CSC 325 Exam Question Marking Scheme

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(a) Explain the term Information Technology (IT) (4 marks)

Information technology (IT) is the use of computers to store or retrieve data and information. IT is considered to be a
subset of information and communications technology (ICT). IT Stands for "Information Technology," and is
pronounced "I.T." It refers to anything related to computing technology, such as networking, hardware, software, the
Internet, or the people that work with these technologies. Many companies now have IT departments for managing the
computers, networks, and other technical areas of their businesses. IT jobs include computer programming, network
administration, computer engineering, Web development, technical support, and many other related occupations. Since
we live in the "information age," information technology has become a part of our everyday lives.

(b) Explain the following network devices (9 marks)

I. network interface card (NIC)
II. switch
III. router

Network Interface Card is also known as a network interface controller, network adapter, and LAN adapter and by
similar terms is a computer hardware component that connect a computer to a omputer network.

Switch is a device that channel incoming data from any of network device to the specific device that is the destination
of the data. Unlike the hub, the switch is intelligent because it does not broadcast but channels the data to the specific
Router is a network devices that connect two or more dissimilar network together. Example is
a router can connect a ring network with a star network, a wireless network and a cable network, a LAN with a WAN

(c) Compare and contrast (8 marks)

I. local area network (LAN) and wide area network (WAN)
II. intranet and Internet


Local Area Network (LAN) and Wide Area Network (WAN) are two types of computer networks that differ in terms
of their geographical scope and connectivity. Here's a comparison and contrast between LAN and WAN:
1. Geographical Scope:

- LAN: A LAN covers a small geographical area such as a single building, office, or campus. It is typically confined
to a few hundred meters or less.

- WAN: A WAN covers a larger geographical area, spanning across cities, countries, or even continents. It can
connect multiple LANs or individual devices over long distances.
2. Connectivity:

- LAN: A LAN provides high-speed and reliable connectivity between devices within its limited area. Devices within
a LAN are usually connected using Ethernet cables or Wi-Fi, allowing for fast data transfer rates.

- WAN: A WAN utilizes various technologies to establish connections over long distances, such as leased lines,
satellites, or the Internet. The connectivity in a WAN is typically slower compared to a LAN due to the longer
distances involved and potential network congestion.
3. Ownership and Control:

- LAN: A LAN is usually owned, controlled, and maintained by a single organization or entity. The organization has
complete control over the network infrastructure, security, and management.

- WAN: A WAN can involve multiple organizations or service providers. Each organization may have control over
their individual network segments, while the overall WAN infrastructure is often managed by a third-party service
provider or a combination of organizations.
4. Cost and Complexity:

- LAN: LANs are generally less expensive to set up and maintain compared to WANs since they cover smaller areas
and require less sophisticated equipment. The complexity of LANs is relatively lower as they involve a smaller number
of devices.
- WAN: WANs are more expensive to establish and maintain due to the need for specialized networking equipment,
long-distance connectivity, and potential recurring charges for leased lines or service subscriptions. Setting up and
managing a WAN can be more complex, requiring expertise in routing, security, and troubleshooting across a larger
network infrastructure.
5. Speed and Performance:

- LAN: LANs offer high-speed communication, often with gigabit or higher data transfer rates. The limited
geographical scope and direct connections between devices enable low latency and fast data transmission.

- WAN: WANs generally have lower speeds compared to LANs. The data transfer rates are affected by the distance
between network nodes, the quality of the connection, and the available bandwidth. WANs may experience higher
latency and slower data transmission due to the longer distances and potential network congestion.

Overall, LANs are designed for local connectivity within a confined area, providing fast and reliable communication
between devices owned by a single organization. On the other hand, WANs are designed to connect geographically
dispersed locations, allowing communication between LANs or individual devices over long distances, albeit at a
potentially slower speed.

Intranet and Internet are two distinct concepts when it comes to computer networks. Here's a comparison and contrast
between intranets and the Internet:
1. Definition:

- Intranet: An intranet is a private network that is restricted to a specific organization or group of organizations. It
allows for the sharing of information, resources, and services within the defined network.

- Internet: The Internet, in contrast, is a global network of interconnected networks that spans the entire globe. It
enables worldwide communication, access to information, and various online services.
2. Accessibility:

- Intranet: An intranet is accessible only to authorized individuals or entities within the organization or group. It is
typically protected by security measures such as firewalls and authentication systems to ensure restricted access.

- Internet: The Internet is publicly accessible to anyone with an Internet connection. It allows users from around the
world to access websites, services, and resources available on the global network.
3. Scope and Connectivity:

- Intranet: An intranet is limited in scope and is designed for internal use within an organization. It connects devices,
servers, and resources within a specific network infrastructure. Intranets are commonly used for sharing internal
information, collaboration, and accessing company-specific applications.

- Internet: The Internet is vast and connects a multitude of networks worldwide. It allows for global communication
and facilitates access to a wide range of information, online services, and resources available on public websites.
4. Security and Privacy:

- Intranet: Intranets prioritize security and privacy since they are used for internal communication and sharing of
sensitive information within an organization. Access controls, encryption, and other security measures are
implemented to safeguard data within the intranet.

- Internet: The Internet poses higher security risks as it is a public network accessible to a large number of users.
While security measures like encryption and authentication exist on the Internet, it is more prone to security threats
such as hacking, data breaches, and unauthorized access.

5. Control and Governance:

- Intranet: Organizations have full control over their intranets, allowing them to establish and enforce specific
policies, customize the network environment, and manage access rights and permissions within the network. The
organization determines the content, structure, and functionality of the intranet.

- Internet: The Internet is governed by various organizations and standards bodies, but no single entity has complete
control over it. Different organizations, governments, and service providers contribute to its development,
management, and regulation.
6. Content and Services:

- Intranet: Intranets primarily host internal content, resources, and services specific to the organization. They often
include employee directories, company news, collaboration tools, document management systems, and internal
communication platforms.

- Internet: The Internet hosts a vast amount of publicly available content, including websites, online applications,
databases, multimedia content, social media platforms, e-commerce platforms, and various other services accessible to
users worldwide.

In summary, intranets are private networks designed for internal communication and sharing within an organization,
while the Internet is a global network connecting networks and providing public access to a wide range of information
and services. Intranets focus on security, privacy, and customization for specific organizational needs, while the
Internet emphasizes accessibility and global connectivity.

(d) Explain the following network protocols. (9 marks)


I. HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol):

HTTP is a network protocol used for communication between web browsers and web servers. It is the foundation of
data communication on the World Wide Web (WWW). HTTP enables the transfer of hypertext, which includes text,
images, videos, links, and other multimedia content, over the Internet.

HTTP operates on a client-server model, where the client (usually a web browser) sends requests to the server, and the
server responds with the requested resources. The client initiates an HTTP request by specifying a URL (Uniform
Resource Locator) that identifies the desired resource. The server processes the request and sends back an HTTP
response containing the requested resource, along with a response status code indicating the success or failure of the

HTTP is a stateless protocol, meaning it does not maintain any information about previous requests or sessions. Each
request is independent of others. However, to maintain stateful interactions, web applications often use cookies or
session tokens.

II. HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure):

HTTPS is an extension of HTTP that adds a layer of security through encryption. It uses SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)
or its successor TLS (Transport Layer Security) to establish a secure connection between the client and the server.
HTTPS encrypts the data exchanged between the client and server, ensuring confidentiality and integrity.

The primary difference between HTTP and HTTPS lies in the use of SSL/TLS. HTTPS uses digital certificates to
verify the authenticity of the server and establish an encrypted connection. This encryption protects sensitive
information, such as passwords, credit card details, and other personal data, from being intercepted or tampered with
by unauthorized parties.

Websites that handle sensitive data, such as e-commerce platforms, banking portals, and login pages, typically use
HTTPS to secure their connections and protect user privacy.

III. DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol):

DHCP is a network protocol used to automatically assign IP (Internet Protocol) addresses and other network
configuration parameters to devices on a network. It simplifies the process of configuring network settings, particularly
in large networks, by dynamically allocating and managing IP addresses.

DHCP operates on a client-server model. A DHCP server is responsible for leasing IP addresses, subnet masks, default
gateways, and other network parameters to DHCP clients. When a client connects to a network, it sends a DHCP
request to the server. The DHCP server responds with a DHCP offer, which includes the requested configuration
details. If the client accepts the offer, it sends a DHCP request to confirm the lease, and the server acknowledges the
lease with a DHCP acknowledgment.

By automating IP address assignment, DHCP eliminates the need for manual configuration, reduces the possibility of
address conflicts, and simplifies network administration. It also supports the dynamic reallocation of IP addresses as
devices join or leave the network, optimizing address utilization.

Overall, HTTP is a protocol for web communication, HTTPS adds security through encryption, and DHCP automates
IP address assignment in networks.

(a) Define computer networking. (3 marks)

A network can be defined as two or more computing devices sometimes refers as nodes connected together physically
or logically in such a way that they can share resources (such as folder, file, printer and disk etc.)

(b) State two (2) advantages and two (2) disadvantages of the following network topologies (9 marks)
I. star topology
II. bus topology
III. ring topology


(c) State and explain 3 network performance criteria that every network must meet (9 marks)

Three network performance criteria: performance, reliability and security.

Performance: can be measured in many ways including on transit time and responds time, transit time is the amount
of time required for a message to travel from one device to another and the response time is elapse time between an
enquiry and a response. Generally performance of a network depends on a number of factors including the number of
users, the type of transmission medium, and the capability of the connected hardware and the efficiency of software.

Reliability: In addition to accuracy of delivery, network reliability is measured by the frequency of failure and the time
it takes a link to recover from a failure.

Security: Network security issues includes, protecting data from un- authorized access, protecting data from damage
and implementing policies and procedures for recovery from breaches and data loses.

(d) State the main function of: (9 marks)

I. crimping tool

II. RJ-45
III. cable tester

I. Crimping tool:

The main function of a crimping tool is to attach connectors, such as RJ-45 connectors, to the ends of network cables.
It is commonly used in the field of networking and telecommunications for terminating Ethernet cables. The crimping
tool enables the user to secure the connectors onto the cable by crimping (squeezing) the metal contacts of the
connector onto the individual wires within the cable, ensuring a reliable and secure connection.

II. RJ-45:

RJ-45 stands for Registered Jack-45 and refers to a standard type of connector used for networking cables, particularly
in Ethernet networks. The main function of an RJ-45 connector is to terminate the ends of twisted pair cables, such as
Cat5e or Cat6 cables, which are commonly used for Ethernet connections. The RJ-45 connector has eight pins that
correspond to eight wires within the cable, and it provides a reliable and standardized method for connecting devices to
a network.

III. Cable tester:

A cable tester is a tool used to verify the integrity and functionality of network cables. Its main function is to determine
whether a cable is properly wired and free from any faults or issues that could affect its performance. Cable testers
typically check for continuity, wiring configuration, and sometimes signal quality. They are useful in troubleshooting
network connectivity issues, identifying faulty cables, and ensuring that cables are correctly installed and functioning
as intended. Cable testers can be handheld devices or software-based tools that provide visual or audible feedback on
the status of the tested cables.

(a) Explain any three (3) types of networks based on geographical area classification (12 marks)

Personal Area Network (PAN)

A Personal Area Network (PAN) is smallest network which is very personal to a user. This may

include Bluetooth enabled devices or infra-red enabled devices. PAN has connectivity range up to 10

meters. PAN may include wireless computer keyboard and mouse, Bluetooth enabled headphones,

wireless printers and TV remotes.

Local Area Network (LAN)

A computer network spanned inside a building and operated under single administrative system is generally termed as
Local Area Network (LAN). Usually, LAN covers an organization’ offices, schools, colleges or universities. Number
of systems connected in LAN may vary from as least as two to as much as 16 million.

LAN provides a useful way of sharing the resources between end users. The resources such as

printers, file servers, scanners, and internet are easily sharable among computers.

LANs are composed of inexpensive networking and routing equipment. It may contains local

servers serving file storage and other locally shared applications. It mostly operates on private IP addresses and does
not involve heavy routing. LAN works under its own local domain and controlled centrally.

LAN uses either Ethernet or Token-ring technology. Ethernet is most widely employed LAN technology and uses Star
topology, while Token-ring is rarely seen. LAN can be wired, wireless, or in both forms at once.

Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)

The Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) generally expands throughout a city such as cable TV

network. It can be in the form of Ethernet, Token-ring, ATM, or Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI).

Metro Ethernet is a service which is provided by ISPs. This service enables its users to expand their Local Area
Networks. For example, MAN can help an organization to connect all of its offices in a city.

Wide Area Network (WAN)

As the name suggests, the Wide Area Network (WAN) covers a wide area which may span across

provinces and even a whole country. Generally, telecommunication networks are Wide Area Network.

These networks provide connectivity to MANs and LANs. Since they are equipped with very high speed backbone,
WANs use very expensive network equipment.

(b) What is a network protocol? (4 marks)

A protocol is a set of rule that governs the communication between computers on a network. This
rule includes guide lines that regulate the following characteristics of a network: access method,
allowed physical topologies, types of cabling, and data transfer.

(c) Explain fully two types of network cables (8 marks)

Twisted Pair Cable
A twisted pair cable is made of two plastic insulated copper wires twisted together to form a single
media. Out of these two wires, only one carries actual signal and another is used for ground reference.
The twists between wires are helpful in reducing noise (electro-magnetic interference) and crosstalk.
There are two types of twisted pair cables:

STP cables comes with twisted wire pair covered in metal foil. This makes it more indifferent to
noise and crosstalk.
UTP has seven categories, each suitable for specific use. In computer networks, Cat-5, Cat-5e, and
Cat-6 cables are mostly used. UTP cables are connected by RJ45 connectors.

Coaxial Cable
Coaxial cable has two wires of copper. The core wire lies in the center and it is made of solid conductor.

The core is enclosed in an insulating sheath. The second wire is wrapped around over the sheath and

that too in turn encased by insulator sheath. This all is covered by plastic cover.

Because of its structure, the coax cable is capable of carrying high frequency signals than that of twisted pair cable.
The wrapped structure provides it a good shield against noise and cross talk. Coaxial cables provide high bandwidth
rates of up to 450 m.

There are three categories of coax cables namely, RG-59 (Cable TV), RG-58 (Thin Ethernet), and RG-11 (Thick
Ethernet). RG stands for Radio Government.

Cables are connected using BNC connector and BNC-T. BNC terminator is used to terminate the wire

at the far ends.

Fiber Optics

Fiber Optic works on the properties of light. When light ray hits at critical angle it tends to refracts

at 90 degree. This property has been used in fiber optic. The core of fiber optic cable is made of high

quality glass or plastic. From one end of it light is emitted, it travels through it and at the other end light detector
detects light stream and converts it to electric data.

Fiber Optic provides the highest mode of speed. It comes in two modes, one is single mode fiber and

second is multimode fiber. Single mode fiber can carry a single ray of light whereas multimode is capable of carrying
multiple beams of light.

Fiber Optic also comes in unidirectional and bidirectional capabilities. To connect and access fiber optic special type of
connectors are used. These can be Subscriber Channel (SC), Straight Tip (ST), or MT-RJ.

(d) State the major differences between a HUB and a SWITCH. (6 marks)

The major difference between a hub and a switch lies in how they handle network traffic.

1. Hub: A hub is a basic networking device that operates at the physical layer (Layer 1) of the OSI model. It works by
receiving data packets from one port and broadcasting them to all other ports on the hub. In other words, when a packet
arrives at a hub, it is replicated and sent out to all connected devices, regardless of the destination. Hubs do not have
any intelligence to determine the source or destination of the packets. This means that all devices connected to a hub
share the available bandwidth, and collisions can occur if multiple devices transmit data simultaneously, leading to
reduced network efficiency.

2. Switch: A switch is a more advanced networking device that operates at the data link layer (Layer 2) of the OSI
model. It has the capability to read the destination address of incoming packets and intelligently forward them only to
the appropriate destination port. Unlike hubs, switches establish a direct connection between the source and destination
devices for communication. By creating dedicated communication channels, switches enable full-duplex
communication and eliminate collisions, leading to improved network performance and efficiency. Switches also have
the ability to learn and remember MAC addresses, allowing them to build a table that associates MAC addresses with
specific ports. This feature enables the switch to forward packets only to the intended recipient, reducing unnecessary
network traffic.

In summary, the key difference between a hub and a switch is that a hub broadcasts incoming packets to all connected
devices, while a switch intelligently forwards packets only to the intended destination based on MAC addresses.
Switches provide better performance, security, and efficiency compared to hubs, making them the preferred choice for
modern network deployments.


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