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1 Free Time

Hello there! Let’s talk about hobbies and free time activities.
Among all the hobbies you've tried, which one do you find the most relaxing, and why?

Which hobby makes you feel more nostalgic and emotional than any other one you have?

In the past and now, hobbies have changed in many ways because of changes in society, technology, and the way people live.

Many hobbies today involve technology or digital parts, like video games, coding, or digital art. In the past, most hobbies were more
analogue, like knitting, woodworking, or traditional art.

Can you find more examples of how the hobbies in the past and in the present are different?

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Have a look at the picture. As you can see, there are different kinds of hobbies shown here. Can you name these different hobbies?

Now, have a look at the sentences about hobbies and complete them with the correct form of the comparatives.

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Info: In my opinion, dancing is … (enjoyable) blogging. Info: I think pottery is … (relaxing) sewing.
Answer: more enjoyable than Answer: more relaxing than

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Info: I believe making sculpture is … (cool) painting.
Answer: cooler than
Well done! Now, it’s time for the superlatives. Can you complete the sentences about the same
picture with the correct form of the superlatives?

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Info: In my opinion, vlogging is … (expensive) hobby in this picture. Info: I think drama is … (great) of all the hobbies here.
Answer: the most expensive Answer: the greatest

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Info: I believe making music is … (fantastic) activity among these hobbies.
Answer: the most fantastic

What's your biggest dream or goal in life, and how did you get there?
Info: My biggest ambition is …

Well done! Now, you’ll see some visuals. What you need to do is making sentences by using the phrases given.

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Info: At some point, I’m planning to … Info: In the future, I’d like to … Info: I’m looking forward to …
Possible Answer: buy a house Possible Answer: become famous Possible Answer: get a good job

Good job!
Can you think of a dream or ambition you once had but decided to let go of? What led to that decision?

Do you think reaching your biggest goal will make you happy or do you think happiness is a different goal?

Have you thought about what you want Where do you see yourself in 5 years’
What kind job or career do you want?
to do when you finish school? time?

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This is Sarah. She is in the middle of a job interview and she seems so nervous.
Imagine that she is your friend and you know she will need a piece of advice after this interview.
What piece of advice could you offer to your friend who wants to fulfil her own ambitions and dreams?

Now, it’s time for you to ask me some questions. This should be interesting and fun!
I’m looking for some ideas for things to do in my free time. Do you have any suggestions?
Make full sentences and use these ideas to help you.

1. Learn a new skill or hobby. 2. Read a book or watch a movie. 3. Spend time with friends or family.

4. Get creative. 5. Exercise or play sports. 6. Plan a trip.

Thank you for your suggestions. I bet you are too busy with all this schoolwork and after-school activities. How do you
find a good balance between your personal goals and your duties and obligations? What is your secret?

Did you know?

Ask your parents and grandparents how they think things have changed in the way people spend their free time over time.

Do research and write down what people used to do for fun in the past, and then tell a friend or a family member.

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