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Antelope(Database Management System) - Contiki

Technical Report · October 2015

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3 authors:

Mehdi Amirinasab Mohammad Hossein Homaei

Hamedan Technical & Vocational Training Organization Universidad de Extremadura


Mehdi Habibi Navard

WSN Laboratory


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Proposing an Innovation Method for Achieving QoS Routing RPL in Internet of Things View project

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10/15/2015 Antelope(Database Management System) - Contiki - Contiki

Antelope(Database Management System) ­

From Contiki

Back to Contiki Tutorials

1 Introduction
2 You will learn
3 Antelope architecture
3.1 Components
3.2 Terminology
4 Source Code Directories
5 Code building blocks
5.1 netdb­client.c
5.2 netdb­server.c
6 Cooja Simulation­Antelope
7 References

Antelope is a database management system which enables a sensor to act as a database server. It is a
relational database management system(provides a set of relational database operations) which enables
dynamic creation of databases and complex data querying.

Antelope is the first DBMS for resource­constrained sensor nodes, provides energy­efficient querying,
high­level data modelling, while being index independent. MaxHeap indexing enables fast insertions and
queries over large data sets while having a low energy cost. Antelope hides the low­level I/O details of
flash storage, which have thus far often been exposed to application developers. Moreover, Antelope
uses LogicVM, a novel virtual machine architecture that analyses and executes propositional logic
expressed in a byte­code format. By compiling queries and executing them in the virtual machine, the
performance of relational selection queries increases by an order of magnitude compared to repeated

You will learn

In this tutorial, we briefly study how antelope is implemented in Contiki operating system by going
through some of the basic and important code blocks. We will also study how to run database client and
server in cooja and get some hands on experience on some of the basic query operations of the antelope.

Antelope architecture 1/15
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Antelope consists of eight components as shown in the below figure.

Query processor : It
parses AQL(query
language for Antelope)
Privacy Control :
Checks whether the
query is allowed or
Logic VM : It executes
the queries.
Database kernel : It
holds the database
logic and coordinates query execution.
Index abstraction : It holds the indexing logic.
Indexer process : Builds indexes from existing data.
Storage abstraction : Contains all storage logic.
Result transformer : It presents the result of query in a way that makes it easy to use by programs.


Antelope uses the standard terminology from the relational database management system. Below are
some of the important terms:

Tuple: It is a set of attribute values.

Attribute: Different properties. E.g SensorID, Time.
Domain: Each attribute has got a domain that specifies the data type of the attribute values.
Relation: It is a collection of tuples that have the same set of attributes.
Primary Key: One of the attribues, which uniquely identifies the tuple in a relation.
Cardinality: The number of tuples in a relation is called the cardinality of the relation.

To put the above terminology in easy terms, informally we can say :

A relation is like a table, attribute is like a column and a tuple is like a row. Below is an example. 2/15
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Source Code Directories

Navigate to the examples/antelope/netdb folder from the contiki home directory.

cd /examples/antelope/netdb

There are two important files in this(netdb) subfolder.


There is one more file which we are going to use for our simulation on cooja.

The implementation of Antelope database in present in the directory:


Code building blocks

In this section, source code for the example given in the ~/contiki-2.7/examples/antelope/netdb/
is explored.


This client program provides a serial line interface with the help of which we can enter the queries. The
shell process of the client program process these serial messages(queries) and sends the queries to the
server program(running on another mote). Once it receives the reply to the query, it prints out a
confirmation message in the shell.

Let's walk through the source file.

#ifndef SERVER_ID
#define SERVER_ID 4
#endif 3/15
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SERVER_ID is used to send queries to server. Here, it is set to 4 because netdb­server.c file is uploaded
onto the mote with id 4 in the simulation file given in the examples/antelope/netdb

static unsigned server_id = SERVER_ID;

static struct mesh_conn mesh;

Last line in the above source code snippet creates a mesh_conn structure to store the details about the
connection between the client and server. Antelope uses the Rime mesh routing protocol to exchange the
messages between the client and the server. Below is another important data structure "mesh_callbacks"
which contains call back functions which we are implemented in netdb_client program file.

struct mesh_callbacks {
/** Called when a packet is received. */
void (* recv)(struct mesh_conn *c, const rimeaddr_t *from, uint8_t hops);
/** Called when a packet, sent with mesh_send(), is actually transmitted. */
void (* sent)(struct mesh_conn *c);
/** Called when a packet, sent with mesh_send(), times out and is dropped. */
void (* timedout)(struct mesh_conn *c);

PROCESS(netdb_process, "NetDB");
PROCESS(shell_process, "Shell Process");

The first two lines in the above source code creates two processes "netdb_process"(which is the database
process) and "shell_process". "shell_process" is the process which provides serial interface at the client
to input the queries. AUTOSTART_PROCESSES(&netdb_process) starts the netdb_process, means
thread associated with this process will start running by the scheduler. Below is the code snippet of the
thread for this process.

PROCESS_THREAD(netdb_process, ev, data)


mesh_open(&mesh, NETDB_CHANNEL, &callbacks);

process_start(&shell_process, NULL);


static const struct mesh_callbacks callbacks = {received, sent, timedout};

This will create a callbacks structure which contains the function pointers to the callback functions
which are used upon a packet arrival.

A protothread is created for netdb_process. An exit handler is declared for the netdb_process.
PROCESS_BEGIN() and PROCESS_END() are required inside a proto thread declaration. To know
more about the Contiki Processes and Protothreads, please follow this (­
os/contiki/wiki/Processes) link. 4/15
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"mesh_open" opens a new connection and here the created mesh connection operates on
NETDB_CHANNEL(70) and the third argument "callbacks" contains the function pointers to functions
which will be called when a packet arrives on the channel. process_start(&shell_process, NULL) starts
the shell process to provide the serial line interface(This is an example of starting one process from
another process, instead of using AUTOSTART_PROCESSES).

Callback handlers for the netdb_client process mesh connection:

static const struct mesh_callbacks callbacks = {received, sent, timedout};

Callback function ­ sent

static void
sent(struct mesh_conn *c)

This function gets called when we try send a packet with mesh_send() and it is actually transmitted.

Callback function ­ timedout

static void
timedout(struct mesh_conn *c)
printf("Failed to send packet: time out\n");

This function gets called when we try to send a packet with mesh_send() and the packet is dropped
because of timeout. Here we are just printing "Failed to send the packet: timeout".

Callback function ­ received

static void
received(struct mesh_conn *c, const rimeaddr_t *from, uint8_t hops)
char *data;
unsigned len;
static char reply[MAX_QUERY_SIZE + 1];

data = (char *)packetbuf_dataptr();

len = packetbuf_datalen();

if(len > MAX_QUERY_SIZE) {

printf("Too long query: %d bytes\n", len);

memcpy(reply, data, len);

reply[len] = '\0';

printf("%lu Reply received from %d.%d (%d hops): %s",

clock_time(), from->u8[0], from->u8[1], (int)hops, reply);
} 5/15
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This function is called when a packet is received. In the function handler "received" in netdb_client
process, "c" denotes the mesh connection for the channel, "from" is the address of the server from which
the packet is received and "hops" gives us the hop count between the client and server. Inside this
function, one error condition is checked (len > MAX_QUERY_SIZE) and prints out an error for too
long query if the condition evaluates to true. If there is nothing wrong with the query reply, reply is
printed to the serial line interface.

Let's look at the source code for the "shell_process".

PROCESS_THREAD(shell_process, ev, data)

rimeaddr_t addr;


printf("NetDB client\n");

for(;;) {
PROCESS_WAIT_EVENT_UNTIL(ev == serial_line_event_message && data != NULL);
if(strncmp(data, "server ", 7) == 0) {
server_id = atoi((char *)data + 7);
} else {
printf("%lu Transmitting query \"%s\" to node %u\n", clock_time(), (char *)data, server_id);
packetbuf_copyfrom(data, strlen(data));
addr.u8[0] = server_id;
addr.u8[1] = 0;
mesh_send(&mesh, &addr);


A proto thread is created for the process shell_start. Inside an infinite loop, we wait for an event to
occur. There is a macro in the infinite 'for loop' "PROCESS_WAIT_EVENT_UNTIL(ev ==
serial_line_event_message && data != NULL);" which makes the thread to wait for serial line event
message to occur. Serial line event message here defines user entering some information(data should not
be NULL) from the serial line interface. If there is a server in the data(user entered data from the shell
serial line interface), server id is copied from the data and "server_id" variable is set to this value, else
the data is considered as a query message and the addr is set to the server's address and mesh_send
function is called to send the packet to the server using mesh routing protocol.


Most of the source code for the netdb_server file is same as that of the above explained netdb_client
source file like the mesh_conn data structure, callback functions and PROCESS and
PROTO_THREADS. Below are some of the important code blocks which we will go into details and try
to understand.

PROCESS(netdb_process, "NetDB");

PROCESS_THREAD(netdb_process, ev, data)

10/15/2015 Antelope(Database Management System) - Contiki - Contiki

mesh_open(&mesh, NETDB_CHANNEL, &callbacks);

process_start(&query_process, NULL);


Creation of NetDB process and the protothread for this process is shown in the above code snippet.
Inside the protothread of netdb_process we start another process "query_process". Callback functions
"sent" and "timedout" for the server program file are implemented exactly like client's callback
functions. Only "received" callback function differs in the implementation. Below is the implementation
of the "received" call back function at the server side.

static void
received(struct mesh_conn *c, const rimeaddr_t *from, uint8_t hops)
char *data;
unsigned len;
static char query[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE + 1];

data = (char *)packetbuf_dataptr();

len = packetbuf_datalen();

if(len > MAX_BUFFER_SIZE) {

buffer_db_data("Too long query: %d bytes\n", len);

memcpy(query, data, len);

query[len] = '\0';

printf("Query received from %d.%d: %s (%d hops)\n",

from->u8[0], from->u8[1], query, (int)hops);
rimeaddr_copy(&reply_addr, from);

process_post(&query_process, serial_line_event_message, query);


This function gets called when a packet is received on the channel. Here, sanity check(like length of the
incoming query crossing the maximum buffer size) on incoming query takes place and "query_process"
is called using "process_post" method to process the query and event type is passed as

PROCESS(query_process, "Query process");

PROCESS_THREAD(query_process, ev, data)

The above code block creates a process named "query_process" and a protothread for the process
"query_process". Let's walk through the code of query_process.

db_query(NULL, "REMOVE RELATION samples;");
db_query(NULL, "CREATE RELATION samples;"); 7/15
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db_query(NULL, "CREATE ATTRIBUTE time DOMAIN INT IN samples;");
db_query(NULL, "CREATE ATTRIBUTE hum DOMAIN INT IN samples;");
db_query(NULL, "CREATE INDEX samples.time TYPE INLINE;");

The above source code initializes the database. "db_init" function sets up the memory needed for
relation, attributes, indexes and everything needed for the antelope database to operate.

"db_query" executes the query passed as argument by parsing it and calling aql_execute(remember AQL
is the query language for Antelope database).

printf("Preparing the DB with %d tuples...\n", CARDINALITY);
errors = 0;
for(i = 1; i <= CARDINALITY; i++) {
result = db_query(NULL, "INSERT (%u, %u) INTO samples;",
i, (unsigned)random_rand());
if(DB_ERROR(result)) {
printf("Done. Insertion errors: %d\n", errors);
printf("Ready to process queries\n");
etimer_set(&sampling_timer, SAMPLING_INTERVAL * CLOCK_SECOND);

The above source code prepares the database with CARDINALITY(1000) number of tuples based on the
flag PREPARE_DB. It inserts CARDINALITY number of random integer samples into the database. If
everything goes well, you should see the printf statement "Ready to process Queries" in your mote
output like shown in the cooja simulation section below.

for(;;) {

if(ev == serial_line_event_message && data != NULL) {

printf("START %s\n", (char *)data);
result = db_query(&handle, data);
if(DB_ERROR(result)) {
buffer_db_data("Query error: %s\n", db_get_result_message(result));

if(!db_processing(&handle)) {



matching = 0;
processed = 0;

while(db_processing(&handle)) {

if(matching == RESPONSE_LIMIT) {
buffer_db_data("Response suppressed at %u tuples: limit reached\n",
10/15/2015 Antelope(Database Management System) - Contiki - Contiki

result = db_process(&handle);
if(result == DB_GOT_ROW) {
/* The processed tuple matched the condition in the query. */
} else if(result == DB_OK) {
/* A tuple was processed, but did not match the condition. */
} else {
if(result == DB_FINISHED) {
/* The processing has finished. Wait for a new command. */
buffer_db_data("[%ld tuples returned; %ld tuples processed]\n",
(long)matching, (long)processed);
} else if(DB_ERROR(result)) {
buffer_db_data("Processing error: %s\n",
if(etimer_expired(&sampling_timer)) {

The above source code runs an infinite for loop which waits for an event to be posted to the process
"query_process", data contains the query to be processed and db_query is called to execute the query and
error conditions are processed after executing the query. This is the meat of the "query_process" process.

Cooja Simulation­Antelope
In this section, we will go over how to simulate Antelope database behavior in Cooja using sky motes.
Navigate to the examples/antelope/netdb folder from the contiki home directory.

cd /examples/antelope/netdb

In this folder, there exists a simulation file "" which we are going to use to simulate antelope in
cooja simulator.

Navigate to /tools/cooja/ from the contiki home directory.

cd /tools/cooja/

Type the following command.

sudo ant run 9/15
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This command will bring up the cooja simulator (Follow this tutorial to learn more about cooja). From
the cooja simulator, click File­>open simulation ­> Browse. Navigate to /examples/antelope/netdb and
select "" file and click on open. Your screen should look something like below.

Network Window.

Below is the network window for the simulation. In the below network, Mote 51 is the antelope netdb
client and Mote 4 is the server.

Mote output.

Below is the mote output window. A filter "ID:4$" is being employed at the output window so that only
mote 4 information is displayed in the mote output window(selective filtering).

Mote Interface Viewer(Sky 51). 10/15
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Below is the interface window for the antelope database client(Mote 51). We use this window to send
queries to server and print the query replies.

Click on "start" in the simulation control window. Below are the screen shots for the Mote interface
viewer and Mote output for Mote ID:4.

Now, let's try to create a relation(table), attributes(Columns), inserting a tuple into the relation.

Creating a relation 11/15
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We can create a relation (like a table which holds the tuples) with the help of following command.

create relation myrelation1;

Now, create some attributes in this relation.

create attribute id domain int in myrelation1;

The above command creates an attribute named "id" which is of type integer(int) in the relation
myrelation1. Similarly we can create other attributes such as "name" of type string etc.

Below is the log of some of the queries that are sent to the server.

Rime started with address 51.0

MAC 33:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 Contiki 2.7 started. Node id is set to 51.
CSMA nullrdc, channel check rate 128 Hz, radio channel 16
Starting 'NetDB'
NetDB client
> create relation sample;
11525 Transmitting query "create relation sample;" to node 4
11674 Reply received from 4.0 (2 hops): OK
> create attribute id domain int in sample;
18093 Transmitting query "create attribute id domain int in sample;" to node 4
18099 Reply received from 4.0 (2 hops): OK
> insert (4) into sample;
25141 Transmitting query "insert (4) into sample;" to node 4
25146 Reply received from 4.0 (2 hops): OK
> insert (23) into sample;
29965 Transmitting query "insert (23) into sample;" to node 4
29970 Reply received from 4.0 (2 hops): OK
> insert (31) into sample;
33323 Transmitting query "insert (31) into sample;" to node 4
33328 Reply received from 4.0 (2 hops): OK
> select max(id) from sample;
41179 Transmitting query "select max(id) from sample;" to node 4
41189 Reply received from 4.0 (2 hops): [relation = db-result, attributes = (id)]
Row 1:31
41191 Reply received from 4.0 (2 hops): [1 tuples returned; 4 tuples processed]

Below is the log file at the server node (Mote ID:4) which shows the processing of the queries we sent
from the Mote:51.

00:00.607 ID:4 Rime started with address 4.0

00:00.616 ID:4 MAC 04:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 Contiki 2.7 started. Node id is set to 4.
00:00.623 ID:4 CSMA nullrdc, channel check rate 128 Hz, radio channel 16
00:00.624 ID:4 Starting 'NetDB'
00:00.626 ID:4 NetDB host
00:00.701 ID:4 Preparing the DB with 1000 tuples...
00:08.273 ID:4 Done. Insertion errors: 0
00:08.274 ID:4 Ready to process queries
01:31.565 ID:4 Query received from 51.0: create relation sample; (2 hops)
01:31.567 ID:4 START create relation sample;
01:31.619 ID:4 END
02:21.804 ID:4 Query received from 51.0: create attribute id domain int in sample; (2 hops)
02:21.808 ID:4 START create attribute id domain int in sample;
02:21.817 ID:4 END
03:16.861 ID:4 Query received from 51.0: insert (4) into sample; (2 hops)
03:16.863 ID:4 START insert (4) into sample;
03:16.870 ID:4 END
03:54.549 ID:4 Query received from 51.0: insert (23) into sample; (2 hops)
03:54.551 ID:4 START insert (23) into sample;
03:54.558 ID:4 END
04:20.783 ID:4 Query received from 51.0: insert (31) into sample; (2 hops)
04:20.786 ID:4 START insert (31) into sample; 12/15
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04:20.792 ID:4 END
05:22.159 ID:4 Query received from 51.0: select max(id) from sample; (2 hops)
05:22.162 ID:4 START select max(id) from sample;
05:22.204 ID:4 END

Below are the snapshots for Antelope client and server logs in cooja. 13/15
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Similarly, we could try some other examples like below: 14/15
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10/15/2015 Antelope(Database Management System) - Contiki - Contiki






1 ( ­ A database in every sensor network, Nicolas
Tsiftes ,Adam Dunkels Swedish Institute of Computer Science, Kista, Sweden.

2 (­os/contiki/wiki) ­ Contiki Operating System Wiki page.

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Edited by Gopi Krishna.

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