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Good evening Cap,

I hope you are having a splendid time during our short term break.

I have gone through your letter and suffice to say I have some comments in regards
to what you’ve stated.

To address your second point first, yes I wholeheartedly agree. Corndog & Cronies
have been far too restrictive and secretive on whatever we intend to do for our
class events, including but not limited to Soirée 1, Soirée 2, and Class Event #1.
It’s gone to the point that I feel Corndog & Cronies have become disconnected from
the rest of the class, disregarding their potential thoughts and instead basing
their opinions on their very own, perhaps with the idea that they know what’s best
for them. I think a good example of this would be the main event in Class Event #1,
where Corndog & Cronies were thinking of actives like laser tag when after asking
the class on what exactly they wanted, C&C were met with the reality that an
overwhelming majority of the class wanted ice skating as the main activity, one
which was largely sidelined in the discussions of C&C.

This is an aspect which is pretty much irrelevant in the planning process of Soirée
1, with much of the planning being Corndog & Cronies/Daphne. I will get to the
internal struggles of this planning process later however in the eyes of the class,
barely anything was shown to them and for the most part, they had no voice in the
decisions made. Obviously having people choose things such as the games, music, or
design may have been a bit too much, however it’s important to note that very big
aspects of the soiree were barely even shown to the class prior to its
finalization. The most notable example here would be the theme of the soirée. Now
I’m not talking about what theme is chosen, no, there was one singular google form
was given out to gauge examples for the theme. I am talking about having a theme in
the first place. A major question in the initial google document for Soirée 1 was
what theme could the soirée be. Notice how it doesn’t ask whether or not Soirée 1
should have a theme in the first place. I’d like to bring up the fact that many in
our class was confused, annoyed, angered, or anything in between once the theme for
the soirée was announced to be Disney. While I’m not bringing any fault to the
theme itself, one comment by a handful of people struck me the most and is partly
why I feel so strongly about this. “Why are we even having a theme?” What Corndog &
Cronies don’t seem to understand and what I think highlights their disconnect with
the rest of the class is how they presented having a theme for a soirée as such a
normal aspect, one that’s to be expected with every single soirée. I don’t have to
explain why this is simply not the case and how every other class does not have a
theme. I understand that C&C want to stand out and show how 9A is “different” from
the other class, and in fact I respect that, I can’t overlook the fact that this
notion which they want to force onto the class’ events is not even being remotely
representative of what the class wants.

Beyond the disconnect between C&C and the rest of the class, I think this lack of
transparency highlights very much an aspect that C&C has set far too much emphasis
on throughout their career—the fixation on the public image of 9A. I agree with
your statement that C&C very much bases their actions off of, as you put it, the
Soirée Scare. They have this notion that revealing any information, any at all,
would be immensely detrimental to the public image of our class and would single-
handedly destroy the class’ chances at finding a soiree partner in the future. I
don’t even need to explain how idiotic this mindset is, yet C&C, either through
ignorance, egotism, or a complete disregard for the people they’re supposed to
serve, C&C uses this mindset as a form of justification for their actions in almost
completely neglecting the voice, input, and perspective of the rest of the class.

That however, is just the class, as right now it seems increasingly clear that
Corndog has been starting to disregard the input of his cronies as well, opting to
instead take on most of the roles and responsibility upon himself rather than the
shared responsibility it truly is. You’ve mentioned this in great detail in your
first point however to sum up my thoughts towards that, I somewhat disagree. While
yes, I do agree that it is important that Mr. Corndog communicates with our
counterparts, it is my firm belief that Corndog is doing so to such an extent that
it is becoming detrimental to not only the soirée, but to his own well-being. It’s
through this, that I disagree with your statement that if he may choose to, he may
engage in discussions with our counterparts without our presence. Now I’m not
saying that we must be in the conversation at all times, after all we’re not
stalker possessive ex-girlfriends, I’m saying that we must, at the very least,
still have an input and a voice in these soirée discussions. I’d like for you to
take notice of the wording of both him and of Mrs. Daphne Ramos in the group chats
we are apart of. “Hello gang! Here’s what me and Kate discussed…”, “…regarding
this, joshua and i decided that we’ll be the only ones attending… thanku guys and
have a restful weekend” Do these quotes seem like the type found in planning group
chats, one where the main purpose is to have input from everyone involved and to
form discussions, or do these sound like phrases from say, a class group chat with
announcements made and relayed by one or two people whilst the others are only
there out of obligation. Examples like these go further with things such as their
supposed replacement game for the boat is sinking, the idea of a confession box
which was only brought to light in the soirée planning group chat as a part of the
agenda for a meeting which was stated to be “more of an update lang regarding some
stuff joshua and i finalized”, and the invitation to our classmates and their
parents, an element which was supposedly already finalized and was only revealed to
the cronies first in the group chat with the parent representative, rather than the
actual crony group chat. To me, it’s gotten to the point where I feel that Corndog
wouldn’t exactly mind removing his cronies, seeing them as people merely there to
fill out some arbitrary requirements.

It’s why I wholeheartedly disagree with your second sub-point of your first point.
Our concern is not that Corndog is not delegating tasks to us due to the obligation
of being officers. I don’t think that having tasks delegated to us is our main
obligation regarding the soirée as officers, I wouldn’t even consider it a top 5. I
think that our main priority for the current situation, is to have more of a voice,
more of an input, and more involvement in the process of the development of the

I’d like to state that there is a reason class officers aren’t a one man band.
We’re not like countries like Japan wherein there’s only one class representative
leading the whole shebang, we have a number of officers precisely because this is a
group effort. We, as officers, are and should not only be shackled to only having
tasks delegated to us by the class president. It is our firm duty that we take part
in, contribute, and give input to the entire planning process of whatever event our
class undergoes—input that is not just our own personal input, but the input of our
very own classmates as well.

Given this, I strongly implore you, Cap, to join me in confronting Corndog on his
nefarious agenda, bringing transparency and by extension greatness to our class. I
agree in your statement that we must not be harsh or enraged, in confronting him,
after all at the end of the day he is still our classmate, our peer, and our
friend, and I believe that we can change his ways, right what’s wrong, and bring
the 9A Officers into a golden age.

With this, I hope you understand where I’m coming from, and that we may be able to
come to an agreement as to what we are to do.

Thank you.

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