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Mia Xu

Ms. Catherine Ellis

Nov. 5

Love liar?: How Romeo Caused Death Between Him and Juliet in Romeo and Juliet

In life there is happiness and there is tragedy. How can one text show both the happy and

the tragic endings for the characters? Romeo and Juliet is written by William Shakespeare in

1597. It tells the story between two young lovers who are in two families that are enemies to

each other. Even though they take their lives at the end of the play, there are still happy moments

and moments of hope in the play. Even though there is hope, someone in the play needs to be

blamed for the bad things that happen. Romeo is to blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet.

The tragedy of the play is his fault because he falls in love too fast, he is too emotional and

impulsive, and he is easily influenced by outside forces.

Clearly, Romeo is to blame for the death of himself and Juliet because he falls in love too

fast, they don’t even have time to get to know each other. Along with the first sight during the

Capulet Ball, Romeo falls in love and says, “oh, she doth teach the torches to burn bright!/ It

seems she hangs upon the cheek of night/ Like a rich jewel in an Ethiope’s ear,/ beauty too rich

for use, for earth too dear./ So shows a snowy dove trooping with crows/ as yonder lady o'er her

fellows shows./ The measure done, I’ll watch her place of stand,/ and, touching hers, make

blessèd my rude hand./ Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight!/ For I ne'er saw true

beauty till this night” ( 1.5.40-50). In this quote, Romeo first sees Juliet and is captured by her

beauty. He is saying he is falling in love with Juliet. It shows Romeo is falling in love too fast, he

falls in love at first sight. This quote uses metaphor to describe Juliet is like torches at night that

lights up the darkness, and uses metaphor to show that she is as white as snow. It also uses a
simile to describe her as a rich, expensive and beautiful jewel and compares Juliet with Ethiope’s

skin to show her white and shiny. They all show that Romeo is captured with Juliet’s beauty.

Then he uses hyperbole to describe that Juliet is too beautiful that even the earth can’t afford it.

He means that Juliet is too beautiful that should not appear in the world but in heaven. And he

said he wants to touch Juliet, to kiss her, these are all clues that show Romeo fall in love with

Juliet. In short, this paragraph shows that Romeo is stunning with Juliet’s beauty and falls in love

with her at first sight because she is so pretty. He falls in love too fast, then Romeo and Juliet

can’t have a chance to get to know each other. They don’t know each other’s character, they

don’t know what decision each other may be partial to when they are facing a decision situation,

so they’ll make many misunderstandings between each other. So when Romeo hears the news of

Juliet’s death, he can't tell if this is true or fake, he can’t guess what Juliet would do. If he knows

that Juliet is firm and loving and will never give up any chance to stay with him then he should

have doubt to her death instead of just believing.

Furthermore, Romeo is too emotional and impulsive, and can easily be influenced by

things around him. When Tybalt kills Mercutio, Mercutio curses both Montague and Capulet

when he is dying because they both caused his death, and Romeo is influenced by Mercutio’s

words and says, “Alive in triumph—and Mercutio slain!/ Away to heaven, respective lenity,/

And fire-eyed fury be my conduct now” (Act 3, Scene 1, 120-125). As a result of Mercutio’s

death, Romeo is being controlled by his anger. He is furious that his dear friend is dead but the

one who killed his friend is still alive. This quote shows that Romeo is too emotional and

impulsive because he is easily influenced by Mercutio’s words, therefore he falls into great anger

and regret and kills Tybalt. Additionally, this quote uses plot advancement because the event in

which Romeo kills Tybalt starts the events which lead to the tragic ending of the play. In other
words, it is a turning point when Shakespeare stops describing their sweet love and starts to

depict their suffering. It is very important because it leads the audience to the next part of the

play and pushes the plot forward. If Romeo didn't kill Tybalt, he will not be banished, then he

can be with Juliet in Verona and have a happy life. Altogether, this quote shows Romeo’s

disadvantages that he is too emotional and impulsive, too easily influenced by things around him.

It should be noted that people will lose their minds and do something they shouldn’t do when

they fall into some strong feelings. Romeo is easily controlling with his emotions, does wrong

things and causes their tragedy. He killed Tybalt, caused his banishment, and caused Juliet’s

marriage to Paris. Namely, most of the bad things that are obstacles to their love are all caused by

this action.

Lastly, he is too sentimental and always falls into his own world, addicting to his feelings

and can hardly see what happens outside. When Romeo hears Juliet’s death he comes to Verona

immediately and gets to the Capulet’s tomb, this is when he finds Juliet in the tomb, he says:

“Hath had no power yet upon thy beauty./ Thou art not conquered./ Beauty’s ensign yet/ Is

crimson in thy lips and in thy cheeks,/ And death’s pale flag is not advancèd there”( Act 5, Scene

3, 100-105). This quote shows Romeo finds Juliet in the Capulet’s tomb and finds her still

beautiful like an alive man but didn’t doubt that she is still alive. That is, Romeo is too

sentimental because he is addicting to sadness and all his attention is on his feeling, expressing

sadness so he ignores the strange that shows Juliet may not die, he loses his ability to observe

and think, he can’t discover that Juliet’s cheek and lip are still red is strange and he can’t think

why it is red. In this quote, it uses dramatic irony to indicate that Romeo is about to commit

suicide because he does not know that Juliet is still alive. This creates strong suspense and makes

the audience feel worried, anxious, expectant and curious about what will happen in the future.
Will Romeo really die? If Romeo dies, what action will Juliet take? Or will it get better?

Therefore it helps the audience to immerse more in the play. In this case, we can find that Romeo

is too sentimental. This quote tells strangeness that shows Juliet is not dead, if he just observes

carefully and thinks for a little bit, he will find clues that show Juliet is not dead . But he doesn’t

Because he is addicting to his own world. All his attention is on sadness and how to express his

sadness that when he sees stranges he just ignores and forgets to think deeper, then he can’t find

that Juliet is not dead.

Romeo caused the tragedy between him and Juliet, he is responsible for their death. In

summary, Romeo touches and kisses Juliet in the Capulet ball when they first meet each other

shows he falls in love too fast. Secondly, Romeo fell into great sadness and regret because of

Mercutio’s words, he gets influenced and loses his mind, which causes him to do things he

should not do--kill Tybalt, this shows Romeo is too emotional and impulsive. Last but not least,

Romeo didn’t notice all the strangeness that shows Juliet has not died and killed himself so fast,

this shows he is sentimental, too addicting to his own world and can’t see what happened

outside. From Romeo’s example, lessons on how to live life are told. To begin with, when people

are full of strong emotions, no matter positive or negative, people are caused to do wrong things

because of that. Strong emotions will cover people’s minds, blind eyes, hide feelings, and lock

up all the memories, all there is left that people can see are things that cause strong emotions. So

be aware and be careful when noticing there is a strong emotion appearing. Besides, people

should also keep positive and confident, even if life might have driven to a dead-end, be full of

hope and believe that a miracle can happen, always get ready for the future. Life is always full of

surprises, always believing that luck will befall.

Work Cited

Shakespeare, W. Romeo and Juliet. Perfection Learning Corporation, 2004.

Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Knowledge and Answers the question in Answers the question in Somewhat answers the Does not fully answer the
Understanding the thesis statement the thesis statement question in the thesis question in the thesis
expertly. adequately. statement. statement.
● Thesis statement ● Thesis statement ● Thesis statement ● Thesis statement does
directly answers the answers the question indirectly answers not clearly answer the
question “who is to “who is to blame for the question “who question “who is to
blame for the deaths the deaths of Romeo is to blame for the blame for the deaths
of Romeo and and Juliet?” deaths of Romeo of Romeo and
Juliet?” ● Thesis statement has and Juliet?” Juliet?”
● Thesis statement has two sentences that ● Thesis statement ● Thesis statement
two sentences that outline the opinion includes an opinion includes some
clearly outline the and arguments and somewhat opinion but does not
opinion and distinct discussed in the outlines the outline arguments
arguments discussed in essay. arguments discussed in the
the essay. Introduces the author, text discussed in the essay.
Introduces the author, text and details about the story essay. Harness is missing details.
and details about the story in the harness. Introduces the author, ● Harness is missing at
in the harness. ● Text, author and text and details about the least two of the text,
● Text, author and brief summary of the story in the harness. author, summary of
brief summary of the play connect to the ● Text, author and the text.
play seamlessly hook and thesis. brief summary of Shows limited knowledge
connect to the hook Shows understanding of the play are of the text.
and thesis. the text. included. ● Few details presented
Shows deep understanding ● Most details Shows some from the text are
of the text. presented about the understanding of the accurate.
● Details presented text are accurate. text.
about the text are ● Some of the details
19/25 accurate. presented about the
text are accurate.

Thinking Uses relevant examples Uses mostly relevant Uses some relevant Uses few relevant examples
from the text to support examples from the text to examples from the text to from the text to support
arguments stated in topic support arguments stated support arguments stated arguments stated in topic
sentences. in topic sentences. in topic sentences. sentences.
● Topic sentence ● Topic sentence ● Topic sentence ● Topic sentence does
directly identifies mostly identifies somewhat identifies not identify argument
argument in the argument in the argument in the in thesis statement.
thesis statement. thesis statement thesis statement. ● Missing two relevant
● Has one relevant ● Has one example for ● Has a somewhat examples to support
example for each of each of the three relevant example topic sentences in
the three topic topic sentences in for each of the three body paragraphs.
sentences in three three body topic sentences in Explains the importance of
body paragraphs. paragraphs. three body examples with limited
Explains the importance Explains the importance paragraphs. effectiveness.
of examples with a high of examples with Explains the importance ● States significance of
degree of effectiveness. considerable effectiveness. of examples with some quotes but does not
● Directly links ● Links significance of effectiveness. link back to topic
significance of quotes to topic ● Links the sentence arguments.
quotes to topic sentence arguments. significance of Connects arguments in
sentence arguments. Connects arguments in some quotes to each body paragraph to
Connects arguments in each body paragraph to topic sentence the thesis statement with
each body paragraph to the thesis statement with arguments. limited effectiveness.
the thesis statement with a considerable effectiveness. Connects the arguments ● Concluding sentence
high degree of ● Concluding sentence in each body paragraph of each body
effectiveness. of each body to the thesis statement paragraph is missing
● Concluding sentence paragraph with some effectiveness. or does not link back
of each body summarizes the
paragraph briefly argument and links it ● Concluding to the thesis
summarizes the back to the thesis sentence of each statement.
argument and statement. body paragraph
skillfully links it summarizes the
back to the thesis argument and
19.25/25 statement. somewhat links to
the thesis statement.

Communication Exemplary use of Considerable use of Some use of conventions Limited use of conventions
conventions correctly to conventions correctly to correctly to communicate correctly to communicate
communicate meaning. communicate meaning. meaning. meaning.
● Transitions are used ● Transitions are used ● Transitions ● Transitions are not
expertly to enhance to enhance meaning. sometimes are used used to enhance
writing. ● Uses punctuation, to enhance meaning
● Uses punctuation, spelling and meaning. ● Uses punctuation,
spelling and grammar with few ● Uses punctuation, spelling and grammar
grammar with no errors. spelling and with many errors.
errors. Correct tense is mostly grammar with some Does not use correct tense
Correct tense is always used. errors. ● Uses incorrect tense
used. ● Uses present tense Sometimes uses correct throughout most of
● Uses present tense throughout most of tense the essay.
throughout the entire the essay. ● Uses present tense
18.75/25 essay. throughout some of
the essay.

Application Applies proper formatting Applies proper formatting Sometimes applies Does not apply proper
throughout entire essay throughout most of the proper formatting formatting throughout the
● Uses MLA format essay. throughout the essay. essay.
with no errors. ● Uses MLA format ● Uses MLA format ● Does not use MLA
Correctly and expertly with few errors. with some errors. format correctly
applies literary devices to Correctly applies literary Correctly applies literary Does not correctly apply
quote analysis. devices to quote analysis devices to quote analysis literary devices to quote
● Applies knowledge most of the time. sometimes. analysis.
of literary devices to ● Applies knowledge ● Applies knowledge ● Does not correctly
quote analysis with of literary devices to of literary devices apply knowledge of
no errors. quote analysis with to quote analysis literary devices to
Makes sophisticated few errors. with some errors. quote analysis.
extensions and Makes effective Makes adequate text to Missing text-to-world
connections. text-to-world connections world connections connections
● Uses hook to make a ● Uses hook to make ● Uses hook to make ● Does not make
strong and original an original a common connection to life in
connection to life. connection to life. connection to life. the hook.
● Uses conclusion to ● Uses conclusion to ● Uses conclusion to ● Does not make
make a strong and make an original make a common extension beyond the
20/25 original extension extension beyond the extension beyond text in the
beyond the text. text. the text. conclusion.


Mia, you did a great job writing this essay. Your main strength was identifying and explaining

the literary devices in the quotes you chose - keep it up!

The arguments in your thesis did not match the topic sentences, make sure that they match next

Next steps: At the end of each body paragraph ask yourself how you are going to connect what

you wrote to the opinion. The end of each paragraph should directly link to the thesis.

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