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Horticultural Therapy Society of NSW

The year so far . . . .

The first half of the year for Cultivate NSW has flown by, thanks to various work happening in, around and about the Telopea Centre! 1. In the Centre, the classes Hort Techniques for Therapy delivered by Ruth in the first semester have been well-received by a diverse group of enthusiastic students. (Ruth can you add something here???) In addition to the teaching program, there has been consistent administrative work and clerical maintenance for the Society taken care of by Marie and Jill. 2. Around the Centre, there has been substantive maintenance work and renewal. More detail overleaf from Marie! The modifications and new beginnings are most welcome. 3. About the Centre and the work of the Society, there have been three presentations: firstly to the National Disability Services (NDS) Statewide conference in February; secondly a Stay on your Feet Falls Prevention seminar ran by the Area Health Service, and thirdly, at the CAREX Aged Services EXPO, also in May. As a consequence, the Telopea Centre has received several visits and requests for advice and consultations regarding programmes . . Just what the Society exists for! It is heartening to see the level of interest and enthusiasm for Horticultural Therapy programs; perhaps the improved rainfall in recent months has revived the sense of possibility for gardeners and unleased the creative spirit. A special mention must be made, along with our heartfelt congratulations to committee member Anna and her husband on the arrival of son on April 27th . . . . another bloomin miracle! Much love & happiness to the family. So the Society moves into winter and time to catch breath. An invitation to host a table at the ABC Gardening Show in August, has been accepted and good preparation is required for our participation at such a high profile event.

Cultivate NSW

Issue 78 June 2008

Inside this issue: A facelift for the Telopea centre ABC Gardening Expo Book Review: Horticultural Therapy Methods Visits to the Centre 2

The Grapevine

National Conference 4

Virginia Field

Dates for your calendar

ABC Gardening Expo August 29 - 31

More site visits!

Following on from our successful site visit to the Bloomin Backyard at the Prince of Wales Hospital in March we are planning two more site visits to see Horticulture Therapy in action. Saturday 13September Central Coast Post School Options for young adults with disabilities. This is also the day of the Mt Penang Flora Festival Saturday - 1 November to Hawkesbury Skills Food for Thoughts and the Hawkesbury Earthcare Garden If you would like us to send you details of these excursions nearer the time please send an email to or leave a message on (02) 9448 6392 with your contact details email address preferred. Also, if there is sufficient interest, a community bus will provide transport; so please advise us if this would enable or assist your participation on the excursions.

AGM October 21st On-site visit North September 13 On-site visit West November 1st

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Cultivate NSW

A facelift for the Telopea Centre

TAFE programmes have been making good use of the Telopea Centre in recent months, with students coming from various organisations that support young people with a wide range of disabilities. During the mid-semester break, some welcome maintenance of the Centre was undertaken. The outside polycarbonate roofing at the rear of the centre has been repaired and cleared. The whole area is now much brighter. The seed and cutting propagation work of the students has benefited and there have been some good vegetable crops, salads and beans. Currently, landscaping work is underway around the perimeter, with bark stabilisation and improved drainage. Re-planting and the establishment of a rockery have been planned with the emphasis on waterwise gardening and ease of management. The large tree which formerly dominated the courtyard has been removed, giving much needed light to the area. In its stead, additional raised garden beds are under construction. The work is being undertaken by TAFE staff and students as part of the career courses offered. Marie Edwards

The Gardening Australia Expo

The Gardening Australia Expo will be held at Sydney Showground, Sydney Olympic Park, over three days from August 2931, 2008. The Expo will provide an inspirational experience for Sydneysiders This spectacular gardening expo brings ABC TVs popular Gardening Australia to life as its presenters appear on stage to provide advice and answer questions. Other horticultural and landscape industry experts will also be on hand to help create a dynamic, informative and inspirational event for all gardeners, from beginners to seasoned enthusiasts. There will be thousands of products to see and buy and non-stop practical gardening demonstrations and talks from several stages. Dont miss your chance to experience the exciting and inspirational Gardening Australia Expo.

Where & When: Open: Tickets:

Sydney Showground, Sydney Olympic Park August 29 - 31, 2008 9.30am 4.30pm daily Adults: $17, Seniors/Pensioners: $15, Children (5-16yrs): $6, Children (under 5yrs): FREE, Family (2A + 2C): $37. Tickets available at the door or online at


Pre-booked tickets are available for groups with a minimum of 10 people at a discounted rate. To arrange a group call (02) 9452 7583. Visit or Call: (02) 9452 7575.


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Horticultural Therapy Society of NSW

Book Review: Horticultural Therapy Methods

Horticultural Therapy Methods: Making Connections in Health Care, Human Service, and Community Programs Ed Rebecca Haller and Christine Kramer; Haworth Press NY 2006 This book is a useful guide for those who are developing horticulture therapy programs. It is especially valuable for its sections on documenting programs and outcomes. It takes the potential benefits seriously, and acknowledges that there are risks that have to be managed. A formal record makes it easier to objectively monitor a programs results . This in turn makes it possible for the HT provider to see where improvements can be made to the program. Formal documentation of outcomes is also critical if the profession of HT is to gain recognition and grow. The appendices include forms that may be useful: an Individual Program Plan and examples of Goals Activities and Measurements that might be applied in various HT settings. The book is written by people with many years of experience and teaching. Perhaps this is what gives it a slightly text-bookish tone. But along with the theory are many practical ideas. For example, in Promoting Independence on page 82, the authors acknowledge the importance of empowering individuals, and that techniques will vary depending on the client and type of program. Suggestions include: Encourage problem-solving skills by allowing group members to make choices that affect how they accomplish a task, items to add to the garden, or ways to address situations e.g. aphids on the basil plants. . . . and Supply the materials necessary for the project but rather than having all the materials in front of each person, encourage participants to scan the room for items they need, initiate a request for an item, or get it themselvs. This is an American based text so some details such as plant selection and the planting schedule for holidays such as Thanksgiving would need to be adapted to Australian conditions. But most of the content translates well e.g. adapting activities to suit the needs of participants. Figure 1. from the text , is a diagram explaining the authors definition of HT as a client centred modality using horticulture activities to meet specific therapeutic or rehabilitative goals . . . Ruth McLean

Telopea Centre visits

Seniors Week is celebrated annually in NSW in March. Like many previous years, the Society received numerous requests for presentations at events held during the week, or what seems to be developing into Seniors month! Unfortunately, the Society was unable to meet the challenge due to the work load at the Centre and available volunteer hours. Nevertheless, several promotional packages were compiled for distribution, with brochures, posters and photos, giving organisations some display materials. We are planning ahead for 2009 and trust there will be the opportunity to participate more effectively. Anyone wishing to assist with promoting the Society can contact the Centre by phoning (02) 9448.6392 or e-mail: This is a great opportunity to learn, as well as meet others with shared interests. Steve Jacques from Kurrajong Waratah Organisation (KWO) in Wagga Wagga, visited the Telopea Centre in April. Steves aim was to view the Telopea Centre facilities and gain inspiration and ideas from the raise garden beds, the pathways widths and surfaces, and planting ideas. KWO has thirty acres of land available to establish a programme for people with an intellectual disability, autism and other disabilities. The organization is inclined to grow plants suitable for aroma therapy. Perhaps this is beginnings of a commercial agriculture program similar to the Green Care initiatives widely practiced in Europe! Marie Edwards

Issue 78

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Horticultural Therapy Society of NSW Telopea Centre 250 Blaxland Road Ryde, NSW 2112 Phone: (02) 9448.6392 e-mail:

The Grapevine! Wed love to know what youre doing!

Any examples of Horticultural Therapy that your organization is working on . . . or planning to do . . . or anecdotes that can provide insights and inspiration . . . Do tell us . . . . So we can tell others!!

Cultivate NSW
Connecting people and plants

For Orchid lovers . . The Cymbidium Club of Australia (NSW) will host the National Orchid Extravaganza Venue: Date: Time: Entrance: Dural Recreation CentreEllerman Park, 25a Kenthurst Rd. Friday 8thSunday 10th August 9.00 am5.00 pm $4.00

Pretty as a Picture! A raised bed (tub) filled with herbs! Planted at the Bloomin Backyard Spinal Unit at Prince of Wales Hospital

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