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Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh

Ministry of Road Transport and Bridges

Road Transport and Highways Division
Dhaka Transport Coordination Authority (DTCA)

Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for


TA-6825 BAN (54451-001)

Interim Report 1
March 2023

Oriental Consultants Global Co., Ltd. (OCG)
Joint Venture with
SMEC International Pty Ltd (SMEC)
BCL Associates Limited (BCL)
in association with
Ace Consultants Limited (ACE),
Maxwell Stamp Limited (MSL)
Pacific Rim Innovation and Management Exponents, Inc. (PRIMEX)
Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Document Control Sheet

Type of Document
Version Prepared by Date Checked by Date
0.1 Tomokazu WACHI 28/3/2023

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Table of Contents
1 Progress of the Transport Survey ................................................................................1
1.1 Household Interview Survey (HIS) and Activity Diary Survey (ADS) .....................1
1.2 Traffic Count Survey...............................................................................................4
1.2.1 Survey Progress .......................................................................................11
1.2.2 Output Images of Traffic Count Survey ....................................................12
1.3 Roadside OD Interview Survey ............................................................................13
1.4 Vehicle Occupancy Survey ..................................................................................14
1.5 Road Crash Data Collection (Traffic Accident Data) ............................................14
1.6 Building Inventory and Building Density Survey ...................................................14
1.7 Freight Operation Survey .....................................................................................14
1.8 Other Remaining Survey ......................................................................................14
2 Present Condition of the Dhaka Metropolitan Region ..............................................15
2.1 Population ............................................................................................................15
2.1.1 Population Growth 2001, 2011, and 2022 ................................................15
2.1.2 Age Structure of Population in 2011 and 2022 .........................................16
2.1.3 Population Density by Ward and Union in 2011 and 2022 .......................17
2.2 Vehicle Registration .............................................................................................18
3 Review of the Previous Transport Studies.................................................................19
3.1 Review of Mission and Objectives in STP and RSTP ..........................................19
3.1.1 Vision of Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka 2005 ..................................19
3.1.2 Primary Goals of Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka 2005 .....................19
3.1.3 Overall Goal of RSTP 2016 ......................................................................19
3.1.4 Reconsideration of Mission and Objectives ..............................................20
3.2 Public Transport ...................................................................................................21
3.2.1 Heavy Rail (Bangladesh Railways) ..........................................................21
3.2.2 MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) in Dhaka ........................................................30
3.2.3 Dhaka Subway Proposals (BBA, 2016-2022) ...........................................45
3.2.4 Dhaka Circular Railway Proposals, (Bangladesh Railways, 2022) ..........50
3.2.5 The Dhaka Circular Road and the Eastern Flood Embankment ..............54
3.2.6 Development of BRT in Dhaka .................................................................55
3.2.7 The Bus Sectors in Dhaka ........................................................................72
3.3 Taxis and Ride-Sharing Services .........................................................................96
3.3.1 Car Taxis ..................................................................................................96
3.3.2 Rented Microbuses and Autos .................................................................97
3.3.3 Ride-Sharing Services ..............................................................................98
3.3.4 Car Taxi services ......................................................................................98

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

3.3.5 Motorcycle Lift-Sharing .............................................................................98

3.3.6 Further Developments Since 2019 ...........................................................99
3.3.7 Key Issues for the Government and for the URSTP .................................99
3.3.8 Other Developments in App-Based Services .........................................100
3.4 Road Network and Traffic Management .............................................................100
3.4.1 Road Development Project Proposed in RSTP ......................................100
3.4.2 Ring Road Development Proposal .........................................................101
3.4.3 Current Status of Road Development Projects Proposed in RETP ........103
3.4.4 Traffic Management and Safety .............................................................104
3.4.5 On-going Expressway Projects ..............................................................107
3.5 Lessons Learnt form RSTP ................................................................................108
3.5.1 Need for Setting Targets and Monitoring System ...................................108
3.5.2 Lack of Concrete Improvement Plan for Several Sub Sectors ...............109
3.5.3 Lack of Integration among Multi-Modes of Transport in Planning ..........109
3.5.4 Weak Linkage with Urban Planning and Land Use Plan ........................109
3.5.5 Lack of Coordination among Sub Transport Sectors ..............................109
4 Review of Past Studies Related to Urban Planning ................................................110
4.1 The Strategic Transport Plan 2005 ....................................................................110
4.1.1 Land Use Implications Outlined in STP ..................................................110
4.2 Dhaka Structure Plan (2016-2035).....................................................................112
4.3 The Revision and Updating of the Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka (RSTP)
2016 ...................................................................................................................113
4.3.1 Assessment of Urban Growth Scenarios ................................................117
4.3.2 Development Concept ............................................................................117
4.3.3 RDP Recommended Scenario ...............................................................118
4.3.4 RSTP Concept........................................................................................119
4.4 Detail Area Plan (DAP) 2016-2035 ....................................................................120
4.5 Concluding Notes ...............................................................................................122
5 Application of New Technology ................................................................................123
5.1 Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) ...............................................................123
5.2 Building Polygon Data ........................................................................................124
5.3 Smart Card (Common IC Ticket) ........................................................................125
6 Next Step .....................................................................................................................126
6.1 Household Interview Survey ...............................................................................126
6.2 Traffic Count Survey...........................................................................................126
6.3 OD Interview Survey and Vehicle Occupancy Survey .......................................126
6.4 Other Transport Surveys ....................................................................................126
6.5 Data Processing .................................................................................................126

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

6.6 Data Collection from Relevant Agencies ............................................................126

6.7 Present Analysis on Urban Transport in DMR ...................................................126
Appendix 1: Survey Plan ...................................................................................................127
Appendix 2: Ride-Sharing Service Guidelines, 2017 ......................................................129
Appendix 3: Truck Rental Apps ........................................................................................130
Appendix 4: On-line grocery services in Dhaka .............................................................132
Appendix 5: Road Development Project in RSTP ...........................................................134
Appendix 6: Secondary Data Collection List ..................................................................138

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

List of Tables
Table 2.1 Population Growth in Dhaka Metropolitan Region ................................................ 15
Table 2.2 2 Indicative Population Change from 2011 to 2022 ........................................... 17
Table 3.1 Primary Goals in Strategic Transport Plan (STP) ................................................. 19
Table 3.2 Additional Proposal on Primary Goals .................................................................. 21
Table 3.3 Rail Projects Directly Affecting Dhaka that Were Ranked in the Top 10% of Master
Plan Projects .............................................................................................................. 25
Table 3.4 List and Current Status of Major Railway Projects in and Connecting with Dhaka 27
Table 3.5 Overview of Progress of MRT Lines in Dhaka ...................................................... 35
Table 3.6 DTMC Staffing Strength by Phase (Indicative) ..................................................... 39
Table 3.7 Summary of estimated costs of Eastern Corridor Expressway, BRT-7 and
Proposed MRT ........................................................................................................... 42
Table 3.8 Summary of Proposed Subway Network Implementation ..................................... 46
Table 3.9 Summary Statistics from the Designs for BRT-3 South and BRT-3 North ............ 57
Table 3.10 Timeline of BRT-3 Development in Dhaka .......................................................... 61
Table 3.11 Summary Statistics for the Proposed Pilot Bus Corridor, 2018........................... 67
Table 3.12 Timeline of Past Initiatives to Reform and Improve Dhaka’s Bus System .......... 75
Table 3.13 2020 Total Daily Arrivals of Inter-District Buses and Passengers at Three
Terminals ................................................................................................................... 93
Table 3.14 Projected Number of Buses and Passengers at the Proposed 5 Terminals, 2025
................................................................................................................................... 94
Table 3.15 Summary of Road Development Projects Proposed in RSTP .......................... 101
Table 3.16 Status of Road Development Projects (Phase 1) Proposed in RSTP ............... 103
Table 3.17 Status of Road Development Projects (Phase 2) Proposed in RSTP ............... 104
Table 3.18 Traffic Management and Safety ........................................................................ 104
Table 3.19 Traffic Management Improvement Directions ................................................... 106
Table 3.20 Estimated Cost for Traffic Management and Safety ......................................... 107
Table 4.1 Vision and Objectives of Regional Development Planning ................................. 114
Table 4.2 Urban Hierarchy in Regional Development Planning .......................................... 114

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

List of Figures
Figure 1.1 Advertisement in one Newspaper, Training, and Piloting ...................................... 3
Figure 1.2 Advertisement in one Newspaper .......................................................................... 3
Figure 1.3 Conducting the Field Survey .................................................................................. 4
Figure 1.4: Camera Setup at the Survey Locations ................................................................ 5
Figure 1.5: Camera View of a Survey Location ...................................................................... 5
Figure 1.6: A Video File Folder on a Dated Location with Code Named Files ........................ 6
Figure 1.7 A Snapshot of Traffic Flow Software While Processing Both Inbound and
Outbound View from a Single Video Source................................................................ 7
Figure 1.8 Folders Containing Cropped Images of Vehicle Type Small Truck ....................... 7
Figure 1.9 Virtual Lines Drawn at Suitable Position for Line Crossing Counting .................... 8
Figure 1.10 Software Generated Data in SQLite Database .................................................... 9
Figure 1.11 The Reclassification Web Dashboard with Drop Down Menu ........................... 10
Figure 1.12 Hourly Fluctuation of Traffic Volume by Vehicle Type at EW 12 (Shahbag to
Banglamotor) ............................................................................................................. 12
Figure 1.13 Relationship between Traffic Volume and Average Vehicle Speed ................... 13
Figure 1.14 Traffic Congestion in 13:00 to 15:00 .................................................................. 13
Figure 2.1 Population Growth in Dhaka Metropolitan Region: 2001 – 2022 ......................... 15
Figure 2.2 Population Pyramid in 2011 ................................................................................. 16
Figure 2.3 Population Pyramid in 2022 ................................................................................. 16
Figure 2.4 Population density in 2011 and 2011 ................................................................... 17
Figure 2.5 Number of Newly Registered Vehicles by Vehicle Type: 2007 – 2021 ................ 18
Figure 3.1 Relation between Strategies and Main Features in RSTP .................................. 20
Figure 3.2 Possible Rail Alignments Considered in the 1992-94 DITS (Dhaka Integrated
Transport Study) ........................................................................................................ 22
Figure 3.3 New North-South Rail Line Proposed in the 1995 DMDP (Land-Use Plan for
Dhaka) ....................................................................................................................... 23
Figure 3.4 Rail Projects Proposed in the 2016 Railways Master Plan .................................. 26
Figure 3.5 Detail of Rail Projects Proposed in the 2016 Railways Master Plan .................... 27
Figure 3.6 Passenger Capacities of Different Urban Transport Modes ................................ 31
Figure 3.7 MRT and BRT Proposals in the 2005 STP .......................................................... 31
Figure 3.8 Indicative 2050 Dhaka Mass Transit Network, Proposed by DHUTS in 2010 ..... 33
Figure 3.9 Dhaka Mass Transit Network in 2035, Proposed by RSTP in 2015 .................... 34
Figure 3.10 RSTP (2015): Proposed Phasing of MRT & BRT Projects, 2016-2035 ............. 35
Figure 3.11 DTMC’S Proposed MRT Network as of 2021 .................................................... 37
Figure 3.12 DTMC’s Proposed MRT network as of October 2022........................................ 38
Figure 3.13 Recommended Relationships for DTCA / DMTC to Implement MRT and BRT . 40
Figure 3.14 Proposed Development of the BRT-7 / MRT Corridor: Initially, BRT ................ 41
Figure 3.15 Eventually, MRT added to the BRT to Cater for Future Corridor Demand ........ 41
Figure 3.16 Combined MRT / BRT Design at Stations ......................................................... 42
Figure 3.17 Proposed Alignment for a New At-Grade Expressway on the Eastern (BRT-7)
Corridor ...................................................................................................................... 43
Figure 3.18 Proposed BRT-7 Phasing, 2022-30 ................................................................... 44
Figure 3.19 Proposed BRT-7 Phasing, 2030-40 ................................................................... 44
Figure 3.20 Potential Full Subway Network (from Feasibility Study, 2022) .......................... 47
Figure 3.21 2030 Proposed Subway Network and MRT and BRT Networks........................ 48
Figure 3.22 2050 Proposed Subway Network and MRT and BRT Networks........................ 49
Figure 3.23 Proposed Full Subway Network, by 2070 .......................................................... 50
Figure 3.24 Schematic Diagram of the Circular Rail Line around Dhaka City ...................... 52

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Figure 3.25 Proposed alignment of the Circular Road, Rail, RHD and Elevated Inner Circular
Road projects along the rivers Dhaka ........................................................................ 53
Figure 3.26 Example of Cross Section of Proposed Inner Bypass ....................................... 54
Figure 3.27 Growth of BRT Systems Worldwide, 1972-2014 ............................................... 55
Figure 3.28 Transjakarta’s Public Transport Network 2021, Including 13 BRT Routes ........ 56
Figure 3.29 BRT Lane in Jakarta .......................................................................................... 56
Figure 3.30 Proposed Alignment for BRT-3 South, from the 2012 Preliminary Design ........ 58
Figure 3.31 BRT-3 North Route Map, Airport-Gazipur, from the 2015 Detailed Design ....... 59
Figure 3.32 Proposed BRT Services to Operate on the Combined BRT-3 Corridor ............. 60
Figure 3.33 Proposed cross-section for Kuril-Malibagh Section ........................................... 64
Figure 3.34 Proposed cross-section on Atish Dipankar Road near Kamalapur .................... 64
Figure 3.35 Pilot Bus Corridor, Showing Important Interchanges Along the Route .............. 65
Figure 3.36 Typical Station Platform on the Pilot Bus Corridor ............................................. 66
Figure 3.37 Typical Cross-section for the BRT-7 ‘Eastern Corridor’ ..................................... 68
Figure 3.38 North-South Corridor Proposed in 2015 RSTP for a 6-Lane Highway and BRT-7
................................................................................................................................... 69
Figure 3.39 Proposed Alignment of the BRT-7 Eastern Corridor (and Alignment Originally
Proposed in the Feasibility Study’s TOR) .................................................................. 70
Figure 3.40 Proposed Timetable for Introducing the BRT-7 and Future MRT on the Eastern
Corridor ...................................................................................................................... 71
Figure 3.41 Growth of Large Buses and Minibuses in Dhaka, 1993-2019 ........................... 73
Figure 3.42 Bus Trips as a Percentage of Total Vehicle Trips in Selected World Cities....... 73
Figure 3.43 2020 Bus Route Rationalisation Proposals, 34 Bus Routes Grouped in Six
Clusters ...................................................................................................................... 80
Figure 3.44 Routes 22, 23 and 26 – the first to be Rationalised ........................................... 81
Figure 3.45 New bus stand at Ghatarchar for Dhaka Nagar Paribahan’s Route 22 Service to
Kanchpur ................................................................................................................... 81
Figure 3.46 2012, Proposed Functions of a Dhaka Bus Network Manager .......................... 83
Figure 3.47 2020 Proposal from the World Bank-Funded Study: Short-Term, BUSNET
Established as a Unit within DTCA ............................................................................ 84
Figure 3.48 2020 Proposal from the World Bank-Funded Study: Longer-Term, BUSNET
Established as a State-Owned Enterprise under DTCA ............................................ 84
Figure 3.49 Proposed Organisational Structure for the BUSNET Business Unit under DTCA
................................................................................................................................... 86
Figure 3.50 Bus Lanes (total km) in Various World Cities, 2017 .......................................... 88
Figure 3.51 Bus Lanes in Seoul ............................................................................................ 88
Figure 3.52 Bus Lanes in London ......................................................................................... 89
Figure 3.53 Greater London’s Network of Bus Priority Routes (the Red Routes) ................. 89
Figure 3.54 Bosila Road, Washpur – Potential for Bus Lanes on Nagar Paribahan Route 22
................................................................................................................................... 90
Figure 3.55 Potential for Bus Lanes at Mohammedpur Bus Station Intersection.................. 91
Figure 3.56 Potential Bus Priorities at Motijheel Shapla Mor (Bangladesh Bank) ................ 91
Figure 3.57 Route 22, Potential Bus Priorities at Motijheel ................................................... 92
Figure 3.58 Existing and Proposed Inter-District Bus Terminals .......................................... 95
Figure 3.59 Ring Road Proposal in Dhaka Structure Plan 2016-2035 ............................... 102
Figure 3.60 Ring Roads Proposed in RSTP ....................................................................... 103
Figure 3.61 Traffic Management Improvement Directions .................................................. 106
Figure 3.62 Construction of Dhaka Elevated Expressway .................................................. 107
Figure 3.63 Dhaka Ashulia Elevated Expressway .............................................................. 108
Figure 3.64 Construction of Dhaka Bypass ........................................................................ 108
Figure 4.1 Delineation of Sub-Areas in Study Area ............................................................ 111

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Figure 4.2 Strong Central Spine Scenario (Land Use Scenario 1) ..................................... 111
Figure 4.3 Growth Pole/Satellite Community Scenario (Land Use Scenario 2) .................. 112
Figure 4.4 Dispersed Settlements Scenario (Land Use Scenario 3) .................................. 112
Figure 4.5 Conceptual Structure Plan for Regional Development Planning Area, 2016–2035
................................................................................................................................. 116
Figure 4.6 Planning Area and Zones of DMDP ................................................................... 121
Figure 5.1 RFID Reader Station Set at Pedestrian Bridge ................................................. 123
Figure 5.2 Expected Usage of RFID ................................................................................... 124
Figure 5.3 Comparison of AW3D with DAP Building Polygon in Ward 33 .......................... 125
Figure 5.4 Comparison of AW3D with DAP Building Polygon in Cantonment .................... 125

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

List of Abbreviations

ADB Asian Development Bank

ADS Activity Diary Survey
API Application Programming Interface
ARI Accident Research Institute
AW3D Alos World 3 Dimension
BBA Bangladesh Bridge Authority
BEPZA Bangladesh Export Processing Zone Authority
BIWTA Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority
BIWTC Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Corporation
BR Bangladesh Railway
BRT Bus Rapid Transit
BRTA Bangladesh Road Transport Authority
BRTC Bangladesh Road Transport Corporation
BUET Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
BUTA Bangladesh Urban Transport Authority
CAAB Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh
CAPI Computer Assisted Personal Interview
CCTV Closed-Circuit Television
CNG Compressed Natural Gas
CSO Civil society organizations
Dhaka BRT Dhaka Bus Rapid Transit Company Limited
DHUTS Dhaka Urban Transport Network Development Study
DMA Dhaka Metropolitan Area
DMP Dhaka Metropolitan Police
DMR Dhaka Metropolitan Region
DMTCL Dhaka Mass Transit Company Limited
DNCC Dhaka North City Corporation
DOE Department of Environment
DSCC Dhaka South City Corporation
DSP Dhaka Structure Plan 2035
DTCA Dhaka Transport Coordination Authority
EIA Environment Impact Analysis
EPZ Export Processing Zone
ERD Economic Relation Division
EW Easy-West
EWCD Elderly, Women, Children, Differently abled
FS Feasibility Study
GAP Gender Action Plan
GCC Gazipur City Corporation
GDA Greater Dhaka Area
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GOB Government of Bangladesh

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

GPS Global Positioning System

HH Household
HIS Household Interview Survey
IC Inner Cordon
IMED Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation Division
IMT Intermediate Mode of Transport
IT Information Technology
ITS Intelligent Transport System
JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency
KSTA Knowledge and Support Technical Assistance
LGED Local Government and Engineering Department
MODERATO Management of Origin-Destination Related Adaptation for Traffic Optimization
MORTB Ministry of Road Transport and Bridges
MRT Mass Rapid Transport
NCC Narayanganj City Corporation
NEC-ECNEC National Economic Council–Executive Committee
NGO Non-Government Organization
NMT Non-Motorized Transport
NS North South
OC Outer Cordon
OCG JV Oriental Consultants Global Join Venture
OD Origin Destination
PD Project Director
PIC Project Implementation Committee
PPP Public Private Partnership
PPPA Public-Private Partnership Authority
PPS Probability-Proportional-to-Size
PSC Project Steering Committee
QR Quick Response
RAJUK Rajdhani Unnayan Kartripakkha (Capital Development Authority)
RCA Root Cause Analysis
RFID Radio Frequency Identification
RHD Roads and Highways Department
RSTP Revised Strategic Transport Plan
RTHD Road Transport and Highways Division
SC Screen Line
SCAT Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic
SCOOT Split Cycle and Offset Optimisation Technique
SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment
SEP Stakeholder Engagement Plan
SMS Short Message Service
SP Survey Stated Preference Survey
STP Strategic Transport Plan
SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

TA Technical Assistant
TA Trip Attraction
TAPP Technical Assistance Project Proposal
TAZ Traffic Analysis Zone
TDM Traffic Demand Management
TNA Training need Analysis
TOD Transit Oriented Development
TOR Terms of reference
TP Trip Production
TWG Technical Work Group
URSTP Upgrading of Revised Strategic Transport Plan
USD United States Dollar
VCF Value Capture Financing

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

1 Progress of the Transport Survey

1. The TA Consultant Team planned the following 12 surveys, which will be conducted
during the first phase of the project.
1) Household Interview Survey (HIS) and Activity Diary Survey (ADS)
2) Traffic Count Survey
3) OD Interview Survey at Cordon Line Survey
4) Vehicle Occupancy Survey
5) Travel Speed Survey
6) Pedestrian Flow Survey
7) Modal Choice Stated Preference Survey
8) Bus and Commuter Rail Survey
9) Freight Operation Survey
10) Road Crash Data Collection (Traffic Accident Data)
11) Building Inventory and Building Density Survey
12) Transport Infrastructure Inventory Survey (if required)
2. As of 28 March 2023, among these surveys, Household Interview Survey (HIS) and
Activity Diary Survey (ADS) and Traffic Count Survey have been started. OD Interview
Survey at Cordon Line Survey locations and Vehicle Occupancy Survey at Screen Line
Survey locations are in the process of recruiting a sub-consulting company of
Bangladesh. Survey-wise progress are mentioned in the following sub-sections:
1.1 Household Interview Survey (HIS) and Activity Diary Survey (ADS)
3. Preparation of the HIS and ADS has been started in December 2022, by preparing the
support letters by the DTCA. Originally a sample of 44,500 HHs (0.89% of the
population as per the BBS 2022 population census) was proposed. However, with the
request from DTCA, the TA team had increased sample size by around 17% (7,500
HHs) and reach to 52,000 HHs (1.05% of the population as per the BBS 2022
population census) as a final sample. Moreover, considering the Gazipur and
Narayanganj City Corporation Master Plan Projects will be starting soon, DTCA
suggested not to allocate the additional 7,500 sample sizes in these 2 districts. Based
on the suggestions, the TA team has distributed the additional 7,500 samples in Dhaka
District and Narshingdi. PPS method was followed during this distribution as well.
Following table shows the comparison of sample distribution before and after the
additional sample.

Original Plan Revised Plan

Number of Sample HHs Number of Sample HHs
District Number of Zones
(44,500 HHs) (52,000 HHs)

Listing HIS ADS Listing HIS ADS

Dhaka DNCC Wards- 54 60,326 29,485 678 75,270 36,957 678

DSCC Wards - 75
Union/ Municipality
- 24
Cantonment - 1
Total = 154

Narayanganj NCC Wards - 27 15,704 7,676 176 15,704 7,676 176

Union/ Municipality
- 33
Total = 60

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Original Plan Revised Plan

Number of Sample HHs Number of Sample HHs
District Number of Zones
(44,500 HHs) (52,000 HHs)

Listing HIS ADS Listing HIS ADS

Gazipur GCC Wards - 57 12,744 6,229 143 12,744 6,229 143

Union/ Municipality
Total = 61

Narshingdi Union 1 226 110 3 282 138 3

Total 276 89,000 43,500 1,000 104,000 51,000 1,000

4. Advertisement was published in the social media for field personnel recruitment, and
around 1,250 CVs were received. A total of 200 field personnel was called for the
training after the interviewing 600 personnel. One 4 days long training program for the
Survey Managers/ Supervisors and another 8 days long training program for the
Enumerators were conducted. Around 150 personnel were tested and finally selected
for the field work. The field work started from March 2023 by doing a piloting in early
March, the field survey started from 17 March 2023. For the period of December 2022
– March 2023, the following tasks have been performed:

Preparation of the survey support letters and sending to various authorities by

Explanation of the questionnaire to DTCA
Advertisement for the Field Personnel recruitment and interview for the shortlisting;
Recruitment of the key survey personnel;
Preparation and submission of the survey methodology and plan, training manual,
data collection manual, safety measures, quality control plan etc.;
Survey office setup;
Translation of the questionnaires from English to Bengali;
Preparation of the script of the survey form in the Survey CTO platform;
Uploading the questionnaire into the system;
Conducting beta-testing of the electronic survey instrument;
Preparation of the training plan and schedule;
Conducting training and field test with the field survey personnel;
Recruitment of the finally selected field survey personnel;
Printing required number of survey forms;
Organizing the logistics for the survey;
Conducting the pilot survey in a selected survey zone;
Preparing field team-wise and zone-wise field plan;
Holding feedback session and a refresher training;
Reviewing the collected data from the piloting zone;
Publishing advertisement at 3 national newspapers (The Daily Ittefaq, The
Bangladesh Pratidin, and The Daily Star).

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Figure 1.1 Advertisement in one Newspaper, Training, and Piloting

Figure 1.2 Advertisement in one Newspaper

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Figure 1.3 Conducting the Field Survey

5. The survey team is currently working on:

Preparing the survey dashboard;
Publishing advertisement at one TV channel;
Visiting the police stations before starting the survey;
Conducting the listing exercise, HIS and ADS as per the survey plan.
1.2 Traffic Count Survey
6. (3rd party sub-consultant) has been recruited for the Classified Vehicle
Count Survey at Cordon & Screen Line locations. The traffic from the road will be video
recorded first, and then will be counted using the "automatic vehicle counting using
Artificial Intelligence" which will be followed by reclassification (manual) into 25 vehicle
categories. In the process, 2 times quality check by human in computer will be done.
7. Camera Installation: The data collection methodology will involve the installation of
video cameras at strategic points in the selected locations. The cameras will be set up
in such a way that they capture the movement of vehicles entering and exiting the
locations along with the pedestrians. The cameras will be set to record footage
continuously for a period of 24 hours (and 7 days in some locations), after which the
footage will be transferred to a secure server for analysis. The cameras will be
mounted on an elevated pole of 15 feet or above height. The camera will be installed
on the pole firmly with mounting brackets and dampers to reduce vibrations. Each
camera will be connected to the portable WiFi access point and a battery (with a facility
to install a second battery without interrupt the power). The field supervisor will check
the camera view through a smartphone or laptop for camera view angle and instruct

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

the technician to correct view angles if necessary. The view will be shared with the TA
team to confirm validations of full coverage of the site.

Figure 1.4: Camera Setup at the Survey Locations

Figure 1.5: Camera View of a Survey Location

8. Capturing the Video: After the video data is collected from a specific site and the data
is stored in a central server managed by The data is ready to be processed
for classified traffic volume counting. ‘TrafficFlow’ software will be used which has been
developed from scratch by Sigmind software team to extract the data automatically
and further perform reclassification to produce meaningful reports from the raw video

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

9. Image Detecting Process: ‘TrafficFlow’ uses deep learning-based image processing

technologies to automatically detect, classify, and count vehicles from video data. The
software uses convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to analyze the video frames and
identify the presence of vehicles. The CNNs are trained on a dataset of labelled images
of vehicles to learn the features and patterns that are characteristic of different types
of vehicles. Once the CNNs have been trained, they can be applied to new video data
to detect and classify vehicles in real time. The software then uses object tracking
algorithms to follow individual vehicles as they move through the scene and counting
algorithms to keep track of the number of vehicles that have been detected. Overall,
traffic flow software uses computer vision and machine learning techniques to extract
information from video data.
10. Data Input: Traffic flow software typically reads videos in batch format, meaning it
reads multiple video frames at a time, rather than processing each frame individually.
This allows the software to take advantage of the parallel processing capabilities of the
Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) to speed up the processing time. The videos are split
into 15 minutes time interval by a specialized software in batch, retaining the markup
of the date, time, location and camera ID along with the ID of the quarter. For example,
a video file named 113 represents that it is a 15-minute video at the hour 11 AM on
third quarter, i.e., it starts at 11:30AM and ends at 11:45AM. The videos are encoded
in H265 format for reduced file size while retaining quality.

Figure 1.6: A Video File Folder on a Dated Location with Code Named Files

11. Detection: The first step in the process is detection, where the software scans the
video frames and identifies regions of the image that contain potential vehicles. This is
typically done using a sliding window approach, where the software examines small,
overlapping regions of the image and applies the CNN to each region to determine if it
contains a vehicle. The CNN will output a confidence score for each region, indicating
the likelihood that it contains a vehicle. Regions with a high confidence score are
considered detections, and their coordinates in the image are recorded.

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Figure 1.7 A Snapshot of Traffic Flow Software While Processing Both Inbound and
Outbound View from a Single Video Source

12. Classification: Once the regions containing vehicles have been identified, the next
step is classification, where the software uses the CNN to determine the type of vehicle
in each region. The CNN is applied to each detection and outputs a class label (e.g.,
car, truck, motorcycle, etc.) and a confidence score for each label. The class label with
the highest confidence score is considered the final classification for that detection.
TrafficFlow classification model can recognize up to 13 vehicle classes as instructed
on RHD Manual 2001.

Figure 1.8 Folders Containing Cropped Images of Vehicle Type Small Truck

13. Counting: Finally, the software uses object tracking algorithms to follow individual
vehicles as they move through the scene and counting algorithms to keep track of the
number of vehicles that have been detected. The software will use the coordinates of
the detections from the previous steps to track the movement of each vehicle over

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

time. Predefined virtual lines and directions are provided for identifying which vehicles
are crossing that specific lines at those specific directions. The software will then use
the tracking and line-crossing directional information to count the number of vehicles
that have entered and exited the scene, and to maintain a count of the number of
vehicles present in the scene at any given time.

Figure 1.9 Virtual Lines Drawn at Suitable Position for Line Crossing Counting

14. Data Output: Once the software finishes processing the video data, it writes the results
to an SQLite database. SQL databases are a common choice for storing and managing
large amounts of data because they allow for easy querying and retrieval of data.
Also% all the images of the vehicles are stored in the folder for quick view, check-up
and post processing at a glance.
15. The structure retains the Location ID, Camera ID, Date, and Vehicle Type named
folders. Under each of those vehicle type named folders, there are vehicle image files
named after location, timestamp, direction, and other necessary information to
distinguish each individual images. The software will also create tables in the SQL
database to store the results of the vehicle detection, classification, and counting.
These tables include columns for the coordinates of the detections, the class labels
and confidence scores for each detection, and the tracking information for each
vehicle. The software may also include additional columns to store additional
information, such as the timestamp of each detection and the frame number of the

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Figure 1.10 Software Generated Data in SQLite Database

16. After the data is stored in the SQL database, the software can generate reports in
Excel format, as desired. reports can be generated by querying the database and
extracting the relevant data. The software can then format the data and create charts
and tables to present the data in a clear and easy-to-understand format. The software
can also use MS Excel's built-in data analysis and visualization tools to create more
advanced reports, such as traffic flow analysis, vehicle classification analysis, etc. The
software uses SQL database to store the results of the video analysis and Excel to
generate reports, making the data easily accessible and shareable in a standard
format. This allows for easy monitoring and analysis of the traffic flow and making data-
driven decisions. To sum up, the process of traffic flow software is a combination of
computer vision techniques, such as object detection and object tracking, and machine
learning techniques, such as deep learning, to extract information from video data.
17. Reclassification: After the parity check, the reclassification team will login to the web
dashboard for classifying the 13 classes into 25 classes according to specifications.
Non-motorized Transport (NMT)
1. Walking 2. Bicycle 3. Rickshaw 4. School Van
5. Rickshaw Van 6. Push Car (Thela Gari)

Motorized Transport (MT): 2-Wheeler

7. Motorcycle

Motorized Transport (MT): 3-Wheeler

8. CNG/Mishuk 9. Auto

Motorized Transport (MT): 4-Wheeler (Small)

10. Car/SUV 11. Taxi 12. Microbus 13. Jeep/ Pick-up

Motorized Transport (MT): Bus

14. Tempo/ Leguna/ Maxi 15. Minibus 16. Large Bus
17. AC Bus 18. Staff Bus 19.School/ College/ University Bus

Motorized Transport (MT): Freight

20. Small Open Truck/ Small Van 21. Medium Truck/ Truck 2-Axle

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

22. Large Truck/ 3-AxleTruck 23. Container Trailer

24. Tanker/ Tank Lorry

Other Transport
25. Other (Ambulance, Fire engine, Towing Car, Construction Vehicles, Armored car,
Animal driven Car etc.)
18. In this step, the web dashboard presents the cropped images of each vehicle
categories within date and time range. Looking at the cropped images, the
reclassification team will further label the image into the designated 25 classes from a
drop-down menu. This process will require each image to be reclassified in 2 seconds
per person, so if there are 5,000 vehicle images found in a single day, the
reclassification will take approx. 10,000 seconds or 167 minutes which is roughly 3
hours. As per the project plan, approximately 12 data entry operators will be assigned
for the reclassification task in two shifts considering their fatigue and the human errors
associated. The total time needed for the whole reclassification can’t exactly be
quantified yet because the number of vehicles or vehicle images is not approximated
at this step, however, more members will be assigned to the reclassification team if

Figure 1.11 The Reclassification Web Dashboard with Drop Down Menu

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

19. Quality check: All the vehicle images are automatically cropped and saved in a folder
with the vehicle class name, timestamp, and locations. For the sake of further
refinement, the user can check the folders visually and correct any discrepancies
regarding the wrong vehicle class. This process is fast and easy to perform by hand
manually. This post-analysis step can improve classification accuracy by up to 100%
with very little supervision. The quality check process involves manually reviewing the
automatically cropped vehicle images and correcting any discrepancies regarding the
wrong vehicle class. The number of people who perform the quality check and the
amount of time spent per hour will depend on the volume of data being analyzed and
the desired level of accuracy. In general, 4~6 people can perform the quality check
and it can take about 5 minutes to 30 minutes for each hour of video data, depending
on the complexity of the video and the number of vehicles present in the scene. This
time can vary, for example, if the video is a busy traffic scene with a lot of vehicles, the
time spent on quality check will be more. In summary, the quality check process is one
of the most important steps in ensuring the accuracy of the vehicle classification, but
the number of people and the amount of time required will depend on the volume of
data being analyzed and the desired level of accuracy.
1.2.1 Survey Progress
20. has started capturing the videos with a target to complete the Screen line
locations before the start of the Ramadan Month (23 March 2023). So far, the progress
is as follows:
Preparation of the survey methodology, work plan and detailed location-wise
survey plan;
Modification of the ai platform as per the project needs;
Development of the reclassification platform;
Engaging the field survey and data processing personnel;
Organize all the logistics for the survey;
Visiting the local Police Stations to inform the field work schedule of their area
Conducting data collection activities in the Screen Line Survey Locations;
Processing the video data through the ai platform, reclassification, and quality

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

1.2.2 Output Images of Traffic Count Survey

21. Classified vehicle count survey has started at Screen Line Survey stations. At present
recorded video at the survey site have been processed by AI-aided vehicle count
program. The video data will be further classified into 25 vehicle types.
22. Initial analysis results are shown with already processed data. Hourly fluctuation of
traffic volume by vehicle type at the survey station EW12 is shown Figure 1.12. It
should be noted that the number of motorcycles is significantly large. Both motorcycle
and cars show high peak in the morning periods from 9:00 to 13:00. Then sharp drop
is observed for both cars and motorcycles during 13:00 and 15:00. This decreasing
traffic volume can be attributed to the serious traffic congestion in that period. It was
confirmed with recorded video as shown in Figure 1.14.

Figure 1.12 Hourly Fluctuation of Traffic Volume by Vehicle Type at EW 12 (Shahbag

to Banglamotor)

1350 Walking, NMT
1250 Rickshaw
1150 Motorcycle
1050 Car
Number of Vehicles

950 Bus
900 Truck
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 0 1 2 3 4 5
Start Time of Hour Band

Source: URSTP Traffic Count Survey, 2023

23. During the implementation of traffic count survey, average vehicle speeds by hour
band are estimated by Google API. Relationship between traffic volume and average
vehicle speed are depicted in Figure 1.13. General tendency of decreasing travel
speed in accordance with traffic volume can be observed.

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Figure 1.13 Relationship between Traffic Volume and Average Vehicle Speed




Speed (km/hr)





0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Hourly Traffic Volume (PCU)

Source: URSTP Traffic Count Survey, 2023

Figure 1.14 Traffic Congestion in 13:00 to 15:00

Source: URSTP Traffic Count Survey, 2023

1.3 Roadside OD Interview Survey

24. The TA team had designed a Request for Proposal and shared with some relevant
local consulting companies to submit proposals. Upon receiving the proposal, the
evaluation has been completed and contract negotiation has been completed with the

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

1st ranked organization. The TA team is in the process of submitting the proposals,
the evaluation with recommendation to award to the ADB for their official approval to
25. The current plan is the 3rd party organization (upon recruitment) will take complete
preparation during the Ramadan month including submitting the Inception Report and
start the field data collection right after the Eid-ul-Fitr holidays.
1.4 Vehicle Occupancy Survey
26. Vehicle Occupancy Survey at the selected Screen Line Survey locations will be
conducted by the same sub-consultant who will be recruited for the Roadside OD
Interview Survey, as mentioned in the previous section.
1.5 Road Crash Data Collection (Traffic Accident Data)
27. The TA team has already been contacted with the Bangladesh Police, Dhaka
Metropolitan Police, and Accident Research Institute (ARI) of BUET and received
some secondary road crash data. The team is now preparing a detailed format to
collect more crash data as required. However, it seems that collection of the road crash
data outside DMP was not carried out properly since 2015, after Bangladesh Police
has introduced an online platform. It was understood that ARI doesn’t have district wise
traffic accident data after 2015.
1.6 Building Inventory and Building Density Survey
28. Building polygons with height data (AW3D) of the central part of DMR has been already
procured and is currently under review. The TA team is planning to carry on the
inventory survey using this data to capture the type of building use and the number of
users for such facilities.
1.7 Freight Operation Survey
29. The TA team has prepared the questionnaire for the survey. The Request for
Proposals will be prepared and sent to the potential local consulting companies and
the selection of the company and contract procedure will be started.
1.8 Other Remaining Survey
30. The TA team is currently designing the scope of the other remaining surveys i.e.,
Travel Speed Survey, Pedestrian Flow Survey, Modal Choice Stated Preference
Survey (after the MRT line 6 is completely operational), Bus and Commuter Rail
Survey etc.

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

2 Present Condition of the Dhaka Metropolitan Region

2.1 Population
2.1.1 Population Growth 2001, 2011, and 2022
31. Total population in Dhaka Metropolitan Region was 10.1 million in 2001 and it
increased to 15.0 million in 2011 as shown in Table 2.1. In the latest Population
Census in 2022, it is reported that the total population has grown to 19.3 million
persons. During the past two decades, the population in the region has become
doubled as illustrated in Figure 2.1.
32. During the period from 2011 to 2022, the average annual growth rate in Dhaka City
Corporation was 1.4 percent while the outside of Dhaka City indicates high growth rate
of 3.7 percent. This indicates progress of suburbanisation outward from the city.
Table 2.1 Population Growth in Dhaka Metropolitan Region
Area Population (million persons) Average Annual Growth
Rate (%)

2001 2011 2022 2001 - 2011 2011- 2022

Dhaka City Corporation 6.5 8.8 10.3 3.2 1.4


Outside Dhaka City 3.6 6.1 9.0 5.2 3.7


Total (Dhaka 10.1 14.9 19.3 4.0 2.4

Metropolitan Region)

Source: Population Census 2001, 2011, and 2022

Figure 2.1 Population Growth in Dhaka Metropolitan Region: 2001 – 2022

million persons
20.0 Outside Dhaka City
18.0 Corporation
16.0 Dhaka City Corporation
14.0 (DNCC+DSCC)
2001 2011 2022
Source: Population Census 2001, 2011, and 2022

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

2.1.2 Age Structure of Population in 2011 and 2022

33. Age structure by sex in 2011 is shown in Figure 2.2 and that in 2022 is depicted in
Figure 2.3. When five-year age group population in 2011 are shifted by 11 years and
compared with the same age group of 2022 population, it is found that considerable
increase of population in age group of 20-24 and 25-29 for both male and female. This
remarkable in-migration of young generation results in high population growth of the
Figure 2.2 Population Pyramid in 2011

Population Pyramid 2011

1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5
million persons

Source: Population Census 2011

Figure 2.3 Population Pyramid in 2022

Population Pyramid 2022


90-94 Male

80-84 Female








1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5
million persons

Source: Population Census 2022

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Table 2.2 2 Indicative Population Change from 2011 to 2022

Male Female

Age Group persons % of 2022 persons % of 2022

population population

15-19 271,297 27% 303,891 31%

20-24 422,881 36% 494,752 41%
25-29 460,325 37% 393,070 34%
30-34 36,959 4% (92,709) -11%
35-39 (111,029) -11% (112,579) -14%
40-44 (109,870) -15% (103,674) -19%
45-49 (138,933) -25% (106,451) -27%
Source: Population Census 2011, 2022
Note: Deaths between 2011 and 2022 are not counted. Age group below 15 years old and 50 years old
and more are omitted.

2.1.3 Population Density by Ward and Union in 2011 and 2022

34. Compared population density by Ward and Union in 2011 with that in 2022 as
illustrated in Figure 2.4, the central area has increased density. Urban expansions are
observed in the north-western areas of the DMR whereas southeast direction toward
Narayanganj also shows significant increase of population density along the corridor.

Figure 2.4 Population density in 2011 and 2011

Source: Manipulated based on the population census data 2011 and 2022

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

2.2 Vehicle Registration

35. Number of newly registered vehicles are depicted in Figure 2.5. The number of newly
registered cars, buses, and trucks have been almost constant except slow down from
2010 to 2012 and 2019 to 2020. In contrast the number of motorcycles has been
increasing from 2014 to 2018 before COVID-19. The average annual growth rate of
motorcycle registration amounts 34 percent in that period. From 2018 to 2020, the
registration number of motorcycles has decreasing but it has been increasing again
from 2021,

Figure 2.5 Number of Newly Registered Vehicles by Vehicle Type: 2007 – 2021

Number of Newly Registered Vehicles

2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 2021

Source: Bangladesh Road Transport Authority

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

3 Review of the Previous Transport Studies

3.1 Review of Mission and Objectives in STP and RSTP

3.1.1 Vision of Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka 2005

36. The Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka (2005) stated the vision for developing the
transport system as “To develop and maintain a sustainable multi-modal transportation
system, serving the mobility needs of society by ensuring a safe and efficient transport
system that supports social and economic development as well as international
competitiveness, ensures a healthy and secure environment for all of its residents and
contributes towards the alleviation of poverty”.

3.1.2 Primary Goals of Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka 2005

37. The mission statement in STP was further divided into eight primary objectives as listed
in Table 3.1
Table 3.1 Primary Goals in Strategic Transport Plan (STP)
Goal Contents
1. Efficiency Make the best use of existing resources and investments. Reduce traffic
congestion to reduce travel time and vehicle operating costs
2. Mobility & Provide basic mobility and accessibility for all – for work, education, health
Accessibility and other services
3. Safety Reduce the number of transport-related deaths, injuries and property
4. Affordability Find the right balance between the transport sector’s financial needs and
the Government’s financial resources
5. Achievability Develop transport operations, projects and services that match the
capabilities of the institutions responsible
6. Economic Support economic growth and competitiveness – especially by reducing
Development travel times and vehicle costs, and improving punctuality
7. Social Development Develop transport that is affordable and helps to alleviate poverty, and
(Equity) serves men and women equally, including vulnerable persons
8. Environment Minimize the transport sector’s negative impact on the environment
(especially air pollution, noise and vibration) and raise transport-related
environmental awareness in society
38. “4. Affordabilty” and “5. Achivability” can be regarded as conditions for developing the
transport system stated in the mission.

3.1.3 Overall Goal of RSTP 2016

39. The Revised Strategic Transport Plan (hereinafter referred to as “RSTP”) states
“Ensure Mobility and Accessibility to Urban Services that are vital for the People and
the Society” by providing a transport system characterized by safety, amenity, and
equity and sustained by an efficient public transport system” as overall goal for
development of transport system.
40. RSTP identified four “main features” listed below;
Strengthening of Public Transport
Improvement of Regional Competitiveness of the City
Realization of Well-managed Environment-friendly City
Adoption of Immediate Congestion Mitigation Measures
These features can be seen as objectives of transport system development.

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

41. RSTP listed eight specific goals and strategies to achieve overall goal as follows;
Promotion of social understanding
Effective urban growth management
Promotion of attractive public transport
Efficient traffic control and management
Effective transport demand management (TDM)
Transport space and environment
Traffic safety and reduced environmental impacts
Strengthening transport administrative capacities
42. RSTP regards these eight items as goals and strategies. The eight items mention how
to achieve objectives; therefore, it is better to regard as strategies. RSTP shows the
relationship between four main features and eight strategies. RSTP shows various
countermeasures for each strategy.

Figure 3.1 Relation between Strategies and Main Features in RSTP

Main Features
1. Promotion of Social Understanding about
Urban Transport Problems and Issues Strengthening of Public
2. Effective Management of Urban Growth and
3. Promotion and Development of Attractive Improvement of Regional
Public Transport Competitiveness of the
4. Efficient Traffic Control and Management
Realization of Well-
5. Effective Transport Demand Management managed Environment-
(TDM) friendly City
6. Comprehensive Development of Transport
Space and Environment
Adoption of Immediate
7. Enhancement of Traffic Safety Congestion Mitigation
8. Strengthening of Transport Sector
Administrative and Management Capacities

3.1.4 Reconsideration of Mission and Objectives

43. Since the environment of urban transport has been changed, urban resilience related
to global warming should added to the primary objectives.
44. Security can be also added as an independent objective. Security is often dealt
together with traffic safety; however, the characteristic is different. Therefore, security
can be added as additional item. Ultimate goal of developing transport system should
be improvement of quality of life of the residents in the Dhaka metropolitan area; thus
“Health” of residents is also important. Exercise is required for maintaining health in
good condition. In this regard, walking and bicycling should be promoted in daily life
of the citizens.
45. Additional primary goals are proposed in Table 3.2 and selection primary goals will be
discussed through Public Consultation, Focus Group Meeting, Advisory Committee,
Technical Working Group, analysis on transport surveys, including opinion survey in
Household Interview Survey.

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Table 3.2 Additional Proposal on Primary Goals

Goal Contents
9. Urban Resilience Prevent global warming by reducing emission of greenhouse gases in
(Global Warming) transport sector
10. Security Protect public transport passengers from robbery, pickpocket on board
and at stations, terminals, and bus stops
11. Health of Residents Make walking and cycling safe, easy, and attractive, to promote the health
of Dhaka’s residents
3.2 Public Transport

3.2.1 Heavy Rail (Bangladesh Railways)

46. Until recently there was only one rail line running through Dhaka, from north to south
(Tongi to Narayanganj) via Kamalapur. Heavy rail (as distinct from MRT – mass rapid
transit) 1 was largely overlooked in most of the urban transport plans and land-use
plans prepared for Dhaka since the 1960’s.
47. However, in the past decade heavy rail has greatly increased in importance in the
capital region with the upgrading of existing lines and construction of new lines and is
likely to play a much greater role in Dhaka in the future. Plans in the 1990’s
48. The 1992-94 Dhaka Integrated Transport Study (DITS) considered various rail
options for Dhaka, including heavy and light rail; elevated/underground/ at-grade; and
electric/ diesel. Various alignments were considered, but none were specifically
proposed (see Figure 3.2)

Note on terminology: ‘Heavy rail’ here refers to the traditional rail services operated by Bangladesh Railways, which includes
longer-distance passenger journeys and also freight trains. MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) is also a form of ‘heavy rail’, with similar
or higher passenger capacities compared with traditional suburban rail services but is usually focused on the main urban area
rather than outlying suburbs.

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Figure 3.2 Possible Rail Alignments Considered in the 1992-94 DITS (Dhaka Integrated
Transport Study)

Source: DITS Mid-Term Report, 1993, Fig. 31

49. The 1995 Dhaka Metropolitan Development Plan (DMDP) did not propose any new
alignments for rail in Dhaka, apart from a new rail bypass between Airport and Fatullah
(north of Narayanganj). The reason for proposing the new line was to increase road
and rail capacity by avoiding the numerous at-grade crossings of the rail line (see
Figure 3.3). However, the proposed line was not implemented.

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Figure 3.3 New North-South Rail Line Proposed in the 1995 DMDP (Land-Use Plan for

Source: Draft Dhaka Structure Plan, 2016-2035, Map 1-3, page 31, quoting the Dhaka Metropolitan
Development Plan (DMDP) Structure Plan, 1995-2015, Strategic zoning proposals. Note: In the above map,
the rail proposals and flood embankment road proposals have been highlighted for clarity The 2005 Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka (STP)

50. The STP did not investigate heavy rail options for Dhaka but focused on MRT and
BRT. The reasons why heavy rail was not investigated in the 2005 STP were:
At the time Bangladesh Railways (BR) was considering its own feasibility study of
options for the rail line between Tongi and Kamalapur, to alleviate delays due to
the number of at-grade crossings. The three options were:
i. Relocating the rail line to east of Pragati Sarani

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

ii. Terminating the rail line and all rail services at an appropriate northern point
and relying upon intra-urban modes to distribute and collect passengers and
goods throughout Dhaka
iii. Elevating the railway along the existing alignment and substantially upgrading
the rail services
The STP team was doubtful about the prospects for urban rail services in Dhaka
due to (i) Bangladesh Railway’s loss-making and heavy dependence on subsidies;
(ii) BR’s primary responsibility for transporting passengers and goods nationally.
Consequently, the STP concluded: “the likelihood of Bangladesh Railway taking
on the added responsibility for developing and operating any type of urban mass
rapid transit or high-capacity commuter rail service for the Dhaka area is seen as
problematical.” (STP, 2005, Chapter 3, page 15)
51. Consequently, all of the STP proposals for rail were focused on new MRT lines inside
the city. The 2010 DHUTS (Dhaka Urban Transport Network Development Study)
52. The DHUTS study was completed in 2010 and focused on the Dhaka metropolitan
area, which is smaller than the RAJUK area. The purpose of the DHUTS study was to
take forward and develop the proposals of the STP, particularly with regard to mass
transit and other major projects (e.g., highways and expressways).
53. As a result, the DHUTS did not consider heavy rail, but focused on the future MRT
network within Dhaka’s built-up area. The 2015 RSTP (Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka)
54. The RSTP acknowledged that Bangladesh Railways had a ‘large potential’ for
providing suburban/ urban rail services in Dhaka if BR could be improved at a
nationwide scale. But the RSTP noted that inter-city and suburban/urban rail services
were often contradictory because of the different nature of their services and operation.
(RSTP, Chapter 12.3)
55. Consequently, the RSTP did not contain any significant proposals for heavy rail as
operated by Bangladesh Railways, and instead focused on MRT and BRT and the bus
56. It is worth noting that co-ordination between Bangladesh Railways and DTCA at this
time appears to have been rather limited. For example, the 2016-2045 Bangladesh
Railway Master Plan stated that:
“DTCA and BR have yet to confer on urban transport projects and services. There
may or may not be common interests offering opportunities for collaboration. To date,
BR and DTCA have not communicated. It is time to explore such prospects before it
is too late.” (Quote from 2016 Railway Master Plan, Section 5.5, ‘Commuter Rail’,
page 101) The 2016-2035 Dhaka Structure Plan (DSP)
57. The 2015 DSP, which was prepared for RAJUK as part of the ADB-funded City Region
Development Project (CRDP-1), also focused on MRT and BRT for Dhaka’s mass
transit, though many of the DSP proposals were quite different to those of the RSTP.
For example, the BRT-7 proposed by RSTP was proposed as an MRT in the Dhaka
Structure Plan (and DHUTS, 2010).
58. Heavy rail, as operated by Bangladesh Railways, was hardly considered, (for example,
there was no mention of the under-construction Padma Bridge which included a new
rail line). The DSP did, however, recommend the development of commuter rail lines
in and around Dhaka, both existing lines (e.g., Dhaka-Narayanganj, Dhaka-Joydevpur,

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Dhaka-Tangail, Dhaka-Brahmanbaria), and new lines (e.g., to Rajbari via Manikganj,

to Mawa, and Narayanganj to Munshiganj). But this was simply a ‘wish list’, and no
further details were given. (See draft DSP Policy Trans/2.4, page 107) The 2016 Bangladesh Railways Master Plan
59. The 2016 Railway Master Plan set out proposals for railways in Bangladesh to 2045.
230 projects were proposed during this 30-year period and prioritised according to four
main criteria.2
60. Out of the top 20 projects (according to the priority list), 9 were directly connected with
Dhaka, as follows:
Table 3.3 Rail Projects Directly Affecting Dhaka that Were Ranked in the Top 10% of Master
Plan Projects
Project no. Project
in 2016
Master Plan
5 Bangabandhu railway bridge construction (across Jamuna River)
28 Joydevpur-Ishurdi, construction of double line
36 Joydevpur-Mymensingh-Jamalpur, dual gauge line next to existing metre-gauge line
60 Narayanganj, construction of new locomotive workshop
61 Narayanganj, construction of repair and maintenance workshop for DEMU
144 ICD container depot near Dhirasram rail station
23 Narayanganj-Joydevpur section, construction of overpass/flyover
29 High Speed Railway, Dhaka-Chattogram via Narayanganj/Laksham/Cumilla
32 Tongi to Bhairab, conversion of metre gauge double line to dual gauge double line
Source: Bangladesh Railways Master Plan, 2016

61. The first six priority projects above were scheduled to be implemented by 2020, and
the last three by 2025.
62. It is worth noting that the Dhaka Circular Railway was included in the 2016 Railway
Master Plan but given a low priority – it was ranked Category 8, making it 34th out of
67 projects in Phase 2 (2021-2025) (Ref: 2016 Railway Master Plan, Appendix 7,
Project Rankings). Current Status of Major Railway Projects around Dhaka
63. The current status of major railway projects connected with Dhaka are shown in Figure
3.4, Figure 3.5 and listed in Table 3.4.

2 The four assessment criteria were: (1) Traffic forecast (potential to increase traffic); (2) Cost; (3)
Economic and financial viability, assessed qualitatively if Feasibility Study not available; (4) Impact on
Safeguards (e.g. environmental, social), assessed qualitatively. Technical feasibility was not included
in the ranking, as all projects in the list were assumed to be technically feasible.

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Figure 3.4 Rail Projects Proposed in the 2016 Railways Master Plan

Source: Railways Master Plan, 2016, Fig. 1-1

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Figure 3.5 Detail of Rail Projects Proposed in the 2016 Railways Master Plan

Source: Railways Master Plan, 2016, Fig. 1-1

Table 3.4 List and Current Status of Major Railway Projects in and Connecting with Dhaka
Project Details Cost Cost ($bn) Estimated
(Tk. Completion
Crore) Date
1 Dhaka-Tongi 3rd & 4th line, dual gauge 2,159 0.26 2027
2 Tongi-Joydevpur 2nd line, dual gauge
3 Bangabandhu 4.8km bridge, two lines 1.6 2025
4 Joydevpur-Ishurdi, Two lines, dual gauge (design 14,250 1.33 2029
via new currently under review)

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Project Details Cost Cost ($bn) Estimated

(Tk. Completion
Crore) Date
5 Joydevpur- 143km two lines dual gauge, 8,808 1.06 (but Under
Mymensingh- constructed alongside (but costs under review
Jamalpur existing single line costs review)
6 Tongi-Paturia via Feasibility study proposed by 17,316 2.1 2040
Manikganj and BR in April 2022.
Goalanda Implementation proposed in
2016 Railways Master Plan
for Phase 5 (2036-2040)
6 Akhaura-Laksham 72km single line converted to 6,504 0.78 2024
two lines, dual gauge
7 Akhaura-Sylhet 225km, single line converted 16,104 1.94 2025
to dual gauge (or else convert (costs (Costs (But now
to two lines) under under under
review) review) review)
8 Pubail-Dhirashram 6km link implemented as part 1,763 0.22 Under
new rail link of Dhaka-Chattogram-Cox’s construction
Bazar rail corridor
9 Dhirashram ICD 62.3 Ha with capacity 5,152 0.77 Construction
432,000 TEU’s/year 3 to begin in
(compared with 90,000 TEU’s 2024
at Kamalapur ICD)
10 New railway ?? ??
workshop at
11 Padma Rail Link, 169km: 3.7 2024
Dhaka-Jashore 3 dual gauge lines (Excluding
Kamalapur-Gandaria; Padma
2 dual gauge lines Dhaka- Bridge)
single line, dual gauge at
Padma Bridge.
2 dual gauge lines Padma
River to Jashore
12 Dhaka-Payra Port 240km route to serve 44,498 5.4 Feasibility
rail link via Padma Bangladesh’s new deep- study
Bridge, Barisal and water port at Payra completed
Patuakhali 2021
13 Dhaka- 12km dual gauge laid parallel 379 0.047 Started
Narayanganj to existing metre-gauge track, 2017, on-
and new railway terminal going (but
building at Narayanganj delayed by
Padma rail
14 Dhaka- Straight line from 1.5 Feasibility &
Narayanganj- Narayanganj to Cumilla, to (based on detailed
Cumilla chord line reduce rail journey distance newspaper design
Dhaka-Chattogram from reports) started 2023
320km to about 230km (i.e.,
28% reduction)

TEU = Twenty Feet Equivalent Units

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Project Details Cost Cost ($bn) Estimated

(Tk. Completion
Crore) Date
15 Study of Feasibility study approved in Study
Narayanganj- Oct. 2021 completion
Dhaka-Chattogram by 2023
16 Dhaka-Chattogram 225km route via 93,351 11.2 Feasibility
high speed train Narayanganj, Cumilla, Feni (2017) study
completed in
17 Kamalapur Multi- Interchange of railway and 4 800 0.1 At design
Modal Transport MRT lines, with TOD stage
18 Dhaka Circular 80.9km route, 24 stations, 8.4 Feasibility
Railway 9.9km underground (12% of study
route), and remainder completed in
elevated 2020
Total Cost 20.8bn (not including High
Speed Train or Dhaka
Circular Railway) Implications of the Rail Sector Projects for the URSTP

64. The proposed railway investment in the Dhaka sub-region over the next twenty years
is massive and will greatly change the role of rail in the capital region. Some of the
main implications for the URSTP include:
1. The proposed railway investment could potentially divert a large amount of traffic
to Dhaka from road to rail, both for passengers and freight.4 The Bangladesh
Railways plans and the URSTP should aim to maximise this shift from road to rail
by maximising the future capacity and use of the railway network.
2. The proposed new lines and railway improvements have the potential to assist
decentralisation of Dhaka’s growth to outlying growth centres and satellite towns.
Indeed, this is often given as a key reason for implementing the proposed new lines
(e.g., Joydevpur-Manikganj, Joydevpur-Mymensingh, and others). This potential
to decentralise Dhaka’s growth can be supported by:
Preparing a plan for decentralised growth at the sub-regional level (which
agency will do this?)
Follow-up measures and funds to implement the growth centres, such as land
acquisition and land development
Institutional changes to support the sub-regional approach (e.g., expanding
RAJUK’s area, or setting up new institutional arrangements)
3. How will rail schemes be prioritised, particularly in relation to other major transport
infrastructure investments such as MRT, highways/expressways and other major
projects? Naturally, Bangladesh Railways will have a leading role in prioritising
railway investments, but these will need to balance against, and integrated with,
other projects that also compete for limited funds. The methodology for project
selection and prioritisation will also need to be robust and transparent.
4. Alignments will need to be protected for future rail corridors, both for completely
new lines and expansion of existing lines.

4 For example, Bangladesh Railways estimates that potentially 25% of container freight traffic
countrywide could be carried by rail, up from the present 10%.

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

5. Future railway capacity within Dhaka needs to be planned, so that future

bottlenecks are anticipated and prepared for in advance. This will require good
integration of the railway network with the future MRT and other mass transit
modes in Dhaka.
6. Past experience indicates a need for better co-ordination between Bangladesh
Railways and DTCA.

3.2.2 MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) in Dhaka Description of MRT

65. Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) – sometimes called a metro – can be overground or
underground, is usually electric-powered, and is similar to heavy rail except it is
designed for high passenger capacities in urban areas. Consequently, the stations are
typically closer together at intervals of 0.5-1km in central areas and 1-2km in the
suburbs, with services at frequent intervals. Headways between trains can be as low
as 90 seconds, but 120 seconds is typical at peak times. Other MRT features include
smart ticketing and automatic doors, to boost passenger throughput.
66. Many large cities such as London, Paris, Berlin, Tokyo, Jakarta, etc., have a two-tier
system of urban railways: rapid transit in the central areas, and heavy rail (with longer
trains, faster speeds, and longer distances between stations) in the suburbs.
Consequently, MRT lines are usually shorter than suburban rail lines. In Tokyo, most
of the 9 Metro and 4 Subway lines are less than 26 km, and only one is longer (the
Oedo line at 40.7km, roughly the distance from Narayanganj to Gazipur). Typical
passenger capacities on MRT lines range from about 35,000 passengers per hour per
direction (pphpd) up to a maximum of 60-85,000 pphpd. Dhaka’s MRT-6 is designed
with a passenger capacity of about 60,000 pphpd.

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Figure 3.6 Passenger Capacities of Different Urban Transport Modes

Source: TUMI (Transforming Urban Mobility Initiative) MRT in Dhaka

67. Dhaka’s MRT was first proposed in the 2005 STP, which proposed 3 BRT lines and 3
MRT lines.5 The STP view was that BRT lines could be implemented more quickly
(within 5 years) and at much less cost than MRT lines; hence it recommended
implementing three BRT lines in Phases 1 and 2 (2005-2014), followed by three MRT
lines to open in Phases 3 and 4 (2019-2024) – see Figure 3.7

Figure 3.7 MRT and BRT Proposals in the 2005 STP

The 199S DITS study looked at a range of railway options but did not propose any specific alignments.

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

68. Subsequently, the World Bank and ADB expressed interest in supporting the BRT
projects, while JICA expressed interest in the MRT projects. DHUTS, 2010
69. Initial studies for both BRT and MRT commenced in 2009. In 2010 the DHUTS study
sponsored by JICA recommended Dhaka’s future MRT and BRT network with the
same three BRT lines to be implemented by 2025, plus the MRT-6 and an upgraded
railway line. By 2050, the mass transit network would consist of the same three BRT
lines and five extended MRT lines – see Figure 3.8. RSTP. 2015
70. The Revised Strategic Transport Plan was prepared between 2014-15 with a twenty-
year horizon to 2035. Its mass transit proposals covered the whole RAJUK area, which
was larger than the mass transit area considered by DHUTS. The RSTP also made
some significant changes to the DHUTS’s network:
Only two BRT lines were proposed (BRT-3 and BRT-7)
BRT Line-2 was changed to MRT-2
MRT Line-4, which DHUTS had proposed north-south along the railway line, was
dropped, perhaps due to the proposed elevated expressway
Suburban extensions of MRT lines 1, 2 and 5 were also proposed (Figure 3.8).
71. The RSTP’s phasing for the MRT and BRT projects is shown in Figure 3.7, and actual
progress is briefly reviewed below.

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Figure 3.8 Indicative 2050 Dhaka Mass Transit Network, Proposed by DHUTS in 2010

Source: Dhaka Urban Transport Network Development Study (DHUTS), Final Report, March 2010, Figure 11

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Figure 3.9 Dhaka Mass Transit Network in 2035, Proposed by RSTP in 2015

Source: RSTP, Draft Final Report, Oct. 2015

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Figure 3.10 RSTP (2015): Proposed Phasing of MRT & BRT Projects, 2016-2035
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035

MRT Phase 1 Study and Design 1 1 1 Construction

1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Line 1 Phase 2 Study & Design 1 1 1 Construction
1 1 1 1 1 1 1

MRT Line 2 Study & Design 1 1 1 Construction

1 1 1 1 1 1 1

BRT Line 3 1Construction

1 1 1 1

MRT Line 4 Study & Design 1 1 1 Construction

1 1 1 1 1 1 1

MRT Phase 1 Study & Design 1 1 1 Construction

1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Line 5 Phase 2 Study & Design 1 1 1 Construction
1 1 1 1 1 1 1

MRT Phase 1 1 1 1Construction

1 1 1 1 1 1
Line 6 Phase 2 Study & Design 1 1 1 Construction
1 1 1 1 1 1 1

BRT Line 7 S&D 1Construction

1 1 1 1

Study and Design Construction Progress of MRT Lines Since the RSTP was Published MRT Line-6
72. MRT-6 was selected as the first MRT to be developed. The project started in 2009
when invitations for tenders were issued. The line started partial operation in
December 2022 and full operation is scheduled for 2025. Implementation has
therefore taken more than 15 years, compared with the 10 years expected in the STP
and RSTP. Reasons for the delays included:
Changes to the alignment – e.g.
a) due to Gulistan- Jatrabari flyover construction
b) re-routing from Bijoy Sarani to Manik Mia Avenue
c) extending the line to Kamalapur
Finding a suitable site for the MRT depot
Work suspended after the Holey Bakery attack
Interruptions due to the coronavirus pandemic
Slow decision-making/action by some agencies Other MRT lines
73. To date, progress with other MRT lines is as follows:
MRT-1 feasibility 2018, detailed design 2022, construction started 2023
MRT-5 north pre-feasibility 2018, detailed design 2023 (75% complete by Feb.
MRT-5 south feasibility 2022, detailed design on-going
MRT-2 pre-pre-feasibility, 2022
MRT-4 study expected soon for a new alignment
74. Outline details of the various MRT projects are shown in Table 3.5 below. Overall, the
network currently being implemented totals more than 130km at a cost of more than
Table 3.5 Overview of Progress of MRT Lines in Dhaka
Line Phase Length (km) Target Est. Cost Work
Year of ($bn) Status
MRT-6 1) Uttara- 21.3 2025 3.5 First section
Kamalapur started in Dec.
MRT-6 2) Uttara-Ashulia ?? 2035 ?? No study yet

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Line Phase Length (km) Target Est. Cost Work

Year of ($bn) Status
MRT-5 North: 20 2028 4.1 Physical work to
Hemayatpur- start July 2023
MRT-5 South: Gabtoli- 17.3 2030 4.8 Feasibility
Aftabnagar (75% completed, DPP to
underground) be submitted April
MRT-1 1) Airport- 21.3 2026 5.5 Detailed design
Kamalapur done; land acq’n
(Mostly subway) going on
MRT-1 2) Kuril-Purbachal 11.4 2026 Const’n started
(elevated) Feb. 2023

MRT-2 Gabtoli-Chittagong 24 2030 3.5 Pre-feasibility

Rd (mix of study by JICA-
overground and sponsored
underground) consultants in

MRT-4 Kamalapur- 14.5 2030 2.4 (based No study yet (but

Narayanganj on MRT-6 feasibility study
ave. cost) may start soon on
a new alignment
via Chasara to

TOTAL 129.8 23.8 (Not

(Not including including
MRT-6 phase 2) MRT-6
phase 2) Agencies Responsible for Planning the Future MRT Network

75. Planning of Dhaka’s MRT network is currently being carried out almost wholly by
Dhaka Mass Transit Company Ltd (DMTCL). Originally, the first MRT proposals for
Dhaka were prepared under the strategic plans (STP, DHUTS and RSTP), but in
recent years DMTCL has taken over the main responsibility for planning, in addition to
implementing, the MRT’s.
76. Although DTCA is officially the organisation to plan Dhaka’s transport network, in
practice due to DTCA’s limited staff and weight the MRT planning has instead been
carried out by DMTC, with DTCA playing only a minor role.
77. The MRT network is constantly evolving and changing. The 2015 RSTP network was
shown in Figure 3.9 above. Since then, numerous changes have been made, some
of them are very substantial. These are illustrated in Figure 3.11 and Figure 3.12. For
example, the proposed alignments of both MRT Lines 2 and 4 have changed
significantly between 2021 and 2022.

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Figure 3.11 DTMC’S Proposed MRT Network as of 2021

Source: DTMCL website,

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Figure 3.12 DTMC’s Proposed MRT network as of October 2022

Source: DMTCL, information on MRT network provided to URSTP in October 2022. Note: (i) Line 4
Kamalapur-Narayanganj via Fatullah has been dropped; (ii) Line 2 (east) has been extended southwards to
Narayanganj along the BRT-7 alignment; (iii) Line 4 is a completely new alignment along the Chattogram Road
to Madanpur

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1 Institutional Arrangements for the MRT

78. In 2009-2011 the SISCETRA study (Study for Institutional Strengthening and Capacity
Enhancement of Transport Related Agencies) was undertaken for DTCB, to
recommend future institutional structures for managing the MRT and co-ordinating
transport in Dhaka. The SISCETRA report recommended converting DTCB to DTCA,
for better transport co-ordination of all modes in Dhaka, including mass transit. A new,
special-purpose organisation DMTCL was proposed to supervise the MRT Line 6
construction and operation, and likewise implement future MRT’s. DTCB / DTCA Capacity and Relationships
79. The SISCETRA study recommended that DTCA’s capacity should be expanded from
the existing 70 staff (including 18 officers) to 376 staff (including 112 officers). It would
co-ordinate all transport in Dhaka, including MRT, BRT and buses, under three main
Transport planning 58 staff
Co-ordination of projects of different agencies 109 staff
Mass transit planning and co-ordination 147 staff DMTCL
80. DTMCL would be established as a special purpose, commercially-oriented
organisation to design, construct and operate the MRT – initially Line 6, and then the
other MRT lines. Its staff would increase as follows:
Table 3.6 DTMC Staffing Strength by Phase (Indicative)
Duration Phase Main Tasks Total Staff
0.5 1&2 Planning, engineering, specification, appt. of 35
1.0 3 Engineering Services and Tender 255
4.5 4 Construction 555
2.0 5 Pre-Operation and Maintenance 2,078
Source: SISCETRA Final Report, Vol 1, Table 12

81. DTCA would be responsible for planning for the future MRT network and other major
transport infrastructure in Dhaka and have a regulatory role over DTMC – Figure 3.13.

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Figure 3.13 Recommended Relationships for DTCA / DMTC to Implement MRT and

Source: SISCETRA Final Report, June 2011, Table 2/3 Current Staffing of DTCA

82. Currently DTCA has 109 posts filled out of a total of 212 post sanctioned. Hence DTCA
is operating at only half capacity at present. 2020 BRT-7 Feasibility Study – Proposals for a Future MRT
83. The BRT-7 feasibility study (2019-20) was commissioned by DTCA to examine the
feasibility of a new north-south highway and BRT through Dhaka’s rapidly developing
eastern fringe. The alignment was originally proposed as an MRT in the 2010 DHUTS
and the 2015 Dhaka Structure Plan, but in the 2015 RSTP it was proposed as BRT-7.
84. The BRT-7 feasibility study recommended:
1. A 6-lane expressway with wide service roads on both sides
2. A BRT-7, to be implemented in four phases. It would operate as several inter-
linking BRT’s over the 77 km alignment rather than a single service
3. An elevated MRT in the future between Narayanganj and Gazipur, to be
constructed when demand had increased risen sufficiently to justify the mode.
Space would be reserved in the centre of the alignment for the MRT’s future
construction (Figure 3.15, Figure 3.16 and Figure 3.16).

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Figure 3.14 Proposed Development of the BRT-7 / MRT Corridor: Initially, BRT

Source: Feasibility Study of BRT Line-7, Final Report, 2020, Figure 5.2

Figure 3.15 Eventually, MRT added to the BRT to Cater for Future Corridor Demand

Source: Feasibility Study of BRT Line-7, Final Report, 2020, Figure 5.3

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Figure 3.16 Combined MRT / BRT Design at Stations

Source: Feasibility Study of BRT Line-7, Final Report, 2020, Figure 8.84

85. The alignments for the proposed expressway, BRT and MRT are shown in Figure 3.17,
and the proposed phasing in Figure 3.18 and Figure 3.19. The corridor’s estimated
length and cost is summarised in Table 3.7.
Table 3.7 Summary of estimated costs of Eastern Corridor Expressway, BRT-7 and Proposed

Phase Implement Section Length Expresswa BRT Total

-ation (km) y Capital Capital Cost
Dates Cost Cost ($ mill)
($ mill) ($ mill)

1 2022-24 Narayanganj 8.2 152 132 284

Chasara to (Excludes (Excludes (Includes
Signboard (& BRT Signboard- Signboard- Signboard-
continues to Gulistan) Gulistan) Gulistan)
Gulistan – 8.7km)

2 2024-26 Signboard to 15.7 704 255 959

3 2024-27 Purbachal 22.2 1,106 281 1,387
Expressway to
4 2027-30 Gazipur to Kapasia 31.1 1,094 312 1,406
and Rajendrapur
TOTAL 77.2 3,056 980 4,036
(Expressway +
5 2030-35 Elevated MRT: 43.1 7,816
Chasara to Gazipur
Source: BRT-7 Feasibility Study, Draft Final Report, December 2020, Table 11.17

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Figure 3.17 Proposed Alignment for a New At-Grade Expressway on the Eastern (BRT-
7) Corridor

Source: BRT-7 Feasibility Study, 2022, Figure 11.1.

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Figure 3.18 Proposed BRT-7 Phasing, 2022-30

Source: BRT-7 Feasibility Study, 2022, Figure

Figure 3.19 Proposed BRT-7 Phasing, 2030-40

Source: BRT-7 Feasibility Study, 2022, Figure

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1 The Eastern Corridor’s Overall Cost, and Possible Funding Through Land Value
Capture and TOD
86. The BRT-7 corridor (better considered as the ‘Eastern Corridor’) is different to the other
MRT proposals due to (i) its length – 77km in total, from Narayanganj to Kapasia and
Rajendrapur in the north); (ii) it passes through largely undeveloped land (as opposed
to already built-up areas).
87. With 21 major east-west intersections along the alignment, both highway and transit
intersections, it also differed from other MRT/BRT proposals in the number of growth
centres proposed along the corridor. Figure 3.9 from the RSTP showed five potential
growth centres, and others could be proposed.
88. Nearly 40% of the BRT-7’s proposed alignment was already reserved under the First
DAP (2010-2015) as a highway, from Narayanganj to Tongi North of Tongi the
feasibility study proposed a completely new highway alignment.
89. The overall cost of the Eastern Corridor was estimated at nearly $12bn, as follows:
Highway $3bn
BRT-7 $1bn
Future MRT $8bn
90. Land acquisition would be the major cost component of the overall project, accounting
for between one-third and one-half of the total cost. Innovative Approaches to Paying for the Land
91. The Feasibility Study noted that land values along the BRT-7 corridor had increased
5-fold in real terms between 1983 and 2019. At present, only about 4% of this increase
in value is recovered by the Government in the form of land taxes and charges; the
remaining 96% is gained by private landowners. 6
92. Three innovative land development measures were proposed to capture some of this
increased land value, to pay for the infrastructure and local area improvements:
1. An Infrastructure Development Levy on all new floorspace within 0.5km of the new
corridor (an Infrastructure Development Levy was already proposed in the 2016
DSP and the 2015-2035 draft DAP)
2. A Transit-Oriented Development Fund to buy and sell/lease land around the future
3. Land pooling / land readjustment (this was also recommended in the DSP and draft
DAP), whereby private landowners pool their land and keep a share of the much-
enhanced land and property values after the corridor is developed.
93. The BRT-7 feasibility study estimated, in a case study at the south of the corridor (DND
triangle) that the profits from buying and auctioning land around three BRT stations
could more than pay the full cost of implementing that section of corridor
(approximately 2.7km).
94. The Eastern Corridor was therefore affordable if the right measures could be taken by
the Government.

3.2.3 Dhaka Subway Proposals (BBA, 2016-2022)

95. In 2016, Bangladesh Bridge Authority proposed a four-line subway system in Dhaka.
At a seminar organised at their headquarters, BBA argued that a subway could replace
the MRT and BRT due to its advantages of less social and environmental impact and
more resistant to earthquake damage.

Reference: MRT-1 Preparatory Study, 2018, TOD Report 2018, Table 5.4.9

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

96. DTCA argued strongly against the proposals. The DTCA Executive Director said: “The
government has a strategic transport plan for 20 years which is currently under revision
and the revision process is almost complete. If any authority has been planning on the
transport sector it should follow the revised STP. Otherwise not a single plan will be
allowed.” The DTCA ED said that subways might be considered as part of MRT lines,
but “…there is no opportunity to plan a new alignment for any Mass Rapid Transit
(MRT) such as metro rail or subways.” (Dhaka Tribune, 7th April 2016, ‘Metro vs
subway: Planners at odds).
97. In 2018, with agreement from the Prime Minister, BBA commissioned a feasibility study
and preliminary design for a 90km subway network with four lines. Later, the study
scope was widened to (i) feasibility of a 238km network, and (ii) preliminary design of
90km (four lines). The draft final report was submitted in March 2021 and the final
report in April 2022. Subway Network Details, 2022
98. The feasibility study’s final report recommended a network of 11 subway lines to be
implemented over the next 30 years (2022-2050), as follows:
Table 3.8 Summary of Proposed Subway Network Implementation
Year Phase Lines Network Length Cost ($bn)
2022-2030 1 O 29 41.3
S 19
T (part) 38
B (part) 19
TOTAL = 105
2030-2040 2 P 24 34.5
J 28
G 17
D 16
TOTAL = 85
2040-2050 3 Tx (extended) +11 27.0
B (extended) +10
V 18
U 14
W 16
TOTAL = 69
TOTAL 259 102.8
Source: TYPSA Subway Study for BBA, Final Report, Table 3-27, and Daily Star, 12/05/2022

99. The network would be expanded in phases from 4 lines in 2030 (105km – see Figure
3.21 –) to 11 lines by 2050 (259km – see Figure 3.22 and Figure 3.23). The total cost
was $102.8 bn, of which the largest proportion (40%) would be invested in Phase 1.
100. BBA also proposed to set up a separate company to operate the subway. BBA
reserved the name "Dhaka Subway Company Ltd" with the Registrar of Joint Stock
Companies and prepared the relevant legal documents. The proposal was presented
to a meeting of the BBA Board on 11/05/2022 chaired by the Minister of
Communications, but according to newspaper reports the Board did not give the go
ahead and asked the relevant authorities to "go slow" with the move. (Dhaka Star,
12/05/2022, ‘Govt ‘going slow’ with subway plan’).

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Figure 3.20 Potential Full Subway Network (from Feasibility Study, 2022)

Source: TYPSA Subway Study for BBA, Final Report, Fig. 3-30

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Figure 3.21 2030 Proposed Subway Network and MRT and BRT Networks

Source: TYPSA Subway Study for BBA, Final Report, Fig. 3-63. Note: Proposed subway network is shown in
blue, MRT network in red, and BRT line in green

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Figure 3.22 2050 Proposed Subway Network and MRT and BRT Networks

Source: TYPSA Subway Study for BBA, Final Report, Fig. 3-68. Note: Proposed subway network is shown in
blue, MRT network in red, and BRT line in green

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Figure 3.23 Proposed Full Subway Network, by 2070

Source: TYPSA Subway Study for BBA, Final Report, Fig. 4-65

3.2.4 Dhaka Circular Railway Proposals, (Bangladesh Railways, 2022)

101. In the early 1990’s Bangladesh Railways proposed a circular railway for Dhaka along
the alignment of the proposed flood embankment around the city. This proposal was
reviewed by the Dhaka Integrated Transport Study (DITS), 1994-2015, but not
included in their package of proposals.

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

102. Subsequent strategic plans, such as the DMDP (1995) and STP (2005) also did not
include a circular railway, though a flood embankment-cum-road was included.
103. In 2007 the first Bangladesh Railways Master Plan 2010-2040 proposed the circular
railway for Dhaka, for implementation in Phase 2 (2015-2020). It was also in the
second Bangladesh Railways Master Plan 2015-2045 but with a fairly low priority:
Category 8, making it 34th out of 67 rail projects for Phase 2 (2021-2025).7
104. However, other strategic plans for Dhaka such as the 2010 DHUTS, 2015 RSTP and
2016 DSP did not include the circular railway proposal, though the flood embankment-
cum-road was included.
105. In April 2019 Bangladesh Railways commissioned a feasibility study of the circular
railway. The draft final report was submitted in April 2020 and the final report in
January 2021. DTCA assisted the study by convening some of the key stakeholder
meetings. Main Proposals of the 2021 Circular Rail Study
106. The alignment of the combined circular railway and circular road is shown in Figure
3.24 below. The main project’s features included:
80.9km of track
24 stations
10km of line underground (at Old Dhaka)
Remainder of the line (71km) to be elevated
3 stations underground; the remaining 21 elevated
Implementation time: 6 years
Estimated cost: $8.37 Efforts to Fund the Project through PPP
107. In July 2019 the Government proposed the circular railway project at the first meeting
of the Bangladesh-South Korea Joint PPP, for implementation under a government-to-
government partnership with South Korea. In 2020 a consortium of three South
Korean companies, including Korea National Railway, was selected as possible
investors, and they commissioned a further study 2021/22 to carry out a further
technical and economic assessment. The second study considered the northern
section (Termukh to Gabtoli via Tongi) to be the priority section to be implemented

7 Ref: 2016 Railway Master Plan, Appendix 7, Project Rankings

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Figure 3.24 Schematic Diagram of the Circular Rail Line around Dhaka City

Source: ‘Draft Feasibility Study Report’, April 2020, Fig. 1.4, prepared by Siyuan Consultants for BD Railway

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Figure 3.25 Proposed alignment of the Circular Road, Rail, RHD and Elevated Inner
Circular Road projects along the rivers Dhaka

Source: Bangladesh Bridge Authority

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

3.2.5 The Dhaka Circular Road and the Eastern Flood Embankment

108. The proposal for a circular railway is closely related to the proposal for a circular road
around Dhaka.
109. The original proposals for a circular road go back to 1988 when Dhaka was hit by
serious floods. The Flood Action Plan (FAP) recommended a flood embankment
around the city, aligned approximately along the Turag River in the west and the Balu
River in the east, with a circular road on the embankment crest.
110. The western embankment was implemented in the early 1990’s, but the eastern
embankment has remained at the proposal stage till now. Numerous studies have
been carried, for example:
1998, Eastern Flood Embankment Study
2006, Update of flood embankment study, by Halcrow
2017, Technical Study of Dhaka Circular Road (Eastern Bypass), IWM
111. The Dhaka circular road was included in the 2015 RSTP as the Inner Circular Road,
though its alignment was slightly different to the present alignment: the RSTP
proposed the southern section passing along the Dhaka-Chattogram highway via
Signboard, whereas the current circular road alignment passes 10km further south,
through the heart of Narayanganj city at Chasara.

Figure 3.26 Example of Cross Section of Proposed Inner Bypass

Source: ‘Draft Feasibility Study Report’, April 2020, Fig. 1.4, prepared by Siyuan Consultants for BD Railway

112. Recently (2022), a feasibility study was carried out for BBA for an elevated expressway
along the alignment of the circular road around Dhaka (Figure 3.25). Questions for URSTP to Consider in Next Stages
113. Key questions to be addressed in the URSTP therefore include:
1. Availability of funds for mega-project investment? What level of investment is
realistic over the period of the URSTP? How many MRT/subway/rail lines can be
2. Which lines are priority? Which give the highest economic return on investment?
3. Similarly for highways – which investments give the best economic return?
4. How to secure and protect the alignments for the recommended projects?
5. How to ensure the various projects are well-integrated?

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

3.2.6 Development of BRT in Dhaka BRT Internationally

114. Bus Rapid Transit systems became popular in the early 2000’s (Figure 3.27), and
South American cities were the early pioneers. China took up BRT on a major scale
from 1999 and by 2018 had over 5,000km of BRT lines in over 30 cities. India has not
fared so well: after Ahmedabad’s initial success with BRT, the national JNNURM 8
programme promoted BRT’s in Indian cities. Many BRT’s were started but
implementation was patchy and some were discontinued (e.g. Kolkata, Delhi,
Vijayawada, Visakhapatnam).

Figure 3.27 Growth of BRT Systems Worldwide, 1972-2014


115. Jakarta has one of the world’s largest BRT networks. Transjakarta started in 2004
(and that year a delegation from DTCB Bangladesh visited on a study tour). Today it
has 13 lines totalling 231km of dedicated busways, and more are planned. (Figure 3.28
and Figure 3.29). It also operates numerous cross-corridor routes, feeder services
and premium services. BRT fares have been kept constant since 2004 at Rp. 3,500
per trip (roughly Tk.25 in March 2023 prices), which has encouraged ridership.
Nonetheless, Transjakarta’s BRT system has scope for improvement, with lower line
capacities than some other BRT systems worldwide.

The JNNURM (Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission) ran from 2005 to 2014 and invested over $20bn in a
range of urban services, including transport.

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Figure 3.28 Transjakarta’s Public Transport Network 2021, Including 13 BRT Routes


Figure 3.29 BRT Lane in Jakarta

Source: TA Consultant Team

116. One BRT Lane can carry 10,000 people/direction/hour, which is more than five lanes
of mixed traffic.

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1 BRT in Dhaka

117. BRT initiatives in Dhaka originated around 2003, as part of the DUTP and STP
projects. In February 2003 a delegation from Dhaka visited Bogota to study the city’s
BRT, and the following year DTCB sent a delegation to visit Jakarta’s new BRT system.
The same year (2004) DTCB formed a BRT Committee and organised a ‘mass transit
workshop’ which generally supported the concept of BRT for Dhaka.
118. The 2005 STP proposed implementing three BRT lines as the first step towards mass
transit in Dhaka, with three MRT lines to follow later. The BRT was seen as a medium-
term solution, while MRT would cater for longer-term passenger demand. The first two
BRT lines (BRT-1 on DIT Road and BRT-2 on Mirpur Road) were expected to open in
2009, while BRT-3 (Airport-Old Dhaka via Tejgaon) would open by 2014. Selection of the BRT-3 Corridor
119. Preliminary design of the BRT-3 corridor started six years after the STP was published
in 2005. Factors behind the delay include:
STP approval by the Government was delayed until 2008
Funding for the project was obtained as part of the World Bank’s CASE project
(Clean Air and Sustainable Environment), but the process of designing, approving,
recruiting and mobilising the CASE project took several years.
120. It was decided to implement one single BRT corridor (as opposed to the three
proposed in the STP). Meanwhile, the ADB also expressed interest in funding a BRT
project in Dhaka as part of its ‘Greater Dhaka Sustainable Urban Transport Project’
(SUTP). A preliminary study examined six corridor options and recommended the
Airport-Gazipur corridor for the ADB project. Although this was not proposed in the
STP, it would connect with the World Bank-funded BRT-3 south at the Airport and
would serve a fast-growing urban corridor with many garments factories. Hence the
two BRT projects were undertaken side by side: BRT-3 south and BRT-3 north, though
with different Government lead agencies (DTCA and RHD) and different consultants
doing the detailed designs (Figure 3.30, Figure 3.31 and Figure 3.32).
Table 3.9 Summary Statistics from the Designs for BRT-3 South and BRT-3 North
Key Statistics BRT-3 south BRT-3 north
From Airport Airport
To Jhilmil Gazipur
Via Mohakhali bus terminal, Mymensingh Road,
Tejgaon, Gulistan, Old Joydevpur Chowrasta
Dhaka, Keraniganj
Total length (km) 22.5 20.2
Number of stations 16 (excluding Airport) 25 (including Airport)
Average operating speed (kph) 23 23
Maximum peak capacity (pphpd) 12,600 15,000 on the Tongi-Airport
(15,000 at Airport section) section (with Express
services); 6,000 on the
Joydevpur-Gazipur section
Original expected date of 2017 2016
Original cost estimate ($mill) $256mill (2013) $190mill (2011)
Source: (1) SUNJIN, Operational Plan and Basic Design, 2015; (2) World Bank advisor to DTCA, Joint Operational
Plan, 2015

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Figure 3.30 Proposed Alignment for BRT-3 South, from the 2012 Preliminary Design

Source: Dhaka Public Transport Improvement Project, 2019

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Figure 3.31 BRT-3 North Route Map, Airport-Gazipur, from the 2015 Detailed Design

Source: SMEC, July 2015, BRT Design Report, Figure 1. Note: blue = elevated sections

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Figure 3.32 Proposed BRT Services to Operate on the Combined BRT-3 Corridor

Source: Sunjin, Feb. 2015, Operational Plan and Basic Design Report, Final Report, Fig. 4.6

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Table 3.10 Timeline of BRT-3 Development in Dhaka

BRT-3 South BRT-3 North
DITS study recommends bus priorities for 1994
$234mill DUTP project begins. Bus lanes 1998
originally included, but later dropped.
Feb 2003 – DTCB delegation visits Bogota 2003
Feb 2004 – DTCB delegation visits Jakarta 2004
Early 2004 – DTCB sets up a BRT Committee
STP recommends three BRT's, to open by 2005
2009 and 2014:
BRT-1 Uttara-Saidabad via DIT Road
BRT-2 Gabtoli-Saidabad via Mirpur Road
BRT-3 Airport-Old Dhaka via Tejgaon
WB CASE project being prepared. BRT to be 2007
implemented under $71mill CASE Project
BRT-1 and BRT-2 supposed to start (according 2009
to STP) Govt/WB decide to implement one line
(BRT-3) under CASE project and invites
tenders for preliminary design
2010 DHUTS study recommends 3 BRT routes
similar to STP routes (but Airport-Gazipur
corridor is not mentioned). ADB PPTA for
the Greater Dhaka SUTP examines 6
corridors and recommends Airport-Gazipur
for a BRT project under SUTP
2011 BRT-3 north preliminary design submitted
by consultants
BRT-3 south preliminary design completed by 2012 ECNEC approves the Greater Dhaka
same consultants as for BRT-3 north. SUTP project
Alignment is extended to Jhilmil

BRT-3 design consultants appointed. BRT-3 2013 Consultants appointed to 3 packages for
south expected to open 2017. BRT-3 north. BRT-3 north completion
On 3/1/13, Govt announces a flyover on the expected by 2016. PM lays foundation
Shantinagar-Jhilmil corridor, which is on BRT-3 stone of BRT-3 north
BRT-3 supposed to start (according to STP 2014
Basic BRT-3 south design submitted by 2015
BRT-3 south not progressed to detail design. 2016 Construction contractors appointed
WB exploring new $250m project to implement

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

BRT-3 South BRT-3 North

WB considering a 6-year project to implement 2018 Construction work begins on BRT-3.
BRT-south in 3 phases 04/10/18, Planning Minister expresses
doubt about BRT-3 north suitability and
instructs Planning Commission to re-
examine design
March 2019, WB CASE project ends after 4 2019 Major traffic congestion along corridor
years’ extension and $87mill spent on transport caused by construction works
WB prepares a new project for implementing
BRT-3 south. Now called the Dhaka Public
Transport Improvement Project (DPTIP), it has
a $500m budget

Further studies carried out on BRT-3 route 2020 Communications Minister announces that
design and PPP funding options. BRT-3 south will not be implemented “due
08/8/20, WB agrees to re-allocate BRT-3 south to the bad experience of the under-
funds to other covid-related projects construction BRT”
10/11/21, Govt cancels the Shantinagar-Jhilmil 2021 March 2021 – pier collapses soon after
expressway project installation
2022 Fatal accidents at BRT-3 construction site.
Work halted/delayed, then resumes.
Currently, no further work planned for BRT-3 2023 Target opening date is now end-2023
south (partial operation only) BRT-3 North, Current Status

121. Construction work on BRT-3 north is on-going and the co-ordinating authority Dhaka
BRT Company (DBRTC) estimated construction progress at 84% in January 2023,
with partial opening expected in late-2023.
122. However, some of the important BRT design features will be lacking initially, such as
articulated electric buses and automatic ticket barriers, hence line capacity will be
significantly lower than originally planned, at least initially.
123. Meanwhile, the overall cost has risen substantially, more than doubling compared with
the original design estimates of 2012 (Tk.4,268 crore compared with Tk.2038). This
means the BRT-3’s average cost per kilometre is now around $20mill, though still a lot
less than the MRT-6’s average cost of about $152mill/km. BRT-3 South, Current Status
124. The World Bank-funded CASE project ended in March 2019 without a final design for
BRT-3 south being completed. Meanwhile, the World Bank initiated another project
with the Government of Bangladesh called ‘Dhaka Public Transport Improvement
Project’ with a budget of $475mill. It was intended to complete the BRT-3 south
corridor to Jhilmil in three stages (see Figure 3.32 above). Consultants were appointed
and further studies of the alignment and operational plan were completed.
125. However, in 2020, following dissatisfaction with the slow progress of BRT-3 north and
the traffic congestion caused by the construction works, the Communications Minister
announced that the BRT-3 south project would not be implemented. The project team
was discontinued, and the project’s funds were re-allocated by the World Bank to other
urban transport projects in Dhaka. Some lessons and Issues for the URSTP
126. Although BRT has been generally successful around the world and is keenly supported
by international donors as well as national governments (e.g., China), in Bangladesh

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

the BRT experience has been very disappointing. Some of the main lessons from the
experience of the past twenty years can be suggested as follows, for further
consideration as the Project to Update the Revised Strategic Transport Plan (URSTP)
is developed:
1. Limited capacity of government counterpart agencies to oversee and manage the
BRT projects, resulting in slower progress and limited involvement in developing
the plans and designs and understanding their implementation.
2. Lack of ‘buy-in’ from senior levels in the government. Unlike some mega projects
with a ‘champion’, the BRT-3 was to some extent an ‘orphan’.
3. Poor traffic management in Dhaka (because of many reasons) created a lack of
confidence in the ability of a BRT system to operate successfully at-grade. Hence
the BRT-3 north corridor was designed to be completely segregated from Gazipur
to Airport, but this required long elevated sections and many flyovers (see Figure
3.31 above), which greatly increased the project’s cost, implementation period and
extent of traffic disruption during construction.
4. The lack of confidence in Dhaka’s traffic management was also one of the main
reasons why the BRT-3 south project progressed very slowly and was eventually
5. It should be remembered that the three BRT’s proposed in the STP in 2005 were
intended to be a medium-term measure – a solution that could be implemented
quickly and cheaply (compared with mass transit). But by the time that BRT-3’s
detailed design was being prepared, ten years later, Dhaka had grown, and traffic
volumes had increased substantially. So, the BRT-3 north could only carry a
proportion of the total demand on the N3 Mymensingh highway, even at full
6. The overall conclusion is not that ‘BRT does not work in Dhaka’, but rather it will
depend on:
Speedy project implementation
A strong government agency capable of managing the planning, design,
implementation and operation
High-level support
A network of bus priorities, not simply a single corridor
A more basic BRT network in Dhaka (rather than aiming at ‘Gold Standard’
from day one)
Strengthening the capital city’s traffic management systems (i.e., signals,
street management, road discipline, enforcement, etc.). The 2018 Concept Design for the Airport-Saidabad Corridor (BRT-1)
127. Background: In 2017-18 consultants prepared a concept design for a BRT on the
Airport-Saidabad corridor via DIT Road. This was the corridor originally proposed as
BRT-1 in the 2005 STP. The concept design was prepared as part of the two-year
DTCA capacity-building project, funded by EU/AFD between 2017-2018.
128. The aim of the BRT project (called the Pilot Bus Corridor) was to demonstrate how the
BRT could be integrated in the existing street layout with minimum impact, and also to
be a first step towards developing a wider priority bus network in Dhaka.
129. The corridor was 17km long, starting at the Airport BRT terminal, then south from Kuril
to Malibagh via Pragoti Sarani/DIT Road, then east around Kamalapur via Atish
Dipankar Road, to terminate at Saidabad bus terminal. (Figure 3.35).
130. The proposed corridor was fully at-grade – no flyovers, except for using the existing
flyovers at Kuril and Khilkhet. Junctions would be signal controlled, with at least two
lanes of mixed traffic in each direction, plus two dedicated BRT lanes. On the Airport-
Kuril section the bus lanes would be kerbside; from Kuril southwards the bus lanes

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

would be in the middle of the carriageway. Stations would be of a typical BRT design,
with level boarding from platforms. (Figure 3.33, Figure 3.34 and Figure 3.36).

Figure 3.33 Proposed cross-section for Kuril-Malibagh Section

Figure 3.34 Proposed cross-section on Atish Dipankar Road near Kamalapur

Source: Technical Assistance to the DTCA Capacity-Building Project, ‘Pilot Bus Corridor Infrastructure
Concept Design Report’, December 2018, Figures 24 and 55

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Figure 3.35 Pilot Bus Corridor, Showing Important Interchanges Along the Route

Source: Technical Assistance to the DTCA Capacity-Building Project, ‘Pilot Bus Corridor Infrastructure
Concept Design Report’, December 2018, Figure 72

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Figure 3.36 Typical Station Platform on the Pilot Bus Corridor

Source: Technical Assistance to the DTCA Capacity-Building Project, ‘Pilot Bus Corridor Infrastructure Concept
Design Report’, December 2018, Figure 31

131. The overall cost of the Pilot Bus Corridor implementation was estimated at $90 million
(including buses and depot), giving an average cost per kilometre of $5.2 million,
approximately one-quarter of the average cost of the BRT-3 north project. The buses
would account for about two-thirds of the total cost.
132. Most importantly, it was predicted that the Pilot Bus service on the corridor would
operate profitably, even if the same fare levels as existing private buses were adopted.
The reasons why the BRT could operate profitability were:
1. Large passenger numbers (the Pilot Bus service would carry as many passengers
as the existing private buses)
2. 100% capture of revenue (due to electronic ticketing and good BRT management)
3. The buses’ productivity would increase significantly due to faster speeds and
output. (The Airport-Saidabad trip would take about one hour, compared up to two
hours at present)

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1 Outcome of the Pilot Bus Project

133. The concept design and operational plan were submitted in late 2018 at the end of the
two-year project, but there was no subsequent follow-up. The Government wanted to
implement MRT-1 on the same corridor, and it seems that it was decided not to
implement the BRT-1 (Pilot Bus) project due to the MRT-1.
134. The Pilot Bus Corridor consultants were aware of the plans for MRT-1 and the corridor
design specifically included interchanges with the future MRT stations. The
consultants recommended that the Pilot Bus/BRT would greatly assist MRT-1
implementation because it could be implemented quickly, relatively cheaply, and would
provide a high-capacity option less affected by traffic congestion during MRT-1
construction compared with ordinary mixed traffic.
135. The concept design report explained:
“The Pilot Bus Corridor (PBC) must be co-ordinated with other transport projects,
including the MRT lines 1 and 5. MRT-1 will have 9 stations that interchange with the
Pilot Bus Corridor, and a tenth at Kamalapur via the pedestrian bridge. The PBC will
continue to be useful after implementation of MRT-1, but its function will evolve: longer
trips should transfer to the MRT while the PBC will provide an efficient surface network
that complements the MRT’s capacity and caters for shorter trips.”
Table 3.11 Summary Statistics for the Proposed Pilot Bus Corridor, 2018
Key Statistics Pilot Bus Corridor concept design, 2018
From Airport (new BRT terminal)
To Saidabad bus terminal
Via Kuril, Notun Bazar, Rampura, Malibagh, Kuril flyover,
Kamalapur east side
Total length (km) 17.2
Number of stations 24 (not including Airport BRT Terminal)
Average operating speed (kph) 17
Maximum peak capacity (pphpd) 7,200 – 8,400
Buses 140 articulated buses, capacity 120-140 passengers/bus,
operating in platoons of 3 buses
Headway 1.5 minutes in peak periods
3 minutes in off-peak periods
Bus fares Same fare levels as existing buses (i.e., as set by BRTA)
Total project investment cost ($mill) $90 mill (average $5.2mill/km)
Profit/Loss? $2.3 mill annual profit, based on existing bus fares in
Dhaka and assuming operating performance as above The BRT-7 Corridor Feasibility Study, 2020 (‘Eastern Corridor’)
136. In 2019-2020 DTCA commissioned local consultants to carry out a feasibility study of
BRT Line 7, which had been proposed in the 2015 RTSP. (The 2016 Dhaka Structure
Plan, on the other hand, proposed an MRT along this corridor). Details of the BRT-7
study were given in the MRT section above, and this section focuses on the specific
BRT proposals. A New Highway through Dhaka’s Fast-growing Eastern Fringe
137. The BRT-7 corridor differs from other BRT corridors in Dhaka because it is mostly a
new alignment through the undeveloped (but rapidly urbanising) eastern fringe, rather
than ‘retrofitting’ a BRT to an existing congested highway.
138. Hence the BRT-7 corridor requires constructing a new highway, which also offers good
opportunities for transit-oriented development that could finance the new
infrastructure. Indeed, the 2015 RSTP proposed at least five growth centres at major
interchanges along the BRT-7 corridor (Figure 3.38).

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1 Eastern Corridor / BRT-7 Alignment

139. The alignment proposed by DTCA for the BRT-7 Feasibility Study extended directly
from Pubail to Kapasia. However, RAJUK did not support this alignment because it
passed through low-lying agricultural land which also contains very few settlements.
Therefore, the consultants considered five alternative alignments, and the
recommended alignment is shown in Figure 3.39. The recommended alignment will
create a second north-south corridor for Dhaka and will act as a spine route as it
intersects more than 20 east-west highways and mass transit lines. It also connects
with Gazipur and the north-west and the north-east of Dhaka, while avoiding the low-
lying agricultural lands protected in the RAJUK DAP. Eastern Corridor Highway and Mass Transit Configuration
140. As discussed in the MRT section above, the consultants recommended the following
configuration for the new corridor:
6-lane expressway, with grade-separated junctions
Two wide service roads (at least 18m wide where possible)
BRT-7 (two lanes) at-grade at centre of carriageway
Space kept for a future elevated MRT (see Figure 3.37 below):

Figure 3.37 Typical Cross-section for the BRT-7 ‘Eastern Corridor’

Source: DTCA, ‘Feasibility Study of BRT Line-7’, Final Report, Dec. 2020, Fig. 8.75

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Figure 3.38 North-South Corridor Proposed in 2015 RSTP for a 6-Lane Highway and

Source: JICA Study Team, August 2015, RSTP Interim Report 2, Figure 13.7, Proposed Road Network in
the RAJUK Area by 2035

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Figure 3.39 Proposed Alignment of the BRT-7 Eastern Corridor (and Alignment
Originally Proposed in the Feasibility Study’s TOR)

Source: DTCA, ‘Feasibility Study of BRT Line-7’, Final Report, Dec. 2020 Right of Way

141. The first DAP 2010-2015 reserved a Right of Way for the corridor from Narayanganj to
Tongi (Balu River) as follows:
Narayanganj to R110 Demra Highway ROW = 280 feet (85m)
R110 Demra Highway to Balu River ROW = 200 feet (61m)

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

142. The alignment north of the Balu River is a new alignment proposed by the consultants
with a Right of Way of 280 feet (85m) as far as the R312 in the north. A new alignment
for the R312 is also recommended, as the existing road is only two lanes wide and
passes through existing built-up areas.
143. This alignment has now been approved and incorporated in the second DAP 2015-
2035. Land acquisition will be necessary along much of the corridor in order to
implement the new highway and mass transit system. BRT-7 Design Details
144. The feasibility study recommended implementing the BRT-7 in four phases.
145. Phase 1 would introduce the BRT from Narayanganj (Chasara) to Gulistan on the
existing highway. The N1 Dhaka-Chittagong highway had recently been widened to 8
lanes so there was ample room for the BRT. A RHD project to upgrade the R111
Narayanganj-Signboard highway was approved in 2019, so BRT-7 implementation
could be integrated with this project. The main constraint for Stage 1 is the congested
section at the Mayor Hanif flyover, but this could be tackled with traffic management
measures and bus priorities.
146. The other three Phases would be implemented when the new highway is constructed.
Phase 2 would be the second priority, connecting Narayanganj with Purbachal new
town and Kuril interchange. (See Figure 3.40).

Figure 3.40 Proposed Timetable for Introducing the BRT-7 and Future MRT on the
Eastern Corridor

Source: DTCA, ‘Feasibility Study of BRT Line-7’, Final Report, Dec. 2020, Fig. 9.1

147. Due to the corridor’s length (77km) the BRT-7 would probably operate as four inter-
linked services, with feeder services. The main infrastructure components would
Stations: 80 (of which 8 are major transit interchanges)
Terminals: 6 = Chasara, Gulistan, Kuril, Gazipur, Kapasia, N3 Rajendrapur
Depots: 8 = Saidabad, Narayanganj (Launch Ghat, Nitaiganj, Kalagachia),
Purbachal, Gazipur, Kapasia, N3 Rajendrapur Chowrasta
Buses: 670 (10-year life, introduced in four phases)
148. The estimated capital cost of the four phases was:
Phase 1, Narayanganj-Gulistan 17 km $144 mill
Phase 2, Signboard (Chittagong Highway)-Purbachal 15.8 k $261 mill

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Phase 3, Purbachal-Gazipur 22 km $275 mill

Phase 4, Gazipur-Rajendrapur and Kapasia 30 km $309 mill
TOTAL 84.8 km $989 mill
149. The above costs included a share of the highway construction costs, including land
acquisition and resettlement. Subsequent Progress with the Project
150. Since the feasibility study was completed in 2021, the government has shown interest
in implementing the highway and some form of mass transit. Moreover, the alignment
has been designated in the second DAP (in the RAJUK area).
151. A further development is a change in MRT-2’S alignment proposed by DTMCL, which
now turns southwards to the east of Kamalapur and runs down to Narayanganj along
the BRT-7 alignment (see Figure 3.12 above). Questions and Issues for the URSTP Regarding BRT in Dhaka
152. From the review of BRT experience in Dhaka, some questions, and issues for the
URSTP include:
1. What is the future of BRT in Dhaka? From experience, many stakeholders are not
convinced about its role in Dhaka.
2. What sort of BRT system would be most suitable for Dhaka? Would simpler, more
basic bus priorities be a better option, allowing a wider network coverage to be
developed more quickly?
3. Some specific projects will need to be decided, for example (i) BRT-7 project –
whether to proceed? (ii) BRT-3 – how to connect passengers arriving at the BRT-
3 airport terminus with the rest of the city?

3.2.7 The Bus Sectors in Dhaka Role of Buses in Dhaka

153. Buses are Dhaka’s second most important mode of transport – after walking – in terms
of number of passengers carried. According to the 2015 RSTP buses accounted for
47% of all passenger trips carried by vehicles, including NMT. 9
154. Dhaka used to be known as a ‘city of rickshaws’: in the late 1970’s it had very few
buses and the gap was filled by cycle-rickshaws and auto-rickshaws. Bus use
increased rapidly from the 1980’s – first mini-buses and paratransit (such as tempos),
and then larger buses in the 1990’s.
155. The number of buses currently operating in the city is not known because BRTA’s
licensing system is very inaccurate. By 2019 there were about 9,000 large buses and
minibuses in Dhaka, and also a sizeable ‘paratransit’ sector with microbus services
provided by tempos, human haulers, shared EasyBikes, and so on. (Figure 3.41).

RSTP, Interim Report 2, August 2015, Figure 11.17. Note: rickshaw were estimated at 32% of vehicle trips in 2014, cars and
autorickshaws 9% each, and motorcycles 2%.

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Figure 3.41 Growth of Large Buses and Minibuses in Dhaka, 1993-2019

(Note: paratransit modes are not included)

7,000 6,500
2,000 1,490
Sources: (1) DITS Study, 1993, Mid-Term Report, Fig. 5. (2) STP 2004, Working Paper, ‘Public Transport Reform
in Dhaka’, Karl Felstrom. (3) World Bank CASE project 2009, Project Appraisal Document, page 55 (based on
BRTA data. (4) Bus Route Rationalisation Study, Package 4, Clustering Study, June 2020, page 4 Comparisons with other Major Cities Worldwide

156. Dhaka’s bus sector is particularly important because of the lack of rail services. But
even in world cities with extensive rail and metro systems, the bus sector is still very
important. For example, in Hong Kong, Delhi and Bangkok, the bus sector accounts
for over 40% of all vehicular passenger trips. Even London, with its subway and
suburban rail network, has 19% of all vehicular passenger trips carried by bus, and its
bus network complements the rail network. (Figure 3.42).

Figure 3.42 Bus Trips as a Percentage of Total Vehicle Trips in Selected World Cities

50 47
30 27



Hong Dhaka Delhi Bangkok Seoul Singapore London

Notes: The data refers to London (2017), Hong Kong (2012), Dhaka (2014), Delhi (2014). The Hong
Kong figure includes light trams.

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

157. The number of buses, however, does not tell us whether the sector is performing
efficiently. Back in 1993 the Dhaka Integrated Transport Study (DTS) found that the
city’s 1,500 buses and minibuses were operating at only half (57%) of their potential
capacity in terms of kilometres per year, due to bad practices, poor management, and
traffic congestion. The study observed that:
“The ownership pattern of private sector buses …results in a lack of coordinated
control. This leads to a waste of resources and to time-wasting, traffic congestion and
aggressive competition on the road. The ill-disciplined behaviour of bus crews also
results in unsafe driving practices, dangerous boarding and alighting by passengers in
the middle of streets and excessive overcrowding, which is unsafe as well as
uncomfortable, especially for women. It also causes undue wear and tear. This
fragmentation of ownership and control also prevents the appointment of professional
transport management with the appropriate expertise and prevents capital
accumulation for much-needed investment. Major industry restructuring is needed” 10
158. The inefficient operation (for instance, buses waiting till nearly full before starting)
resulted in low output, and bus drivers and helpers trying to boost earnings by
overcrowding the buses and racing between stops. Consequently, Dhaka’s bus
system was desperately overcrowded, unpleasant and inefficient to use. The lack of
decent public transport in turn led many people to purchase private cars and more
recently, motorcycles.
159. The 1993-94 DITS study calculated that if managed properly, Dhaka’s buses could
provide a much better service and also increase profitability without raising fares or
requiring subsidy. This is still true today. Previous Initiatives to Improve Dhaka’s Bus System
160. Efforts to improve Dhaka’s bus system date back to the early 1990’s. The same
recommendations have been made again and again, yet despite numerous studies
and projects, the sector has not significantly changed, and buses remain a ‘poor
relation’ of Dhaka’s transport system. Most people still do not choose to use a bus
unless they have no alternative.
161. A summary of past attempts to reform Dhaka’s bus system are listed in Table 3.12.
The main proposals for improvement have been:
To restructure the bus sector’s ownership and operation, rationalising the number
of bus routes and consolidating ownership and management in a limited number
of companies
To establish a strong unit within Government (under DTCA) to plan, co-ordinate
and manage the bus sector in Dhaka. This unit is potentially called BUSNET.
To introduce bus priorities in Dhaka so that buses are not trapped by congestion.
(Developing the BRT corridors is one example of bus priorities, and there are many
To integrate the buses both within the bus sector and with other transport modes,
through development of an integrated bus network and public transport hubs and
To apply smart technology such as electronic ticketing, GPS, and RFID monitoring,
etc, to manage the bus operations, allow faster services, and centrally collect fare
revenue (which at present leaks away, reducing the bus sector’s profitability)

Dhaka Integrated Transport Study (DITS), 1993, Mid-Term Report, Section 3, paragraphs 35, 36

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Table 3.12 Timeline of Past Initiatives to Reform and Improve Dhaka’s Bus System

Year Project / Study/ Event Proposals Outcome

1994 DITS (Dhaka Integrated Recommended restructuring and Not followed up
Transport Study) consolidation of bus industry
1998- DUTP (Dhaka Urban $234m project to improve Regarding buses - several
2005 Transport Project), World Dhaka's urban transport system initiatives, but ultimately little
Bank-funded changed
1999 DUTP Phase 2 report on Proposed a strategy for Not followed up
bus reform amalgamating bus companies
and increasing competition
2002 Bus Route Franchising Study objectives: to recommend Corridor demonstration project
Study, for DTCB a systematic network planning implemented in 2004 (see below)
process, establish a bus
tendering procedure and a new
framework for bus franchising

2004 DTCB route franchising Exclusive corridor for one Put out to tender and a contract
demonstration project, operator on Uttara-New Market was awarded to Green Fuel, but
under DUTP via Farm Gate route, with 50 ultimately the project never got
buses going
Working paper on Public Proposals for bus route 121-page working paper with full
Transport Reform in franchising and BRT corridors details of bus reforms for Dhaka
Dhaka, prepared by Karl
Feldstrom for STP
2005 STP (Strategic Transport STP recommended to restructure Very limited steps taken by
Plan) the bus industry from a large government - e.g. Road Transport
number of small operators to a Committee encouraged owners co-
few large operators ops and issued route permits to
companies not individuals, but no
significant change except growth of
bigger operators
2007 Study of Bus Operation in Preparation for the World Bank's Followed by CASE Project
Dhaka City, Abdul Bhuiyan CASE Project. Report
for DoE’s Air Quality recommended re-organising and
Management Project centrally managing Dhaka’s bus
(World Bank-funded) network
2007 Preparations for CASE $87mill project to improve Regarding buses, main focus was on
Project (Clean Air and transport in Dhaka and also developing BRT-3 South
Sustainable Environment), regulate brick fields for improved
air quality

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Year Project / Study/ Event Proposals Outcome

World Bank-funded. (The
project ended in 2019)

2009 Bus Priority Corridor Pre- Funded by CASE project as an Examined conditions on the
Feasibility Study, by input to the BRT-3 Airport to Old potential BRT route (in advance of
Devcon Dhaka project the BRT feasibility study)
2010 DHUTS (Dhaka Urban DHUTS recommended Outline recommendations only (no
Transport Network restructuring bus route details), but proposals not
Development Study), JICA- franchising, bus management followed-up
funded system, etc.
2011 SISCETRA (Study for Comprehensive institutional DTMC established, but DTCA not
Institutional Strengthening study, with proposals to strengthened
and Capacity Enhancement strengthen DTCA as co-
of Transport Related ordination agency and establish
Agencies) DTMC to implement /operate
new MRT
2012 Dhaka Bus Network and Study implemented under CASE 100-page report. Chapter 10
Regulatory Reform project proposed organisational structure
Implementation Study and for establishing Bus Network
Design Work, ALG management under DTCA
Consultants for World
2011- World Bank advisor based Various proposals to DTCA for Not implemented
2014 at DTCA under CASE institutional reform and bus
project sector management
2017- DTCA Capacity-Building Strengthening DTCA's capacity in Working papers prepared on many
2018 Project (EU/AFD-funded) all areas of administration and aspects of transport planning and
management, including regulation in Dhaka. Concept design
establishment of BUSNET prepared for Pilot Bus Corridor on
Airport-Saidabad corridor (the
corridor was proposed in STP as
2017 DNCC Mayor Annisul Huq Pre-feasibility study 'Bus Route Nov. 2017, Mayor Annisul Huq died
proposed bus route Rationalization and Operation of unexpectedly, and the bus initiative
rationalisation to PM (in Bus Services on Company Basis was delayed
May 2017) in Dhaka' proposed rationalising
291 routes into 22 routes under
six companies

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Year Project / Study/ Event Proposals Outcome

2018 Meeting chaired by Road The company will sign contacts A concept design for the corridor
Transport and Bridges with bus operators and fix fares, was prepared under the DTCA
Minister decides to bus service intervals, and other Capacity-Building Project 2017-
establish a government- issues. 105 articulated buses to 2018. However, the bus corridor
owned Dhaka Bus Network operate under two groups of was never implemented, and the
Management Company owners on the BRT-1 corridor government decided instead to
(07/01/2018) (now MRT-1), Airport-Saidabad construct an MRT-1 along the
and Kuril-Purbachal corridor
29/07/2018, Speeding bus Mass protests by students
kills three students at a paralyse Dhaka for a week
bus stop on Airport Road
09/09/2018, Government 10-member Bus Route
initiative to rationalise city Rationalisation Committee
bus services re-launched formed with DSCC Mayor as
after road deaths on convenor
Airport Road
2019 WB prepares a new Project objectives: (1) Develop Project team is mobilised, and
$500mill 'Public Transport client capacity for increased various studies are commissioned
Improvement Project' for private sector participation in from consultants (e.g., BUET, CPCS)
Dhaka Dhaka's public transport sector;
(2) Recommend PPP options and
business models for private
sector operation of feeder routes
to the BRT-3 line Gazipur-
Mohakhali and for city-wide bus
2020 Communications Minister
announces that BRT-3 south will
not be implemented “due to the
bad experience of the under-
construction BRT”
08/8/20, WB agrees to re-
allocate BRT-3 south funds
to other covid-related
Mar-June 2020, Report by Study reviews 2017 bus route Bus route re-structuring taken up
IIFC on 'Bus services, restructuring feasibility study by government through DNCC and
routes restructuring and and confirms proposals for 22 DSCC
clustering' submitted to routes operated by 22
DTCA companies in six clusters, plus
several new routes
Aug. 2020, Report by CPCS Recommends establishment of World Bank 'Public Transport
Transcom Ltd. submitted BUSNET as a unit under DTCA Improvement Project' ended (see
on ‘The Institutional and above) and funds re-allocated to
Regulatory Framework’ for other projects
bus reform in Dhaka –
prepared under WB
technical assistance, Task 2

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Year Project / Study/ Event Proposals Outcome

Oct. 2020, government Cttee reconvened after First selected route is Route 21,
initiative to rationalise city Coronavirus pandemic, and Ghatarchar to Kanchpur via
bus services re-starts after selects a pilot route for Motijheel
Covid shutdown rationalisation

2021 26/12/2021 Pilot corridor 50 buses initially, joint venture of

launched on Ghatarchar to five companies:
Kanchpur Route, ‘Nagar
Paribahan Bus Service’
27/12/2021, Minister for
Roads and Bridges
announces plans for 42
routes eventually, in
Dhaka Metro Region
2022 20/03/2022, Plans to run Committee headed by DSCC Route 21, Ghatarchar to Demra
225 buses on three routes Mayor makes the announcement (Kanchpur), Route-23, Bosila to
announced Kanchpur via Mohammadpur Shia
Mosque, Route-26, Ghatarchar to
23/03/2022, New law "Bus Transport Service Operation Draft law forwarded to RHD for
prepared by DTCA to and Special Rights (Route comments and approval
regulate buses under Franchise) Act"
13/10/2022, Two more 50 buses planned for each route Route 22: Ghatarchar to Demra
routes launched Staff Quarter and Route 26:
Ghatarchar to Kadamtali

2023 08/02/2023, Two more Two new routes intended as Route-24: Ghatarchar to
bus routes to be started feeder routes to MRT-6 Abdullahpur via Agargaon and
under Dhaka Nagar Mirpur;
Paribahan Route-25: Ghatarchar to
Abdullahpur via Manik Mia Avenue,
Bijoy Sarani, Mohakhali, Banani and
Airport Road
2023 New Bus Route 18-month study of pilot project Study will commence in April 2023
Rationalisation Study to be to implement bus route
implemented under DTCA rationalisation in Dhaka (focusing
with Korean funding on organisational aspects)

2023 New Bus Route 18-month study of pilot project Study will commence in April 2023
Rationalisation Study to be to implement bus route
implemented under DTCA rationalisation in Dhaka (focusing
with Korean funding on organisational aspects) Progress of the Bus Route Rationalisation Initiative

162. After many years of proposals (and a few pilot projects that stalled), bus route
rationalisation finally got underway in 2016 due to the late DNCC Mayor Annisul Huq.
After election in 2015 he launched a number of projects, including footway
construction, circular bus service in the Gulshan/Banani/ Hatirjheel area, and support
for bus route rationalisation. A consultant’s study had recommended amalgamating

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

291 bus routes (that existed on paper) into 22 routes, grouped in six clusters. The
Mayor took the proposal to the Prime Minister and gained her support. (Figure 3.43).
163. In January 2018 the Minister for Road Transport and Bridges announced that a Dhaka
Bus Network Management Company would be established under DTCA, to sign
contacts with bus operators, set fares, schedule bus services, and so on. A pilot
corridor was selected – Airport to Saidabad, with a spur from Kuril to Purbachal – and
two groups of owners would operate 105 articulated buses. This corridor had originally
been proposed in the STP for BRT-1, and the DTCA Capacity-Building Project 2017-
2018 had prepared a concept design for operating buses on the corridor on dedicated
lanes (see also BRT section above).
164. In the event, neither initiative was implemented. The DNCC Mayor died unexpectedly
in November 2017 and the bus route rationalisation initiative was temporarily halted.
Meanwhile, the government decided to implement MRT-1 on the proposed corridor,
and the bus priority corridor was dropped.
165. A serious road accident on Airport Road in July 2018, caused by speeding buses
competing for passengers, led to a public outcry in Dhaka and for several days the
city’s streets were blocked by protesting students. The situation galvanised the
government and, among other actions, the bus route rationalisation initiative was
166. A 10-member Bus Route Rationalisation Committee was established in September
2018.11 Previously, the Dhaka Regional Transport Committee (RTC) used to allocate
bus route permits. The RTC committee was chaired by the Police Commissioner for
Dhaka and the member-secretary was from BRTA. However, the process was known
to be administratively weak. The Bus Route Rationalisation Committee took over the
work of the RTC, stopped issuing new bus route permits and commenced the process
of rationalizing the bus routes. New Mayors were elected to DNCC and DSCC, and
the latter (now the chair of the committee) has been closely involved in the process
and given strong political support, as well as the Minister for Road Transport and

Committee members on 11/11/2020: DSCC Mayor Sheikh Fazle Noor Taposh, DNCC Mayor Atiqul Islam, DMP
Commissioner, BRTA Chairperson, BRTC Chairperson, Rajuk Chairperson, Public transport expert Dr SM Saleh Uddin,
Bangladesh Transport Owners Association General Secretary Khandaker Enayet Ullah, and two others.

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Figure 3.43 2020 Bus Route Rationalisation Proposals, 34 Bus Routes Grouped in Six

Source: IIFC, June 2020, Bus Services, Routes Restructuring and Clustering Report, Bus Route Rationalisation
Book, page 116

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1 Recent Progress, Bus Route Rationalisation

167. In December 2021 the first Nagar Paribahan (Capital Transport) route, Route 22,
Ghatarchar to Kanchpur, was launched, followed by two more in March 2022. Further
routes have since been announced, all from the same Green Cluster (routes 21 to 28).
Key features include:
Limited number of companies running the service
No other buses permitted on the corridor (though not yet observed in practice)
Good quality buses, usually new
Distinct vehicle livery, and uniforms for the staff
New bus shelters
Companies contracted according to distance operated
Fare levels same as for private buses
Stopping only at designated stops

Figure 3.44 Routes 22, 23 and 26 – the first to be Rationalised

Figure 3.45 New bus stand at Ghatarchar for Dhaka Nagar Paribahan’s Route 22
Service to Kanchpur

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1 Responses from Stakeholders

168. Generally, some stakeholders have less than enthusiastic about the bus route
rationalization, notably some owners, labour unions and police. However, for the time
being, most owners are co-operating and waiting to see how things develop.
169. Initially there was some enforcement of the bus route permit system, with about 30 old
and unlicensed buses being stopped in September 2022, confiscated, and scrapped.
This sent a clear warning to the bus operators that the government was serious about
route rationalisation.
170. However, there have been some difficulties since the new services were introduced:
Traffic congestion along the route reducing operating speeds and revenues.
(Drivers report average speeds of only 8 kph at peak times, which is about the
speed of a rickshaw and not much faster than walking)
Congestion also makes it difficult for buses to keep to the schedules
Many illegal buses are still plying, and the police are not yet stopping them
The illegal buses are still picking up passengers at unauthorised stops (e.g.
intersections, footbridges, etc) and driving competitively
Meanwhile, the approved buses try to follow the rules but are losing passengers to
the illegal buses
171. Consequently, the illegal buses are capturing a large share of the passenger demand,
(and likewise inter-district buses on some roads). Currently, all three routes (22, 23
and 26) are operating at a loss. However, the government understands that public
transport is a service, and is taking the long-term view of establishing viable and well-
managed bus routes. Arrangements/Contracts with the New Route Operators
172. On the newly rationalised routes, the bus operator is paid on a per kilometre contract.
Drivers and helpers are paid salaries. DSCC has constructed 70 bus stops (using GoB
funds). A bus schedule was drawn up, but due to congestion the operators have not
been able to keep to it. Smart Ticketing on Buses
173. Smart cards for buses were first introduced in Dhaka in 2012 in a JICA-funded project
with BRTC. The ‘S-pass’ was introduced initially on two routes. In 2015 a Clearing
House project Phase 1 was started as a pilot project and three bus companies took
the equipment: Dhaka Chaka, BRTC, and Trust (a private bus company). One
important conclusion was that a special purpose company needed to be established
in DTCA to act as a clearing house. The Clearing House project Phase 2 was started
within DTCA in 2020, with formation of a special purpose company and integration with
MRT Line-6. Meanwhile, memoranda of understanding have been signed for other
MRT lines (MRT-5 and MRT-1) and also with the Dhaka BRT company. Some other
private bus companies are also in discussions with DTCA about joining. So far,
however, smart ticketing has not been introduced on the Nagar Paribahan routes.
Payment is still by cash to a ticket collector on board the bus, who issues a ticket from
a hand-held ticket machine. BUSNET / Management of Bus Route Rationalisation
174. DTCA is currently providing the support for the bus route rationalisation initiative.
However, no progress has been made yet in establishing BUSNET as the bus network
175. DTCA will start a new project soon (April 2023), with consultants appointed for an 18-
month study of a pilot project to implement bus route rationalisation in Dhaka, focusing
on organisational aspects.

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1 Establishment of BUSNET

176. The proposals for a strong unit or agency to manage bus operations in Dhaka go back
to the early 1990’s and have been repeated in most transport studies since then. For
example, the 2012 ‘Dhaka Bus Network and Regulatory Reform Implementation Study
and Design Work’ by ALG Consultants for the World Bank’s CASE project
recommended the following three main functions for a Bus Network Manager:
1. Management of bus-related street infrastructure (stops, shelters, bus lanes,
interchanges, depots)
2. Management of the bus operators (contracts, maintenance, etc.)
3. Revenue management and clearing house (see Figure 3.46)

Figure 3.46 2012, Proposed Functions of a Dhaka Bus Network Manager

Source: ‘Dhaka Bus Network and Regulatory Reform Implementation Study and Design Work’ by ALG
Consultants for the World Bank-funded CASE project, 2012

177. Recently, the 2020 World Bank-funded ‘Study on Improving Private Sector
Participation in Dhaka Public Transport’, by CPCS consultants again
recommended that ‘there should be a single, independent agency responsible for
planning the city-wide bus network and subsequent allocation of operating rights for
particular routes or route groups to bus operating companies or collectives.
178. The study looked at five options for establishing Dhaka BUSNET:
1. Establish a BUSNET unit under DTCA
2. Dhaka BRTC to take responsibility for bus franchising
3. Establish BUSNET as a state-owned enterprise under DTCA
4. As for Option 3, plus BUSNET to take over Dhaka BRTC as well
5. BRTC to be responsible for city-wide bus contracting
179. The study’s recommendation was:
Short-term: establish a BUSNET unit under DTCA
Longer-term: BUSNET to become a State-Owned Enterprise (SOE) under
DTCA, with similar status to DMTC and DhakaB RT Company – (see Figure 3.47
and Figure 3.48)

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Figure 3.47 2020 Proposal from the World Bank-Funded Study: Short-Term, BUSNET
Established as a Unit within DTCA

Figure 3.48 2020 Proposal from the World Bank-Funded Study: Longer-Term,
BUSNET Established as a State-Owned Enterprise under DTCA

Source: CPCS, Study on Improving Private Sector Participation in Dhaka Public Transport, 2020, Webinar
27th July 2020, Slides 49 and 50

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

180. The DTCA Capacity-Building project, implemented over 2017-2018, also

recommended establishing Dhaka BUSNET and described its proposed role,
functions, and organisation in detail. – see Box 1 and Figure 3.49.

Box 1: Extract from Report on Establishment of BUSNET in Dhaka,

DTCA Capacity Building Project, August 2018,
Section 2.3 Role and Responsibility of BUSNET
The key role of BUSNET is to plan and manage the general bus network across the
Dhaka Metropolitan region and manage customer service delivery. The BRT lines will be
under the separate control of the Dhaka BRT Co.
BUSNET would work closely with the Dhaka BRT Co. in the rationalization of routes
surrounding BRT, and when BRT replaces general bus routes with the introduction of new
BRT lines.
Fundamental to the success and sustainability of BUSNET is the introduction of a
commercially minded approach in network management, in which:
BUSNET operates under a commercial business model, with clear revenue and
efficiency objectives set into the business strategy
A differential fare policy acts as a price mechanism to influence passenger behaviour,
and manage affordability
BUSNET develops and markets the network.
Within its scope of operational responsibility of the general bus network, BUSNET’s role is
Generate patronage/build revenue/manage efficiency
Be responsible for customer service delivery and complaints
Plan routes, control and monitor service delivery
Manage bus related infrastructure
Ensure financial performance
Manage fare policy and collection
Manage and enforce bus operator contracts
Manage community relations and the marketing and promotion of the system.
BUSNET is not a ‘regulator’, but instead a manager with the business control levers at its

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Figure 3.49 Proposed Organisational Structure for the BUSNET Business Unit under

Source: DTCA Capacity Building Project, August 2018, Report on Establishment of BUSNET in Dhaka, Figure 5,
page 12

181. In conclusion, Dhaka’s bus sector in Dhaka needs a strong and efficient organisation
to integrate and manage the services. Examples of such organisations in other major
cities include London (TfL), Jakarta (TransJakarta), Singapore (Land Transport
Authority), Santiago (Transtgo), Lisbon (Carris), and many others. Bus Priorities in Dhaka Recommendations from the 2015 RSTP
182. The 2015 RSTP recognised that buses would continue to be the backbone of Dhaka’s
urban transport system even after the MRT and BRT lines were built, as the latter
would cater for less than 20% of all trips in Greater Dhaka.
183. The RSTP proposed a primary and a secondary bus network. Within the primary
network there would be a priority bus network, with buses given precedence over other
modes.12 The primary bus route network would consist of bus routes with a medium
capacity and acceptable line speeds. The aim would be to create an integrated
network – not just for one or two corridors but for all of Dhaka, to augment the
MRT/BRT network.
184. The RSTP listed some traffic management measures that could be adopted in a bus
priority network, for example:
Physical separation (i.e., bus lanes)

RSTP, August 2015, Interim Report 2, Chapter 13.4

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Priority at traffic signals (i.e., bus queue jumps and synchronised signals)
Road pricing (e.g., additional charges for cars and motorcycles on particular streets
or areas)
185. The RSTP proposed a $46 million budget for Priority Bus Development Projects,
including bus lanes, signal priorities, network design and institutional development.13 Recommendations from Previous Transport Projects in Dhaka
186. Bus priorities and other measures to upgrade Dhaka’s bus services were proposed in
previous studies such as the DITS study (1994), DUTP (1998-2005), and DHUTS.
Some of the reasons why few of these proposals were implemented can be suggested
as follows:
The government focused on removing cycle rickshaws from main corridors, rather
than introducing bus priorities
From the CASE project onwards, the main focus was on developing the BRT-3
corridor rather than developing bus priorities more widely around Dhaka
The agencies responsible for street design and traffic management in Dhaka
seriously lack capacity (e.g., the traffic engineering cells at DSCC and DNCC, and
the Dhaka Metropolitan Police). This was illustrated in the failure to implement
traffic signals, despite two major attempts
The bus sector was too fragmented, disorganised, ill-disciplined, poor quality, but
also politically strong, making introduction of bus priorities a major challenge
Lack of discipline in Dhaka’s traffic generally, and poor enforcement
Weak traffic management, for example lack of parking controls, etc.
187. For these reasons, proposals in the various studies and projects were not followed up,
and a good opportunity to introduce bus priorities when Dhaka’s traffic was still at a
fairly low level (in the 1990’s) was missed. Bus Priorities in Other Countries
188. Bus priority networks have been developed in many of the world’s major cities.
London’s first bus lane was introduced in 1968. Today it has nearly 280km of bus
lanes, and an 865km network of ‘Red Routes’ where buses are given top priority
(Figure 3.50)

RSTP, op city, Table 13.18

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Figure 3.50 Bus Lanes (total km) in Various World Cities, 2017


Figure 3.51 Bus Lanes in Seoul

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Figure 3.52 Bus Lanes in London

Figure 3.53 Greater London’s Network of Bus Priority Routes (the Red Routes)

189. London: 865 km of bus priority routes. Strong parking controls along all the Red
Routes. Bus-only lanes on some sections. Bus priority at 1,900 out of 6,000 traffic
signals in London.

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1 Introducing Bus Priorities in Dhaka

190. Unless bus priorities can be introduced in Dhaka, there is little prospect of improvement
for the sector, including the bus route rationalisation project. Dhaka Nagar Paribahan
drivers interviewed on Route 22, the first to be introduced under route rationalisation,
reported that journeys at weekday peak periods take twice as a long compared with
Fridays – 2.5 to 3 hours for the 24.3km route compared with 1.5 hours on a Friday.
This means that the average bus speed at peak periods is only 8.1 kph, which is
approximately the average speed of a cycle-rickshaw (7.7 kph) and not much quicker
than a pedestrian walking briskly (7 kph).
191. In London the average speed of buses across the whole network before the
coronavirus pandemic was 14.8kph, and London’s buses are not particularly fast.14
192. The effect of congestion is to reduce the buses’ productivity and profitability, and drive
passengers away to other modes (most recently, motorcycles). Introduction of bus
priorities and a good quality bus network in Dhaka can reverse this trend, and make
bus travel attractive for all users, not just those who can’t afford private vehicles.
193. Many people believe that Dhaka is not suitable for introduction of bus priorities – ‘it’ll
never work here!’ However, the choice is between stationary mixed traffic at peak
periods, or buses on priority bus routes that can keep moving at all times. Bus Priorities on Route 22, Ghatarchar to Kanchpur
194. Site visits to the Route 22 corridor showed that there are many locations where bus
priorities can be successfully introduced. Three examples are shown below.

Figure 3.54 Bosila Road, Washpur – Potential for Bus Lanes on Nagar Paribahan
Route 22

Right of Way is 20-26m – sufficient for two bus lanes and 3-4 mixed traffic lanes (plus 2x 2.0m

Transport for London, TFL Bus Action Plan, 2018, page 51

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Figure 3.55 Potential for Bus Lanes at Mohammedpur Bus Station Intersection

This is one of the most congested locations on Route 22, with long delays > 30-40 minutes at
peak times

Figure 3.56 Potential Bus Priorities at Motijheel Shapla Mor (Bangladesh Bank)

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Figure 3.57 Route 22, Potential Bus Priorities at Motijheel Inter-District Bus Terminals

195. Dhaka currently has three main bus terminals for inter-district buses: Gabtoli,
Mohakhali and Saidabad. These were established in the 1980’s mainly as a traffic
management measure, to divert the buses from Dhaka’s centre and reduce traffic
196. At the time of opening, the three terminals were on the edge of Dhaka’s suburbs. But
the city has expanded and now the terminals are more central. With increasing
demand, they now seem inadequate. Poor internal management, and poor traffic
management on surrounding roads, lead to serious traffic congestion and poor
conditions for the passengers. 2021 Feasibility Study for Relocating the Bus Terminals
197. In 2020-2021 DTCA commissioned a feasibility study and conceptual design for
relocating the three terminals to new terminals further outside Dhaka’s central area.
The study’s main objectives were:
i. To select the required number of interdistrict bus terminals at the city periphery
with good multimodal connectivity.
ii. Prepare conceptual designs of the terminals.
iii. Prepare environmental and social report including land acquisition plan.
198. Some of the study’s findings were:
The three terminals currently cater for less than two-thirds of Dhaka’s inter-district
bus passengers. About 40% of all inter-district buses use other locations for
disembarking/boarding passengers (usually city streets or small private terminals)
The inter-district buses also pick-up and drop-off passengers as they travel in and
out of Dhaka, up to distances of nearly 40km beyond the city
Most passengers access the terminals by bus (41%), auto-rickshaw (37%) or
cycle-rickshaw (11%). (Note: these figures are averages across the three
About half of all passengers have luggage, ranging from 39% at Sayedabad to 77%
at Gabtoli
Most buses do not spend long at the terminals, but drop-off passengers within
about 20 minutes and then move on to another location, usually to park in the
surrounding streets.

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1 Inter-City Bus and Passenger Demand

199. In 2020 about 8,000 inter-city buses arrived at the three terminals each day, carrying
passengers from all 63 districts of Bangladesh. Nearly half of the passengers (46%)
came from 10 districts, as follows:
Table 3.13 2020 Total Daily Arrivals of Inter-District Buses and Passengers at Three Terminals
Rank District Total Daily Buses Total Daily
Arriving at Three Passengers Arriving
Terminals (000’s)

1 Narayanganj 515 17.4

2 Sylhet 480 16.2
3 Tangail 429 14.5
4 Cumilla 408 13.8
5 Mymensingh 395 13.3
6 Chattogram 343 11.6
7 Khulna 343 11.6
8 Rajshahi 292 9.8
9 Dinajpur 266 9.0
10 Jashore 223 7.5
Total (top 10 districts) 3,693 124.7

Total (63 districts) 7,973 269.1

Source: DTCA, 2021, Feasibility Study and Conceptual Design of Proposed Bus Terminal and Depot, Final Report,
Tables 5-2 and 5-3

200. The numbers from Chattogram seem low, but this may be because some Chattogram
coach services operate from other places in Dhaka (i.e., not Sayedabad terminal).
201. The study’s surveys were carried out in 2020 when demand was reduced by the
Coronavirus crisis. However, it was observed that mornings were the busiest times for
buses leaving Dhaka, while evenings were the busiest time for buses arriving from the
districts. In other words, the majority of buses set off in the morning, to reach their
destinations in the afternoon or evening. The peak hour for departures was 8-9am,
and 6-7pm for arrivals. Peak Hour Demand
202. However, in the morning peak hour the number of inter-district buses departing was
only 500 buses (total of three terminals), with a similar number arriving in the evening
peak hour. In other words, the peak volume at each terminal was fairly low compared
with the total volume of traffic on the corridor. Hence the traffic congestion problem
was not due to the number of buses, but rather due to poor traffic management around
the terminals (including vehicles bringing passengers to or from the terminals). Identification of Potential Future Bus Terminals
203. The study identified 14 potential locations, which was narrowed down to 10, from which
5 were recommended for implementation:
Baghair (N8 Dhaka-Mawa highway)
Hemayetpur (N5 Dhaka-Manikganj highway)
Gram Bhatulia (next to the Dhaka Circular Road in north-west Uttara)
Bhulta (near the intersection of N105 Dhaka Bypass and N2
Sylhet highway)
Kanchpur South (near the intersection of N1 Chattogram highway and
N105 Dhaka bypass).

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

204. The locations are shown in Figure 3.58. They are between 7.5–15km further out of
Dhaka compared with the existing terminals, and between 13–20km from main
residential areas such as Dhanmundi, Mohammedpur, Malibagh, Gulistan, Gulshan,
205. The feasibility study considered current and potential future access to the terminals.
However, much of the future access depended on projects that have not yet been
implemented, such as the MRT proposals, new expressways, and new or rationalised
bus routes. Future Demand for Inter-District Bus Travel
206. The feasibility study projected future demand for inter-district buses and passengers
at the five proposed terminals (Table 3.14 Projected Number of Buses and Passengers
at the Proposed 5 Terminals, 2025):
Table 3.14 Projected Number of Buses and Passengers at the Proposed 5 Terminals, 2025
Proposed Corridor Served Daily number Daily number
Terminal of buses of
arriving (2025) passengers
1 Hemayatpur West 1,353 45,700
2 Gram Bhatulia North and north-west 2,913 98,300
3 Bhulta North-east 1,631 55,000
4 Kanchpur South South-east 2,751 93,000
5 Baghair (Jhilmil) South-west 1,554 52,500
TOTAL 10,202 344,500
(Peak 1,224 41,300
Source: DTCA, 2021, Feasibility Study and Conceptual Design of Proposed Bus Terminal and Depot, Final Report,
Tables 5-4 and 5-5

207. Hence the peak hour arrivals at the five terminals in 2025 could be 1,224 buses, more
than double the 2020 level at the three terminals, yet still only a small proportion of
overall traffic flow on the various corridors.

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Figure 3.58 Existing and Proposed Inter-District Bus Terminals

(Superimposed on the 2015 RSTP proposed road network for 2035)

Source: DTCA, 2021, Feasibility Study and Conceptual Design of Proposed Bus Terminal and Depot, Final Report,
Chapter 15.

208. Existing inter-district bus terminals are shown in black. In clockwise order from west,
they are (A) Gabtoli; (B) Mohakhali; (C) Sayedabad.
209. Proposed bus terminals are shown in red: (1) Hemayetpur; (2) Gram Bhatulia; (3)
Bhulta; (4) Kanchpur South; (5) Baghair (Jhilmil)

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1 Issues to be Considered in Developing the URSTP Proposals

210. Locating passenger terminals on Dhaka’s periphery will be difficult for bus passengers.
After arriving at the terminals, passengers will still have to travel a further 13-20km or
more to reach their destinations within Dhaka. This will require changing modes, which
takes time and will significantly increase travel costs, especially if taxi modes are used.
Traffic congestion in Dhaka will make the final leg of the journey very slow – adding up
to a couple of hours when roads are busy. In many cases passengers will switch to a
less space-efficient mode for the last leg of the journey (e.g., cars, taxis, auto-
rickshaws, micro-buses), adding to the road congestion. Those who use city buses
will increase the load on already-crowded services. Meanwhile, the reduction in traffic
volumes by moving the inter-district buses to the city’s periphery will be limited –
perhaps 200 buses per hour on corridors currently carrying 4,000 vehicles per hour.
211. Issues to be further considered in the development of the URSTP include:
What will be the optimum arrangements for inter-district bus services arriving and
departing from Dhaka?
How will inter-district buses best be integrated with the city bus network, as well as
with the upcoming mass transit lines and new highways?
What arrangements should be made for other bus terminals and interchanges in
Dhaka, such as Gulistan/Fulbaria, Mohammedpur, BRTC terminals, and others?
Provision of future bus depots in Dhaka, and future role of the existing terminals
and depots?
3.3 Taxis and Ride-Sharing Services

3.3.1 Car Taxis

212. For decades, taxi services in Dhaka have been provided mainly by two modes: cycle-
rickshaws and auto-rickshaws. Over the years their numbers grew so rapidly that they
became two of the most common types of vehicles in the city. Indeed, Dhaka was once
known as ‘a city of rickshaws’.
213. Car taxis never became popular in Dhaka, for two main reasons: (i) they were more
expensive than the cheaper three-wheelers (motorised and non-motorised); (ii) in
recent years, traffic congestion has limited their output, making them more expensive
to operate and hire. Over the years there were numerous attempts by the government
to boost car taxis in Dhaka, mainly by financial incentives through generous credit and
reduced import duties. For example, in 1999 the government funded a bulk purchase
of taxis, but the scheme collapsed within a few years. By 2010 there were less than
3,300 car taxis actually operating in Dhaka, although 10,857 were officially registered
by BRTA. The taxi owners blamed ‘selection of wrong vehicles, unskilled drivers, car-
jacking and road condition as major reasons behind the dismal state of the industry’.15
214. In 2010-2014 the government developed a new initiative to introduce car taxis for
Dhaka. The Minister for Communications said that Dhaka had only 1,000 car taxis,
and “….as a city of 1.5 crore people, Dhaka cannot be considered as a modern city
unless there is a good taxicab service”.16
215. The original plan in 2010 was to introduce 6,740 new taxis, to be operated by large,
well-organised firms with minimum fleets of 1,000 vehicles (instead of the then
minimum of 20 vehicles). They would have their own radio link service and GPS; larger
1500cc vehicles (no 800cc cars allowed); and premises for garage, depot, workshop
and refuelling facilities.

Daily Star, 10th October 2010, Green light to 6,740 new taxis
Daily Star, 30th July 2013, Army to run taxis.

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

216. In 2011 two private firms were selected and licences issued by BRTA. However, the
initiative didn’t start because the selected companies felt there was too much risk if
they were held liable for any misdeeds by their employed taxi drivers. Also, the various
conditions attached to the licences would have significantly increased the daily cost of
operating each taxi. Hence the firms were reluctant to start unless they could get the
conditions watered-down.17
217. By 2013 the initiative had still not materialised, so the government launched a new
initiative. This time the requirements were modified: bidding firms would have to agree
to import a minimum of 250 cabs with engine capacity not less than 1500cc. The aim
was to import about 5,000 taxis. This also received a poor response – only one private
sector operator came forward – so in 2014 the government decided to involve the Army
Welfare Trust. Retired officers and army drivers would be engaged to operate the
service, which would be monitored by the Communications Ministry. The army
proposed to run 3,000 taxis in Dhaka and the rest (about 500) in Chattogram.18
218. The scheme was finally launched in April 2014, though on a much smaller scale than
originally planned: the Army Welfare Trust started with 250 taxis in Dhaka, and a
private firm Toma Paribahan (‘Your Transport’) a further 250. In addition, the army
agreed to operate 150 taxis in Chattogram. Fares for the new taxis were initially set
as follows:
AC: Tk 100 for the first 2km, Tk 34 for each subsequent km, and Tk 8.5 for a
minute's wait.
Non-AC: Tk 50, Tk 20, and Tk 5 respectively
219. Hence a traveller from Dhanmondi-8 to Shahjalal international airport (16km), including
a 20-minute wait in jam, would have to pay Tk 746 for an AC cab and Tk 430 for a non-
AC one.
220. According to the Daily Star, these fares were high compared with New Delhi, where
the charge for the first 2km was Tk 45 and Tk 19 for every next km and Tk 2.6 for a
minute's wait. The Passengers Welfare Association of Bangladesh termed the fares
221. At the taxi inauguration ceremony on 22nd April 2014, the Prime Minister advised
BRTA to re-fix the first two kilometres fare from Tk 100 to Tk 85 (i.e., a 15% reduction).
The new yellow cab service was launched with 1500cc vehicles such are Premio,
Allion, Probox and Axio models of Toyota.20
222. However, despite the government’s encouragement, the car taxicab service did not
grow significantly. By 2016 there were only about 500 taxicabs operating on Dhaka
streets, according to transport and passenger welfare associations.21

3.3.2 Rented Microbuses and Autos

223. Although taxi cabs failed to take off in Dhaka, there is a large demand for rented
vehicles. In 2015 there were an estimated 10,000 rented microbuses and cars
operating under 150 ‘associations’ (companies) in the capital. The ‘City Cab
Association’, for example, operated 60 microbuses and cars which would make 30 trips
daily (by the total fleet). The ‘Dhaka Microbus Car Owners Association’ had 100
vehicles in 2015.

Daily Star, 18th May 2012, Taxi relief on Dhaka’s roads not in sight
Daily Star, 30th July 2013, ibid
Daily Star, 22nd April 2014, New taxis hit Dhaka streets today.
Daily Star, 22nd April 2014, Cut fare by 15pc for first 2km: PM.
Daily Star, 23rd November 2016, Uber taxis hit Dhaka streets.

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

224. The costs and income were as follows: a typical vehicle might be a nine-seater Noah
microbus purchased second-hand for Tk 12.5 lakh with a bank loan, to be repaid in
monthly instalments of Tk 26,500 (4 years, approximately). The driver who rented the
vehicle would make roughly Tk.600-800 each trip, after deducting operating costs and
rental charges.22

3.3.3 Ride-Sharing Services

225. In 2015-2016 the first ‘Uber’ style ride-sharing taxis appeared in Dhaka – firstly
motorcycles in May 2015 and then cars in November 2016.

3.3.4 Car Taxi services

226. Uber launched its car taxi service in Dhaka in November 2016 in partnership with the
country's largest telecom company, Grameenphone. Uber was already operating in
India and Indonesia and brought a similar commercial model to Dhaka. The Uber app
sets up the passenger’s account and ride-booking facility. The fare depends on traffic
conditions: if the taxi speed is greater than 18kph the fare is based on distance
travelled; if slower, it is based on total travel time. The fare also depends on supply
and demand: i.e., higher fares during rush hours and lower during off-peak, which
encourages more drivers to operate their cabs when there is high demand. Uber taxis
were able to offer much lower fares than the regular taxis and were also more readily
available. In 2016 they were about 40% cheaper than regular taxis.23

3.3.5 Motorcycle Lift-Sharing

227. In 2015 two companies introduced app-based motorcycle taxi services in Dhaka:
‘Share a Motorcycle’ (SAM) in May 2015 and Uber in November 2015. Soon other
companies followed – for example, Pathao in mid-2016, having already been operating
food delivery services since 2015.
228. Motorcycle taxi services grew very rapidly: by late 2018 there were more than 24
companies in Dhaka with over 124,000 vehicles (motorcycles and cars), according to
data submitted by the companies to BRTA. Approximately 85% of these were
motorcycles. 24
229. The government responded slowly. One year later (November 2016) Uber and other
ride-sharing services were declared ‘illegal’ because they hadn’t obtained BRTA’s
permission to operate, as required under the “Taxicab Service Guideline, 2010”. 25
230. In 2017 BRTA prepared “Ride-sharing Service Guidelines, 2017” to regulate the app-
based transport services. These were approved by the Cabinet in January 2018 and
came into action in March 2018. 24 ride-sharing companies, including Uber, Pathao,
Shohoz, Obhai and others were given one month to register under the new rules, which
A company must have at least 100 vehicles to operate in Dhaka (or 50 for
Chittagong or 20 in other cities).
A company must pay Tk 1 lakh and submit other relevant documents, including
trade licence, to BRTA to get “enlistment certificate”.
A car driver must pay Tk 1,000 and a motorcycle rider Tk 500 as yearly enlistment
fee, to be renewed every three years.

Daily Star, 5th February 2015, Political violence dents car rental in Capital
Daily Star, 23rd November 2016, ibid. For example, a fare in an Uber taxi from Karwan Bazar to Apollo Hospital in
Bashundhara was about Tk.300 compared with regular taxis charging Tk.500-550.
Daily Star, 2nd April 2021, Ban on Ride-Sharing Bikes: Over a lakh lose means of livelihood.
Daily Star, 26th November 2016, BRTA Uber Service: Question over BRTA stance

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

231. Further details are given in Appendix 2.

232. However, by January 2019 only 14 of the 24 ride-sharing companies had approached
BRTA and none had completed registration. One of the main obstacles was regarding
passenger safety. The apps had an SOS button to automatically send information
about the driver or passenger's GPS location to 999, the national emergency helpline.
This required Dhaka Metropolitan Police’s involvement and approval but was taking
time. BRTA proposed that pending DMP’s involvement/approval, the companies could
be registered provided they committed to fulfilling the safety requirement within a
specified deadline.26
233. There were good reasons for allowing temporary registration. Since the companies
were not registered, BRTA was not able to hold the companies, drivers, and riders
accountable, and complaints from users were piling up. In addition, the government
was losing a considerable source of revenue.

3.3.6 Further Developments Since 2019

234. In January 2019 a high-level meeting at the Ministry of Road Transport and Bridges
instructed BRTA to ban vehicles registered outside Dhaka from joining ride-sharing
companies operating in the capital. This followed a sharp rise in vehicles, especially
motorcycles, registered outside the capital coming to Dhaka, exacerbating the traffic
problems. Moreover, some drivers from outside Dhaka were less familiar with the city’s
driving conditions, so safety was also a concern. The meeting also proposed to impose
a ceiling on the number of vehicles under any particular ride-hailing company. 27
235. Registration finally started on 1st July 2019, but nine months later Dhaka was hit by
the Covid pandemic. Ride-sharing services, along with other public transport, were
suspended, and this continued for a time after other public transport was allowed to
restart. A second shutdown of ride-sharing services occurred in April 2021 when
another wave of coronavirus spread through Bangladesh. Current Situation
236. Currently, the motorcycle ride-sharing services are flourishing. In 2020 the president
of the Dhaka Ridesharing Drivers Union (DRDU) reckoned that there were more than
100,000 professional rideshare drivers in Bangladesh and more than 400,000
registered drivers. 28

3.3.7 Key Issues for the Government and for the URSTP

237. The rapid increase in both ride-sharing and private motorcycles is both a blessing and
a curse for Dhaka. It has increased mobility for many people, but at the same time
brought some major traffic and environmental problems:
Reduced road safety, especially for pedestrians and cyclists
Traffic indiscipline, such as riding on footways
On-street parking problems
Noise, air pollution, carbon emissions and fossil fuel dependency
Traffic congestion, with motorcycles needing more space per passenger than the
public transport modes that they are to some extent replacing (e.g., buses, tempos,

Daily Star, 18th January 2019, Ride sharing services: BRTA now wants rules relaxed
Daily Star, 4th February 2019, Ride-Sharing Service in Capital: Govt to shut door on outside vehicles
28 Daily Star, 3rd June 2020, Why can’t ride-sharing services ply the roads when everyone else can?

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

The motorcycle ridesharing services are not accessible for much of the population,
particularly women, children, disabled persons, elderly and people carrying
238. The impact of ride-sharing motorcycles on Dhaka’s bus services will be both positive
and negative: positive when they provide feeder services, but negative when bus
passengers switch to motorcycles due to the buses’ slowness and inconvenience.
Moreover, the growth of motorcycles will further slowdown the buses, due to increased
239. Key questions for the government and the URSTP will therefor include:
What should be the future role of motorcycle ridesharing services in Dhaka? How
many motorcycles can Dhaka’s roads accommodate, and are there better ways of
improving people’s mobility (in terms of cost, convenience, congestion, safety and
What policies and infrastructure can the government introduce to achieve the
desired balance between different modes?
How effectively is BRTA able to regulate the ride-sharing sector (and likewise the
DMP to enforce the rules), and how can this be improved?

3.3.8 Other Developments in App-Based Services

240. Numerous other app-based transport services are emerging in Bangladesh and things
are changing fast. Some of these new services include:
App-based CNG services – e.g., Uber added this to its services in June 2020
Demand-responsive microbus services – for example, in 2018 ‘Shuttle’ was
launched to provide on-demand microbus services for women travelling to
university. With investment from Robi (mobile phone network provider) it offered
air-conditioned 10-seater minibuses for trips on ten routes in Dhak, bookable by
Android or i-phone. Fares start from Tk.80/trip, and the service operates from early
morning to late evening. (
On-line car-sharing / car rental – started by Obhai in April 2020 and Uber in July
2020. The app allows users to rent a vehicle in multiple hourly packages that can
be booked up to a maximum of 10 hours. The starting price (Uber, 2020) was Tk
899 for a two-hour and 20 kilometre-package.
On-line freight services – ‘Truck Lagbe’ (‘Do you want a truck?’) started in 2016,
enabling clients to book a service with a truck owner or truck agency from anywhere
in the country. By 2021 there were numerous apps available, and a suggested ‘top
7’ are described in Appendix 3.
On-line groceries, shopping, and delivery services – Appendix 4.

3.4 Road Network and Traffic Management

3.4.1 Road Development Project Proposed in RSTP

241. Expressway, ring road, primary road and secondary road projects were proposed in
RSTP. The summary of road projects is shown in Table 3.15. Please see Appendix 5
for detailed information.

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Table 3.15 Summary of Road Development Projects Proposed in RSTP

Project Components Length (km)

Total New Road Completed

Expressway 126 126 0

1.1 Dhaka Elevated Expressway 20 20 0

1.2 Dhaka Ashulia Elevated 38 38 0


1.3 Dhaka Chittagong Elevated 16 16 0


1.4 Dhaka Sylhet Expressway 16 16 0

1.5 Dhaka Mawa Expressway 18 18 0

1.6 Dhaka Mymensingh Expressway 19 19 0

Ring Roads 310 208 4

2.1 Inner Ring Road 73 31 4

2.2 Middle Ring Road 108 48 0

2.3 Outer Ring Road 129 129 0

Primary Roads 290 65 0

Secondary Roads 471 185 0

Total 1,198 585 4

Source RSTP, 2015

3.4.2 Ring Road Development Proposal

242. Three ring roads were proposed both in Dhaka Structure Plan (DSP) 29 and RSTP30.
The ring roads are identified as Inner, Middle and Outer Ring Roads. The proposed
alignment of the Inner Ring Road is Termukh – Abdullapur – Gabtoli – Rayerbazar –
Babubazar – Postogola – Fatulla – Chasara – Signboard – Demara - Termukh. The
alignment of the Middle Ring Road is Dhirasrom-Tongi (north side of national
university) – Baipal (Ashulia) – Hemayetpur – Zajira – Madanpur – Ropganj -
243. The southern part (Keraniganj - Modonpur) of the Middle and Outer Ring Roads were
proposed as a common section in DSP as illustrated in Figure 3.59.

RAJUK. 2015. Dhaka Structure Plan. Rajdhani Unnayan Katripakkha (RAJUK). Ministry of Housing and Public Works,
Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh
DTCA. 2016. Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka 2015-2035. Dhaka Transport Coordination authority (DTCA), Road
Transport and Highways Division, Ministry of Road Transport and Bridges, Government of the People’s Republic of

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Figure 3.59 Ring Road Proposal in Dhaka Structure Plan 2016-2035

Source: Dhaka Structure Plan 2016-2035, MAP-5.2 (p.5-15)

244. RSTP31 however proposed different alignment for the Middle Ring Road and the Outer
Ring Road as depicted in Figure 3.60.

DTCA. 2016. Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka 2015-2035. Dhaka Transport Coordination authority (DTCA), Road
Transport and Highways Division, Ministry of Road Transport and Bridges, Government of the People’s Republic of

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Figure 3.60 Ring Roads Proposed in RSTP

Source: TA Consultant Team (based on RSTP, 2015)

3.4.3 Current Status of Road Development Projects Proposed in RETP

245. The road development projects proposed in RSTP for Phase 1 have been completed
except three projects as listed in Table 3.16. The remaining three projects also are
now under construction.
246. The road development projects proposed for Phase 2, three of them have been
Table 3.16 Status of Road Development Projects (Phase 1) Proposed in RSTP

Sl. Type of
Description Status
No. Project

Inner Ring Road / Jatrabari–Gulistan FO (Toll Gate to Chankhar

C1-6 Completed Completed
Pul Bus Stop)

C1-7 Inner Ring Road / Zahir Raihan Rd. (Chankhar Pul Bus Stop to Widening Completed
Eden Girls College)

Inner Ring Road (Rasulpur Bridge (Embankment)–Peelkhana

C1-8 road–Azimpur Old Graveyard Eden Girls College) New Road Completed

E1 Dhaka Elevated Expressway New Road Construction

P1-1 N1 / 2nd Kanchpur Bridge and rehabilitation of existing Bridge Completed
P1-2 N1 / 2nd Meghna Bridge and rehabilitation of existing Bridge Completed

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Sl. Type of
Description Status
No. Project
P1-3 N1 / 2nd Gomoti Bridge and rehabilitation of existing Bridge Completed
P2 N2 / 4-Lane Flyover at Bhulta–Sylhet National Highway Completed
P3 N3 / Improvement of Joydevpur–Mymensingh Highway Widening Completed

P4-1 N4 / 4-Lanning of Joydevpur–Chandra–Tangail Road (National Widening Completed

Road -4) under SASEC

P4-2 N4 / 4-Lanning of Joydevpur–Chandra–Tangail Road (National Widening Completed

Road -4) under SASEC
P7-1 Kuril Flyover Completed
P8 N302 / Ashulia to Aricha Road (C & B More) Improvement Completed
P9 R505 / Nabinagar - EPZ - Chandra road improvement Widening Completed

P10-1 Connecting roads to Keraniganj, Nawabgonj & Dohar from Widening Completed
Buriganga 3rd Bridge (East side)

S1 Gazipur–Azmatpur–Itakhola Road (revised) Widening Completed

S10-1 Progati Sarani (Baridhara–Beraid–Balu River–Murapara) to Bhulta New Road Completed

(Nawabganj) (DIT Rd. to Baru River)

S14 Rampura–Demra Road New Road Completed

S23 Improvement of Langolbandh–Kaikertek–Nabiganj Road Widening Construction

S26 3rd Shitalakkhya Bridge at Narayanganj Bandar Upazila New Bridge Construction
S32 Berulia (Dhour)–Ashulia–EPZ road Improvement Completed
S48 Mohammadpur Bus Stand Embankment Berry Bandh) - upgrading Widening Completed
S51 Mogbazar and Mouchak Flyover Completed
Note: P: Primary Road, S: Secondary, C: Circular Road, E: Expressway

Table 3.17 Status of Road Development Projects (Phase 2) Proposed in RSTP

Sl. Description Type of Status

No. Project

E5 Dhaka–Mawa Expressway New Road Completed

Dhaka–Mymensingh Expressway New Road Completed

P5 N8 / Improvement into 4-lanes from 1st Buriganga Bridge to Padma Bridge Widening Completed
Mawa link
Note: P: Primary Road, S: Secondary, C: Circular Road, E: Expressway, only completed projects are selected.

3.4.4 Traffic Management and Safety Traffic Management and Safety Measures

247. Traffic management and safety measures suggested for short-term policy in RSTP are
listed in Table below.

Table 3.18 Traffic Management and Safety

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Short-term Action (Measure) Remark


Control of Garage registration for car owners. Development of the detail roles
Motorization Designated district for TDM. and regulations
Growth Traffic control ex. one way, no entry, TDM for CBD Including
etc. enhancement of the changes from
Increase of tax on vehicle ownership motorcycle to public transport use
and operation (gasoline).
Enhancement of public transportation
Effective Usage Strengthening of ban on illegal Parking control on the sidewalk
of the Limited parking and vendors. Intersection
improvement and effective signal Provision of the hard median and
Road Space by
operation. one-way system for narrow
Traffic Control
Improvement of pedestrian streets
Management environment including provision of Corridor or area comprehensive
Measures crossing facilities. traffic management system
Control of safety in traffic flows (no
mixed traffic flows).
Promotion of comprehensive traffic
control and
Management measures.
Enhancement of Elimination of accident black spots. Not only engineering
the Traffic Safety Strengthening of traffic enforcement improvement, but also should
Measures Improvement of traffic education coordinate with enforcement and
systems. education program.
Improvement of emergency medical
Development of comprehensive 3Es or 4Es comprehensive
traffic safety program. approach (Engineering,
Education, Enforcement and

Development of Development of roadside parking Development of the parking

Efficient Parking plan. management system taking into
Systems Imposition of parking fees and consideration the road functional
parking development fund. classification, particularly in the
Encouragement of off-road parking ancient and old urban areas.
facilities. Parking facility provision Parking ban for primary roads and
regulation for commercial buildings, secondary or tertiary roads with
institutions, etc. less traffic demand will
Development of parking information
systems. be useful for the roadside parking)

Capacity Traffic Police Traffic Inspectors Capacity for the planning and
Development Traffic engineers implementation for the
Traffic Safety Committee comprehensive traffic
Improvement of the design standard, management and safety,
roles and regulations. including institutional capability Traffic Management Improvement Directions by Area

248. RSTP suggested to take different traffic management direction by area which need
different approach. Classification of areas for traffic management improvement are
shown in Figure 3.61and Table 3.19.

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Figure 3.61 Traffic Management Improvement Directions

Source: RSTP, 2015

Table 3.19 Traffic Management Improvement Directions

Area Direction Key Intervention

Old Dhaka Enhance mobility by walking, and Eliminate through traffic.

Area using NMTs Accessible by public Prioritize public transport.
Enhance pedestrian environment.

CBD Good mobility within the area. Ensure efficient traffic operation at
Accessible by public transport intersections. Maintain and upgrade
existing traffic control facility.
Manage parking

Urban Core Secure maximum capacity while Improve bottlenecks.

Districts enhancing traffic safety. Upgrade traffic control facilities
Prioritize public transport. Segregate 2- and 4- wheel vehicles

Suburbs Provide basic traffic management Provide basic facility

facilities. Prioritize public Segregate 2- and 4-wheel vehicles
Protect pedestrians and bicycle users
Analyze and improve accident-prone
spots and sections
Source: RSTP, 2015 Project Costs of Traffic Management and Traffic Safety

249. RSTP estimated the cost for traffic management and safety projects as listed in Table

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Table 3.20 Estimated Cost for Traffic Management and Safety

Project Project Item Cost

(Million US$)

Signals and Associated Systems Intersection Improvement 150 - 200

Traffic Signal System Installation and

Parking Management and New parking slot development Parking 300

Development management

Sidewalk and Pedestrian Way 50


Traffic Management Capacity Almost 2 years training period for DMP, 0.5
Building DTCA and other related agencies

Traffic Safety Program Around 10 programs 50

Traffic Enforcement Illegal parking, Rickshaw control n/a

Total 600
(47 billion Tk)
Source: RSTP, 2015

3.4.5 On-going Expressway Projects Elevated Expressway

250. Dhaka elevated expressway has been constructed as shown in Figure 3.62.

Figure 3.62 Construction of Dhaka Elevated Expressway

Source: URSTP team

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

251. Construction of Dhaka Ashulia Elevated Expressway is also under development. The
alignment of the expressway is illustrated in Figure 3.63.

Figure 3.63 Dhaka Ashulia Elevated Expressway

expressway-time-cost-gallop-even-work-starts- 031881#lg=1&slide=0 (dated 23 March 2023). Dhaka Bypass

252. Dhaka bypass is now under construction between Madanpur on N1 and Vogra on N3
on PPP basis as shown in Figure 3.64.

Figure 3.64 Construction of Dhaka Bypass

3.5 Lessons Learnt form RSTP

253. Review of the previous studies suggests what URTSP should take into consideration
for updating the RSTP.

3.5.1 Need for Setting Targets and Monitoring System

254. RSTP did not set targets for each objective to evaluate the progress and achievement
of the proposed urban transport system development in RSTP.
255. After the targets are determined, monitoring system on performance is also required.

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

3.5.2 Lack of Concrete Improvement Plan for Several Sub Sectors

256. Although RSTP covered almost transport sub sectors and gave directions for
improvement, RSTP did not propose concrete improvement plans for some sectors,
including heavy rail, inland waterway transport, freight transport, transport demand
257. Furthermore it is needed to provide concrete direction for improvement in traffic safety,
pedestrian, mobility of the differently-abled and gender, and urban resilience (global

3.5.3 Lack of Integration among Multi-Modes of Transport in Planning

258. RSTP recommended to provide feeder service to MRT line. However little
consideration was given to other multi-modal integration. Inland waterway transport
needs access roads and bus services to river terminals. Introduction of common IC
ticket is another area of integration and integrated public transport fare system
provides reasonable and affordable fare for public transport passengers. Integration
of transport should be more emphasized in URSTP.

3.5.4 Weak Linkage with Urban Planning and Land Use Plan

259. When RSTP was conducted, Dhaka Structure Plan 2035 had been conducted in the
same period; thus, RSTP could not refer to DSP 2035. Consequently, urban structure
and land use plan in DSP was not referred to in RSTP.

3.5.5 Lack of Coordination among Sub Transport Sectors

260. After RSTP was submitted and it was approved by the Cabinet in 2016, many transport
infrastructure development projects which are not listed in RSTP have been proposed.
DTCA is responsible for coordinating transport development at planning stage but the
role of DTCA does not function properly.
261. It is difficult for DTCA to consolidate the new project proposals since DTCA has not
received information of the projects proposed by other ministries and agencies. The
mechanism to provide project information to DTCA has not been well developed.
262. When a new project is required due to changes of condition, mechanism for evaluating
new projects and revision of urban transport master plan has not been created.

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

4 Review of Past Studies Related to Urban Planning

263. This chapter briefly discusses some of the important studies related to transport
improvement of Dhaka city and the region. These study findings have led to the
formulation of policies, ongoing and planned projects for improvement of transport in
the DMA. Four studies are discussed in the following pages. These are,
1. The Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka 2005
2. Dhaka Structure Plan 2016-2035
3. The Revision and Updating of the Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka 2016
4. Detail Area Plan for Dhaka 2022-2035
264. The above studies are reviewed with three objectives,
Review planning background of the studies and issues with regard to transport
conditions in the Study area;
Context of urban transport planning as reported in the studies;
Policy directives and recommendations as stated for improvement of present
transport conditions

4.1 The Strategic Transport Plan 2005

265. The Strategic Transport Plan (STP) study conducted by GoB under Dhaka Urban
Transport Project (DUTP) with assistance of IDA had 3 objectives;
1. Improve urban transport service in the DMA in an economically and
environmentally sustainable manner
2. Strengthen institutional and capacity building of the concerned organization
dealing with transport issues and
3. Address long-term transport planning and coordination issues for greater Dhaka
266. To address the above the scope the study outlined the following objectives;
a. Strategic Transport Plan: A coherent long-term Strategic Transport Plan (2004-
2024) which included updating the Dhaka Integrated Transport Study (DITS) and
other related studies.
b. Urban Transport Policy: To guide urban transport development, operation, and
management in DMA.
c. Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Building: Identify intuitional weakness of
DTCB, DCC, DMP, RAJUK and BRTA and prepare plans for their institutional
strengthening and capacity building in the area of urban transport strategic
d. Priority Projects, Scope and Terms of reference for priority multi modal
transportation improvement projects identified in the STP for the first Five years
(2005-2009) as Phase 1. Three more periods with Phase 2 (2010-2014) and Phase
3A (2015-2019), Phase 3B (2020-2024) have also been planned and listed with
projects in the report.

4.1.1 Land Use Implications Outlined in STP

267. The study rightfully addressed the need for integration of land use and transport.
Issues of increasing densities in the inner city and growth of outlying communities have
been predicted. The study in this regard states, “The manner in which growth is
accommodated will be a major determinant of the DMA’s future population and
settlement pattern and its transport needs.”

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

268. In chapter 4.0 the study analyses the interrelationship between land use and transport
to select a preferred strategic plan that will best serve needs of the greater Dhaka area
for the next 20 years. Two fundamental variables land use and transport has been
involved in the process.
269. Assumptions were made on the Baseline Forecast for DMA in the STP Study. The
planning horizon for 20 years mainly focused on two concepts;
Contiguous Urban Growth: Dhaka’s growth of incremental development due to
non-regulatory environment.
Densification: Filling up of open space, converting structure to more dense land
use, tearing down low rise to convert to higher densities are the activities.
270. Land use Scenarios: Three land use scenarios shown in the study were developed
within the context of the updated Structure Plan for integration of land use and
transport planning for Dhaka. They are;
1. Land use scenario 1: Urban Corridor- Strong Central Spine Scenario
2. Land use scenario 2: Growth Pole- Satellite Community Scenario
3. Land use scenario 3: Dispersed settlement Development scenario
271. The report states that all the above land use scenarios have transport implications. In
this view the STP study methodology and travel demand forecast model, was
developed to incorporate the inter relatedness of land use and transport and thus yield
an Integrated Transport Plan. The delineation of the study areas and three scenarios
as depicted in the report are shown below.
Figure 4.1 Delineation of Sub-Areas in Study Figure 4.2 Strong Central Spine
Area Scenario (Land Use Scenario 1)

Source: STP Study Source: STP Study

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Figure 4.3 Growth Pole/Satellite Community Figure 4.4 Dispersed Settlements

Scenario (Land Use Scenario 2) Scenario (Land Use Scenario 3)

Source: STP Study Source: STP Study

4.2 Dhaka Structure Plan (2016-2035)

272. Dhaka Structure Plan 2015 was prepared under Regional Development Planning
(RDP) Project within City Region Development Project (CRDP) funded by the Asian
Development Bank (ADB).
273. Objectives of the study
Review DMDP (1995-2015) and prepare updated Strategic Plan for Dhaka
Metropolitan Region (DMR) for the period 2016-2035.
Consider shifting of underlying philosophies of spatial planning, current situation
and future vision of the DMR
Development direction of the city for next 20 years.
It is a Policy document that sets the ground or serves as the guideline for
subsequent local level plans.
274. The Detail Area Plans (2016-2035) finalized in 2022 are the ultimate outcome of this
275. The Dhaka Structure Plan 2016-2035 outlined a list of Goals to provide strategy in
transport for efficient connectivity shown below;
276. Transport for Efficient Connectivity
Goal Safe, Affordable, Sustainable and Connected Communities
Objective-Trans 01 To Prepare Long Term Transport Network Plan

Policy Trans 1.1 Enhancing The Linkage Between Land Use and Transport Network

Policy-Trans 1.2 Construction Of Ring Road

Policy-Trans 1.3 Incremental Road Network Development

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Goal Safe, Affordable, Sustainable and Connected Communities

Policy Trans 1.4 Establishment of Hierarchy of Roads

Policy-Trans 1.5 Encourage Development of Sidewalk and Bicycle Route for Both Mobility
and Recreation Purposes
Objective-Trans 02 To Make the Use of Public Transport Efficient and Sustainable

Policy-Trans 2.1 Introduction of Mass Rapid Transit (BRT and MRT)

Policy-Trans 2.2 Promote Better Bus Transport System, Network Restructuring and Route
Policy-Trans 2.3 Integration of Water Way Transport with Bus Network

Policy-Trans 2.4 Introduction of Commuter Trains

Policy-Trans 2.5 Introduction of Efficient Taxicab Service

Objective-Trans 03 To Ensure Effective Traffic Management

Policy-Trans 3.1 Integration of Travel Demand Management (TDM) In Planning Process

Policy-Trans 3.2 Management Of Rickshaw-Based Transport (Rickshaw, Rickshaw-Van,

Carts Etc.).
Policy-Trans 3.3 Ensure Parking and Management For DMR

Policy-Trans 3.4 Ensure Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA) for Large Scale Development
Policy-Trans 3.5 Ensure The Road Facilities Fit for The Future

Policy-Trans 3.6 Bringing Reduction in Fatalities and Serious Injuries on Roads

Policy-Trans 3.7 Tackle Traffic Congestion Introducing Advanced Technologies

Source: Dhaka Structure Plan Report 2016-2035

4.3 The Revision and Updating of the Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka
(RSTP) 2016
277. The project was taken up due to lack of realization of STP formulated projects and
continued high growth of Dhaka. JICA, following a request of GoB for technical
assistance to review and modify the STP and help in capacity building of DTCA, gave
full support to the study.
278. Vision and Key Spatial Development Strategies in the RSTP is based on the goal
statements of Dhaka Structure Plan (2016-2035). RSTP’s vision for Dhaka is “Green
Dhaka with Blue River and Green Urban. “To realize the vision for urban transport
improvement, 6 strategies are proposed in RSTP.

Strategy 1: Develop public transport oriented urban areas to ensure people’s mobility
and to promote an environment friendly society.

Strategy 2: Upgrade and revitalize existing built-up areas in the city centre and urban
fringe areas.

Strategy 3: Develop modern and competitive new urban centres to attract diversified
quality investments that will generate employment opportunities.

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Strategy 4: Develop efficient infrastructure and services to ensure convenient and

competitive socio-economic activities and affordable services.

Strategy 5: Prepare effective disaster prevention measures to protect against natural

and man-induced disasters.

Strategy 6: Strengthen institutions for effective urban management and capacity


279. The study takes cognizance of the fact that the existing Structure Plan of RAJUK will
expire and therefore a Regional Development Plan (RDP) was undertaken for RAJUK
area from 2016–2035. The Report reviewed related plans, programs, and policies;
formulated strategic land use zones as well as the vision and objective of the Structure
Plan 2016–2035; identified urban management strategy; and sector issues which the
revised Structure Plan would address. In this report, the vision, and objectives of the
Dhaka Structure Plan 2016–2035 as stated are shown below.
Table 4.1 Vision and Objectives of Regional Development Planning
Vision Creating a functional and vibrant city where development is sensitive to socio-
cultural framework & environmental sustainability

Objectives a. To enhance the functionality of Dhaka as a centre of economic

activities through intra-regional distribution of economic and lifestyle
b. To create efficient inter-and intra-urban connectivity with and within
the project area
c. To ensure environmentally sustainable urban development
d. To encourage development that respects the social & cultural fabric of
the city and distributes its benefits in an inclusive way

Source: Preparation of Regional Development Planning for RAJUK under CRDP (Interim Report, July

280. As the above objectives imply, the main theme of the spatial structure is to promote
local decentralization. The decentralization of urban functions and services can
release the pressure currently experienced by the city. Moreover, the required urban
services will be provided nearer to living spaces. Local decentralization will be
supported by establishing an urban center hierarchy within RAJUK area. Designating
a hierarchy of urban centers based on the level of service and function will create a
structured urban space pattern. These urban centers will be connected to each other
through transport corridors. Thus, urban centers with higher importance will be
developed along major public transport corridors. In addition, in order to develop the
urban centers effectively and efficiently, compact development will be promoted. The
proposed urban hierarchy is shown in Table below.
Table 4.2 Urban Hierarchy in Regional Development Planning
Hierarchy Function/Feature Location/Area
Core Central focal point for the entire planning area Dhaka City Corporation
high density, varied range of housing, area
sophisticated, high skill and highly paid
knowledge-based jobs, full range of business and
professional services, historic and landmark
public spaces and sites and a destination for

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Hierarchy Function/Feature Location/Area

national and international art, culture, and
Regional Centre Function as the capital of each region. The focal Other City Corporations
point of regional development and generally an Major Pourashava
urban administrative headquarters. Provide full
range of services. Wide range of economic
activity and employment
Sub-regional/ Major business and shopping center for its sub- DCC Wards
Major region. Supporting local employment. Providing
goods and services of wide range to meet the
local demand
Centre Union Headquarters
Specialized Centre of economic activities and major Important employment
Centre employment destination such as
Dhamsona, Tongi, etc.
Local Centre Cluster of activities serving local needs City Corporations Wards,
Supporting convenience of residents Neighbourhoods

Source: Preparation of Regional Development Planning for RAJUK under CRDP (Interim Report, July 2014)

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Figure 4.5 Conceptual Structure Plan for Regional Development Planning Area, 2016–

Source: Dhaka Structure Plan 2016–2035(Draft), 2015

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

4.3.1 Assessment of Urban Growth Scenarios

281. In order to identify the ideal spatial development direction for the sustainable
development of RAJUK area, the following scenarios were developed and evaluated:
282. Trend Scenario: This scenario shows a future urban development situation where in
the current trend of urbanization and population continues without significant
intervention to the growth of urban areas. Urbanization will progress along arterial
roads and in areas adjacent to existing urbanized areas. The future population of
RAJUK area will reach to 32.5 million or 203 persons/ha in terms of population density.
283. RDP Scenario: This scenario refers to the future land use and population framework
indicated in the RDP. Aiming for a polycentric urban structure, the population will be
dispersed into suburban areas. The future population of RAJUK area will reach to 24.5
million or 153 persons/ha.
284. RSTP Scenario: This scenario is the combination of Trend Scenario and RDP
Scenario, wherein new suburban areas will be developed comprising housing,
business, and shopping areas. Thus, residential areas and workplaces will be put in
closer proximity to each other. This concept can help reduce traffic congestion.
Selected growth corridors will be developed to connect the CBD and suburban areas.
The future population of RAJUK area will reach 25.4 million or 159 persons/ha.

4.3.2 Development Concept

285. The re-development and revitalization of the urban core, as well as the old town (Old
Dhaka Area), are occurring mostly due to private sector initiatives. What the
government can do is to enhance the transformation by investing in the appropriate
infrastructure - transport and other public works, and lowering the barriers against
consolidation of small and blighted parcels into a size and scale where aggregation
economics would apply.
286. In the development of new growth centers, it is in the urban fringe where the public
sector can probably exert a greater influence. Most of the transport infrastructures in
these emerging areas are still not clear, and the complementary services and housing
facilities are still not visible. Delineating the future road network, and protecting their
right of way, may well be more effective than the current emphasis on land use zoning
which is rarely enforced. At the local level, connectivity between subdivisions and other
property ventures (which, in practice, gets developed in a fragmented manner) should
be the focus.
287. The basic concept of the RSTP Scenario is the same as that of the RDP Scenario but
with a proposal on several concerns mentioned earlier. Under this scenario, the
functions of major urban centers are proposed as follows:
i. DCC Area (Urban Core): As the capital of Bangladesh, the DCC area functions
as the administrative and economic center which focuses on the service sector.
Commercial and business activities can be dispersed in the old and new central
business districts (CBDs), such as Motijheel, Tejgaon, Gulshan, and Cantonment. It
is expected that Tejgaon Airport would be converted to urban use.
ii. Purbachal (Regional Centre): This will be developed as a new town which can
provide residential and workspaces, as well as basic public services. Providing
workplaces within the new town will show a new concept of urban development.
iii. Gazipur (Regional Centre): This will be the regional center in the northern region,
providing social and economic services. This will also be the gateway to northern

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

iv. Savar (Regional Centre): This will be the regional center in the western region.
v. Because several universities, training centers, and research institutes are located in
this area, Savar can be the educational center of RAJUK and Bangladesh. The
accumulation of R&D centers here can also attract high-tech industries including IT
parks. This area is one of the candidate relocation sites for tertiary education
facilities currently located in the DCC area;
vi. Jhilmill (Regional Centre): This will be a bedroom community for people
commuting to the DCC area. Its larger residential areas can provide better living
environment. Mass transit service will ease the commute from Jhilmill to the DCC
area; and,
vii. Narayanganj (Regional Centre): This will be the regional center in the southern
region. Considering the strategic location of Narayanganj in terms of logistics and
the significant number of industrial establishments, it will be an industrial center of
the RAJUK area.
288. Together with major urban centers and considering current urbanization trends and
land conditions, the following corridors were identified as growth corridors with high
development potentials. Improvement of connectivity among major urban centers will
accelerate the multiplication of urban functions in the RAJUK area.
East–West Corridor (Purbachal–Savar)
North–South Corridor (Gazipur–Narayanganj)
North–South Corridor (Gazipur–Jhilmil)
Ring Corridors

4.3.3 RDP Recommended Scenario

289. The RDP Scenario is the base of the urban development plan, but due to the difficulty
of controlling the current trend of development, a RSTP scenario was proposed which
is a combination of the RDP Scenario and the Trend Scenario and is expected to
address the above imperfections. The RSTP Scenario shows strategic development
directions, which will be promoted through an efficient transport development. The
following are the areas of assumption for improvement under the RSTP Scenario:
Population in the inner core of Dhaka will decrease through decentralization.
The decreased population of the inner core will be distributed in the eastern fringe
and suburban areas along the selected growth corridors. For the distribution in
suburban areas, new urban core areas will be emphasized which will become
satellite towns and sub-CBDs of the metropolis;
Industrial facilities in Dhaka’s inner city will be relocated to suburban areas (e.g.,
Narayanganj and Tongi), considering the government relocation policy and urban
redevelopment movements;
The western part of the RAJUK area will become the educational center and will
be expected to generate new types of industry such as IT industry; and
The trend of population growth in North-west area of RAJUK will be reflected.
290. The RSTP focused that Master Plan should implement the following:
1. Strengthening of Public Transport: development of sustainable public transport
system, taking advantage of the present high share of public transport trips.
2. Improvement of Regional Competitiveness of the City: Construction of efficient
transport system that supports 10-million multi-core hub city.

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

3. Realization of Well-managed Environment-friendly City: Introduction of

innovative institutional/operational schemes that enables world-class transport
and integration with living environment.
4. Adoption of Immediate Congestion Mitigation Measures: Implementation of
less expensive measures against traffic congestion that brings quick outcome.

4.3.4 RSTP Concept

291. A public-transport-oriented city cannot be realized solely by introducing mass transit

as a mode of transportation; it must also be associated with effective integrated urban
areas and a corresponding shift of lifestyle of the people. Key considerations must be
given to the following: Integrated Urban Development
292. Land use and urban development must be reorganized along the mass transit corridors
in a way that socio-economic activities are more effectively articulated with mass
transit. This requires a review of the existing urban master plan which is
rather road-transport-based and infrastructure development to promote
suburbanization and reduction of population density in the CBD.
Satellite Regional Centers are connected with Urban Core by MRT/BRT
Each Satellite Regional Center is connected by Regional Highways
293. Traffic management needs to be implemented in CBD urgently for (to meet up)
increasing demand of private modes. Adequate Role-sharing with Other Public Transport
294. Feeder transport, including buses, minibuses, CNG, rickshaws, and others, is also an
equally important mode as the society becomes affluent and demands diversify. And
those feeder public transport modes are also important services to mass transit
systems. Roads
295. The study mentions main principles to be considered as follows:
a. Segregate interprovincial and urban transport: Interprovincial transport must
be segregated from urban transport to prevent heavy traffic from passing through
the city. Adequate interface between these two types of traffic must be provided at
the peripheries of urban areas along the ring road which will be an access-
controlled; semi-expressway provided with interchanges/flyovers at major
b. Establish clear ring and radial road systems: Urban roads must be developed
in a hierarchical manner, i.e., primary, secondary, and tertiary, wherein the primary
and secondary road networks must be in good condition. The primary road system,
comprising clearly defined ring roads and radial roads, must be completed. The
secondary road network should likewise be developed to distribute traffic to all
urban areas efficiently.
c. Establish more effective mechanism for at-grade road development:
Tertiary and lower-level roads must likewise be developed based on detailed local
plans and together with urban development control measures. Developers must
provide roads or road space as they are specified in the plan.

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

296. A proper road network contributes to the efficient development of an urban area. Since
road network would play an essential role in various urban activities, road network plan
should be developed based on comprehensive views such as: area potential, land use
condition and space and environmental conditions besides the transport plan. The
road network plan of RSTP has principally taken into account network pattern, road
hierarchy, and road density in the process of developing the road network plan.
297. The recommendation by the consultant of RSTP to the Bangladesh Government
emphasized the realization of projects proposed in this master plan. Although every
project is an integral part of the proposed master plan, the most essential are as
Traffic Management and Traffic Safety Management (short-term),
Improvement of Bus Services (short-term),
MRT Development (short to long-term), and
Road Development (short to long-term).

4.4 Detail Area Plan (DAP) 2016-2035

298. DAP has been prepared by RAJUK for a period of 20 years. The Plan area
encompasses the Dhaka Metropolitan region (DMR) which in divided into six inclusive
regions i.e.
1. Central City Area: Now consisting of the two City Corporation DNCC and DSCC
2. Northern Area: Gazipur City Corporation
3. Eastern Area: Kaligonj and Rupgonj Upazila. Includes Tarabo and Kanchan
Po;urashava (Partly)
4. Southern Area: Narayangonj City Corporation and parts of Sonargaon Upazila
5. Southwest Area: Keranigonj Upazila
6. Western Area: Savar Upazila

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Figure 4.6 Planning Area and Zones of DMDP

299. The Report in its Planning statements includes the following policy directives in relation
to transport planning for DMA.
300. Articles 2.5.5: Give priority to public transportation in road, river, and rail
Directives to implement the 3207 kms of roadway in a hierarchal manner, functionally
sound and in a classified manner as proposed in RSTP.

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

The Structure Plan and RSTP both have supported Public Transport Facilities
enhancement and Bus Route Rationalization. Side by side 574 bus and river way has
been proposed for establishment of the blue network and provide river transportation.
301. Article 2.5.7: Pedestrians and non-motorized vehicles to receive priority in
planning and design
35% of total trips made by the people in the city are by non-motorized transport and
40% on foot by pedestrians. These people according to RSTP survey belong to the
low-income group so directives should be providing safe pedestrian ways in Dhaka city
and making a meaningful plan.
302. Article 2.5.9: Transit Oriented Development
Development of areas centered around stations and terminals, where movement of
large number of people is generated, is considered as Transit Oriented Development
(hereinafter referred to as “TOD.”) Metro stations, railway station, bus terminal, river
terminals are such centers. Development of safe roads and walk ways around such
areas through development of TOD zones is recommended

4.5 Concluding Notes

303. It is evident from the four studies reviewed in this chapter that for the last two decades
transport coordination is a concern for development of the Dhaka Metropolitan Region
and improvement of quality of life of the people who live and work in the region. A list
of the overall views and directives gathered from these studies are highlighted below.
Capacity building of the sector agencies in planning and coordination in transport.
Infrastructure development should be a means for institutional strengthening and
not an end by itself.
There should be urban traffic and transport projects for all centers of DMR.
Implementation of RSTP aimed at prioritized projects or rather the short-term
projects are implemented. The mid-term and long-term projects for transport
framework for urban development need to be taken up as the most important task.
RSTP is a comprehensive masterplan. URSTP will make further integration
between urban development and transport for the DMR.

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

5 Application of New Technology

304. This Chapter introduces several new technologies which could be applied for transport
system proposal, for monitoring transport condition and for updating transport data with
efficient way.
5.1 Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
305. BRTA has set 12 RFID reader stations in Dhaka as shown in Figure 5.1. Out of 12
stations, RFID is working at 10 stations at present. BRTA assumes 5 percent to 10
percent of RFID are inactive at present, but 100 percent of RFID will be active after
two years when all vehicles will take vehicle fitness test.

Figure 5.1 RFID Reader Station Set at Pedestrian Bridge

RFID Reader

306. RFID is now utilised for searching stolen vehicle by police. RFID can be utilised for
the other purposes for transport management.
307. A RFID reader is able to identify vehicle type which passing below a RFID reader and
count the vehicles by vehicle type. Traffic congestion at the RFID station can be
observed with traffic count data.
308. If RFID stations are located on the same corridor, travel time of the same vehicle can
be measured from one station to another. Travel speed is then calculated by the travel
time and distance between the two stations. This is real time travel speed information
obtained from the real vehicle run on the street.
309. BRTA is a regulatory agency for bus route license; thus, RFID is able to count the
number of buses on a specific route with bus route database. BRTA can check whether
sufficient number of buses are operated on a specific bus route with the counted data.
BRTA can also monitor an interval of bus operation for monitoring service level of bus

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Figure 5.2 Expected Usage of RFID

Traffic volume by Information on traffic congestion

vehicle type

Travel time between Travel Speed on the specified

RFID stations road section

Monitoring bus operation; # of

Number of buses by
buses operated, interval of
bus route

Checking offenders of congestion

Identification of
charging or restriction by vehicle
number plate
number plate

5.2 Building Polygon Data

310. Building polygon data developed for DAP have been collected for the whole DMR. The
data was produced based on 2015 or 2016 satellite images. DAP building polygon data
has type of building use for each polygon and a number of stories. AW3D32 is building
polygon data with building height as its attribute. The AW3D data in 2022 has been
procured for the central area of Dhaka city.
311. Currently AW3D data are being compared with DAP building polygon data. By
comparing AW3D and DAP, newly built buildings are identified. In Figure 5.3 and
Figure 5.4 blue buildings already existed in 2015 or 2016 when satellite images were
taken for DAP while green buildings are newly built buildings between 2015/2016 and
312. Building polygon data of new buildings don’t have attributes of type of use of buildings;
therefore, first the usage of new buildings shall be surveyed, and a number of stories
shall also be surveyed. Then floor area by type of use shall be estimated for each
313. Population density per floor area and worker density per floor area shall be surveyed
separately. Population of residential building and the number of workers by office and
commercial building shall be estimated.
314. Population, the number of workers at workplace and the number of students at school
place by TAZ are important variables for estimating trip production and attraction.
When the urban transport master plan is updated, these zonal parameters are required
at small zone level. In general, statistical data are not available at such a detailed
level, consequently searching new building with satellite images and finding usage of
building is efficient way for estimating additional demographic parameters.

ALOS (Advanced Land Observing Satellite) World 3D

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

Figure 5.3 Comparison of AW3D with DAP Building Polygon in Ward 33

Source: AW3D and DAP building polygon

Figure 5.4 Comparison of AW3D with DAP Building Polygon in Cantonment

Source: AW3D and DAP building polygon

5.3 Smart Card (Common IC Ticket)

315. Common IC Ticket has been introduced for MRT and BRTC bus operation. If this type
of IC card is utilised for all public transport and passengers tap on at entrance and tap
off at exit, origin-destination trip information can be stored. Operation of public
transport can be optimised with the passenger demand information including OD data.

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Interim Report 1

6 Next Step
316. TA consultant has started transport surveys and the followings describes the activities
up to the next interim Report 2 in October 2023.
6.1 Household Interview Survey
317. After Inception report was approved in January 16, 2023, preparation of transport
survey has been conducted. The most important survey is Household Interview
Survey and the pilot survey was implemented in the beginning of March. Survey
results have been checked and necessary change of interview methodology and
instruction to enumerators have been made. It is planned to proceed the main survey
after Eid holiday.
6.2 Traffic Count Survey
318. Traffic count survey has started on the Screen Line survey stations and video shooting
has completed before Ramadan. During Ramadan period, classified vehicle count
shall be done. Traffic count survey at Outer Cordon Line and Inner Cordon Line survey
stations shall be implemented after Eid holiday.
6.3 OD Interview Survey and Vehicle Occupancy Survey
319. A sub consultant firm for OD interview survey and occupancy survey has been
selected. After Eid holiday the field survey will be implemented at roadside of the Outer
Cordon Line as well as Inner Cordon Line survey stations. At the Outer Cordon Line
survey stations interviews will be made with all types of vehicles including buses,
whereas only truck drivers shall be interviewed at the Inner Cordon Line survey
6.4 Other Transport Surveys
320. As described in Chapter 1, field survey of the other transport surveys shall start from
May and shall be completed in July.
6.5 Data Processing
321. After completion of field survey, collected survey data shall be checked and analysed.
With the Household Interview survey data and Outer Cordon Line survey data, present
year person trip OD matrices shall be estimated. Travel demand models shall be
developed with these data.
6.6 Data Collection from Relevant Agencies
322. Secondary data have been provided by relevant agencies as listed in Appendix 6. TA
Consultant team shall make efforts to collect data which have not been collected.
6.7 Present Analysis on Urban Transport in DMR
323. Travel characteristics at the present year shall be analysed from various points and
the present analysis on urban transport in DMR shall be made by October 2023.
324. Present transport problems and issues shall be identified based on the present
analysis on urban transport and it will be compiled in Interim Report 2.

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Inception Report 1

Appendix 1: Survey Plan

Dec'22 Jan'23 Feb,23 Mar'23 Apr'23 May'23 Jun'23 Jul'23 Aug'23
Sl Activities
Sl Activities w1 Dec'22
w2 w3 w4 w1 Jan'23
w2 w3 w4 w1 Feb,23
w2 w3 w4 w1 Mar'23
w2 w3 w4 w1 Apr'23
w2 w3 w4 w1 May'23
w2 w3 w4 w1 Jun'23
w2 w3 w4 w1 Jul'23
w2 w3 w4 w1 Aug'23
w2 w3 w4
1 Household Interview Survey and Activity Diary Survey w1 w2 w3 w4 w1 w2 w3 w4 w1 w2 w3 w4 w1 w2 w3 w4 w1 w2 w3 w4 w1 w2 w3 w4 w1 w2 w3 w4 w1 w2 w3 w4 w1 w2 w3 w4
9a Modal
SurveyChoice Stated
Form, TOR, andPreference Survey
RFQ Development
ab Survey Form, TOR, and RFQ Development Rama
Discuss the Survey Forms with DTCA
bc Discuss the Survey Forms dan
Get approval from the ADB with DTCA
cd 3rd PartyPreparation,
Sub-consulting Firm Recruitment to conduct and
Survey Recruitment, Training and Pilotingthe Survey
de Get approval Eid
Confirm Datafrom the ADB
Collection Permission
Survey Preparation and Training Session for theActivities
Field Team by the 3rd Holida
ef Conduct Data Collection and Data Processing
g Party
Final Sub-consulting
Reporting Firm
f Confirm Data Collection Permission
g 2. TrafficData
Conduct Count Surveyand Data Processing Activities
h 3. ODReporting
Final Interview Survey at Roadside and various Stations/Terminals
10 4. VehicleInventory
Building Occupancy andSurvey
Building Density Survey
aa TOR,
Survey and RFQTOR,
Form, Development
and RFQ Development
bb Get approval
Discuss from theForms
the Survey ADB with DTCA
cc 3rd
3rd Party
Sub-consulting Firm
Firm Recruitment
Recruitment to to conduct
conduct thethe Survey
dd Get
Get approval
approval from
from the
the ADB
Ramadan and
Preparation andand Training
Training Session
Session for
for the
the Field
Field Team
Team bybythe
the 3rd
ee Eid Holidays
Sub-consulting FirmFirm
ff Confirm
Confirm Data
Data Collection
Collection Permission
gg Conduct
Conduct Data
Data Collection
Collection and
and Data
Data Processing
Processing Activities
hh Final
Final Reporting
11 Road Crash
5. Freight Data Collection
Operation Survey(Traffic Accident Data) - Secondary Data
a Data form development
6. Travel Speed Survey and share with ARI (BUET)
b Data collection from
7. Pedestrian FlowDMPSurvey
c Data
8. Buscollection from ARIRail Survey
and Commuter
12a Transport
Survey Form, Infrastructure
TOR, and RFQ Inventory Survey (if required)
ab Survey
Discuss Form, TOR, and
the Survey FormsRFQ Development
with DTCA
bc Discuss
3rd Partythe Survey FormsFirm
Sub-consulting withRecruitment
DTCA to conduct the Survey
cd 3rd
GetParty Sub-consulting
approval from the ADB Firm Recruitment to conduct the Survey
Ramadan and
Preparation andand Training
Training Session
Session for
for the
the Field
Field Team
Team bybythe
the 3rd
de Eid Holidays
Sub-consulting FirmFirm
ef Confirm
Confirm Data
Data Collection
Collection Permission
fg Conduct
Conduct Data
Data Collection
Collection and
and Data
Data Processing
Processing Activities
gh Final
Final Reporting

Work completed Work in progress Work to be done

* The week 1 will be started after all the contractual issues has been sorted out and the rest plan will be bodily shifted to adjust the starting time.
** from 4th week of March 2023 till 3rd week of April 2023, there will Ramadan month, so the survey field work will not be implemented that time.

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Inception Report 1

Dec'22 Jan'23 Feb,23 Mar'23 Apr'23 May'23 Jun'23 Jul'23 Aug'23

Sl Activities
w1 w2 w3 w4 w1 w2 w3 w4 w1 w2 w3 w4 w1 w2 w3 w4 w1 w2 w3 w4 w1 w2 w3 w4 w1 w2 w3 w4 w1 w2 w3 w4 w1 w2 w3 w4
9 Modal Choice Stated Preference Survey
a Survey Form, TOR, and RFQ Development
b Discuss the Survey Forms with DTCA
c 3rd Party Sub-consulting Firm Recruitment to conduct the Survey
d Get approval from the ADB
Survey Preparation and Training Session for the Field Team by the 3rd
Party Sub-consulting Firm
f Confirm Data Collection Permission
g Conduct Data Collection and Data Processing Activities
h Final Reporting
10 Building Inventory and Building Density Survey
a TOR, and RFQ Development
b Get approval from the ADB
c 3rd Party Sub-consulting Firm Recruitment to conduct the Survey
d Get approval from the ADB
Survey Preparation and Training Session for the Field Team by the 3rd
Party Sub-consulting Firm
f Confirm Data Collection Permission
g Conduct Data Collection and Data Processing Activities
h Final Reporting
11 Road Crash Data Collection (Traffic Accident Data) - Secondary Data
a Data form development and share with ARI (BUET)
b Data collection from DMP
c Data collection from ARI
12 Transport Infrastructure Inventory Survey (if required)
a Survey Form, TOR, and RFQ Development
b Discuss the Survey Forms with DTCA
c 3rd Party Sub-consulting Firm Recruitment to conduct the Survey
Survey Preparation and Training Session for the Field Team by the 3rd
Party Sub-consulting Firm
e Confirm Data Collection Permission
f Conduct Data Collection and Data Processing Activities
g Final Reporting

Work completed Work in progress Work to be done

* The week 1 will be started after all the contractual issues has been sorted out and the rest plan will be bodily shifted to adjust the starting time.
** from 4th week of March 2023 till 3rd week of April 2023, there will Ramadan month, so the survey field work will not be implemented that time.

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Inception Report 1

Appendix 2: Ride-Sharing Service Guidelines, 2017

Extracts from the Draft ‘Ride-Sharing Service Guidelines, 2017’

Note: the following refers to the 2017 draft, and since then, some further changes have
been made
With 10 sections and 45 sub-sections, the draft was prepared when around a dozen app-
based services, including Uber, Pathao, Cholo, Amarbike, Ezzyr and Taxiwala, are
already in operation in the capital.
As per the draft, cars cannot charge more than the fare fixed under the Taxicab Service
Some Provisions in the Guidance
According to the draft, the apps used by the service providers must have SOS (Save Our
Souls) option for ensuring security of passengers and drivers.
In case of emergency, the SOS option will allow passengers or drivers to send information
on their location and other details to a dedicated number.
The apps must have options for a passenger to know possible fares. It also has to offer
facilities to both the passenger and the driver to share their experience of a ride and lodge
complaints, if any, with the BRTA and the service provider, it said.
Service providers will preserve details of the trips, including fare, distance and time for
three months, but they must not share those with others.
However, if necessary, law enforcers, the BRTA and other authorities may be given
access to those, the draft said.
The apps must be approved by the BRTA or the other authorities concerned.
Besides, all service providers must have a system to allow the police control room, if
necessary, to keep watch on a trip, the draft mentioned.
Private motorbikes, cars, sport utility vehicles, microbuses and ambulances can be
included under the services, and both the company and the driver have to obtain
certificates from the BRTA.
A company must have 100 vehicles for providing services in the capital, 50 in Chittagong
and 20 in any other area.
Documents on the vehicles must be up-to-date and drivers will not be allowed to wait at
places, other than the designated ones, to pick up passengers.
A person can register only one vehicle under the service and that can be done a year after
the vehicle's registration with the BRTA, it said.
A company has to pay Tk 1 lakh and submit other relevant documents, including trade
licence, to get “enlistment certificate”.
A car driver has to pay Tk 1,000 and a biker Tk 500 as yearly enlistment fee and renew
the “enlistment certificates” after three years.
The draft noted that cars, motorbikes, sport utility vehicles and microbuses used by
individuals or families are on the rise, leading to traffic jam. Through the ride-hailing
services, an individual will be able to rent out his private vehicle after meeting the

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Inception Report 1

Appendix 3: Truck Rental Apps

Top 7 Truck Rental Apps in Bangladesh (2021)
Summarised from article by Shahriar Rabab, June 06, 2021
Truck Lagbe
Shohoz Truck
Truck Kothay
Goods in Motion (ogajog Ltd)
Truck Chai
Truck Lagbe
Truck Lagbe is one of the first companies to initiate a B2C platform for truck service. Founded
in 2017 by Anayet Rashid and Mir Hossain Ekram, the company connects customers directly
with the truck drivers. The initiative even won the Startup Challenge 2017. The platform
provides customers with easy access to the truck at a fixed price, which avoids the need to
bargain and also reduces hassle.
Since its inception, the company has ventured more into the transportation side, and it now
provides transportation solutions for B2B as well as small SMEs. The app is available on both
android and iOS platforms.

Shohoz Truck
Shohoz Truck is part of the popular ridesharing and food delivery app Shohoz. The company
was founded back in 2014 by Maliha M Quadir. The core principle of truck hiring is similar to
ridesharing: you can book a truck from their website, or their mobile app and you will be
matched with the closest available truck.
Shohoz has partnered with over 2,000 truck owners, bringing about 30,000 trucks under their
radar. Shohoz Truck has also ventured into the logistical support market, partnering with
Paperfly delivery for logistical support.

Truck Kothay
Truck Kothay started in 2014 around the same time as Shohoz Truck. Headquartered in
Dhaka, the platform is a bit unique in its approach to clients. There are about 5,000 trucks in
their service. Rather than have the customer do the searching, the platform introduced a
bidding system for the truck owners. The customer puts up a request and truck owners can
put their bid for the offered service. This ensures a competitive environment, and the customer
also gets the best price available.

Goods In Motion
Founded in 2018, Goods in Motion or GIM is relatively new compared to its competitors.
However, it has a considerable market share with its innovative and customer-centric
approach. GIM is part of Jogajog Limited which has been working to provide logistical
support for various companies. Where most of the companies put the customer first and
logistical ventures second, the GIM market strategy was to target both equally. As a result,
the company saw quick success and in just 2 years, they have over 14,000 vehicles listed on
their site with over 3,000 customers served. Due to their business-centric approach, the

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Inception Report 1

company was able to partner with businesses like Pran, BSRM, ACI, KSRM as logistics
The one-stop solution for all your daily necessities, has created a paradigm shift
when it comes to integrating the business as part of a customer's daily life. So it was only
natural that Sheba would have their truck service as well.
The company was founded in 2015 by Adnan Imtiaz Halim, Abu Naser Md. Shoaib and Ilmul
Haque Sajib. The initial idea was to focus on the daily necessities and expand the business
as per necessity. The truck service offered by Sheba is a complete moving solution where
they will pack, transport, and unpack your goods. The application will provide you with an
estimated service cost and it generally doesn’t differ much from the actual one.

Trux24 ventured into the truck service market in 2019 as a startup. Since its inception, the
company has focused to include more and more truck partners into their business to increase
business efficiency. They even have an option to register your truck with them on their
In addition to their truck service, they offer a moving service as well. You can book a truck
directly through their website or through the app which is available in Playstore.

Truck Chai
Customers can not only post about truck needs, but vendors can buy and sell trucks as well.
Founded in 2017, the company has thrived. It has a system in place that allows customers to
post their needs along with load capacity. Truckers bid to provide the service and the customer
can choose their desired service. There’s also scope for buying and selling trucks as well.
You can order a truck from their website or simply get their app.

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Inception Report 1

Appendix 4: On-line grocery services in Dhaka

On-line grocery services in Dhaka
Source: Daily Star, 28th April 2020, Online grocers fail to seize the day during biggest opening
Coronavirus lockdowns led to skyrocketing demand for home deliveries, which made up an
infinitesimal share of overall grocery sales before the pandemic. And the system is now
cracking under the weight of surging demand, and an incommensurate supply of workers and
groceries for a disrupted distribution system and the shortage of delivery persons, industry
insiders say.
Like online groceries, virtual medicine platforms have also been getting huge response in
recent times and are receiving six to seven times higher orders than the normal times as
people are maintaining social distancing and avoiding large gatherings because of the
Paperfly: Delivery dropped by 90 per cent for the country's top delivery company Paperfly,
which used to cater 10,000 orders a day before the coronavirus pandemic. "As we don't sell
grocery items, the number has gone down. Besides, we have a very strong position outside
of Dhaka, but we can't move there," said Rahath Ahmed, director and chief marketing officer
of Paperfly.
e-courier: The disruption in the market has created new windows for innovation. E-courier
has spotted the vacuum in online grocery and introduced the first BOT-based messenger
shopping in the city. A BOT is a software application that runs automated tasks over the
internet. If someone clicks on the link, a messenger window will open and the BOT will help
do the shopping, and people with no experience in online shopping can do it smoothly, Rahul
said. "We have developed this product mainly targeting the posh areas of the capital and for
those who want to complete the weekly shopping through a few clicks." The response is huge
and the average ticket size is more than Tk 3,600. E-courier introduced another new product
named "missed call shopping", where if customers give a missed call to 09642500500, they
will receive a return call to share their lists and address. The service is limited in the capital., the country's first and largest service marketplace, has huge network
across the city and has introduced "Sheba Groceries", an area-based grocery supply that is
delivering products through its representatives who were previously doing repairing service,
plumbing, home cleaning or shifting. It had been working to introduce the service for years
and had actually planned to roll it out in 2020, but the pandemic precipitated the rollout,
Some top digital commerce companies such as and that
have never sold any grocery and essentials have also started running operations in the
AjkerDeal opened the grocery window after the shutdown began. "Grocery was never on our
list though we have other essentials. We are getting good response," said Fahim Mashroor,
CEO of AjkerDeal. The company's grocery segment also helped secure jobs for its
Kotha, a social and lifestyle mobile application, launched grocery delivery channel on its
platform named "k-bazar" and has started supplying quality products. K-bazar has created a
Vegetable Bank on the platform and is bringing fresh vegetables from Kurigram and
Gaibandha and this is also helping the farmers directly, said Mahaboob Zaman, chairman of

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Inception Report 1

the platform." Zaman is also the managing director of the country's leading software company,

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Inception Report 1

Appendix 5: Road Development Project in RSTP

Appendix 5.1 Road Development Projects Under Phase 1
Sl. No. Description Type of Project
C1-5 Inner Ring Road / N1 (R110 to Toll Gate) / Jatrabari–Khanchpur bridge (widening of polder road to 8 lane) Widening
C1-6 Inner Ring Road / Jatrabari–Gulistan FO (Toll Gate to Chankhar Pul Bus Stop) Completed
C1-7 Inner Ring Road / Zahir Raihan Rd. (Chankhar Pul Bus Stop to Eden Girls College) Widening
C1-8 Inner Ring Road (Rasulpur Bridge (Embankment)–Peelkhana road–Azimpur Old Grave yard Eden Girls College) New Road

C1-10 Inner Ring Road / Circular Road over embankment (N5 to N501/Diabari Bot Tola: Flyover) New Road
C1-12 Inner Ring Road / N302:Circular Road over embankment (N302 to N3) Widening
E1 Dhaka Elevated Expressway New Road
P1-1 N1 / 2nd Kanchpur Bridge and rehabilitation of existing Bridge Widening
P1-2 N1 / 2nd Meghna Bridge and rehabilitation of existing Bridge Widening
P1-3 N1 / 2nd Gomoti Bridge and rehabilitation of existing Bridge Widening
P2 N2 / 4-Lane Flyover at Bhulta–Sylhet National Highway Grade Separation

P3 N3 / Improvement of Joydevpur–Mymensingh Highway Widening

P4-1 N4 / 4-Lanning of Joydevpur–Chandra–Tangail Road (National Road -4) under SASEC Widening
P4-2 N4 / 4-Lanning of Joydevpur–Chandra–Tangail Road (National Road -4) under SASEC Widening
P7-1 Kuril Flyover Grade Separation

P7-2 N301 / From Airport Road near Khilkhet to First Balu Bridge (Isapura) via Baruna (Nikunja–Yousufganj) New Road
P7-3 N301 / From first Balu Bridge near Tek Noadda to Sitalakhya River near Kanchan New Road
P8 N302 / Ashulia to Aricha Road (C & B More) Improvement
P9 R505 / Nabinagar - EPZ - Chandra road improvement Widening
P10-1 Connecting roads to Keraniganj, Nawabgonj & Dohar from Buriganga 3rd Bridge (East side) Widening
P12-3 Joydebpur–Narayanganj Highway (Inner Ring Road to N301) New Road
P12-4 Joydebpur–Narayanganj Highway (N301 to Khilgaon) New Road
P12-5 Joydebpur–Narayanganj Highway (Khilgaon to R110) New Road
P12-6 Joydebpur–Narayanganj Highway (R110 to N1) New Road
S1 Gazipur–Azmatpur–Itakhola Road (revised) Widening
S5 New EPZ Link Road (R301 to New EPZ) New Road
S10-1 Progati Sarani (Baridhara–Beraid–Balu River–Murapara) to Bhulta (Nawabganj) (DIT Rd. to Baru river) New Road
S12 Majhina–Koetpara–Trimohini connecting Road Widening
S14 Rampura–Demra Road New Road
S15-2 Construction of bridge over Balu river at Keodata New Bridge
S23 Improvement of Langolbandh–Kaikertek–Nabiganj Road Widening
S26 3rd Shitalakkhya Bridge at Narayanganj Bandar Upazila New Bridge
S32 Berulia (Dhour)–Ashulia–EPZ road Improvement
S33 Uttara Sector-10 to West Embankment road to the West New Road
S34 Uttara Sector-3 to West Embankment road to the West New Road
S37 Pallabi (Mirpur) to Uttara 3rd Phase New Road
S38 Pallabi (Mirpur) to Uttara Sector 11 New Road
S43 Argagaon Road (Bangladesh Betar) to Mirpur Section 2 through Senpara Parbata Widening
S48 Mohammadpur Bus Stand Embankment Berry Bandh) - upgrading Widening
S51 Mogbazar and Mouchak Flyover Grade Separation

Source: RSTP, 2015

Note: P: Primary Road, S: Secondary, C: Circular Road, E:

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Inception Report 1

Appendix 5.2 Road Development Projects under Phase 2

Sl. No. Description Type of Project
C1-1 Inner Ring Road / Dhaka Eastern BP (N3 to Termukh Rayerdia Link Rd.) New Road
C1-2 Inner Ring Road / Dhaka Eastern BP (Termukh Rayerdia Link Rd. to N301) New Road
C1-3 Inner Ring Road / Dhaka Eastern BP (N301 to R201) New Road
C1-4 Inner Ring Road / R110 (R201 to N1) Widening
C1-9 Inner Ring Road / Circular Road over embankment (Rasulpur Brg. to N5) Widening
C1-11 Inner Ring Road / N501: Circular Road over embankment (Diabari Bot Tola to N302) Widening
C2-10 Middle Ring Road (N5 to N302) New Road
C2-11 Middle Ring Road (N302 to Dhaka–Mymensingh Exp.) New Road
C2-12 Middle Ring Road (Dhaka–Mymensingh Exp. to Near Dhirashrom Rd.) New Road
C3-5 Outer Ring Road (N1 to R111) New Road
C3-6 Outer Ring Road (R111 to N8) New Road
E5 Dhaka–Mawa Expressway New Road
E6 Dhaka–Mymensingh Expressway New Road
P5 N8 / Improvement into 4-lanes from 1st Buriganga Bridge to Padma Bridge Mawa link Widening
P11-2 Mirpur to Outer Ring Road (West embankment to Middle Ring Road) New Road
P12-2 Joydebpur–Narayanganj Highway (N105/Dhaka BP to Inner Ring Road) New Road
S4 4-lanes road from S.A.M. (Shahid Ahsanullah Master) Flyover to Kaliganj Bypass along the railway line Widening
S13 Badda–Golakandial Road (Merul Badda–Babur Jaiga–Balirpar–Parain–Golakandial) New Road
S16 Jatrabari crossing to Demra Ghat (Tarabo bridge) road Widening
S20 Uttara ABM city–Matuali Road New Road
S21-2 Dhirasram–Basabo Road (Inner Ring Road to Basabo Madertek Road) New Road
S35 West Embankment (Birulia Bridge) to Savar Widening
S36 Pallabi to west Embankment via North Rupnagar New Road
S52 Motijheel Shapla Chattar to Kamlapur Railway Station (Widening) Widening
S55 Improvement of Z.K.D (Zinzira–Keraniganj–Dohar) Link Road into 4-lanes from 2nd Buriganga Bridge approach to Widening
Mawa link
Source: RSTP, 2015
Note: P: Primary Road, S: Secondary, C: Circular Road, E:

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Inception Report 1

Appendix 5.3 Road Development Projects Under Phase 3

Sl. No. Description Type of Project
C2-1 Middle Ring Road (Near Dhirashrom Rd. to R301) / N105: Dhaka BP Widening
C2-2 Middle Ring Road / N105: Dhaka BP (R301 to N301) Widening
C2-3 Middle Ring Road / N105: Dhaka BP (N301 to N2) Widening
C2-4 Middle Ring Road / N105: Dhaka BP (N2 to N1) Widening
C2-7 Middle Ring Road (Zazira IC to N8) New Road
C2-8 Middle Ring Road (N8 to 3rd Briganga Brg. access Rd.) New Road
C2-9 Middle Ring Road (3rd Briganga Brg. access Rd. to N5) New Road
C3-7 Outer Ring Road (N8 to R504) New Road
C3-8 Outer Ring Road (R504 to N5) New Road
C3-9 Outer Ring Road (N5 to R505) New Road
E2 Dhaka–Ashulia Elevated Expressway New Road
E3 Dhaka–Chittagong Access Controlled Highway (Kutubkhali–Outer Ring Road) New Road
P6 N105 / Upgrading of Dhaka Bypass to 4 Lane (Joydevpur–Debogram–Bhulta–Madanpur) Widening
P10-2 Construction of Buriganga 3rd bridge near Basila Widening Bridge)
P10-3 Connecting roads to Keraniganj, Nawabgonj & Dohar from Buriganga 3rd Bridge (West side) Widening
P10-4 Extension of Buriganga 3rd Bridge access roads to Middle Ring Road New Road
P11-1 Mirpur to Outer Ring Road (Kalshi Road to West embankment) New Road
P11-3 Mirpur to Outer Ring Road (Middle Ring Road to N5) New Road
P11-4 Mirpur to Outer Ring Road (N5 to Outer Ring Road) New Road
P12-1 Joydebpur–Narayanganj Highway (Joyedbupur to N105/Dhaka BP) New Road
S2 Gacha–Jiraitali Road Widening/New
S3 Sataish–Karamtola Road Widening/New
S7-2 Improvement of Abdullahpur–Teromukh–Ulukhola Road (Balu river embankment to Dhaka BP) Widening
S8-1 Azampur–Kaliganj Road (N3 to Joyedbupur–Narayanganj Hwy.) Widening
S8-2 Azampur–Kaliganj Road (Joyedbupur–Narayanganj Hwy. to Dhaka BP) New Road
S19 S8 (Azampur–Kaliganj Road) to S13 (Badda–Golakandial Road) New Road
S21-1 Dhirasram–Basabo Road (Dhaka BP to Inner Ring Road) New Road
S22 Improvement of Matuail (Mridhabari)–Shayampur (Dhaka–Narayanganj) Road Widening
S27 Baipayl–Mouchak Road Widening/New
S30 Sreepur–Kashimpur Road Widening
S31 Dewan Idris Sarak Widening
S47 Mohammadpur Shia Mosque (near Japan Garden City)–Mohammadpur Bus Stand (Widening) Widening
S50 Flyover and underpasses at Jahangir gate area Grade
Source: RSTP, 2015
Source: RSTP, 2015
Note: P: Primary Road, S: Secondary, C: Circular Road, E:

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Inception Report 1

Appendix 5.4 Road Development Projects Under Phase 4

Sl. No. Description Type of Project
C2-5 Middle Ring Road (N1 to R111) Widening/ New
C2-6 Middle Ring Road (R111 to Zazira IC) Widening/ New
C3-1 Outer Ring Road (R310 to R301) New Road
C3-2 Outer Ring Road (R301 to N2) New Road
C3-3 Outer Ring Road (N2 to R114) New Road
C3-4 Outer Ring Road (R114 to N1) New Road
C3-10 Outer Ring Road (R505 to N4/N105) New Road
C3-11 Outer Ring Road (N4/N105 to R310) New Road
E4 Dhaka - Sylhet Expressway (N1 - Outer Ring Road) New Road
P7-4 N301 / Extension from Dhaka BP to Outer Ring Road New Road
S6 Tongi Embankment (Dhaka–Mymensing Exp. to Joydebpur–Narayanganj Hwy.) New Road
S7-1 Improvement of Abdullahpur–Teromukh–Ulukhola Road (Uttara Sector-8 to Balu river embankment) Widening
S8-3 Azampur–Kaliganj Road (Dhaka BP to New EPZ Link Road) New Road
S9 Uttara Sector-4–Dakhinkhan–Khordi Widening
S10-2 Progati Sarani (Baridhara–Beraid–Balu River–Murapara) to Bhulta (Nawabganj) (Baru river to Bhulta) New Road
S11 Badda–Baru river Embankment Road New Road
S15-1 Bashaboo Jame Mosque to Trimohini Ghdaraghat via Shekker Jaiga Bridge Widening
S17 New EPZ Link Road to Dhaka BP New Road
S18 Dhaka BP–Demra Road along Shitalakhya River Widening
S24 Improvement of Sonargaon Museum link Road along with Baidderbazar–Mograpara–Kaikertek–Road Widening
S25 2nd Shitalakkhya Bridge at Narayanganj New Bridge
S28 Improvement of Zirani Kashimpur Road Widening
S29 Naojora (Kodda)–Kashimpur–Narsinghapur Road Widening
S39 Mirpur Road to Matikata Road New Road
S40 Mirpur Zoo to Embankment (Berry Bund) to the west New Road
S41-1 Upgrading of Hemayetpur–Singair–Manikganj Road into 4-lane New Road
S41-2 Upgrading of Hemayetpur–Singair–Manikganj Road into 4-lane Widening
S42 Mirpur-14 (Sagorika) to Airport Road (Banani Railway Station) along the fringe of Kurmitola Golf Course New Road
S44 Bangla College to Kafrul intersecting Rokeya Sharoni Widening
S45 Mohammadpur Krishi Market to Mirpur Road (Sohrawardy Hospital) Widening
S46 Krishi Market & Baitul Aman (Y Junction) to Embankment to the west New Road
S49 Zikatala–Hazaribagh (Sikder Medical College) road New Road
S53 Bashabo Kadamtola Road up to Manikdi New Road
S54 Road connecting Buriganga 1st and 2nd bridges via Subhadia & Zinjira (South of Buriganga river) New Road
S56 Konakhola to Hazratpur Widening
S57 Hazratpur to Hemayetpur Widening
S58 Improvement of Keraniganj (Konakhola)–Kholamura–Hazratpur–Itabhata–Mirpur (Hemayetpur) Road Widening
Source: RSTP, 2015
Note: P: Primary Road, S: Secondary, C: Circular Road, E:

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Inception Report 1

Appendix 6: Secondary Data Collection List

Last update: 3/27/2023

Sl Letter Organization/Authority Requested Data Letter Received Data

No Issue
1 198 Accident Research Ongoing and planned 14- Accident Data
Institute (ARI-BUET) project Information/reports; Aug- (2000-2015)
Traffic management and 22 (Excel)
road safety project
information (traffic control
centre, traffic signals,
accident data for last 15
years etc.)
2 199 Bangladesh Bureau of Statistical Data: 1) No of 14- 1. Bangladesh
Educational Information students of pre-school, Aug- Education
and Statistics primary school, secondary 22 Statistics (2021)
(BANBEIS) school, college and report (print copy)
university. 2. Educational
2) No of teachers, Institutes
professors, and stuff of pre- information (Excel
school, primary school, file)
secondary school, college
and University
3) Location of pre-school,
primary school, secondary
school, college and
University in GIS point Data
in RAJUK area.
3 203 Bangladesh Bridge Ongoing and planned 14- 1. Dhaka Ashulia
Authority (BBA) project information/ reports: Aug- Elevated
1) Bridge Development 22 Expressway
Plan2) Elevated Project (DAEEP)
Expressway project 3) Alignment (pdf)2.
Subway Project4) Bridge Dhaka East West
Masterplan Elevated
Project (DEWEEP)
Alignment (ppt)
and Feasibility
Study Report3.
Dhaka Elevated
Project (DEEP)
Alignment (kml) &
other documents4.
Meghna Bridge
Alignment (pdf)5.
Panchabati to 3rd
Shitalakha Bridge
Alignment (pdf)6.
Subway Project
Alignment & other
features (shp. file),
Feasibility Study &
Preliminary Design
Report (pdf) &
survey data 7.
Proposed inner

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Inception Report 1

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No Issue
expressway (pdf)

4 349 Toll Data of Bridges under 12- - Vehicle type wise

BBA in DTCA area Dec- vehicle (Per Day)
(Muktarpur Bridge) 22 count January
2017 to april
2021(Not Direction
5 207 Bangladesh Bureau of 1. Preliminary population 11- 1. Population
Statistics (BBS) data by 5-year age group at Aug- Census data 2022
minimum administrative 22 by ward/union by
level (ward/union/mouza age group (Excel
level, whichever is file)
available) for Dhaka,
Gazipur, Narayanganj,
Munshiganj, Manikganj and
Narsingdi District according
to Population and Housing
Census 2022.
6 2. Number of households by -
income group level at
minimum administrative
level (ward/union/mouza
level, which one is
available) for Dhaka,
Gazipur, Narayanganj,
Munshiganj, Manikganj and
Narsingdi District according
to Population and Housing
Census 2022.

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Inception Report 1

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No Issue
7 3. List of households with -
the name of household
head, telephone number,
address, and
coordinates by minimum
administrative level
(ward/union/mouza level,
which one is available) for
Dhaka, Gazipur,
Narayanganj, Munshiganj,
Manjikganj and Narsingdi
District according to
Population and Housing
Census 2022
8 4. Future population -
projection for Dhaka,
Gazipur, Narayanganj,
Munshiganj, Manikganj and
Narsingdi District and whole
of Bangladesh.
9 5. Latest Household Income -
and Expenditure Survey
10 6. No of workers at -
workplace by different
industry sector
11 7. Gross Regional Domestic -
Product (GRDP) district
wise information for whole
12 8. Future GRDP projection -
for Dhaka, Gazipur,
Narayanganj, Munshianj,
Manikganj and Narsindi
13 9. Future GDP projection of -
whole Bangladesh
14 191 Bangladesh Police Ongoing and planned 14- 1. Role of Traffic
Project Information/Reports: Aug- control centre in
1) Traffic Management and 22 Traffic
Road safety projects management (pdf,
information (Traffic Control Bangla)2. Ongoing
centre, Traffic signals etc) & Planned project
information (pdf,

15 Statistical Data: 2) Road Road Accident

accident data of last 15 year Data of Dhaka City
( 2007-2021) for Dhaka,
Gazipur, Manikgonj,
Narayangonj, Munsigonj
and Narshingdi District.

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Inception Report 1

Sl Letter Organization/Authority Requested Data Letter Received Data

No Issue
16 208 Bangladesh Inland Ongoing and Planned 11- - River masterplan
Water Transport Project Information/Reports Aug- - Walkway project
Authority (BIWTA) 1. Inland Waterway Project 22 map (Print PDF)
Information about berth/ - Walkway Project
vessel / operation Phase Detail
improvement projects in
DTCA area.
2. Walkway around
3. Sadarghat terminal
development project
17 Public Transport Operation - Yearly Number of
Data Passengers in
4. Current Inland water terminals
transport operation data - Fare Table -
such as timetable, route, Terminal location
terminal location, fare table, map . pdf
number of passengers by - Launch
terminal, capacity of the information
vessel in operation.

18 209 Bangladesh Inland Ongoing and Planned 11- 1. Circular

Water Transport Project Aug- Waterways
Corporation (BIWTC) Information/Reports1. Inland 22 information in and
Waterway Project around Dhaka2.
information about berth/ Ongoing and
vessel / operation Future Project
improvement projects in Information
DTCA area.2. Data &
information about circular
waterway in and around
19 Public Transport Operation
3. Current Inland water
transport operation data
such as timetable, route,
terminal location, fare table,
number of passengers by
terminal, capacity of the
vessel in operation in DTCA 3. Fare of ferry
area. services
20 187 Bangladesh Railway 1. Railway lines newly 14- -
(BR) construction/ rehabilitation/ Aug-
facility improvement project 22
information in DTCA area
21 2.Railway Masterplan Railway Master
Information Plan-2019 Report
22 3. Multinational Hub in -
Kamlapur Railway Station
and Dhaka Bimanbandar
Railway Station project
Information (Project Status,

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Inception Report 1

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Expected Year of
completion, project detail in
a study report format

23 4. Alignment, Type of 1. Akhaura-

Gauge, Single/Double line Laksam project's
station list and location ( alignment (shp.
preferably in GIS.shp file) File) and Traffic
Trip Frequency (timetable) Forecast Report,
fare table, Number of 2. Dhaka Circular
passenger by Station, Rail Alignment
number of passenger in (shp. File) and
long distance train , from Traffic Forecast
Kamalapur Station for the report, 3. Dhaka-
following project.a) Padma Chattogram_Chord
Bridge Rail link Project b) Line Alignment
Construction of 3rd and 4th (shp. File) and
Dual Gauge line in Tongi- traffic forecast
JOydebpur Station c) report, 4. Dhaka-
Construction of Dual Gauge Narayanganj
Double Rail Line and Alignment (CAD
conversion conversion of file), 5. Dhaka-
Existing line into Dual Tongi 3rd _ 4th
Gauge between Akhaura Line Alignment
and Laksamd) Construction (CAD file), 6.
of Dual Gauge line parallel Dhirasram ICD
to existing in Dhaka- alignment (kml file)
Narayangonj Section.e) & Feasibility Study
Feasibility Study for report, 7. High
Construction and Circular Speed Rail
rail line around Dhaka city alignment (kml file)
f)Construction Multinational & traffic forecast
Hub at Dhaka Bimanbandar report, 8.
Stationg) Construction of Joydebpur-
Multinational Hub at Mymensingh-
Kamalapur railway Jamalpur
Station.h) Construction of alignment (shp.
Business Hub at Tejgaon file) and Feasibility
Railway station area. i) Study report, 9.
Feasibility Study and Detail Padma Rail Link
Design for construction of alignment (kml file)
Dhaka-Chittagong via and Draft
Comilla/Laksham High Feasibility study
Speed Railwayj) Feasibility report, 10. Tongi-
Study for construction to Akhaura project's
Dual gauge Rail line in alignment (kml file)
Joydevpur- Mymensing- & Final Feasibility
Jamalpur Section.k)Pubail- Study Report
Dhirastram Rail Link
Construction along with land
acquisition for the view of
Dhirasram ICD
construction.l) Feasibility
study and detailed design
for construction of Dhaka-
Manikginj-Parutia Railway.

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Inception Report 1

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No Issue
j) Conversion of Double line
meter Gauge Railway to
Dual gauge Double line
railway of Tongi-
Cord line Construction from
Narayangonj to Comilla of
Bangladesh Railway.

24 5. Current Railway -
operation data, (Preferably
in GTFS format) such as
Station Location, fare Table,
Number of passenger by
station, number of
passengers by long
distance trains from
kamlapur station and airport
station, Narayanginj Station
, and other stations in DTCA

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Inception Report 1

Sl Letter Organization/Authority Requested Data Letter Received Data

No Issue
25 201 Dhaka Bus Rapid Ongoing and Planned 14- -
Transit Company Ltd project information/ reports: Aug-
(DBRT) BRT project information ( 22
Line 3,7)
Final alignment, Location, of
Bus shelters/ bus stops,
operational speed, fare
system, and fare level,
passenger capacity per bus,
frequency in peak hour.
Basic Design data.
26 188 Ongoing and planned 14- -
Project Information/Reports: Aug-
1) Traffic Management and 22
Road safety projects
information (Traffic Control
centre, Traffic signals etc)
2) Existing Traffic Volume
Dhaka City project
27 Statistical Data: 3) Vehicle Vehicle registration
registration data of last 15 Data (2007-2022)
years ( 2007-2021) for
Dhaka, Gazipur, Munsiganj,
Manikganj, Narshingdi
28 Public Transport Operation 1. Bus Route
Data: 4) Bus operation Data information Dhaka.
, ( preferably in GTFS 2.Bus Route
format) such as timetable, information
route, Stop location, fare Gazipur,
Bangladesh Road
table, number of passenger Munsigonj,
Transport Authority
by stop/station in Dhaka and Narayangonj,
suburban area. Manikgonj
Requested Data at RFID
station1) Number of
vehicles by vehicle type
every 15 minute interval for
24 hours and 7 days at each
RFID station by direction 2)
Number of vehicles by
vehicle type per day for the
last 10 years3) Number of 12-
350 vehicles by vehicle type per Dec-
month for the last 10 22
years4) Number of buses by
bus route per hour on
weekday from 2016 to
20215) Bus arrival time by
bus route6) Time of passing
RFID stations by Vehicle ID
by direction from 2016 to

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Inception Report 1

Sl Letter Organization/Authority Requested Data Letter Received Data

No Issue
29 205 Bangladesh Road Public Transport Operation 14- - Number of Buses
Transport Corporation Data: Bus operation data Aug- by Origin and
(BRTC) (preferably GIS format) such 22 Destination
as timetable, route, spot - Bus Type
location, fare table, number distance in
of passengers by Kilometer per liter.
stop/station in Dhaka - Bus Buying Cost
suburban area. - Salary of all
30 197 Bangladesh GIS or related location data 14- -
Telecommunication of mobile phone users Aug-
Regulatory Commission obtained from mobile phone 22
(BTRC) base stations, which can
identify the geographical
movement of mobile phone
users in DTCA area.
31 186 Bangladesh Water Information/Reports on 14- 1. Waterway
Development Board Ongoing and Planned dam Aug- Dhaka Map (PDF
(BWDB) Construction Project in the 22 Map)
DTCA area Specially along 2. Dhaka circular
with the Ring Road and road (Estern):
other developments in the Feasiblity study
eastern fringe of Dhaka and Final report.
Date: January
32 196 Civil Aviation Authority Expansion of Hazrat 11- 1. Hazrat Shahjalal
of Bangladesh (CAAB) Shahzalal International Aug- International
Airport, Masterplan at 22 Airport Expansion
terminals( the 3rd terminal project (phase-1)
in particular ) air traffic summery (pdf,
demand forecast result . Bangla)

33 200 Dhaka Metropolitan Ongoing and planned 14-

Police (DMP) Project Information/Reports: Aug-
1) Traffic Management and 22
Road safety projects
information (Traffic Control
centre, Traffic signals etc)
34 Statistical Data: 2) Road Accident Data
accident data of last 15 year (2000-2021) (pdf)
( 2007-2021) for DMA
35 202 Dhaka Mass Transit Ongoing and Planned 14- 1. Alignment
Company Limited project information/ reports: Aug- Feature of MRT
(DMTCL) MRT project information ( 22 Line 5 (South)
Line 1,2,3,4,5,6) (shp. File)
Final alignment, Location, of 2. Alignment
Bus shelters/ bus stops, Feature of MRT
operational speed, fare Line 6 (shp. File)
system, and fare level, and sailent
passenger capacity per bus, features
frequency in peak hour.
Basic Design data.

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Inception Report 1

Sl Letter Organization/Authority Requested Data Letter Received Data

No Issue
36 206 Dhaka North City Ongoing and planned 14- 1. Administrative
Corporation (DNCC) project information/ reports: Aug- Boundary data
1) Road Project information 22 (shp. File) of
such as Alignment of new DNCC & DSCC
roads, Right of way,
Number of lanes, Road
widening of extension
roads, Opening year, status
of the project, ( National
Road, Regional Road,
Expressway, PPP Project ,
city roads information, and
rehabilitation, pedestrian
etc.)2) Traffic management
and road safety project
information( Traffic control
centre, traffic signals etc.)3)
Metro rail corridor
development project
information4) Utility Project
37 Road Inventory Data; 5) 1. Road Network
Road network map with data with some
number of lanes, road class, road inventory
and pavement conditions in information (shp.
DTCA area ( on GIS format file) of DNCC &
such as .shp and .geojson ) DSCC
38 193 Directorate of Primary Statistical Data: 1) No of 14- 1. List of School,
Education (DPE) students of pre-school, Aug- Address, number
primary school, secondary 22 Student and
school, college and teacher
2) No of teachers,
professors, and stuff of pre-
school, primary school,
secondary school, college
and University
3) Location of pre-school,
primary school, secondary
school, college and
University in GIS point Data
in RAJUK area.

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Inception Report 1

Sl Letter Organization/Authority Requested Data Letter Received Data

No Issue
39 204 Dhaka South City Ongoing and planned 11- - One ongoing
Corporation (DSCC) project information/ reports: Aug- Development
1) Road Project information 22 Project name- One
such as Alignment of new Traffic system
roads, Right of way, improvement
Number of lanes, Road project
widening of extension
roads, Opening year, status
of the project, ( National
Road, Regional Road,
Expressway, PPP Project ,
city roads information, and
rehabilitation, pedestrian
etc.)2) Traffic management
and road safety project
information( Traffic control
centre, traffic signals etc.) 3)
New Expressway ( e.g.
Bosila-Postogola 6 lane etc.
)4) DSCC Masterplan
Project information5)
Intersection improvement
project information
40 Road Inventory Data; 6)
Road network map with
number of lanes, road class,
and pavement conditions in
DTCA area ( on GIS format
such as .shp and .geojson )
41 194 Directorate of Statistical Data: 1) No of 14- - Number of
Secondary and Higher students of pre-school, Aug- student and
Education (DSHE) primary school, secondary 22 teacher of the
school, college and schools under
university. 2) No of DTCA area
teachers, professors, and
stuff of pre-school, primary
school, secondary school,
college and University3)
Location of pre-school,
primary school, secondary
school, college and
University in GIS point Data
in RAJUK area.
42 190 Gazipur City 1. Road Inventory Data; 14- -
Corporation (GCC) Road Network map with Aug-
number of lanes, road class, 22
and pavement condition in
DTCA area ( on GIS format
such as .shp and .geojson)
43 2. Transport masterplan and -
drainage project

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Inception Report 1

Sl Letter Organization/Authority Requested Data Letter Received Data

No Issue
44 210 Local Government and Ongoing and Planned 14- -
Engineering Project Information /Reports Aug-
Department (LGED) 1. Road projects (National 22
road, Regional Road, Zila
Road, Upazila Road, Union
Road, Village Road,
Expressway, PPP projects,
City roads information, road
improvement and
rehabilitation, pedestrian
walkway widening/
improvements etc.)
Alignment of new roads,
Right of Way, Number of
lanes, Road widening of
existing roads
2. Road Master Plan
45 Road Inventory Data
3. Road network map with
number of lanes, road class,
and pavement conditions in
DTCA area (on GIS format
such as .shp & .geojson)
46 189 Narayanganj City Road Inventory Data; Road 14- -
Corporation (NCC) Network map with number Aug-
of lanes, road class, and 22
pavement condition in
DTCA area ( on GIS format
such as .shp and .geojson)
47 195 Rajdhani Unnayan Urban Planning Related 14- 1. DAP report
Kortripokkho (RAJUK) Data; 1) Latest Landuse Aug- 2. DAP
(Detailed area plan) map ( 22 administrative
in GIS format such .shp & boundary (shp.)
jeojsn) in RAJUK area 3. DAP physical
2) Maps of Urban planning features and
rules, such as Floor Area landuse (shp.)
Ratio (FAR) , NO. of floors,
in RAJUK area.
3) Building Polygons in GIS
shp file format(preferably
with building height, and
type of building use) in
RAJUK area.
48 Ongoing and planned -
project Information/Reports:
5) Road Project information
such as alignment, right of
way, number of lanes,
expected opening year of
flyovers or related project (if
any )
6) Transport infrastructure
related information in GIS
preferable format
7) Utility Project related

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Inception Report 1

Sl Letter Organization/Authority Requested Data Letter Received Data

No Issue
49 8) Public Transport -
operation Data; 8) Current
water transport operation
data, operated in Hatirjheel ,
such as timetable, route,
terminal location, fare table,
numbers of passengers by
terminal, capacity of the
vessel in operation.
50 192 Roads and Highways Ongoing and planned 14- 1. List of Project in
Department (RHD) Project Information/Reports: Aug- the DTCA area, 2.
1)Road Projects (national 22 RHD Road
Road, Zila Road, network Dhaka
Expressway. PPP Project, zone (shp. File) 3.
Road network Improvement Final Feasibility
Project, multilevel transit Study Report
intersection project , (DCR_2) (pdf) 4.
intersection/interchange Circular Roads
development project , city and Radial road
roads, information, road alignment (kml) 5.
improvement and Dhaka Middle Ring
rehabilitation, pedestrian Road Project
walkway (DMRRP)-2020
widening/improvements etc. (pdf & kml)6.
Alignments of new roads, Alignment of
Right of way, number of Dhaka Bypass
lanes, Road widening of (.kmz)7. Alignment
existing roads. 2) Road of Chashara to
Master plan Adamzi EPZ road
(pdf ) 8. RHD toll
data of
2022 to January

51 Road Inventory Data; Road Road Inventory

Network map with number Data
of lanes, road class, and
pavement condition in
DTCA area ( on GIS format
such as .shp and .geojson)
52 351 Toll Data of Bridges under 12- Toll Data from
RHD in DTCA area Dec- October 2022 is
22 recived

Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Inception Report 1


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