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1. Identify two specific mistakes in the application of forensic science in the work done
by the Municipal Police. In each case, explain why you think this is a mistake.

a. The IR spectra of the fiber in the storage are not identical to those of Peter's jacket.
However, this fiber is discovered to be cotton, which is far too common to be identified
because all cotton fibers are completely cellulose and look alike, excluding the color.
Thus it would be a mistake to believe it is from his jacket.

b. They further argue that the rifling is to blame for the striations on the cartridge casing.
The striations from rifling, on the other hand, are seen on the bullet rather than the
cartridge case.

2. Identify two specific mistakes in the application of forensic science in the work done
by the Security Police. In each case, explain why you think this is a mistake.

a. Testing Peter's hand for GSR can help to find out if it was discharged within one meter of
the gun, and thus whether or not he held it. However, GSR only lasts a few hours, and
he was just tested the day after the shooting, thus the negative result may very well be
due to GSR loss after such a short period of time.

b. They further allege that, because of CCTV video, the man named Gregory left Oswald
Street Apartments. Although the bag may contain firearms, it's time to leave at 8,52 am,
in advance of the firearms properly defined by the radio time signal.

3A. What would you do with the evidence found in the Book Depository? You may only
give one piece of evidence. For that evidence, indicate a specific forensic action that you
would take and state how it would assist the investigation.

Cotton fibers differ greatly in terms of the color employed, therefore it is possible to compare the
pigmentation in the Peter jacket fiber and that of the remaining fiber in the warehouse. A match
would make Peter more obviously at the site of the crime. Alternatively, firearm examinations
can allow possible suspects to be located on fingerprint/glove residue/DNA. Glove residue if
Peter managed to hide his gloves before he was caught in some way.

3B. What would you do with the evidence found in the Apartment? You may only give one
piece of evidence. For that evidence, indicate a specific forensic action that you would
take and state how it would assist the investigation

The partial fingerprint corresponds to the fingerprint of Gregory. DNA may be tested for the soft
drink bottle that can then put it or another person on the crime site.
4A. What further evidence would you search for at the Book Depository? Specify one
item only. Explain what this evidence would tell you.

Future evidence would be provided by fingerprints on the window because this is not broken or
opened, it should be opened and closed, and thus contact with the window would be necessary
if a shot were to be fired with the yellow towel, which would suggest that somebody was there,
probably touched, from that room or from the bookcase.

4B. What further evidence would you search for in the Apartment? Specify one item
only.This should be something different to your answer to 4A.Explain what this evidence
would tell you.

There would be further proof in the form of checks on dust marks. Since the Oswald Street
Apartments were empty for some time, it implies that no one would clean the property, thus
enabling the accumulation of dust. When shoes are found, it implies that someone has recently
been in the premises; it allows them to be connected with probable suspects.

5. Count Sturgkh was killed by only one of the bullets that was fired. From which of the
two locations is it most likely that this bullet was fired? Choose only one location.
Explain the reason(s) for your choice. Give a reason other than the presence of cartridge

Perhaps from the depositary book. Peter's likely shot follows the white flash. Gregory's shot
follows the black flash. The entering injury was at the rear of the height and the exit injury was at
the front if it were from the Oswald State Apartments. This is because he was gazing towards
the open door of Sidewalk Cafe when he was shot, leaving the library on his right-hand side
relative to his head. This is like a gunshot, leaving the entrance wound on the right side of his

6. A senior official from the Attorney-General's Office scolds the Municipal and Security
Police. He points out that both streets have a lot of traffic and the Prime Minister was
probably shot by another gunman in a passing car. Is this likely? Give one reason in
support of your opinion.

The entry is 8cm on the right, ~10cm on the left, over the end of the incision. This implies that
the weapon was fired from a greater height to generate this slant. This would exclude the
gunman in a coach since it would increase the level of the entrance and exit wounds. While
there are double-decker busses in Elberthal, if they were to accomplish this on such a vehicle it
would be harder for the Goyles (or anybody else).
7. From the evidence presented, what can you conclude about the identity of the gunman
or gunmen who shot Count Sturgkh? Choose only one of the options presented below
and explain the reason(s) for your choice.

Neither Mr. X nor Mr. Y is the gunman if based on this case alone. Mr. X was probably not the
gunman as he was in the wrong place and had left the building by the time Count Sturgkh was
shot. Mr. Y may have been in the right building at the right time to conduct the shooting, but
there is no solid evidence to place him at the crime scene and/or link him to the firearm that was
used, so on the grounds of this case alone, it may be neither of the Goyles. However, do bear in
mind that Mr. Y was the murderer in the previous two cases (although Gregory did support him),
which means he is likely to be the gunman once again, just that the Police's mistakes enabled
him to make a getaway.

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