-data namun memaparkan hasil analisis dari data. Harap
soroti perbedaan antara hasil atau temuan Anda dengan hasil-hasil penelitian
terdahulu. Hasil dan pembahasan dapat dikatakan sebagai bagian terpeting dari artikel.
Komponen yang harus dibahas dalam hasil dan pembahasan adalah: 1) Bagaimana hasil
penelitian berhubungan dengan pertanyaan atau tujuan awal yang diuraikan di bagian
Pendahuluan (apa)? 2) Apakah terdapat interpretasi secara ilmiah untuk setiap hasil
atau temuan yang disajikan (mengapa)? 3) Apakah hasil penelitian konsisten dengan
apa yang telah dilaporkan peneliti lain (apa lagi)? Atau ada perbedaan? (Font Cambria
12pt, rata kanan kiri, 1,15 spasi).
Research Findings should be clear and concise. The results should summarize
(scientific) findings rather than providing data in great detail. Please highlight
differences between your results or findings and the previous publications by other
researchers. In discussion, it is the most important section of your article. Here you get
the chance to sell your data. Make the discussion corresponding to the results, but do
not reiterate the results. Often should begin with a brief summary of the main scientific
findings (not experimental results). The following components should be covered in
discussion: How do your results relate to the original question or objectives outlined in
the Introduction section (what)? Do you provide interpretation scientifically for each of
your results or findings presented (why)? Are your results consistent with what other
investigators have reported (what else)? Or are there any differences?

Tabel 1. Tabel menggunakan caption

Contoh pertanyaan dalam skala Gutman Yes No
Pertanyaan 1? 90 10
Pertanyaan 2? 80 20
Pertanyaan 3? 70 30

4rd UIN Imam Bonjol International Conference on Islamic Education
“Islamic Education in Era of Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities and Challenges”

Gambar 1. Gambar menggunakan caption

Kesimpulan harus menjawab tujuan penelitian. Menceritakan bagaimana hasil
penelitian dapat berkontribusi dalam memajukan bidang yang diteliti. Jangan
mengulang Abstrak, atau hanya mencantumkan hasil eksperimen. Paparkan dasar
ilmiah yang jelas untuk tiap hasil penelitian dan kemungkinan untuk mengaplikasikan
atau menggunakan hasil penelitian tersebut. Pada bagian ini juga dapat dituliskan saran
untuk pelaksanaan penelitian di masa yang akan datang. (Font Cambria 12pt, rata
kanan kiri, 1,15 spasi).
Conclusion should answer the objectives of research. Tells how your work
advances the field from the present state of knowledge. Do not repeat the Abstract, or
just list experimental results. Provide a clear scientific justification for your work, and
indicate possible applications and extensions. You should also suggest future
experiments and/or point out those that are underway.

Referensi memuat semua sumber yang dikutip dalam tubuh artikel. Cara
penulisan mengikuti sistem APA 7th. Gunakan aplikasi Mendeley atau Zotero, atau
Reference Manager yang lain. Referensi tidak boleh kurang dari 10 referensi, harus
lebih banyak memuat acuan primer, perbanyak sumber jurnal bereputasi.
Kemutakhiran pustaka rujukan terutama yang dipakai untuk menjustifikasi orisinalitas
atau novelty adalah rujukan 10 tahun terakhir. (Font Cambria 12pt, rata kanan kiri, 1
spasi). References
Include all sources cited in the body of the article. The writing method follows
the APA 7th system. Use the Mendeley or Zotero app, or another Reference Manager.
References should not be less than 10 references, must contain more primary
references, multiply reputable journal sources. The update of reference libraries,
especially those used to justify originality or novelty, are references from the last 10

Flemming, L. E. (2011). Reading for thinking. Boston: Wadsworth Cengage Learning. ←
Linse, C. (n.d.). T.(2005). Practical English language teaching: Young learners. New York:
McGraw-Hill. ← Book
Harida, E. S. (2014). Students’ ability and difficulties in understanding English text (A
study at English program IAIN Padangsidimpuan). Al-Ta'lim Journal, 21(3),
183–188.← Journal

4rd UIN Imam Bonjol International Conference on Islamic Education
“Islamic Education in Era of Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities and Challenges”

Gani, S. A., Yusuf, Y. Q., & Susiani, R. (2016). Progressive outcomes of collaborative
strategic reading to EFL learners. Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences, 37(3),
144–149. ←Journal
Fitrisia, D., Tan, K.-E., & Yusuf, Y. Q. (2015). Investigating metacognitive awareness of
reading strategies to strengthen students’performance in reading
comprehension. Asia Pacific Journal of Educators and Education, 30, 15–
Barbara, Leila, & Sardinha, T. (2007). Proceedings 33rd international systemic
functional congress. Retrieved December 4, 2016, from←Conferences
Rahayu, J. S. (2015). Students’ reading engagement in literature circles a study of
literature circles in teaching reading at a junior high school in bandung
(masters). Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Retrieved from←Thesis
Lo, C-L. (2013). The impact of note-taking in counseling. PhD dissertation. The University
of Iowa, Iowa City. ←Dissertation
Onukwugha, U. (2006). The Four Cardinal Points of Any Good Writing: Expression,
Content, Organization & Technical Accuracy. Ezine Articles. Com, 28. Retrieved
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