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CCG1 Cable S.à r.l. 15, Boulevard F.W.

Raiffeisen, L-2411 Luxembourg

Mario Gordillo
Büchnerweg 81-91
12489 Berlin 27.04.2023

Dear Mario,

because our Neon Wood also benefits from the energy price brake³, we can reduce your flat-rate operating costs retrospectively from the increasse period.
We have also adjusted the other cost items based on new invoices.
You can see the individual cost changes in the table below.

Therefore, the following change will apply to your contract 220431822 from 01. Februar 2023:

Rent until 30. April 2023 Difference
retrospectively from 01. Februar 2023
Net cold rent 417,45 € 417,45 € 0,00 €
Flat rate operational costs 213,18 € 165,24 € -47,94 €
Total rent amount 630,63 € 582,69 € -47,94 €

Therefore please transfer 582,69 € monthly from 01. Mai 2023 to the known rental account.

Total credit for February 2023 01.02.2023 01.10.2022 30.09.2024 -47,94 €

Total credit for March 2023 01.03.2023 01.10.2022 30.09.2024 -47,94 €
Total credit for April 2023 01.04.2023 01.10.2022 30.09.2024 -47,94 €
Total credit -143,82 €

Please note, that we can only pay 100% of the Total credit of -143,82 € back, if you always paid the full monthly rent of 630,63 €. If you paid less, we will offset the credit with the open debts and
your deposit. If you already left the apartment and we paid your deposit back, you will receive the -143,82 € in May 2023 back to your account.
#DIV/0! 31
Adjustment operational costs flat rate / Anpassung Betriebskostenpauschale
Tenant / Mieter: Mario Gordillo
Apartment: A236
Contract start date / Vertragsbeginn: 01.10.2022 Category / Kategorie: CAB - Classic LONG
Contract end date / Vertragsende: 30.09.2024 Contract-No. / Vertrags-Nr.: 220431822
Value added tax / Umsatzsteuer: No / Nein
Apartment m²: 17,00
Neon Wood / allocation key m²: 5.557,00

Costs / Kosten (VAT / USt) Total costs Contract 1 Total costs 20231 Diff. Total 23/C.1 Costs € / m² Contract2 Costs € / m² 20232 Diff. Costs 23/C.2
Street cleaning / Straßenreinigung 0% 19.083,88 € 1.740,60 € -17.343,28 € 0,29 € 0,03 € -0,26 €
Cleaning (common areas) / Reinigung Allgemeinfl. 19% 47.774,88 € 62.803,00 € 15.028,12 € 0,72 € 0,94 € 0,22 €
Graffiti Cleaning / Graffiti Reinigung 19% 0,00 € 0,00 € 0,00 € 0,00 € 0,00 € 0,00 €
Winter support / Winterdienst 19% 5.226,78 € 5.226,78 € 0,00 € 0,08 € 0,08 € 0,00 €
Outside area works / Außenanlagenpflege 19% 8.002,08 € 8.002,08 € 0,00 € 0,12 € 0,12 € 0,00 €
Concierge / Security / Sicherheitsdienst 19% 7.140,00 € 4.092,92 € -3.047,08 € 0,11 € 0,06 € -0,05 €
Facility management / Hausmeisterdienst 19% 65.688,00 € 65.688,00 € 0,00 € 0,99 € 0,99 € 0,00 €
Elevators / Aufzug 19% 12.848,43 € 15.540,21 € 2.691,78 € 0,19 € 0,23 € 0,04 €
Monitoring system / Sicherheitskamera 19% 641,60 € 641,60 € 0,00 € 0,01 € 0,01 € 0,00 €
Sanitary / Sanitäreinrichtungen 19% 14.280,00 € 14.280,00 € 0,00 € 0,21 € 0,21 € 0,00 €
Ventilation system / Lüftungsanlagen 19% 0,00 € 0,00 € 0,00 € 0,00 € 0,00 € 0,00 €
Doors, windows / Türen, Fenster 19% 0,00 € 0,00 € 0,00 € 0,00 € 0,00 € 0,00 €
Pest control / Schädlingsbekämpfung 19% 0,00 € 0,00 € 0,00 € 0,00 € 0,00 € 0,00 €
Lightning protection system / Blitzschutzanlage 19% 1.670,76 € 1.670,76 € 0,00 € 0,03 € 0,03 € 0,00 €
Building insurance / Gebäudeversicherung 0% 22.062,22 € 30.831,02 € 8.768,80 € 0,33 € 0,46 € 0,13 €
Indemnity Insurance / Haftpflichtversicherung 0% 2.623,95 € 4.099,92 € 1.475,97 € 0,04 € 0,06 € 0,02 €
Ground tax / Grundsteuer 0% 5.416,92 € 1.805,64 € -3.611,28 € 0,08 € 0,03 € -0,05 €
Heating / Heizung 7% 251.131,48 € 165.249,73 € -85.881,75 € 3,77 € 2,48 € -1,29 €
Drinking water / Trinkwasser 7% 24.974,16 € 28.459,03 € 3.484,87 € 0,37 € 0,43 € 0,06 €
Sewage / Abwasser 0% 29.916,24 € 33.656,52 € 3.740,28 € 0,45 € 0,50 € 0,05 €
Drainage water / Niederschlagswasser 0% 13.870,00 € 13.870,00 € 0,00 € 0,21 € 0,21 € 0,00 €
Electricity / Strom 19% 228.299,50 € 123.073,92 € -105.225,59 € 3,42 € 1,85 € -1,57 €
Garbage / Hausmüll 0% 20.400,00 € 15.320,00 € -5.080,00 € 0,31 € 0,23 € -0,08 €
Garbage Paper / Müll Papier 19% 2.570,40 € 831,67 € -1.738,73 € 0,04 € 0,01 € -0,03 €
Operation antennas / Internetanschluss 19% 51.029,88 € 50.993,88 € -36,00 € 0,77 € 0,76 € -0,01 €
Operational costs / Nebenkosten 834.651,17 € 647.877,27 € -186.773,90 € 12,54 € 9,72 € -2,82 €
Value added tax / Umsatzsteuer 0%
Operational costs gross / Nebenkosten brutto 834.651,17 € 647.877,27 € -186.773,90 € 12,54 € 9,72 € -2,82 €

Operational costs flat rate until / Betriebskostenpauschale bis 30.04 2023 17m² x 12,54 € 213,18 €

Operational costs flat rate retrospectively from / Betriebskostenpauschale

17m² x 9,72 € 165,24 €
rückwirkend ab 01.02 2023

These costs are gross. To get the net amount, you have to divide the gross amount by 1,07 or 1,19 of the respective cost type. If 0% is shown after the cost type, gross is the same as net.
The costs per sqm were rounded to 2 digits.
All information about energy price brake, you will find here:

We negotiated persistently with the service provider and received discounts on the working price for heating.
Despite the discounts and the receipt of the Soforthilfe, the owner paid more heating costs than he received.
Therefore, a prorated payment of the Soforthilfe for the month of December 2022 is unfortunately not possible, see calculation below.

01.09.2022 01.10.2022 01.11.2022 01.12.2022 Sum / Summe Average / Mittelwert

19,00% 7,00% 7,00% 7,00% 7,00% (Sep-Dec / Sep-Dez)
District heating (DH) gross / Fernwärme (FW) brutto 17.560,94 € 32.811,41 € 42.947,68 € 53.502,45 € 146.822,48 €
Discount gross / Rabatt brutto 0,00 € -12.004,38 € -15.712,83 € -19.574,40 € -47.291,61 €
DH gross reduced by discount gross / FW brutto abzgl.
Nachlass brutto (Pos. 1) 17.560,94 € 20.807,03 € 27.234,85 € 33.928,05 € 99.530,87 € 24.882,72 €

Soforthilfe gross / Soforthilfe brutto (Pos. 2) 0,00 € 0,00 € 0,00 € 0,00 € 0,00 € 14.598,99 €

Total sqm per month / Gesamtsumme qm per Monat 5.557,00 qm

DH per qm gross calculated / FW pro qm kalkuliert 1,53 €/qm
DH received from all apartments / FW erhalten von allen
Apartments (Pos. 3) 8.502,21 €

Pos 1. -/- Pos. 2 -/- Pos. 3 Owner paid more than

received / Eigentümer hat mehr bezahlt als erhalten 1.781,51 €

All information about Soforthilfe, you will find here:

If you have further question, don't hesitate to contact us.

Best regards

Team Reservierung Team Deposit / ACS / Accounting / Reminder

CCG1 Cable S.à r.l. R.C.S. Luxembourg: B216253

15, Boulevard F.W. Raiffeisen Tax ID number: DE 316 283 566
L-2411 Luxembourg Dundon Alan, Schmitt Claire
Luxembourg Mauvière Christophe

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