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Fifth Semester
20PE021 ASIC Design
Regulations 2020
Question Bank
UNIT – II (Programmable ASICs, Logic Cells and I/O Cells)
Q.No Questions Marks CO BL
1 Define Antifuse. 2 CO2 R

2 Sketch the cross section of Actel antifuse. 2 CO2 R

3 List the two advantages of metal–metal antifuse over poly–diffusion antifuse. 2 CO2 R

4 Infer about hot-electron injection or avalanche injection. 2 CO2 R

5 Define derating factors. 2 CO2 R

6 Label any four features of XC3000 CLB. 2 CO2 R

7 Classify the three types of programming in PALs. 2 CO2 R

8 List the two advantages and one disadvantage of static RAM. 2 CO2 R

9 Name the four types of logic cells. 2 CO2 R

10 State Noise Margin. 2 CO2 R

11 Justify why actel architecture is called as a non deterministic architecture? 2 CO2 U

12 Mention about speed grading. 2 CO2 R

13 What is worst case timing? 2 CO2 R

14 Infer about propagation delay. 2 CO2 R

15 State Shannon’s expansion theorem and its function. 2 CO2 R

16 Define power input. 2 CO2 R

17 Infer about programmable Interconnect. 2 CO2 R

18 Sketch the Xilinx SRAM. 2 CO2 R

19 Define power on reset. 2 CO2 R

20 Label the five different types of terminations used in transmission line. 2 CO2 R

Q.No Questions Marks CO BL

1 Explain the classification of antifuse in detail with neat sketch. 16 CO2 U
2 Summarize the concepts of following: 16 CO2 U
(i) Static RAM
(ii) EPROM and EEPROM technology
3 Discuss in detail about the ACT Logic Module architecture. 16 CO2 U
4 Interpret the architecture of Xilinx LCA and XC3000 CLB with its speed-grade systems. 16 CO2 U
5 Explain the architecture of Altera max with neat sketch. 16 CO2 U
6 Discuss in detail about the following: 16 CO2 U
(i) Xilinx LCA and XC3000 CLB
(ii) Altera Flex architecture

(Note:*Blooms Level (R – Remember, U – Understand, AP – Apply, AZ – Analyze, E – Evaluate, C – Create)

PART A- Blooms Level : Remember, Understand, Apply
PART B- Blooms Level: Understand, Apply, Analyze, Evaluate(if possible)
Marks: 16 Marks, 8+8 Marks, 10+6 Marks)

Subject In charge Course Coordinator HOD IQAC

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