CambU6 - Healthy Habits - D1 - FV

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1 Healthy Habits

Hello! It’s such a lovely day, isn’t it?

I hope you’re in the pink. Do you know what it means? Being in the pink means to be in good health or in excellent physical condition.
There are many other idiomatic expressions related to health. Can you guess their meaning by just looking at the sample sentences?

“I can’t come to the picnic this weekend; I’m “After a couple of days of rest, she’s now “Because of regular exercise and healthy eating
feeling a bit under the weather.” bouncing back from her cold.” habits, he’s as fit as a fiddle.”

Meaning: When someone is sick or not feeling Meaning: This phrase means getting better Meaning: This phrase means that a person is in
well, we say that they are "under the weather." quickly after getting sick or having a loss. great health and shape.

Let’s look at more examples! This time you’ll see conditional sentences. All you need to do is to
complete the sentences by using if conditional type 1. If you’re ready, let’s begin.

If you … (swallow) gum, it … (stay) in your stomach for seven years. If you … (eat) carrots, it … (improve) your eyesight.
Answer: swallow / will stay Answer: eat / will improve
Fact: Gum is not digested like food, but it doesn't stay in the gut for seven Fact: Even though carrots are a good source of vitamin A, which is important for
years either. It usually doesn't cause any problems in the stomach system. good eyesight, eating too many carrots won't give you superhuman eyesight.

Well done! You’ll definitely get better if you keep doing more exercises about conditionals.
Read the sentences, and then find other ways of saying the same thing by using the phrases given.

1. Take your vitamins regulary and you’ll feel better soon. 2. Betty feels more energetic when she sleeps enough.
Info: Info:
If you … As long as Betty …
Answers: If you take your vitamins regularly, you’ll feel better soon. Answers: As long as Betty sleeps enough, she feels more energetic.

3. Take care of what you eat; otherwise, you’ll gain weight. 4. I don’t have much free time, so I cannot exercise regularly.
Unless you … I could …
Answer: Unless you don’t take care of what you eat, you’ll gain weight. Answer: I could exercise regularly if I had more free time.

Well done! It’s time for you to ask me some questions.

I’ve been feeling unwell recently, and I don’t know what to do in order to feel better and more energetic?
Could you please help me with your precious advice?

Even after a good night's sleep, I've been feeling tired all the time. Also, I've been having headaches and a sore throat lately.
What should I do? What is your suggestion?

To be in someone’s shoes means to be in the

I've been trying to eat better and exercise more, but it's hard to find the time and motivation.
situation, usually a bad or difficult situation, that
What would you do if you were in my shoes?
another person is in.

Thanks for the advice. You’ve been so helpful and kind towards me. I appreciate that.
I promise I’ll try to do my best and follow your advice.

What are some hobbies or things you like to do in your free time that are good for your health?

Here are some health problems. Some of them might be familiar to you, and you may find out the unfamiliar
ones by looking at the visuals. Let’s try! What is wrong with these people?

Görsel: 1187048224 Görsel: 1084821944 Görsel: 2160261793

Info: Her arms were covered with b…… . Info: He s……. his ankle while running. Info: He has a s… t….. and high temperature.
Asnwer: bruises Asnwer: sprained Asnwer: sore throat

Görsel: 1357485674 Görsel: 1214604580 Görsel: 1487854622

Info: She might have an a…… to spring. Info: She's very hot and shivery, so I think she must have f.. . Info: She’s got a headache and a slight f…. .
Answer: allergy Asnwer: flu Asnwer: fever

Have you ever had a serious illness?

Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.

what happened and how did you get better? What do you think is the best way to keep from getting sick?

Do you believe that natural remedies can treat diseases just as well as modern medicine?

Did you know?

"Old wives' tales" are ideas that have been passed down from generation to generation. They are often based on superstitions or stories. Most
of these stories are not based on science, but on folklore, cultural practises, or beliefs.

For example, an old wife’s tale says that “Break a mirror, and you'll have seven years of bad luck.”

This belief probably comes from the idea that mirrors show what's inside a person. There are no solid facts that show how long bad luck lasts.

Do some research and find out more old wives’ tales like this one. Then, tell a friend and a family member.

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