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1. Making your conversation more interesting: Making a Personal Comment Giving Opinions Justifying and Developing Opinions and Arguments Agreeing and Disagreeing Showing Interest Saying Yes and No Thinking Time and Fillers How to not answer a question

2. General conversation skills useful expressions Conversation Strategies Introductions and Greetings Asking for and Giving Directions Conjunctions / Linking Words Non-sexist Language Indirect Speech

3. Business Presentations Simple Presentations Business Presentation Tips Making Presentations Expressions for Presentations Communication Skills Signposts

4. Interaction in the business world Business Interaction Formal Meetings Survival Language Idioms in the Business World

5. Social Communication in the business world Business Socialising Skills 12 Tips for making Small Talk Socialising Language in Business Situations

6. Business Correspondence Structuring a Business Letter Expressions for Business Letters Business Correspondence in English

7. Using the Telephone Telephone English Useful Expressions for making Telephone Calls Tips for getting people to slow down

8. Useful Information Complete Grammar Tense Explanations 100 Essential Business Nouns 100 Essential Business Verbs Business Letters Dictionary False Friends - Cognates

Section 1 Making your conversation more interesting: Making a Personal Comment Giving Opinions Justifying and Developing Opinions and Arguments Agreeing and Disagreeing Showing Interest Saying Yes and No Thinking Time and Fillers How to not answer a question

Making a Personal Comment

When making a personal comment, the following example phrases used at the start of the sentence show the speaker how you feel. You are uncertain: It seems that Presumably Apparently Apparently he was quite pleased.

How did he react to the news? You next comment is surprising: As a matter of fact Strangely enough Actually

Why did they ask Susan to leave? Your next comment is obvious: Clearly Obviously Of course

Actually, she asked for a transfer.

How did she feel when she was fired?

You had some good / bad fortune: Im pleased / sorry to say Fortunately / Unfortunately Luckily / Unluckily

Obviously she was very upset.

How were the sales figures?

You are being honest: Actually To be honest Frankly

Unfortunately, they were very bad.

The new model is a big improvement. Something is confidential: Between you and me Dont repeat this, but

To be honest, I think it is a bit too expensive.

What do you think of the new boss?

Between you and me I think he is a bit cold and unfriendly.

Giving and Asking for Opinions

Although you dont need any specific phrases to give opinions, a few opening words will: show other people that you want to start speaking (useful in meetings). give you a little thinking time to organise what you are going to say. show how strongly you feel.

Here are a few examples: Informal, direct language The point is Frankly Basically I suppose Actually Wait a minute

Formal, indirect language I tend to feel that It seems to me that May I come in here? I wonder if I could say something? Well, from my point of view Dont you think that perhaps ?

After giving your own opinion, you need to ask other people for their opinions and keep the discussion moving. Here are a few examples: Informal discussion What do you think then, Paul? What about you, Joanne? Pablo?

Formal meeting How do you feel about that, Paul? Whats your reaction to that, Joanne? Would you like to add anything, Pablo?

Useful Expressions for Opinions and Statements

Stating your Opinion It seems to me that In my opinion, I am of the opinion that I take the view that .. My personal view is that In my experience As far as I can see, As far as I understand, As I see it, From my point of view As far as I know From what I know I might be wrong but If I am not mistaken I believe one can (safely) say It is claimed that I must admit that I cannot deny that I can imagine that I believe I think I suppose Personally, I think That is why I think I am convinced that I am certain that I am sure that I am not sure, but I am not certain, but I am not sure, because I don't know the situation exactly. I am not convinced that I have read that I am of mixed opinions (about / on) I am of mixed opinions about / on this. I have no opinion in this matter.

Outlining Facts The fact is that The (main) point is that This proves that What it comes down to is that It is obvious that It is certain that One can say that It is clear that There is no doubt that

Justifying your opinion and Developing an argument

Smoking should be banned. This is a very sweeping, general statement which needs to be justified in more detail. Here are some ways of doing this: 1. Explain by giving an example: Smoking should be banned. For example, thousands of people die every year from smokingrelated diseases. For example If I could give an example For instance .

2. Give real / true / surprising information: Smoking is bad for your health. In fact, it is bad for everyone around you too. In fact As a matter of fact Actually

3. Make a contrast: Smoking in public places should be banned. However, it is a personal freedom so should be allowed in certain places. All the same Even so However

4. Add another, different idea Smoking should be banned. Whats more, alcohol should be banned too. Besides (that) Whats more In addition (to that)

5. Define more exactly Smoking should be banned. At least it should be banned in public places. At any rate At least

6. Give a result or consequence Smoking is bad for your health. Therefore, it should be banned. Therefore ... As a result ... Because of this So

7. Talk generally On the whole, smoking is a bad for you and those around you. On the whole In general As a rule

8. Summarise Smoking is unhealthy, expensive and anti-social. In a word, bad. In short In a word To put it simply

Using the above techniques is a good way of avoiding the use of the same structures every time you give and justify your opinions. For example, in answer to the question What do you think ? most students tend to reply with I think . Then, when the person asks Why?, the automatic reply is usually Because . However, by using the various example phrases for giving opinions, coupled with the above techniques, you can improve your conversation drastically!

Useful Expressions for Linking Arguments

Linking arguments First of all, I think Not only that, but I also think that Not only are they , they are also They are not , nor are they There are various / several / many reasons for this. First, Second, Firstly, Secondly, Moreover, Furthermore, In addition, Another significant point is that Finally, On the one hand, On the other hand, In contrast to this is Because of That is why After all, The reason is that In that respect The result of this is that Another aspect / point is that It is because Although it is true that it would be wrong to claim that That may sometimes be true, but One could argue that , but

Providing Examples Take for example (the case of) Look at For instance For example Let me give you an example.

Additions and Conclusion Most probably It appears to be It is important to mention that... As I already indicated In other words, I am most concerned about I should like to repeat once again that I should like to emphasise that I would (just) like to add So all in all I believe that... (In) summing up it can be said that Weighing the pros and cons, I come to the conclusion that

Agreeing and Disagreeing

I think Italian food is fantastic. Agreeing If you agree with someone then it isnt really a problem, so you can use any phrases you wish. Here are some examples for the above statement on Italian food: 1. Use a standard phrase for agreeing Yes, youre right. Me too. Yes, I think so too. Yes, I agree. So do I. Yes, thats true.

2. Use another word that means the same (a synonym) Yes, its marvellous. Yes, its absolutely delicious.. 3. Make a general comment Yes, all Mediterranean food is. Yes, its one of the best in the world. 4. Give an example Especially spaghetti I love Italian ice-cream.

Disagreeing If you disagree with someone then you need to be more careful. Dont be too direct! Here are some examples for the above statement on Italian food: 1. Use a standard phrase for disagreeing Im afraid I dont really agree with you. Im sorry, I really dont agree with you. Im not sure I agree with you. The position of the adverb really can change the meaning of the sentence: I really dont agree with you. I dont really agree with you. Strong disagreement Less direct disagreement.


2. Yes . but This is the best way of disagreeing with someone be positive and agree to a certain extent and then give your own opinion. You dont have to use the actual word yes the idea is to agree at first, but . Perhaps thats true, but Thai food is better. Well, its okay, but I prefer Spanish food. 3. Ask an open question Do you? Really? 4. Ask a negative question Isnt it all just tomato and herbs? Dont you think its a bit boring ? Isnt it a little difficult to prepare? Are you sure? Do you think so?


Useful Expressions for Agreeing and Disagreeing

Agreement There are many reasons for There is no doubt about it that I simply must agree with that. I am of the same opinion. I am of the same opinion as I completely agree with I absolutely agree with

Qualified Disagreement It is only partly true that... I can agree with that only with reservations. That seems obvious, but That is not necessarily so. It is not as simple as it seems. Under certain circumstances

Disagreement There is more to it than that. The problem is that I (very much) doubt whether This is in complete contradiction to What is even worse, I am of a different opinion because I cannot share this / that / the view. I cannot agree with this idea. What I object to is Unlike I think


Showing Interest
In conversation, it is important to show interest in what the other person is saying. A conversation isnt just a monologue, followed by another monologue you need to interact and show that you are listening! Remember, your intonation and tone of voice are VERY important here. The way you say the words can drastically change the meaning! Look at these dialogues: Ive just come back from France. Have you? France! Where did you go? Mary is in hospital again. Again? What a pity. I must go and see her. Were thinking of buying to a larger flat. Are you? Where are you thinking of moving to? Marks looking for a new job. Mmm, Im not surprised.

The different techniques used are: Echo questions (repeating the auxiliary verb) Have you? Are you? Echo words (repeating key words) France! Again? Wh- questions Where did you go? Where are you thinking of moving to? Personal responses What a pity. Mmm, Im not surprised.

Here are some examples of how to show interest: Showing attention: Right. Sure. Yes. Yeh. Mmm. Uhuh. Really!/? How interesting! No! Echo questions: Did you? Are they? Was it? Have you? Cant they? Doesnt she? Echo words: Four hundred! Six months! All over the world! China! All day! Wh- questions: What happened? Why was that? Where did you go? Why has she left? Personal responses: Interest: Pleasure: Agreement: Sympathy: Surprise: No surprise: Really? That sounds interesting. Really! Fantastic! Great! Wonderful! Wow! Exactly. Of course. Sure. Certainly. Clearly. How awful. What a pity. Poor you. What a shame. No! Thats strange! Good heavens! Mmm, What a surprise.


Saying Yes and No

You could answer all of the following questions simply with the words Yes or No. However, that doesnt make for a very interesting conversation, does it? Also, it isnt usually very polite to answer in such a simple, direct way. Look at these examples of how to make you replies more effective. Saying Yes 1. Positive reply Is this your first time in Bilbao? Yes, it is. I didnt expect to see so many tourists this time of year. You speak German, dont you? Yes, thats right, although Im not fluent.

2. Agreeing Its really hot today. Yes, it is, isnt it? Its boiling. Chinese is a difficult language. Yes, its probably one of the most difficult languages.

3. Accepting an offer of help Do you want hand with those? Oh, thanks very much. Id appreciate that. Would you like me to carry that? Oh, thats very kind of you.

4. Giving permission Can I have a glass of water, please? Of course. Help yourself. Could I use your telephone, please? Certainly. Please go ahead.

5. Emphasis Will you let me know by next week? Yes, of course. Would let me know if there is a problem? Absolutely.

6. Passing an object

Is the file over there? Yes, here you are. 14

Saying No 1. Negative reply: Is this your first visit to Barcelona? No, it isnt, actually, I was here last summer. You can speak English, cant you? No, Im afraid not.

2. Disagreeing Your sister is very similar to you, isnt she? Do you think so? He seems quite pleased with the results. Really? Im not so sure about that.

3. Refusing an offer of help Would you like a hand with that? No, thanks. I can manage. Do you want me to carry those for you? No, its alright, thanks.

4. Refusing a request Please could you give me a lift to the airport? Actually I cant, its a bit inconvenient right now. Can I pay by credit card? Im sorry, but its against company policy.

5. Emphasis Will there be any delay with that? No, of course not. Is there likely to be a problem? No, absolutely not.


Thinking Time and Fillers

When you speak you can use certain words and short phrases to give you time to think and to show where you are going in your conversation. These are called fillers. Here are some examples showing us what the speaker is expressing: Gaining time to think: Well you know Explaining what you just said: I mean Well You, go on a diet! I mean, youre hardly fat, are you? Are you going to the beach this weekend? Well, you usually do, dont you? Well, let me see. She was a bit, you know, strange.

Saying something is surprising or true: Actually In fact As a matter of fact Going back to a previous topic: So Anyway So, what were you saying about your boyfriend? Anyway, going back to what we were talking about Its a really good restaurant, Actually, its probably the best in town. Yes, I enjoyed my trip to London. In fact, Im going again next month. Aliens exist! As a matter of fact Ive seen one!

Saying something is not worth worrying about: Still Changing the topic: So By the way Anyway Closing a topic: So Anyway Ending the conversation: Anyway (followed by a long pause) Anyway, Id better get going or Ill be late. So, thats about it, really. Anyway, enough said about that. So, what are you doing this weekend? By the way, did you get the email from the office? Anyway, did you see that film on TV last night? Still, I suppose it could be worse, couldnt it?

As you can see, many of the words can be used in different contexts. For this reason, tone of voice and intonation are important when you use these words.


How to not answer a question Students always feel they have to answer a question when asked, and answer it in a positive way. However, what happens if you cant or dont want to answer! It is possible that you have no idea of what to say. What do you do in these circumstances? Unfortunately, most tend to stay silent with a confused look on their face while trying to think of something to say!
Here are some ideas to help in this situation and fill the silence: 1. You could start by using a filler phrase: Mmm. Difficult / Good question. Thats a difficult / good question. Okay, let me see. Mmm. Let me think.

2. You could then repeat or paraphrase the question 3. Then you could go on by admitting that you dont know (perfectly acceptable): I have (absolutely) no idea. I dont (really) know. Im not (really) sure.

3. After that you could make suppositions: Perhaps Maybe Its possible I suppose I might

4. You could finish then with a negative response: but I definitely + negative grammar but Im (quite) sure + negative grammar However + negative grammar

Here are some simple examples: What will you do this weekend if the weather is fine? Mmm. Good question. Let me see. I dont really know. Perhaps I will do the garden, or maybe I will go to the beach, but I definitely wont do any English homework. What would you do if you won the lottery. Wow! Thats a difficult question! Now, what would I do? I have absolutely no idea. I might travel round the world or perhaps I would buy an island. However, I am sure I wouldnt stay here.


Section 2 General conversation skills useful expressions Conversation Strategies Introductions and Greetings Asking for and Giving Directions Conjunctions / Linking Words Non-sexist Language Indirect Speech


Conversation Strategies
Getting Someone's Attention When you want to start a conversation, you need to first get the other person's attention. There are many ways to do that. Below are some common expressions that you can use. Starting an informal conversation Listen (to this). Listen up. Get a load of this. (Americanism) Look at this. Guess what? Guess what I just found out. Have you heard the latest? Did you hear the news?

Starting a more formal conversation Can I talk to you? Do you have a minute? Let's sit down and talk. May I have a word with you?

Example dialogues: Dialogue 1: (between 2 friends) Ann: Jim: Ann: Jim: Guess what? What? I'm getting married next month. Congratulations! Who's the lucky guy?

Dialogue 2: (between 2 co-workers) Ken: Joe: Ken: Hey, did you hear the news? No. What news? Tom has got the sack. (*to get the sack = to get fired)

Dialogue 3: (between a boss and his employee) Boss: Jim: Boss: Jim: Jim, do you have a minute? Yes. Let's sit down and talk. Of course.

Dialogue 4: (between a boss and his employee) Jim: Boss: Jim: Boss: Mr. Tanaka. Do you have a minute? Yes. May I have a word with you? Of course. Come in, sit down.


Back Channelling Back channelling signals are used in the course of a conversation to indicate to the person we are talking to that you are paying attention. Below are some common expressions that you can use. Showing you are listening Yes. Right. Uh-huh. I see. OK.

Encouraging the other person to keep talking Yes. Go on. Yes. Keep going. And?

When the other person is repetitious So you just said. I get the point already. I know already. I think we've covered that already.

Example dialogue: Dialogue between 2 friends Jim: Joe: Jim: Joe: Jim: Joe: Jim: Joe: Jim: Joe: Jim: Joe: I had a day off yesterday... I see. ... so I went on a date with my girlfriend ... And? ... and we went to see "Lost in Translation". Uh-huh. What's it about? Well, it's about two American people - they are strangers, and ... Yes. Keep going. and they met by chance in Tokyo... Right. And? and these two people are strangers ... So you just said.


Showing disbelief or surprise During a conversation, someone might tell you something that is surprising, outrageous, or even doesn't seem to be true. How can you express your surprise or disbelief? What should you say in response? Below are some common expressions that you can use. Showing disbelief or surprise Really? No kidding! Are you serious? You're making this up, aren't you? No way! (Informal) Are you pulling my leg? (idiom) (to pull someone's leg = to fool someone)

Responding to something outrageous or really surprising You've got to be kidding! You've got to be kidding me! I can't believe it! Unbelievable! Come on! (Informal) Get out of here! (Informal) That blows my mind. (Informal)

Example dialogues: Dialogue 1: (between 2 friends) Joe: May: Joe: Listen to this. A 60-year-old woman gave birth to a baby yesterday in Italy. You're making this up, aren't you? No, it's in the newspaper.

Dialogue 2: (between 2 friends) Kim: Ann: Kim: Ann: Kim: Ann: Kim: Ann: Do you remember John? You mean our school friend? That's him. He was in last week's national singing contest... And? ...and he won first prize! Get out of here! John is tone-deaf! I know. Unbelievable!


Agreeing and disagreeing In a conversation, you may agree totally with what the other person said, or you may agree partially, with reservation. On the other hand, you may mildly or even strongly disagree with the other person. What can you say in each of these situations? Below are some common expressions that you can use. Showing total agreement Absolutely. Exactly. Indeed! That's for sure. You're right. I totally agree with you. I agree with you a hundred percent. I couldn't agree with you more. Can't argue with that. Couldn't have said it better. We see eye to eye on this. (idiom) (Meaning: We agree totally on this)

Showing partial agreement You may be right. Well, perhaps (you're right). You might have a point there.

Showing mild disagreement It may be so, but ... I'm not sure if I agree with you totally there.

Showing strong disagreement I'm afraid I disagree with you. I'm afraid I can't agree with you. I couldn't disagree (with you) more. Im sorry, but I disagree completely. You've got that wrong. (informal) You're dead wrong. (informal)

Example dialogues: Dialogue 1: (between 2 friends) Jim: Joe: Jim: Listen to this. They are going to ban smoking on the beach in Los Angeles. Really? That's good news. I think they should do the same here. Exactly!

Dialogue 2: (between 2 friends) Ann: Liz: Guess what? I've made an appointment to have a nose job next week. A nose job? Are you for real?


Ann: Liz: Ann: Liz:

Yeah! What's wrong with that? If I look better, I'll feel better. I'm not sure if I agree with you totally there. Looks are not that important. What's important is your personality. You're dead wrong, Liz! Looks are everything for a woman. Well, I'm afraid we don't see eye to eye on this.

(*a nose job = cosmetic surgery on the nose)

Asking Someone to Repeat In a conversation, you may not be able to get everything the other person has said. It may be because the person speaks too softly, or too fast, or may be there are words or expressions you don't know. In these cases, it is perfectly OK to let the other person know that you have trouble hearing him/her. You can use some of the phrases below. When you want someone to repeat what they just said I beg your pardon? Pardon me? Excuse me? What did you say? What was that? I'm sorry. I missed that. I didn't quite get that. (Meaning: I didn't quite hear or understand that.) Could you repeat that? Say that again? (Informal) Come again? (Informal)

When someone speaks too fast Could you speak more slowly? Slow down! I can't follow you! (Informal)

When someone speaks too softly Could you speak a little louder? Speak up. I can't hear you. (Informal)

Example dialogue: Dialogue between a customer and a computer salesperson Salesperson: Customer: Salesperson: If you buy this computer today, you'll get a 30% discount, which means you only have to pay 1598.98. I'm sorry. Say that again? If you buy this computer today, you only have to pay 1598.98 - a 30% discount!


Checking For understanding When having a conversation with someone, we always want to make sure that we understand what each other is saying. It is a good conversational strategy to check, from time to time, if the person you are talking to understands what you are saying. When, on the other hand, being asked if YOU understand what the other person is saying, you should respond honestly - that is, if you don't understand, say so, and ask the person to repeat. Below are some useful expressions which you can use. When you want to make sure someone understands you (Do you) understand what I'm saying? (Do you) know what I mean? (Do you) know what I'm talking about? Does that make any sense? Do you follow me? Are you with me? With me so far? You know? You see? Right?

When you understand what someone is saying I see what you're saying. I see what you mean. I know what you mean. I know. I understand what you're saying. I'm with you. I hear you. I hear what you're saying.

When you don't understand what someone is saying I don't get it. I don't follow you. I'm not sure I get your point. I'm not sure I know what you mean.

Example dialogues: Dialogue 1 (between a father and his son) Son: Dad: Son: Dad: Son: Dad: I want to leave school. Are you serious? Yes! I'm smart, I don't need to go to university... Listen. I don't care how smart you are, if you don't have a good education, you can't get a good job these days. Do you know what I mean? Yeah, I suppose so. Education is the most thing for you right now...



OK, I see what you mean.

Dialogue 2: (between a computer instructor and a student) Instructor: To send an email, you just have to click on this button, type in the email address, or you can select an address from the address book. Do you follow me? I don't get it. What address book?


Clearing up misunderstanding Misunderstandings do occur in conversations. When someone misunderstood what you said, how can you point that out? Or, when you are not quite sure what the other person is saying, what can you say to encourage the person to give you an explanation? Below are some useful expressions which you can use. When you are misunderstood That's not what I meant. That's not what I said. I didn't mean that. I didn't say that. You've got me wrong. I didn't mean to give you that impression.

When you want an explanation What exactly are you trying to say? What do you mean to tell me? What's your point? I didn't get that.

Example dialogue: Dialogue between a man and his girlfriend Jim: Ann: Jim: I really envy Scott. His girlfriend is so beautiful. What exactly are you trying to say? Am I not beautiful? No! I didn't say that...


Interrupting In a conversation, sometimes we would like to interrupt the other person to add our own view, to tell our own story or experience, or to voice our disagreement. We can interrupt without being rude by using some useful phrases, such as the following. Interrupt and add a comment May I say something here? Could I just say something? May I add something here? I want to add one thing ... I have a similar experience ... Let me tell you a similar story of mine. Sorry, could I interrupt for a moment? (formal) I wonder if I could comment on what you have just said please? (formal)

Interrupt and voice your disagreement Now wait a minute here. I don't agree with you. (strong) Excuse me for interrupting, but I don't really agree with you on this point. Hold on a second. I disagree. I think you are wrong. (informal)

Example dialogues: Dialogue 1: (during a meeting) Chairperson: Staff A: Chairperson: Let's move on to the next item on the Agenda, and... Sorry, could I interrupt for a moment? Of course, go ahead.

Dialogue 2: (between a husband and a wife) Wife: Husband: You don't care about me and our daughter anymore. All you care about is work and playing golf and ... Now wait a minute. I don't agree with you. I spent the whole evening yesterday with you and our daughter!


Useful Expressions for Introducing and Greeting People

Greeting People Hello. / Hi. Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening.

Introducing People What's your name? My name is I am

Haven't we met (before)? Yes, I think we have. Yes, I think so. No, I don't think we have. No, I dont think so. I think we've already met. I don't think we've met (before).

This is Meet Have you met ? Yes, I have. No, I haven't. Yes, I think I have. No, I don't think I have.

Hello, (name). Nice to meet you. (informal) Nice to see you again. Pleased to meet you.

How do you do? (formal)

How do you do? (reply)

Saying Goodbye (It was) nice meeting you. Good bye. Bye. Take care. See you.



See you later. See you soon. See you tomorrow. See you next week. Have a good weekend. Good night.

How are you? How are you doing? Hows it going? How are things? Fine, thank you./thanks. Not too bad. Very well. I'm okay. Im all right. Not too well, actually.

What's wrong with you? What's the matter with you? Are you all right? Im tired. Im exhausted. Ive got a cold.


Useful Expressions for Asking for and Giving Directions

Asking and Giving Directions How do I get to ? What's the best way to ? Where is ? Please could you tell me where is? Go straight on (until you come to ). Turn back. Go back. Turn left / right (into street). Go along . Cross Take the first / second road on the left / right It's on the left / right. Go past

Useful words opposite near close to next to between at the end (of) on / at the corner behind in front of behind (just) around the corner traffic lights crossroads junction sign post


Linking words
1. When you want to add to your argument or emphasise a statement and further next also furthermore secondly as well as in addition thirdly moreover additionally

2. When you want to make comparisons similarly likewise in the same way equally.

3. When you want to highlight contrast although conversely even so for all that otherwise despite however yet in spite of on the contrary but

4. When you want to show differences or similarities yet even so despite notwithstanding.

5. When providing reasons for this reason since to this end so that. for this purpose because

6. When explaining results as therefore as a consequence thus as a result inevitably hence so

7. When providing examples for example this demonstrates for instance to illustrate in other words by way of illustration such as

8. When drawing conclusions as has been noted to summarise so finally consequently in other words in brief therefore accordingly in short in conclusion


More Linking Words and Phrases

Sequence first, second, third next finally moreover also to summarise the first one.. Addition an additional furthermore also as well as Cause for since because of Effect so as a consequence thus hence due to as a consequence of to affect Emphasis undoubtedly obviously admittedly in fact actually particularly clearly Comparison similarly also as and just like likewise too just as like similar indeed generally in theory as a matter of fact theoretically especially as a result therefore consequently to result from as a result of to result in because as in addition whats more and firstly secondly, thirdly last in addition furthermore in conclusion

the second. another ..


to be similar to to be alike to compare to/with Contrast however nonetheless although though yet in spite of in comparison whereas on the contrary Example for example that is including

to be the same as not onlybut also

nevertheless still even though but despite in contrast while on the other hand but

for instance such as namely


Transitional Devices
To Add: and equally important nor what's more again finally too moreover and then further next in addition besides furthermore lastly first (second, etc.)

To Compare: whereas however where vis a vis meanwhile but nevertheless compared to but after all yet on the contrary up against although in contrast on the other hand by comparison balanced against conversely this may be true but

To Prove: because obviously besides in any case for evidently indeed that is since furthermore in fact for the same reason moreover in addition

To Show Exception: yet in spite of sometimes still despite however of course nevertheless once in a while

To Show Time: immediately finally formerly thereafter then first (second, etc.) soon later next after a few hours previously and then

To Repeat: in brief as I have said as I have noted as has been noted

To Emphasise: definitely indeed naturally perennially unquestionably without reservation extremely in any case surprisingly eternally without a doubt obviously absolutely always never certainly in fact positively forever emphatically undeniably


To Show Sequence: first A, B, C following this after consequently concurrently next second and so on at this time afterward previously thus and then third next now subsequently before this therefore soon and so forth then at this point finally simultaneously hence

To Give an Example: for example on this occasion to illustrate for instance in this situation as an illustration in this case take the case of to illustrate in another case to demonstrate

To Summarise or Conclude: in brief in conclusion therefore consequently on the whole as I have shown accordingly on the whole summing up as I have said thus to conclude hence as a result


Non-Sexist Language
Generic Use Although MAN in its original sense carried the dual meaning of adult human and adult male, its meaning has come to be so closely identified with adult male that the generic use of MAN and other words with masculine markers should be avoided.


humanity people human beings human achievements synthetic manufactured machine-made the average person ordinary people staff the stockroom staff-hours

man's achievements man-made

the common man

man the stockroom man-hours

Avoid the use of MAN in occupational terms when persons holding the job could be either male or female. Examples chairman Alternatives coordinator (of a committee or department) moderator (of a meeting) presiding officer head chair business executive fire fighter flight attendant police officer

businessman fireman steward and stewardess policeman and policewoman


Because English has no generic singular or common-sex pronoun, we have used HE, HIS, and HIM in such expressions as "the student needs HIS pencil." When we constantly personify "the judge," "the critic," "the executive," "the author," and so forth, as male by using the pronoun HE, we are subtly conditioning ourselves against the idea of a female judge, critic, executive, or author. There are several alternative approaches for ending the exclusion of women that results from the pervasive use of masculine pronouns. a. Recast into the plural. Example Give each student his paper as soon as he is finished. b. Reword to eliminate gender problems. Example The average student is worried about his grade. Alternative The average student is worried about grades. Alternative Give students their papers as soon as they are finished.

c. Replace the masculine pronoun with ONE, YOU, or (sparingly) HE OR SHE, as appropriate. Example If the student was satisfied with his performance on the pre-test, he took the post-test. Alternative A student who was satisfied with her or his performance on the pre-test took the post-test.

d. Alternate male and female examples and expressions. (Be careful not to confuse the reader.) Example Let each student participate. Has he had a chance to talk? Could he feel left out? Alternative Let each student participate. Has she had a chance to talk? Could he feel left out?

e. Indefinite Pronouns Using the masculine pronouns to refer to an indefinite pronoun (everybody, everyone, anybody, anyone) also has the effect of excluding women. In all but strictly formal uses, plural pronouns have become acceptable substitutes for the masculine singular. Example Anyone who wants to go to the game should bring his money tomorrow. Alternative Anyone who wants to go to the game should bring their money tomorrow.


Indirect Speech
Look at the following phrases: Direct Where is the station? What time does the train arrive? Indirect Could you tell me where the station is? Id like to know what time the train arrives.

These are examples of direct and indirect speech. If you want to be for polite in formal situations it is better to use an indirect form of address. Here are some example phrases for indirect speech: (Please) Can / Could you tell me ? Id like to know I wonder if you can / could tell me ? Do you happen to know ? Do you have any idea ? I was wondering

Example sentences: Could you tell me when you expect the delivery to arrive? Id like to know what time the meeting starts. I wonder if you could tell me where the station is ? Do you happen to know if John came to work yesterday ? Do you have any idea how the machine works ? I was wondering if you could come to dinner tomorrow.

NOTE: Please be careful with the structure in an indirect question. The structure of the second part of the phrase is a STATEMENT form and not a QUESTION form. Where is the station? (standard question form) Do you know where the station is. (statement form) NOT Do you know where is the station?


Section 3 Business Presentations Simple Presentations Business Presentation Tips Making Presentations Expressions for Presentations Communication Skills Signposts


Simple Presentations
Introduction Good morning, afternoon, evening I'm happy to be here. I'm glad to have this opportunity to . . . Today, I'd like to talk (to you) about . . . My topic today is . . . The focus of my remarks is . . . I'd like to share some thoughts on (topic)

Main points Let me start by . . . First, let me tell you about . . . I've divided my topic into (three) parts: (They are . . .)

Giving examples For example For instance Let me illustrate To illustrate

Conclusion In conclusion To conclude To summarise To sum up


Business Presentation Tips Know Yourself Strengths Weaknesses Talents Feelings Opinions Nervousness Motivation

Know Your Audience Demographics Purpose Interests Commonality Individuality

Know Your Stuff Knowledge of Subject Research Personal Experience Preparation Rehearsal

Present Yourself Dress Posture Voice Gestures Body Language Confidence Enthusiasm

Present to Your Audience Positive Polite Interesting Informative Thought-provoking

Present Your Material Organisation Clarity Visuals Language Volume


Making Presentations
Structure and Content Introduction: General information on the topic Give your listeners an introduction to the topic (some general information) and explain what exactly you are going to talk about in your presentation. Actual Presentation Subdivide your presentation into several sub-topics. Conclusion Try to find a good conclusion, e.g.: an invitation to act an acknowledgement a motivation Important Tenses Present Simple Past Simple Present Perfect

Tips on Giving a Presentation As listeners cannot take up as many information as readers, keep the following rules in mind when giving a presentation: Keep your sentences short and simple. Use standard English, avoid slang and techy language. Prefer verbs to nouns (not: The meaning of this is that , but: This means that ). Use participle constructions sparingly. (In written texts they are often used to increase the density of information in a sentence. In spoken texts, however, they make it more difficult for the listeners to follow.) Speak clearly and slowly. Have little breaks in between the sentences to allow your audience to reflect on what has been said. Communicate freely (don't read the whole text from a piece of paper). Illustrate certain aspects of your presentation with pictures and graphics.

The following tricks will also help you keep your audience's attention: Outline to the audience how your presentation is structured. (e.g. I will first explain ... / Then I will / After that / Finally ). Indicate when you come to another sub-topic (I will now talk about ). This way your audience can follow your presentation more easily. Use a rhetorical question from time to time. Your listeners will think that you've asked them a question and thus listen more attentively. Use enumerations starting first / second / third. This also draws your audience's attention.


A joke or a quotation might also help keeping your audience listening. Don't overdo it, however. Using too many jokes or quotations might not have the effect you want.

Useful Expressions for Presentations

Introduction I want to give you a short presentation about ... My presentation is about ... I'd like to tell you something about ... I think everybody has heard about ..., but hardly anyone knows a lot about it. That's why I'd like to tell you something about it. Did you know that ...?

Actual Presentation Introducing sub-topics Let me begin by explaining why / how ... First / Now I want to talk about ... First / Now I want to give you an insight into ... Let's (now) find out why / how ... Let's now move to ... As I already indicated ... Another aspect / point is that ... The roots of ... go back to ... ... began when ... Legend has it that ... As you probably know, ... You probably know that ... Maybe you've already heard about ... You might have seen that already. At the beginning there was / were ... Many people knew / know ... Hardly anyone knew / knows ... ... hit the idea to ... ... was the first to ... It is claimed that ... One can say that ... I have read that ...

Pictures and graphics Let me use a graphic to explain this. The graphic shows that ... As you can see (in the picture) ... In the next / following picture, you can see ... Here is another picture. The next picture shows how ... Let the pictures speak for themselves. I think the picture perfectly shows how / that ...


Now, here you can see ...

Final thoughts on a sub-topic It was a great success for ... It is a very important day in the history of ... It was / is a very important / special event. This proves that ... The reason is that ... The result of this is that ... It's because ... In other words, ... I want to repeat that ... I'd (just) like to add ...

Conclusion ... should not be forgotten. ... has really impressed me. I hope that one day ... We should not forget ... All in all I believe that... Summing up Finally it can be said that ... Let me close by quoting ... who said, ... That was my presentation on ... I am now prepared to answer your questions. Do you have any questions?


Useful Expressions for Presentations Starting a Presentation

In modern English, Presentations tend to be much less formal than they were even twenty years ago. Most audience these days prefer a relatively informal approach. However, there is a certain structure to the opening of a Presentation that you should observe. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Get people's attention Welcome them Introduce yourself State the purpose of your presentation State how you want to deal with questions

1. Get people's attention If I could have everybody's attention, please. If we can start. Perhaps we should begin? Let's get started. Okay, people, lets make a start. (quite informal)

2. Welcome them Welcome to (company). Thank you for coming today. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. On behalf of (company), I'd like to welcome you.

3. Introduce yourself My name's I'm responsible for For those of you who don't know me, my name's As you know, I'm in charge of (department). I'm the (job title).

4. State the purpose of your presentation This morning I'd like to present Today I'd like to discuss This afternoon, I'd like to report on What I want to do this morning is to talk to you about What I want to do is to tell you about What I want to do is to show you how

5. State how you want to deal with questions If you have any questions, I'll be happy to answer them as we go along. Feel free to ask any questions. Perhaps we can leave any questions you have until the end? There will be plenty of time for questions at the end.


Of course, these are only suggestions and other language is possible. Even within this limited group of phrases, just choose a few you feel comfortable with and learn and use those.

Signposting When we are giving a presentation, there are certain key words we use to signpost different stages in our presentation. These words are not difficult to learn but it is absolutely essential that you memorize them and can use them when you are under pressure giving a presentation.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

When you want to make your next point, you move on. Moving on to the next point. Id like to move on to the next point if there are no further questions When you want to change to a completely different topic, you turn to. Id like to turn to something completely different. Lets turn now to When you want to give more details about a topic you expand or elaborate. Id like to expand more on Would you like me to expand a little more on that or have you understood enough? I dont want to elaborate any more on that as Im short of time. When you want to talk about something which is off the topic of your presentation, you digress. Id like to digress here for a moment and Digressing for a moment, Id like to When you want to refer back to an earlier point, you go back. Going back to something I said earlier, Id like to go back to something said To just give the outline of a point, you summarise. If I could just summarise a few points from I dont have a lot of time left so Im going to summarise the next few points. To repeat the main points of what you have said, you recap. Id like to quickly recap the main points of my presentation. Recapping quickly on what was said For your final remarks, you conclude. Id like to conclude by If I may conclude by


Survival Language In modern English, Presentations tend to be much less formal than they were even twenty years ago. Most audience these days prefer a relatively informal approach. However, there is a certain structure to the opening of a Presentation that you should observe.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

If you get your facts wrong. I am terribly sorry. What I meant to say was this. Sorry. What I meant is this. If you have been going too fast and your audience is having trouble keeping up with you. Let me just recap on that. I want to recap briefly on what I have been saying. If you have forgotten to make a point. Sorry, I should just mention one other thing. If I can just go back to the previous point, there is something else that I forgot to mention. If you have been too complicated and want to simplify what you said. So, basically, what I am saying is this. So, basically, the point I am trying to get across is this. If you realise that what you are saying makes no sense. Sorry, perhaps I did not make that quite clear. Let me rephrase that to make it quite clear. If you cannot remember the term in English. Sorry, what is the word I am looking for? Sorry, my mind has gone blank. How do you say '' in English? If you are short of time. So just to give you the main points. As we are short of time, this is just a quick summary of the main points.

Stating your purpose It is important to state your purpose clearly when you start. Here are some ways to do this: talk about = to speak about a subject Today I'd like to talk about I'm going to be talking to you about


report on = to tell you about what has been done. I'm going to be reporting on Today I will be reporting on

take a look at = to examine First, let's take a look at Before , I'd like to take a look at

tell you about = to speak to someone to give them information or instructions First, I will tell you about When I have finished, will then tell you about

show = to explain something by doing it or by giving instructions. The object of this morning's talk is to show you how to Today I'm going to show you how to

outline = to give the main facts or information about something. I'd like to outline I will only give you a brief outline

fill you in on = to give some extra or missing information I'd like to quickly fill you in on When I have finished , will fill you in on

give an overview of = to give a short description with general information but no details. Firstly, I would like to give you a brief overview of I'll give you an overview of

highlight = draw attention to or emphasize the important fact or facts. The results highlight I'd now like to go on to highlight

discuss = to talk about ideas or opinions on a subject in more detail. I'm now going to go on to discuss After a brief overview of , I'd like to discuss in more detail.


Communication Skills
1. Delaying Strategies: I can answer that directly Ill need time to think about that. Thats a very interesting question, because Thats a difficult question to answer, because To be honest, thats a difficult question, because Thats a very good question. The reality is that What do you mean by that? Well, it depends on what you mean. Well, if you ask me, it all depends on your circumstances Well....

2. Presenting a number of arguments: First of all, Firstly, Well, to start with ... To begin with, Id start by For a start, Therere two points here. Firstly, .... Secondly, ... There are two problems here. Moreover, ... .... You also have to consider ... Also, ... Again, that depends on .... I prefer , but ...

3. Giving an opinion on a topic: Expressing a strong opinion In my opinion, In my view, I strongly believe I definitely think Dont you think ? Well, if you ask me, Well, I think ...

Expressing a strong value ( Its / Theyre + value adjective) Its nonsense Its a scandal, Its perfect for Its wrong to Theyre ideal for


Expressing certainty According to ... Actually, In fact, Clearly, So Without doubt, Theres no doubt Well, theres no doubt that Surely,

Expressing high probability I expect I believe I doubt whether / if I doubt that Id have thought There now seems to be

Expressing fair probability I guess I suppose I think its probably Theres probably a good argument for Theyre probably Im beginning to think

4. Agreeing: Expressing complete agreement Exactly. Precisely. Absolutely

Expressing conditional agreement Id agree with you if Id certainly agree if

5. Disagreeing: Expressing complete disagreement Im sorry, but I disagree entirely. Im afraid I cant agree. Im sorry, but I dont really agree. On the contrary,


Using irony to express disagreement Come off it! (very informal) Come on! (very informal) Do you really think so?

Dismissing an argument as irrelevant or improbable. That isnt the point. Thats highly debatable. Thats highly unlikely.

Disagreeing diplomatically (through doubt) I wonder whether thats the case. Isnt it ? Im not sure that it works like that. Im not so sure about that. Well, Im not sure whether /if

Disagreeing in part ( appeal to logic ) But surely, Not necessarily, Dont you ? That doesnt necessarily follow. That isnt strictly true.

6. Countering: Countering directly (through antithesis) But But who can say ? But why ? But if But surely,

Countering politely (through agreement followed by antithesis) Well yes, but Yes, but

Countering politely (through partial agreement followed by antithesis) That may be so, but That may be true, but That might have been the case once, but Well, maybe, but You may be right, but I can see your point, but Perhaps thats true, but


I see what you mean. However

Countering using "well" both to cast doubt and for antithesis Well you might as well argue that Well, you know how they get round that one Well, that depends on

Countering using "after all" "at least" "even so" both for concession and antithesis Why ? After all, What if ? After all, At least But at least Well, even so, why ? Even so,

Countering using the Negative Yes/No Question Arent they ? I wonder whether thats the case. Isnt it rather ? Well, it may not be , but it is ... Dont you think ?

7. Logical Argument: Questions or conclusions based on conditions with "if". If , why ? What if ? And what happens if ? What would happen then if ? If this , so well and good. Youd only if Itd be O.K. if

Questions based on conditions with sentence adverbials " then" and "so" so why ? But if . then how ? Then why shouldnt ? Thats why Then can you tell me ?

Deduced questions and conclusions with sentence adverbials "In that case" and "so" In that case, would you ? In that case, its obvious that ... So you ? So you dont ?


8. Clarification: Clarification through short Yes/No Questions inviting illustration or example. And are they right? Can you be a bit more specific? Does that happen?

Clarification through "What" or "How" Questions inviting illustration or example. Whats wrong with ? What do you mean? What do you mean by ? How do you mean? How come? In what way?

Clarification through "Why" / "Why not" Questions inviting reason, illustration or example. Why do you say that? Whys that? Why not?

Clarification / Reiteration through reference to subject Are we talking about ? That isnt the point. Im talking Are you saying ? What Im saying is What are you trying to say? That may be so, but To come back to the main point,

9. Expressing Solutions and Alternatives The solution is to The best way to To , you really have to ... There are many choices. You can You see, the alternative is to


Signposts in Presentations
In a presentation, signposts are short phrases which help your listeners follow the direction and flow of what you are saying. They are no part of the actual information being given. Here are some examples: Beginning a presentation: Introduction It is common to greet the audience and introduce yourself when giving presentations: Good morning,/afternoon/evening I'm _________, the new Finance Manager. My name is ________ and I represent _______ Let me take a minute to introduce myself. Let me start by telling you a little about our company. I've already met some of you, but for those I haven't , I'm ______

Dealing with topics: Introducing a topic I'm here to talk about . . . Today, I'd like to say a few words about . . . I'm going to give you an overview of . . . The main reason I'm here today is . . . The focus of my remarks is . . . I'd like to introduce . . . Im going to talk to you today about Ill be talking about Ill be dealing with So, lets start by Lets move to the first point

Ending a topic: Ok, thats all I want to say about Any questions so far?

Before the next topic Right, lets move on to That brings us to Before going on to, Id just like to mention If I can just side-track for a moment

Final topic Ok, finally Id like to turn to To conclude, Id like to deal with


Showing organisation: Sequencing: Let's move on to . . . That brings us to . . .

Giving Reasons This is why . . . The main reason is . . . Therefore So

Generalising Generally Usually As a rule Most of the time In most cases

Highlighting Actually In fact As a matter of fact In particular Particularly Especially

Giving Examples For example For instance Such as

Finishing the presentation: Summarising So, to sum up To summarise In brief Concluding To conclude In conclusion Ive talked about tree main areas. Firstly Secondly Thirdly First second and third I also mentioned


Ending Right, lets stop there. Okay, I think that covers everything. And now, if anyone has any questions, Id be happy to try and answer them.

Follow-up Are/Were there any questions? We have just a few minutes for questions

Note some of the different ways of saying discuss mention cover consider talk about look at mention deal with explain turn to


Section 4 Interaction in the business world Business Interaction Formal Meetings Survival Language Idioms in the Business World


Useful Expressions for Business Interaction

Analysing Problems Focusing on the main problem/issue What is the main problem? What is the real issue (here)? (I think) the major problem is . . . Our primary concern is . . . The crux of the matter is . . . (As I see it), the most important thing is . . . The main problem we need to solve is . . . We really need to take care of . . . It all comes down to this:

Asking for input What should we do about it? What needs to be done? What do you think we should do? What are we going to do about it? Do you have any suggestions? Any ideas?

Making Recommendations I recommend that . . . I suggest that . . . I would like to propose that . . . Why don't we . . .

Asking for Information Information about company What does your company do? What is your specialty? What do you specialise in? What is your main line of business? We produce marketing materials. We specialise in art and design.

What are your major products? What services do you provide? We produce office machines. We design software. We provide technical support.


Information about products Could you give me some (more) information on this? What can you tell me about this (product)? Tell me about this one / model. This is one of our top brands. It's our best selling refrigerator. This one is the best in its class. We're really pleased with its performance. It's an excellent computer. I highly recommend this one. This model comes with several features. This particular one has two components.

Information about Price What are you asking for this? What does this sell for? How much is it? How much does it run? This (one) sells for 5,900. This one goes for 2,900. This one is priced at 9,695.

Closing a Conversation Pre-closing It's been nice talking to you. It's been great talking with you. I really enjoyed meeting you. It was nice meeting you, Mr. Brown. I'm sorry, but I have to go now. I'm afraid I have to leave now. Thanks for the information / the tour / your time. Thanks for taking the time to talk with us.

Follow up I'll give you a call. I'll send you an e-mail. I'll put a package in the post for you. We'll send out that information right away. I'll have my secretary arrange an appointment. Could you send me a brochure / some more information? Could I contact you by e-mail / at your office? How do I get in touch with you? How can I reach / contact you?


Closing I look forward to seeing you again. We'll see you on Friday. See you next week. Let me give you my business card. Here's my e-mail/office number. Let's keep in touch by e-mail. We'll be in touch. Call me if you have any questions.

Discussing Agenda Items Let's start with . . . Let's start by . . . The first item on the agenda is . . . We need to discuss . . . Let's look at item number one. Let's move on to number two. The next item on the agenda is . . . What's next on the agenda? Does anyone have any comments? Any comments? Are there any comments on that? What do you think? Good idea. Good point. Does everyone agree on that?

Making Appointments I'd like to make an appointment with Dr. Black. I'd like to schedule a meeting with Ms. Thomson. Could I schedule a time to meet with Mr. Elton? What time is best for you? When would be a good time for you? Would 9:00 on Thursday be okay? He'll be in on Tuesday. His schedule is open all day Monday. She's free any day but Wednesday. Dr. White will be away until Friday. Will Mr. Rodney be in tomorrow? Is he available next Wednesday?


Does he have any openings on Tuesday? Does she have any time on Thursday? Sorry, her calendar is full on Monday. She will be out on Wednesday. He doesn't have time on Tuesday. How about Friday at 4:00? Thursday at 10:00 will be fine. Friday at 11:00 sounds good. Okay. Tuesday morning at 9. Monday at 8:00 is not good for me. Wednesday is not possible.

Meetings and Discussions Getting started Let's get started. We need to discuss . . . We need to talk about . . .

Talking about discussion items The first thing we need to discuss is . . . The first item on the agenda is . . . The first thing on the list is . . . First, we need to talk about . . .

Presenting Options We have several alternatives: We have two options: We could either . . . or . . .

Moving on Let's move on to Item 2. Let's move on to the next topic. We need to move on. The next item (of business) is . . . We need to go on to the next item. Shall / Should we move on?

Pausing the Discussion Before we move on, I think we should . . . Wait a minute. We haven't discussed . . . Don't you think we need to . . . Not so fast. We haven't (yet) . . .


Asking for Clarification What to you mean by . . . . I don't quite follow you. I didn't get what you meant by . . . Could you clarify that? Could you elaborate on that?

Making a Suggestion / Proposal I think we should . . . Maybe we should . . . I suggest . . . Why don't we . . . How about . . . We could . . .

Giving Feedback (I think) that's a good idea. You have a good point. I agree. Im afraid I disagree. I think . . . Sorry. I don't really agree with you. You have a good point, but . . . That's not such a good idea. I don't think that's a good idea.

Asking for Opinions What do you think, George? What's your opinion on that, Martha? Any thoughts on that? Any ideas?

Checking for Consensus Do we all agree (on that)? Does everyone agree?

Summarising In summary, The conclusion is . . . So, we've decided to . . . We're going to . . . (then)

Closing the meeting That's all for today. That's it then. (informal) The meeting is adjourned. (very formal)


Useful Phrases for Formal Meetings

Introduction to Meetings One of the most common requirements of business English is holding formal meetings in English. The following sections provide useful language and phrases for conducting meetings and making contributions to a meeting. Formal meetings generally follow a more or less similar structure and can be divided into the following parts:

I - Introductions
Opening the meeting Welcoming and Introducing participants Stating the Principal Objectives of a meeting Giving Apologies for someone who is absent

II - Reviewing Past Business

Reading the Minutes (notes) of the last meeting Dealing with recent developments

III - Beginning the Meeting

Introducing the Agenda Allocating roles (secretary, participants) Agreeing on the ground rules for the meeting (contributions, timing, decision-making, etc.)

IV - Discussing Items
Introducing the first item on the Agenda Closing an item Next item Giving control to the next participant

V - Finishing the Meeting

Summarising Finishing up Suggesting and Agreeing on time, date and place for the next meeting Thanking participants for attending Closing the meeting

The following pages focus on each part of the meeting and the appropriate language for each situation.


Running a Meeting
The following phrases are used to conduct a meeting. These phrases are useful if you are called on to conduct a meeting. Opening: Good morning / afternoon, everyone. If we are all here, let's get started / start the meeting / start.

Welcoming and Introducing: Please join me in welcoming (name of participant) We're pleased to welcome (name of participant) I'd like to extend a warm welcome to (name of participant) It's a pleasure to welcome (name of participant) I'd like to introduce (name of participant)

Stating the Principal Objectives: We're here today to ... I'd like to make sure that we ... Our main aim today is to ... I've called this meeting in order to ...

Giving Apologies for someone who is absent: I'm afraid.., (name of participant) can't be with us today. She is in... Unfortunately, (name of participant) ... will not be with us to day because he ... I have received apologies for absence from (name of participant), who is in (place).

Reading the Minutes (notes) of the last meeting: To begin with I'd like to quickly go through the minutes of our last meeting. First, let's go over the report from the last meeting, which was held on (date) Here are the minutes from our last meeting, which was on (date)

Dealing with recent developments: Jack, can you tell us how the XYZ project is progressing? Jack, how is the XYZ project coming along? John, have you completed the report on the new accounting package? Has everyone received a copy of the Tate Foundation report on current marketing trends?

Moving forward: So, if there is nothing else we need to discuss, let's move on to today's agenda. Shall we get down to business? Is there any other business? If there are no further developments, I'd like to move on to today's topic.


Introducing the Agenda: Have you all received a copy of the agenda? There are X items on the agenda. First, ... second, ... third, ... lastly, ... Shall we take the points in this order? If you don't mind, I'd like to go in order today. Lets skip item 1 and move on to item 3 I suggest we take item 2 last.

Allocating roles: (name of participant) has agreed to take the minutes. (name of participant), would you mind taking the minutes? (name of participant) has kindly agreed to give us a report on ... (name of participant) will lead point 1, (name of participant) point 2, and (name of participant) point 3. (name of participant), would you mind taking notes today?

Agreeing on the ground rules for the meeting: We will hear a short report on each point first, followed by a discussion of ... I suggest we go round the table first. Let's make sure we finish by ... I'd suggest we ... There will be five minutes for each item. We'll have to keep each item to 15 minutes.

Introducing the first item on the Agenda: So, let's start with ... I'd suggest we start with... Why don't we start with... So, the first item on the agenda is Pete, would you like to begin? Shall we begin with ... (name of participant), would you like to introduce this item?

Closing an item: I think that takes care of the first item. Shall we leave that item? Why don't we move on to... If nobody has anything else to add, lets ...

Next item:
Let's move onto the next item Now that we've discussed X, let's ... The next item on today's agenda is... Now we come to the question of.


Giving Control to the next participant:

I'd like to hand over to (name of participant), who is going to lead the next point. Next, (name of participant) is going to take us through ... Now, I'd like to introduce (name of participant) who is going to ...

Summarising: Before we close today's meeting, let me just summarise the main points. Let me quickly go over today's main points. To sum up, ...,. OK, why don't we quickly summarise what we've done today. In brief, ... Shall I go over the main points?

Finishing up: Right, it looks as though we've covered the main items. If there are no other comments, I'd like to wrap this meeting up. Let's bring this to a close for today. Is there any other business?

Suggesting and Agreeing on time, date and place for the next meeting: Can we set the date for the next meeting, please? So, the next meeting will be on ... (day), the . . . (date) of.. . (month) at ... Let's next meet on ... (day), the . . . (date) of.. . (month) at ... What about the following Wednesday? How is that?

Thanking participants for attending: I'd like to thank Marianne and Jeremy for coming over from London. Thank you all for attending. Thanks for your participation.

Closing the meeting: The meeting is finished, we'll see each other next ... The meeting is closed. I declare the meeting closed.

Participating in a Meeting
The following phrases are used to participate in a meeting. These phrases are useful for expressing your ideas and giving input to a meeting. Getting the Chairperson's attention: (Mister / Madam) chairman. May I have a word? If I may, I think... Excuse me for interrupting.


May I come in here?

Giving Opinions: I'm positive that... I (really) feel that... In my opinion... The way I see things... If you ask me,... I tend to think that...

Asking for Opinions: Are you positive that... Do you (really) think that... (name of participant) can we get your input? How do you feel about...?

Commenting: That's interesting . I never thought about it that way before. Good point! I get your point. I see what you mean.

Agreeing: I totally agree with you. Exactly! That's (exactly) the way I feel. I have to agree with (name of participant).

Disagreeing: Unfortunately, I see it differently. Up to a point I agree with you, but... (I'm afraid) I can't agree

Advising and Suggesting: Let's... We should... Why don't you.... How / What about... I suggest / recommend that...

Clarifying: Let me spell out... Have I made that clear? Do you see what I'm getting at? Let me put this another way... I'd just like to repeat that...


Requesting information: Please, could you... I'd like you to... Would you mind... I wonder if you could...

Asking for repetition: I'm afraid I didn't understand that. Could you repeat what you just said? I didn't catch that. Could you repeat that, please? I missed that. Could you say it again, please?

Asking for clarification: I don't quite follow you. What exactly do you mean? I'm afraid I don't quite understand what your are getting at. Could you explain to me how that is going to work? I don't see what you mean. Could we have some more details, please?

Asking for verification: You did say next week, didn't you? ('did' is stressed) Do you mean that...? Is it true that...?

Asking for spelling: Could you spell that, please? Would you mind spelling that for me, please?

Asking for contributions: We haven't heard from you yet, (name of participant). What do you think about this proposal? Would you like to add anything, (name of participant)? Has anyone else got anything to contribute? Are there any more comments?

Correcting information: Sorry, I think you misunderstood what I said. Sorry, that's not quite right. I'm afraid you don't understand what I'm saying. That's not quite what I had in mind. That's not what I meant.

Keeping the meeting on target (time, relevance, decisions): We're running short of time. Well, that seems to be all the time we have today. Please be brief. I'm afraid we've run out of time.


Let's get back on track, why don't we? That's not really why we're here today. Why don't we return to the main focus of today's meeting. We'll have to leave that to another time. We're beginning to lose sight of the main point. Keep to the point, please. I think we'd better leave that for another meeting. Are we ready to make a decision?


Idioms in the Business World

A list of idioms can be useful, since the meaning of an idiom cannot be deduced by knowing the meaning of its constituent words. For example, someone might know perfectly well what a bucket is and also understand the meaning of the verb "to kick," completely; however, unless they had already encountered the meaning of the phrase or were able to tell from the context the phrase appears in, they would not know that to kick the bucket is one of the many colourful idioms in the English language meaning to die. The phrase, "enough money to choke a horse," would not be an idiom because the meaning of the phrase can readily be deduced from knowing the meaning of the individual words that make it up. Note that idioms are not the same as aphorisms or proverbs, such as, "a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush" or sagacious recommendations like, "don't count your chickens before they hatch". English has a tremendous stock of idioms. They can be a source of confusion and frustration to non-native users of the language. When speaking to people who have recently learned English it might aid their ability to comprehend if one avoids idioms. However, most native English speakers have internalised a large repertoire of idioms which they use often and without thinking much about them so it can be very difficult to censor all idioms from one's speech.

Negotiation Idioms
at stake

something to be lost or gained

There was a lot at stake during the negotiations between the nurses and the government. back down give up a claim, not follow up on a threat

The state government backed down on their threat to stop giving money to the city government. back out get out of an agreement, fail to keep a promise

The developer backed out of the negotiations for building the new town hall. back to the drawing board go back to start something from the beginning

The negotiations for the contract failed so we had to go back to the drawing board. ball is in someone's court be someone else's move or turn

The ball was in the union's court after the company made their final offer. beat around the bush talk about things without giving a clear answer

The manager spent the meeting beating around the bush and never really said anything important.


bog down

slow to a stop

The negotiations bogged down when the union said they would not negotiate. bone of contention the subject or reason for a fight

The length of the project was a major bone of contention between the two parties. break down fail, stop

The negotiations broke down late last night when both sides refused to compromise. break off stop or end suddenly

The government decided to break off talks about extending the free trade agreement. break through be successful after overcoming a difficulty

Finally there was a breakthrough in the talks aimed at ending the school teacher's strike. bring off perform successfully

We were unable to bring off the deal to buy the new computer system for our company. bring up begin a discussion of or mention something

I tried hard not to bring up the subject of sales commissions during the meeting. call off stop, quit, cancel

The meeting was called off because everybody was busy dealing with urgent business. call the shots be in charge

During the meeting it looked like the vice-president was calling the shots. card up one's sleeve another plan or argument saved for later

I thought that the negotiations would be unsuccessful but my boss had another card up his sleeve that we didn't know about. cave in weaken and be forced to give up

The company was forced to cave in to the demands of the workers for more money. close ranks unite and fight together

During the meeting the opposite side closed ranks and refused to compromise on any issue. come to terms reach an agreement

After negotiating all night the government and the company agreed on a new arrangement.


come up

become a subject for discussions or decision

Nothing related to the problems of quality came up during the meeting. come up with produce or find a thought, idea or answer

I was praised by my boss when I came up with some good ideas during the meeting. common ground shared beliefs or interests

There was little common ground between the two sides and the negotiations did not go well. cover ground talk about the important facts and details of something

The number of questions seemed endless and we were unable to cover much ground during the meeting. cut a deal arrange a deal, make an agreement

We were able to cut a deal and left the meeting in a positive mood. cut (someone) off stop someone from saying something

We tried to outline our proposal but we were constantly cut off by our noisy opponents. down to the wire running out of time, nearing a deadline

The negotiations continued down to the wire but finally they ended successfully. drag on prolong, make longer

The talks between the company and the lawyers dragged on for three weeks. drag one's heels act slowly or reluctantly

The government has been dragging their heels in talks with the union about their new contract. draw the line set a limit to what will be done

The union was willing to compromise on the salary issue but they drew the line at talking about health benefits. draw up put in writing, write something in its correct form

The lawyers drew up a contract for the new housing development on the government land. drive a hard bargain make an agreement to one's advantage, bargain hard

The sales manager from the other company always drives a hard bargain and it is difficult to negotiate with him.


drive at

mean, want to say something

I couldn't understand what the opposing negotiators in the meeting were really driving at. face down confront boldly and win

The government decided to face down the striking transportation workers. fall through fail, be ruined, not happen

The deal for the new machinery fell through and we will have to look for another supplier. fifty-fifty equally, evenly

We shared the expenses with the other company fifty-fifty. follow through finish an action that you have started

Our boss said that conditions and wages would improve soon but he never followed through with his promise. force one's hand make someone do something or tell what one will do sooner than planned

We decided to force the hand of the opposing side at the bargaining sessions as we wanted to finish the negotiations quickly. get behind (a person or idea) support, help

Although we didn't agreed with the president, we were forced to get behind his proposals at the meeting. get down to business start working or doing the business at hand

We decided to get down to business and try to finish the work quickly. get down to brass tacks begin the most important work or business

Let's get down to brass tacks and begin talking about the new contract. get the message understand clearly what is meant

I don't think that the other side really got the message regarding the direction the negotiations were heading. get to the bottom of find out the real cause of something

It has been very difficult getting to the bottom of the problems in the company. get to the heart of find the most important facts or central meaning of something

We spent the morning trying to get to the heart of the problem with the computer supplier.


give ground

move back or retreat from a position

We bargained hard but the other sales representatives refused to give ground. give in stop fighting or arguing and do as the other person wants

After eight weeks of negotiations we gave in and agreed to sell at a large discount. give-and-take sharing, a giving up of part of what you want to make an agreement

After a lot of give-and-take we finally reached an agreement regarding the property transfer. go back on turn against, not be faithful or loyal

The company went back on their word to give the employees a salary increase. go for broke risk everything on one big effort, try as hard as possible

After going for broke at the meeting last night we finally reached an agreement. go over like a lead balloon fail to generate a positive response

The sales manager's latest proposal went over like a lead balloon at the meeting. go over well be liked or successful

My idea went over very well with the new managers. hammer out work out by discussion and debate

The negotiations lasted all night but finally we were able to hammer out an agreement. hang in the balance have two equally possible results, be uncertain

The outcome of the election hung in the balance after the two top candidates had the same number of votes. hard-nosed very strict, stubborn

The three negotiators took a hard-nosed position during the talks for a new contract. hold out for something keep resisting, refuse to give up

The union has been holding out for a better deal and they do not plan to end their strike. hold out on refuse information or belongings to which someone has a right

The new manager has been holding out on the company and will not tell anyone his plans.


in the bag


The contract for the new insurance policies is in the bag. iron out solve or resolve some problems

After reaching an agreement we spent a few hours ironing out the final details. lay one's cards on the table let someone know one's position openly, deal honestly

He laid his cards on the table during the meeting to dispose of the excess inventory. make headway make progress

We have been bargaining hard and are finally making headway in reaching a new agreement. meet someone half-way compromise

The asking price for the chemicals was too high but we met the salesmen half-way. nail down make certain or sure

We worked hard to nail down an agreement to finish the staff room as soon as possible. off the record not to be published or told, secret

I told my boss off the record that I would not be returning after the summer holiday. paint oneself into a corner get into a bad situation that is difficult or impossible to escape

The negotiations were difficult but we won when the other side painted themselves into a corner over the faulty warranty policy. play hardball with (someone) act strong and aggressive about an issue with someone

The union representatives have been playing hardball during the contract talks. play into one's hands be or do something that another person can use against you

By losing his temper our manager played into the hands of the other side during the meeting. pull off succeed in doing something difficult or impossible

The contract seemed impossible to win but we managed to pull it off.

pull out of a hat

get as if by magic, invent, imagine

We decided to give up on finding a solution to the problem but at the last moment we were able to pull a solution out of a hat.


Section 5 Social Communication in the business world Business Socialising Skills 12 Tips for making Small Talk Socialising Language in Business Situations


Business Socialising Skills

Look at these various situations in which people socialise in a business context. Welcoming Greeting people Introductions Small talk Getting to know each other Typical everyday contact Making arrangements Having drinks Holding discussions Saying goodbye

Successful socialising depends on the appropriate language and skills. The following list contains key functions and useful language for basic socialising in a business context.

A. Basic socialising Welcoming:

Welcome to ... We're pleased to welcome you (all) to ... It's a pleasure to welcome you (all) to ...

Greeting people: How do you do? (formal) How are you? (informal) How are you doing? (informal) (So / Very) Nice / Good to meet you. It's a pleasure (to meet you).

Introductions: My name's ... I'm (position/job) I'd like to introduce myself ... Let me introduce myself ... We haven't met yet. I'm ... I'd like to introduce you to ... Have you met ...?

Small talk: How was your flight / trip? How's the hotel? Did you have any problems / trouble finding us? How's the weather in ...? What do you think of our weather? Could I take your coat / umbrella?


Would you care for something to drink? How do you take your coffee / tea?

Getting to know each other: How long have you been working for ...? How did you get into this line of business? How do you like living in ...? What's your home town like? What do you do in your spare time?

Typical everyday contacts: How are you? How are things? It's (going) fine, thanks. Nice to see you again. I was wondering if ... Would you mind if ...? Could I ask a favour of you? Could you do me a favour?

Making arrangements: We'd like to invite you to ... Could we arrange a meeting / dinner for ... ? Would you be interested in ...? Would you like to attend ...? Would you like to come to ? What about ? How about ? Would ... suit you? Would ... be convenient? Shall we say (about) 7.00pm? That sounds fine / great. Let me just confirm that ... I look forward to seeing you then.

Having drinks: I'd like to get the next round of drinks. Could I propose a toast to ...? Here's to ... Cheers! The drinks are on me. I'm treating you. I'll pick up the tab.

Holding conversations: I wanted to ask you about ... I was wondering if ...


While we're on the subject ... I'd like to mention ... By the way ... That reminds me ... Do you see what I mean? Do you see what I'm getting at? So are you saying ...?

Saying goodbye: I'm afraid I really must be on my way. I really do need to wrap this up now. Thank you very much for ... Thanks so much for It was nice / a pleasure to meet / see you. I look forward to ... Please get in touch soon. I'll give you a call / email you. Goodbye. Bye. Take care. Have a good flight / trip. Have a safe journey back!

B. General language points

1. Polite forms, with could, would and may, are popular in the language used for business or formal socialising. Use particular polite phrases such as I was wondering if I could borrow your pen or Would you mind if I borrowed your pen? - the second conditional form. Let me ... or Allow me to are common ways of asking permission to assist or to do something for someone. Socialising contexts use the present simple (habitual) and present continuous (now, temporary) contrast, e.g. I work for ... Right now I'm working on ... , and the past simple (finished) and present perfect (unfinished) contrast, e.g. I lived and worked in London for 3 years. I've lived in Dublin since I started my new job in 2001.





12 tips for making Small Talk

Being able to connect with others through small talk can lead to big things, but the ability to connect with people through small talk is an acquired skill. Use the following tips for starting - and ending - conversations: 1. As you prepare for a function, come up with three things to talk about as well as four general questions that will get others talking. If you've met the host before, try to remember things about them, such as their passion for a sport or a charity you're both involved in. 2. Be the first to say "Hello." If you're not sure the other person will remember you, offer your name to ease the pressure. For example: "Charles Bartlett? Lynn Schmidt -- good to see you again." Smile first and always shake hands when you meet someone.

3. Take your time during introductions. Make an extra effort to remember names and use them frequently. 4. Get the other person talking by leading with a common ground statement regarding the event or location and then asking a related open-ended question. For example: "Attendance looks higher than last year. How long have you been coming to these conventions?"

You could also ask them about their trip in or how they know the host. 5. Stay focused on your conversational partner by actively listening and giving feedback. Maintain eye contact. Never glance around the room while they are talking to you. 6. Listen more than you talk vitally important. However, many people have never learnt the art of listening! 7. Have something interesting to contribute. Keeping abreast of current events and culture will provide you with great conversation builders, leading with: "What do you think of ...?" "Have you heard ...?" "What is your opinion on ...?"

Stay away from negative or controversial topics, and refrain from long stories or giving a lot of detail in casual conversation. 8. If there are people you especially want to meet, one of the best ways to approach them is to be introduced by someone they respect. Ask a mutual friend to do the honours.


9. If someone hands you a business card, accept it as a gift. Hold it in both hands and take a moment to read what is written on it. When you're done, put it away in a shirt pocket, purse or wallet to show it is valued. 10. Watch your body language. People who look ill at ease make others uncomfortable. Act confident and comfortable, even when you're not. 11. Before entering into a conversation that's already in progress, observe and listen. You don't want to spoil the dynamics with an unsuited or ill-timed remark. 12. Have a few exit lines ready so that you can both gracefully move on. For example: "I need to check in with a client over there." "I didnt have lunch today, so I need to visit the buffet."

More useful phrases for Small Talk

Opening a conversation: Excuse me, We havent met. Im Long time no see. [name] asked me to give you her regards. Youre , arent you? You must be Hello again.

Directing a conversation That reminds me I must just I couldnt help noticing While were on the subject of By the way, Talking of Funny you should say that because

Showing interest Really? I see. Uh huh. I understand you Right.

Closing a conversation It was nice talking to you. Will you excuse me? Im afraid Ill have to be going. Is that the time?



Making, Accepting, and Declining an Invitation Do you know how to invite someone to your house for dinner or party? Or, do you know what to say in English when someone invites you? Here are some common expressions you can use. Inviting someone to come to your house for dinner (informal) Do you want to come over for dinner tonight? Want to pop over for a quick dinner? How about coming over for dinner tonight? Care to come over for dinner tonight?

Inviting someone to come to your house for dinner (more formal) Would you like to come over for dinner tonight? Would you care to join us for dinner at our house tonight? I was just wondering if you would like to come over for dinner tonight. Please come over for dinner tonight. We'd be delighted to have you over for dinner tonight.

Accepting an invitation (informal) Of course. What time? Why not? When do you want me to be there? Sure. When should I be there? Yes! Want me to bring something? I'd love to. I'll bring dessert.

Accepting an invitation (more formal) Thank you! I'd love to. Would you like me to bring anything? Thank you very much! I'd be delighted to. What time should I be there? Oh, certainly! Thank you. Do I need to bring anything?

Declining an invitation (informal) I can't. I have to work. Tonight's no good. I have an appointment. I'm busy tonight. Can I take a rain check on that?

(*rain check: if someone invites you to dinner on a night that you are busy, you can say, "Can I take a rain check?" This means that you hope they will invite you again on another night.) Declining an invitation (more formal) I'd love to, but I'm afraid I'm busy tonight. I'd love to, but I already have plans tonight.


Example dialogues: Dialogue 1: (between 2 co-workers) Ann: Jim: Ann: Jim: Ann: Bob and I are having a little get-together at our place tonight. Do you want to pop over after work? Sure, why not? What time do you want me to be there? Around 6. OK. Want me to bring something? No. Just bring yourself.

Dialogue 2: (between 2 friends) Sam: Tom: Sam: Tom: Want to come over for a quick meal tonight? Not tonight, Im afraid. I have a date. Can I take a rain check? OK. No problem. Enjoy your evening! You too.

Dialogue 3: (a parent is making an invitation to her son's teacher) Jan: Bill: Jan: Bill: Jan: Bill: Mr. Bill, my husband and I were just wondering if you would like to come over for dinner this evening. Oh, thank you! I'd be delighted to. Great! Could you come over at around 6? Of course. Do I need to bring anything? No, but thanks for asking. OK. See you this evening then.

Dialogue 4: (a parent is making an invitation to her son's teacher) Jan: Bill: Jan: Bill: Mr. Bill, my husband and I were just wondering if you would like to come over for dinner this evening. Well, I'd love to, but I have another appointment tonight. Oh, that's too bad. Well, maybe next time then. Yes! Thank you for asking. Enjoy your evening!

Host - Greeting a guest If you are the host and your guest has arrived at your house, what can you say to welcome them? Here are some common expressions: Welcoming a Guest I'm so glad to have you here. I'm so glad you could come. We're delighted to have you here. Delighted to have you here.

Welcoming a guest whom you haven't seen for a while It's so good to see you after all this time. Good seeing you again. It's a pleasure to see you again. (formal)


Welcoming an unexpected guest Hey, look who's here! Well, look who's here! Wow! Am I surprised to see you! What brings you here? What a delightful surprise! What a nice surprise!

Host - Making a visitor feel at home Asking a guest to come inside the house Come right in. Come on in. Please come in. Please do come in. (formal)

Making a visitor feel at home Make yourself at home. Make yourself comfortable. Make yourself comfy. (informal) (comfy = short for comfortable) Would you like to take off your coat? Here, let me take your coat.

Offering a visitor a seat Please have a seat. Please sit down. Would you like to sit over here? Sit over here. This chair is more comfortable.

Offering a visitor something to drink Would you like some coffee or tea? Let me get you something to drink. What would you like? Can I get you something to drink?

Guest - What to say What to say upon arrival at the host's Thank you for inviting me tonight. It's nice of you to invite me to your house tonight. Where can I put my coat? You have a beautiful home. You have a wonderful place here. What a beautiful home you have! I love your sofa.


I love your living room / kitchen / study. I love your wallpaper.

What to say for late arrival Sorry I'm late. I couldn't get a taxi. Sorry to have kept you waiting. The bus / train was late. Sorry to be late. I missed the train / bus. Sorry I'm late. I got stuck in traffic. Sorry I'm late. The traffic was terrible! Sorry to be late. I got lost. Sorry to be late. I was looking for a place to park. Have you been waiting long?

Small Talk
In a social situation, we often use "small talk". Many students find it hard to start a conversation. Here are some common topics for small talk, and expressions that can be used to start such conversation topics. Asking a question to start a conversation So, what's new with you? How have you been? What have you been doing lately? What's new? Fill me in. (Fill me in = Tell me everything) How's your son doing? How old is he now? Your daughter must be in her teens now. How's she doing? Seen any good films lately? Read any good books lately?

Starting a conversation using the weather Nice weather today, isn't it? Lovely weather, isn't it? Horrible weather, isn't it? What a storm we had last night! What a blizzard! It's hot and humid today, isn't it? It's cold and windy out, isn't it?

Starting a conversation using sports Great game last night, wasnt it? Manchester are not doing so well this season, are they? Are you still playing volleyball?

Saying Goodbye


As a guest, what should you say when you want to leave, say, a party or your host's? As a host, what should you say in return? Here are some common expressions for saying goodbye. Guest - Stating you have to leave Well, it's getting late. I'd better get going. I'm afraid I have to go. I have a big day tomorrow. (a big day = a busy day) I'd better be off. I have to get up early tomorrow. I'd better get going. It's a long drive home. Well, time to go. (informal) Time to hit the road. (idiom, informal)

Guest - Thanking your host Thanks for a lovely evening. (formal) Thanks for a lovely time. (formal) Thank you for inviting us. Thank you for having me over. I had a great time. Thanks. I had a lovely evening. Thanks for asking me over. Thanks for the food and drinks! Thanks for the good food and good company.

Host - Saying goodbye It's been our pleasure to have you here. (formal) It's been a delightful visit. (formal) Thank you for coming. Thanks for dropping by. Glad you could come. Come back soon. Let's do this again soon. We have to do this again sometime. We have to do this more often.


Useful Expressions
Greetings There are many English expressions for greetings, ranging from informal to formal ones. Below are some common expressions. Informal greetings Hi! Hello! What's up? What's new? How's it going?

More formal greetings Good morning. How are you today? Good afternoon. How's everything? Good evening. How have you been?

Greeting someone you haven't seen for a while I haven't seen you in ages! How have you been? How're things going? How are you getting along? Long time no see! (Informal)

Greeting someone you are surprised to see Fancy meeting you here! Never thought I'd see you here! What a surprise to see you here!

Responding to "How are you?" When we greet someone we know, we usually will ask the question "how are you" or "how have you been?" Below are some useful responses. Expressing you're healthy and fine I'm fine. Great. Couldn't be better. (I) can't complain.

Expressing you're busy (I've) been busy. I'm snowed under. (Meaning: I'm very busy) Very busy. There aren't enough hours in the day.


Expressing you have been doing OK (neutral) So-so. Same as always. Same as usual. Plodding along. (informal)

Expressing you have not been doing well Not too great. Not so good. Not too well. Could be better. Lousy. (Meaning: very bad) (slang)

Introductions How do you introduce your friend to someone else? Below are some useful English expressions. Introducing (Ichiro to Naomi) Naomi, I'd like you to meet Ichiro. Naomi, this is my friend Ichiro. Naomi, (this is) Ichiro. Ichiro, Naomi. Naomi, have you met Ichiro? Naomi, do you know Ichiro?

What to say when you've just been introduced Nice to meet you. I'm glad to meet you. What a pleasure to meet you. (formal) A pleasure. (formal)

What to say when you didn't catch someone's name I'm sorry. What's your name again? Sorry, I didn't catch your name. I'm sorry, could you tell me your name again?

Saying Good-Bye There are many English expressions for saying good-bye, ranging from informal to formal ones. Below are some common expressions. Simple good-byes Bye. Good-bye. Bye for now.


See you later. Talk to you soon. See you around. Take care. See you soon. See you tomorrow / next week. See ya. (informal) See you later, alligator. (slang)

More formal good-byes (It was) nice to see you. Good-bye. (It was) good to see you. Good-bye. (It was) nice talking to you. Bye. Take care. See you again.

Saying goodbye to someone you have just met Nice meeting you. It was a pleasure meeting you. (formal) It's a pleasure to have met you. (formal) It's been a real pleasure. (formal)


Business Language
General Useful Expressions Apologising I'm sorry. I made a mistake. Please accept my apologies. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to . . . (I'm) sorry. I didn't realize that . . . . That's okay. No problem.

Prefacing bad news I'm sorry (I have) to tell you this, but . . . I hate to tell you this, but . . . I don't know how to tell you this, but . . . I have some bad news.

(Formal) written apologies We regret to inform you that . . . Regretfully, . . . Unfortunately, . . .

Asking for Help Could you . . . . (for me) ? Would you please . . . ? Would you mind verb-ing . . . .? Could you possibly . . . ? Do you have a minute? Can you spare a few minutes? Could you do me a favour? Could I ask you a favour? Can I ask you to . . . ? I need some help (if you have time). If you're not too busy) Okay, no problem. Of course, I'd be glad to. Sorry, I'm busy at the moment. I'm sorry. I don't have time right now.


Introductions Informal This is my boss, Mr. Stratford. Jared, this is my secretary, Barbara. Have you met, Jason? Jason, this is Teresa. Hi, I'm Jill Watson. I don't believe we've met. I'm Greg. I'd like you to meet my co-worker, Collin Beck. Collin, this is Susan Palmer. Good to meet you. Nice to meet you. My pleasure.

More Formal I'd like to introduce you to my dear friend, Mrs. Pleasant. Allow me to introduce myself/my colleague, Ms. Winters Let me introduce you to my colleague, Dean Richards. Mr. Richards, this is David Porter from Aerospace Inc. How do you do? It's a pleasure meeting you. Pleased to meet you.

Important body language to remember: Smile, eye contact, firm handshake.

Company Description What company do you work for? Which company are you with? Who do you represent? What is the name of your company? Where are you located? What business are you in? The name of our company is . . . . Our company is located in . . . . Our headquarters is in . . . I work for ABC Company. I'm with ABC. I represent (the) XYZ (company). We are in the computer business. We're in computers We sell . . . We produce . . . We manufacture . . . Our major products are . . .


Describing Business Activities What do you do at ABC Company? I am in charge of marketing. I'm responsible for sales. I program computers. I recruit and train employees.

What does your company do? We design software. We build storage units. We produce small appliances. We're in the insurance business.

Describing Jobs What do you do? What do you do for a living? What is your occupation? What type of work do you do? Where do you work? I'm a salesman. (job-general) I'm in sales. (general) I'm in the toy business. (industry) I'm a contractor at JBX. (specific) I'm a consultant for YXL.

What company do you work for? I work for (company name) I work at (general) I'm with (industry)

What do you do there? What do you do at (company name)? I'm a software engineer. (job title) I work in the sales department. (place in company) I'm in customer service. (general area) I work as an instructor. I build houses. (specific job) I clean the restrooms.

Job Responsibilities What do you do (in your job)? What is your main job? What are you in charge of?


I am in charge of training employees. I am responsible for watering the plants. I take care of corporate accounts. I usually answer telephones. I mainly write reports. I repair jet engines.

Describing Products Tell me about (this product) What can you tell me about (this product)? Can you give me some information/details about this? What is special/unique about this? What are the specifications? Let me tell you about . . . This is our (newest) product. This is one of our latest designs. It is made of . . . It can be used for . . . You can use it to . . . You can . . . with it This has/contains . . . This one features . . . This comes with . . . This is equipped with . . . This particular model . . . This is priced at . . . This costs . . .

Describing Projects What are your current projects? What are you working on (at present)? What are your major initiatives in this area? We are currently working on . . . We are in the process of . . . We are developing . . . We are designing . . . We are building . . . We are marketing . . .


Explaining Can you explain . . . Can you tell me why . . . Why . . . What happened . . . ? Well, . . . Let me explain. Let me tell you why . . . Here's what happened: There's a (good) reason for this: The reason is . . . I'm sorry. I can't tell you that (right now). Can I get back to you on that? I'll explain (a little) later. We'll come to that later. We'll get to that in a few minutes. Can we save that until later?

Expressing Appreciation Thanks. Thank you. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Thanks for the tour. Thank you for the nice gift. I appreciate your hospitality. I appreciate your lending me the chain saw.

Forward-Looking Statements What are your plans for the future? What are your projections for the next quarter? What do you expect to achieve (in the near future)? What are your (sales) projections for next six months? What are your goals for the coming year? We expect . . . We plan to . . . We project . . . We hope to . . . We should . . . We will be (verb-ing) . . . If all goes as planned, Our projections are . . . According to our projections,


Invitations Informal Would you like to . . . We're going to . . . . Would you like to come along? There's a . . . . (tonight). Would you like to go? How about (verb-ing) . . . ? Do you want to . . . ? I wonder if you would like to . . . I was wondering if you would like to . . .

More Formal I'd like to invite you to . . . If you have time, I'd like to invite you . . . Would you like to join us for (event) at (time) ? We'd be glad to have you accompany us . . . We'd be delighted / honoured to have you as our guest at . . .

Offering Informal Cigarette? Would you like some coffee? How about a glass of water? Here. Have a/some . . . Would you like one of these? Can I get you something? What can I get you something to drink? No thank you Yes, please. Sure. Thanks. Okay. Thanks. I really shouldn't. No. Thanks anyway. Juice would be fine.

More Formal Would you care for some . . . Would you like to try . . . Let me offer you . . . Let me get you a/some . .


Requesting Informal Please . . . Would you . . . Could you . . . Would you please . . . . Could you possibly . . . Would you mind (verb+ing) . . . Could you do me a favour?

More Formal Could I ask you to . . . Would you mind if I asked you to . . . Would you be so kind as to . . .

Terms of Payment I'd like to pay (in) cash. I'll put it on my credit card. Can I charge it to my credit card? Could you put that on my bill? Could I put that on my account? Could you send me an invoice? Could you bill me (for that)? May I pay in cash pay by cheque pay by credit card pay with a credit card pay in instalments pay in one lump sum Could you deliver it to my office? Do you charge for shipping? Do I need to pay for postage and handling? How long will it take?

Welcoming Visitors Welcoming Welcome to Cando Enterprises. (name of company) Welcome to London. (name of city) I'm John Taylor.


Meeting someone you don't know (example conversations) 1. A: B: A: B: Patricia Murphy? Yes. Hi, I'm Kevin Chen of Myotex Industries. Welcome to Taiwan.


A: Are you Mr. Blanks? B: Yes, I am. A: I'm Jane Placid. We talked on the telephone. Welcome to Sydney. It's nice to meet you in person. B: Nice meeting you too. A: How was your flight? B: Okay, but very long. A: B: A: B: A: B: You must be Ms. Terius. That's right. It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Brad Wilson. Welcome to Suntech. Thank you. Did you have any problems finding this place? No, your directions were very clear.



Section 6 Business Correspondence Structuring a Business Letter Expressions for Business Letters Business Correspondence in English


Structuring a Business Letter

1. Sender's Address in a Business Letter Don't write your address if you use paper with a ready-printed sender's address. If you write your own address, only give the following information: house number, street, area code, place, country, telephone. (Don't include your name here; in English the name is only put at the end of the letter.) Note: The order for sender's addresses in English is: house number, street, area code, place. If the order is different in your culture, keep to the structure used in your country, don't adopt the English way. British English Position: In British English, the sender's address is usually placed in the top right corner of the letter. American English Position: In American English the sender's address is usually placed in the top left corner, below the date, or at the end of the letter, below the signature.

2. Date in a Business Letter British English Write: 30 October 2003 Position: on the right, one line below the sender's address (in letters with a readyprinted sender's address, the date can also be put in the top left corner) American English Write: October 30, 2003 Position: top left corner (sometimes centred)

3. Recipient's Address in a Business Letter Ms / Miss / Mrs / Mr / Dr ... house number, street place area code COUNTRY (in capital letters)In American English, the area code is usually at the same level as the place, separated by a comma. Position: on the left British English In British English, the recipient's address starts on the same line as the date or one line below the date. American English In American English, the recipient's address starts two lines below the sender's address (or two lines below the date if the sender's address isn't placed in the top left corner).


4. Salutation in a Business Letter If you know the person's name: Dear Ms / Miss / Mrs / Mr / Dr + surname Dear Mr Miller

You can also write the person's full name. In this case, leave out the title (Mr/Mrs). This way of writing the salutation is very handy if you don't know the gender of the person. Dear Chris Miller

If you don't know the person's name: There are several possibilities to address people that you don't know by name: Salutation Dear Sir / Dear Sirs Gentlemen Dear Madam Ladies Dear Sir or Madam Ladies and Gentlemen To whom it may concern When to use male addressee (esp. in British English) male addressee (esp. in American English) female addressee (esp. in British English) female addressee (esp. in American English) gender unknown (esp. in British English) gender unknown (esp. in American English) gender unknown (esp. in American English)

Business partners often call each other by their first names. In this case, write the salutation as follows: Dear Sue

Punctuation In British English, don't use any punctuation mark or use a comma. Dear Mr Miller or Dear Mr Miller,

In American English, use a colon: Dear Mr. Miller:

Ms, Miss or Mrs? Mrs to address a married woman Miss to address an unmarried woman (rarely used now) Ms to address a woman whose marital status you don't know; also used to address an unmarried woman

Note: The abbreviations Mr, Mrs etc. are usually written without full stops (Mr) in British English and with full stops (Mr.) in American English.


5. Subject Line in a Business Letter A subject line is not really necessary. You may want to use one, however, so that the reader immediately knows what your letter is about. There are three common methods to distinguish the subject line from the body of the letter: Use "Subject:" or "Re:" Type the subject in bold letters Type the subject in capital letters British English The subject line is usually placed between the salutation and the body of the letter (with a blank line in between). American English In American English, the subject line can also be placed between the recipient's address and the salutation (with a blank line in between).

6. Body of a Business Letter Capitalise the first word of the text (even if the salutation ends with a comma). The text is left-justified and a blank line is put after each paragraph. It is not common to indent the first line of a paragraph. Content first paragraph: introduction and reason for writing following paragraphs: explain your reasons for writing in more detail, provide background information etc. last paragraph: summarise your reason for writing again and make clear what you want the recipient to do

Note: Your text should be positive and well structured.

7. Closing a Business Letter British English If you used the recipient's name in the salutation, use 'Yours sincerely'. If you did not use the recipient's name in the salutation, use 'Yours faithfully'. American English Use 'sincerely', no matter if you used the recipient's name in the salutation or not ('faithfully' is not common in American English).


Examples of Salutations and their suitable Closings British English Salutation Dear Ms Wexley Dear Jane Wexley Dear Jane Dear Sir Dear Sirs Dear Madam Dear Sir or Madam American English Salutation Dear Ms. Wexley: Dear Jane Wexley: Dear Jane: Gentlemen: Ladies: Ladies and Gentlemen: To whom it may concern: Closing Closing

Yours sincerely / Sincerely yours

Yours faithfully / Faithfully yours

Sincerely, / Sincerely yours,

Sincerely, / Sincerely yours,

In emails you could also write: Regards Kind regards Best wishes

Note: If you end the salutation with a comma or colon, use a comma after the greeting. If you didn't punctuate the salutation, don't punctuate the greeting. Position: Write the greeting two lines below the last paragraph and left-justify it. If the date is centre-justified, however, do also centre-justify the greeting. Leave 4 blank lines after the greeting (space for the signature) and write the sender's name below that space.

8. Enclosure in a Business Letter If you wish to enclose documents, you can either list all enclosed documents separately or just write the word 'Enclosure' below the signature.


Expressions for Business Letters

Basic layout Salutation Addressee known Dear Ms / Miss / Mrs / Mr / Dr

Salutation Addressee unknown Dear Sir / Dear Sirs Gentlemen Dear Madam Ladies Dear Sir or Madam Ladies and Gentlemen To whom it may concern

First Paragraph We have received your letter dated Many thanks for / Thank you (very much) for This is to confirm We hereby inform you

Final Paragraph If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to your reply. We are looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Closing Addressee known Yours sincerely / Sincerely yours

Closing Addressee unknown Yours faithfully / Faithfully yours Sincerely / Sincerely yours

Specific expressions Request We got your address from Your advertisement has come to our attention. We were told that you produce We intend to buy / We are considering the purchase of We have a steady demand for We would like to know more about Could you please send us information about ? Please send us your catalogue/catalog.


Offer We are pleased to hear that you are interested in our products. We hereby send you our offer. Enclosed please find our offer. / Enclosed you will find our offer. We are pleased to make the following offer: We assure you that your order will be dealt with promptly. Please let us know your requirements as soon as possible. We look forward to receiving your order.

Order Enclosed please find our order. / Our order is enclosed. We would like to place the following order: We herewith order the following items: We require the goods urgently. We would be grateful if you could deliver as soon as possible. Please let us know when we can expect the delivery.

Dispatch Note We are pleased to inform you that your goods were sent today. We hereby inform you that your goods will be delivered tomorrow. We hope that the goods will arrive in perfect condition. We look forward to doing business with you again.

Acknowledgement of Receipt We have received your delivery. Your delivery arrived in perfect condition on Thank you very much for executing our order professionally.

Invoice Please find enclosed invoice no. for Thank you for your order. We look forward to doing business with you again.

Reminder According to our records, we have not yet received a remittance for above invoice. May we remind you that your payment is overdue for three months. This is to remind you that above invoice is still unpaid. We would appreciate if you cleared your account within the next days. Please send your payment promptly. If you have already sent your payment, please disregard this letter.


Useful Expressions for Business Correspondence

Common Phrases for Business Letters

Request for information I am writing to inquire about . . . I am writing in reference to . . . I read / heard . . . and would like to know . . . Could you please send me . . . to the address below / above. Thank you for your assistance. I look forward to hearing from you.

Response to request Thank you for your interest / inquiry Enclosed is the information you requested. You can learn more about this at . . . If you have further questions, If you require assistance, please contact: If I can be of more help, please feel free to contact me at . . .

Sample Sentences: Requests Could you please send me your most recent brochure? Could you fax me the results of the market survey? I would like to order ten copies of the book Business Objectives. I would be very grateful if you could send me this information. Please return the enclosed envelope with your payment.

Sample Sentences: Goodwill Thank you for your hospitality. I enjoyed having lunch with you last week while I was in New York. Congratulations on your promotion to General Manager. I want(ed) to congratulate you on your new position. I was happy to hear that contract negotiations went well.

Sample Sentences: Introduction of Product / Service. I am writing to tell you about . . . (Our new product) is coming out next month. This product / service is designed to (help you) . . .


Sample Sentences: Reference I am writing in regard to . . . I am writing in reference to . . . Please refer to the enclosed invoice / brochure. I hope you have had a chance to look over the materials we sent.

Sample Sentences: Confirmation I am writing to confirm . . . I would like to confirm what we discussed last Friday. I would just like to confirm the main points we discussed . . .

Sample Sentences: Notification I am writing to let you know that . . . Please be aware / informed that . . . I would like to inform you of a recent policy change. I am happy to inform you that ... Your request for has been approved.

Sample Sentences: Offering Assistance We would be happy to . . . If we can be of assistance, please don't hesitate to ask.

Sample Sentences: Collection According to our records . . . Our records show that . . . Your monthly instalment is past due. Please send payment as soon as possible.

Helpful Hints for Business Letters Before writing a business letter, consider the following: Objective(s) Why am I writing this letter? What do I hope to accomplish? What action do I want from my reader?

Your Audience Who will read this letter?


How can I appeal to the reader's interest? What attitude might the reader have toward this information? Will the reader consider this good news or bad news?

Organisation What information should be included first/last? What details does the reader need to know? Does my conclusion motivate the reader to do something? Do I end the letter in a positive and polite manner?

Professionalism Do I use a professional business letter format? Do my language and style show a positive attitude toward the reader/the company/the product/the information. Will my reader be offended by anything in the letter?

Proofreading Are there any spelling errors, typos, etc.? Is the format of the letter appropriate? Have I signed my name?

Writer's Checklist

For Business Letters: 1. Receiver (Who are you writing this to?) Someone you know (friend, colleague, business partner, group, company) Some one you don't know (To whom it may concern, Dear Sir / Madam) How do you expect the receiver to respond?

2. Sender (Who are you?) What is your relationship to the reader / receiver(s)? What role are you assuming in the letter? (friend, colleague, etc.)

3. Context (What background information does the reader need?) Bring the reader up to date first. Establish a connection Supporting details Time frame (sequence of events)

4. Message (What do you want the reader to know or do?) What do you hope to accomplish with the letter (inform, persuade, initiate action) Polite requests Please . . .


Would you mind . . . Could you please . . . Would you be so kind as to . . .

5. Medium (What is the appropriate format?) Fax, e-mail, formal business letter, memo, informal note

6. Tone (What tone do you wish to convey?) informative polite business-like friendly humble assertive urgent irate

7. Other recipients (Are there others who need to be informed of this communication?) cc: courtesy copy


Business Correspondence in English Business letters are formal paper communications between, to or from businesses and usually sent through the Post Office or sometimes by courier. Business letters are sometimes called "snail-mail" (in contrast to email which is faster).
Types of business correspondence: letter, memo, fax, email Who writes business letters? Most people who have an occupation have to write business letters. Some write many letters each day and others only write a few letters over the course of a career. Business people also read letters on a daily basis. Letters are written from a person/group, known as the sender to a person/group, known in business as the recipient. Here are some examples of senders and recipients: business to business business to consumer job applicant to company citizen to government official employer to employee staff member to staff member

Why write business letters? There are many reasons why you may need to write business letters or other correspondence: to persuade to inform to request to express thanks to remind to recommend to apologise to congratulate to reject a proposal or offer to introduce a person or policy to invite or welcome to follow up to formalise decisions

Read through the following pages to learn more about the different types of business letters, and how to write them. You will learn about formatting, planning, and writing letters, as well as how to spot your own errors. These pages are designed to help you write business letters and correspondence, but they will also help you learn to read, and therefore respond to, the letters you receive.


Business Letter Formats There are certain standards for formatting a business letter, though some variations are acceptable (for example between European and North American business letters). Here are some basic guidelines: Use A4 (European) paper or letterhead Use 2.5 cm margins on all four sides Use a simple font such as Times New Roman or Arial Use 10 to 12 point font Use a comma after the salutation (Dear Ms. Bond,) Lay out the letter so that it fits the paper appropriately Single space within paragraphs Double space between paragraphs Double space between last sentence and closing (Yours sincerely, Best wishes) Leave three to fives spaces for a handwritten signature cc: (meaning "copies to") comes after the typed name (if necessary) enc: (meaning "enclosure") comes next (if necessary) Fold in three (horizontally) before placing in the envelope Use right ragged formatting (not justified on right side)

Formatting Business Letters Block format is the most common format used in business today. With this format, nothing is centred. The sender's address, the recipient's address, the date and all new paragraphs begin at the left margin, like this: Senders Address (may be printed company logo and address) La Ronda SL C/ Marfil 33 1 2 08800 Vilanova i la Geltr Barcelona Date 5th December, 2006 Recipients Address Spacey Plastics Co. Ltd 22 Chilton Road London SE11 8PL England Recipients Reference (if any) Your ref: 123


Senders Reference (if any) Our ref: abc Salutation Dear Ms. Jones, Subject Forthcoming Exhibition Body of Letter First paragraph... Second paragraph... Third paragraph... Closing Your sincerely, Signature (hand written) Maria Rodriguez Name, Title (typed) Jos Rodriguez, Director Copy to cc: Brian Waldorf Enclosure Enc: catalogue

There are other, slightly different ways of formatting a business letter, where for example paragraphs are indented or the date is typed on the right hand side.


Here is a blank format layout for you to use: Senders Address (may be printed company logo and address)


Recipients Address

Recipients Reference (if any)

Senders Reference (if any)



Body of Letter First paragraph... Second paragraph... Third paragraph... Closing

Signature (hand written)

Name, Title (typed)

Copy to



Formatting Envelopes for Business Letters It is best to type an envelope for a business letter. Most word document programs contain an envelope labelling function to help you. All you need to do is indicate the size of envelope you are using and type the correct information in the appropriate fields.

Formatting Business Memos Memos are short internal business letters, sent to other staff within the same company. A memo (or memorandum) may also be posted somewhere inside a company for all to see. Memos are becoming less common as electronic mail becomes more common. In contrast to letters, memos do not usually contain salutations or closings, and may be typed or handwritten. The text portion of the memo is generally in block format. Memos should include "From", "To", "Date", "Subject" and the message itself, like this: [Company logo] MEMORANDUM From: [name or initials] To: [name or initials] Date: Subject: [short description] Message starts here... often with bullet points Formatting Business Email When using email in business, most of the guidelines for standard formatting in business letters apply. Here are a few differences: Choose a subject line that is simple and straightforward. Refrain from using key words that might cause an email to go into another person's trash box. Repeat the subject line in the body of the email, beneath the salutation (as with a letter). Use the "cc" address line to copy more than one person with your correspondence. You can request a receipt for important letters. The system will automatically let you know when someone has opened your email. Instead of a signature, include your typed name, and below it include your email address, business name and address, phone and fax number, and website if appropriate. Remember that people often print out emails, so your own email address and the subject line would be lost if you had not included them in the body of the email. Internal electronic mail may be formatted more like a memo than a formal letter.


Planning a Business Letter A business letter is not a place for chit-chat. Unlike business conversations where a certain amount of small talk is used to break the ice, a business letter should be clear and concise. By taking time to plan your letter, you will save time in the writing and proofreading stages. During the planning stage, ask yourself a few simple questions. Jot down your answers to create an outline before you start writing. 1. Who am I writing this letter to? Identifying your audience always comes first. Are you writing to more than one person, to someone you don't know, or to someone you have known for a long time? This will help you determine how formal the letter needs to be. You may need to introduce yourself briefly in the letter if the recipient does not know you. You may also need to find out the updated address and title of the recipient. This is a good time to confirm the correct spelling of first and last names. 2. Why am I writing this letter? The main reason for the letter should be understood from the subject line and first few sentences. You may cover more than one thing in one business letter, but there will almost always be a general reason for the letter. Identify your main goal and what you hope to accomplish. 3. Are there specific details I need to include? Gather any dates, addresses, names, prices, times or other information that you may need to include before you write your letter. Double check details rather than relying on your memory. 4. Do I require a response? Many types of business letter require a response. Others are written in response to a letter that has been received. Before you start writing, determine whether or not you require an action or response from the recipient. Your request or requirement should be very clear. In some cases you may even need to provide a deadline for a response. If you do require a response, how should the recipient contact you? Indicate this information clearly as well. You may want to provide more than one option, such as an email address and a phone number. 5. How can I organise my points logically? Think about how you would organise your thoughts if you were speaking rather than writing to the recipient. First you would introduce yourself. Second you would state your concern or reason for writing. After the main content of your letter you would include information on how you can be contacted. The end of the letter is also a place to express gratitude, wish good-luck, or offer sympathy. Here is an example outline:


Example Letter Plan 1. Recipient Karen Jacobson Acquaintance (met twice before, briefly) Title: President, The Flying Club Address: 44 Windermere Drive, Stockton on Tees, Cleveland, TS19 0TB 2. Reason To invite a board member to remain on the board for a second term. Other members suggested that she has enjoyed this position and has been thinking about staying on. No other volunteers have come forward to take over at the end of September.

3. Specific details If she decides to stay on she will need to be available for the national meeting on 5 November. Board members who stay for two terms are sometimes asked to take on extra duties, such as taking minutes or hosting social events.

4. Response She will need to respond by 1 September. She can contact me by email or phone.

5. Organisation Return address of our institution Karen Jacobson's title and address Salutation: Dear Ms. Jacobson First paragraph: Introduce myself briefly--remind Karen where we met before. Provide my reason for writing: "I have heard from a number of board members that you may be interested in staying on for a second term. We would be very pleased to have you stay on for another year." Second paragraph: Explain what type of commitment this position will involve this year (once a month meetings, national meeting, plus possible extra duties) Third Paragraph: Provide deadline for response and how to contact me. Closing: Express thanks to Karen for volunteering her time this year


Writing a Business Letter The term "business letter" makes people nervous. Many people with English as a second language worry that their writing is not advanced enough for business writing. This is not the case. An effective letter in business uses short, simple sentences and straightforward vocabulary. The easier a letter is to read, the better. You will need to use smooth transitions in your sentences.

1. Salutation First and foremost, make sure that you spell the recipient's name correctly. You should also confirm the gender and proper title. Use Ms. for women and Mr. for men. Use Mrs. if you are 100% sure that a woman is married. Under less formal circumstances, or after a long period of correspondence it may be acceptable to address a person by his or her first name. When you don't know the name of a person and cannot find this information out you may write, "To Whom It May Concern" instead of Dear Sir or Madam. It is standard to use a comma after the salutation. It is also possible to use no punctuation mark at all. Here are some common ways to address the recipient: Dear Mr. Powell, Dear Ms. Mackenzie, Dear Frederick Hanson, Dear Editor-in-Chief, Dear Valued Customer, Dear Sir or Madam, Dear Madam, Dear Sir, Dear Sirs,

2. First paragraph In most types of business letter it is common to use a friendly greeting in the first sentence of the letter. Here are some examples: I hope you are enjoying a fine summer. Thank you for your kind letter of January 5th. I came across an advertisement for your company in The Star today. It was a pleasure meeting you at the conference this month. I appreciate your patience in waiting for a response.

After your short opening, state the main point of your letter in one or two sentences: I am writing to enquire about... I am writing with reference to I am interested in the job opening posted on your company website. We would like to invite you to a members only luncheon on April 5th.


3. Second and third paragraphs Use a few short paragraphs to go into greater detail about your main point. If one paragraph is all you need, don't write an extra paragraph just to make your letter look longer. If you are including sensitive material, such as rejecting an offer, embed this sentence in the second paragraph rather than opening with it. Here are some common ways to express unpleasant facts: We regret to inform you... It is with great sadness that we... After careful consideration we have decided...

4. Final paragraph Your last paragraph should include requests, reminders, and notes on enclosures. If necessary, your contact information should also be in this paragraph. Here are some common phrases used when closing a business letter: I look forward to... Please respond at your earliest convenience. I would also remind you that the next board meeting is on February 5th. For further details... If you require more information... Thank you for taking this into consideration. I appreciate any feedback you may have. Enclosed you will find... Please feel free to contact me by phone or email.

5. Closing Use a comma between the closing and your handwritten name (or typed in an email). The etiquette for closing formal letters is usually as follows: If your salutation is doesnt include the name of the person: Yours sincerely,

If your salutation includes the name of the person: Yours faithfully,

However, here are some other common ways to close a letter. If in doubt, it is best to use one of the standard closing phrases detailed above. Formal: Yours truly, Yours sincerely, Sincerely, Sincerely yours,


Yours faithfully,

Less formal: Thank you, Best wishes, All the best, Best of luck , Best regards, Regards, Warm regards,

Writing Tips Use a conversational tone. Ask direct questions. Double-check gender and spelling of names. Use active voice whenever possible. Use polite modals (for example, would instead of will). Always refer to yourself as "I". Don't use "we" unless it is clear exactly who the pronoun refers to. Rewrite any sentence or request that sounds vague. Don't forget to include the date. Day-Month-Year is conventional in many countries; however, to avoid confusion, write out the month instead of using numbers (e.g. July 5th, 2007)


Section 7 Using the Telephone Telephone English Useful Expressions for making Telephone Calls Tips for getting people to slow down


Telephone English
If the phone rings in English, don't be afraid to answer it! The fear of talking on the phone in a second language will disappear if you practise often. The hardest part about using the phone in a language that is not your own is the fact that you cannot see the other person's eyes, mouth and body movements (body language). Although you might not be aware of it, in faceto-face conversation you lip-read and watch for smiles, frowns and moving hands. Listening to someone on the telephone is like doing a section from a taped recording in class. The only difference is that you have to talk back! Here we will look at some of the words and expressions that we use for telephoning. Remember, practice makes perfect! Ring, ring...

Telephone Terms Here are some of the words and terms that we use to talk about telephoning. answer answering machine to say "hello" into the phone when it rings something that you can record a message on if the person you are calling isn't home a beeping sound that tells the caller that the other person is already on the phone with someone else a telephone conversation; to telephone the person who telephones to call someone who called you first a screen that shows you who is calling a phone that is not attached to the wall (you can walk short distances with it at home or in the garden) to press the buttons on the phone the sound the phone makes when you pick it up a book that alphabetically lists local phone numbers of people and businesses to put the receiver down and end a call a telephone that you can take with you a person who answers telephone-related questions a small machine you wear that makes a noise (or vibrates) when someone wants you to call them a telephone; to telephone

engaged signal

call caller call back/phone back call display cordless phone

dial dial tone directory/phone book

hang up mobile / cell phone operator pager



phone booth/pay phone pick up receiver

a place where you can pay to use a telephone in public to answer the phone the piece on the phone that you speak into and listen from the sound a phone makes when somebody calls; to make that sound the sound-piece that alerts a person that a call is coming through



Telephone Language Here are some typical phrases that you can use in a telephone conversation. Answering the phone Hello? (informal) Thank you for calling Midland Health. Jane speaking. How can I help you? Doctor's office.

Introducing yourself Hello George. It's Lisa calling. (informal) Hello, this is Julie Madison calling. Hi, it's Gerry from the dentist's office here. Speaking.* *The person answering says this if the caller does not recognize their voice.

Asking to speak with someone Is Fred in? (informal) Is Jackson there, please? (informal) Can I talk to your sister? (informal) May I speak with Mr. Green, please? Would it be possible to speak to the doctor?

Connecting someone Just a minute. I'll get him. (informal) Hang on one second. (informal) Please hold and I'll put you through to his office. One moment please. All of our operators are busy at this time. Please hold for the next available person.

Making special requests Could you please repeat that? Would you mind spelling that for me?


Could you speak up a little please? Can you speak a little slower please. My English isn't very good. Can you call me back? I think we have a bad connection. Can you please hold for a minute? I have another call.

Taking a message for someone Sammy's not in. Who's this? (informal) I'm sorry, Lisa's not here at the moment. Can I ask who's calling? I'm afraid he's stepped out. Would you like to leave a message? He's at lunch at the moment. Whos calling please? He's busy right now. Can you call again later? I'll let him know you called. I'll make sure she gets the message.

Leaving a message with someone Yes, can you tell him his wife called, please. No, that's okay, I'll call back later. Yes, it's James from Newtons here. When do you expect her back in the office? Thanks, could you ask him to call Brian when he gets in? Do you have a pen handy. I don't think he has my number. Thanks. My number is 555 3456, extension 12.

Confirming information Okay, I've got it all down. Let me repeat that just to make sure. Did you say 17 Charles Road? You said your name was John, is that right? I'll make sure he gets the message.

Listening to an answering machine Hello. You've reached 555 6789. Please leave a message after the beep. Thank you. Hi, this is Elizabeth. I'm sorry I'm not available to take your call at this time. Leave me a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Thank you for calling Dr. Thomson's office. Our hours are 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. Please call back during these hours, or leave a message after the tone.

Leaving a message on an answering machine Hi Mike. It's Yvonne. Call me! (informal) Hello, this is Richard calling for Lisa. Could you please return my call as soon as possible. My number is 555 5689. Thank you. Hello Maxwell. This is Clare from the doctor's office calling. I just wanted to let you know that you're due for a check-up this month. Please give us a ring whenever it's convenient.

Finishing a conversation Well, Id better be going. Talk to you soon. Thanks for calling. Bye for now.


I have to let you go now. I have another call coming through. Id better go. I'm afraid that's my other line. I'll talk to you again soon. Bye.

Telephone Tips 1. Speak slowly and clearly Listening to someone speaking in a second language over the telephone can be very challenging because you cannot see the person you are trying to hear. However, it may be even more difficult for the person you are talking with to understand you. You may not realise that your pronunciation isn't clear because your teacher and fellow students know and understand you. Pay special attention to your weak areas (such as "r's" and "l's" or "b's" and "v's") when you are on the phone. If you are nervous about using the phone in English, you may notice yourself speaking very quickly. Practise or write down what you are going to say and take a few deep breaths before you make a phone call. 2. Make sure you understand the other speaker Don't pretend to understand everything you hear over the telephone. Even native speakers ask each other to repeat and confirm information from time to time. This is especially important if you are taking a message for someone else. Learn the appropriate expressions that English speakers use when they don't hear something properly. Don't be afraid to remind the person to slow down more than once. Keep your telephone in an area that is away from other noise distractions such as a radio or television. 3. Practise with a friend Ask another student to practise talking on the phone with you. You might choose one night a week and take turns phoning each other at a certain time. Try to talk for at least fifteen minutes. You can talk socially, or role play different scenarios in a business environment. If you don't have access to a telephone, you can practise by setting two chairs up back to back. The most important thing about practising telephone English is that you aren't able to see each other's mouths. It is amazing how much people lip-read without realizing. 4. Use businesses and recordings There are many ways to get free telephone English practice. After business hours, you can call and listen to recorded messages in English. Write down what you hear the first time, and then call back and check if your notes are accurate. If you are in an English-speaking country, use the phone in your everyday life. Call for a pizza delivery instead of going out to eat. Call a salon to book a hair appointment. Some large cities have free recordings you can call for information in different languages. (Make sure that you aren't going to get charged for these numbers first.) Some products have free phone numbers on the packaging that you can call for information. Think of a question you might want to ask and call the free number! You will have to give your name and address. Make sure you have a pen handy so that you can repeat the information and check your comprehension. 5. Learn telephone etiquette (manners) The way that you speak to your best friend on the phone is very different to the way you should speak to someone in a business setting. Many ESL speakers make the mistake of being


too direct on the telephone. It is possible that the person on the other line will think that you are being rude on purpose if you don't use formal language in certain situations. Sometimes just one word such as "could" or "may" is necessary in order to sound polite. You should use the same modals you would use in a formal "face-to-face" situation. Take the time to learn how to answer the phone and say goodbye in a polite manner, as well as all the various ways one can start and end a conversation casually. 6. Practise dates and numbers It only takes a short time to memorise English Phonetic Spelling, but it is something that you will be able to use in any country. You should also practise saying dates and numbers aloud.


Useful Expressions for Making Telephone Calls

Answering the phone (company). Good morning. (company). Good afternoon. (company). How can I help you? I'm afraid you have dialled the wrong number. Who would you like to speak to? What does it concern, please? Would you mind telling me what you're calling about? Hold the line, I'll put you through. I'll pass you over to (department). is speaking on another line. isn't in (yet). is away on business. is on holiday (this week). is out for lunch. I'm afraid, is not available at the moment. will be back any minute. I'm sorry, but the line is engaged. There's no reply. If you hold the line, I'll try again. Would you like to hold? Could you try again later / tomorrow? Can I take a message? Would you like to leave a message for ? If you give me your phone number, will call you back. Could I have your name, please? Could I help you? Maybe I can help you?

Making a phone call here. / speaking. / This is This is (company), (name) speaking. Sorry, I must have dialled the wrong number. Could I speak to , please? Am I speaking to ? Could you put me through to , please? It's about I'm calling about Could you please tell I phoned? Could you give a message, please? Could you ask to call me back? Do you know when will be back? Will be in the office tomorrow? I'll try again later / tomorrow. Maybe you could help me?


Problems on the phone Im afraid that my English isn't very good. Im sorry, but my English isnt very good. The line is bad. I can hardly hear you. Im sorry, but I cant hear you. I didn't get that. Could you speak more slowly, please? Could you speak louder, please? Could you repeat that, please? Could you spell that, please? Sorry? Pardon? Im afraid I dont understand.


Tips for Getting People to Slow Down!

One of the biggest problems is speed. Native speakers, especially business people, tend to speak very quickly on the telephone. Here are some practical tips to get native speakers of English to slow down! Immediately ask the person to speak slowly. When taking note of a name or important information, repeat each piece of information as the person speaks. This is an especially effective tool. By repeating each important piece of information or each number or letter as the spell or give you a telephone number you automatically slow the speaker down. Do not say you have understood if you have not. Ask the person to repeat until you have understood. Remember that the other person needs to make himself/herself understood and it is in his/her interest to make sure that you have understood. If you ask a person to explain more than twice they will usually slow down. If the person does not slow down begin speaking your own language! A sentence or two of another language spoken quickly will remind the person that they are fortunate because THEY do not need to speak a different language to communicate. Used carefully, this exercise in humbling the other speaker can be very effective. Just be sure to use it with colleagues and not with a boss :-)! Key phrases Good morning, this is Juan Nuez calling from Spain. I'd like to speak to Mr / Ms Johnson, please. I'd like to leave a message for ... Just a moment, please. I'll put you through. I'm sorry, the line's busy / engaged. Am I disturbing you? I am on another line. Could I take your name please Hang on, Ill put you through Would you like to call back later? I'm afraid / sorry she's not in the office today. I'm afraid /sorry he's away on business. Can I take a message? Can she call you back when she gets in? I'm calling about I'm returning your call. I'll get back to you on that. I'll give her the message as soon as possible. Can we arrange an appointment? Does Thursday suit you? Let me check my diary. Sorry, I didn't catch that. What was your name again, please? Could you speak more slowly, please? Could you spell that for me, please? Thank you for your help. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you. Goodbye. You're welcome. Bye.


Practice good mobile phone etiquette. Mobile phones are convenient, but they can also be incredibly annoying. Here's a crash course in mobile phone etiquette: There's nothing more annoying than being interrupted by that shrill musical ring in the middle of a lunch meeting - except maybe having your lunch put on hold with a muttered, "Hang on a second... Hello?" Mobile phones have changed the way we interact. They bring private acts - conversations between two people - into public places. There is no phone booth, no shield between the talker and the world around him. Here's how to handle this new technology in a business environment. Despite the obvious advantages of a mobile phone, the rule of thumb is to use the same etiquette you would on a standard business phone line. If you wouldn't stand up and leave the room to place a call in the middle of a meeting, then you shouldnt answer a mobile phone. You should turn your mobile phone off in that same meeting. There are other bad habits to watch for, too. Some people use their mobile phones as watches. So, not only do they have to leave the machines on so that they know what time it is, but they're constantly looking at it. Mobile phones have pros and cons. They are useful if you're on the road because people can reach you at all times. However, if I call someone, the first thing I have to tell them is that I'm on my mobile phone, in case the signal fades and we lose contact. To minimise annoyance on the other end of the line, speak slowly so important information isnt lost. Keep your message brief and repeat your phone number twice, just in case. If you're in meetings all day, include on your voicemail the hours when you can be reached in person, or when you will return messages.


Section 8 Useful Information Complete Grammar Tense Explanations 100 Essential Business Nouns 100 Essential Business Verbs Business Letters Dictionary False Friends - Cognates


100 Essential Business English Nouns

100 commonly-used nouns you should know and be able to use if you work in an Englishspeaking business environment.

advantage advice authorisation budget comparison confirmation customer debtor deficit description distribution enquiry estimate facilities feedback growth increase interest knowledge margin mistake opinion output permission price profit reduction repairs result risk schedule stock supply transport

advertise agenda bill change competition costs deadline decision delivery difference employee environment experience factory goal guarantee industry inventory limit market objective option payment possibility product promotion refund report retailer salary share success support turnover

advertisement apology brand commission competitor creditor debt decrease department disadvantage employer equipment explanation fall goods improvement instructions invoice loss message offer order penalty preparation production purchase reminder responsibility rise sales signature suggestion target


100 Essential Business English Verbs

Here are 100 commonly-used verbs you should know and be able to use if you work in an English-speaking business environment. accept advertise approve borrow buy cancel check complete convince decrease dismiss divide encourage exchange fix improve install join lower measure order own pay prevent promise purchase receive refuse remove respond sell shorten succeed vary add advise authorise break calculate change choose confirm count deliver dispatch drop establish extend fund increase invest lend maintain mention organise pack plan process promote raise recruit reject reply return send split suggest admit afford avoid build call charge for complain consider decide develop distribute employ estimate fall get worse inform invoice lengthen manage obtain owe participate present produce provide reach reduce remind resign rise separate structure write


Writing Business Letters

These core vocabulary reference sheets focusing on writing business letters provide key words and phrases . Please try to translate the specific words and phrases into your native tongue as each phrase has a very specific translation in different languages and can often not be literally translated. to act on behalf of to agree with always at your service as agreed as far as I'm concerned as far as the payment is concerned as follows as per invoice as per to the conditions as per your request as requested as soon as possible at your convenience at your earliest convenience at your expense awaiting your reply be able to be authorised to be characterised by be confident in be delighted to be held responsible for be in arrears with payments be in difficulty ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________


be interested in be late be overrun with orders be prepared to - to be willing to before the date we agreed upon Best regards body of the letter circular letter claim - letter of complaint come to a decision

___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________

come to an agreement - to reach an agreement ___________________________________ complimentary close cope with the competition correspond to the sample correspond with covering letter due to oversight enclosure - attachment fix an appointment following your instructions from order receipt further to our letter - following our letter goods listed below greeting half-price have the pleasure to have the power to ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________


hereby in case of need in compliance with - accordingly in due time - in due course in good condition in our favour in partial payment in reply to your letter in the absence of inform in due time inside address let someone know in advance letter opening - beginning of the letter letter heading - heading look forward to looking forward to an early reply looking forward to hearing from you make the goods available meet a demand meet customer's requirements meet the demand Messrs notify in advance about on advanced payment on arrival of the goods on behalf of on condition that - provided that on delivery

___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________


on receipt of the order on short notice on written request order to be confirmed our best attention our offer is still open outside address pay the maximum attention to the matter payable in advance please allow us please send us please send us your instructions prices are increasing reach the destination refer to return a letter to the sender sell at the best send under separate cover sender address short term similar to sample - up to sample stop negotiations submit a sample suit the quality - to meet the quality take into consideration the aim of this letter the following items

___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________


the goods are available in our warehouse the goods are not similar to sample the goods are sold out the goods arrived in good conditions the letter remained unanswered the matter in reference the meeting was cancelled to our mutual benefit to the kind attention of under separate cover up to an amount of utmost care we acknowledge receipt of we apologise again for we apologise for we apologise for the delay we apologise for the mistake we are sorry to have to we are sorry to inform you we have received we hope we'll receive the goods soon we look forward to your kind reply we must apologise for we remain - our kindest regards we sent you we thank you in advance we wish to inform you that we would appreciate it if you could answer

___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________


we would appreciate your reply with no obligation - without commitment with reference to - in reference to with the compliments of with the utmost care with two weeks' notice within 30 days within which without delay without notice would you please let us have would you please let us know you ordered you requested you sent us Yours faithfully (GB)

___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________

Business Letter Vocabulary attachment extra document or image that is added to an email most common business letter format, single spaced, all paragraphs begin at the left margin the content of the letter; between the salutation and signature small dark dots used to set off items in an unnumbered list important letters that sender pays extra

block format



certified mail


postage for in order to receive a notice of receipt coherent concise confidential, personal diplomacy, diplomatic direct mail, junk mail logical; easy to understand gets to the point quickly private demonstrating consideration and kindness marketing letters addressed to a large audience where one blank line is left between lines of text extra document or image included with a letter uses set formatting and business language, opposite of casual the set up or organization of a document a word or phrase that indicates what the text below will be about extra spaces (usually 5) at the beginning of a paragraph casual recipient's mailing information margins straight and even text, always begins at the same place

double space format



format heading


informal inside address justified


specialized paper with a (company) logo or name printed at the top symbol or image that identifies a specific organization a blank space that borders the edge of the text document sent within a company (internal), presented in short form as block format, but date and closing are centred notice to recipient that appears on an



memorandum (memo)

modified block format left justified



envelope (e.g. "confidential") postage proofread the cost of sending a letter by post read through a finished document to check for mistakes marks used within or after sentences and phrases (e.g. full stops, commas) easy to read the person who receives the letter format in which text on the right side of the document ends at slightly different points (not justified) greeting in a letter (e.g. "Dear Mr Jones") content in a letter that may cause the receiver to feel upset paragraphs are indented, not left-justified term used before a name when formally closing a letter where no blanks lines are left in-between lines of text blank area between words or lines of text the feeling of the language (e.g. serious, enthusiastic) words or phrases used to make a letter flow naturally (e.g. "furthermore", "on the other hand")


reader-friendly recipient right ragged

salutation sensitive information

semi-block format sincerely

single spaced format

spacing tone



Present Simple We use the present simple to talk about actions we see as long term or permanent. It is a very common and very important tense. Here, we are talking about regular actions or events. They drive to the office every day. She doesn't come here very often. The news usually starts at 6.00 every evening. Do you usually have bacon and eggs for breakfast?

Here, we are talking about facts. We have two children. Water freezes at 0 C or 32 F. What does this expression mean? The Thames flows through London.

Here, we are talking about future facts, usually found in a timetable or a chart. Christmas Day falls on a Monday this year. The plane leaves at 5.00 tomorrow morning. The project doesn't start for another 3 weeks. Does the class begin at 10 or 11 this week?

Here, we are talking about our thoughts and feelings at the time of speaking. Although these feelings can be short-term, we use the present simple and not the present continuous. They don't ever agree with us. I think you are right. She doesn't want you to do it. Do you understand what I am trying to say.

Present Continuous We use the present continuous to talk about present situations which we see as short-term or temporary. In the following examples, the action is taking place at the time of speaking. Oh , no. It's raining. Who is Kate talking to on the phone? Look, somebody is trying to steal that man's wallet. Slow down, you're driving too fast.

In the next examples, the action is true at the present moment but we don't think it will be true in the long term. We're looking for a new house. She's thinking about leaving the company. Are you doing enough revision for your exams?


They're considering making an appeal against the judgment.

In these examples, the action is at a definite time in the future and has already been arranged. I'm seeing her at 6.30. He's coming next week. We are having a special dinner at a top restaurant for all the senior managers. They aren't arriving until Wednesday. Isn't she coming to the dinner?

Present Simple or Continuous The Present Simple is used for: Regular actions or events: He plays tennis most weekends. Facts: The sun rises in the east. Facts known about the future: We leave at 8.30 next Monday Thoughts and feelings about the time of speaking: I don't feel very well.

The Present Continuous is used for: The time of speaking ('now'): Shh, I'm trying to hear what they are saying . Things which are true at the moment but not always: We're looking for a new flat. Present plans for the future: We're having dinner with them next week .

Look at these examples : I don't usually have cereals for breakfast but I'm having some this morning because there is nothing else. I often cycle to work but I'm taking the car this morning because it's raining very hard. I'm thinking about having my hair cut short but I don't think my husband will be very happy about it. My parents live in Washington but I'm just visiting.

Note how, in all these examples, we use the present continuous to talk about events which are temporary/limited in time and the present simple to talk about events which are habits/permanent.

Past Simple The past simple is used to talk about actions and states which we see as completed in the past. We use it to talk about a specific point in time. We lived in Japan for five years. She was in London from Monday to Thursday last week. When he was living in New York, he went to all the bars and clubs he could.

You will often find the past simple used with time expressions such as these:


yesterday three weeks ago last year in 2002 from March to June for a long time for 6 weeks in the 1980s in the last century in the past

Past Continuous The past continuous is used to talk about past events which took place for a period of time. It is used to emphasize the continuing process of an activity or the period of that activity. (If we want to talk about a past event as a simple fact, we use the past simple.) While I was driving home, Richard was trying desperately to phone me. Sorry, were you sleeping? I was just making some tea. Would you like some? I was thinking about her last night. In the 1990s, very few people were using mobile phones.

We often use it to describe a "background action" when something else happened. They were still waiting for the plane when I spoke to them. He was talking to me on the phone and it suddenly went dead. She was walking in the street when she suddenly fell over. The company was growing rapidly before he became chairman. We were just talking about it before you arrived. I was having a cup of coffee when I remembered I was supposed to be in a meeting!

Past Simple or Continuous The past simple and the past continuous both refer to completed actions in the past. When we are talking about such actions, most of the time, we use the past simple. This is by far the most common way of talking about the past. They lived in Florida for 6 years. I only found out a few minutes ago. The company took on more than 100 people last year. He asked her but she didn't know anything.

The past continuous is used only when you want to emphasize the continuity of the action. Jack was talking about it all evening. They were really trying hard but couldn't do it. Were you expecting him to get the job? I was thinking about you the other day.


The past continuous to talk about the "background action" and the past simple to talk about the shorter completed action. It was snowing hard when we left home. I was reading the report when you rang. She was going out to an appointment when I saw her. Everybody was taking a break when I arrived. The company was doing well when I last visited it.

Present Perfect (Please note that British and American English have different rules for the use of this tense. The explanation and exercises here refer to British English. In American English, it is often acceptable to use the past simple in some of these examples.) We use the present perfect when we want to look back from the present to the past. We can use it to look back on the recent past. I've broken my watch so I don't know what time it is. They have cancelled the meeting. She's taken my copy. I don't have one. The sales team has doubled its turnover.

When we look back on the recent past, we often use the words 'just' 'already' or the word 'yet' (in negatives and questions only). We've already talked about that. She hasn't arrived yet. I've just done it. They've already met. They don't know yet. Have you spoken to him yet? Have they got back to you yet?

It can also be used to look back on the more distant past. We've been to Singapore a lot over the last few years. She's done this type of project many times before. We've mentioned it to them on several occasions over the last six months. They've often talked about it in the past.

When we look back on the more distant past, we often use the words 'ever' (in questions) and 'never'. Have you ever been to Argentina? Has he ever talked to you about the problem? I've never met Jim and Sally. We've never considered investing in Mexico.


Present Perfect Continuous This tense is used to talk about an action or actions that started in the past and continued until recently or that continue into the future: We can use it to refer to an action that has finished but you can still see evidence. Oh, the kitchen is a mess. Who has been cooking? You look tired. Have you been sleeping properly? I've got a stiff neck. I've been working too long on computer.

It can refer to an action that has not finished. I've been learning Spanish for 20 years and I still don't know very much. I've been waiting for him for 30 minutes and he still hasn't arrived. He's been telling me about it for days. I wish he would stop.

It can refer to a series of actions. She's been writing to her regularly for a couple of years. He's been phoning me all week for an answer. The university has been sending students here for over twenty years to do work experience.

The present perfect continuous is often used with 'since', 'for', 'all week', 'for days', 'lately', 'recently', 'over the last few months'. I've been wanting to do that for ten years. You haven't been getting good results over the last few months. They haven't been working all week. They're on strike He hasn't been talking to me for weeks. We've been working hard on it for ages. I've been looking at other options recently. He's been working here since 2001.

Present Perfect Simple or Continuous Often there is very little difference between the present perfect simple and the present perfect continuous. In many cases, both are equally acceptable. They've been working here for a long time but Andy has worked here for even longer. I've lived here for 10 years and she has been living here for 12 years.

To emphasise the action, we use the continuous form. We've been working really hard for a couple of months. She's been having a hard time.

To emphasise the result of the action, we use the simple form. I've made fifteen phone calls this morning. He's written a very good report.


Look at the difference in these examples. I've been reading this book for two months but I've only read half of it. It's very difficult to read. She's been trying to convince him for 20 minutes but she hasn't managed to yet. They've been talking about this for month and they still haven't found a solution.

When an action is finished and you can see the results, use the continuous form. The phone bill is enormous. You've been calling your boyfriend in Australia, haven't you? You're red in the face. Have you been running?

When you use the words 'ever' or 'never', use the simple form. I don't know them. I've never met them. Have you ever heard anything so strange in your life.

Present Perfect or Past Simple (Remember that British and American English have different rules for the use of the present perfect. The comments and the exercises here refer to correct grammar for British English. In American English, it is often considered acceptable to use the past simple in some of these examples.) The past simple is used to talk about actions in the past that have finished. It talks about 'then' and definitely excludes 'now'. The present perfect simple to look back on actions in the past from the present. It always includes 'now'. These sentences are in the past with no connection to the present. I first got to know him 10 years ago. I started work here in 1989. I had too much to eat at lunchtime.

Now look at these same situations seen from the present. I've known him for 10 years. I've worked here since 1987. My stomach hurts. I've eaten too much.

We use time expressions like 'yesterday', 'ago', 'last year', 'in 1999' with the past simple. We spoke to him yesterday. He came in a few moments ago. We made our last purchase from them over a year ago. She joined the company in 1999.

We use time expressions like are 'ever', 'never', 'since' with the present perfect.


I've never seen so many people here before. Have you ever been more surprised? I've done a lot since we last talked about it.

Typical time expressions used with the present perfect in British English but often used with the past simple in American English are 'already', 'just', 'yet'. I haven't done it yet. (UK) I didn't do it yet. (US) I've just done it. (UK) I just did it. (US) I've already done it. (UK) I already did it. (US)

We can use the time phrase 'for' with both forms, but with different meanings. I lived in Paris for a couple of years before I moved here. I've lived in Paris for a couple of years and still love it.

Past Perfect The past perfect simple is used to talk about what happened before a point in the past. It looks back from a point in the past to a time further in the past. She had already spoken to him before I had time to give him my version. I checked with our customers but they still hadn't received the delivery. I hadn't known the bad news when I saw him. The company had started the year very well but was hit badly by the strikes.

It is often used when we report what people had said/thought/believed. He phoned me to say that they had already paid the bill. She said she thought John had moved to Italy. I thought we had already decided on somewhere for our holidays.

Past Perfect Continuous We use the past perfect continuous to look back at a situation in progress. It was a good time to invest. Inflation had been falling for several months. Before I changed jobs, I had been working on a plan to reduce production costs. We had been thinking about buying a new house but then we decided to stay here.

We use it to say what had been happening before something else happened. It had been snowing for a while before we left. We had been playing tennis for only a few minutes when it started raining. He was out of breath when he arrived because he had been running.

We use it when reporting things said in the past.


'I've been trying to call you all day.' - She said she had been trying to call me all day. 'We've been shopping.' - They said they had been shopping. 'I was looking for some new clothes.' - I told you I had been looking for some new clothes.

Future (going to) There is no one 'future tense' in English. There are 4 future forms. The one which is used most often in spoken English is 'going to', not 'will'. We use 'going to' when we want to talk about a plan for the future. I'm going to see him later today. They're going to launch it next month. We're going to have lunch first. She's going to see what she can do. I'm not going to talk for very long.

Notice that this plan does not have to be for the near future. When I retire I'm going to go back to Barbados to live. In ten years time, I'm going to be boss of my own successful company.

We use 'going to' when we want to make a prediction based on evidence we can see now. Look out! That cup is going to fall off. Look at those black clouds. It's going to rain soon. These figures are really bad. We're going to make a loss. You look very tired. You're going to need to stop soon.

We can replace 'going to go' by 'going'. I'm going out later. She's going to the exhibition tomorrow.

Future (will) Some people have been taught that 'will' is 'the future' in English. This is not correct. Sometimes when we talk about the future we cannot use 'will'. Sometimes when we use 'will' we are not talking about the future. We can use 'will' to talk about future events we believe to be certain. The sun will rise over there tomorrow morning. Next year, I'll be 50. That plane will be late. It always is. There won't be any snow. I'm certain. It's too warm.

Often we add 'perhaps', 'maybe', 'probably', 'possibly' to make the belief less certain. I'll probably come back later.


He'll possibly find out when he sees Jenny. Maybe it will be OK. Perhaps we'll meet again some day.

We often use 'will' with 'I think' or 'I hope'. I think I'll go to bed now. I think she'll do well in the job. I hope you'll enjoy your stay. I hope you won't make too much noise.

We use 'will' at the moment we make a new decision or plan. The thought has just come into our head. Bye. I'll phone you when I get there. I'll answer that. I'll go. I won't tell him. I promise.

Will or going to When we want to talk about future facts or things we believe to be true about the future, we use 'will'. The President will serve for four years. The boss won't be very happy. I'm sure you'll like her. I'm certain he'll do a good job.

If we are not so certain about the future, we use 'will' with expressions such as 'probably', 'possibly', 'I think', 'I hope'. I hope you'll visit me in my home one day. She'll probably be a great success. I'll possibly come but I may not get back in time. I think we'll get on well.

If you are making a future prediction based on evidence in the present situation, use 'going to'. Not a cloud in the sky. It's going to be another warm day. Look at the queue. We're not going to get in for hours. The traffic is terrible. We're going to miss our flight. Be careful! You're going to spill your coffee.

At the moment of making a decision, use 'will'. Once you have made the decision, talk about it using 'going to'. I'll call Jenny to let her know. Sarah, I need Jenny's number. I'm going to call her about the meeting. I'll come and have a drink with you but I must let Harry know. Harry, I'm going to have a drink with Simon.


Present forms for the future We use the present continuous to talk about things that we have already arranged to do in the future. I've bought my ticket. I'm leaving on Wednesday. We're seeing David at 5 and then I'm having dinner with Simon. She's picking me up at the station. The bosses are giving everyone an end of year bonus.

In many situations when we talk about future plans we can use either the present continuous or the 'going to' future. However, when we use the present continuous, there is more of a suggestion that an arrangement has already been made. I'm going to see him. / I'm seeing him I'm going to do it. / I'm doing it.

We use the present simple to talk about events in the future which are 'timetabled'. We can also use the present continuous to talk about these, but present simple is more usual. My planes leaves at 6 in the morning. The shop opens at 9.30. The sun rises a minute earlier tomorrow. My plane is leaving at 8.30. The shop is closing at 7.00. The sun is rising at 6.32 tomorrow.

Will - other uses Older textbooks often refer to 'will' as 'the future tense' and this has confused a lot of learners. It is important to remember that when we talk about the future we cannot always use 'will' and that when we use 'will' we are not always talking about the future. Here 'will' is clearly referring to the future. If I speak to her, I'll tell her about it. I'll probably visit Sue when I go to Oxford. Next birthday she'll be 32. Or so she says.

In these examples, however, 'will' is referring to events happening at the present. The car won't start. If that's the phone, I'll get it. Will you have another cup of coffee?

When we use 'will' referring to the present, the idea being expressed is usually one of 'showing willingness' or 'will power'. My baby won't stop crying. I've tried everything and I'm really exhausted. I am the boss. You will do as I say.


I need quiet to write this but he will keep on talking to me. I wish he would leave me alone.

We use 'will' for requests, orders, invitations and offers. Will you give me a hand? Will you please take a seat? Will you have some cake? I'll help you.

We use 'will' to make promises or threats. I'll do it at once. I'll phone him back immediately. I won't forget this. I'll get my own back some day.

We use 'will' for habit. A cat will always find a warm place to sleep. My car won't go any faster than this.

We use 'will' for deduction. I expect he'll want us to get on with it. The phone's ringing. That will be Mark.

Look again at all of these examples of 'will'. They are all to do with the present or are 'timeless'.

Shall We don't use 'Shall' very frequently in modern English, particularly in American English. It is used to make offers and suggestions and to ask for advice. What time shall we meet? Shall we vote on it now? What dress shall I wear? Shall I open the window?

You only really need to know that about 'shall' in modern English. Read the rest of this only if you want to know more about how some older speakers still use 'shall'. Formerly, in older grammar, 'shall' was used as an alternative to 'will' with 'I' and 'we'. Today, 'will' is normally used. When we do use 'shall', it has an idea of a more personal, subjective future. I shall go to see the boss and I shall ask him to explain this decision.

Notice that the negative of 'shall' can be 'shall not' or 'shan't' though the second one is now very rare in American English.


I don't like these people and I shall not go to their party. I shan't object if you go without me.

The Imperative The imperative is used to give a direct order. Stand up straight. Take that chewing gum out of your mouth. Tell me everything you know .

The imperative is used to give instructions. Take three tablets every morning. Open your book. Take a left and then a right.

The imperative can be used to make an invitation. Go ahead. I'll be there shortly. Come in and sit down. Make yourself at home. Have a biscuit. They're delicious.

The imperative is used on signs and notices. Pay here. Do not touch. Pull

Use the imperative to give friendly informal advice. Have a word with him. Tell him how you feel. Speak to her about it. Don't go to work. Stay at home and rest up. Get better.

Make the imperative 'more polite' by adding 'do'. Do shut up. Do come to our party. Do sit down.

The Passive form We use the active form to say what the subject does. For example: I speak English every day at work. I repaired the flat tire on the car.

We use the passive form to say what happens to people and things, to say what is done to them. For example:


English is spoken here. The car is being repaired.

We use the passive form when we don't know who did the action. For example: The car was damaged while it was parked on the street. The shirts were made in Turkey.

We use the passive form when what was done is more important than who did it. For example: It was approved by Gerry last week. I was informed by the Human Resources Manager only two days ago.

Zero Conditional When we talk about things that are generally or always true, we can use: If / When / Unless plus a present form PLUS present simple or imperative If he gets there before me, ask him to wait. When you fly budget airline, you have to pay for your drinks and snacks. Unless you need more space, a small car is big enough for one person.

Note that we are not talking about a specific event but something which is generally true. In the condition clause, we can use a variety of present forms. In the result clause, there can only be the present simple or imperative. If you visit London, go on the London Eye. If unemployment is rising, people tend to stay in their present jobs. If you've done that, go and have a coffee. When you go on holiday, take plenty of sun cream. It'll be very hot. When I'm concentrating, please don't make so much noise. When I've finished an article, I always ask Kate to read it through.

Notice that 'unless' means the same as 'if not'. Unless he asks you politely, refuse to do any more work on the project. Unless prices are rising, it's not a good investment. Unless you've been there yourself, you don't really understand how fantastic it is.

First Conditional The First Conditional is used to talk about future events that are likely to happen. If Sue comes, it'll be lots of fun. If you lend me some money, I'll pay you back tomorrow. If they say they want it, we'll have to give it to them. If we take the car, it'll be difficult to park.


The 'if' clause can be used with different present forms. If I go to London again, I'll go on the London Eye. If he's feeling better, he'll be back at work tomorrow. If she hasn't heard the news yet, I'll tell her.

The "future clause" can contain 'going to' or the future perfect as well as 'will'. I will be very angry if he doesn't come. If I see him, I'm going to tell him everything. If we don't get this deal, we'll have wasted a lot of time and money.

The "future clause" can also contain other modal verbs such as 'can' and 'must'. If you have never been to Paris, you must go. If he comes, you can get a lift home with him. If he doesn't know yet, you should tell him.

Second Conditional The Second Conditional is used to talk about 'impossible' situations. If we were in London today, we would be able to go to the concert in Hyde Park. If I had millions dollars, I'd give a lot to charity. If there were no hungry people in this world, it would be a much better place. If everyone had clean water to drink, there would be a lot less disease.

Note that after I / he/ she /it we often use the subjunctive form 'were' and not 'was'. (Some people think that 'were' is the only 'correct' form but other people think 'was' is equally 'correct' .) If she were happy in her job, she wouldn't be looking for another one. If I lived in Japan, I'd have sushi every day. If they were to enter our market, we'd have big problems.

Note the form 'If I were you' which is often used to give advice. If I were you, I'd look for a new place to live. If I were you, I'd go back to school and get more qualifications.

The Second Conditional is also used to talk about 'unlikely' situations. If I went to China, I'd visit the Great Wall. If I was the President, I'd reduce taxes. If you were in my position, you'd understand.

Note that the choice between the first and the second conditional is often a question of the speaker's attitude rather than of facts. Compare these examples. Otto thinks these things are possible, Peter doesn't. Otto If I win the lottery, I'll buy a big house. Peter If I won the lottery, I'd buy a big house.


Otto If I get promoted, I'll throw a big party. Peter If I got promoted, I'd throw a big party. Otto If my team win the Cup, I'll buy champagne for everybody. Peter If my team won the Cup, I'd buy champagne for everybody.

Note that the 'If clause' can contain the past simple or the past continuous. If I was still working in Brighton, I would commute by train. If she were coming, she would be here by now. If they were thinking of selling, I would want to buy.

Note that the main clause can contain 'would' 'could' or 'might. If I had the chance to do it again, I would do it differently. If we met up for lunch, we could go to that new restaurant. If I spoke to him directly, I might be able to persuade him.

Also note that sometimes the 'if clause' is implied rather than spoken. What would I do without you? ("if you weren't here") Where would I get one at this time of night? ("if I wanted one") He wouldn't agree. ("if I asked him")

Third Conditional We can use the Third Conditional to talk about 'impossible' conditions, impossible because they are in the past and we cannot change what has happened. If I had worked harder at school, I would have got better grades. If I had had time, I would have gone to see him. But I didn't have time. If we had bought that house, we would have had to rebuild the kitchen. If we had caught the earlier train, we would have got there on time but we were late.

Notice that the main clause can contain 'would', 'could' or 'might. If I had seen him at the meeting, I would have asked him. (But he wasn't there so I didn't.) If I had seen him at the meeting, I could have asked him. ( But he wasn't there so it wasn't possible.) If I had seen him at the meeting, I might have asked him. (But I'm not sure. Perhaps if the opportunity had arisen.) If I had paid more attention in class, I would have understood the lesson.

Also notice that sometimes the 'if clause' is implied rather than spoken. I'd have done it. ("if you had asked me but you didn't.") I wouldn't have said that. ("if I'd been there.") He wouldn't have let him get away with that. ("if he had tried that with me.")


Wish Let's start off with the easy part. ' I wish to' can mean the same as 'I want to' but it is much, much more formal and much, much less common. I wish to make a complaint. I wish to see the manager.

You can also use 'wish' with a noun to 'offer good wishes'. I wish you all the best in your new job. We wish you a merry Christmas.

Notice that when you want to offer good wishes using a verb, you must use 'hope '. We wish you the best of luck. We hope you have the best of luck. I wish you a safe and pleasant journey. I hope you have a safe and pleasant journey.

However, the main use of 'wish' is to say that we would like things to be different from what they are, that we have regrets about the present situation. I wish I was rich. He wishes he lived in Paris. They wish they'd chosen a different leader.

Notice that the verb tense which follows 'I wish' is 'more in the past' than the tense corresponding to its meaning. I'm too fat. I wish I was thin. I never get invited to parties. I wish I got invited to parties. It's raining. I wish it wasn't raining. I went to see the latest Star Wars film. I wish I hadn't gone. I've eaten too much. I wish I hadn't eaten so much. I'm going to visit her later. I wish I wasn't going to visit her later.

In the case of 'will' , where 'will' means 'show willingness' we use 'would'. He won't help me. I wish he would help me. You're making too much noise. I wish you would be quiet. You keep interrupting me. I wish you wouldn't do that.

Where 'will' means a future event, we cannot use 'wish' and must use 'hope'. There's a strike tomorrow. I hope some buses will still be running. I hope everything will be fine in your new job.

In more formal English, we use the subjunctive form 'were' and not 'was' after 'wish'. I wish I were taller. I wish it were Saturday today. I wish he were here.


False Friends - Cognates

Se denominan false friends (falsos amigos) o cognates (cognados) a las palabras que por escribirse de la misma forma (o parecida) en espaol son confundidas, pero que en realidad en ingls significan otra cosa. Por ejemplo, "conductor " en ingls no significa conductor, sino que se refiere al director de la orquesta o al cobrador que se encuentra en los autobuses. Aqu se encuentra una lista de los false friends o cognados ms conocidos.

actual actually to advertise

Correct Spanish Translation

real, efectivo (y no actual, que se dice current) en realidad (y no actualmente, que se dice nowadays, at present) anunciar (y no advertir, que se dice to warn)

apt argument arm assessment to assist balloon bank billet brave camp carpet cartoon casualty

consejos (y no aviso, que se dice warning, notice)

propenso (y no apto, que se dice qualified, able) discusin, pelea (y no argumento, que se dice plot) brazo (y no arma, que se dice gun) evaluacin (y no asesora, que se dice consultancy) ayudar (y no asistir a un lugar, que se dice to attend) globo (y no baln, que se dice ball) banco - la institucin (y no banco de plaza, que se dice bench) alojamiento militar (y no billete, que se dice ticket o note) valiente (y no bravo, que se dice fierce) base militar o campamento (y no campo en general, que se dice field) alfombra (y no carpeta, que se dice folder) dibujos animados, tira cmica (y no cartn, que se dice cardboard) vctima o herido (y no casualidad, que se dice coincidence)

collar necklace)
college command commodity conductor confident (to be) constipated council deception dessert diversion economics embarrassed eventual eventually exit fabric form fume

cuello de las prendas de vestir (y no collar, que se dice

facultad, colegio universitario (y no colegio, que se dice school) orden, mandato (y no comando, que se dice commando unit) mercanca o materia prima (y no comodidad, que se dice comfort) director de orquesta o cobrador (y no conductor, que se dice driver) seguro de s mismo (y no confidente, que se dice confidant) sufrir de estreimiento (y no estar constipado, que se dice to have a cold/chill) consejo (y no conciliar, que se dice to reconcile) engao (y no decepcin, que se dice disappointment) postre (y no desierto, que se dice desert) desviacin (y no diversin, alegra, que se dice fun) economa (y no econmico, que se dice cheap) avergonzado/a (y no embarazada, que se dice pregnant) definitivo o posible (y no eventual, que se dice casual, incidental) finalmente, tarde o temprano (y no eventualmente que se dice by chance, possibly) salida (y no xito, que se dice success) tela (y no fbrica, que se dice factory) formulario (y no forma, que se dice shape) vapor o gas (y no fumar, que se dice smoke)


corts (y no gracioso, que se dice funny)

tienda de comestibles (y no grosera, que se dice rudeness o rude


horn idiom inhabitant intoxicated involve large lecture lentil library luxury mayor media misery to molest notice occurrence once pan parents preservative to quit regular rude to realise to record to remove to resume salad sane sensible sensitive signature sin spade success to support sympathy target terrific to translate tramp zealous

word / expression) cuerno (y no horno, que se dice oven) expresin idiomtica (y no idioma, que se dice language) habitante (y no inhabitado, que se dice uninhabited) ebrio (y no intoxicado, que se dice food poisoning) involucrar (y no envolver, que se dice wrap) grande (y no largo, que se dice long) conferencia (y no lectura, que se dice reading) lenteja (y no lentilla, que se dice contact lens) biblioteca (y no librera, que se dice bookshop) lujo (y no lujuria, que se dice lust) alcalde (y no mayor, que se dice bigger, older) medios, prensa (y no media, que se dice stocking) tristeza (y no miseria, que se dice poverty) abusar sexualmente (y no molestar, que se dice to bother or to annoy) nota, anuncio (y no noticia, que se dice a piece of news) aparicin (y no ocurrencia, que se dice absurd idea) una vez (y no once, que se dice eleven) cacerola, cazuela (y no pan, que se dice bread) padres (y no parientes, que se dice relatives) conservante (y no preservativo, que se dice condom) abandonar, dejar (y no quitar, que se dice to remove or to put away) de tamao normal (y no regular, que se dice not so good) maleducado, descorts (y no rudo, que se dice rough) darse cuenta (y no realizar, que se dice to make / to do) grabar (y no recordar, que se dice to remember) quitar, eliminar (y no remover, que se dice to stir) reanudar, continuar o reasumir (y no resumir, que se dice to summarise or to sum up) ensalada (y no salado, que se dice salty) cuerdo (y no sano, que se dice healthy) sensitivo (y no sensible, que se dice sensitive) sensible (y no sensitivo, que se dice sensible) firma (y no asignatura, que se dice subject) pecado (y no sin, que se dice without) pala (y no espada, que se dice sword) xito (y no suceso, que se dice event) apoyar (y no soportar, que se dice to put up with) compasin, comprensin, psame (y no simpata, que se dice friendliness, affection) objetivo (y no tarjeta, que se dice card) fenomenal, genial (y no terrorfico, que se dice terrifying) traducir (y no trasladarse, que se dice to move) vagabundo (y no trampa, que se dice trap) entusiasta (y no celoso, que se dice jealous)


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