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» Are you fashionable? START / LISTENING (Use after student book page 15) 1 Look at the pictures. Find the errors in the descriptions and correct them. 3. He's wearing a sweatsuit with a shirt and tie. Fi 4, He's wearing a shirt, shorts, and shoes. 1. She's wearing a-skiet, jeans, and sneakers ‘She's wearing shirt, jeans, and sneakers. 2. They are dressed casually 2 Unscramble the letters to make clothing words. Then use the letters in the circles to find the hidden word. The hidden word is ¢ 1. aasuc =9§@) Ce 5. itus _— 2. omafir a 6. krnseaes ae 3. thewsashel ease} 7. ssttewiau ¥ oO 4. rsthi ©. 8. srdes Escaneado con CamScanner VOCABULARY (use after student book page 16.) may choose more thai ds that describe the clothes in the pictures. (You may None word) 4 Gircleithe words that a 1. striped (2) bright tight plain 2. shiny plain striped faded bright 3. faded leather bright checkered shiny 2 Gird&the correct answer to describe people in your country. — 1. in my country, elderly people / toddlers (@dultsork very hard. 2. In my country, teenagers / babies / middle-aged people go to school. 3. in my country, adults / elderly people / toddlers take care of babies. 4. in my country, people usually get married in their twenties / thirties / teens. 5. in my country, youngsters / adults / elderly people play a lot of sports. 6. |" my country, toddlers / people in their twenties / elderly people go to college. 3 Match the two parts of the sentences, 1. She puts $__ a. bags, 2. Helikes to b. jeans. 3. usually get © dressed before breakfast 4. They're carrying d. wear ties to work. 5. Doyou want to put @. onacoat before she leaves her house. 6. Theyre wearing f * ON a sweatshirt? Escaneado con CamScanner GRAMMAR (Use after student book page 17) 1 Giciathe correct words to complete the paragraphs. Businessmen They usually like (1) wear /@earingba suit with a shirt and tie. They want (2) looking / to look formal. They prefer (3) putting on / put on simple ties, either plain or with a small stripe or check. They want (4) to be / being unusual Teenagers They want (5) looking / to look different from everyone else. They prefer (6) wear / wearing comfortable and casual clothes. They love (7) being / be trendy. They hate (8) wearing / wear the same dothes as adults. Elderly They love (9) feel / feeling comfortable. They don’t want 10) wearing / to wear tight and uncomfortable clothes. They like 11) put on / putting on something baggy and informal. They don't like (12) to be /be trendy. Babies They don’t want (13) to wear / wearing anything at all. They prefer (14) being / be natural and comfortable. Escaneado con CamScanner Escaneado con CamScanner READING TO WRITING (Use after student book page 23) Shoes Go into a modern shoe store and you will see a huge variety of different styles of shoes, Today, we have an amazing amount of choices when we buy shoes. But are these shoes all recent fashions? Believe it or not, not one of the styles you can find in today’s shoe stores is less than 400 years old. sandals Hundreds of years ago, shoe style was fenced by fashion, just as it is today. In many parts of the world, wearing shoes was a sign of status. Slaves and poor people walked around barefoot, while the rich had a variety of different styles of shoes ‘0 choose from. In ancient Greece, aristocratic women owned as many as pairs of shoes, with a style for every occasion. high-heeled shoes jn many countries, fashion was dictated by the king or queen. King Louis XIV of France was very short, so he wore high-heeled shoes to make himself \ook taller. As a result, it became fashionable for men to wear high heels. in Britain, shoes were important in marriage ceremonies for many centuries. in Anglo-Saxon ceremonies, the bride gave her shoes to her new husband, who touched her on the head with a shoe. This ceremony had a similar significance to the exchanging of rings today. platform shoes 11 Answer these questions about the article. Write complete sentences. Where did... 1. women have up to 20 pairs of shoes? - 2. the king wear high-heeled shoes? 3, shoes have a special significance at a wedding? — 2 Gircioyr (True), F (False), or NG (Not Given) for each statement. 1. Most of today’s shoe styles are more than 400 years old. @ es 2. People chose the style of their shoes depending on their work T F NG 3. Slaves always wore a special kind of shoe. T FONG 4. Aristocratic women in ancient Greece wore different shoes for differentevents, T fF NG T F ONG 5. King Louis XIV wore high-heeled shoes because they were fashionable Escaneado con CamScanner 3> Write the underlined words from the article next to the definitions below. i bopuletor curtent fashionable 2. special time or event 3. types of fashion 4. guided by 5S. without shoes or socks 6. high position or standing Use the six words from exercise 3 to complete the sentences. 1, It's ble in my country for men to wear shoes without socks. by music and film stars. arstyles are often ___ 3, [t's typical for people in my country to go aN inside the house of clothing depend on the region of the country. 42 — — 5. Beautiful leather shoes and boots are a ____ symbol. 6. Awedding is an _______ when | wear formal clothing. Write about clothing and shoe styles in your own country. What is fashionable and what is not? Include information about fashion for special occasions and customs. What types of clothing are current status symbols? eee e eee eed Escaneado con CamScanner

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