Diary To My Soulmate

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I miss you I love you so much baby I’m so heartbroken that you’re gone our love is

forever always has been always will be I promise I will love you forever I want to
have a dream about you tonight I miss you so much I hope you’re watching over
us and seeing how sad we all are without you I’ve been in pain ever since you left
but hopefully ill feel better soon. Sometimes I like to think you’re just off a
private island relaxing just like the island you wanted us to get married on. I’ve
watched the little mermaid trailer I’m sure you’re proud of me hopefully I’ll get a
job one day and make you proud I’ve been crying a lot lately maybe it’s because
our anniversary is coming up 14 years on Tuesday.


Hi baby I’m sorry I’ve been crying a lot today I just miss you so much I
never thought I have to live without you

Happy anniversary I love you so much our love is forever always has
been always will be. Even though you’re gone you will be in my heart
forever. In my heart we’re still together


Baby not being able to talk to you it’s like torture.


Daddy I’m so lonely without you. You were my only friend my

everything me and my mom laugh and talk about you every day we
miss and love you so much. My life will go on but it will never be the
same without you. I miss that sexy deep voice that I heard every
night for almost 14 years. The only thing that’s keeps me is that I
know that one day I will be able to hug and kiss you and sit on your
lap again. For now I just think about all the sweet memories we’ll
created together.


I miss you so much daddy I think about you all day every day just like
when you were here. Even when I’m sleeping I’m thinking about you.
Sometimes I blame myself for what happened to you but I know it’s
not my fault but I can’t help but wonder if I kept asking you to move
in if you eventually would have given it. I get sad every night because
I can’t hear your voice guess what I started back reading again. I
know you don’t want me to cry but sometimes I can’t help it. I know
that if it was me you be doing a lot of crying too.

I don’t understand why I can’t sleep now I was sleeping fine you first
passed I think the three things that keep me awake at night are
missing you stress and pain. I still can’t believe that you’re gone.
Once we got older I wanted to go first

Baby I’m so sorry that happened to you. Just when you were about to
your life together. I wish I could have saved you


I miss you so much daddy I think about you all day every day just like
when you were here. Even when I’m sleeping I’m thinking about you.
Sometimes I blame myself for what happened to you but I know it’s
not my fault but I can’t help but wonder if I kept asking you to move
in if you eventually would have given it. I get sad every night because
I can’t hear your voice guess what I started back reading again. I
know you don’t want me to cry but sometimes I can’t help it. I know
that if it was me you be doing a lot of crying too.


Hi baby I have exactly a month before my 34th birthday. My first

birthday without being able to hear your sexy voice saying happy
birthday pops at midnight I love and miss you so much but I didn’t cry
but I’ll be crying tomorrow or in a few days. Damn baby you said you
wouldn’t pass away from a seizure. I never thought you would either.
I hate these chills I keep getting going to the doctor I’ll let you know
what happens I love you so much. Our love is forever always has
been always will be good night daddy. It’s really hard not to be to
hear your voice at night


Damn baby I’m so sad nowadays I don’t know the date I thought
yesterday was the 4th but today is I got to get my shit together.
Hopefully I get an GI appointment soon. Tired of being pain every
single day. I guess I start on my assignment tomorrow I’m going to
make a webpage about us

Baby I don’t like how depressed I am now. Every night I pray that I
don’t wake up in the morning. Never been so depressed in my life.
Not even when my thyroid was off but anyway I wish I could tell you
about snowfall it’s the final season. I’ll never understand why god
called you home he knew you were my only friend.

Sometimes I still expect you to text me but I know won’t. I’m missing
you so much today. I miss you every day and I miss you every day for
the rest of my life. Life is so hard I never thought I have to join a
dating site just to someone to talk to. Nobody understands how
lonely i am without you. I have a Gi appointment on my birthday I’ll
let you know what happens.

Daddy I can’t go to sleep naturally anymore I think it’s a combination
of losing you and the pain. God please let the pain stop soon. I can’t
really concentrate on reading because of the pain. Once again I went
to sleep and woke up again. Obviously I’m meant to be here. I don’t
understand why I’m still here because I’m not happy anymore like I
used to be. Every time I think that crying about losing you is over
here comes the tears. Years ago when I asked you if something
happened to me what would you do and you said you would be sad
forever and now I will be.


Hi baby I’ll never get used to you being gone. I miss sending your
random screenshots off of Instagram. I don’t know you that I was
your true love from a blurry picture online and a few emails. But you
knew it and we were together. I fell in love with you the first time
you kissed me. We had so much fun at that park. I keep thinking
about how we talked about our park days a lot right before you
passed. Every night before we hung up the phone you would tell me
to text you tomorrow. I miss telling you I love you every day. Can’t
wait to see you again one day. I have to take sleeping pills to sleep
now but don’t worry they’re not addicting.


Hi baby Every time I’m in my room watching tv I get to looking at

your picture it’s framed on my nightstand. I’m watching power book
2 (the bootleg version of power like you called it.) Daddy I miss you so
I swear I can’t believe I’m going to have to date somebody else one
day because I know you don’t want me to alone. I don’t know baby
sometimes I want to be single forever and sometimes I don’t. Don’t
worry I promise you it be won’t be no time soon. Since you’ve been
gone I think my personality has changed. Maybe it’s the pain too but
I’ve definitely changed. I miss texting you that I’m in bed. I would
wait a few minutes then I would call and call until you answered the
phone. I remember one night I called 30 times the next day you
laughed and said I was a stalker but you knew that I would get
worried when you didn’t answer the phone.

Baby I’m so tired of being in pain. I have no appetite at all. My
stomach is constantly growling. I can’t wait to find out what this shit
is. I’ve been in pain for months. I’m tired of crying and being sad. I
just want to be happy and smile naturally again like I did before you
passed. Even though I’m in pain if you were still here I would still
want you to fuck me I miss that big ass dick so much. Our love is
forever always has been will be. I will always be in love with you I

I can’t believe that after being with you for almost 14 years. You’re
suddenly gone and I’m alone again. Never thought I would be single
again. You always promised me that we would always be together
and you would love me and take care of me for life . I wish you
could’ve told me about your promotion I was going to be so happy
and excited for you and for our future together. I know that we going
to be married by next year.


Hi baby I miss you every time I want to write to you I keep going to
my text I’m so used to texting you my mom was saying that she
wishes you could’ve been cloned. I told her we talked about that a
lot. I would tell you that you go to work and the clone would stay
with me all day. Daddy Damn I slept good last night had a weird ass
dream. Something was chasing me but I couldn’t my chair to move.

Laying down watching snowfall my period started sometimes when

my period starts the pain is extremely intense. It’s a little better
now. I wish I had a Time Machine so I go back in time and kiss and
hug you again but unfortunately I don’t have one if I did my whole
life would be different

Ever since I’ve been having this stomach pain. Every time my period
starts I always think that the blood will never stop I’m so fucking
dramatic the blood always stops after four or five days. Nobody
understands I’m not use to being in pain for months. Anyway I
remember one time I told you I was on my period and I told you
because you wanted me to rub my pussy that night. I remember you
telling me that I was so old I should’ve even have that. You said it be
red powder instead of red liquid that was so funny. You were always
calling me old lol even though I told I was only supposed to be a over
a month older than you.

Baby I wanted to be with you for the rest of my life I don’t

understand why god couldn’t let me have my true love forever. I
know you wanted to be with me forever too. It’s just I hate being
alone. Nobody understands how depressing being alone. I’ve never
had a bunch of friends anyway but I met you. I knew in my heart that
we would be together forever. Between you and my mom I didn’t
need anybody else because you guys took great care of me.


You would be amazed that I could lay in bed for hours and not sleep. I
know I miss you dearly but the pain has to have something to do with
it because when you first passed I was sleeping fine right after you
passed. Working on my second assignment. I love you so much

Sorry daddy I forgot to tell you about snowfall last night. Franklin’s
mom shot and killed Teddy (the CIA agent) Yes Fuck him. My mom
and I were so happy he’s dead. You would tell me to calm down it’s
just a tv show.. can’t wait until the pain goes away totally so that I
can concentrate on things

I did it again went to my text. Even though you were my future

husband you were my best friend sometimes I feel lost because I lost
my best friend suddenly. I guess one day I’ll be ok I guess. I have my
mom but it’s not the same. She can’t fuck me to sleep like you used


Good night daddy I love you our love is forever always will be. I hate
not being able to hear your voice at night. Remember that obsession I
had with Keith Powers well that’s over. I used to light up when I saw
him on Instagram. I even included him in our fantasy that I was
writing he was my great great great grandson. I’m going to finish
that fantasy one day. I just have to decide on an ending. Are we going
to escape to the north or even Canada?

My mom will not stop saying screw it’s hilarious.

Daddy this is fucking ridiculous that I have to take a sleeping pill to
go to sleep. I know that you would be disappointed in me that I don’t
anything that I enjoy anymore. I don’t read anything anymore. I
haven’t played the sims since November 30th. I always thought that
the first time I experienced death i thought it going to my mom. This
has been so hard for me but like you said i have to go on. Nobody
understands how depressed I really i am I guess I’ll be myself again
one day.


I miss you so much I miss you calling me old every day and night.
Watching this movie called sharper. If you were here we would watch
it the next time
you visit me. Oh baby I forgot to tell you that my dad thought we had
never had sex. I’m missing it right now. I guess he thought since I
have cerebral palsy I had no desire for sex. I don’t have a desire for it
because you’re gone. You know I stayed horny when you were here.
You know I used to love to suck that big hard dick. My stomach has
been hurting and growling all day. I love you daddy. Our love is
forever always will be.


I vomited for the first time since I’ve been having those stomach
issues. I’ve been nauseous a lot but never vomited until today. I just
want get better I’m tired of feeling like shit. I was up until 4am this
morning. My mom and I were crying about you earlier I never
understand why I had to lose my soulmate at 33. I know that god will
put another good person but I will always love you because you were
the first man that showed me love. When you were here my life was
perfect all I needed was a career.

Baby I don’t know understand why I have to be in pain 24/7. This shit
is terrible but anyway my mom talked to Ana this morning. Thank
god that my mom worked with her years ago because if wasn’t for
that I would’ve never knew what happened to you. We all love and
miss you so much.

Good morning daddy I just cried for a few seconds. I know you l don’t
like when I cry but I don’t like that I have to live my life. Fuck i hate
being alone. The first time you kissed me I knew I was in love with
you and would be together forever. Well you know how depressed I
am without you but my mom is too because she has no help with me
now. My dad came back here when passed but you know how he is.
He doesn’t help. When you passed I thought Tamia would be here for
me more she knows how lonely I am without you but whatever she’s
never been a good big sister anyway. I pray that I pass these classes
so I get this certificate the pain makes it so hard to concentrate. I
love you I’ll talk to you later.
Daddy remember the green mile I know we watched a few times the big black guy
named John coffee he had healing powers he could just to make you feel better
instantly. Then he would cough it up later. I wish he was real he could just touch
me and the pain would be gone. The way he have to touch me would look a little
inappropriate but it’s ok because I would be so happy not to be in pain anymore. I
know that when you look down on me from heaven i know that you’re tired of
seeing me in pain too. You want to see me smile all day like I used to.

I’m watching the series finale of snowfall. Snowfall was the only
show we could talk about because it was the only show that we both
watched. I hate talking about you in past tense you’re supposed to be
here living your life. Sorry about always talking about dying but you
have to understand that I’m tired of being in pain I have been in pain
for almost 5 months nonstop. I’m so sorry baby that your death
changed me. I didn’t want it to but it did.
Oh my god baby if you were here we would have a lot to talk tonight
when I get in the bed. The series finale of snowfall is crazy. I’m so
sorry that all my notes that I write to you are sad. To be honest I am
sad so how can I not write sad notes.

My mom and I think I have internal hemorrhoids from me straining
when I use the bathroom I think I might have to have them surgically
removed because my butt have to hurting every day since Christmas
Day. Hopefully they can give me some medicine to shrink the
hemorrhoids. If I have to have surgery I’ll let you know. I have exactly
two weeks until my birthday I used to be so excited when it got close
to my birthday. I know you want to be happy and I will be again I
promise. I love you. Our love is forever always has been always will

I’m watching this movie called when hands touch it’s a love story
about a black German girl who falls with a young nazi soldier. They
had sex once she got pregnant. One day the black girl was taken to a
camp. She had to hide her pregnancy in the camp because she told
them she was unable to have children. You already what happened
her boyfriend was one of the guards at the camp. He finds out she’s
pregnant. So he wants to escape from the camp together and go
somewhere where they can live together happily and raise their
child. She warns him that it wasn’t possible for them to both escape
alive. The ending was very sad the young soldier was shot and killed
by his own father. I miss your commentary about the movies that I
watch so much. I told my mom I wanted jerseys mikes tonight
because you loved those sandwiches. We miss you so much. I love
you always

The kids are here we’re at the pool. We should’ve got in the hot tub
looking at it now. You could’ve easily lifted me into the water. I
could’ve sat on your lap on the stairs. One of our fantasies was to
have sex in the hot tub but we couldn’t do that here. We have to wait
until our honeymoon like we always said. We got all them ideas from
watching porn. I haven’t thought about watching porn since you
passed away.

I’m sorry I keep forgetting to tell you that trump got indicted. You
didn’t think he would be but he did. Another thing I wanted to tell
you is that snowfall didn’t end like I thought it would. Franklin lost
all his money and even his mind. At the very end he was just his dad
was a dirty alcoholic bum. It was very sad to watch him go from being
a big time dealer to looking like a homeless bum. The guy that plays
Franklin’s character is a great actor. I hope he gets a lot more roles.
Baby I don’t understand why I can’t concentrate on reading anymore
it’s annoying because you know how much I love to read. Even
though you used to tease me about reading I think you enjoyed when
I would finish a book and told you about it.

I don’t know why but ever since you been gone I’ve been bored. I
have never been bored in my life. Not even before I met you. I love
you. I love you so much. Our love is forever always has been always
will be. I promise you that if ever get into another serious
relationship. I will never say that quote to the person because that
was our special thing that we said to each other every night.

Hey baby I’ve been writing to you a lot today. I’ve seen forest gump a
million times and I just now realized that the mom is the same
woman who played the mom in Mrs. Doubtfre. I met a guy on a dating
app we’ve texting a little he has a totally different opinion of love
and basketball and the notebook. He said that Quincy didn’t care
anything about Monica I never got that impression from that movie.
Did you? He also said that the notebook is not about to true love it
was about obsession. We definitely have a different definition of
love. I just want someone else to talk besides my mom that’s why I
joined the site. Look that’s how much I love you you’re gone I still
want you to know that I’m loyal to you.

Here we go again with the sadness again when it gets close to laying down in bed.
Most of the time I get sad at night because I’m so use talking to you at night. I’ll
never get used to the fact that I’ll never hear that sexy deep voice again. I always
loved how deep your voice was. I’m sad again tonight good night daddy I love you
so much always and forever

I’m watching little house on the prairie it’s on peacock. This show makes me laugh
because it reminds me of one your jokes. Remember that peach color dress I
brought the summer of 2021. At first you said I looked so good in it. Then you
started joking around with me saying that it looked like a little house on the
prairie dress. I thought that was hilarious because they never showed any skin on
that show. That dress showed my legs and arms. I’ll never forget any of your
jokes. Baby I pray every day and night that your soul in resting in peace. I can’t
wait to see you again. I hope you let me sit on your lap after we hug and kiss.

Good morning daddy I miss you so so much don’t know what to do without you.
That’s nothing I can do but live on and miss you forever. I promise you that you
know when all the pain is gone I’ll be happy i know that what you would want. I
wish you were here I know you would help me get through this. My mom thinks
that the stress from losing you made it worse. That’s probably true. because all
the pain started after you passed.

I would’ve been had internal hemorrhoids if I would’ve let you fuck in the ass like
you wanted to.

Look daddy I’m playing my game again. I know you’re disappointed

that I haven’t been playing it. I tried to get pregnant it didn’t work
going to try again. We just eloped by the pool. As soon as I eat I will
another pregnancy test. Yes I’m pregnant I’ll let you know what we
have. Damn baby I got want to text you so bad. I’ll never understand
why I had to lose my fucking soulmate. Sorry for cussing but
sometimes I get angry because there was no reason why I should’ve
lose you. People say everything happens for a reason but I never
understand why I had to lose you. The only good thing about you
being gone is that you’re free from your crazy ass mom. I never liked
how she treated you but couldn’t say anything about it because she
was your mom.

It felt good to play the game again. You know me I’m building us a
huge house for the big family we’re going to have. Damn baby I was
really looking forward to becoming a mom once we got married. I
was hoping that I would be able to have at least one child because I
knew that you were going to be a great father. Sex on the sims is so
funny it’s always so quick. You were never quick in real life thank god
lol ok I’m going to bed good night I love you.


Baby I was feeling better last night. Woke up this morning in pain I
only slept a few hours anyway. They cut my social security off
because I have $3000 in my bank account. I’m so annoyed I should’ve
transferred the money to mom’s account but whatever I’ll get it back.
Ana just asked my mom do we pray for you. I pray you all day long. I
miss you so much baby I can’t even sleep. I have to stop thinking
about dying every day. I don’t want to die but then again I do because
I don’t have anything to live for. You’re the only man I ever wanted to
be with. Nobody understands how lonely and depressed I am. I love
and miss you so much. I’m going to write so more don’t worry I just
want to lose this note. Our love is forever always has been will be. All
these notes I’m writing to you i email them to myself and put on a
word document. I changed the font color to hot pink the same color
my wedding dress was going to oh yeah I forgot my memory is
terrible I’m so old. The font is also bold because my vision is terrible

I miss you so much daddy I love you with all my heart and soul
forever. I pray every day all day that your soul is in paradise. Even
though I’m so sad that you’re gone I know that in my heart I’ll be
with you again. This time It’ll be forever just like we planned. I’m so
grateful to god that we found true love at 19. I always told you that
we were so lucky because people search for what we had their whole
lives. I couldn’t wait to marry that’s why I was always sending you
random pictures of the type of rings I wanted. I’m keeping your jokes
alive I’m still 247 years old. Remember you always joking with me
and saying that when I die you were going to get a white woman and
make out with her on my grave. I’m sorry that I didn’t a slideshow of
pictures of you when you were alive I don’t know what I was thinking
but you knew I loved you at night I would call and call until you
answered the phone. Good night daddy I love you so much. Our love
is forever always has always will be. If I ever decide to write about
our relationship the book will be called our love is forever.


I hate when I don’t cry for you. I used to always cry when I’m alone I didn’t cry
today when I was alone that’s very strange. Just because I don’t cry all day
everyday I still love you and I miss you every day. I promised you I would love
forever. Even after I die my soul will love you. You and my mom are the people
two people that I love the most. I wonder how long the book will be I don’t know
we’ll see
I guess I’ll add this diary into the book somehow. If I do ever decide to write about
us nobody will ever see it. It will just for me to read so that the I will always
remember memories that we created together.

I don’t even know why the fuck I’m saying that I need to write down things to
remember us I’ll never forget about us you because even though I’ve been in pain
for months I still think about you all the day and every day. I’m sorry baby but I
don’t even care about my birthday anymore. I used to be so excited for it. Now I
don’t care about it. Fuck my birthday. I’ll never hear that sexy deep voice saying
happy birthday to me ever again . In nine days I’ll be 34 but you’ll be 33 forever.
When you see me I will be perfect I’ll be walking and I’ll be even more beautiful
than I was when you met me. You won’t have to wipe my ass anymore I’ll be able
to do it myself.

Damn baby I wish I had a Time Machine so I’ll go back to 2009 and we
would have a perfect relationship none of that back and forth shit
that I was putting you through that never happened. I’m watching a
documentary about Tupac I remember when I first realized how nice
looking and smart he was I asked you if you think he would like me if
we met and you said yes anybody would like me.

Thank you for loving me so much. You thought I was so beautiful that
I could have anybody I wanted. I hope you were right. I’ve been going
with my mom to do door dash every day since you’ve been gone. I
shed a few tears for you in the car. My mom said that I will cry for
you for the rest of my life. Good night daddy I love you our love is
forever always has been always will be. I still regret that I didn’t text
you that the last night we talked. Anyway you knew I loved you

I keep having to take medicine to have a good bowel movement this shit is crazy. I
can’t wait to go to the doctor and we we find out what the fuck this shit. I’m sorry
for cussing so much I’m just sick of being in pain. I never cussed at you. Unless you
were fucking me real good. Remember on our anniversary in 2020 you made me
cum seven times in a hour. Even though I had to use the bathroom I didn’t want to
stop because every time we had sex it was different lol I was able to hold my
urine until we finished. That was the best time ever. Every time I start writing to
you I always think it’s just going to be a few words and it’s always long
paragraphs but I have a lot to say. You were in my life every day for almost 14
years god I miss the sex so much it was so good. Sex is really not important I just
miss you so much


Good morning daddy I love and miss you so much. I had a dream about you last
night. I was sitting on your lap that was so nice I love when I dream about you. I
hope I have another one of those dreams soon.

Im so sorry that I don’t play my game like I used to. You know how much I love
that game that’s why you bought it for me again for my birthday in 2021. Before I
start having all this stomach pain I played it every day we used to talk about it
every night. It’s funny how I don’t have an appetite I’m never hungry but I’m
always eating. The only time I didn’t eat for days is when you first passed. All I did
was cry I cried nonstop for weeks just so heartbroken

Anyway I love you Do you want to something funny? I still wonder what you
would’ve done if I ever cheated on you. You were always so calm and sweet to me
so couldn’t imagine you getting upset with me but that was never going to
happen because I loved you so much didn’t want anybody else but you. The only
way I would ever cheat is if I was cheating on someone else with you. Like we
always fantasize and laughed about.

Baby I don’t know what I did to deserve this no matter how much I beg for god
take this pain away. I’m in pain 24/7. I’ve been so unhappy in my life. I was happy
before I met you just added to my happiness because you were the type of man
that I always wanted in my life

I’m watching abbot elementary I still don’t understand why you didn’t like it. It’s
hilarious. I just thought that you because the guy who played Chris on everybody
hates Chris is one of the main characters. This episode is so funny that ghetto ass
principal left the school in the middle of a fire drill. Baby I don’t know what I’m
going to do without you. I’m so lonely. I feel like I want to just end my life right
now but I can’t. I think about death every single day
I was always such a happy person so I never thought in a million years that I think
I would think about dying but then again nothing traumatic has ever happened to
me until you passed unexpectedly I was going to be excited for you that. I was
going to let you fuck me all night after you told me your good news. I know I didn’t
cause your death but I feel guilty for bringing up the subject during our
last conversation who knew that on December 1st 2022 that was going to be the
last I heard that sexy voice that made me wet every time I heard it but it’s ok
because I believe that I will hear it again one day
Ok ok this the last note for tonight but baby I’m so frustrated I can’t concentrate
on the things that I enjoy anymore. I don’t to read anymore because I can’t
fucking thinking about pain I’m so fucking miserable

Good night daddy I have to say good night to you every night like you’re still here I
love you so much our love is forever always has been always will be. I think I got
that phase from the movie addicted I’m sure we watched it a some point I’m
watching a show on Hulu called saint x. If I finish it I’ll let you know how it ends
but right now it’s about a white family that takes a vacation to a Caribbean island
a white girt is found dead. Two employees at the resort are accused of killing her

I’m not really sad tonight I think writing notes to you constantly is bringing me
comfort slowly I don’t know I’ll never get over losing you

Daddy I miss and love you so much. This is so devastating and heartbreaking for
me. Nobody understands how lonely I feel. I’m so depressed I have suicidal
thoughts all the time. Baby I’m so sorry but I will never be happy again without
you. Our love is forever always has been always will be. Jerry springer died from
cancer I wish I could text you that instead of writing to you in my notes. I still
can’t believe I have to live without you. I have a week until my birthday but I don’t
give a fuck about celebrating my birthday

Baby it’s so weird how my birthday is next week but I don’t give a fuck about
celebrating my birthday at all I don’t like how depressed I feel. I don’t want want
to be here anymore. I just want to be wherever you are. I broke down crying
randomly just a few minutes ago. The only thing I still enjoy is music. My
depression is getting worse I don’t know why. People say as time goes on that
missing you would get better but it doesn’t because you’ve been gone for almost
five months and I more depressed now than I was when you first passed. I glad
that when you were alive you knew I loved you I showed you and told you I loved
you a million times lol

Baby how do you think I’m going to be single I have no idea it may be a few years
it may be forever but I know you don’t want me to be alone neither does my mom.
Do you think it’s wrong for me not to want children just because you’re gone. I
still want to get married someday because getting married was always one of my
dreams since childhood. When you were here I always thought I was so lucky that
I met a man that wanted to get married. That was the first thing you asked me
when we met at bay fair. My mom and I were just talking about how you were
shocked when I told you that you could start spending weekends with me. She
said she wanted to give us more time to spend together. You were very helpful
you took great care of me better than Lionel and my dad ever will.

Baby how do you think I’m going to be single I have no idea it may be a few years
it may be forever but I know you don’t want me to be alone neither does my mom.
Do you think it’s wrong for me not to want children just because you’re gone. I
still want to get married someday because getting married was always one of my
dreams since childhood. When you were here I always thought I was so lucky that
I met a man that wanted to get married. That was the first thing you asked me
when we met at bay fair. My mom and I were just talking about how you were
shocked when I told you that you could start spending weekends with me. She
said she wanted to give us more time to spend together. You were very helpful
you took great care of me better than Lionel and my dad ever will.

I’ll never forget what time it was when I received that last text from you it was
11:44am. Thank god that the sex was so amazing with you if I never have sex I’m
not missing out on anything. I miss that big hard dick so much. I miss sucking on it
I use to love giving you head. You loved when I gave you head. You said it felt so
good. You gave me a nine and a half out of ten because I could never make you
cum in my mouth
I guess I’m going to be sad every night for the rest of my life because I can’t hear
that sexy ass voice. What the fuck is wrong with me? I’ve been trying to read the
book ever since you passed. The book is called empty vows. My goal is to finish it
by my birthday which is Thursday. Good night I love you. Our love is forever
always has been always will be


I love you daddy I just can’t stop writing to you. I miss talking to you so much. I’m
really struggling without you. My mom is so happy that I experienced true love.
I’m happy that god brought you into my life. We were so happy together. I can’t
believe I survived almost five months without you. Damn I’m so tired of my
stomach hurting. I’ve been so bored since you’ve been gone. It’s weird because
you wasn’t always here with me. I don’t know again I’m just so lost without you.
The kids are here for the weekend. I’ve been sleeping good for the past couple of
nights. I hope that continues because being up all night is terrible. I feel like a
zombie when I don’t sleep. I love you so much.

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