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Worldwide, the incidence of postpartum depression is thought to range from 1.9% to 82.

in underdeveloped nations and from 5.2% to 74.0% in wealthy nations. According to
Riskesdas 2018, there are roughly 5.4% postpartum depression cases in Indonesia. The large
number of instances in the nation make this a severe problem. The purpose of this study is
to examine, using the EPDS instrument in Bandar Lampung City in 2023, the variables
influencing postpartum depression among women. The study employs a quantitative
methodology and a cross-sectional design, and 251 respondents were used as samples
overall. Purposive sampling was utilized as a sampling technique, and univariate, bivariate,
and multivariate analysis were used in the data analysis. The researchers used the Chi-
Square Test method and multivariate logistic regression analysis to determine the frequency
distribution of the independent variables and the relationship between the dependent
variable (postpartum depression) and independent variables (age, occupation, education,
parity, history of abortion, history of depression, husband's support, and family support).
The dependent variable (postpartum depression) was the subject of a multivariate analysis
to determine the most important variables. A history of abortion and the occurrence of
postpartum depression are related, according to the bivariate analysis of the research (p-
value 0.016). In addition, the multivariate analysis revealed that a history of abortion (p-
value 0.013) 0.005 is the most important risk factor for postpartum depression, with family
support, education, employment position, and history of depression being deemed
inconsequential variables. In order to ensure the mother's mental health in the future, it is
advised that postpartum mothers receive regular support from their loved ones, such as
their husband or family, and be accompanied by midwives. These professionals can monitor
the mother's health and provide knowledge about maternal and newborn health.

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