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GENETICS REVIEWER In his work, the gene was viewed as a heritable unit factor that

CHAPTER 3 determines the expression of an observable trait or phenotype.

Subsequent/Following Investigators
150 yrs ago With access to cytological data, were able to relate their own
The first significant insights in how the inheritance of biological observations of chromosome behavior during meiosis and Mendel’s
traits took place. principle of inheritance.
Once this correlation was recognized, his postulates/claims were
1866 accepted as the basis for the TRANSMISSION GENETICS study.
Gregor Johann Mendel published the results of a series of
experiments that would lay the foundation for the formal discipline of Transmission Genetics
genetics. Study of how genes are transmitted from parents to offspring.
His work went largely unnoticed until the turn of the 20 th century These principles were derived directly from Mendel’s
but eventually, the concept of the gene as a distinct hereditary unit experimentation.
was established.
Since then, the ways in which genes (segments of chromosomes)
are transmitted to offspring and control traits have been clarified. 3.1 Mendel Used a Model Experimental Approach to Study
Patterns of Inheritance

Johann Mendel
Born in 1822 to a peasant family in the Central European village
of Heinzendorf.
Was an excellent student and studied philosophy for sev. yrs.
He had received support from the monastery for his studies and
research throughout his life.
 1843 - used the name Gregor, was admitted to the
Augustinian Monastery of St. Thomas in Brno (now part of
the Czech Republic).
 1849 - was relieved of pastoral duties.
 From 1851 to 1853 - attended the University of Vienna
where he studied Physics and Botany.
 1854 - returned to Brno to teach Physics and Natural Science
for the next 16 years.
 1856 - performed his first set of hybridization experiments w/
the garden pea (launched the research phase of his career).
Punnett Square  1868 - research experiments continued until he was elected as
Is a visual representation of Mendelian inheritance. abbot/head of the monastery. He still has interest on genetics
but being the head demanded most of his time.
 1884 - he died of a kidney disorder. The local newspaper paid
him a tribute.

He first reported the results of some simple genetic crosses
between certain strains of the garden pea.
From the analysis of his data, he derived certain postulates that
have become the principles of transmission genetics.

His findings went unappreciated until the 20 th century, but his work
wasn’t the first attempt to provide experimental evidence pertaining
to inheritance.

Mendel showed a remarkable insight in the METHODOLOGY

necessary for good experimental biology:
1. Organism that is east to grow and hybridize artificially.
The garden pea plant is self-fertilizing in nature, but it’s also easy
20th Century to cross-breed experimentally. It reproduces well and grows to
Research continued persistently until the present. maturity in a single season.
Genetics at the molecular level have remained at the forefront of 2. Followed seven visible feature or characters each represented
biological research since the early 1900s. by two contrasting forms or traits.
For the character stem height, example is the he experimented
Gregor Johann Mendel with the tall and dwarf traits.
Began his studies of inheritance using the Garden Pea (Pisum He selected 6 other contrasting pairs of traits involving seed
sativum) when the chromosomes and the role and mechanism of shape and color, pod (case that hold the plant’s seed) shape and color,
meiosis were totally unknown. and flower color and position.
But, he determined that discrete units of inheritance exist and He used true-breeding strains from local seed merchants.
predicted their behavior in the formation of gametes.

Fungo, 2020
3. He restricted his examination to one or very few pairs of Mendel made similar crosses between pea plants showing each of
contrasting traits in each experiment. the other pairs of contrasting traits.
The outcome was similar to the tall/dwarf cross.
4. He kept accurate quantitative records (a necessity in genetic  All F1 offspring expressed the same trait exhibited by one of
experiments). the parents.
 In the F2 offspring, an approx. ratio of 3:1 was obtained.
 3/4 looked like the F1 plants, 1/4 exhibited the contrasting
trait (that disappeared in the F1 generation).

Reciprocal Crosses
Crosses between different genetic stocks, strains, or species
where the sexes of the parents are reversed.
In each cross, the F1 and F2 patterns of inheritance were similar
regardless of which P1 plant served as the source of pollen (sperm)
and which served as the source of the ovum (egg).
Crosses could be made either way via pollination of dwarf plants
by tall plants or vice versa.
Results: Monohybrid crosses were not sex dependent.

To Explain These Results

Mendel proposed the existence of PARTICULATE UNIT
FACTORS for each trait.
He suggested that these factors serve as the basic units of heredity
and are passed unchanged from generation to generation, determining
various traits expressed by each individual plant.
He then hypothesized how such factors account for the results of
3.2 The Monohybrid Cross Reveals How One Trait is the monohybrid crosses.
Transmitted from Generation to Generation
Monohybrid Cross
Mendel’s simplest crosses that only involved one pair of
contrasting traits.
Is made by mating true-breeding individuals from two parent
strains, each exhibiting one of the two contrasting forms of the
character under study.
 P1 or Parental Generation
Original parents
 F1 or First Filial Generation
Their offspring
 F2 or Second Filial Generation
Resulting from the selfing (self-fertilizing) F1 generation,
and so on.

Cross Between True-Breeding Pea Plants with Tall and Dwarf

Is a representative of Mendel’s monohybrid cross.
They are contrasting traits of the character of stem height.
If they undergo selfing, they will only produce the same plants
with the same stem height as them.

When he crossed tall plants and dwarf plants, the resulting F1
generation consisted of ONLY TALL PLANTS. The dwarf trait
disappeared here
When the members of the F1 selfed, it was observed that 787 out
of 1064 F2 plants were tall, while 277of 1064 were dwarf.

Genetic Data
Are usually expressed and analyzed as ratios.
Many identical P1 crosses were made and many F1 plants
(ALL TALL) were produced. 1064 is the total of offspring,
whereas 787 were tall and 277 were dwarf. The ratio is
2.8:1.0 or about 3:1 (787/277 : 277/277).


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“When two unlike unit factors responsible for a single character are
present in a single individual, one unit factor is dominant to the
other, which is said to be recessive.”

Dominant Unit Factor

Controls the trait expressed in the F1 generation in each
monohybrid cross.

Recessive Unit Factors

Controls the disappeared or trait not expressed in the F1

Dominant and Recessive

Also used to designate traits.
Tall stems are said to be dominant over recessive dwarf stems.

“During the formation of gametes, the paired unit factors separate,
or segregate, randomly so that each gamete receives one or the other
with equal likelihood.”

If an individual contains a pair of like unit factors (both specific

for tall), then all its gametes receive one of the same kind of unit
factor (Tall).
If an individual contains unlike unit factors (one for tall and one
for dwarf), then each gamete has a 50% probability of receiving
either the tall or the dwarf unit factor (TALL bcs it’s the dominant

Mendel reasoned that P1 tall plants contained identical paired
unit factors (tall factor), like how P1 dwarf plant contained identical
paired unit factors (dwarf factors).
As a result of segregation, the gametes of tall plants all receive
one tall unit factors. Whereas, the gametes of dwarf plants all receive
one dwarf unit factor.
After fertilization, the F1 plants receive one unit factor from each
parent (one tall and one dwarf) bcs they are crossed. But bcs TALL
Mendel’s First Three Postulates/Principles of Inheritance
Provide a suitable explanation for the results of the monohybrid F1 Gametes
crosses. The POSTULATE OF SEGREGATION demands that each
Help describe the basis for the inheritance of phenotypic traits. gamete randomly receives either tall or dwarf unit factor. After F1
He hypothesized that unit factors exist in pair and exhibit a selfing, combinations will result w/ equal frequency:
dominant/recessive relationship in determining the expression of a) Tall/Tall
traits. b) Tall/dwarf
He further postulated that unit factors segregate during gamete c) dwarf/Tall
formation, such that each gamete receives one or the other factor (w/ d) dwarf/dwarf
equal probability).
 A & B - result in tall and dwarf plants, respectively.
I. UNIT FACTORS IN PAIRS  B & C - according to the POSTULATE OF
“Genetic characters are controlled by unit factors existing in pairs in DOMINANCE/RECESSIVENESS, will yield tall plants.
individual organisms.”  F2 - will result in 3/4 tall and 1/4 dwarf or a ratio of 3:1.
Unit Factor This was observed in the stem height cross. But this similar
In the monohybrid cross involving tall and dwarf stems, this pattern was observed in each of the other monohybrid crosses.
specific factor exists for each trait.
Each diploid individual receives one factor from each parent.
Bcs the factors occur in pair, three combinations are possible
(every individual possesses one of these three combination, which
determines stem height):
 2 factors for tall stems
 2 factors for dwarf stems
 1 of each factor

Fungo, 2020
Modern Genetic Technology The genotypes and phenotypes of all potential offspring are
Phenotype ascertained by reading the combinations in the boxes.
The physical expression of a trait by an individual. 3:1 phenotypic ration and the 1:2:1 (DD, Dd, dd) genotypic ratio
Ex: can be derived in the F2 generation here.
Traits such as tall or dwarf which are physical expressions of
the information contained in unit factors. Punnett Square Method
Useful when you’re first learning about genetics and how to solve
Genes genetics problems.
Units of inheritance represented by unit factors.

Alternative forms of a single gene that determines the phenotype
of a given character (like plant height).
The unit factors representing tall and dwarf are alleles
determining the height of the pea plant.

Geneticists have several diff. systems for using symbols to

represent genes.
1.) The first letter of the recessive trait symbolizes the character in
 Designates the Allele for the Dominant Trait - Uppercase
italic (D for tall allele)
 Designates the Allele for the Recessive Trait - Lowercase
italic (d for dwarf allele)

Part of the genetic makeup of a cell, and of any individual, which
determines one of its characteristics.
Designates the genetic makeup of an individual for the trait of
traits it describes, whether it’s haploid or diploid.
The resulting symbol when alleles are written in pairs to represent
the two unit factors present in any individual (DD, Dd, or dd).
By reading this, we know the phenotype of an individual: DD and
Dd are tall, while dd is dwarf.

Same Alleles (DD or dd)

The individual is a HOMOZYGOTE or HOMOZYGOUS for
the trait.
 Homozygous - a particular gene that has identical alleles on
both homologous chromosomes.

Different Alleles (Dd or dD)

for the trait.
 Heterozygous - a particular gene that has different alleles on
both homologous chromosomes.

Punnett Squares
A diagram constructed to visualize the genotypes and phenotypes
resulting from combining gametes during fertilization.
Named after the Reginald C. Punnett who first devised this

Illustrates the Punnett Square method of analysis for F1 x F1
monohybrid cross.
1) Each of the possible gametes is assigned a column or a row.
The vertical columns represent the female parent. The
horizontal rows represent the male parent.
2) After assigning the gametes to the rows and columns, we
predict the new generation by entering the male and female
gametic information into each box and thus producing every
possible resulting genotype.
3) By filling out the Punnett Square, we list all possible random
fertilization events.

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A cross involving two pairs of contrasting traits.
The Testcross: One Character Ex:
Tall plants produced in the F2 generation are predicted to have If pea plants having YELLOW & ROUND seeds were bred
either the DD or the Dd genotype. with those having GREEN & WRINKLED seeds FIGURE
3.5 would occur.
Testcross  F1 offspring will be all yellow and round (both
A rather simple method devised by Mendel to discover the dominant traits).
genotype of plants and animals.  When F1 selfed, in the F2 plants approx. 9/16 are
The organism expressing the dominant phenotype but having an yellow & round, 3/16 are yellow and wrinkled, 3/16 are
unknown genotype is crossed with a known HOMOZYGOUS green and round, and 1/16 are green and wrinkled.
A variation of this experiment with dihybrid crossing YELLOW
Examples: & WRINKLED with GREEN & ROUND seeds was done.
It resulted with the same results as above in spite w/ the change in
FIGURE 3.4a the P1 phenotypes.
If a tall plant of genotype DD is testcrossed w/ a dwarf plant,
which must have the dd genotype, all offspring will be tall
phenotypically and Dd genotypically. Mendel’s Fourth Postulate: Independent Assortment
Theoretically, a dihybrid cross consists of two monohybrid
FIGURE 3.4b crosses conducted separately.
If a tall plant is Dd and is cross w/ a dwarf plant (dd), then one- To consider inheritance of up to two pairs of contrasting traits.
half of the offspring will be tall (Dd) and the other half will be dwarf
(dd). First Theoretical Cross
Bcs yellow is dominant to green, all F1 plants would have yellow
1:1 Tall/Dwarf Ratio seeds.
Demonstrates the heterozygous nature of the tall plant of  Predicted F2 Results: 3/4 yellow; 1/4 green
unknown genotype.
The results of the testcross reinforced Mendel’s conclusion that Second Theoretical Cross
separate unit factors control traits. Bcs round is dominant to wrinkled, all F1 plants would have
round seeds.
 Predicted F2 Results: 3/4 round; 1/4 wrinkled

When Mendel examined the F1 plants of the dihybrid cross, all were
yellow and round.

In the dihybrid cross, 12/16 plants are yellow and 4/16 are green
(showing the 3:1 or 3/4:1/4 ratio).
Similarly, 12/16 of all F2 plants have round seeds, while 4/16
have wrinkled seeds (with the same 3:1 ratio).

These numbers demonstrate that the two pairs of contrasting traits

are inherited independently.
We can predict the frequencies of all possible F2 phenotypes by

3.3 Mendel’s Dihybrid Cross Generated a Unique F2 Ratio

Mendel also designed experiments where he examined two
characters simultaneously.

Locus (pl. loci)

A specific, fixed position on a chromosome where a particular
gene or genetic marker is located.

Dihybrid Cross/Two-Factor Cross

Is a cross between two different lines/genes that differ in two
observed traits.
According to Mendel’s statement, between the alleles of both
these loci there is a relationship of completely dominant-recessive

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States that each pair of unit factors segregates independently of
other such pairs. As a result, all possible combinations of gametes are
formed w/ equal probability.

Shows how independent assortment works in the formation of the
F2 generation.
Segregation prescribes that every gamete receives either a G or g
Product Law of Probabilities allele or a W or w allele.
The probability of two or more independent events occurring It stipulates that ALL FOUR COMBINATIONS (GW, Gw,
simultaneously is equal to the product of their individual gW, & gw) will be formed w/ equal probabilities.
It states that the probability of two independent events occurring In Every F1 x F1 Fertilization Event
tgt can be calculated by multiplying the individual probabilities of Each zygote has an equal probability of receiving one of the four
each event occurring alone. combinations from each parent.
 The probability of an F2 plant having yellow and round Mendel’s 9:3:3:1 Dihybrid Ratio
seeds is (3/4)(3/4) or 9/16 bcs 3/4 of all F2 plants should If many offspring are produced, 9/16 have yellow round seeds,
be yellow and 3/4 of all F2 plants are round. 3/16 have yellow wrinkled seeds, 3/16 have green round seeds, and
 Yellow (3/4) and Round (3/4) = 9/16 1/16 have green wrinkled seeds.
An ideal ratio based on probability events involving segregation,
The probabilities of the other three F2 phenotypes can be independent assortment, and random fertilization.
calculated by multiplying: Bcs of deviation due strictly to change, particularly if small
This shows why the F1 and F2 results are identical whether the numbers of offspring are produced, actual results are highly unlikely
initial cross is yellow, round plants bred w/ green wrinkled plants, or to match the ideal ratio.
whether yellow, wrinkled plants are bred with green round plants.
F1 genotype of all offspring is identical. As a result, the F2 3.4 The Trihybrid Cross Demonstrates That Mendel’s Principles
generation is also identical in both crosses. Apply to Inheritance of Multiple Traits
 Yellow (3/4) and Wrinkled (1/4) = 3/16 Mendel also demonstrated that the process of segregation and
independent assortment also apply to three pairs of contrasting traits.
 Green (1/4) and Round (3/4) = 3/16
 Green (1/4) and Wrinkled (1/4) = 1/16
Trihybrid Cross/Three-Factor Cross
Cross between the two individuals of a species for studying the
inheritance of three pairs of factors or alleles belonging to three
different genes.
Is somewhat more complex than a dihybrid cross, but its results
are easily calculated if the principles of segregation and independent
assortment are followed.

The allele pairs of theoretical contrasting traits are represented by
the symbols A, a, B, b, C, and c.
In the cross between AABBCC and aabbcc individuals, ALL F1
Their genotype (AaBbCc), results in the phenotypic expression of
the dominant A, B, & C traits.

Based on the Similar Results in Numerous Dihybrid Crosses,

Mendel Proposed a 4th Postulate/Claim:


“During gamete formation, segregating pairs of unit factors assort
independently of each other.”

This stipulates/specifies that segregation of any air of unit factors

occurs independently of all others.
As a result of random segregation, each gamete receives one
member of every pair of unit factors.
For one pair, whichever unit factor is received does not influence
the outcome of segregation of any other pair. Thus, accr. to this
postulate, all possible combinations of gametes should be formed in
equal frequency.

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When F1 individuals serve as parents, each produces 8 diff. The same method can be used to solve crosses involving any
gametes in equal frequencies. number of gene pairs, provided that ALL GENE PAIRS ASSORT
A plausible solution is to construct a Punnett Square w/ 64 diff. INDEPENDENTLY FROM EACH OTHER.
boxes but the method is too bulky. Tbh, gene pairs do not always assort w/ complete independence.
Another method is used such as the FORKED-LINE METHOD However, it appeared to be true for all of Mendel’s characters.

3.5 Mendel’s Work Was Rediscovered in the Early Twentieth

The Forked-Line Method or Branch Diagram Century

When Mendel published his work.
While his findings were often cited and discussed, their
significance went unappreciated for about 35 yrs.

Latter Part of the 19th Century

A remarkable observation set the scene for the recognition of
Mendel’s work, was Flemming’s work.

Walther Flemming
He discovered chromosomes in the nuclei of salamander cells.
 1879 - he described the behavior of these thread-like
structures during cell division.
 Result: The presence of discrete units within the nucleus
soon became an integral part of scientists’ ideas about

Discovery of Chromosomes in the Late 1800s (along w/

subsequent studies of their behavior during meiosis)
Led to the rebirth of Mendel’s work, linking the behavior of his
unit factors to the chromosomes during meiosis.

Early 20th Century

Hugo de Vries, Carl Correns, & Erich Tschermak
Is less complex than but just as accurate as the Punnett square in Three botanists who performed INDEPENDENTLY on
predicting the probabilities of phenotypes or genotypes from crosses hybridization experiments similar to Mendel.
involving two or more gene pairs.  de Vries - his work demonstrated the principle of segregation
Relies on the simple application of the laws of probability in several plant species. He searched the existing literature
established for the dihybrid cross. and found that Mendel’s work had anticipated his own
Each gene pair is assumed to behave independently during conclusions.
gamete formation.  Correns & Tschermak - also reached conclusions similar to
When monohybrid cross AA x aa is made, we know that:
1. All F1 individuals have the genotype Aa and express the Walter Sutton & Theodor Boveri
phenotype represented by the A allele, which is called the A Two cytologists (study and identify cells of diseases such as
phenotype (in the following discussion). cancer and bacterial infections) about the same time,
2. The F2 generation consists of individuals w/ either the A INDEPENDENTLY published papers linking their discoveries of
phenotype or the a phenotype in the ratio of 3:1. the behavior of chromosomes during meiosis to the Mendelian
The same generalizations can be made for the BB x bb and CC x cc ASSORTMENT.
crosses. They pointed out that the separation of chromosomes during
 In the F2 generation, 3/4 of all organisms will express meiosis could serve as the cytological basis of these two postulates.
phenotype A, 3/4 for B, 3/4 for and C. Though, they thought that Mendel’s unit factors were probably
 Also in the F2 generation, 1/4 of all organisms will express a, chromosomes rather than genes on chromosomes, their findings
1/4 for b, and 1/4 for c. reestablished the importance of Mendel’s work and led to many
ensuing genetic investigations.
The proportions of organisms that express each phenotypic They were credited with initiating the CHROMOSOME
combination can be predicted by assuming that fertilization, THEORY OF INHERITANCE.
following the independent assortment of these three gene pairs during Their hypothesis was correct based on the work of Thomas H.
gamete formation is a RANDOM PROCESS. Morgan, Alfred H. Sturtevant, and Calvin Bridges.
again. Chromosome Theory of Inheritance
The idea that the genetic material in living organisms is contained
FIGURE 3.9 in chromosomes, which was developed during the next 2 decades.
Use the forked-line method to calculate the phenotypic
proportions of the F2 generation.
They fall into the trihybrid ratio of 27:9:9:9:3:3:3:1.

Fungo, 2020
Unit Factors, Genes, and Homologous Chromosomes Criteria Necessary to Classify Two Chromosomes as a
The correlation between Sutton’s and Boveri’s observations Homologous Pair
and Mendelian postulates serves as the foundation for the modern 1. During mitosis and meiosis, when chromosomes are visible in their
description of transmission genetics. characteristic shapes, both members of a homologous pair are the
same size and exhibit identical centromere locations. The sex
Each species possesses a specific number of chromosomes in chromosomes (e.g., the X and the Y chromosomes in mammals) are
each somatic cell nucleus. an exception.

Diploid Number (2n) 2. During early stages of meiosis, homologous chromosomes for pairs
The specific number of chromosomes for diploid organisms and (SYNAPSE).

Haploid Number (n)

The specific number of chromosomes for sex cells (in humans).
During the formation of gametes (meiosis), the number is
precisely halved (n), and when two gametes combine during
fertilization, the diploid number is reestablished.
During meiosis, the chromosome number is not reduced in a
random manner.

The diploid number of chromosomes is composed of homologous

pairs identifiable by their morphological appearance and behavior.
The gametes contain one member of each pair (THE
SPECIFIC) and the number of chromosomes in each gamete is equal
to the Haploid Number (n).

Correlation of the Behavior of Unit Factors and Chromosomes

and Genes
Unit Factors
Are genes located on homologous pairs of chromosomes.
Members of each pair of homologs separate, or segregate during
gamete formation.

Illustration of the Principle of Independent Assortment

It’s important to distinguish between members of any given
homologous pair of chromosomes. 3. Although it’s not generally visible under the microscope, homologs
1. One member of each pair came from the MATERNAL PARENT. contain the identical linear order of gene loci.
2. Another came from the PATERNAL PARENT.
 After independent segregation of each pair of homologs, each
gamete receives one member from each pair of chromosomes. 3.6 Independent Assortment Leads to Extensive Genetic
 All possible combinations are formed w/ equal probability. Variation
Consequence of Independent Assortment
Observations of the Phenotypic Diversity Production by an individual of genetically dissimilar gametes.
Indicates that there are many more genes than chromosomes.
Therefore, each homolog (genes from the same ancestral Genetic Variation
sequence) must carry genetic information for more than one trait. Results bcs the two members of any homologous pair of
chromosomes are rarely identical.
Currently Accepted Concept As the maternal and paternal members of all pairs are distributed
A chromosome is composed of a large number of linearly to gametes through independent assortment, all possible chromosome
ordered, information-containing genes. combinations are produced, leading to extensive genetic diversity.
Mendel’s paired unit factors (determine tall or dwarf stems) Resulting from independent assortment has been extremely
establish a pair of genes located on one pair of homologous important to the process of evolution in all sexually reproducing
chromosomes. organisms.

Locus (Pl. loci) The number of possible gametes, each w/ diff. chromosome
The location on a given chromosome where any particular gene composition is 2n (n = haploid number).
occurs. Ex:
If a species has a haploid number of 4:
Alleles  24 or 16 different gamete combinations can be formed as a
Alternative forms of a gene, arises via mutation. result of independent assortment.
The different alleles of a given gene (like G and g) contain
slightly diff. genetic information (green or yellow) that determines In Humans, with a haploid number of n = 23:
the same characters (in this case, the seed color).  223 or 8x106 (over 8 million) different gamete
Though we have examined only genes w/ two alternative alleles, combinations can be formed as a result of independent
most genes have more than two allelic forms. assortment.

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 Bcs fertilization represents an event involving only one Simple Probability Laws
of approx. 8x106 possible gametes from each of two Useful throughout our discussions of transmission genetics and
parents, each offspring represents only one of (8x106)2 for solving genetics problems.
We alry applied the product law when we used the forked-line
or one of only 64x1012 potential genetic combinations.
method to calculate the phenotypic results of Mendel’s dihybrid and
 This probability is less than one in one trillion, except for trihybrid crosses.
identical twins, each member of the human species exhibits a To know the results of a cross, we need only calculate the
distinctive set of traits. probability of each possible outcome.
 This number of combinations of chromosomes is far greater The results of this calculation then allow us to predict the
than the number of humans who have ever lived on Earth. proportion of offspring expressing each phenotype or each genotype.


3.7 Laws of Probability Help to Explain Genetic Events Predictions of possible outcomes are based on large sample sizes.
Genetic Ratios (Ex: 3/4 tall : 1/4 dwarf) If the prediction is that 9/16 of the offspring of a dihybrid cross
Are most properly thought of as probabilities. will express both dominant traits, it’s unlike that exactly 9 individuals
Are expressed as probabilities. will express this phenotype. Only approx. 9/16 will do so.
Deriving outcomes of genetic crosses requires an understanding The deviation from the predicted ratio in smaller sample sizes is
of the laws of probability. attributed to chance.
These values predict the outcome of each fertilization event, such The impact of deviation due strictly to change diminishes as the
that the probability of each zygote having the genetic potential for sample size increases.
becoming tall is 3/4, whereas the potential for its being a dwarf is 1/4.
 Probability 0.0 = event is certain not to occur
 Probability 1.0 = event is certain to occur 3.8 Chi-Square Analysis Evaluates the Influence of Chance on
Genetic Data
Relation of Probability to Genetics Mendel’s 3:1 monohybrid and 9:3:3:1 dihybrid ratios are
When two or more events w/ known probabilities occur hypothetical predictions based on the ff. assumptions:
independently but at the same time, we can calculate the probability 1. Each allele is dominant or recessive.
of their possible outcomes occurring tgt. 2. Segregation is unimpeded/unchecked.
Accomplished by applying the PRODUCT LAW. 3. Independent assortment occurs.
4. Fertilization is random.
Product Law
States that the probability of two or more independent events 3&4
occurring simultaneously is equal to the product of their individual Are influenced by chance events and are subject to RANDOM
probabilities. FLUCTUATION.
Two or more events are independent of one another if the
outcome of each one does not affect the outcome of any of the others Concept of Chance Deviation
under consideration. Is most easily illustrated by tossing a single coin numerous times
and recording the number of heads and tails observed.
To Illustrate the Product Law
There are 4 POSSIBLE OUTCOMES/RESULTS if you toss a In each toss, there’s a probability of 1/2 that a head will
penny (P) and a nickel (N) at the same time and examine all occur and a probability of 1/2 that a tail will occur.
combinations of heads (H) and tails (T) that can occur. Therefore, the expected ratio of many tosses is 1/2:1/2 or
 (PH : NH) = (1/2)(1/2) = 1/4 1:1.
 (PT : NH) = (1/2)(1/2) = 1/4 If a coin is tossed 1000 times, usually about 500 heads
 (PH : NT) = (1/2)(1/2) = 1/4 and 500 tails will be observed.
 (PT : NT) = (1/2)(1/2) = 1/4 Any reasonable fluctuation/variation from this
hypothetical ratio (e.g., 486 heads and 514 tails) is attributed
The probability of obtaining a head or tail in either coin is 1/2, so to chance.
combining them is (1/2)(1/2). They’re independent of one another.
As the Total Number of Tosses is Reduced
The impact of chance deviation increases.
Sum Law Ex:
Used to calculate the probability when the possible outcomes of If a coin is tossed only 4 times, it’s possible to have 4
two events are independent of one another by can be accomplished in heads or 4 tails.
more than one way. If tossed for 1000 times, 1000 heads/tails is most
States that the probability of obtaining any single outcome, where unexpected. All heads or tails in 1000 tosses can be predicted
that outcome can be achieved by two or more events, is equal to the to occur w/ a probability of (1/2)1000. Since (1/2)20 is less than
sum of the individual probabilities of such events. one in a million times, an event occurring w/ a probability as
Example, in the penny and nickel situation, there are two ways in small as (1/2)1000 is virtually impossible.
which the desired outcome can be accomplished, each w/ a
probability of 1/4. Two Major Points When Predicting or Analyzing Genetic
According to this, the overall probability in our example is equal Outcomes:
to: 1. The outcomes of independent assortment and fertilization (like
(1/4) + (1/4) = 1/2 coin tossing) are subject to random fluctuations from their predicted
One half of all two-coin tosses are predicted to yield the occurrences as a result of chance deviation.
desired outcome. 2. As the sample size increases, the average deviation from the
expected results decreases. Therefore, a large sample size diminishes
the impact of chance deviation on the final outcome.

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Chi-Square Calculations and the Null Hypothesis FINAL STEPS IN CHI-SQUARE ANALYSIS
Chi-Square Analysis To interpret the x2 value.
Allows us to assess the H0 which states that there is no real To interpret, initially determine a value called the DEGREES
difference between the expected and observed values. OF FREEDOM (df) which is equal to (n - 1).
It tests the probability of whether observed variations can be
attributed to chance deviation. Degrees of Freedom (df)
Must be taken into account bcs the greater the number of
Null Hypothesis (H0) categories, the more deviation is expected as a result of chance.
Is established when we assume that the data will fit a given ratio  n = number of diff. categories into which the data are divided,
such as 1:1, 3:1, or 9:3:3:1. the number of possible outcomes.
Assumes that there is NO REAL DIFFERENCE between the
measured values (ratio) and the predicted values (ratio). For the 3:1 Ratio
Their validity is measured using statistical analysis.  n = 2, so df = 1
Any apparent difference can be attributed purely to chance.
Depending on the results of the analysis, the null hypothesis may For the 9:3:3:1 Ratio
either:  n = 4, so df = 3
1. Be rejected
2. Fail to be rejected Once you have determined the df, you can interpret the x 2 value in
terms of a corresponding PROBABILITY VALUE (p).
Rejected Null Hypothesis
There is A REAL DIFFERENCE. Probability Value (p) or Calculated Probability
The observed deviation from the expected result is judged not to Is the probability of finding the observed, or more extreme,
be attributable to chance alone. results when the null hypothesis (H0) of a study question is true.
In this case, the null hypothesis and the underlying assumptions Since this calculation is complex, we usually take the p value
leading to it must be reexamined. from a standard table or graph.

Fail to Reject Null Hypothesis FIGURE 3.10

Any observed deviations are attributed to chance. Shows a wide range of x2 values and the corresponding p values
for various degrees of freedom in both a graph and a table. The graph
Chi-Square (x2) Analysis is used to explain how to determine the p value.
One of the simplest statistical tests for assessing the null
hypothesis. To determine the p using the graph, execute the following steps:
Takes account the observed deviation in each component of a 1. Locate the x2 value on the abscissa (the horizontal axis, or x-axis).
ratio (from what was expected) as well as the sample size and reduces 2. Draw a vertical line from this point up to the line on the graph
them to a single numerical value. representing the appropriate df.
3. From there, extend a horizontal line to the left until it intersects the
x2 ordinate (the vertical axis, or y-axis).
Its value is used to estimate how frequently the observed 4. Estimate, by interpolation, the corresponding p value.
deviation can be expected to occur strictly as a result of chance.
The formula used in chi-square analysis is: The x2 value is 4.16 and df = 3, an approximate p value is 0.26
(𝒐 − 𝒆)^𝟐 (based on the FIGURE 3.1A).
𝒙𝟐 = 𝚺
𝒆 Checking this result in the table confirms that p values for both
o = observed value for a given category. the monohybrid and dihybrid crosses are between 0.20 and 0.50.
e = expected value for that category.
Σ (Gr. letter Sigma) = represents the sum of the calculated values for Interpreting Probability Values
each category in the ratio. p Value = Percentage
Because (o - e) is the deviation (d) in each case, the equation p = 0. 26 is equal to 26%
reduces to: The p value indicates that if we repeat the same experiment many
𝒅^𝟐 times.
𝒙𝟐 = 𝚺  26% of the trials would be expected to exhibit chance
deviation as great or as greater than in the initial trial.
 74% (100 - 26) of the repeats would show less deviation than
Table 3.1A initially observed as a result of chance.
Steps in the x2 calculation for the F2 results of a hypothetical The p value reveals that a null hypothesis (9:3:3:1 ratio, in this
monohybrid cross. case) is never proved or disproved absolutely.
To analyze this data, work from left to right across the table,
verifying the calculations as appropriate. Relative Standard
Regardless of whether the deviation d is positive or negative, d 2 Is set that we use to either REJECT or FAIL TO REJECT the
always become positive after the number is squared. null hypothesis.
This standard is most often a p value of 0.05.
Table 3.2B
F2 results of a hypothetical dihybrid cross are analyzed. When Applied to Chi-Square Analysis:
 p value less than 0.05 = the observed deviation in the
set of results will be obtained by chance alone less
than 5% of the time. Indicates that the difference

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between the observed and predicted results is
substantial and requires us to REJECT THE H0,
 p value of 0.05 or greater (0.05 to 1) = Indicate that
the observed deviation will be obtained by chance
alone 5% or more of the time. This allows us NOT
p = 0.05 standard is used).

p = 0.26
Fail to reject the null.
The observed deviation can be reasonably attributed to chance.

When H0 is rejected, what are alternative interpretations of the

Researchers will reassess the assumptions that underlies the null
If any of these assumptions are incorrect, then the og hypothesis
is not necessarily invalid.
1. In our dihybrid cross, we assumed that segregation operates
faithfully for both gene pairs.
2. We also assumed that fertilization is random and that the
viability of all gametes is equal regardless of genotype (all
gametes are equally likely to participate in fertilization.
3. Following fertilization, all preadult stages and adult offspring
are equally viable, regardless of their genotype.

 H0: a dihybrid cross between fruit flies will result in 3/16
mutant wingless flies.
 However, fewer of the mutant embryos are able to survive
their preadult development or young adulthood compared to
flies whose genotype gives rise to wings.
 Result: There will be fewer than 3/16 wingless flies.  Circles - represent females.
 Squares - represent males.
Rejection of the null hypothesis is not the cause for us to reject  Diamond - unknown sex of an individual.
the validity of the postulates of segregation and independent  Parents - are connected to e/o by a single horizontal line, and
assortment, bcs other factors we are unaware of may also be affecting vertical lines lead to their offspring.
the outcome.
Each is indicated by Roman numeral.
3.9 Pedigrees Reveal Patterns of Inheritance of Human Traits
Pedigree Related/Consanguineous Parents
Is a genetic representation of a family tree that diagrams the If they’re related such as first cousins, they are connected by a
inheritance of a trait or disease through several generations. double line.
A family tree indicating the presence or absence of the trait in
question for each member of each generation. Parents
When many pedigrees for the same trait are studied, we can often Receive an Arabic number designation.
ascertain/determine the mode of inheritance.
By analyzing this, we may be able to predict how the trait under Offsprings/Sibs (Siblings)
study is inherited. Are connected by a horizontal sibship line.
Ex: Are placed in birth order from left to right and are labeled w/
Is it due to a dominant or recessive allele. Arabic numerals.
Pedigree Conventions Twins
FIGURE 3.11 Are indicated by diagonal lines stemming from a vertical line
Illustrates some of the conventions geneticists follow in connected to the sibship line.
constructing pedigrees.
 Identical Monozygotic Twins - the diagonal lines are linked
by a horizontal line. Developed from the same fertilized egg,
and so have nearly identical genetic code.
 Fraternal or Dizygotic Twins - lack this connecting line.
Developed from two different eggs fertilized by two diff.

A number within one of the symbols represents the number of sibs of

the same sex and of the same or unknown phenotypes.

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Proband Further evidence supports the prediction of a recessive
The individual whose phenotype first brought attention to the trait.
family.  If albinism were inherited as a dominant trait,
Is indicated by an arrow connected to the designation p. individual II-3 would have to express the disorder in
This term applies to either a male or a female. order to pass it to his offspring (III-3 and III-4), but
he does not.
In Some Pedigrees  Inspection of the offspring constituting the 3 rd
Those individuals that fail to express a recessive trait but are generation (Row III) provides further support for the
known w/ certainty to be heterozygous carriers have a shaded dot hypothesis that albinism is a recessive trait. If it is,
within their unshaded circle or square. parents II-3 and II-4 are both heterozygous and
If an individual is deceased and the phenotype is unknown, a approx. 1/4 of their offspring should be affected. 2/6
DIAGONAL LINE is placed over the circle or square. offspring have albinism.
 This deviation from the expected ratio is not
unexpected in crosses w/ few offspring.
Pedigree Analysis
Autosomal Once we are confident that albinism is inherited as an
Pertaining to a chromosome that is not a sex chromosome. autosomal recessive trait, we could portray the II-3 and II-4
People normally have 22 pairs of autosomes (44 autosomes) in individuals w/ a shaded dot within their larger square and
each cell, together w/ 2 sex chromosomes, XY male and XX female. circle.
Characteristic of pedigrees for autosomal traits, both
FIGURE 3.12 males and females are affected w/ equal probability.

In the Sex-Determining X Chromosome

There’s a pedigree representing a gene here.
There are certain patterns characteristic of the
transmission of X-linked traits, such as these traits are more
prevalent in male offspring and are never passed from
affected fathers to their sons.

Autosomal Dominant Trait (Second Pedigree)

A pattern of inheritance in which an affected individual has one
copy of the mutant gene and one normal gene on a pair of autosomal
One mutated copy of the gene in each cell is sufficient for a
person to be affected by an AUTOSOMAL DOMINANT
DISORDER. In some cases, an affected person inherits the condition
from an affected parent.
Autosomal Recessive Trait (First Pedigree) Ex:
Is one of the several ways that a trait, disorder, or disease can be Huntington disease, neurofibromatosis, and polycystic kidney
passed down through family. disease
Both copies of the gene in each cell have mutations.
Caused by an AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE ALLELE. The key to identifying this is that all affected offspring
will have a parent that also expresses the trait.
Autosomal Recessive Disorder It’s also possible by chance, that none of the offspring
Two copies of an abnormal gene must be present in order will inherit the dominant allele. If so, the trait will cease to
for the disease or trait to develop. exist in future generation.
Ex: Like recessive traits, as long as the gene is autosomal,
Cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, and Tay-Sachs disease both male and female are equally affected.

Albinism When a given autosomal dominant disease is rare within a

Synthesis of the pigment melanin is obstructed. population (most are), then it’s highly unlikely that affected
A representative pedigree for a trait that demonstrates individuals will inherit a copy of the mutant gene from both
autosomal recessive inheritance. parents.
In most cases, affected individuals are heterozygous for
Characteristic of a situation in which a parent has a rare the dominant allele. As a result, approx. 1/2 of the offspring
recessive trait, the trait “disappears” in the offspring of the inherit it (borne out in the 2 nd pedigree in FIGURE 3.12).
next generation.
The male parent of the first generation (I-1) is affected. When a mutation is dominant and a single copy is
Assuming recessiveness, the unaffected female parent (I- sufficient to produce a mutant phenotype, homozygotes are
2) is homozygous normal individual bcs none of the offspring likely to be even more severely affected, perhaps even failing
show the disorder. to survive.
If she’s heterozygous, 1/2 of the offspring would be
expected to have albinism (but none do). But small sampling
(3 offsprings) prevents our knowing for certain.

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Ex:  Then, a progressive loss of mental and physical abilities
Familial Hypercholesterolemia occurs.
This dominant gene is present here where heterozygotes  Afflicted infants eventually become blind, deaf, intellectually
display a defect in their receptors for low-density disabled, and paralyzed (often within only a year or two,
lipoproteins (LDLs or bad cholesterol). seldom living beyond the age of 5).
As a result, too little cholesterol is taken up by the cells
from the blood, and elevated plasma levels of LDLs result. TSD results from the loss of activity of a single enzyme,
Without intervention, heterozygous individuals usually HEXOSAMINIDASE A (Hex-A).
have heart attacks during the 4th decade of their life or before.
Hexosaminidase A (Hex-A)
Heterozygotes An enzyme in humans that is encoded by the HEXA gene.
Have LDL levels about double that of a normal Plays a critical role in the brain and spinal cord (central nervous
individual. system).
Normally found in lysosomes within cells, is needed to break
Homozygotes down the GANGLIOSIDE GM2 (a lipid component of nerve cell
Are rare to happen and be detected. membranes).
Lack LDL receptors, and their LDL levels are nearly 10x W/o functional Hex-A, gangliosides accumulate within neurons
above the normal range. in the brain and cause deterioration of the nervous system.
They are likely to have a heart attack very early in life,
even before age 5, and almost inevitably before they reach the Heterozygous carriers of TSD w/ one normal copy of the gene
age of 20. produce only about 50% of the normal amount of Hex-A, but they
show no symptoms of the disorder.
The activity of only one gene (one wild-type allele) is sufficient
Pedigree Analysis of Many Traits for the normal development and function of the nervous system
Has historically been an extremely valuable research technique in explains and illustrates the molecular basis of recessive mutations.
human genetic studies. Only when both genes are disrupted by mutation is the mutant
The approach does not usually provide certainty of the phenotype evident.
conclusions obtained through experimental crosses yielding large
numbers of offspring. Responsible Gene
When many independent pedigrees of the same trait or disorder Located on the Chromosome 15 and codes for the alpha subunit
are analyzed, consistent conclusions can be often drawn. of the Hex-A enzyme.

TABLE 3.2 More than 50 diff. mutations within the gene have been identified
List of Numerous Human Traits and Classifies Them Accr. to that lead to TSD phenotypes.
their Recessive or Dominant Expression

3.10 Tay-Sachs Disease: The Molecular Basis of a Recessive

Disorder in Humans
Case where a single mutant gene causes multiple effects
associated w/ a severe disorder in humans.

Tay-Sachs Disease (TSD)

A recessive disorder involving unalterable destruction of the
central nervous system.
Usually, two unaffected heterozygous parents, who most often
have no family history of the disorder, have a probability of 1/4 of
having a Tay-Sachs child.
 Infants w/ this are unaffected at birth and appear to develop
normally until they are about 6 mos. old.

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