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In every undertaking, there must be something that you must learned and reflected.

Thank God that now is the last day of our inset training! Hope that everything we've learned

must be put into practice because the purpose of this INSET training is not just to comply but for

our development and school improvement too for the sake our students learning. I believed that

valuable resource that all teachers have is each other, without collaboration our growth is limited

to our own perspective.

In all honesty I was overly motivated when the inset started. Motivation is another aspect that

influences learning outcomes. I really appreciate the things I have rediscovered and uncovered

in learning about the different topics that each speaker had shared.

The topics in this INSET are timely, relevant and necessary way of teaching-learning styles.

Really informative and applicable to our work us teacher in this new normal. Thanks to all the

learnings that I had within these 5 day inset training.

As we end this five-day training, what has been reflected and what I have learned today is the

essence of CHANGE.As teachers, we should learn how to cope and adapt to changes because

knowing how to cope with it is a sign that we give a room for improvement and development. As

agents of change, we should also know how to take risk. Planning for certain goals is important.

If the plan fails, work on another plan until we reach our target.

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