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“Narrative Report:

Navigating the Future of Work through Professional Development Webinar”

Today, 6th of November 2022, the 3rd year block presidents consisting of Block 1,2, and 4 of
Tourism Management conducted a webinar entitled “Navigating the Future of Work through Professional
Development Webinar”. The webinar was made possible with the guidance of our Professor, Mr. Andrew
Penaflor. The program aimed to understand the future of work, career path, and how to navigate through
exploration of professional development.

The program started at 1 PM hosted by Roemarc Dela Vega and Kimberly Villamor. Followed by
the heartfelt opening remarks by the over-all chairman of the event, Harold Von Sikat. Then informative
purpose and objectives of the event stated by Jideon Llego. A lovely intermission number was also
presented during the event. Then there was an icebreaker, which took some time and had some dead air,
but the facilitator managed to minimize the dead air instances, making the game more interesting and
engaging. Winners of the games were given a prize.

For the main part of the event, our guest speaker Miss Janice Ley B. Pacete talked about various
topics such as what skills are needed, how to be prepared in the field, and what to do to sustain personal
and career growth. We were asked about ourselves on who we are and how we can identify our strength
and weaknesses through research; and how to address our weaknesses and turn it into an asset. The
speaker asked “where are you going?” referring to our career paths. She have given light to us on how we
can utilize our skills in a job that requires a specific skill which varies depending from one person to
another. Through identifying our capabilities, we can now search for multiple job opportunities that is
suited with our individual unique skills. Furthermore, one of the notable takeaways during the webinar is
how we can use fear to thrive deeper for our growth. According to KidsHealth Behavioral Health Experts,
fear helps to protect us by giving signals for us to be alert and to survive. This psychological explanation
applies in the work field too— where we can use fear to survive pressured and tight scenarios.

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