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By signing this learning agreement, I commit to the following terms and conditions of
Jose Rizal Memorial State University in the implementation of Flexible Learning
System. Specifically, I commit to observe the following:

1. That I must observe all guidelines of the state pertaining to the prevention of
COVID, specifically to stay home, to observe physical distancing and the use
of face masks when interacting with others.
2. That I shall prioritize my health and safety while I comply with all the
necessary learning activities and assessments needed in my enrolled courses.
3. That I will exhaust all means of complying the requirements at home or in a
less risky place and location that will not allow me to be exposed to other
4. That I have already read and understood all instructions pertaining to my
enrolled courses.
5. That I commit to do all the learning activities diligently, following deadlines
and the learning guide enabling me to deliver the course requirements.
6. That I commit to answer all forms of assessment in the learning package
7. That I shall initiate in giving feedback to my instructor at least once every two
8. That I shall not reproduce or publish any part of the learning package content
without the written consent of the University and the author/s.
9. That I shall not commit any form of plagiarism in all course requirements.


Name and signature of student Date signed

Name and signature of parent/guardian Date signed

Contact Number of Parent/Guardian

**Please email the signed copy of this learning agreement to your instructor as soon as you have
received the learning package.
PHILOSOPHY Jose Rizal Memorial State University adheres to the principle of dynamism and
cultural diversity in building a just and humane society.

VISION A dynamic and diverse internationally recognized University.

MISSION Jose Rizal Memorial State University pledges to deliver effective and efficient
services along research, instruction, production and extension.
It commits to provide advanced professional, technical and technopreneurial
training with the aim of producing highly competent, innovative and s elf-renewed
GOALS Jose Rizal Memorial State University focuses on developing graduates who are
exemplars of Rizal’s ideals that can:
E– xhibit relevant and responsive competencies across disciplines towards
X– enial delivery of services;
C– ommunicate ideas proficiently in both written and spoken form;
E– ngage in lifelong learning;
L– ead effectively and efficiently amidst socio-cultural diversity;
L– ive up the challenges of the global community;
E– mbody professional, social and ethnical responsibilities;
N– urture a harmonious environment;
C– onserve and promote Filipino cultu ral heritage; and
E– valuate their contribution to the loca l and global communities.


This course offers an introduction to basic components of fitness through movement education and daily fitness
workout. This course emphasizes a great awareness of fitness and wellness. Physical Education activities will
contribute in maintaining a healthy development of an individual physically, mentally, socially and emotionally.
Students will participate regularly in physical activity routine that involves muscle movement and increase
physical fitness.


1. Demonstrate the dynamism needed in various situations to apply the attributes of the VMGO.
2. Refine and interpret the meaning of physical education
3. Identify the four aspects that will develop your personality
4. T o contribute to the helpful and healthy development of the individual physically, me
ntally, socially and emotionally
5. Assist students on developing habit’s and skills.
6. Improve motor skills.

True or False Directions: On the space provided before each item, write TRUE when t
he statement is factual and FALSE when it is erroneous.

_________1. Movement Enhancement is a group of practitioners from multiple discipline

with the goal of providing therapeutic.
__ ______2. Bend is to move your body around into a wide axis.
_________3. Integrative function refers to the enhancement of the individual growth and
dev elopment through body and movement.
_________4. Physical aspect refers to the people exercise to make the body strong and heal
_________5. In strength boys are always superior to girls.
_________6. Emotional refers to our feelings.
_________7. Axial movements are movements that bring one person from one place to an
_________8. Twist is to move a body around a point.
_________9. To elevate a part of the body is to raise.
_________10. To point is to touch the floor with the toes.

The next section is the content of this unit. It contains vital information of the topics
based on the learning outcomes. Please read the content.


Definition and Scope of Movement Enhancement

Movement Enhancement Defined

There are many definitions of Movement Enhancement; different authors give different views
as regards to its definition.

● Creates functional and comprehensive training programs for any athlete in any sport.

● Is a group of practitioners from multiple discipline with the goal of providing therapeutic.

Physical Education

Is a learning process which takes place through physical activities. A process of learning ?
about oneself, requiring leisure, time skills, developing social attitudes and relationship
improve motor movement skills, and increased physical fitness.
Aims of Physical Education

To contribute to the helpful and healthy development of the individual physically, mentally,
socially and emotionally through physical activity that involve muscle movement.

Basic Motor Movement skills

● Balance
● Accuracy
● Agility
● Control
● Strength

3 Functions of Physical Education

● Biologic – refers to the enhancement of the individual’s growth and development through
the body movement.
● Integrative – refers to personality integration achieve through participation in properly
selected physical education activities
● Social Function – consist of transmitting values and standards that are consisting with
needs and ideas of society.

4 aspects in Physical Education which develops in our personality

1. Physical Aspects – refers to the body of people exercise to make our body strong

2. Social Aspects – refers to the association with the other people.

3. Mental Aspects – Individual develops his mental capacities as he learns the mechanical
principles underlying movement.

4. Emotional Aspect – refers to our feeling. Makes our feeling our that makes our life longer.

Purposes of Physical Education

● is to develop optimum physical fitness and health of the individual so that he is capable of
living the “Good Life” and of contributing to his maximum capacity to the attainment of the
goals of the new society.

● Physical Aspect
● Mental Aspect


1. Head – is the upper part of the body. It supports the face and is maintained by the
skull, which is itself encloses the brain.

2. Trunk – the main part of the body.

a. Chest region – part of the body encloses by ribs and breast bones

b. Waist – part of the body immediately below ribs and above the hips.

c. Abdominal region – part of the body cavity between diaphragms.

d. Buttocks – the back of a hip that forms one of the fleshy parts on which a person sits.

e. Back – is the large area of a human body.

3. Upper extremities or upper limb

a. Hands – consist of fingers and palms.

b. Wrist – joint connecting forearm and hand.

c. Arms – the upper arms, elbow, and lower arms or forearm.

d. Shoulder girdle – bones on the upper arms.

4. Lower extremities

a. Feet – consist of toes and heels

b. Ankle – the connecting the foot and legs.

c. Legs – thigh, hamstring, lower legs and knees


There are two types of body movements:

1. Axial Movements – are movements done by a part or several parts of the body in
stationary place.

a. Bend or flex – to move the body or part of the body around a wide axis.

b. Lift, raise – to elevate a part of the body or the whole body to a desired level.

c. Stretch, extend, straighten – to lengthen a apart of the body.

d. Twist – to move a body around a long axis.

e. Circle – to move a body around a point.

f. Swing – to move continuously from one point to the other.

g. Turn, rotate – to change direction to move around an axis.

2. Locomotor Movements – are movements done from one place to the other.


a. Walk – is a series of steps in all direction.

b. Run – is a walk with longer strides and there is a push-off by the foot to suspend the body
momentarily in the air.

c. Hop – is a spring on one foot and land on the same foot.

d. Skip – is a step and hope with the same foot in one count.

e. Leap – is to spring on one foot and land on the other foot.

f. Jump – is to spring on both feet and land on one or both feet.


a. Point – to touch the floor with the toes, the knees well extended.

b. Step – to transfer weight from one foot to the other.

c. Place – to touch the floor with the whole of the foot with slight body weight on it.

d. Spring – to push off the leg or legs in the air. It is a combination of a bend knees and leg


● FIRST PART – preparatory command, tells the class what part of the body is to make the
movement is to made.

● PAUSE – gives time for the class to think what is to be done.

● SECOND PART – command of execution tells the class what to do. This is usually a verb
in imperative form. (TOUCH!)

EXAMPLES: Right Foot Forward. Touch!

Trunk forward …….. Bend!

Arms upward ……… Raise!

Feet apart sideward. Jump!


Bend – To flex or bend a joint.

Circling -- Moving the part prescribed in a circle.

Dress -- To look in the direction commanded and see that the line is straight.

Face -- To turn the whole body to right or left or about, without changing place.

Fling -- To throw or raise the arms very quickly.

Halt -- To stop walking, running, or doing a certain movement.

Hop -- To spring on one foot and land on the same foot in any direction.

Jump -- To spring on one or both feet and land on both feet in any direction.

Leap -- To spring on one foot and land on the other foot in any direction.
March -- To start to walk.

Place -- (a) To put the hands in a certain position or place of the body.

(b) To take the stride or walk-standing position.

Position -- To stand at attention, in fundamental position with the feet parallel and close
together, arms at the sides, trunk and head erect, and eyes front. It is the starting position.

Raise -- To lift the part of the body prescribed straight up in the direction commanded.

Rest -- (a) In place – To stand at ease as you like, but keep one foot in its place.

(b) To be at ease or rest yourself as you please.

Rotate -- To turn the part prescribed around its long axis.

Sideward -- To move in straight line to the side.

Sink -- To resume the fundamental position with the heels, toes, legs, or arms In the same
manner that they were raised.

Stride -- To brace the feet apart with a distance of the individual’s own two-foot length
between the heels.

Stretch -- To extend a flexed joint; consequently, it is necessary to bend before we stretch.

Twist -- Torsion of the head or trunk.



The class forms one line (or two lines) along the side of the gym (room or playground), with
the shortest girl on the right and the others arranged by height to the tallest on the left.


Command: Fall-In! The class forms one or two ranks standing side by side, the shortest girl
on the right, the others by height down on the tallest on the left.


Command: Class-At-tention! With a push from the ball of the left foot, bring left foot to the
right, feet together (heels and toes together). Arms at the sides, head up, and eyes front.
Weight over the center of the feet.

Command: Class – at – Ease! A rest position. The left foot is placed sideward about twelve
inches. Weight of body equally distributed, body relaxed.


a. Command: Dress right (left) – Dess! (closed interval)

Turn head sharply over the shoulder in the direction indicated except the guide girl. All place
the left hand on the waist or hip, fongers forward, thumb behind, wrist relaxed, elbow straight
sideward except the end girl. The elbow to touch the neighbor till there is no crowding or
three or four inches apart from each other.

b. Command: Dress right (left) – Dress! (long interval) Turn the head sharply over the
shoulder in the direction indicated except the guide girl. Each girl except the one at the end of
the line extends her left arm, the tips of the fingers touching the shoulder of the next girl, and
all align themselves to the right (left).

c. Command: Dress forward – Dress! This command is given when the class is in column
formation or one behind the other. Each individual raises arms forward and moves forward or
backward until the fingers touch the one in front.


a. Command: Ready—Front! (For Dress right or left) Arms are dropped quietly and smartly
to the side and heads turned to the front.

b. Arms—Down! (For Dress forward)


Different types of formation can be used in any exercises.

The following formations are recommended.









_____1. It is to stand at attention, in fundamental position with the feet parallel and close
together, arms at the sides, trunk and head erect, and eyes front. It is the starting position.

_____2. It is to flex or bend a joint.

_____3. It is to lift the part of the body prescribed straight up in the direction commanded.

_____4. It a walk with longer strides and there is a push-off by the foot to suspend the body
momentarily in the air.

_____5. It is to spring on both feet and land on one or both feet.

_____6. To transfer weight from one foot to the other.

_____7. Preparatory command, tells the class what part of the body is to make the movement
is to made.

_____8. Movements done from one place to the other.

_____9. Movements done by a part or several parts of the body in stationary place.
_____10. To move continuously from one point to the other.

_____11. To move the body or part of the body around a wide axis.

_____12. To move a body around a long axis.

_____13. To move a body around a point.

_____14. To spring on both feet and land on one or both feet.

_____15. Moving the part prescribed in a circle.

_____16. To throw or raise the arms very quickly.

_____17. To extend a flexed joint; consequently, it is necessary to bend before we stretch.

_____18. To resume the fundamental position with the heels, toes, legs, or arms In the same
manner that they were raised.

19-20. Two types of Body movements.



1. How can the personality of person developed through the Four Aspects in Physical
Education? (10 points)


2. What is Physical Education and How important is Physical Education? (15points)



Directions: Make a video of yourself interpreting all Locomotors movements. Submit it on

our Group messenger on or before the date as reflected in your study schedule. Given is the
Rubrics below.


Knowledge of Excellent Good Acceptable Partial Minimal

(25 pts) (20 pts) (15 pts) (10 pts) (5 pts)

Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Remembers a few of the

Memory of the excellent good knowledge of some steps/ movements and
routine and knowledge of knowledge of the knowledge of tries, but looks lost and
execution of the the the interpretation. the out of sync with the
moves looks true to interpretation interpretation. Some errors(3- interpretation, music.
the moves that were and does it Few errors, 5 errors) but unsure of
choreographed. well. however it does causing brief some
not interfere pause in movements.
with performance. Sometimes
performance. hesitates and
makes several

Technical skills Excellent Good Acceptable Partial Minimal

performed with
great attention
Pointing toes, back to quality of performed with performed with Only some Although remembers
straight, arm movement, attention to attention to understanding some, little attention paid
placement is not body position, details of most details of of technical to how movements are
sloppy, moves are placement on technique, has technique, but elements (ie. done or other details.
executed smoothly. the attained hasn't attained footwork,
choreography proficiency on proficiency yet. quality of
and other the Some technical movements,
details. Also choreography. errors. body positions)
demonstrates demonstrated
an excellent in performance.
of the
Performance Excellent Good Acceptable Partial Minimal

able to engage communicates communicates generally not very focused,

Projection and the audience with audience and facial and focused, but concentrated or
cheerful facial completely and facial and body only some committed to
expressions. Is through the body expression. attempt made performance.
confident with performance. A expression. Occasionally to grab
movements. true joy to loses focus. attention of the
watch! audience with
eye contact and
good facial

Rhythm/Tempo Excellent Good Acceptable Partial Minimal

Staying on count and Shows a Accurate in Generally Shows a basic

with the beats of the complete beat, tempo, accurate in understanding
understanding rhythms of beat, tempo, of tempo and Attempts to keep a
of tempo and dance rhythms of beat, but falls rhythm, but gets off beat
beat and stays sequences choreography behind and/or and speeds up or falls
on rhythm throughout sequences most speeds up in behind often. Doesn't
throughout the choreography. of the time. places or follow beat in music.
choreography. makes errors in


Choreography/ Formation Directions: Make (draw) a simple choreography using the

formation for three figures. For the steps, use the types of locomotor movements for every
figure. There will be 16 counts for each figure. Use the space below to draw your formation
and the locomotor movement for each figure

NOTE: after you finish your choreography, there will be an online practicum for your


Direction: Make a vlog reciting the Vision, Mission, and Goals of JRMSU and discuss what
you’ve understood. As a student how can you apply the VMGO to help the university meet
the standards?


At the end of the chapter, the learners will be able to:

 Analyze fitness as the major goal of Physical education;

 Define and interpret the meaning of physical and its relevance to wellness
development as well as to their course;
 Provide students with fundamental knowledge of good posture and movement in all
action, where it is needed;
 Develop coordination, flexibility and power after indulging into its varied physical
 Recognize the importance of healthy living;
 Demonstrate body conditioning exercise;
 Conditioning exercise for physical fitness test;
 Demonstrate the components of physical fitness;
 Recognize the safety measures for physical conditioning;
 Get used to warm-up exercises;
 Prepare for testing activities; and
 Do conditioning or developmental activities.

Health and Fitness

Skills-related Components of Physical Fitness

1. Agility- the ability to change direction quickly.

2. Balance- the ability to remain stable even when moving.

3. Coordination- the ability to use vision, touch and muscles sense.

4. Power- simply defines as the ability to release maximum strength.

5. Reaction time- the amount of time it takes to make a physical response once you see the
need to takes to make a physical response once you see the need to take an action.

6. Speed- the rate at which one covers distance in a short period of time.

Health-related Components

1.Cardiovascular fitness- from the word cardio, which means heart, the ability to exercise at
an elevated heart rate for a designated time while supplying adequate oxygen to the body.

2. Flexibility- the ability to move joint with ease through to the normal range of motion and
muscles to their fullest extent.

3. Endurance- the ability to exercise without tiring in a long period of time.

4. Strength-the ability to exert force against resistance in a short period of time.

5. Body composition- ideally, a state in which body does not exceed 25 percent of the total
body composition.

Physical fitness is essential to healthy growth and development. The components of

physical fitness can be grouped into two categories: Skills related and Health related.

The emotional aspects stated that the participating in leisure time activities, games
and spots related are satisfaction, attitude and values.

The kinds of physiological benefits can be derived from participating in sports related


The main regular exercises, physical fitness helps the individual:

1. Competence in movement and motor skills in any various physical activity performances.

2. Habitual physical activity participation to achieve and maintain good health.

3. Understanding various movement concepts, participles and tactics as they apply to the
learning physical activity.

4. Valuing physical activities for enjoyment, as part of socialization.

5. Minimize stress response.

6. Delay aging process

7. Improve posture movement and appearance by strengthening muscles that support the

8. Improve organic function.

9. Prevent heart ailment.

10. Improve assessment through fitness tests that support fitness and health goals.

11. Achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.

12. Participate regularly in lifelong physical activity.

Physical Education and Health Safety Guidelines

This guideline includes procedures that help prevent accidents or injury in Physical
Education classes and activities. It should be recognized that many safety guidelines and
cooperation to all class activities.

1. Teachers need to be aware of the medical background and physical limitation of every

2. Teachers must inform their students the locations of the fire chains, fire exits, and
alternative routes from the beginning of the semester.

3. Consideration must also be given to informing parents of activities that takes students off
the immediate school proper (e.g. fun run, camping)

4. Teachers are not only looking at activities that include contact, but also at issues
surrounding body contact.

5. Teachers must demonstrate that all proper precautions will be taken in the interest of
student safety.

6. A fully stuck first-aid kit must be readily accessible in the gymnasium.

7. Teacher must inform their students to use clean comfortable clothes and shoes.

8. Exercise either in the morning or in the late afternoon when it is not so hot.

9. Teachers have the recommended qualifications and experience for sports education.

10. Teachers are recommended to supervise student’s first aid training.

11. All records of inspections, using the facilities regularly inspected.

Equipment and facilities are safe measures to minimize any potential risk to students.

12. Severe exercise must be avoided unless the individual is young and athletic.

13. There in not one form of exercise. It depends on what the individual can achieve.

14. Medical information of the student is communicated through school medical clinic with
the supervision of the teacher.

PE- MOVEMENT ENHANCEMENT (Movement Patterns: Exercise-

Course Description

This PE-1 Movement enhancement is one of the important courses to develop and understand
the scientific basic movements to help students to be aware of physical literacy, which help
an individual to move completely and confidently in all types of environments. This course is
being offered to prepare the students for the advance learning of movement.

The Science of Human Movement

The human body movement is a movement of a body segment toward the midline of
the body. Circumduction is a movement where the joint is the pivot and the body segment
moves in a combination of flexion, extensions, adduction and abduction.

The type of movement that can be produced at a synovial joint is determined by its
structural type.

While the socket joints gives the good range of movement at an individual joint.

Movement kinds are generally paired, with the opposite side of the other.

Body movements are described in relation to the anatomical position of the body.

Upright stance, with upper limbs to the other side of the body and palms facing
Function of the Skeletal System
Physiological functions

1. Provides a site for blood formation.

2. Serves as storehouse for calcium which is essential for nerve conduction, blood clotting
and energy formation.
3. Plays a role in our immune function.

Structural functions

1. Gives support to the body.

2. It protects the delicate organs in the body.
3. Bones are rigid lever of locomotion.

The Skeleton is divided into two groups:

1. Appendicular skeleton- which is composed of the upper extremity and lower extremity.
2. Axial skeleton- which is composed of the skull, ribs, trunk, vertebral column, and pelvic.

Factors Influencing Bone Health

1. Heredity- Heredity is an important determinant of bone mass density (BMD).

2. Nutritional status- Nutrition is important in maintaining bone health.
3. Hormonal status- The hormones estrogens plays an important role in attaining bone mass.
While the females can develop a lower peak bone mass than females with regular
monthly period.
Acceleration on the rate of bone loss is also likely to happen o menopausal women
due to loss of estrogen.
4. Activity Level- children and adolescents should participate in high impact activities for the
bone development.
Thoracic cage (Ribs – 1-7 true, 8-12 false, 11-12 floating. Sternum-1)

Pectoral Girdle
a. Clavicle (2) – collarbone
b. Spacula (2) – shoulder blade
c. Humerus (2) – long bone of the upper arm

Upper Extremities
a. Radius (2) – shorter and lateral bone of the forearm
b. Ulna (2) – medial and longer bone of forearm
c. Carpals (16) – wrist bone
d. Metacarpals (10) – long bone of the hand
e. Patella (2) – the knee cap
f. Tibia (2) - medial and larger two bones of the lower leg
g. Tarsal (14) the bones in the ankle
h. Metatarsals (10) – long bones in the foot that are concave on the plantar or lower surface
i. Phalanges (28) – bones of the toes and fingers

Kinds of Muscle Fiber

Muscles are the exert forces; thus are the major contributor to human movement.
Muscles are used to hold a position, to raise or lower a body part, to slow down a fast moving
segment, and to generate great speed in the body or in an object that is propelled on the air.
The muscles only have the ability to pull and create a motion because it crosses a joint.
The tensions is developed by the muscles applying compression to the joints, enhancing their
stability. It some joint positions, however, the tension generate by the muscles can act to pull
the segment apart and create instability.

Muscle Tissues’ Properties

Four Properties of Muscle Tissues

1. Irritability – is the ability to respond to stimulus.

2. Contractility – is the ability of the muscles to generate tension and shorten when it
receives sufficient stimulus.
3. Extensibility – is the muscles’ ability to lengthen, or stretch beyond the resting length.
4. Elasticity- is the ability of the muscle fiber to return to is resting length after the stretch is

Functions of Muscles
Skeletal muscles perform a variety of different functions, all of which are important to
efficient performance of the human body. The three functions relating specifically to human
movement are contributing to the production of skeletal movement, assisting in joint stability,
and maintaining posture and body positioning.

1. Produce movement
Skeletal movement is created as muscle actions generate tensions that are transferred
to the bone. The resulting movements are necessary for locomotion and other segmental
2. Maintain Postures and Positions
Muscles actions of a lesser magnitude are used to maintain postures. This muscle
activity is continuous and results in small adjustments as the head is maintained in position
and the body weight is balanced over the feet.
3. Stabilized Joints
Muscle actions also contribute significantly to the stability of the joints. Muscles
tensions are generated and applied across the joints via the tendons, providing stability where
they cross the joint. In most joints, especially the shoulder and the knee, the muscles spanning
the joint via the tendons are among the primary stabilizers.
4. Other Functions

a. Muscle support and protect the visceral organs and protect the internal tissues from
b. Tension in the muscle tissues can alter and control pressures within the cavities.
c. Skeletal muscles contribute to the maintenance of body temperature by producing heat.
d. The muscles control the entrances and exits to the body through voluntary control over
swallowing, defecation, urination.

d.1. Muscle tissue is made up of cells called fibers that have ability to contract or shorten, in
order to produce a pulling force.
d.2. Muscles are also extensible, and are elastic so that they can stretch and then recoil and
resume to their normal resting length.
d.3. Muscles are also electrically excitable, so that they can be stimulated to contract by nerve

Skeletal Muscle Structure

Groups of Muscles

Group of muscles is contained within the compartment that are defined by fascia, a
sheet fibrous tissue.

Three Compartment of the Thigh

1. Anterior compartment (Quadriceps femoris)

2. Posterior Compartments (Hamstrings)
3. Medial (Adductors)

Muscles Architecture

Two Fiber Arrangements of the Muscles

1. Parallel Fiber arrangement. The fascicles are parallel to the long axis of the muscles.
These muscles run in the same direction as the whole muscles.

Five Different shapes of Parallel Fiber Arrangement:

a. Fusiform – Biceps Brachii

b. Strap – Sartorius
c. Circular – Orbicularis Oris
d. Convergent – Pectoralis Major
e. Flat – External Oblique

2. Penniform Fiber Arrangement. The fiber runs diagonally with respect to the central
tendon running the length of the muscles. The shape is feather like because the fascicles are
short and run at an angle to the length of the muscles. The muscle do not pull in same
direction as the whole muscle.

Three Different Shapes of Penniform Fiber Arrangement

a. Unipennate – Semimembranosus
b. Bipennate – Gastrocnemius
c. Multipennate – Deltoid

Two Kinds of Muscle Fiber

1. Slow-Twitch Fiber Types – Slow – Twitch, or type I, fibers are oxidative. The fibers are
red because of the high content of myoglobin in the muscle. These fibers have slow
contraction time and are well suited for prolonged, low-intensity work. Endurance athletes
usually have high quantity of slow-twitch fibers.
2. Intermediate and Fast-Twitch Fiber Types – Fast-Twitch, or type II, fibers are further
broken down into type IIa, oxodativeglycolytic, and type IIb, glycolytic. The type IIa fiber is
a red muscle fiber known as the intermediate fast-twitch fiber because it can sustain activity
for long period or contract with a burst of force and then fatigue. The white type IIb provides
us with rapid force production and then fatigues quickly.

Role of muscle

In the performance of a motor skill, only a small portion of the potential movement
capability of the musculoskeletal system is used.

Origin Versus Insetion

Origin- the attachment closest to the middle of the body, or more proximal and this
attachment is usually broader.
Insertion- The attachment farther from the midline, or more distal. This attachment usually
converges to a tendon.

Developing Torque
A muscle controls or creates a movement through the development of torque. Torque
is defined as the tendency of a force to produce rotation about a specific axis. In the case of a
muscle, a force is generated in the muscle along the line of action of the force and applied to
a bone, which causes a rotation about the joint (axis).

Muscle Action Creating, Opposing and Stabilizing Movements

Agonist Versus Antagonist

Agonist- muscles creating the same joint movement

Antagonist- Muscles opposing or producing the opposite joint movement. The antagonist
must relax to allow a movement to occur or contract currently with the agonists to control or
slow a joint movement.

Stabilizers and Neutralizers

Produce movement

1. Muscle tissue is made up of cells called fibers that have ability to contract of shorten, in
order to produce a pulling force.
2. Muscles are also extensible, and are elastic so that they can stretch and then recoil and
resume their normal resting length.
3. Muscles are also electrically excitable, so that they can be stimulated to contract by nerve

Three Types of Muscles in the Body

1. Skeletal muscles
Voluntary muscles attached to the bones of skeletons
2. Smooth muscles
Involuntary muscles, hollow organs like small intestines and blood vessels
3. Cardiac muscles
Involuntary muscle, heart

Skeletal muscle distribution with corresponding contents

Body Region, Muscle Area, Contents

Upper Extremities

Arm (deltoid, biceps, triceps)

Forearm (brachioradialis, pronator, supinator)
Fingers ( thana muscle, hyposthenia muscles )

Lower Extremities

Upper leg (rectus femora, quadriceps, hamstrings)

Lower leg ( gastrocnemius muscle, tibias anterior )
Upper back ( trapezius, erectors spine)
Lower back (gluteal)
Body Regions

Head and Neck region – head houses the brain and major sense organs; framework of the

Trunk (or torso) – the central part of the body

2 Sections:

Upper Extremeties
1. Arm
2. Forearm
3. Hand

Lower Extremities
1. Thigh
2. Leg
3. Foot


1. Superior – above or toward the head

2. Inferior- below or towards the lower part of the body
3. Anterior- towards the front of the body
4. Posterior- towards the back of the body
5. Medial- at or near to the center plane;or in the inner side of the body
6. Lateral- away from the center plane of the body
7. Proximal- nearer to the center of the body
8. Distal- farther from the center of the body



1. Active range of motion – Limb is actively moved; with muscle contraction

2. Passive range of motion – Limb is passively moved; No muscle contraction

Spinal column

A. Flexion
B. Extension
C. Lateral Flexion
D. Rotation

Shoulder Girdle

A. Abduction
B. Adduction
C. Depression
D. Elevation

Elbow joint

A. Pronation
B. Supination
C. Flexion

Wrist joint

A.. Flexion
B. Extension
C. Adduction
D. Abduction
F. Extension

Hip Joint

A. Flexion
B. Extension
C. Adduction
D. Lateral rotation
E. Medial Rotation
F. Abduction

Knee Joint

A. Inversion
B. Enversion
C. Dorsi Flexion
D. Planter Flexion
1. A coronal or frontal plane divides the body into dorsal and ventral (back and front, or
posterior and anterior) portions.
2. A transverse plane, also known as an axial plane or cross section , divides the body into
cranial and caudal ( head and tail ) portions.
3. A sagittal Plane divides the body into sinister and dexter ( left and right ) portions.

Physical Wellness is one of the important states of well-being and capability of each
individual to design the optimum required personal fitness programs for improving and
maintaining the level of health.

Strength is the ability to sustain the application of force without yielding or breaking the
ability of muscles exert efforts against resistance.

Flexibility – determines how far you can bend, and it depends on how far you can stretch
your muscles without tearing them. Flexibility helps to prevent injuries by decreasing the
tension of muscles. It helps to reduce muscle soreness and enhances certain types of athletic
performance. The best way to improve your flexibility is by slow, deliberate stretching can be
dangerous and ineffective.

Four Basic Movements in Flexibility

1. Flexion- bending of body segment

2. Extension- straightening of body segment
3. Abduction- moving a limb away from the body
4. Adduction- moving the limb toward the body


Shoulder: Abduction
Internal Rotation
External Rotation

Hip: Extension (flex knee)

Flexion (flex knee)
Extension (straight leg)
Flexion (straight leg)

Knee: Flexion

Ankle: Dorsi Flexion

Plantar Flexion
Trunk: Flexion
Lat. Flexion

Muscle Endurance-
Cardiovascular Fitness-
Body Composition-

Reaction Time

Exercises for Fitness

Healthy living and physical fitness are closely connected. Exercise regularly, everyday if
possible, is the single most important thing you can do for your healthy lifestyle.
A person who makes different physical activities and exercise helps to control appetite,
boosts mood, and improves sleeps. In the long term, it reduces the risk of heart problems,
stroke, diabetes, depression, and any related diseases.

Physical Activity is defined as any related movement that spends power, flexibility.

Exercise also promotes positive physiological changes, such as encouraging the heart to give
a good condition more readily.
It also helps your nervous system which controls your heart rate and blood pressure.


Basic Movement Patterns

One of the basic activity exercise movement is simply exercise classification, which due to
popularity has formed the foundation of exercise selection. Once a strength and conditioning
instructor determines which basic movement patterns are essential for the students or athletes,
they will devise a battery test of different movements.

For example, a physical fitness test program movement pattern of a track and field is a
horizontal pulling action, as a result there is a vital component of their training program.

Example of Basic Movement Patterns

Hip Hinge

This category of exercise is comprised of exercises that involve a hinging motion at the hip
joint, movement with a little knee movement. This hip dominant kind of exercise is initiated
by a contraction of the hip extensors and spinal erectors to extend the hip.

This kind of exercises tends to be more of pulling action.

The following are examples of hip hinge exercises:


Exercises are designed to challenge the pelvic complex muscles to prevent some any rotation
in the transverse plane and improve stiffness and stability of the spine.
There are some exercises that help dual purposes and sometimes the purposes are potentially
more effective in or body parts.

The following are anti-rotation exercises:

1. Horizontal Palov Press

2. Single-Arm Dumbbell Chest Press

3. Single-Arm Rows

Types of Stretching

1. Passive Assisted Stretching- a partner assists the stretching.

2. Static Stretching- Technique is widely used and effective techniques of stretching. This
technique involves passively stretching a given antagonist muscle by placing it in maximal
position of stretch and holding it there for an extended time at least 3 to 6 seconds. The best
way to improve flexibility is to do it progressively.

3. Ballistic Stretch- involves an explosive, bouncing rhythmic movement of a specific part

of the body.

Basic movement skills are very important to an individual, if the students have properly
learned the basic skills they are confident and competent enough to develop complex
movement skills that will allow them to enjoy any sports and physical activity without
hesitation. They will surely move with ease and free from injuries.

Two Practical Principles:

1. Use all the joints that can be used.

The forces from each joint must be combined to produce the maximum effect.

2. Use every joint in order.

This principle tells us when the joints should be used. Movement should begin with
big muscle group and move out through the progressively smaller muscle, from big to small.



 Calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI)

Body Mass Index- is a measurement of a persons weight with respect to his/her height.

Formula to get the BMI:

Weight (in kilograms)
Height (in meters)2
Sample Computation:

56 (kilograms) 56
meters) 2
Below 18. 5 Underweight
18.5 – 24.9 Normal
2.25 = 25.0 – 29.9 Overweight 24.89
(Normal) 30.0 - Above Obese

Write your BMI in the space provided below.



Test # 1
Standing Long Jump
Test #2
Stork balance stand test
Test #3
40 meter Sprint
Test #4 (males)
Regular push ups
Test #5 (females)
Knee push ups
Test #6
Shuttle run
Test #7
Sit and reach
Test #8
Test #9
3-minues Step test

Let’s do this.

Test 1

Answer the following;

this policies and guidelines on the physical education course. (10pts.)
video for
on how to
get the
result of the

2. Discuss the main objectives of Physical Education Curriculum. (10pts.)


3. Enumerate health and safety guidelines in physical education.


Test 2

Directions; Identify all the bones that belong to the axial and appendicular

Axial Skeleton Appendicular Skeleton

Test 3

1. Briefly explain the importance of the muscular system. (15pts)


2. Enumerate the factors influencing bone health. (15pts)


3. Explain the difference between static stretching and ballistic stretching. (10pts)
Test 4

1. Discuss briefly the importance of physical activity. (15pts)


2. Briefly explain the science of human movements. (20pts)


3. Explain the difference between static stretching and ballistic stretching. (10ps)

4. Enumerate the types of stretching. (10pts)

Activity 2

Directions: Make a vlog sharing what have you learned from this subject. (5 minutes)

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