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The questions which are asked in this section depend upon Relation. You should have a sound
knowledge of the English blood relation in order to solve the questions. In the blood relation
questions, a chain of relationships is given in form of information and on the basis of which, relation
between any two or more than two members of the chain is asked. So first we should know about
the relations in detail:-

Explaining the relations

Blood relations can be categories into following two categories:-
1. Relations of Paternal side:-
1. Father's father → Grandfather
2. Father's mother → Grandmother
3. Father's brother → Uncle
4. Father's sister → Aunt
5. Children of uncle → Cousin
6. Wife of uncle → Aunt
7. Children of aunt → Cousin
8. Husband of aunt → Uncle
2. Relations of Maternal side:-
1. Mother's father → Maternal grandfather
2. Mother's mother → Maternal grandmother
3. Mother's brother Maternal uncle
4. Mother's sister →Aunt
5. Children of maternal uncle → Cousin
6. Wife of maternal uncle → Maternal aunt
3. Important Relations to understand:-
1. Mother’s or Father’s daughter » Sister
2. Mother’s or Father’s son » Brother
3. Grandfather’s son » Father or Uncle
4. Grandmother’s son » Father or Uncle
5. Grandfather’s daughter » Mother or Aunt
6. Grandmother’s daughter » Mother or Aunt
7. Paternal Grandfather’s or Grandmother’s only son » Father
8. Maternal Grandfather’s or Grandmother’s only daughter » Mother
9. Maternal Grandfather’s or Grandmother’s only son-in-law » Father
10. Paternal Grandfather’s or Grandmother’s only daughter-in-law » Mother
11. Paternal aunt’s or uncle’s only brother » Father
12. Maternal aunt’s or uncle’s only sister » Mother
13. Mother’s or father’s mother » Grandmother
14. Son’s wife » Daughter-in-Law
15. Daughter’s husband » Son-in-Law
16. Husband’s or wife’s father » Father-in-Law
17. Husband’s or wife’s mother » Mother-in-Law
18. Husband’s or wife’s sister » Sister-in-Law
19. Husband’s or wife’s brother » Brother-in-Law
20. Brother’s son » Nephew
21. Brother’s daughter » Niece
22. Uncle or aunt’s son or daughter » Cousin
23. Sister’s husband » Brother-in-Law
24. Brother’s wife » Sister-in-Law
25. Grandson’s or granddaughter’s daughter » Great grand daughter
26. Grandson’s or granddaughter’s son » Great grand son

Relations from one generation to next :-


Blood relation questions are mainly classified in following three categories:-

1. Nested Blood Relationship

2. Arrangement Based Blood Relationship
3. Coded Blood Relationship
According to this category, most of the questions that we have, are in the form of complex
sentences. We need to understand the relationship into simpler form. We can divide complex
sentences in to small understandable parts. Most of the questions can be solved with the help of
Back Tracing Technique. Relationship sentence will be solved from the back side with the help of
this technique.

Example:- 1 Pointing to a photograph, Rekha says to Lalli, "The girl in the photo is the second
daughter of the wife of only son of paternal grandmother of my younger sister." How this girl of
photograph is related to Rekha ?
1. 2. 3. 4.
“ The girl in the photo is / the second daughter of / the wife of / only son of /paternal
grandmothers of my younger sister”.
1. Grandmother of my younger sister →My grandmother
2. Only son of my grandmother →My father
3. The wife of my father → My mother
4. The second daughter of my mother → My sister
5. The girl in the photo is my sister.
Fifth sentence is a simpler form of above complex sentence. Now, above question can be rewritten
Pointing to a photograph, Rekha says to Lalli, “ The girl in the photo is my sister.”

NOTE:- As we mentioned above most of the questions can be solved with the help of back tracing.
Now, see the following question back tracing is not effective method so we should apply simple

Example:- 2 Pointing to a photograph Arun said, ‘She is the mother of my brother’s son’s wife’s
daughter.’ How is Arun related to the lady ?
Solution:- Above question is easy to solve with simple reasoning, not back tracing.
The woman in the photograph is Arun Brother’s Daughter-in-law. Because son’s wife’s daughter is
daughter-in-law to his brother.

Example:- 3 Pointing to a photograph of a boy Suresh said, "He is the son of the only son of my
mother." How is Suresh related to that boy?
2. 1.
Solution:- “He is the son of / the only son of my mother.”
1. The only son of my mother → Its me (*If Suresh is a male)
2. He is my son.
Pointing to a photograph of a boy Suresh said, “ He is my son.”
1. The only son of my mother → My only brother (*If Suresh is a female)
2. He is the son of my only brother.
Pointing to a photograph of a boy Suresh said, “He is the son of my only brother.”

According to above discussion, answer of the question is can not be determined. Answer is depend
on the gender of Suresh.

Example:- 4 Looking at a portrait of a man, Shiv said, “His mother is the wife of my father’s son.
Brothers and sisters I have none.” At whose portrait was Shiv looking?
Solution:- Since Shiv has no brother or sister, so he is his father’s only son. Now, wife of my father’s
son - my wife. So, Shiv’s wife is the man’s mother or the man is Shiv’s son.

Example:- 5 Pointing to a girl in the photograph, Ajay said, “Her mother’s brother is the only son of
my mother’s father.” How is the girl’s mother related to Ajay ?
Solution:- Only son of Ajay’s mother’s father - Ajay’s maternal uncle. So, the girl’s maternal uncle is
Ajay’s maternal uncle. Thus, the girl’s mother is Ajay’s aunt.


Arrangement based problems are generally solved with the help of Family Tree. Family tree
construction is based upon the given information.
So first we should categorise the arrangement information into mainly following three categories:-
1. Introductory Information
2. Direct Information
3. Indirect Information

Introductory information tells us the basic elements of the problem like, “How many members are
there in the arrangement, their names and their likes and dislikes.” In short it is preliminary
information to understand the structure of the given problem.
Direct information is distributed throughout the given arrangement. So identification of this part of
information is very important. We should start our solution with direct information.
Information which is not directly arranged, is Indirect Information. After the arrangement of direct
information, indirect info will be left with less and easy ways to arrange.

Family tree can be constructed part by part during the execution of above categorisation.

Family Tree:- Family tree is a process to solve blood relation problems.

Family Tree Construction
Our Convention to construct a family tree :-
Gender:- We will give ‘+’ sign to Male and ‘-’ sign to Female.
Generation Gap:- If ‘X’ is son of ‘Y’ and Y is a Female.
Following tree is representation of given relation,
Y Higher Level

X Lower Level
A person from old generation should be placed at higher level and younger generation will be placed
the lower level.
(1). There is a relation of Husband-Wife between W (Male) and Y (Female).
It is represented as

(+) (-)
Because husband and wife belong to same generation so they will be placed at the same level.
(2). There are relations of Brother- Sister, Brother- Brother or Sister- Sister between X (Male), T
(Female), R (Female) .
These are represented as
(+) (-) (-)

(3). If X married to P and they have two children Q and S, then relations can be represented as
(-) (+)

(+) (-)
Now if we will combined the parts of above family tree then, it will look like following:-
W Y Higher Generation
(+) (-) (Higher Level)

P X---------T----------R Middle Generation

(-) (+) (-) (-) (Middle Level)
Q-------------S Younger Generation
(+) (-) (Lower Level)

Direction for Examples (6-10):-

Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
A B D F G H and K are seven members of a family. They belong to three generations. There are two
married couples belonging to two different generations. D is son of H and is married to K. F is
granddaughter of B. G's father is grandfather of A. B's husband is father-in -law of K. H has only one
Example:- 6 How is F related to G ?
Example:- 7 How is H related to B ?
Example:- 8 How is K related to G ?
Example:- 9 What are the names of married ladies ?
Example:- 10 How many female members are there among them ?

Introductory Information:- There are seven members in the family named as, A, B, D, F, G, H and K.
They belong to three generations and there are two married couples.
Direct Information:-
1. D is son of H and is married to K.

(+) (-)

2. B’s husband is father-in-law of K.

It means H is husband of B.

(-) (+)

(+) (-)
3. H has only one son and that is D.

Indirect Information:-
1. F is granddaughter of B.
(-) (+)

(+) (-)


2. G’s father is grandfather of A.

We know that B and H are grandparents in the family and H is grandfather.
It means A is sibling of F and G is the sister of his only brother D.

(-) (+)

G-----------D K
(-) (+) (-)

(?) (-)
Now, we can easily answer the above questions.

Answer of Example:- 6 F is niece of G or we can say G is aunt of F.

Answer of Example:- 7 H is husband of B.
Answer of Example:- 8 K is sister-in-law of G.
Answer of Example:- 9 Married ladies are B and K.
Answer of Example:- 10 We can’t determine the female members, because we don’t know the
gender of A.

Example:- 11 A is the son of C; C and Q are sisters; Z is the mother of Q and P is the son of Z.
How is P related to A ?

Family Tree
(-) (-) (+)

Direction for Examples:- (12-14)

A is the father of C but C is not his son. E is the daughter of C. E is the spouse of F. B is the brother of
C. D is the son of B. G is the spouse of B. H is the father of G.
Example:- 12 How is A related to F ?
Example:- 13 How is D related to E ?
Example:- 14 How is H related to F ?

Family Tree

(+) (+)

C--------------B G
(-) (+) (-)

(+) (-) (+)

Answer of Example:- 12 A is grand father-in-law of F.

Answer of Example:- 13 D is a cousin of E.
Answer of Example:- 14 H and F are from two different family trees, so they do not have a specific
blood relation between them.


Under the above mentioned category, relationships in the questions are in coded form.
Point To Remember
Generation Gap and Gender Identification:- Generation gap will help us a lot to solve such kind of
questions. We can quantify generation gap Like if,
“A%B means A is brother Of B”
From the above statement, we can understand two things easily,
(I) “A and B are from same generation so we can say there is ZERO generation gap.” Similarly there
are some more relations with ZERO generation gap like Husband, Wife, Brother, Sister, Brother-in-
law, Sister-in-law and Cousin.
(II) “ A’s gender is Male and what’s about the gender of B, we cannot decide. B is either male or
“A%B means A is father Of B” it means,
(I) “A is from previous generation as compare to B. So we can say there is -1 generation gap.”
Similarly there are some more relations with -1 generation gap like Mother, Uncle, Aunt, Mother-in-
law and Father-in-law.
(II) “ A’s gender is Male.
Similarly if “A%B means A is grandfather of B” it means,
(I) “ A is two generation old as compare to B. So we can say there is -2 generation gap.” Similar
relations are Grandmother, Grandmother’s or Grandfather’s Brother or Sister.
(II) “ A’s gender is Male.

We can conclude above discussion with the help of following statements,

“A$B means A is grandmother of B”------------------ A B
(-) (?)
“B#A means B is grandson of A”---------------------- B A
(+) (?)

Example:- 15 If,
A + B means A is the mother of B
A x B means A is the father of B
A $ B means A is the brother of B
A @ B means A is the sister of B
then which of the following means P is the son of Q and what is the gender of Q in the right option ?
a) Q + R @ P @ N b) Q + R x P @ N c) Q x R $ P @ N d) Q x R $ P $ N

Solution:- In example 15, +1

“P is son of Q.” means P Q
(+) (?)

In options a, b and c “P@N means P is sister of N” it implies P’s gender is female so we left
with option d. In option d generation gap from Q to P is -1 + 0 = -1. Q is from previous
generation as compare to P.
-1 0
Q x R $ P $ N It means Q is father of R and R is brother of P.
(+) (+) (+) (?)
Example:- 16 If A + B means A is the mother of B; A - B means A is the brother B; A % B
means A is the father of B and A x B means A is the sister of B, which of the following shows
that P is the maternal uncle of Q?
a) Q - N + M x P b) P + S x N – Q c) P - M + N x Q d) Q - S % P
Solution:- In example 16, -1
“P is the maternal uncle of Q.” Means P Q
(+) (?)
In option b, “P+S means P is mother of S.” It implies P is a female. So option b easily
eliminated. 0 -1 0 -1
In option a, Q - N + M x P Generation gap from Q P is 0 + (-1) + 0 = -1 it proves
that generation gap from P to Q is +1 . So option a is also eliminated.
In option d, 0 -1 -1 +1
Q - S % P it means again Q P and P Q, finally d is also
eliminated. With the help of above discussion, we can say that c is the only right answer.


Number series tests present numerical sequences that follow a logical rule which is based on
elementary arithmetic. An initial sequence is given from which the rule is to be deduced. You are
then asked to predict the next number that obeys the rule. The difficulty level of these questions
can increase in two ways; first, the logic behind the sequence becomes less trivial and demands
attention and creativity; second, the missing number can be positioned at an early stage, thus
preventing you from deciphering the hidden rule by looking only at the previous numbers in the

How to Solve Number Series?

See some general solving tips for number series test. In JobTestPrep's preparation package you
will find all tips for solving number series tests.

1. Examine the difference between adjacent numbers.

→ In a simple series, the difference between two consecutive numbers is constant.

Example: 27, 24, 21, 18, __

Rule: There is a difference of (-3) between each item. The missing number in this case is 15.
→ In a more complex series the differences between numbers may be dynamic rather than fixed,
but there still is a clear logical rule.

Example: 3, 4, 6, 9, 13, 18, __

Rule: Add 1 to the difference between two adjacent items. After the first number add 1, after the
second number add 2 and after the third number add 3, etc. In this case, the missing number is
2. See whether there is a multiplication or division pattern between two adjacent numbers.

Example: 64, 32, 16, 8, __

Rule: Divide each number by 2 to get the next number in the series.The missing number is 4.
3. Check whether adjacent numbers in the series change based on a logical pattern.

Example: 2, 4, 12, 48, __

Rule: Multiply the first number by 2, the second number by 3 and the third number by 4, etc.The
missing item is 240.

4. See if you can find a rule that involves using two or more basic arithmetic functions (+, -, ÷, x). In
the below series, the functions alternate in an orderly fashion.
Example: 5, 7, 14, 16, 32, 34, __

Rule: Add 2, multiply by 2, add 2, multiply by 2, etc. The missing item is 68.

Tip: Series’ in this category are easy to identify. Just look at the numbers that do not appear to
have a set pattern.
In a series that involves two or more basic arithmetic functions, the differences between adjacent
items effectively create their own series. We recommend that you try to identify each pattern

Example: 4, 6, 2, 8, 3, __
Rule: In this series, the differences themselves create a series: +2, ÷3, x4, -5
The numbers advance by intervals of 1 and the arithmetic functions change in an orderly
sequence. The next arithmetic function in the series should be +6, and so the next item in the
series is 9 (3+6 = 9).

Type – 1:

 A series of single, pairs of groups or combination of letters and numerals is given.

 The terms of the series form a certain pattern as regards the position of the letters in the
English alphabet.
 You have to decipher the pattern and accordingly, find the missing term or wrong term in
the given series.


1. A, C, F, J, ?, ?
Sol: A (B) C, C (D, E) F, F (G, H, I) J, J (K, L, M, N) O, O (P, Q, R, S, T) U
So, the next terms are O, U.

2. AC, FH, KM, PR, ?

Sol: See all the first letters of the given series.
A (B, C, D, E) F, F (G, H, I, J) K, K (L, M, N, O) P (Q, R, S, T) U
Now, see all the second letters of the given series.
C (D, E, F, G) H, H (I, J, K, L) M, M (N, O, P, Q) R (S, T, U, V) W
So, the next term will be UW.

3. BMO, EOQ, HQS, ?

Sol: See all the first letters of the given series.
B (C, D) E, E (F, G) H, H (I, J) K
Now, see all the second letters of the given series.
M (N) O, O (P) Q, Q (R) S
Now, see all the third letters of the given series.
O (P) Q, Q (R) S, S (T) U
So, the next term will be KSU.

4. ?, WFD, UHG, SKI, QOL

Sol: See all the first letters of the given series from last term.
Q (R) S, S (T) U, U (V) W, W (X) Y,
Now, see all the second letters of the given series from first term.
E (-) F, F (G) H, H (I, J) K, K(L, M, N) O
Now, see all the third letters of the given series.
B (C) D, D (E, F) G, G (H) I, I (J, K) L
So, the missing term will be YEB.

Type – 2:
Alpha-Numeric Series: It is a jumbled combination of Alphabetic and Numeric series.


1. Z1A, X2D, V6G, T21J, R88M, ?

Sol: The series formed by the numerals 1, 2, 6, 21, 88,… follow the pattern
x 1 + 1, x 2 + 2, x 3 + 3, x 4 + 4, …
So, numeral in the desired term = 88 x 5 + 5 = 445
Observe the first letters of all the terms.
Z (Y) X, X (W) V, V (U) T, T (S) R, R (Q) P
Observe the second letters of all the terms.
A (B, C) D, D (E, F) G, G (H, I) J, J (K, L) M, M (N, O) P
So, the next term in the series will be P445P.

2. Find the odd man out from the following series.

G4T, J10R, M20P, P43N
Sol: Observe the pattern followed by the first letter in all the terms.
G (H, I) J, J (K, L) M, M (N, O) P
Observe the pattern followed by the second letter in all the terms.
T (S) R, R (Q) P, P (O) N
Observe the pattern followed by the numerals in all the terms.
Here, if x 2 + 1 rule is satisfied then second term should be J9R.
This rule can be applied to whole series except the second term.
So, J10R is the odd man.

Type – 3:

Continuous Pattern Series:

 This type of series usually consists of a small letters which follow a certain pattern.
 But some letters will be missing from the series.
 These missing letters are then given in a proper sequence as one of the choices.
 You have to choose the correct alternative.

1. aab _ aaa _ bba _
1) baa 2) abb 3) bab 4) aab 5) bbb
Step 1: Fill the first blank space by ‘b’ so that you can have two a’s followed by two b’s.
Step 2: Fill the second blank space either by ‘a’ so that you have four a’s followed by two b’s or ‘b’
so that you have three a’s followed by three b’s.
Step 3: The last space must be filled by ‘a’.
Step 4: So, now you can have two possible answers: ‘baa’ and ‘bba’. But, only baa appears in the
choices. Thus 1 is the answer.
Step 5: In case, you have both the possible answers in the choices, you have to chose the one that
forms a more prominent pattern, which is aabb/aaabbb/aa. Thus, your answer should be ‘bba’.


DIRECTIONS (Q. 1 - 12) : What should come in place of question mark (?) in the following
number series?
1. 1050 420 168 67.2 26.88 10.752 ?
(a) 4.3008 (b) 6.5038 (c) 4.4015 (d) 5.6002 (e) None of these
2. 0 6 24 60 120 210 ?
(a) 343 (b) 280 (c) 335 (d) 295 (e) None of these
3. 15 19 83 119 631 (?)
(a) 731 (b) 693 (c) 712 (d) 683 (e) None of these
4. 19 26 40 68 124 (?)
(a) 246 (b) 238 (c) 236 (d) 256 (e) None of these
5. 11 10 18 51 200 (?)
(a) 885 (b) 1025 (c) 865 (d) 995 (e) None of these
6. 14 24 43 71 108 (?)
(a) 194 ( b) 154 (c) 145 (d) 155 (e) None of these
7. 144 173 140 169 136 (?)
(a) 157 ( b) 148 (c) 164 (d) 132 (e) None of these
8. 656 352 200 124 86 (?)
(a) 67 (b) 59 (c) 62 (d) 57 (e) None of these
9. 12 18 36 102 360 (?)
(a) 1364 (b) 1386 (c) 1384 (d) 1376 (e) None of these
10. 71 78 99 134 183 (?)
(a) 253 (b) 239 (c) 246 (d) 253 (e) None of these
11. 342 337.5 328.5 315 297 (?)
(a) 265.5 (b) 274.5 (c) 270 (d) 260 (e) None of these
12. 161 164 179 242 497 (?)
(a) 1540 (b) 1480 (c) 1520 (d) 1440 (e) None of these

DIRECTIONS (Q. 13 - 21) :In each of these questions, a number series is given. In each series,
only one number is wrong number.Find out the wrong number.
13. 3601 3602 1803 604 154 36 12
(a) 3602 (b) 1803 (c) 604 (d) 154 (e) 36
14. 4 12 42 196 1005 6066 42511
(a) 12 (b) 42 (c) 1005 (d) 196 (e) 6066
15. 32 16 24 65 210 945 5197.5
(a) 945 (b) 16 (c) 24 (d) 210 (e) 65
16. 7 12 40 222 1742 17390 208608
(a)7 (b) 12 (c) 40 (d) 1742 (e) 208608
17. 6 91 584 2935 11756 35277 70558
(a) 91 (b) 70558 (c) 584 (d) 2935 (e) 35277
18. 9050 5675 3478 2147 1418 1077 950
(a) 3478 (b) 1418 (c) 5675 (d) 2147 (e) 1077
19. 8424 4212 2106 1051 526.5 263.25 131.625
(a) 131.625 (b) 1051 (c) 4212 (d) 8424 (e) 263.25
20. 850 600 550 500 475 462.5 456.25
(a) 600 (b) 550 (c) 500 (d) 4625 (e) None of these
21. 8 12 24 46 72 108 216
(a) 12 (b) 24 (c) 46 (d) 72 (e) None of these

DIRECTIONS (Q. 22 - 27) :What should come in place of question mark (?) in the following
number series?
22. 980 484 260 112 50 ? 3.5
(a) 25 (b) 17 (c) 21 (d) 29 (e) None of these
23. 1015 508 255 129 66.5 ? 20.875
(a) 34.50 (b) 35 (c) 35.30 (d) 35.75 (e) None of these
24. 354 180 64 21 10.2 ?
(a) 5.6 (b) 8.7 (c) 3.8 (d) 1.7 (e) None of these
25. 4.5 18 2.25 ? 1.6875 33.75
(a) 27 (b) 25.5 (c) 36 (d) 40 (e) None of these
26. 59.76 58.66 56.46 52.06 ? 25.66
(a) 48.08 (b) 46.53 (c) 43.46 (d) 43.26 (e) None of these
27. 36 157 301 470 ? 891
(a) 646 (b) 695 (c) 639 (d) 669 (e) None of these

DIRECTIONS (Qs. 28 to 30) :Which one of the letters when sequentially placed at the gaps in the
given letter series shall complete it?
28. a b – b c b c a – – c – b a b
(a) a b c c (b) a c b c (c) b a a a (d) c c a a (e) None of these
29. a b – c b b – a – c c a – ba
(a) c c a b (b) b b c a (c) a c b c (d) a a c b (e) None of these
30. a – c a c b c – b a c a – – b
(a) c a c b (b) b a b c (c) a b a c (d) b a b a (e) None of these

1.(a) The pattern of the series is :

1050/2.5= 420, 420/2.5=168, 168/2.5=67.2 and so on

2. (e) The pattern of the series is :

The difference between consecutive terms forms the pattern – 6 18 36 60 90 126

Now the difference between these differences is an A.P. with common difference 6

3. (a) The pattern of the series is :

19 – 15 = 4 = 22 83 – 19 = 64 = 43 119 – 83 = 36 = 62
631 – 119 = 512 = 8 \? = 631 + 102= 631 + 100 = 731
4. (c) The pattern of the series is :
19 + 1 × 7 = 19 + 7 = 26 26 + 2 × 7 = 26 + 14 = 40 40 + 4 × 7 = 40 + 28 = 68
68 + 8 × 7 = 68 + 56 = 124 124 + 16 × 7 = 124 + 112 = 236
5. (d) The pattern of the number series is as given below:
11 × 1 – 1 = 10 10 × 2 – 2 = 18 18 × 3 – 3 = 51
51 × 4 – 4 = 200 200 × 5 – 5 = 995
6. (b) The pattern of the number series is as given below:
14 + 10 = 24 24 + 19 (= 10 + 9) = 43 43 + 28 (= 19 + 9) = 71
71 + 37 (= 28 + 9) = 108 108 + 46 (= 37 + 9) = 154
7. (e) The pattern of the number series is as given below:
144 + 29 = 173 173 – 33 = 140 140 + 29 = 169 169 – 33 = 136 136 + 29 = 165
8. (a) The pattern of the number series is as given below:

9. (b) The pattern of the number series is as given below:

12 × 4 – 30 = 48 – 30 = 18 18 × 4 – 36 = 72 – 36 = 36 36 × 4 – 42 = 144 – 42 = 102
102 × 4 – 48 = 408 – 48 = 360 360 × 4 – 54 = 1440 – 54 = 1386

10. (c) The pattern of the series is :

78= 71+7x1 99= 78+7x3 134=99+7x5 and so on
11. (b) The pattern of the series is :
337.5= 342- 4.5x1 328.5= 337.5- 4.5x2 315=328.5- 4.5x3 and so on
12. (c)The difference between consecutive terms- 3 15 63 255 1023
Now the pattern is
15= 3x4+3 63= 15x4 +3 255= 63x4 +3 and so on
13. (d) The pattern of the series is :
3602= 3601/1 +1 1803= 3602/2 +2 and so on
14. (a) The pattern of the series is :
12= 4x2 +2² 42= 12x3 +3² and so on
15. (e) The pattern of the series is :
16= 32x0.5 24= 16x1.5 65= 24x 2.5 and so on
16. (d) The pattern of number series is as follows:
7 × 2 – 2 = 12 12 × 4 – (2 + 6) = 48 – 8 = 40
17. ( c) The pattern of the series is :
6x7 +7²=91
91x6 +6²= 582≠584
582x5 +5²=2935
2935x4 +4²= 11756
11756x3 + 3² = 35277
18.(e) The pattern of the series is :
19. (b) The pattern of the series is :
20. (a) The pattern of the series is :
-200 -100 -50 -25…….
21. (c) The pattern of the series is :
x1.5 x2 x1.5 x2……..
22. (e) The pattern of the series is : /2 -6
The required answer is = 50/2 -6 = 19
23. (d) The pattern of the series is :
(1015+1) /2 = 508
(508+2)/2 = 255
(255+3)/2= 129 and so on
24. (b) The pattern of the series is :
(354+6)/2= 180
25. (a) The pattern of the series is :
x4 ÷8 x12 ÷16……..
26. (d) The pattern of the series is :
-1.1 -2.2 -4.4 -8.8…….
27. (e) The pattern of the series is :
+11² 12² 13²……..
28. (d) The series is abcbc, bcaca, cabab.
29. (a) The series is abccb, bcaac, cabba.
30. (b) The series is abcac, bcaba, cabca.



Coding - Decoding is a system of letters, digits and signs used for identification purposes. Codes
are used for transmitting messages to the receiver without any third person knowing it. After
transmission, receiver decode the coded massage and found the relevant information.


Coding – Decoding is a very popular subject and also known as Cryptography. In old days secrete
messages were encrypted by kings, secrete agencies and spies into a coded language. Coding –
Decoding also has its historic importance. It was used by Julius Caesar, Chanakya, Samudragupta
and many others to hide secret information from spies and enemies.

Caesar Cipher
Julius Caesar had been developed a unique technique named Caesar Cipher to hide important
information into secret message. He was very cleaver. He always send his information by the hand
of two Messengers, one was carried himself a Coded Message and another was carried the Logic
or Pattern of the code.
Important Coded
A Logic Or Pattern
Information Message to
applied on given Information
By Sender Receiver

Caesar Cipher:- Julius Caesar was able to develop a new Logic for every new secret information.
That process was known as Caesar Cipher. Suppose, if he had to send a secret information to his
army containing the word ATTACK then, he was coded it with the help of following two steps :-

First Step:- He must made a cipher with the help of Logic or Pattern.



A coded as W, B coded as X, C coded as Y.......................................and Z coded as L.

Second Step- Now on the basis of above logic or pattern ATTACK coded as:-



So the ATTACK is coded as WIIWYD.

Now, WIIWYD is a Coded Message.

We can also understand Julius Caesar’s communication process to share secrete information with
his army to the following diagrams:-

King 1st Messenger Army

(Sender) (Coded Message:-WIIWYD) (Receiver)
King 2nd Messenger Army
(Sender) ( Logic:- A B C.... (Receiver)
W X Y.... ) (Code + Logic)
So, according to above discussion we can say that coding – decoding has great historical

Now we can say,

The coding and decoding questions are set to judge the candidate's ability to perceive the
principles and pattern on which a word or message is codified and to decipher it. Such questions
are becoming increasingly popular in the different examinations. They call for careful
observation concentration, and analytical aptitude.


As for as our reasoning purpose is concern, we will learn following type of coding – decoding


According to above category, alphabet letters are used to codify other alphabet letters.
Example:- 1 If letters of the word MONKEY are coded as NPOLFZ, then find out the code for word
Solution:- Here, we are observing a very simple pattern, M is coded as N, O is coded as P and so
on. Next letter is the code of previous one. So the code of word TIGER is UJHFS.

Example:- 2 If letters of the word MONKEY are coded as XDJMNL, then find out the code for word
Solution:- Word MONKEY is Coded as,

So the code for word TIGERS is RQDFHS.

Example:- 3 If CALENDAR = DKZBOEBS, then NEELAM = ?

Solution:- This type is just a bit different from the previous type.
Word CALENDAR is coded as,


According to above logic, word NEELAM is coded as DDMMBN.


Solution:- In this question, firstly + 2, then + 3, +4, +5, +6,+7 and so on. Similarly when the code
for the word ABDICTION is made firstly+2, then +3, +4, +5, + 6 and so on. The code will finally

Example:- 5 If PERSON = THTWRP, then ENGINE = ?

Solution:- Here P + 4 = T, E + 3 = H, R + 2 = T, Then S + 4 =W, O + 3 = R, N + 2 = R. The method for
coding is +4, +3, +2. The code for ENGINE will become E + 4 = I, N + 3 = Q, G + 2 = I, I + 4 = M, N +
3= Q and E +2 = G. Therefore the code is IQIMQG.

Example:- 6 If SILVER = HROEVI, then MEENAKSHI = ?

Solution:- In this case, if the letter is at ‘nth’ position from the beginning then the letter at ‘nth’
position from the end is written. This can always be checked, whenever the sum of the number
and its respective code is 27. Then the method applied for the coding would be this only. As in
SILVER, S is 19 and its code H is 8 and the sum is 27. I is 9 and its code R is 18 and sum is 27. While
coding MEENAKSHI, the same method coding will be applied. M is 13, so what should be added in
13 to make it 27 ( that is14), write the 14th letter which is N as the code for M. Similarly E is 5, find
22nd letter to make sum as 27 ( V is 22ndletter) and that is the code and so on. The code for the


In this category letters are coded in numbers or vice versa.

Example:- 7 If RELATION = 95312965, then MANAGEMENT = ?

Solution:- In this case, the code for every letter is its position in the alphabetic order, represented
as a single digit. If its position is already a single number, then it is simply assigned as the code,
and if there are two digits in its position, then those digits are added to get the code for that
letter. In this case R is the 18th letter so its code would be 1 + 8 = 9, E is the 5th letter so its code is
5, L is the 12th letter so its code is 1 + 2 = 3, A is 1 and so on. Similarly when the code for the word
MANAGEMENT is made. M is 13, 1 + 3 = 4. A= 1, N is 14 1 + 4 = 5, A = 1, G = 7 and so on. The final
code for the word MANAGEMENT would be 4151754552.

Example:- 8 If SHIVANI = 574, then GANESH = ?

Solution:- In this case, EJOTY of all the words has been added, multiplied by the number of letters
in that word. SHIVANI => S = 19, H = 8, I = 9, V = 22, A = 1, N = 14, I = 9 => 19 + 8 + 9 + 22 + 1 + 14 +
9 = 82 × 7 ( .: there are 7 letters in the word SHIVANI), Similarly while making code for
GANESH => 7 + 1+ 14 + 5 + 19 + 8 = 54 × 6 ( .: there are six letters) = 324 would be the code.

Example:- 9 If ACTIVITY = 24315137, Then ELEPHANT = ?

Solution:- It involves the position of alphabet in the alphabetic order + 1. If it becomes a single
digit number, write it and if it is a two digit number then add it to get a single digit number as in
question no. 13. Similarly ELEPHANT => E = 5 + 1 = 6, L = 12 +1 = 13 => 1 + 3 = 4, E = 5 + 1 =6, P =
16 + 1 = 17 => 1 + 7 = 8 and so on. The code will become 64689263.

Example:- 10 The questions given below are based upon the following set of codes.
Digit : 1 0 6 4 2 9 8 7 5
Code : M O X L S T N H P
A) Find the code for 24750.
B) Find the code for 814005.

Solution:-Now here in this case, it can be verified that the code for the 2 is S, 4 is L, 7 is H, 5 is P
and 0 is O. Therefore the code in the first case would become SLHPO and in the second case the
code would be NMLOOP.


In this type of questions, sentences of a given language are coded in to different language. We
need to find out the meaning of required word into another language.

Example:- 11 In a certain code. ‘sim ma kom’ means ‘bring me water’. ‘ma mo mok’ means
‘water is life’. ‘jka od sim’ means ‘give me toy’ and ‘mo min not’ means ‘life and death’. Which of
the following is representing ‘is’ in that language ?

Solution:- Here in such questions by combining two groups, the code for one particular word can
be decided. In the first two coded sentences, the only code common is ‘ma’ and the only word
common is ‘water’. This implies that ‘ma’ is the code for ‘water’. Similarly in the second and
fourth coded sentences the only code common is ‘mo’ and the only word common is ‘life’. This
implies that the code for the word ‘life’ is ‘ma’. After this in the second coded sentence the only
code remaining is ‘mok’ and the only word remaining is ‘is’, So the code for the word ‘is’ is

Example:- 12 In a certain code language, ‘it pit sit’ means ‘I am boy’, ‘it nit sit’ means ‘I am girl’,
which of the following means ‘girl’?

Solution:- We have,
It pit sit I am boy
It nit sit I am girl
Here, ‘It sit’ is common in both the messages and ‘I am’ is common in both codes. Hence, code for
girl will be ‘nit’.

Example:- 13 In a certain code language,

(i) ‘786’ means ‘study very hard’
(ii) ‘958’ means ‘hard work pays’ and
(iii) ‘645’ means ‘study and work’.
Which of the following is the code for ‘very’ ?

Solution:- In the first and second statements, the common code digit is ‘8’ and the common word
is ‘hard’. So, ‘8’ means ‘hard’. In the first and third statements, the common code digit is ‘6’ and
the common word is ‘study’. So, ‘6’ means ‘study’.
From equation (i) and (ii), 8 hard
From equation (i) and (iii), 6 study
Hence very 7


In this section, some particular words are assigned certain substituted names. Now,
questions are formed based on that principles.

Example:- 14 If ‘white’ is called ‘blue’, ‘blue’ is called ‘red’, ‘red’ is called ‘yellow’, ‘yellow’
is called ‘green’, ‘green’ is called ‘black’, ‘black’ is called ‘violet’ and ‘violet’ is called ‘orange’,
then what would be the colour of human blood ?

Solution:- We know the colour of the human blood is ‘red’ and given that ‘red’ is called ‘yellow’.
So, the colour of human blood is ‘yellow’.

Example:- 15 If ‘Parrot’ is known as ‘Peacock’, ‘Peacock’ is known as ‘Swallow’, ‘Swallow’ is

known as ‘Pigeon’ and ‘Pigeon’ is known as ‘Sparrow’, then what would be the name of Indian
National Bird?

Solution:- We know Peacock is the Indian National Bird. But here Peacock is known as Swallow.
So the answer is Swallow.

Example:- 16 On another planet, the local terminology for ‘earth’, ‘water’, ‘light’, ‘air’ and ‘sky’
are ‘sky’, ‘light’, ‘air’, ‘water’ and ‘earth’, respectively. If someone is thirsty there, what would he
Solution:- The person would drink water, but water is called light. Hence he would drink light

MATRIX Concept
In this type of questions, two matrices of letters and numbers are given in which each letters can
be represented by a set of two numbers. The first number (from left) indicates the row
number while the second number indicates the column number. You are required to identify the
code for the given word or a group of letters on the basis of two matrices given.

Now consider the following examples which were asked in the previous exams:
Direction(17-19):- In the following questions given below are two matrices of twenty five cells
each containing two classes of letters from the alphabet. The columns and rows of matrix 1 are
numbered from 0 to 4 and that of matrix 2 from 5 to 9. A letter from these matrices can be
represented first by its row number and next by its column number. For example, R can be
represented by 02, 31. In each of the following questions identify one set of number pairs out of
(1), (2), (3), d)which represents the given word:


0 1 2 3 4

0 E S R U N

1 R N S E U

2 U E N R S

3 S R U N E

4 N U E S R


5 6 7 8 9

5 W O P T I

6 T I O W P

7 I W I P T
8 O P T O W

9 P T W I O

Example:-17 What is the code for PENT ?

a)87, 21, 31, 66 b)95, 33, 40, 78 c)57, 02, 34, 87 d)78, 42, 11, 58 e)None
Example:-18 What is the code for NOTE ?
a)40, 75, 96, 34 b)33, 99, 87, 14 c)04, 67, 78, 21 d)22, 56, 65, 43 e)None
Example:-19 What is the code for WRITER ?
a)55, 10, 66, 57, 00, 31 b)89, 12, 75, 58, 11, 23 c)76, 23, 77, 79, 13, 12
d)68, 31, 86, 87, 42,10 e)None

Solution (17-19):-
E =00, 13, 21, 34, 42
I =59, 66, 75, 77, 98
N=04, 11, 22, 33, 40
O=56, 67, 75, 88, 99
P= 57, 69, 78, 86, 95
R= 10, 12, 13, 31, 44
T= 58, 65, 79, 87, 96
W=55, 68, 76, 89, 97.
Answer 17:- (d)

Option P E N T

(1) 87 21 31 66

(2) 95 33 40 78

(3) 57 02 34 87

(4) 78 42 11 58

Answer 18:- (a)

Option N O T E
(1) 40 75 96 34

(2) 33 99 87 14

(3) 04 67 78 21

(4) 22 56 65 43

Answer 19:- (c)

Option W R I T E R

(1) 55 10 66 57 00 31

(2) 89 02 75 58 11 23

(3) 76 23 77 79 13 02

(4) 68 31 86 87 42 10

In this test, the questions consist of a sort of direction puzzle. A successive followup of direction is
formulated and the candidate is required to ascertain the final direction or the distance between
two points. The test is meant to judge the candidate's ability to trace, follow and sense the
direction correctly.

The figure shows the four main directions (North N, South S, East E, West W) and the four
cardinals (North East NE, North West NW, South East SE, South West SW) to help the candidates
to know the directions.

To solve such problems it is necessary to make sketches on paper as per the direction of th e
questions. Generally to confuse the candidates the left or right turns are provided in the direction
(question). Here it is necessary to understand that on the surface of the paper, clock wise
direction is the right and anticlockwise direction is the left.

1 . Anil walks 20 meters towards the east and turns left, and continues to walk for 15
metres after which he turns right and continues to walk for 25 metres. After that he
tur ns right and walks for 15 metres. How far is he away from his original place?

Ans. Let he starts from A and takes respective turns at B, C, D and finally reaches at E

ie, Anil is 45 m away from his original place.

2 . Rema walks from point 'P' for 6 km towards east to reach point 'Q' then she turns
right and walks for 8 km to reach point 'R' Then she turns towards east and walks for
4 km to reach at poin t 'S' Then she turn s left and walks 8 km to reach the poin t 'T'
find the distance between points 'P' and 'T ?

ie; the required distance = 10 km

1. If ‘


1. If ‘FISH’ is written as ‘EHRG’ in a certain code, then how would ‘JUNGLE’ be written in that same
code? (1) ITMFKD (2) ITNFKD (3) KVOHMF (4) TIMFKD (5) None of these

2. If ‘GIRL’ is written as ‘FJSK’ in a certain code, then how would ‘BOY’ be written in that same
(1) CPX (2) APX (3) APZ (4) CPZ (5) None of these

3. If ‘HAPPY’ is written as ‘IBQQZ’ in a certain code, then how would ‘SORROW’ be written in that
code? (1) TPSSXX (2) TTPSSPX (3) TPPSPX (4) TPSSSX (5) None of these
4. If the word ‘TABLECLOTH’ is coded as ‘XEMRANRIXT’, how can ‘HOTEL’ be coded?

5. If in a certain code language, ‘MIRACLE’ is coded as ‘NKUEHRL’, then how is ‘GAMBLE’ coded in
that same code language?
(1) JDOCMF (2) CLEMNK (3) HCPFQK (4) AELGMN (5) None of these

6. If in a certain code language, ‘BROWSER’ is written as ‘RESWORB’, then how ‘TEACHER’ be

coded in that same language?
(1) REHCEAT (2) REHCAET (3) REHCTEA (4) AHRCTEA (5) None of the above

7.In a certain code, P is #, A is %, C isf and E is @. How is PEACE written in that code?
(1) #@%@# (2) #@#f@ (3) %#@f% (4) #@%f@ (5) None of these

8. In a certain code, ‘BELIEF’ is written as ‘AFKKDH’. How would ‘SELDOM’ be written in that code?
(1) RDKCHL (2) RFKENM (3) RFKFNO (4) TFKENP (5) None of these

9. In a certain code, ‘INSTITUTION’ is written as ‘NOITUTITSNI’. How would ‘PERFECTIONS’ be

written in that code? (1) SNOICTEREP (2) SNOITCEFERP (3) SNOITCEFRPE (4) SNOITCEFREP (5)

10. If ‘DELHI’ is coded as ‘73541’ and ‘CALCUTTA’ as ‘82589662’, how will ‘CALICUT’ be coded?
(1) 5279431 (2) 5978213 (3) 8251896 (4) 8543691

11. If in a certain code, ‘DAUGHTER’ is written as ‘TERDAUGH’, how will ‘APTITUDE’ be written in
that code?

12. In a certain code, ‘TERMINAL’ is written as ‘NSFUMBOJ’ and ‘TOWERS’ is written as ‘XPUTSF’.
How is ‘MATE’ written in that same code?
(1) FUBN (2) UFNB (3) BNFU (4) BNDS (5) None of these
13. In a certain code, ‘KAVERI’ is written as ‘VAKIRE’. How is ‘MYSORE’ written in that same code?

14. In a certain code, ‘GOODNESS’ is coded as ‘HNPCODTR’. How is ‘GREATNESS’ coded in that
same code?

15. If in a certain code language, ‘POPULAR’ is coded as ‘QPQVMBS’, then which words from the
following would be coded as ‘GBNPVT’?

16. In a certain code, ‘REFRIGERATOR’ is coded as ‘ROTAREGIRFER’. Which words from the
following would be coded as ‘NOITINUMMA’?

17. In a certain code, ‘CERTAIN’ is coded as ‘XVIGZRM’ ‘SEQUENCE’ is coded as ‘HVJFVMXV’. How
would ‘REQUIRED’ be coded?

18. In a certain code, ‘BUILDER’ is written as JVCKSFE. How is ‘SEALING’ written in that same code?

19. If code for ‘SET’ is ‘UGV’, then what would be the code for ‘BRICK’? [Delhi Police 2009]

20. In a certain code language, ‘CURATIVE’ is written as ‘BSVDDUHS’. How ‘STEAMING’ is to be

written in the same code language?
(1) BFUTFMHL (2) TUFBFMHL (3) BFUTLHMF (4) BFUTHOJN (5) None of the above

DIRECTIONS (Q. Nos. 21-25) In each of the questions given below, given a group of digits
followed by four combinations of letters/symbols numbered (1), (2), (3) and (4). You have to
find out which of the combinations correctly represents the group of the digits based on the
coding system and the conditions given below. Mark the number of that combination as your
answer. If none of the combinations correctly represent the group of digits, mark (5), i.e., ‘None
of these’ as your answer.
Digits 5 1 3 4 9 6 8 2 7
Letters/Symbols P A K % R @ D © M

(i) If the first digit is odd and the last digit is even, the codes for the first and last digits are to be
(ii) If the first and the last digits are even, both are to be coded as H.
(iii) If the first and the last digits are odd, both are to be coded as $.
21. 215349
(1) RAPK%© (2) HAPK%H (3) $APK%$ (4) ©APK%R (5) None of these

22. 671254
(1) @MA©P% (2) $MA©P$ (3) HMA©PH (4) %MA©P© (5) None of these

23. 813469
(1) RAK%@D (2) DAK%@R (3) DAP%@R (4) HAK%@H (5) None of these

24. 794821
(1) MR%D©A (2) AR%D©M (3) M%RD©A (4) $R%D©$ (5) None of these

25. 591426
(1) @RA%P© (2) PRA%©@ (3) @AR%©P (4) $RA%©H (5) None of these

Directions (Q. Nos. 26-30) Study the following information to answer the given questions. [IDBI
Bank PO 2012] In a certain code ‘new banking systems’ is coded as ‘ss tp na’, ‘officer in uniform’
is coded as ‘or mu at’. ‘new bank officer’ is coded as ‘or bk na’, and ‘systems in bank’ is coded as
‘bk at ss’.
26. What does the code ‘bk’ stand for ?
(1) new (2) systems (3) officer (4) bank (5) None of these

27. What will the code ‘ss mu’ stand for?

(1) banking officer (2) new uniform (3) uniform banking (4) uniform systems (5) None of these

28. How will ‘new officer’ be coded?

(1) or na (2) tp na (3) na at (4) tp or (5) ss at

29. How will ‘bank officer in uniform’ be coded?

(1) ss na at or (2) bk at or mu (3) ss na bk at (4) at mu ss or (5) bk ss mu na

30. What is the code for ‘in’?

(1) ss (2) or (3) at (4) mu (5) None of these


31. Deepak starts walking straight towards east. After walking 75 m he turns to the left and walks
25 m straight. Again he turns to the left and walks a distance 40 m straight, again he turns to the
left and walks a distance of 25 m. How far is he from the starting point?

a) 140 m b) 35 m c) 115 m d) 25

32. Arun started walking towards north. After walking 30m , he turned left and walked 40m. He
then turned left and walked 30m. He again turned left and walked 50m. How far was he from his
original position?

a) 50 m b) 40 m c) 10 m d) 20m

33. Ramu went 15 kms to the west from his house, then he turned left and walked 20 kms. He
then turned east and walked 25 kms and finally turning left covered 20 kms. How far was he from
his house?

a) 5 kms b) 10 kms c) 40 kms d) 80 kms

34. Rekha who is facing south turns to her left and walks 15 m, then she turns to her left and
walks 7 meters, then facing west she walks 15m. How far is she from her original position?

a) 22 m b) 37 m c) 44 m d) 7m

35. Going 50 m to the south of her house, Radhika turns left and goes another 20m. Then turning
to the north, she goes 30m. and then starts walking to her house. In which direction is she
walking now?

a) North-West b) North c) South -East d) East

36. Shailesh and Mohan starts from a fixed point. Shailesh moves 3 km northward, turns right
and then covers 4 km. Mohan moves 5 km westwards, turns right and walks 3 km. The distance
between Shailesh and Mohan now is

a) 10 km b) 9 k m c) 8 km d) 6 km

37. A man walks 30 meters towards south. Then, turning to his right , he walks 30 metres. Then
turning to his left, he walks 20 meters. Again, he turns to his left and walks 30 meters. How far is
he from his initial position?

a) 30 meters b) 20 meters c) 50 meters d) 60 meters

38. Suresh starts from his house towards west. After walking a distance of 30 m, he turned
towards right and walked 20 meters. He then turned left and moving a distance of 10 meters,
turned to his left again and walked 40 meters. He now turns to the left and walks 5 meters.
Finally he turns to his left. In which direction is he walking now?

a) North b) South c) East d) West

39. Aman walks 10 km towards north. From there he walks 6 km towards south. Then he walks 3
km towards east. How far is he now and in which direction with reference to his starting point?

a) 7 km east b) 5 km west c) 5 km north-east d) 7 km west

40. One morning after sunrise, Sumesh and Ratheesh were standing on a lawn with their backs
towards each other. Sumesh's shadow fell exactly towards left hand side. Which direction was
Ratheesh facing?

a) East b) West c) North d) South

41. A watch reads 4.30 if the minute hand points East, in what direction will the hour hand point?

a) North b) North-West c) South-East d) North-East

42. Five students A,B, C, D and E are sitting in a row, D is on the right of E. B is on the left of E but
is on the right of A. D is on the left of C. Who is sitting on the extreme left?

a) A b) B c) C d) D

43. Facing the east, Rajesh turned left and walked 10 metres, then he turned to his left again and
walked 10 m. He then turned 45 degree towards his right and went straight to cover 25 metres.
In which direction from his starting point is he?

a) South-West b) South-East c) North-West d) North-East

44. Shyam travels 5 km towards east and then he turns left and moves 6 km further. He then
turns right and moves 9 km. Finally he turns once again to his right and moves 6 km. How far is
he from the starting point?

a) 26 km b) 21 km c) 14 km d) 9 km

45. A man travels 2 km to the north and turns east and travels 10 km and again he turns north
and travels 3 km and again turns to east and travels 2 km. How far is he from the starting point?

a) 10 km b) 13 km c) 15 km d) 17 km

46. Reena travelled from point A to a distance of 1 0 ft east a t p oin t B. She then turned right
and walked 3 ft. Again she turned right and walked 14 ft. How far is she from the starting point?

a) 4 ft b) 5 ft c) 24 ft d) 27 ft
47. A starts and walks towards south . He then turns to his right and walks 3 km and then again
turns left and walks 5 km. In which direction is he from the starting point?

a) West b) South-West c) North-East d) East

48. A man travels 12 km west, then 3 km towards south and then 8 km towards east. How far is
he from the start?

a) 23 km b) 20 km c) 15 km d) 5 km

49. Which runs faster? A train running at 60 km per hour OR a car speeding at 100 metres per 6

a) Train b) Car c) Both will progress in the same speed d) It is not possible to say

50. Which of the following turning sequences will make one who started walking towards East,
walk towards South?

a) Left, Left, Left b) Left, Left, Right c) Right, Right, Right d) Left, Right Left

51. Raj starts from his office facing west and walks 100 metres straight, then takes a right turn
and walks 100 metres. Further he takes a left turn and walks 50 metres. In which direction is Raj
now from the starting point?

a) North -east b) South –west c) North d) Nor th -west

52. One day John left home and cycled 10 km southwards, turned right an d cycled 5 km and
turned right and cycled 10 km and turned left and cycled 10 km. How many kms will he have to
cycle to reach his home straight?

a) 10 km b) 15 km c) 20 km d) 25 km

53. A rat runs 20' towards East and turns to right runs 10' and turns to right runs 9' and again
turns to left runs 5' and then turns to left runs 12' and finally turns to left and runs 6'. Now which
direction is the rat facing?

a) East b) North c) W e s t d) South

54. I travelled 3 km southwards, then turned right and travelled 5 km. Then again turned right
and travelled 7 km. In which direction was I travelling last?

a) South b) East c) North d) West

55. After walking 6 km, I turned right and covered a distance of 2 km, then turned left and
covered a distance of 10 km. In the end, I was moving towards the north. From which direction
did I start my journey?

a) North b) South c) East d) West

56. Arun started walking positioning his back towards the sun. After some time, he turned left,
then turned right and then towards the left again. In which direction is he going now?

a) East or South b) West or North c) North or South d) South or West

Directions : (Qs. 57-58) : A, B, C and D are standing on four corners of a square piece of plot as
shown in the given figure. They start moving and the movements are explained in each of the
questions. Read the question and select the right alternative.

57. From the original position, D starts crossing the field diagonally. After walking half the
distance he turns right; walks some distance and turns left. Which direction is D facing now?

a) South -east b) North-west c) South -west d) North

58. B travelled straight to C, a distance of 10 km. He turned right and walked 7 km. towards D,
again he turned right and walked 8 km. and then finally turned right and walked 7 km. How far is
he from his original position?

a) 7 km b) 8 km c) 2 km d) 3 km


(1) As −1 −1
F → E Similarly, J → I
−1 −1
I →H U → T
−1 −1
S →R N →M
−1 −1
H →G G → F
L → K
E → D
2. (2) As −1 Similarly, −1
G →F B →A
1 1
I →J O →P
1 −1
R → S Y→ X
L →K

3. (5) As 1 1
H →I Similarly, S → T
1 1
A →B O → P
1 1
P →Q R → S
1 1
P →Q R → S
1 1
Y →Z O → P
W → X

4. (2) According to question,

↓ ↓↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓↓ ↓ ↓

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓

5. (3) As 1 1
M → N Similarly, G → H
2 2
I →K A→ C
3 3
R→U M → P
4 4
A→ E B→ F

6.(2) All letters are coded in reverse order.

7. (4) If ‘P’ means #, ‘A’ means %, ‘C’ means φ and ‘E’ means @.
Then, P E ACE
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
# @%φ @

9.(4) All letters are coded in reverse order.

10. (3) If
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
7 3 5 4 1

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
8 2 5 8 9 6 6 2

Then, C A L I C U T
↓ ↓ ↓↓↓ ↓ ↓
8 2 5 1 8 9 6
12.(3) If


+1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1

+1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
Then, M A T E

+1+1 +1 +1
15. (2)

16. (3) R R A N
NOTE All letters are coded in revese order.

All letters are coded in revese order.

17. (4) As C E R T A I N Coding Method:- A B C D E F G H.........M
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Z Y X W V U T S......... N
↓ ↓↓ ↓↓↓ ↓ ↓


↓ ↓ ↓ ↓↓↓ ↓ ↓
The lettere given here are opposite
letters to each other.


21. (4) 2 1 5 3 4 9
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
© A P K % R (none of the conditions is applicable)

22. (3)6 7 1 2 5 4
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
★ M A © P ★ (condition (ii) is applicable)

23. (2)8 1 3 4 6 9
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
D A K % @ R (none of the conditions is applicable)

24. (4) 7 9 4 8 2 1
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
$ R % D © $ (condition (iii) is applicable)

25. (1) 5 9 1 4 2 6
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
@ R A % © P (condition (i) is applicable)
SOLUTIONS (Q. Nos. 26-30)
new banking systems ss tp na.............(1)
officer in uniform or mu at...................(2)
new bank officer or bk na.....................(3)
systems in bank bk at ss........................(4)
There is only one word common in statements (1) & (4)
So, systems ss
similarly, from statements (3) & (4)
bank bk and
in at
From statements (2) & (3)
officer or and
new na
uniform mu
banking tp.
26. (4) ‘bk’ stands for ‘bank’.
27. (4) ‘ss mu’ stands for ‘systems uniform’.
28. (1) ‘new officer’ be coded as ‘or na’.
29. (2) ‘bank officer in uniform’ be coded as ‘bk at or mu’.
30. (3) ‘in’ is coded as ‘at’.
Solutions can be made by drawing graphs and ANSWERS ARE GIVEN BELOW for directions
331. (b) 32. (c) 33. (b) 34. (d) 35. (a) 36. (b) 37. (c) 38.(a) 39. (c) 40. (d) 41. (d) 42. (a) 43. (c)
644. (c) 45. (b) 46.(b) 47. (b) 48. (d) 49. (c) 50. (a) 51. (d) 52. (b) 53. (b) 54. (c) 55. (a) 56. (c)
557. (b) 58.(c)



The questions which are asked in this section depend upon Relation. You should have a sound
knowledge of the English blood relation in order to solve the questions. In the blood relation
questions, a chain of relationships is given in form of information and on the basis of which,
relation between any two or more than two members of the chain is asked. So first we should
know about the relations in detail:-

Explaining the relations

Blood relations can be categories into following two categories:-
1. Relations of Paternal side:-
9. Father's father → Grandfather
10. Father's mother → Grandmother
11. Father's brother → Uncle
12. Father's sister → Aunt
13. Children of uncle → Cousin
14. Wife of uncle → Aunt
15. Children of aunt → Cousin
16. Husband of aunt → Uncle
2. Relations of Maternal side:-
7. Mother's father → Maternal grandfather
8. Mother's mother → Maternal grandmother
9. Mother's brother Maternal uncle
10. Mother's sister →Aunt
11. Children of maternal uncle → Cousin
12. Wife of maternal uncle → Maternal aunt
3. Important Relations to understand:-
27. Mother’s or Father’s daughter » Sister
28. Mother’s or Father’s son » Brother
29. Grandfather’s son » Father or Uncle
30. Grandmother’s son » Father or Uncle
31. Grandfather’s daughter » Mother or Aunt
32. Grandmother’s daughter » Mother or Aunt
33. Paternal Grandfather’s or Grandmother’s only son » Father
34. Maternal Grandfather’s or Grandmother’s only daughter » Mother
35. Maternal Grandfather’s or Grandmother’s only son-in-law » Father
36. Paternal Grandfather’s or Grandmother’s only daughter-in-law » Mother
37. Paternal aunt’s or uncle’s only brother » Father
38. Maternal aunt’s or uncle’s only sister » Mother
39. Mother’s or father’s mother » Grandmother
40. Son’s wife » Daughter-in-Law
41. Daughter’s husband » Son-in-Law
42. Husband’s or wife’s father » Father-in-Law
43. Husband’s or wife’s mother » Mother-in-Law
44. Husband’s or wife’s sister » Sister-in-Law
45. Husband’s or wife’s brother » Brother-in-Law
46. Brother’s son » Nephew
47. Brother’s daughter » Niece
48. Uncle or aunt’s son or daughter » Cousin
49. Sister’s husband » Brother-in-Law
50. Brother’s wife » Sister-in-Law
51. Grandson’s or granddaughter’s daughter » Great grand daughter
52. Grandson’s or granddaughter’s son » Great grand son

Relations from one generation to next :-


Blood relation questions are mainly classified in following three categories:-

1. Nested Blood Relationship

2. Arrangement Based Blood Relationship
3. Coded Blood Relationship
According to this category, most of the questions that we have, are in the form of complex
sentences. We need to understand the relationship into simpler form. We can divide complex
sentences in to small understandable parts. Most of the questions can be solved with the help of
Back Tracing Technique. Relationship sentence will be solved from the back side with the help of
this technique.

Example:- 1 Pointing to a photograph, Rekha says to Lalli, "The girl in the photo is the second
daughter of the wife of only son of paternal grandmother of my younger sister." How this girl of
photograph is related to Rekha ?
1. 2. 3. 4.
“ The girl in the photo is / the second daughter of / the wife of / only son of /paternal
grandmothers of my younger sister”.
1. Grandmother of my younger sister →My grandmother
2. Only son of my grandmother →My father
3. The wife of my father → My mother
4. The second daughter of my mother → My sister
5. The girl in the photo is my sister.
Fifth sentence is a simpler form of above complex sentence. Now, above question can be
rewritten as
Pointing to a photograph, Rekha says to Lalli, “ The girl in the photo is my sister.”

NOTE:- As we mentioned above most of the questions can be solved with the help of back
tracing. Now, see the following question back tracing is not effective method so we should apply
simple reasoning.

Example:- 2 Pointing to a photograph Arun said, ‘She is the mother of my brother’s son’s wife’s
daughter.’ How is Arun related to the lady ?
Solution:- Above question is easy to solve with simple reasoning, not back tracing.
The woman in the photograph is Arun Brother’s Daughter-in-law. Because son’s wife’s daughter
is daughter-in-law to his brother.

Example:- 3 Pointing to a photograph of a boy Suresh said, "He is the son of the only son of my
mother." How is Suresh related to that boy?
2. 1.
Solution:- “He is the son of / the only son of my mother.”
1. The only son of my mother → Its me (*If Suresh is a male)
2. He is my son.
Pointing to a photograph of a boy Suresh said, “ He is my son.”
1. The only son of my mother → My only brother (*If Suresh is a female)
2. He is the son of my only brother.
Pointing to a photograph of a boy Suresh said, “He is the son of my only brother.”

According to above discussion, answer of the question is can not be determined. Answer is
depend on the gender of Suresh.

Example:- 4 Looking at a portrait of a man, Shiv said, “His mother is the wife of my father’s son.
Brothers and sisters I have none.” At whose portrait was Shiv looking?
Solution:- Since Shiv has no brother or sister, so he is his father’s only son. Now, wife of my
father’s son - my wife. So, Shiv’s wife is the man’s mother or the man is Shiv’s son.

Example:- 5 Pointing to a girl in the photograph, Ajay said, “Her mother’s brother is the only son
of my mother’s father.” How is the girl’s mother related to Ajay ?
Solution:- Only son of Ajay’s mother’s father - Ajay’s maternal uncle. So, the girl’s maternal uncle
is Ajay’s maternal uncle. Thus, the girl’s mother is Ajay’s aunt.
Arrangement based problems are generally solved with the help of Family Tree. Family tree
construction is based upon the given information.
So first we should categorise the arrangement information into mainly following three
1. Introductory Information
2. Direct Information
3. Indirect Information

Introductory information tells us the basic elements of the problem like, “How many members
are there in the arrangement, their names and their likes and dislikes.” In short it is preliminary
information to understand the structure of the given problem.
Direct information is distributed throughout the given arrangement. So identification of this part
of information is very important. We should start our solution with direct information.
Information which is not directly arranged, is Indirect Information. After the arrangement of
direct information, indirect info will be left with less and easy ways to arrange.

Family tree can be constructed part by part during the execution of above categorisation.

Family Tree:- Family tree is a process to solve blood relation problems.

Family Tree Construction
Our Convention to construct a family tree :-
Gender:- We will give ‘+’ sign to Male and ‘-’ sign to Female.
Generation Gap:- If ‘X’ is son of ‘Y’ and Y is a Female.
Following tree is representation of given relation,

Y Higher Level

X Lower Level
A person from old generation should be placed at higher level and younger generation will be
placed the lower level.
(1). There is a relation of Husband-Wife between W (Male) and Y (Female).
It is represented as

(+) (-)
Because husband and wife belong to same generation so they will be placed at the same level.
(2). There are relations of Brother- Sister, Brother- Brother or Sister- Sister between X (Male), T
(Female), R (Female) .
These are represented as
(+) (-) (-)

(3). If X married to P and they have two children Q and S, then relations can be represented as
(-) (+)

(+) (-)
Now if we will combined the parts of above family tree then, it will look like following:-
W Y Higher Generation
(+) (-) (Higher Level)

P X---------T----------R Middle Generation

(-) (+) (-) (-) (Middle Level)

Q-------------S Younger Generation

(+) (-) (Lower Level)

Direction for Examples (6-10):-

Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
A B D F G H and K are seven members of a family. They belong to three generations. There are
two married couples belonging to two different generations. D is son of H and is married to K. F is
granddaughter of B. G's father is grandfather of A. B's husband is father-in -law of K. H has only
one son.
Example:- 6 How is F related to G ?
Example:- 7 How is H related to B ?
Example:- 8 How is K related to G ?
Example:- 9 What are the names of married ladies ?
Example:- 10 How many female members are there among them ?

Introductory Information:- There are seven members in the family named as, A, B, D, F, G, H and
K. They belong to three generations and there are two married couples.
Direct Information:-
1. D is son of H and is married to K.

(+) (-)

2. B’s husband is father-in-law of K.

It means H is husband of B.

(-) (+)

(+) (-)
3. H has only one son and that is D.

Indirect Information:-
1. F is granddaughter of B.
(-) (+)

(+) (-)


2. G’s father is grandfather of A.

We know that B and H are grandparents in the family and H is grandfather.
It means A is sibling of F and G is the sister of his only brother D.
(-) (+)

G-----------D K
(-) (+) (-)

(?) (-)
Now, we can easily answer the above questions.

Answer of Example:- 6 F is niece of G or we can say G is aunt of F.

Answer of Example:- 7 H is husband of B.
Answer of Example:- 8 K is sister-in-law of G.
Answer of Example:- 9 Married ladies are B and K.
Answer of Example:- 10 We can’t determine the female members, because we don’t know the
gender of A.

Example:- 11 A is the son of C; C and Q are sisters; Z is the mother of Q and P is the son
of Z. How is P related to A ?

Family Tree

(-) (-) (+)

Direction for Examples:- (12-14)

A is the father of C but C is not his son. E is the daughter of C. E is the spouse of F. B is the
brother of C. D is the son of B. G is the spouse of B. H is the father of G.
Example:- 12 How is A related to F ?
Example:- 13 How is D related to E ?
Example:- 14 How is H related to F ?

Family Tree

(+) (+)

C--------------B G
(-) (+) (-)

(+) (-) (+)

Answer of Example:- 12 A is grand father-in-law of F.

Answer of Example:- 13 D is a cousin of E.
Answer of Example:- 14 H and F are from two different family trees, so they do not have a
specific blood relation between them.


Under the above mentioned category, relationships in the questions are in coded form.
Point To Remember
Generation Gap and Gender Identification:- Generation gap will help us a lot to solve such kind
of questions. We can quantify generation gap Like if,
“A%B means A is brother Of B”
From the above statement, we can understand two things easily,
(I) “A and B are from same generation so we can say there is ZERO generation gap.” Similarly
there are some more relations with ZERO generation gap like Husband, Wife, Brother, Sister,
Brother-in-law, Sister-in-law and Cousin.
(II) “ A’s gender is Male and what’s about the gender of B, we cannot decide. B is either male or
“A%B means A is father Of B” it means,
(I) “A is from previous generation as compare to B. So we can say there is -1 generation gap.”
Similarly there are some more relations with -1 generation gap like Mother, Uncle, Aunt, Mother-
in-law and Father-in-law.
(II) “ A’s gender is Male.
Similarly if “A%B means A is grandfather of B” it means,
(I) “ A is two generation old as compare to B. So we can say there is -2 generation gap.” Similar
relations are Grandmother, Grandmother’s or Grandfather’s Brother or Sister.
(II) “ A’s gender is Male.

We can conclude above discussion with the help of following statements,

“A$B means A is grandmother of B”------------------ A B
(-) (?)
“B#A means B is grandson of A”---------------------- B A
(+) (?)

Example:- 15 If,
A + B means A is the mother of B
A x B means A is the father of B
A $ B means A is the brother of B
A @ B means A is the sister of B
then which of the following means P is the son of Q and what is the gender of Q in the right
option ?
a) Q + R @ P @ N b) Q + R x P @ N c) Q x R $ P @ N d) Q x R $ P $ N

Solution:- In example 15, +1

“P is son of Q.” means P Q
(+) (?)

In options a, b and c “P@N means P is sister of N” it implies P’s gender is female so we

left with option d. In option d generation gap from Q to P is -1 + 0 = -1. Q is from
previous generation as compare to P.
-1 0
Q x R $ P $ N It means Q is father of R and R is brother of P.
(+) (+) (+) (?)
Example:- 16 If A + B means A is the mother of B; A - B means A is the brother B; A % B
means A is the father of B and A x B means A is the sister of B, which of the following
shows that P is the maternal uncle of Q?
a) Q - N + M x P b) P + S x N – Q c) P - M + N x Q d) Q - S % P
Solution:- In example 16, -1
“P is the maternal uncle of Q.” Means P Q
(+) (?)
In option b, “P+S means P is mother of S.” It implies P is a female. So option b easily
eliminated. 0 -1 0 -1
In option a, Q - N + M x P Generation gap from Q P is 0 + (-1) + 0 = -1 it
proves that generation gap from P to Q is +1 . So option a is also eliminated.
In option d, 0 -1 -1 +1
Q - S % P it means again Q P and P Q, finally d is
also eliminated. With the help of above discussion, we can say that c is the only right


1. A family has a man, his wife, their four sons and their wives. The family of every son also
has 3 sons and one daughter. Find out the total number of male members on the whole family?

(a) 4 (b) 8 (c) 12(d) 17

2. A and B are brothers. C and D are sisters. A's son is D's brother. How is B related to C?

(a) Father (b) brother (c) Grandfather(d) Uncle (e) None of these

3. A is B's sister. C is B's mother. D is C's father, E is D's mother. Then, how is A related to D?

(a) Grandmother (b) Grandfather(c) Daughter (d) Grand daughter

Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below(4-5): Ravi is the
son of Aman's father's sister. Sahil is son of Divya who is mother of Gaurav and grandmother of

Ashok is the father of Tanya and grandfather of Ravi. Divya is wife of Ashok.

4. How is Ravi related to Divya?

(a) Nephew (b) Grandson (c) Son (d) Data inadequate (e) None of these

5. How is Gaurav's wife related to Tanya?

(a) Niece (b) Sister (c) Sister-in-law(d) Data inadequate (e) None of these

Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below(6-9):

There are six children playing football, namely A, B, C, D, E, and F. A and E are brothers. F is the
sister of E. C is the only son of A's uncle. B and D are daughter of the brother of C's father.

6. How is C related to F?

(a) Cousin(b) brother (c) son (d) Uncle (e) None of these

7. (ii) How many male players are there?

(a) One (b) Three(c) Four(d) Five (e) Six

8. How many female players are there?

(a) One (b) Two (c) Three(d) Four (e) Five

9. How is D related to A?

(a) Uncle (b) Sister (c) Niece (d) Cousin(e) None of these
Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below(10-13):

Prashant Arora has three children—Sangeeta, Vimal and Ashish. Ashish married Monika, the
eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy. The Roys married their youngest daughter to the eldest of
Mr. and Mrs. Sharma, and they had two children named Amit and Shashi. The Roys have two
more children, Roshan and Vandana, both elder to Veena. Sameer and Ajay are sons of Ashish
and Monika. Rahsmi is the daughter of Amit.

10. What is the surname of Rashmi?

(a) Sharma (b) Roy (c) Arora (d) Cannot be determined (e) None of these

11. How is Sameer related to Monika's father?

(a) Grandson(b) Son (c) Cousin (d) Son-in-law(e) None of these

12. What is the surname of Sameer?

(a) Roy(b) Sharma (c) Arora(d) Cannot be determined (e) None of these

13. How is Mrs. Roy related to Ashish?

(a) Aunt(b) Mother-in-law (c) Mother (d) Sister-in-law(e) None of these

14. If 'A$B' means 'A is the father of B', 'A * B' means 'A is the mother of B' 'A @ B' means 'A
is the wife of B’, then which of the following means ‘M is the grandmother of N'?

(a) M*T$N@R (b) M*T$R@N(c) M*R$T@N (d) M*R@T@N(e) None of these

Read the following information carefully to answer the question given below:

(i) 'A × B' means 'A is the brother of B';

(ii) 'A ÷ B' means 'B is the father of A';

(iii) 'A + B' means 'A is the sister of B';

(iv) 'A - B’ means 'A is the mother of B';

15. Which of the following means 'Q is the paternal uncle of K'?

(a) K × P ÷ M × Q

(b) K × B ÷ N × Q × D

(c) Q × L ÷R × K

(a) Only (a) (b) Only (b) (c) Only (c) (d) Both (a) and (b) (e) None of these

16. Which of the following statements is/are superfluous to answer the above question?

(a) (i) only (b) (ii) only (c) (iii) only (d) Only (iii) and (iv) (e) None
17. If 'P+Q' means 'P is the father of Q' 'P×Q' means 'P is the brother of Q'; 'P-Q' means 'P is
the mother of Q', then which of the following is definitely true about C-A+B?

(a) B is the son of A. (b) A is the son of C. (c) B is the father of A. (d) C is the mother of B.


1. Sol. The male members in the family are: (i) the man himself; (ii) his four sons and (iii) his (3*4)
=12 grandsons. Hence, total number of male members = (l+4+12) =17, so, the answer is (d).
2. Sol. Clearly, B is the brother of A; A's son is D's brother. This means D is the daughter of A. since C
and D are sisters; C is also the daughter of A. So, b is the uncle of C. Hence, the answer is (d).
3. Sol. A is the sister of B and B is the son/daughter of C. so, A is the daughter of C. also, D is the
father of C. Thus, A is the Granddaughter of D. Hence, the answer is (d)
4. Sol. Divya is wife of Ashok, and Ashok is grandfather of Ravi. So, Ravi is Divya's grandson. Hence,
the answer is (b)
5. Sol. Tanya is Ashok's daughter; Gaurav is Divya's and Ashok s Divya's husband. So, Gaurav is
Tanya’s brother and his wife is Tanaya's sister-in-law. Hence, the answer is (c).
6. Sol. F is E's and hence A's sister. So, C is also the son of F's uncle and is, therefore, F's cousin.
Hence, the answer is (a).
7. Sol. As given, A and E are brothers. Hence both are males. F is the sister of E and hence female. C
is the son and hence male. B and D are daughters and hence female. Thus, there are three males.
So, the answer is (b).
8. Sol. Clearly, from the solution of 2, we find that there are three females. So, the answer is (c)
9. Sol. Clearly, D's father is the brother of C’s father and C's father is A's uncle. So, D's father is also
A's uncle. Thus, D is A's cousin. Hence, the answer is (d).
10. Sol. Rashmi is the daughter of Amit who is, therefore, the eldest son of Sharma’s and married to
Veena, the youngest daughter of the Roys. So, the surname of Rashmi is Sharma. Hence, the
answer is (a).
11. Sol. Sameer is the son of Ashish who is the son of Prashant Arora. So, Sameer is the grandson of
Monika's father. Hence, the answer is (a).
12. Sol. Sameer is the son of Ashish who is the son of Prashant Arora. So, surname of Sameer is
Arora. Hence, the answer is (c).
13. Sol. Ashish is married to Monika who is the daughter of Mrs. Roy. So, Mrs. Roy is the mother-in-
law of Ashish. Hence, the answer is (b)
14. Sol. 'M is the grandmother of N' means 'M is the mother of the father (say T) of N' i.e. M*T$N.
So, the answer is (a).
15. Sol. (a) 'K × P ÷ M × Q' means 'K is the brother of P whose father is M, who is the brother of Q'.
Thus, K is the child of M, who is the brother of Q. So, Q may be the paternal uncle or aunt of K.
(b) 'K × B ÷ N ×Q × D' means 'K is the brother of B, whose father is N, who is the brother of Q, who
in turn is the brother of D. Thus, N is the father of K, and Q is the brother of N. So, Q is the paternal
uncle of K.
(c) 'Q × L ÷ R × K' means 'Q is the brother of L whose father is R, who is the brother of K. Thus, R is
the father of Q and R is the brother of K. So, K may be the paternal uncle or aunt of Q. Thus, only (b)
represents the correct relation. Hence the answer is (b).
16. Sol. Clearly, we used only (i) and (ii) to answer the above question, while (iii) and (iv) are
superfluous. Hence, the answer is (d).
17. Sol. 'C-A+B' means ‘C is the mother of A who is the father of B'. This clearly implies that A is
male and hence the son of C.

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