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INPUT. A computer receives data via an input device such as keyboard. PROCESSING. A computer
program performs operation on the data to transform it into information. OUTPUT. A computer produces
the output device such as the monitor to display the result of the processing operations. STORAGE. A
computer stores the result of the processing operations in a storage device such as the hard disk. DATA is
the information of fact and idea. INFORMATION is data that has been organized or resent in a

INPUT DEVICE is a personal computer component that enables users to enter data or instruction into a
For many years, people used their own brain power to perform calculations. So the first computers were
people! Electronic computers were given this name because they performed the work that had
previously been assigned to people.
Everything from the food we eat to the football helmets we wear to the rockets we send into space
needed a computer’s help in some way. The Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer (ENIAC), the
first computer in history, is considered one of the most significant inventions by humans.
Military scientists started designing the ENIAC during World War II to calculate the trajectories of
artillery shells. ENIAC became a tool for Cold War weapons — the developers of the first hydrogen bomb
went so far as to say that the H-Bomb would never have existed without the ENIAC.
The ENIAC had 17,468 vacuum tubes that blew out every couple of days. It took up 1,800 square feet of
warehouse space and weighed more than 25 tons (which is as much as some of the heaviest actual
dinosaurs). And for all that, it could execute 5,000 instructions per second.
The earliest computing machines were analog, reflecting or modeling the properties of the represented
state-of-affairs. Analog representations are diverse and can be discrete, with numerical quantities
represented by factors like shaft angle or electrical potential. Examples include longer road lines, larger
windows in architectural models, and shallower water. The term "analog" is sometimes used to indicate
representation of continuously-valued quantities by another, such as speed by voltage.
Charles Babbage, who was born in 1791, is regarded as the father of computing its because he is the first
man to come up the idea of programmable computer. His design served as the blue print for other, more
complex machines. In 2000, the Science Museum also completed the printer Babbage had designed for
the difference engine.
Why did Charles Babbage invent the computer?
It was created so that it could calculate a series of values automatically. His design called for a method of
finite differences, which meant that multiplication and division would become unnecessary.
Analytical engines are controlled general-purpose computers with automatic mechanical digital
computers, punch cards, integrated memory, programs flow control, and ALU. They were the first general
mechanical computer systems for finite calculations. Difference engines are automatic mechanical
calculators designed to calculate or tabulate polynomial functions using small coefficient sets.
Babbage's Analytical Engine was a mechanical digital computer with a memory store and central
processing unit. It could select actions based on previous actions, using conditional branching. The
engine's behavior was controlled by instructions on punched cards connected with ribbons. Babbage
emphasized its generality, allowing infinite calculations.
The first generation computers are UNIVAC and ENIAC. Transistors replaced vacuum tubes. This allowed
computers to become smaller, faster, cheaper, more energy efficient and reliable than first generation of
computers. Second generations of computer used punched cards for input and printouts for output.
Early computers were meant to be used only for calculations. Conventionally, a modern computer
consists of at least one processing element, typically a central processing unit (CPU) in the form of a
microprocessor, along with some type of computer memory, typically semiconductor memory chips.
Computer is an appliance which can manipulate data in accordance with a list of instructions. In
comparison to them, modern computers have tiny integrated circuits and are much better in terms of
capacity and speed as well as accuracy.
First Generation Computers Second Generation Computers
vacuum tubes. use transistors.
computers is huge. computers is small and more portable.
Computers can be classified based on size and computing power, however, as
technology advances, these classifications tend to overlap as modern computers have
become smaller, yet more powerful, and relatively cheaper.
The general classification of computers:
Personal computer – a small, single-user computer based on a microprocessor. In
addition to the microprocessor, a personal computer has a keyboard for entering data, a
monitor for displaying information, and a storage device for saving data.
Workstation – a powerful, single-user computer. A work station is like a personal
computer, but it has a more powerful microprocessor and a higher quality monitor.
Minicomputer – a multi-user computer capable of supporting from 10 to hundreds of users
Mainframe – a powerful multi-user computer capable of supporting many hundreds of
thousands of users simultaneously.
Supercomputer – an extremely fast computer that can perform hundreds of millions of
instructions per second.
To compare, a computer with an Intel Core i3 processor, has only two cores for running
its programs and applications. Core i5 and i7 models usually only have four. Core i7
extreme processors can have six to eight cores; however, most applications cannot use
full advantage of all the cores, making the performance not in full capacity.
Computers can also be identified in several types. These types have been due to the
introduction of mobile devices and proliferation of internet-capable devices. Specialized
computers are now also classified according to specific uses. The different types of
computers are:
Desktop computers – these are computers designed to be placed on a desk, and are
normally built up of a few different parts, including the computer case, central processing
unit (CPU). Monitor, keyboard, and mouse.
Laptop computers – a battery powered computer devices which are portable hence, can
be used almost anytime, anywhere.
Tablet Computers – are handled computers with touch-sensitive screen for typing and
Smartphones – are handheld telephones which can do a lot of things that computers can
do, including browsing and searching from the internet and even playing console games.
Wearables – include fitness-trackers and smart watches that can be worn throughout the
Smart TVs – are the latest television sets that include applications present in computers.
Positive Effects
Improved access to education. There are new ways of learning such as the use of
Learning Management System (LMS) which implements educational enhancements such
as distance learning and online tutorials, virtual reality, and interactive multimedia.
Access to information and communication. The internet is widely used in communication.
Access to I is getting better as it has become available in almost all places such as
commercial establishments and public spaces. New tools have been promoted such as
VoIP phone, Instant Messaging (IM), chat, video chat, and email. In addition, ICT has
also been maximized by most individuals nowadays for leisure and entertainment such
as watching movies, playing games, or even reading news and articles, and for creating
new relationships with people around the world.
Security. With the advancement that ICT brings, individuals and organizations can solve
any security problem. Example of these are: (1) the use of encryption methods to keep
and protect data from any malicious software; (2) the use of passwords for personal
information protection; and (3) the development of physical security systems such as
biometrics in a form of fingerprint, facial recognition, iris recognition, and voice
Negative Effects
Reduced personal interaction and physical activity. Because eof virtual communication,
ironically, people are less likely of talking to or meeting others in person. And because of
the comfort of working from home and the entertainment that the internet offers, physical
activity is reduced leading to health issues such as obesity and heart disease
Security. ICT brings not only improvement but also threat to security. Data of files must
always be kept secure and safe. The internet connection must always be safeguarded
from different attacks such as data modification, identity/IP address spoofing, password-
based attacks, denial0f-service, etc. Computers should also be guarded from various
forms of viruses and malware which are released almost every day (Ajahana, 2012)
While some people apply ethical principles to the use of ICT, other simply do not, hence
the proliferation of cyber malpractices.
Following are some of the ethical issues in ICT:
Plagiarism. It is an act of theft. This occurs when a person copies another person’s ideas,
words, writing, and call it as his or her own. Those who committed such action may lead
to serious legal and ethical defilements.
Exploitation. It is an action in which one deals with a person dishonestly, unethically, and
dishonourably, in order to take advantage of the latter’s works and/or resources. This
leads to unlawful actions
Libel. It may be categorized as insult, slur, or slander. Either written or spoken or even
through actions, as long as the accusation is not true and without any evidences it may
lead to libel.
Software Piracy. It refers to an act of installing or copying of software into the computer
in the absence of an end-user licensing agreement (EULA), and/or producing a copy
disregarding the copyrights.

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