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Human development policy formulation at an organisational level.

Name: Mokolobetsi Johannes

Surname: Makhanya

Student no: 56979606

Assignment no: 4

Unique assignment no: 826259

Due date: 27th July 2023

Human resource development policy for Posh clothing manufactures

Section A
1. Introduction & Purpose
2. Objectives

1.Introduction & Purpose

Human resource development is the process of developing employees’ knowledge, abilities
and skills for career development purposes, enable them to execute duties to the best of
the abilities in their various roles to ensure the smooth operations of organisations. It is
essentially organisational function, and key to the enhancement of the overall performance
of the organisation. In light of the critical role of HRD, Posh manufactures seeks to operate
in alignment with the legislation inclusive of; skills development act, labour relations act,
national skills development agency and other relevant South African laws. Furthermore,
posh manufactures considers its stuff members as the most significant assets of the
company. It understands that employees are the key to the organisation success, and that
nothing can be achieved without their engagement. Hence in policy making process,
employees are prioritised. The implementation of this policy will highly influenced by the
judgement, compliance with the local ( South African)legislation and common sense; taking
into account general needs and well-being of employees. The purpose of this policy is to
guide the stuff regarding their rights and obligations. It is to direct the employers on how
personnel should be managed; basically to outline the key aspects of how people
management should be handled.

• To ensure that all employees are aware of the policies that concerns them.
• be characterised by high standards of professional ethics
• be conducted in an accountable manner
• To promote good human resource development and practices, to maximise human
• provide direction and authority in day to day administration of human resource
• To promote fairness and creates better opportunities for skills development and
individual development for all personnel.
• To ensure that appropriate training and development is provided in line with
company’s needs.
• It ensures an integrated approach to HRD matters and inclusiveness/
• It enhances greater uniformity in HRD practices.
• It ensures greater transparency in HRD decision-making and practices.
• It creates an environment conducive to organisational and personal development
and growth.
• To develop contracts with conditions and benefits that will be competitive in the
South African labour market.
• To develop and implement plans and procedures for the effective recruitment,
selection, appointment and retention of qualified and competent employees.
• To prepare a budget and cash flow plan for the financial assistance provided in
terms of the study schemes and for the resources required to implement and
manage the schemes.
• To regularly measure progress and performance and to report to top
management on results and trends.

Section B: Policy statement and scope application

Training and development is one of the most crucial key pillars organisation’s growth and
success. Posh manufacturing pride itself in the production of high-end quality garments and
delivery to their clients (retailers) timeously. It clearly understands the significance of highly
capable and productive workforce. Furthermore it acknowledges that it needs highly skilled
workforce to meet the ever-increasing demands for its products (garments). As a result, it is
committed through established policies, to develop and advance the organisation
holistically to ensure employee satisfaction as well as organisation’s prosperity. This policy
covers all personnel inclusive of supervisors, managers (various departments from
marketing to production), departmental heads, designers, executive directors, sewers,
buyers and operators.
3. Intervention

In implementing the HRD policy, a number of mechanisms/interventions are

employed, namely skills programmes, bursaries/ employee study assistance for staff
development, training and development, reward policy, promotion policy,
recruitment policy and overtime. These interventions are varied in order to address
varying circumstances.

3.1 Recruitment policy

Recruitment and selection aim to search and hire the more suitable candidates to fill
vacancies at Posh clothing manufactures , With a view to adequately satisfy HR
needs. This search may be internal or external. Any position that becomes vacant will
be filled on application of requisition form obtainable from the organizations
website or offices. Restructured positions will only be activated upon approval by
the executives( directors )
Posh manufacturing Shall employ fair and consistent methods of recruitment and

No candidates shall be employed without being first interviewed by the

organizations interview committee. The committee shall contain at least the HRD
practitioner, supervisor in the vacant position ( working within the vacant post-
department) and an executive; from top management.
No candidate will be hired without reference checks being completed.
Posh manufacturing Shall not recruit stuff, with no minimum qualifications
depending on the vacancy; for instance, no designer will be hired without at least
theoretical designing expertise; entry level qualification in designing, or proven work
experience. Unless the recruitment committee identify a strong willed potential
candidate whom upon granted employment opportunity will enrol for a fashion
design course.

The success and adaptability of Posh clothing manufactures depend upon the
recruitment of employees who are flexible, adaptable and committed to the success
of the company . Hence, all positions will be filled transparently and strictly on merit.

3.2 Promotion policy

A promotion is a career opportunity for an employee to advance in rank or position.
This involves additional roles and responsibilities as well as salary adjustment(
increment) and re-designation. A promotion signifies managements commitment to
recognize and reward excellent performance. It motivates employees to aspire for
advancement opportunities within the organization( Posh clothing manufacturers).
Eligibility for promotion includes ;

●he or she has completed three years and two years appraisal circles in current role.
● Performance is observed consistently or increasing consistency over the years
● He or she has been recommended For grade change by their appraiser
● His or her current role is enlarged by adding some significant and constructive
● Employees working in people management role or in the middle management
roles can be considered for promotion if they are graduates preferably post

Promotions occur once a year only during appraisals. Any employee nominated for
promotions shall be mandatorily evaluated on the above criteria. In case of more
than one recommendation for the same position, employees with the higher
qualification will be considered.

3.3 Conditions of Employment.

A contract of employment stipulating all the conditions of employment shall be

signed by employees on their first day at work. On the department to the firm, staff
shall go under 3 months probationary period after which the appointment will be
confirmed upon positive performance appraisal.


All overtime is voluntary and may only be worked by agreement between employer and
employee. Maximum permissible overtime is 3 hours on anyone day or 10 hours in any 1
week. Remuneration must be at 1, 5 times the normal wage rate except for Sunday work
and work on public holidays, which must be remunerated at twice the normal wage rate.
Time off, calculated on the same formula, may be granted instead of payment, but only by
agreement with the employee.

Employees who earn in excess of the present threshold amount are not subject to the
provisions of section 10 (overtime) of The Basic Conditions of Employment Act. This means
that such employees cannot demand to be paid for overtime worked, nor can
they demand to be granted paid time off in view of payment. However, contrary to popular
belief, the employer also cannot force such employees to work overtime and cannot
demand that they work overtime without compensation.

3.4 Training and development.


The purpose of this staff development process is to enhance skills and knowledge of Posh clothing
manufactures and build their capacities to enable them to perform their jobs more effectively and to
develop them for future growth. Furthermore, Posh clothing manufactures recognizes the
responsibility to enhance employee’s opportunity to develop skills and abilities for performance
maximization within the position and For career advancement within the organization.

Both the concerned department and the HRD have a responsibility to assist in the professional
development of staff / employees.

HRD will assist in professional development process by evaluating the recommendations of

departments as well as overall KPPRA needs. HRD will also assist departments by developing and
presenting training courses. The aim and objectives of staff development is to assist the
development of each individual and thereby enhance the overall KPPRA’s performance through
improved organizational efficiency and effectiveness.

- Preparation of employees to deal with new technological and other developments.

- Development of additional work capabilities.

- Increasing the employee’s level of competence.

-Increasing the employee’s opportunities for promotion within the


- Increasing efficiency and productivity.

-Aligning the performance, efficiency and effectiveness of individuals with the overall performance
and development of organization.

The following training is mandatory for the designated group(s) of staff:

●All new employees shall attend new employee orientation within three (3)
days after their first date of employment.
● All newly hired or promoted supervisory employees shall complete a
supervisory training program.
● All employees with supervisor responsibilities shall complete coaching,
feedback, and performance appraisal of managerial competency skills.

3.4.2Needs Assessment Procedure

● It is the responsibility of the immediate supervisor to define the job descriptions or Key
Performance Indicators (KPIs) and at the end of the year Evaluate the individual on the basis of KPIs
and decide the area where performance of the employee is lacking, so that the employee can be
trained in that particular deficient area.

● At the end of each year, HRD will compile performance review appraisals for all employees. While
assessing the performance, supervisors will also be asked to rate the employees in key competencies
required to perform the job effectively.

● Any gap between the targeted level of competencies and employee’s current capabilities will be
identified as a future training need.

● The competency framework will cover job related requirements, skills, managerial effectiveness
(for Grade 16 and above) and any other relevant skills as identified by the supervisor.

●Supervisors will also be given the opportunity to identify any training need that they deem
necessary, relevance to the employee’s role in the organization, impact on performance
improvement, targeted outcome and method for evaluation of effectiveness.

●HR Department will arrange a meeting of Department Heads and Area heads to review training
program. This forum will also be used to identify group and area level training needs that may arise
because of changing business circumstances, strategic planning, change in policies and working
methodologies, technology up-gradation and strategic re-organization.

●HRD will formulate policy for the need assessment process for the
branches. Execution / Implementation will be done by each branch/ area,
through the submission of training plans to the HRD.
● The finalised version of training program will be approved by
branch/ area Head and will be sent to Director HR/ Admin & Finance for
integration with the organization level training plans.

●Department heads may recommend any training and development

activity, which would benefit the department or the staff employee.
Department and division heads are also encouraged to develop
departmental or divisional staff development programs peculiar to the
needs of the department or division.

Staff development planning

Following policies and procedures shall be used for the purpose of need assessment and staff
development planning at Posh clothing manufactures:
a) Training need shall be identified through Annual Performance Appraisal carried out for every
staff members. At the completion of the performance evaluation process, head of relevant
directorate shall identify the training requirement for staff members of his/her directorate.
b) At the end of the calendar year, all the training requirements shall be communicated to the
head of HR in the form of a report.
c) HR shall consolidate the training requirements in the form of a Staff development Plan
including the following information:
• Prioritized list of the trainings in coordination with the head of relevant directorate along
with a timeline;
• Resources required for successful completion of the identified trainings;
• Expected outcome of the training;
• Identify the funds required for the training in coordination with the head of finance
directorate for inclusion in the annual budget.
d) The staff development plan shall then be communicated to the CEO / secretary to board for

Internal trainings
“Internal Training” is defined as any conference, workshop, meeting, or other educational function
organized, facilitated, or sponsored by Posh clothing for its staff members.
The focus of these trainings is to facilitate staff of Posh clothing manufactures in performing their
day to day activities in an efficient and effective manner and to align the objectives of the staff with
the overall objective of Posh clothing manufactures
Internal training shall be considered business and not charged against annual leave. Internal training
schedules may include evenings or weekends.

External trainings
“External Training” is defined as any conference, workshop, meeting, or other educational function
organized, facilitated, or sponsored by an agency other than Posh clothing manufactures. Staff may
be allowed a maximum of twenty five (25) days per year to attend approved external training.

3.5 Compensation & Benefits

3.5.1 Posh clothing manufactures pursues a compensation policy of establishing and maintaining
consistency and equity within the organization as well as aligning its overall
remuneration policies with the marketplace. It believes in attracting and
retaining talent through a combination of monetary and non-monetary rewards
and incentives.

3.5.2 Salary Structure

Gross salary of an employee shall comprise of three (3) components, Basic Salary, house Rent
allowance and Utility Allowance. In addition to the above, the employees will be reimbursed Medical
allowance and Fuel/Conveyance, allowance as per entitlement, with monthly salary. Net Salary of an
employee will be arrived at by deducting, income tax, loans Instalment, and any other statutory
deductions from gross salary. various components of salary shall be as follows:

Basic Salary

●Basic salary of an employee shall be determined by the respective grade.

● On promotion to a higher grade, salary shall be fixed by giving appropriate increase in the basic
salary, as per grade.
● The annual increment will be on the basis of percentage of the basic salary which will vary as per
performance rating of the employee and as approved by the competent authority.

3.5.3 House allowance

An employee shall be entitled to receive from a house allowance

at 40% of the basic salary.

3.5.4 Utilities allowance

The utilities allowance for monthly gas, electricity and water charges (Residential) etc shall be
admissible to all employees at 10% of Basic Salary.

3.6 Bursary/Employee study assistance.

3.6.1 Definition
Bursaries refer to the payment by Posh clothing manufactures on behalf of
employees to undertake studies. It includes all or some of the following:
fees, registration, tuition, administration, examination and book allowance
towards Certificates, Diplomas or Degrees offered by Colleges and Universities which are relevant to
the functions performed by the Posh clothing manufactures company.

3.6.2 Objectives
The objective of the Bursary Assistance Scheme is to grant financial assistance to employees who
undertake studies in specifically identified areas, where there is a critical shortage of personnel with
suitable qualifications within the Posh clothing manufactures and where the posts cannot be readily
filled through the recruitment of qualified people.

Bursaries shall be granted only to those persons who study at recognised academic institutions for a
recognised qualification which is relevant to the functions of the Posh clothing manufactures as a
whole. Financial assistance shall also be granted to those serving employees who wish to obtain a
Junior / Senior Certificate qualification. However, studies towards post graduate qualifications may
be considered For bursaries, depending on the relevance of the course and the availability of funds.

3.6.3 Conditions under which

-Financial Assistance shall be granted to employees for the
duration of their studies, provided that the amount granted
does not exceed the cost of tuition, registration and
examination fees for the minimum number of subjects
recommended by the tertiary institution concerned.
- Employees studying towards the attainment of a qualification
which is in line with the core functions of the post, shall be
given preference in the granting of financial assistance over
those who wish to study towards a post graduate
qualifications or higher, unless it can be clearly illustrated
why preference should be given to an employee who already
has a base qualification.
- An employee receiving financial assistance who fails in any
subjects or year of study must immediately repeat the
subject(s) failed for the entire year of study, whichever is
applicable, at his/her own expense. If the employee
discontinues his/her studies or does not repeat the relevant
subject(s) or year of study, he/she shall be liable to repay the
fees that have already been paid with interest. If however,
the employee repeats the relevant subject(s) or year of study
successfully, the financial assistance granted to him/her
shall continue for the remainder of the course.
- The total period of study towards a qualification must not
extend for more than the minimum prescribed /
recommended duration as applicable to part-time study.
- The mount payable in terms of financial assistance shall be
reviewed on an annual basis by Posh clothing manufactures ,
depending on the availability of funds.
- If an employee is transferred to another department within
Posh clothing manufactures such Department shall not compel an
employee to change his/her study direction if the course is
relevant and beneficial to Posh clothing manufactures as a

3.7 Role players

The head of department is responsible for the effective training of staff and the efficient
management and administration of his/her department.
Furthermore, every head of department is responsible and accountable for ensuring that
• his/her subordinates are given the opportunity to learn within the framework of the department
and the public service
• skills development is budgeted for
• that national standards of training and development initiatives are maintained
• the workplace is converted into a learning environment
• the workforce participates in the learnership and skills programmes
Human resource development professionals are responsible for
• facilitating the development and implementation of personal development plans of staff
• facilitating the identification of accelerated development programme candidates and the
• development and implementation of accelerated development programmes for staff with
The key responsibilities of the skills development facilitator (SDF) are to
• investigate and identify patterns of people development at a strategic level
• identify key skills shortages and priorities
• analyse and report on specific skills requirement issues that may be relevant to the
development of strategic objectives
• identify strategic opportunities for on the job practical development and the promotion of
national skills
development priorities
• develop structures and systems for effective skills planning
• facilitate and coordinate training committee meetings
• advise the department on quality assurance requirements as set by SAQA.
• facilitate the implementation of quality assurance measures
• conduct annual skills audits


Every middle manager is responsible for
• actively ensuring that all employees under his/her authority are given the opportunity to
learn within the departmental career development framework.

• ensuring that there is an effective transfer of learning from the training programmes to the
• actively involving themselves with career planning, coaching and mentoring in consultation
with employees to develop them to their full potential and ensuring that they are available for
appointment in increasingly responsible positions that become available in the public service
Every employee is responsible for
• determining, together with his/her supervisor, training and development needs and personal
developmental plans
• demonstrating a willingness to learn and grow through work experience
• accepting responsibility and taking the initiative for his/her training and development
• taking full advantage of the training and development opportunities available to him/her
• applying the knowledge and skills learnt to improve his/her work.

Question 2

• 2.2 Sustainable development goal no 4

Obtaining a quality education is the foundation to improving people’s lives and sustainable
development. Major progress has been made towards increasing access to education
at all levels and increasing enrolment rates in schools particularly for women and girls.
Basic literacy skills have improved tremendously, yet bolder efforts are needed to make
even greater strides for achieving universal education goals. For example, the world has
achieved equality in primary education between girls and boys, but few countries have
achieved that target at all levels of education.( 2030 agenda and Sustainable development
goals document).

Posh clothing manufactures can address and contribute to this goal by creating and
administering external bursary schemes; with aim to promote quality and sustainable
education. For instance, they can provide financial aid to educators from their selected
schools to further develop themselves in order to provide quality education and training.
They can further offer learnerships and internships in their company as part of the
sustainable development initiative. The organization can also get involved in csi( corporate
social investment) wherein they gave to their community through schools. They can donate
items such as switch boards, tablets; help improve the classroom conditions, make a
provision of internet access and just the overall smooth functionality of selected
schools(inclusive of FET colleges) with aim to address the quality education target. The
previously discussed will be addressing the issue of inadequate skills levels and poor work
readiness of many young people formal secondary and tertiary entering the labour’s market
for the first time. This will translate to the betterment of people’s lives/beneficiaries lives.

2.2 Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.

Climate change is now affecting every country on every continent. It is disrupting national
economies and affecting lives, costing people, communities and countries dearly today and
tomorrow. People are experiencing the significant impacts of climate change, which include
changing weather patterns, rising sea level, and more extreme weather events. The
greenhouse gas emissions from human activities are driving climate change and continue to
rise. They are now at their highest levels in history. Without action, the world’s average
surface temperature is projected to rise over the 21st century and is likely to surpass 3
Celsius this century —with some areas of the world expected to warm even more. The
poorest and most vulnerable people are being affected the most.
Affordable, scalable solutions are now available to enable countries to leapfrog to cleaner,
more resilient economies. The pace of change is quickening as more people are turning to
renewable energy and a range of other measures that will reduce emissions and increase
adaptation efforts.( 2030 agenda and Sustainable development goals document)

•Firstly, Posh clothing manufactures can Integrate climate change measures into their
organisation’s policies strategies and planning. Secondly, improve education awareness-
raising and human institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact
reduction and early warming through campaigns.
• Furthermore, it can promote mechanisms for raising capacity for effective climate change-
related planning and management in least developed areas including focusing on women,
youth and marginalized communities.

•Turning off the lights in the office in the evening, slightly lowering the heating or the air
conditioning or taking devices off the plugs when it’s not needed . Moreover, by paying more
attention to other daily routine actions, Posh clothing manufactures can slightly reduce their
energy consumption and, thus, their impact on the climate.

• Optimize Employees’ Transportation

Transportation is one of the largest sectors of greenhouse gas emissions. By encouraging

employees to take public transit, to carpool with other colleagues living close by, giving
them discounts on public transportation or by creating a common transport, Posh clothing
manufactures can significantly reduce their indirect CO2 emissions and therefore their
impact on climate change.

• Promote environmentally friendly ways of working

Some ways of working are more ecological than others: telecommuting, for example, has
many ecological advantages. One can also consider video conferences that avoid employees
traveling by car for meetings with clients. Paperwork’s also have a strong environmental
impact, as does computer work and the Internet because of servers. Sometimes, avoid to
copy an entire company( Posh clothing manufactures)in an e-mail that only concerns one
department can save a lot of CO2 emissions.

Question 3 (Reflection)

Lesson 02 has really been an eye opener, but most significantly informative and enjoyable. I
took interest more in Policy formulation part of the lesson. I honestly did not know the great
lengths that an organization must undergo if they desire to formulate a new policy. Further,
I realized the great attention to detail that an organisation have to pay in creating their
policies. I lastly embraced the importance of policies in every organisation.

What I absorbed and will definitely apply in my organisation is contributing towards

amending existing policies and incorporating new ones. This due to the fact that the
organisation lacks policies and I know have a better understanding as far as policy creation
is concerned. Furthermore, I will encourage the organisation to engage more in csi
initiatives with aim to address some of the sustainable development goals such as for
instance, going green; purchasing and using eco-friendly products to avoid negatively
impacting the environment.



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