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TORQ Series Big Fan 1/15

Waterline TORQ Series

Industrial Duty Overhead Fan

Feel up to 5 - 8 °C cooler

USA Technology European Made Motor AMCA Certified TISI Mark Approved
Designed by our partners in Brushless Direct Current Motor Fan design air volume is Fan design conforms to the
the USA who have 15+ years produced in Europe according certified by the Air Movement Thailand Industrial Standards
of experience with HVLS fans. to EU standards. and Control Association Institute for Manufacturers


Introduction 2/15

The smartest way to cool large industrial workspaces

Very wide coverage, very low energy consumption, very low noise.

Suitable for:
Steel fabrication workshops
with overhead cranes
Final assembly and packing areas
How It Works Logistic centers and warehouses
Assembly/production areas that
change layouts periodically
Car service & repair centers
Large general production areas

When the big fan runs even at the slow speed of 55 Big Fan mampu mengalirkan volume udara besar ke bawah kipas karena
rpm, the slow-moving air column hits the floor, it penggunaan blade yang lebar dan terbuat dari profil blade yang dirancang
changes course and creates a ‘floor jet’ that moves secara khusus pada saat saat beroperasi pada kecepatan rendah hingga 55
outward in a 360° direction. It continues to move along rpm. Ketika udara yang lebih lambat bergerak menyentuh lantai, maka
on ground level until it meets the walls, changing direc- udara akan berubah arah dan menciptakan 'jet lantai' yang bergerak ke luar
tion once again and then moving vertically upwards. ke arah 360°. Udara terus bergerak di atas permukaan tanah hingga
This tremendous movement of air covers most of the menyentuh dengan dinding, mengubah arah lagi dan selanjutnya bergerak
workspace and ensures that all personnel and equip- secara vertikal ke atas. Pergerakan udara yang luar biasa ini meliputi sebagi-
ment are cooled down. an besar ruang kerja dan memastikan bahwa semua pekerja dan peralatan
A single Big Fan can create a cooling effect that has a
large coverage of up to 1,800 m². It can also reduce Satu Kipas Besar dapat menciptakan efek pendinginan yang memiliki
humidity, moisture, condensation and hazardous cakupan luas 1800m². Ini juga dapat mengurangi kelembaban, uap air,
gases in the workspace – creating a safer and more kondensasi, dan gas berbahaya di ruang kerja - menciptakan lingkungan
comfortable working environment. kerja yang lebih aman dan nyaman bagi pekerja.

Available in 3 Options

For Compact Spaces Energy Saving Model Full Performance Model


A compact sized Big Fanthat produces Big Airflow, Low Energy Consumption. The full performance package-able to move an
rapid airflow. A perfect fit for tight spaces. The smart model designed to cut your incredible amount of air with its powerful
This is not your average ceiling fan. Big Fan electrical bill in less than half. high-torque BLDC motor and yet light in weight.
Diameter: 2.5 to 3.1 meters, 5 Blades Diameter: 5.0 to 7.5 meters, 3 Blades or 5 Blades Diameter: 7.5 meters, 6 Blades
Up to 0.26 kilowatts Up to 0.64 kilowatts 1.44 kilowatts
Covers 700m2 Covers 1,300m2 Covers 1,800m2 For Compact Spaces
Energy Saving Model Full Performance Model
Big Fan Construction 3/15

Warranty - Fan Blades & Structure

The lightest HVLS fan in the market by far
Designed in USA, the TORQ range of Big Fans excels in
performance, energy efficiency and safety. Its aerody-
namic fan blade design, energy saving brushless DC
motor and sleek fan structure make this the highest
performing, low energy consumption Big Fan available
The TORQ Big Fan range is exclusively equipped with
our unique BLDC motor which is the lightest available
on the market. Our standard flagship TORQGo 7.5 meter
model only weighs 68kg.
Dirancang di AS oleh para insinyur di Electric Torque
Machine Company, jajaran Kipas Besar TORQ memberi
banyak pertimbangan dalam hal kinerja termal, efisiensi
energi, dan keamanan. Desain bilah kipas aerodinamis,
motor DC brushless hemat energi yang digunakan dan
fitur-fitur pada kipas dan rakitan pemasangannya adalah
keunggulan atas klaim tersebut. Baseplate Mount
Kipas Besar TORQ hanya menghadirkan dalam versi Our adaptive baseplate can be securely mounted on any
BLDC yang memiliki bobot paling ringan di industri. industrial building truss/ceiling including circular, rectan-
Kipas ini berdiameter 7.5 m dengan berat hanya 68 kg. gular, I-beam or concrete type.
U-Bolt dipasang dengan aman ke rangka bangunan industri.
Bulat, persegi panjang atau I-beam. Sebuah adaptor
memberikan keringanan untuk pergerakan kipas.

Vibration Isolation System

Uniquely designed vibration isolation system eliminates
the transmission of any excessive vibration onto the
building structure.
Desain unik dengan sistem isolasi getaran yang benar-be-
nar menghilangkan transmisi getaran ke struktur bangu-

BLDC Motor Drive

The latest technology in high torque fan drives. Capable
of moving an immense volume of air with minimum power
consumption. The highest CMH per watt performance
efficiency in the market.
Teknologi terbaru dalam penggerak kipas torsi tinggi.
Mampu menggerakkan kipas besar pada masanya mencip- ทส
่ี ด

takan aliran udara besar dengan konsumsi daya minimum.
Efisiensi terintegrasi CMH/W terendah di pasar.

Fan Assembly
Fan blades and hub are made from extruded aluminum
alloy Grade 6061-T6. Capable of withstanding tensile
strength of 265 MPa and yield strength of 245 MPa.
Bilah kipas dan hub kipas yang lebih rendah terbuat dari
paduan aluminium ekstrusi Grade 6061-T6. Mampu mena-
han kekuatan tarik 265 Mpa dan kekuatan luluh 245 Mpa.

Fan Blades & Structures
Motor & Electronics
Terms & Conditions Apply
Performance 4/15

Big Fan Only Performance

Feel up to 5 °C coo ler

Model : TORQ mini

“Our TORQ line aims to provide fan

performance to suit exactly what your
requirements are, using just enough of
your investment and energy consumption
Zone A to get the air coverage you need.”
Zone B

Zone C
diameter 280 W 40 Kg

Model Zone Circle Avg. Velocity ∆T PTD Area Covered

C Covered

TORQ mini 700 m²

B 10 m 1.0 - 2.0 m/s 3 - 4 °C
10 m
C 28 m 0.5 - 1.0 m/s 2 - 3 °C

∆T PTD = Perceived Temperature Drop@ 6m Fan Height.

28 m Penurunan suhu yang dirasakan @ 6m Tinggi Kipas

diameter 5
3 660 W 80 Kg
C Circle
Model Zone Avg. Velocity ∆T PTD Area Covered
A 7m 2.0 m/s + 4 - 5 °C
A TORQ Go 900 m²
B 20 m 1.0 - 2.0 m/s 3 - 4 °C
5.0 m Nominal
C 33 m 0.5 - 1.0 m/s 2 - 3 °C
20 m
∆T PTD = Perceived Temperature Drop@ 6m Fan Height.
33 m Penurunan suhu yang dirasakan @ 6m Tinggi Kipas
Performance 5/15

diameter 3 690 W 68 Kg

Model Zone Circle Avg. Velocity ∆T PTD Area Covered

B Covered

A 14 m 2.0 m/s + 4 - 5 °C

A TORQ Go 1,300 m²
B 28 m 1.0 - 2.0 m/s 3 - 4 °C
6.5 m Nominal
14 m
C 40 m 0.5 - 1.0 m/s 2 - 3 °C
28 m
∆T PTD = Perceived Temperature Drop@ 6m Fan Height.
Penurunan suhu yang dirasakan @ 6m Tinggi Kipas
40 m

C 7.5
diameter 6 1440 W 98 Kg
Model Zone Circle Avg. Velocity ∆T PTD Area Covered
A Covered

A 24 m 2.0 m/s + 4 - 5 °C

1,800 m²
TORQ+ B 36 m 1.0 - 2.0 m/s 3 - 4 °C

24 m C 48 m 0.5 - 1.0 m/s 2 - 3 °C

36 m ∆T PTD = Perceived Temperature Drop@ 6m Fan Height.

Penurunan suhu yang dirasakan @ 6m Tinggi Kipas
48 m

One size never fits all. Thanks to its multi-blade fan hub Satu ukuran tidak cukup mencakup untuk semua. Berkat desain
design, the Waterline TORQ series allows up to several hub kipas multi-bilah yang unik, jajaran TORQ Waterline
configurations of fan blades, allowing you to choose air memberikan kemungkinan hingga ke beberapa konfigurasi bilah
kipas, memungkinkan Anda memilih untuk mengcover penataan
coverage that best fits your space requirements and udara yang paling sesuai dengan kebutuhan ruang dan kebutuhan
budget needs. anggaran Anda.
When the fan installation parameters are more complex, Pilih dari konfigurasi kipas di bawah ini yang sesuai dengan
we use computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software to panjang dan jumlah bilah kipas sembari menyesuaikan dengan
ensure the right number of fans are selected and correct- zona kinerja kipas yang sesuai. Jajaran TORQ kami bertujuan
untuk memberikan kinerja kipas yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan
ly positioned so that the air coverage is optimized. Anda, menggunakan cukup investasi dan konsumsi energi Anda
untuk mendapatkan jangkauan udara yang Anda butuhkan.

Big Fan + Evaporative Cooling Performance

Feel up to 12 °C cooler
Big Fans can also be complemented with evaporative Keuntungan dari menggabungkan kedua teknologi ini adalah
cooling technology where cool air is produced by evapo- lingkungan yang dihasilkan akan jauh lebih dingin. Ini juga memec-
ahkan masalah umum dari udara panas bertingkat yang teraku-
rative coolers installed outside the workspace and sent
mulasi di bawah atap karena Kipas Besar dapat mencampurkan
to the Big Fan for distribution. udara dingin ke dalam ruangan.
The advantage of combining both technologies is that Cooler
Cooled Air
the resulting environment will be significantly cooler. It Evaporative
also solves the common problem of stratified hot air
accumulating below the roof as the Big Fans are able to
mix in the cool air into the space.
Kipas Besar juga dapat dilengkapi dengan teknologi pendingi-
nan evaporasi di mana udara dingin dihasilkan oleh pendingin
evaporatif yang dipasang di luar ruang kerja dan dikirim ke
Kipas Besar untuk didistribusikan.
Performance 6/15
Big Fan Only Performance
Feel up to 5 °C coo ler

Model : Pilot

Fan Blades & Structures
Motor & Electronics


7m 14 m
10 m 16 m
20 m 28 m
25 m 28 m
33 m 40 m
Model : Easey 3.0 m Model : Easey 3.6 m Model : Pilot 5.0 m Model : Pilot 7.3 m

3.0 5.0
Model : diameter 6 300 W 29 Kg Model : diameter 6 1500 W 121 Kg
Easey Pilot
3.6 7.3
diameter 6 300 W 30 Kg diameter 6 1500 W 138 Kg

Model Zone Circle Avg. ∆T PTD Area Model Zone Circle Avg. ∆T PTD Area
Covered Velocity Covered Covered Velocity Covered

A N/A N/A N/A A 7m 2.0 m/s + 4 - 5 °C

Easey 600 m² Pilot 900 m²
3.0 m B 10 m 1.0 - 2.0 m/s 3 - 4 °C 5.0 m B 20 m 1.0 - 2.0 m/s 3 - 4 °C
Nominal Nominal
C 25 m 0.5 - 1.0 m/s 2 - 3 °C C 33 m 0.5 - 1.0 m/s 2 - 3 °C

A N/A N/A N/A A 14 m 2.0 m/s + 4 - 5 °C

Easey 700 m² Pilot 1600 m²
3.6 m B 16 m 1.0 - 2.0 m/s 3 - 4 °C 7.3 m B 28 m 1.0 - 2.0 m/s 3 - 4 °C
Nominal Nominal
C 30 m 0.5 - 1.0 m/s 2 - 3 °C C 40 m 0.5 - 1.0 m/s 2 - 3 °C

∆T PTD = Perceived Temperature Drop@ 6m Fan Height. ∆T PTD = Perceived Temperature Drop@ 6m Fan Height.
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่ี ดลง@ความสง
ู พด
ั ลม 6 m อณ
ุ หภม
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่ี ดลง@ความสง
ู พด
ั ลม 6 m
TORQ Series Line Up 7/15


Fan Diameter 3.1 m 5.0 m 6.5 m 7.5 m

No of Blades 5 5 3 6

Fan Blade Type Aerofoil blade aluminum alloy grade 6061 - T6

Maximum Speed 140 rpm 85 rpm 75 rpm 61 rpm

Motor & Drive BLDC Transverse Flux Motor

Max Continuous Power 280 W 660W 690W 1440W

Max Continuous Torque 15 N-m 60 N-m 70 N-m 170 N-m

Noise Level 55 dB (A) 48 dB (A) 48 dB (A) 50 dB (A)

Power Supply 50Hz/1Ph/220V 50Hz/3Ph/380V

Base Fan Weight 40 kg 80 kg 68 kg 96 kg

Easey Pilot

Fan Diameter 3.0 m 3.6 m 5.0 m 7.5 m

No of Blades 6 6 6 6

Fan Blade Type Aerofoil blade aluminum alloy grade 6063 - T5 Aerofoil blade aluminum alloy grade 6061 - T6

Maximum Speed 120 rpm 100 rpm 80 rpm 60 rpm

Motor & Drive China PMSM Motor

Max Continuous Power 300 W 300W 750W 1500W

Max Continuous Torque 24 N-m 28 N-m 84 N-m 255 N-m

Noise Level 38 dB (A) 38 dB (A) 40 dB (A) 40 dB (A)

Power Supply 50Hz/1Ph/220V 50Hz/1Ph/220V 50Hz/3Ph/380V

Base Fan Weight 29 kg 30 kg 90 kg 112 kg

Big Fan Control 8/15

Multi Fan Control

Connects up to 32 fans
Menghubungkan hingga 32 unit kipas
Housing Compatible
Choose between individual or group control Display
5-inch LED
Industrial-grade with
Pilihan pengontrol individu atau kelompok Touchscreen
aluminum and All TORQ
plastic models
Save time by controlling multiple fans from just 1 HMI
Hemat waktu dengan mengontrol banyak kipas hanya
dari 1 HMI
No need to invest in multiple large inverter controllers
Tidak perlu berinvestasi dalam beberapa pengontrol “ We like your fan controller that allows us to
inverter besar
set the scheduled on-off time and leave the
fans to run on their own” commented by most of
Automatic Start Stop Operation
our customers.
“Kami menyukai pengontrol kipas Anda di
mana memungkinkan kami untuk mengatur
waktu on-off yang dapat dijadwalkan dan
membiarkan kipas bekerja sendiri” dikomentari
oleh sebagian besar pelanggan kami.

Temperature Adaptive Operation

Program automatic fan operation accord-

ing to your daily schedule.
Program pengoperasian kipas otomatis sesuai
dengan jadwal harian Anda
Set fan speeds depending on ‘Peak’ or ‘Off
Peak’ hours period
Atur kipas berdasarkan kondisi periode waktu
“sibuk” atau “lengang”.
Saves energy by limiting unnecessary opera-
tion time Set fan speed parameters according to ambient
Menghemat energi dengan membatasi waktu temperature
pengoperasian yang tidak perlu Atur parameter kecepatan kipas sesuai dengan suhu sekitar
Saves labor cost by eliminating manual control Saves energy by reducing fan during cooler hours
Menghemat biaya tenaga kerja dengan Menghemat energi dengan mengurangi kipas si saat
menghilangkan kontrol manual waktu-waktu yang lebih dingin
Installation Parameters 9/15

Recommended Installation
Height, Length & Clearance

H3 H4
Max 10 m 12 m 14 m
>300 mm
H1 Opt'm 4-7 m 7-9 m 7-9 m

Min 4m 6m 6m
If H2 is above 10m,
H2 rental of lifting facilities is necessary.

H3 is normally not exceeding 3m. But if H1

H3 longer length is needed, it can be arranged.

H4 H4 Ideally 1/4 of H1 otherwise 1.5m minimum

H1 :Height of fan blades above floor level H3: Length of Extension Rod
H2: Height from mounting point to floor level H4: Clearance from fan blade to roof

Human Machine Interface

Controls fan operation
& lighting

High Bay Light Replacement

If the placement of the Big Jika penempatan Kipas
Fan coincides with that of a Besar bertepatan dengan
high bay light, the Big Fan pemasangan lampu High
can be fitted with a replace- Bay, Kipas Besar dapat
ment high bay light of dipasang dengan lampu High
equivalent brightness. Bay sebagai pengganti
dengan kecerahan setara.
Common Mounting Methods & Installation Safety Features
Mounting On Universal Beam Mounting On Circular Truss Mounting On Rectangular Truss Mounting on Concrete Ceiling

Chemical Bolting

4 Guy wires for

fan stabilization 45° to 60°



Anti-Drop Plate Fan Stabilization Wires Safety Loop-Over Wires

In the unlikely event that the fan 4 Guy Wires are installed to keep the 2 thick multi-strand steel wires are
blade is dislodged, it will be secured to fan stable without excessive oscilla- used to loop the entire fan over the
the fan assembly by the Anti-Drop tion during operation. roofing structure to prevent it from
Steel Cable and Anti-Drop Plate. being dislodged.
4 kabel sling dipasang untuk menjaga
Jika bilah kipas terlepas, kipas akan kipas tetap stabil tanpa osilasi yang 2 kabel baja/kabel sling multi-untai
diamankan ke rangka unit kipas berlebihan selama pengoperasian. tebal digunakan untuk melingkarkan
dengan Kabel Baja Anti-Jatuh dan seluruh kipas di atas struktur atap
Pelat Anti-Jatuh. agar tidak terlepas.
The Waterline Difference 10/15
The difference with the Waterline Big Fan is in the energy Perbedaan dengan Waterline Big Fan terletak pada
consumption, performance and product reliability besides konsumsi energi, performa dan kehandalan produk selain
being supported by good engineering and after sale service. didukung dengan teknik yang baik dan layanan purna jual.

Competition from US Competition from China

Operation Parameters DC Drive AC Drive DC Drive AC Drive DC Drive

Energy Consumption 500 -1400 W 1500 W 1700 W 1500 W 1800 W

Maintenance Free Yes No Yes No Yes

Fan Weight 42-96 kg 123 kg 117 kg 130 kg 135 kg

High Bay Light Yes No Yes No No


Vibration Isolation System Yes No No No No

Gear w/ Gear w/
Motor & Driver Gearless oil lubication Gearless oil lubication Gearless

Down-rod Length 9m 3m 3m 3m 3m

Fan Blades 6061-T6 6061-T4 6061-T4 6063-T5 6063-T5

The TORQ series’ brushless direct current motors deliver Since the introduction of the more advanced DC motor
high torque despite being lightweight and compact. A 7.5m driven Big Fan, the AC motor drive is increasingly becoming
fan can be powered by a motor consuming only 500 watts obsolete. Among the reasons for that are eliminating the
continuously. need for regular maintenance, lower energy consumption,
much lower noise and much lighter weight.
Motor brushless arus searah dari seri TORQ menghasilkan torsi Sejak diperkenalkannya motor DC yang lebih canggih yang
tinggi meskipun ringan dan solid. Kipas 7,5 m dapat diberi daya digerakkan Kipas Besar, penggerak motor AC menjadi semakin
oleh motor yang hanya mengonsumsi 500 watt secara terus-me- usang. Di antara alasannya adalah menghilangkan kebutuhan
nerus. akan perawatan rutin, konsumsi energi yang lebih rendah,
kebisingan yang jauh lebih rendah, dan bobot yang jauh lebih

Waterline TORQ Series of fans are all DC motor driven so A vibration isolation system is installed on the down-rod,
there is no gearbox to maintain and no gearbox oil to change. stopping any vibration caused by the fan oscillation from
transferring on to the building structure.
Kipas Waterline seri TORQ semuanya digerakkan oleh motor DC
sehingga tidak ada gearbox yang harus dirawat dan tidak ada oli Sistem isolasi getaran dipasang pada batang bawah, menghenti-
gearbox yang perlu diganti. kan getaran yang disebabkan oleh osilasi kipas agar tidak
berpindah ke struktur bangunan.

Our fan weight is the lowest in the industry, minimalizing the We build our fan blades with 6061-T6 grade aluminum alloy
weight load placed on the building ceiling truss and roof while many others use 6063-T5. A stronger alloy is important
structure. to withstand the prolonged lift force on the fan blade at the
bolting points.
Berat kipas kami merupakan yang terendah di industri, memini-
malkan beban berat yang ditempatkan pada rangka langit-lan- Kami membuat bilah kipas kami dengan paduan aluminium kelas
git bangunan dan struktur atap. 6061-T6 sementara banyak lainnya menggunakan 6063-T5.
Paduan yang lebih kuat penting untuk menahan gaya angkat yang
lama pada bilah kipas di titik-titik baut.

Installing the Big Fan may coincide with the light path of an Due to the lightweight and stabilization advantages of the
existing high bay lighting fixture, which if un-addressed will TORQ series, the down-rod length ‘H3’ can be extended far
cause the 'strobe effect' on the floor level making it unpleas- longer than any other fan on the market. This allows the fan
ant for those below. To solve this potential issue, the to be positioned closer to the ground, increasing the fan
Waterline TORQ series can be fitted with a replacement LED performance felt by those standing below.
high bay underneath its fan structure. Karena keunggulan ringan dan stabilisasi dari seri TORQ, panjang
Memasang Kipas Besar mungkin bertepatan dengan jalur cahaya batang bawah 'H3' dapat diperpanjang jauh lebih lama daripada
dari perlengkapan lampu yang ada, yang jika tidak ditangani akan kipas lainnya di pasaran. Ini memungkinkan kipas ditempatkan
menyebabkan 'efek strobo' pada permukaan lantai sehingga lebih dekat ke tanah, meningkatkan kinerja kipas yang dirasakan
kurang nyaman untuk yang berada di bawahnya. Untuk mengata- oleh mereka yang berdiri di bawahnya.
si masalah potensial ini, seri Waterline TORQ dapat dilengkapi
dengan tempat tinggi LED pengganti di bawah struktur kipasnya.
The Evolution of Big Fans 11/15

Just like any invention, Big Fans have changed and Desain kipas besar telah mengalami perubahan karena
modernized over time. Keep up to date with these changes peningkatan teknologi. Informasi di bawah ini merang-
so that you can make a wise and informed purchase/in- kum trennya. Jangan sampai ketinggalan.

AC Motor Torque High
Oil Torque
lubricated Motor

BLDC (Transverse Flux)

AC Motor Drive PMSM Motor Drive Motor Drive

BLDC (Transverse Flux)

Fan Model AC Motor Drive PMSM Motor Drive
Motor Drive

Description AC Fixed Speed Motor coupled Permanent Magnet Synchronous Transverse Flux Brushless
with bevel gear in oil lubrication. AC Motor (PMSM) Direct Current Motor (BLDC)

Intelligent Speed Controller

Speed Control Frequency inverter Frequency inverter with sensor for speed and
positioning detection

Low Torque hence requires High Torque requiring little

Torque Capability more power to run Medium Torque power to run (10x more than AC,
4 x more than PMSM)

No oil change, some occasions

Maintenance Periodic Oil Change of rotor cease have been No oil change, no maintenance

Operation Motor and gear noise Some noise No noise

80 – 100 kg for 7.5 m fan

Fan Weight 140 kg for 7.5 m fan 130 kg for 7.5 m fan
(the lightest in the industry)

Fairly reliable with exception on Unproven for big fan applica- Motor manufacturer has 10+
Reliability noise and maintenance. Brands tion. Almost all brands manufac- years of experience producing
include Nord and SEW. tured by smaller companies in motors specifically for HVLS
China. fans.
Installation Approach 12/15
Operation & Activities 13/15

The technological collaboration with Kolaborasi teknologi dengan Electric Torque

Electric Torque Machine ETM of USA and Machine ETM dari USA dan komitmen kami untuk
our commitment to a dedicated facility with fasilitas khusus dengan staf yang berdedikasi telah
dedicated staff has led us to successfully membuat kami berhasil memproduksi berbagai
produce a range of big fans that meet the kipas besar yang memenuhi kebutuhan pasar lokal.
needs of the local markets. Also, periodically Selain itu, secara berkala kami mengadakan semi-
we conduct seminars and workshops where nar dan lokakarya di mana kami berbagi pengeta-
we share knowledge on how the safety of huan tentang bagaimana keamanan peralatan
these rotating equipment installed at berputar yang dipasang di ketinggian ini dipantau.
elevated level are monitored. In turn, our Pada akhirnya, pelanggan kami menempatkan
customers place higher trust in us as their kepercayaan yang lebih tinggi pada kami sebagai
more reliable vendor. vendor mereka yang lebih handal.
Installation References 14/15A

Warehouse, Packaging Area, Assembly Area, Fabrication Shop,
QA/QC, Goods-in-transit Area, Car Service Centers
Installation References 14/15B

Community Malls, Semi-Outdoor Eating Area,
School Assembly Area, Sports Clubs, Canopied
Area and Places of Worship.

Color your fan blades

to match your ambience.
Fan Blade Color Options (additional cost)

948/C 8149/CS 8279/CW3 8280/CW3 723/CW3 915/CW3

Some of Our Customers 15/15

Asia Modern Pak

Siam Pantech Co., Ltd. Sitex Industry Co., Ltd. MITSUBISHI MOTORS

Siamriken Co., Ltd. Siam Goshi Co.,Ltd.

VILLA MARKET Shimohira Electric

Seemonthon Co.,Ltd. Thai Switchboard Co., Ltd. Thai Technic Co.,Ltd.


Nusa Legend Siam Co.,Ltd.


CFD Simulation
Where the fan installation parameters are more
complex, we use Computational Fluid Dynamics
All Velocity (node) (m/s)

(CFD) simulation to ensure the right number of fans

are selected and their locations are correctly
installed at so that the air coverage is optimized.

Jika parameter pemasangan kipas lebih kompleks,

kami menggunakan simulasi Computational Fluid
Dynamics (CFD) / Dinamika Fluida Komputasi
untuk memastikan jumlah kipas yang tepat dipilih
dan lokasinya dipasang dengan benar sehingga
cakupan udara dioptimalkan.

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