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Emily Soto

November 25,2022

ECET 3040

Written assignment 6

Learning standards in assessment activity communicates how a child learns. It

also communicates how a child performs. How they understand objects. When using

standards in assessments it allows for an educator to observe, document, and assess a

child’s development and also their learning. Something that I can understand is,

learning standards determine the meaning or sense of words and phases. It includes a

lot of figurative language. The role of early learning standards in assessment is the skills

that children develop and acquire. It deals a lot with concepts and what a child is

learning. “Their purpose is to support the development and well-being of young children

and to foster their learning”. (Early Learning & Development Standards. 2022)

The concepts of assessments are gathered and discussed from multiple and

diverse places to understand the development and understanding of a student. This is

to see and understand where a child is academically. There are three types of

assessments that help teachers and schools to understand the important information on

a students reading process and on their needs. The three types of literacy assessments

are diagnostic, summative and formative. All three of these help teachers and schools

provide a child with all the necessary tools to be successful.

As I was reading and reviewing the reading, something that stood out to me was

when I read the Early Reading Assessment: A Guiding Tool for Instruction, rocket
readings. As I was reading, it helped me to understand in a more in depth way about the

role of early learning standards in assessment activity. I understand that educators use

this to evaluate a child's learning. “These assessments provide teachers with the

information needed to develop appropriate lessons and improve instruction for all

students, including students with disabilities (Rhodes & Shanklin, 1993)”. (Reading

rockets. 2022). The role of early learning standards in assessments is to provide

students with the necessary tools to succeed.

It helps a teacher to understand the skills a child may still need help in

developing. In the reading assessments and evaluation it discusses that children

develop and learn in different times and in different ways. It discusses the different signs

and different problems a child may encounter while learning. It discusses the signs a

parent and teacher can look out for. This is when the role of early learning standards in

assessment activity plays an important part in the learning. When planning

assessments it is important to remember that all children learn differently from one

another as it stated in the article. When developing an assessment it's always a good

idea to develop more than one assessment and word it differently to see which is better

for a child to understand.

Communication, language and literacy is all made up of the same thing, which

includes language for communication. It involves how children become communicators.

There are many forms of communicating. They include facial expressions, eye contact

and hand gestures. This is something to keep in mind when doing assessments.

Considering all the ways a child can learn. “Language communication begins before

birth. Infants become attuned to sounds of their families voices when they are in the
womb”. (Helping young children learn language and literacy: Birth through

kindergarten.2020) This goes hand and hand with the diagnostic assessment.

Diagnostic assessments are sets of written questions such as multiple choice or short

answer. These assessments assess a learner's current knowledge which is based on

current views on a topic and issues to be studied in the course.

Diagnostic assessments and communication, language, and literacy complement

one another. The reason is because they both work with one another. Diagnostic

assessment involves collecting information students already know about a topic.

Communication, language and literacy are the tools that students use to study the

information for diagnostic assessments. Communication is used to ask questions if

extra information is required to study information in test taking. Diagnostic assessment

is one of the most important aspects of language teaching and learning. All

assessments have a main purpose which is to make summative evaluations and to

provide instructional feedback to help learners progress.

The importance of diagnostic tests in education is having a student's diagnostic

test results. This can help teachers formulate lesson plans that fill the gaps in the

student's current capabilities.(ASSESSMENT IN LANGUAGE LEARNING)

Diagnostic assessments should be used to determine how much information a student

knows about a subject. This is a fast and easy assessment to gather information from a

student easily. “A standardized diagnostic assessment uses well-defined testing

methods to evaluate a student’s knowledge, and identify any existing gaps”.(Diagnostic

Assessment in Education: Purpose, Strategies, Examples.2022) This is an easy on the

go test that can determine a child's ability to learn .

This type of assessment can be used in any setting. It can be used in an early

childhood setting as well as in a college setting. This can benefit my program because

this is a quick and easy assessment that can be used to help write process reports. I've

used this when gathering fast information I needed for one of my students. It’s easy to

use and it's very easy for students to take. It can be used as a multiple choice or as an

open ended assessment. For example, teachers can call up a few students and ask

them to share what they know about a specific subject.if someone works in an early

childhood setting this can also be used. If the subject is the four seasons and you would

like to know what the child remembers from the lessons, questions can be asked to

measure the child's learning.

After an assessment the next steps would be to continue measuring the child’s

learning. Include more learning information. Reassess the student. The way a teacher

can utilize the information gathered through assessment is by developing daily

instructional strategies, have goals set to strengthen the students learning, monitor the

students progress to keep the developmental milestones a student might make and

understanding where the student is academically. These are ways to keep track after an

Assessment and Evaluation. Reading Rockets. (2022)

Early Learning & Development Standards.(2022)

Early Reading Assessment: A Guiding Tool for Instruction.Reading Rockets (2022)

Helping young children learn language and literacy: Birth through kindergarten.2020


New York State Next Generation English Language Arts Learning Standards.


New York State Next Generation English Language Arts Learning Standards.(2022)

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