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Material PR Creation

1.1. Material PR Creation

1.1.1. SAP Easy Access

Step Action

For Material PR Creation enter T-Code

me51n is now entered in the Transaction box.

1.1.2. Create Purchase Requisition

Step Action
Clicking the

Author: numer 1 2019-08-05

Material PR Creation

Step Action

open a dropdown list to find PR docuement type

1.1.3. Create Purchase Requisition

Step Action
Clicking the entry ZNOR Normal/Standard PR
selects it.

1.1.4. Create Purchase Requisition

Author: numer 2 2019-08-05

Material PR Creation

Step Action

(1) The A field is account assignment field.

1.1.5. Create Purchase Requisition

Step Action

(1) Search account assignment

1.1.6. Account Assignment Category (1) 16 Entries found

Step Action

(1) is double-clicked.

Author: numer 3 2019-08-05

Material PR Creation

1.1.7. Create Purchase Requisition

Step Action

(1) Search Materialfor order.

1.1.8. Material Number (1)

Step Action
Click .
for search criteria.

Author: numer 4 2019-08-05

Material PR Creation

1.1.9. Material Number (1)

Step Action

(1) The Plant: field is filled out.

1.1.10. Material Number (1)

Step Action

(1) Click
to search plant.

Author: numer 5 2019-08-05

Material PR Creation

1.1.11. Plant 224 Entries found

Step Action

(1) is double-clicked.

1.1.12. Material Number (1)

Step Action
Click Start Search

Author: numer 6 2019-08-05

Material PR Creation

1.1.13. Material Number (1) 61 Entries found

Step Action

(1) is double-clicked.

1.1.14. Create Purchase Requisition

Step Action

Enter is now pressed.

Author: numer 7 2019-08-05

Material PR Creation

1.1.15. Create Purchase Requisition

Step Action
Enter Plant

1.1.16. Create Purchase Requisition

Step Action

(1) Search Plant

Author: numer 8 2019-08-05

Material PR Creation

1.1.17. Plant (1) 224 Entries found

Step Action

(1) is double-clicked.

1.1.18. Create Purchase Requisition

Step Action

Enter is now pressed.

Author: numer 9 2019-08-05

Material PR Creation

1.1.19. Create Purchase Requisition

Step Action

Enter Quantity .

1.1.20. Create Purchase Requisition

Step Action

(1) Press Enter after quantity feild filled, The Requisitioner field to be filled.

Author: numer 10 2019-08-05

Material PR Creation

1.1.21. Create Purchase Requisition

Step Action

(1) The Requisitioner field is cleared.

1.1.22. Create Purchase Requisition

Step Action

(1) Search Requisitioner

Author: numer 11 2019-08-05

Material PR Creation

1.1.23. Name of requisitioner/requester (1) 75 Entries found

Step Action

Click .

1.1.24. Find

Step Action

(1) The field is filled out.

1.1.25. Name of requisitioner/requester (1) 75 Entries found

Step Action

is double-clicked.

Author: numer 12 2019-08-05

Material PR Creation

1.1.26. Create Purchase Requisition

Step Action

Enter is now pressed.

1.1.27. Create Purchase Requisition

Step Action

(1) The Cost Center field is cleared.

Author: numer 13 2019-08-05

Material PR Creation

1.1.28. Cost Center (1)

Step Action

(1) The field is filled out.

1.1.29. Cost Center (1)

Step Action

(1) Click
to find company code wise cost center

Author: numer 14 2019-08-05

Material PR Creation

1.1.30. Company Code 89 Entries found

Step Action

(1) is double-clicked.

1.1.31. Cost Center (1)

Step Action
Click Start Search

Author: numer 15 2019-08-05

Material PR Creation

1.1.32. Cost Center (1) 444 Entries found

Step Action

Click .

1.1.33. Find

Step Action

L is now pressed.

1.1.34. Find

Step Action

(1) Click OK .

Author: numer 16 2019-08-05

Material PR Creation

1.1.35. Cost Center (1) 444 Entries found

Step Action

is double-clicked.

1.1.36. Create Purchase Requisition

Step Action

Enter is now pressed.

Author: numer 17 2019-08-05

Material PR Creation

1.1.37. Create Purchase Requisition

Step Action

(1) Search PGr (Purchasing Group)

1.1.38. Purchasing Group (1) 10 Entries found

Step Action

(1) is double-clicked.

Author: numer 18 2019-08-05

Material PR Creation

1.1.39. Create Purchase Requisition

Step Action

Enter is now pressed.

1.1.40. Create Purchase Requisition

Step Action

(1) Search POrg(Purchasing Organization) cleared.

Author: numer 19 2019-08-05

Material PR Creation

1.1.41. Purchasing organization (1) 7 Entries found

Step Action

(1) is double-clicked.

1.1.42. Create Purchase Requisition

Step Action

Enter is now pressed.

Author: numer 20 2019-08-05

Material PR Creation

1.1.43. Create Purchase Requisition

Step Action

(1) The Valuation Price(Estimated Price)field is filled out.

1.1.44. Create Purchase Requisition

Step Action

Enter is now pressed.

Author: numer 21 2019-08-05

Material PR Creation

1.1.45. Create Purchase Requisition

Step Action
Click Save

1.1.46. Create Purchase Requisition

Step Action

(1) PR number generated

Author: numer 22 2019-08-05

Material PR Creation

1.1.47. Create Purchase Requisition

Step Action
Click Exit
You can also press Shift+F3.

1.1.48. SAP Easy Access

Step Action

(1) For PR Approval enter T-Code me54n

Author: numer 23 2019-08-05

Material PR Creation

1.1.49. SAP Easy Access

Step Action

(1) me54n is now entered in the Transaction box.

1.1.50. Release Purchase Req. 1000001148

Step Action
Click Other Purchase Requisition

To Search PR for approval.

You can also press Shift+F5.

Author: numer 24 2019-08-05

Material PR Creation

1.1.51. Select Document

Step Action

(1) The Purchase Requisition field is filled.

1.1.52. Select Document

Step Action

Enter is now pressed.

1.1.53. Release Purchase Req. 1000001148

Author: numer 25 2019-08-05

Material PR Creation

Step Action

(1) Click .

1.1.54. Release Purchase Req. 1000001148

Step Action

(1) Click .

1.1.55. Release Purchase Req. 1000001148

Step Action

Author: numer 26 2019-08-05

Material PR Creation

Step Action

Click Save .

1.1.56. Display Purchase Req. 1000001148

Step Action

(1) PR status change

1.1.57. Display Purchase Req. 1000001148

Step Action

Author: numer 27 2019-08-05

Material PR Creation

Step Action

Click Exit .
You can also press Shift+F3.

1.1.58. SAP Easy Access

Author: numer 28 2019-08-05

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