Prkacin 2018

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e186 Journal of Hypertension Vol 36, e-Supplement 1, June 2018

variably sized nuclei that were massively enlarged, irregularly shaped, and abnor- 6Section of Nephrology and Hypertension, 1st Department of Medicine, AHEPA
mally hyperchromatic, which findings were indicative of KIN. Approximately one Hospital, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, GREECE
year after quitting nivolumab treatment, his renal function improved to SCr level of
Objective: Blood pressure (BP) increase during or immediately after hemodialy-
1.42 mg/dL,
sis is an abnormal hemodynamic response to ultrafiltration and occurs in 5–20%
Results: Case 2: A 76-year old female with non-small cell lung cancer started of patients. Intradialytic hypertension is associated with adverse clinical outcomes
treatment by nivolumab. Two months later, she exhibited AKI (SCr level from 0.81 and is often poorly diagnosed and controlled. This study aimed to evaluate the
to 1.54 mg/dL). Kidney biopsy revealed tubular injury with interstitial infiltra- effects of nebivolol and irbesartan in 24hour ambulatory BP in hemodialysis pa-
tion of inflammatory cells. Of note, tubular epithelial cells were focally enlarged tients with intradialytic hypertension.
with hyperchromatic nuclei, which finding was consistent with that of KIN. Since
Design and method: This is a randomized cross-over study in 38 hemodialy-
most of the enlarged tubular epithelial cells were positive for Ki-67, karyomegalic
sis patients (age: 60.4 ± 11.1 years, male: 65.8%) with intradialytic hypertension,
changes of tubular epithelia are suggested to be associated with the cell cycle
defined as mean intradialytic rise > = 10 mmHg in systolic BP (SBP) over 6
abnormalities of tubular cells. The patient was administrated high dose of cortico-
consecutive hemodialysis sessions. After baseline evaluation, patients were ran-
steroid, and SCr level returned to that of her baseline.
domly assigned to nebivolol 5 mg and subsequently irbesartan 150 mg, or vice
Conclusions: Conclusion: This is the first report of characteristic histological find- versa. Half of the patients received a single drug-dose 1 hour before hemodialysis
ings of KIN in nivolumab-associated AIN. The association of nivolumab-induced (n = 19) or for a whole week, before evaluation (n = 19). A two-week wash-out
AIN with cell cycle derangement in our patients suggests that the activation of effec- period took place before the initiation of the second drug. All subjects underwent
tor T cell by nivolumab may affect the proliferation of tubular epithelial cells, thereby 24hour ambulatory BP monitoring starting before a midweek session.
leading to karyomegalic changes. In addition to the discontinuation of nivolumab, the
Results: In total, 20 (52.6%) patients received nebivolol first and 18 (47.4%) received
administration of corticosteroid successfully improved renal function.
irbesartan first. Patients receiving a single dose of either nebivolol or irbesartan had
lower post-dialysis SBP and diastolic BP (DBP) [Baseline: 161.6 ± 16.3/95.4 ± 12.3;
DEEP VENOUS THROMBOSIS AND KIDNEY DISEASE Nebivolol: 146.1 ± 20.4 (p = 0.003), 84.5 ± 11.8 (p < 0.001); Irbesartan: 144.7 ± 29.9
(p = 0.003), 86.8 ± 18.0 (p = 0.047) mmHg; respectively], non-significantly
I. Prkacin1, T. Bulum2, T. Svagusa3, A. Golub4, T. Pikivaca5, G. Cavric1. 1Merkur
lower 24-hour SBP and lower DBP [Baseline: 147.8 ± 16.0/87.7 ± 11.9; Nebivo-
University Hospital, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Zagreb,
lol: 144.0 ± 19.5 (p = 0.070), 83.3 ± 11.7 (p = 0.015); Irbesartan: 143.1 ± 21.7
School of Medicine, Zagreb, CROATIA, 2Merkur University Hospital, Vuk Vrho-
vac Clinic for Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases, University of (p = 0.171), 84.7 ± 12.8 (p = 0.095) mmHg]. Patients on weekly administration of
Zagreb, Zagreb, CROATIA, 3University Hospital Dubrava, Department of Inter- either nebivolol or irbesartan had significantly lower post-dialysis SBP and DBP
nal Medicine, Zagreb, CROATIA, 4Hospital for Pulmonary Diseases and TBC (Baseline: 167.1 ± 13.6/99.8 ± 10.6 Nebivolol: 145.2 ± 16.6 (p < 0.001), 91.0 ± 11.8
Klenovnik, Klenovnik, CROATIA, 5Health Centre Zagreb West, Zagreb, CROATIA (p = 0.003); Irbesartan: 147.1 ± 23.8 (p = 0.002), 87.6 ± 12.5 (p = 0.001) mmHg),
significantly lower 24-hour SBP and DBP (Baseline: 148.2 ± 12.5/91.7 ± 9.7
Objective: Deep venous thrombosis (DVT) affects 2 million people in the USA. Nebivolol: 139.2 ± 10.4 (p < 0.001), 85.2 ± 7.7 (p = 0.001); Irbesartan: 142.9 ± 15.7
Usually occurs in the leg, mainly affecting the large veins in the calf and thigh (p = 0.188), 85.5 ± 9.9 (p = 0.015) mmHg; accordingly) and significantly lower day-
on one side. Half of patients experiencing DVT do not show symptoms. DVT is time and nighttime ambulatory SBP and DBP. No significant differences in BP re-
potentially life threatening conditions that come under the category of venous duction between nebivolol and irbesartan were observed.
thromboembolism (VTE). Kidney disease is one of independent risk factors for
VTE/DVT. Very little has been done to study the relationship between DVT, expe- Conclusions: Both nebivolol and irbesartan reduce post-dialysis and 24-hour BP
cially distal DVT (DDVT) and kidney disease. in patients with intradialytic hypertension. Weekly administration had greater ef-
fect and nebivolol seemed numerically slightly more potent than irbesartan; perma-
Design and method: Patients (p) with DDVT were consecutively enrolled in nent administration of these agents may be more effective than pre-dialysis dosing.
this study from January to June 2016.
Baseline kidney function was assessed, and p were followed during 3 months.
Changes in eGFR for up to 3 months were evaluated. eGFR was calculated us-
ing the Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI) formu-
la < 60 mlmin/1.73m2
The study was approved by local ethics committees and provided written in- H. Inoue, K. Miyashita, M. Sato, A. Hagiwara, K. Fujii, M. Ryuzaki, S. Endo,
formed consent to participate. A. Uto, H. Itoh. Department of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nephrology, Keio
Results: Of 3209 p in Emergency Department we identified 65 (2% of all) with University, School of Medicine, Tokyo, JAPAN
simptomatic (pain + edema) limb DVT (upper limb 3p, proximal lower limb Objective: We have previously reported that the medial hypertrophy of the renal
22p + 40 p with DDVT). The mean age was 61.5 years (27–92 years), 70% arterioles induced by transient salt loading causes sustained elevation of blood
and 32% had hypertension and diabetes mellitus. 38% atrial fibrillation and no pressure in spontaneous hypertensive rat (SHR) even after the salt loading had
one known malignant disease; body mass index was 34.4 ± 5.1 kg/m2, eGFR completed [Oguchi et al. Hypertension 2014]. Epigenetic modification of gene
55 ± 21 mlmin/1.73m2. At baseline 25% had chronic kidney disease: 10% mod- expression has attracted attention as a possible mechanism for sustained biologi-
erate chronic kidney disease (stage 3 CKD) (CrCl 30–59 mL/min), 15% had mild cal effects and onset of hypertension. The present study investigated the signifi-
CKD (CrCl 60–89 mL/min). After ultrasound doppler imaging and confirmation cance of histone acetylation in each segment of the kidney in the induction of
of DDVT with positive D-dimer test result, we put p on DOACs.The 3-month hypertension after transient salt loading.
administration of DOACs for DVT caused a nonsignificant decrease of eGFR
(declined from 55 ± 21 mlmin-11.73m2 to 54 ± 16 mlmin-11.73m2 (p = 0.01)). Design and method: C57bl6 mice were implanted deoxycorticosterone acetate
Control ultrasound imaging after 3 months was associated with recanalisation of (DOCA) pellets and given drinking water containing 1% NaCl for 2 weeks to
DVT, without proximal exstension and no thromboembolic events. In 20% of p induce hypertension. We evaluated blood pressure, histological findings and gene
with DDVT we found new malignant disease (lung and colon). expressions of the kidney during and after the transient salt loading. The degree
of histone acetylation was assessed by immunostaining of acetylated H3 and H4
Conclusions: Kidney dysfunction is common among individuals with DVT. The in each segment of the kidney including renal arterioles, segmental arteries, glom-
results of our study suggest that the treatmen of DDVT of the limbs with DOACs eruli and tubules. Gene expressions were examined in each segment of the kidney
in p with kidney dysfunction is safe therapy. collected by laser capture microdissection (LCM).
Results: Transient salt loading caused elevation in blood pressure during and
NEBIVOLOL AND IRBESARTAN REDUCE POST-HEMODIALYSIS even after stopping salt loading associated with persistent medial hypertrophy of
AND AMBULATORY BP IN PATIENTS WITH INTRADIALYTIC renal arterioles. In the media of renal arterioles, histone acetylation was enhanced
HYPERTENSION: A RANDOMIZED CROSS-OVER STUDY during salt loading, and the enhanced histone acetylation persisted even after stop-
ping salt loading. The gene expression of MMPs in the renal arterioles collected
A. Bikos1, C. Loutradis1,2, E. Aggeloudi1, A. Karpetas3, V. Raptis4, by LCM increased during salt loading, and did not decline even after stopping salt
E. Ginikopoulou2, S. Panagoutsos5, P. Pasadakis5, I. Balaskas6, V. Liakopoulos6, loading. On the other hand, in the segmental arteries, neither hyper-acetylation nor
A. Papagianni1, P.A. Sarafidis1. 1Department of Nephrology, Hippokration hyper-expression of MMPs was observed. Also, in the tubules, enhanced histone
Hospital, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, GREECE, 2Protypo acetylation by the salt loading returned to the initial level after the completion.
Hemodialysis Unit, Thessaloniki, GREECE, 3Therapeutiki Hemodialysis Unit, Thes-
saloniki, GREECE, 4Pieria Hemodialysis Unit, Katerini, GREECE, 5Department Conclusions: The persistent medial hypertrophy along with focally sustained his-
of Nephrology, General Hospital of Alexandroupoli, Alexandroupoli, GREECE, tone hyper-acetylation and elevation in MMPs expressions in the renal arterioles

Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

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