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In today's world technology is all around us and with that many modern problems have

been created like cyberbullying. What is cyberbullying? Cyberbullying is the use of electronic

communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages in a hateful or threatening

manner. To put it in simpler terms, cyberbullying refers to the misuse of electronic technology to

harass others. Cyberbullying comes in numerous forms. Hacking, negative comments and rumors

are just some of the many forms of cyberbullying. As everyone is caught up being on social

media, cyberbullying is a thing lots of people that are on the internet or social media go through.

Cyberbullying is dangerous. Cyberbullying is a multi-faced issue, however the intention

of it will always be the same. To hurt people and bring them harm. It can affect the peace of

one’s mind. According to research online, cyberbullying can affect a person's mental health and

lead to gaining depression. Cyberbullying can cause insecurities of one’s self, intrusive thoughts

that may be harmful, and if it gets to a point where it's really bad, cyberbullying can lead to

self-harm. Cyberbullying will never be positive, it will always be negative to this modern world

of technology.

There are various ways to help prevent cyberbullying. Firstly, we teach our children to

never share personal information online, this will most likely make you an easy target for

cyberbullying. Second, avoid posting incriminating explicit photos online. Never discuss

personal things on social media. Keep information limited to either family or close friends.

Never share your personal password or account information which may lead to hacking and

cause cyberbullying. Most importantly, teaching young adults, children, and teenagers the

dangers of cyberbullying, teach them what's right from wrong.

In conclusion, Cyberbullying is very dangerous and harmful to anyone who's dealing and

dealt with it. Please learn right from wrongs and if you ever get cyberbullied report it.

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