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Nama : Made Roby Wirawan

NPM : 202232121468
Kelas : C8

Program Studi : Manajemen

Practice 1

• Complete the conversation below with appropriate phrases.

Conversation 1 :

A : Good morning ! Global Enterprise. Alice speaking. How may I help you?

B : Good morning, may I speak to Mr. Ben Higgins, please?

A : May I know who's calling?

B : I'm Derek Smith from ABC Insurance.

A : Hold the line please, I'll put you through.

I'm sorry he is not here today. Can I take a message?

B : Yes, please. I'd like to leave a message. Please tell him send the signed
document to my email address at

A : I'm sorry, Could you repeat your email address, please?

B : Yes, it's

A : I'll let him know when he's available. Is there anything else I can help?

B : That's all. Thank you for your help.

A : You're welcome.
Conversation 2 :

A : Good afternoon ! Chusy Restaurant. Mary speaking. How may I help you?

B : Good afternoon, I'd like to reserve a table for five this evening.

A : May I know who's calling?

B : I'm Natalie Coleman from XYZ bank.

A : May I know for who the reservation is and what time?

B : Yes, it's for Mr. Thomas Landay and he'll be there at 7 p.m.

A : Could you spell the name, please?

B : L-A-N-D-AY

A : I'll reserve a table for five for Mr. Landay at 7 p.m. this evening.

B : Yes, thank you for your help.

A : You're welcome. Thanks for calling Chusy Restaurant.

Practice 3

• Work with your partner and practise doing phone conversation with below topics.

Conversation topics 1 :

A : Good morning. Perky Furniture. Nancy speaking, how may I help you?

B : Good morning, I'm Roby Wirawan owner of the new restaurant. I'm calling
because I'm interested in ordering furniture products from your company.

A : Certainly, what products are you interested in ordering for purchase, and how
many of them?

B : I'd like 10 dining tables, 40 chairs and 5 dish racks. Do you offer delivery service?

A : Yes, we do for minimum purchase of IDR 750.000 and your order is over that
minimum amount.

B : Would you send the order this afternoon, please?

A : Certainly, your order will arrive at the restaurant this afternoon. Is there anything
else I can help you with?

B : That's all, thank you for your help.

A : You're welcome. Thanks for calling Perky Furniture.

Conversation topics 2 :

A : Good afternoon. Jaya Enterprise. Sintya speaking, how may I help you?

B : Good afternoon, could I speak to my client Ms. Putri Sari, please?

A : May I know who's calling please?

B : I'm Roby Wirawan from Merdeka Media.

A : Hold the line please, I'll put you through.

C : Putri speaking.

B : Hi Putri, it's Roby from Merdeka Media.

C : Hi Roby, nice to hear from you. How are you?

B : I'm fine, thanks

C : How can I help you Roby?

B : Yes Putri, I can't seem to make it to our meeting tomorrow, can we reschedule our

C : Yes, sure. I will be available next week around 3 to 6 pm. Would that be alright
for you?

B : That's perfect. I'll see you in your office?

C : Yes, that would be great.

B : So, next week at 3 pm at your office.

C : I'll see you next week Roby. Thanks for calling.

B : You're welcome.
Conversation topics 3 :

A : Good morning. Tranquil Resort. Andy speaking, how may I help you?

B : Good morning, could I speak to Mr. Jordy your manager, please?

A : May I know who's calling please?

B : I'm Roby Wirawan the IT Consultant.

A : Hold the line please, I'll put you through.

C : Hi Roby, how are you? Is there anything I can help?

B : Hi Jordy, I'm fine thanks. Yes I'm calling to let you know that your resort website
does not appear in the top position of search engine result. Therefore your resort
needs IT work to improve its position in research engine.

C : Alright.

B : Would you be able to have a meeting so I can present my work and portfolio.

C : Yes, sure. I will be available next Sunday around 1 to 6 pm. Would that be alright
for you?

B : That's perfect. I'll see you in your resort?

C : Yes, that would be great.

B : So, next Sunday at 1 pm at your resort.

C : I'll see you next Sunday Roby, Thanks for calling.

B : You're welcome.

Conversation 4 :

A : Good afternoon. Travel ID. Steve speaking. how may I help you?

B : Good aftenoon, would you connect me to the travel agent, please?

A : May I know who's calling please?

B : I'm Roby Wirawan from Merdeka Company.

A : Hold the line please, I'll put you through.

C : Travel ID, Tina speaking. How may I help you?

B : Good aftenoon, I'm Roby Wirawan from Merdeka Company. I'm calling you to
handle a trip for me and some of my colleagues to Vienna, can you plan for the flight,
hotel and transportation there?

C : Yes sure, when will you do the trip?

B : Next Monday, can you help me?

C : Yes certaintly, is there anything else I can help you with?

B : That's all, thank you for your help.

C : You're welcome, Thanks for calling Travel ID.

Conversation 5 :

A : Good morning. Deltra Furniture. Miko speaking. how may I help you?

B : Good morning, I'm Roby Wirawan from Merdeka Company. I'm calling to inform
you that some of the chairs I ordered to fill the new conference hall arrived in not
good condition. Would you provide a replacement chair please?

A : Yes sure, I'm sorry about that.

B : Would you send me the chair this afternoon?

A : Certainly, your chair will arrive at your company this afternoon. Is there anything
else I can help you with?

B : That's all, thank you for your help.

A : You're welcome. Thanks for calling Deltra Furniture.

Conversation 6 :

A : Good afternoon. Future Company, Rika speaking. how may I help you?

B : Good afternoon, could I speak to Ms. Intan, please?

A :May I know who's calling please?

B : I'm Roby Wirawan from Merdeka Company.

A : Hold the line please, I'll put you through.

C : Hi Roby, how are you? Is there anything I can help?

B : Hi Intan, I'm fine thanks. Yes, I'm calling to inform you that I don't have time to
prepare a marketing report that will be given to customers which should be delivered
on Friday, which is in the next two days. Would you be able to receive the report and
deliver it by the end of next week?

C : Yes sure, I'll deliver the report next week. Is there anything else I can help you

B : That's all, thank you for your help.

C : You're welcome.

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