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S T E I N E R B O O K S . O R G ~ 7 0 3 . 6 6 1 . 1 5 9 4

Meditation as Contemplative Inquiry

When Knowing Becomes Love
“This book is an outstanding contribution to

W hen we turn to meditation, we are turning

toward renewal, peace, and insight. Ini-
tially, we may take up contemplative practice as a
addressing a root issue of our time: how
to integrate the quest for scientific clarity,
contemplative awakening, and improved
means of tapping into the abundant resources of personal practices in a way that is clear,
the mind and heart that bring serenity, but the med- integrates Eastern and Western wisdom
itative journey leads further—to the place where traditions, and offers readers practical methods and tools. It is highly recom-
wisdom and love unite. mended for those who want to deepen their personal foundations for pro-
found change and presencing-based leadership work.” —Otto Scharmer,
In Meditation as Contemplative Inquiry, Ar- MIT, author of Theory U: Leading from the Future as It Emerges
thur Zajonc offers an overview of the meditative “Mediation as Contemplative Inquiry is a profound and masterful exposition
life, weaving practical instruction together with of the calling, challenges, and, above all, the immediate and the harder-to-
the guidance and inspiration of the world’s great extract-but-worth-it gifts of meditative inquiry. Disciplining our unruly minds
teachers, from Rudolf Steiner to Rumi, and from with marvelous exercises in attention and apperception that use all the senses
Goethe to the sages of Asia. and intelligences available to us, Arthur Zajonc employs his great skill as
a teacher, his loving prose, and his razor-sharp intellect to guide us in the
Arthur Zajonc reminds us that an ethic of humil- experience of a compassionate practice of knowing. Following his path, we
ity grounds all practice, and that care of the soul can develop and bring to the fore the full dimensionality of our humanness,
is the basis for sound spiritual reflection and un- for ourselves and for others. A glistening gem of a book.” —Jon Kabat-Zinn,
derstanding. The author carefully describes each author of Coming to Our Senses and Arriving at Your Own Door
stage of the path and includes many recommend- “In this beautifully written work, Arthur Zajonc, a seasoned meditator in the
ed practices. anthroposophic tradition, offers gentle and wise guidance on the path of
contemplative inquiry. Drawing both on the writings of Rudolf Steiner and on
Meditation as Contemplative Inquiry is the fruit
the world’s spiritual traditions, he presents universal truths that are relevant to
of many years of personal practice and teaching. all contemplative paths, East and West. With a rare combination of scientific
Zajonc developed his orientation toward medita- rigor, poetic appreciation, and spiritual insight, Meditation as Contemplative
tion through working with hundreds of university Inquiry will enrich the lives of all those who read it and even more so those
students and professors, as well as with contem- who put its wise counsel into practice.” —B. Allan Wallace, author of The
plative groups in the U.S., Europe, and Australia. Attention Revolution: Unlocking the Power of the Focused Mind

ISBN: 9781584200628 • Hardcover • Lindisfarne Books • $25.00 • 220 pages • September 2008

ARTHUR ZAJONC is Andrew Mellon professor of physics and interdisciplinary studies at Amherst College (Amherst,
Massachusetts), where he has taught since 1978. He has been visiting professor and research scientist at the Ecole
Normale Superieure in Paris, the Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics, and a Fulbright professor at the University
of Innsbruck in Austria. His research has included studies in parity violation in atoms, the experimental foundations
of quantum physics, and the relationship between sciences, the humanities and meditation. He is author of the book
Catching the Light: The Entwined History of Light and Mind; coauthor of The Quantum Challenge; and coeditor of
Goethe’s Way of Science. Since 1997, he has served as scientific coordinator for the Mind and Life dialogue with
H. H. the Dalai Lama, whose meetings have been published as The New Physics and Cosmology: Dialogues with the Dalai Lama
and The Dalai Lama at MIT. He is cofounder of the Barfield School of Graduate Studies of Sunbridge College and currently directs
the Academic Program of the Center for Contemplative Mind, which supports appropriate inclusion of contemplative practice in
higher education. He has also been General Secretary of the Anthroposophical Society in America, a co-founder of the Kira Institute,
president of the Lindisfarne Association, and a senior program director at the Fetzer Institute.
Dear friend,
Another productive year brings us the publica-
tion of many new works from anthroposophic
writers. To highlight a few, William Ward’s book,
Traveling Light (page 3), is the triumphant result
of a tragic turn of events for its author—the diagnosis of
a brain tumor. To those who know William, it comes as
SteinerBooks Catalog
Steiner & Spirit
no surprise that the book is uplifting and inspiring. We
also have major new books from Marko Pogacnik (page
8), Peter Selg (page 9), Patricia Sherwood (page 17), and
Patsy Scala (page 5). In another new book—The Inner
Life of the Earth (page 7)—we have original contribu-
tions from Paul O’Leary. Christopher Bamford, Dennis
Klocek. David Mitchell. Marko Pogacnik, Robert Powell,
and Rachel C Ross, who offer their unique views while
building on Rudolf Steiner’s esoteric views of the Earth’s
interior. Other books of note include two new transla-
tions of works by Georg Kühlewind: The Light of the Rudolf Steiner’s “Verse for America”
“I” (page 3) and Wilt Thou Be Made Whole? (page 9), as
Given to Ralph Courtney, a pioneer of
well as a number of new titles in “The Collected Works
Anthroposophy in North America, this
of Rudolf Steiner.” verse for the American spirit speaks of the
The articles and extracts in this issue vary widely. Paul inner unity of human beings and of sup-
O’Leary’s introduction to The Inner Life of the Earth port from the spiritual world for our efforts:
offers insights gleaned from years of research into anthro-
posophic wisdom on this topic. An excerpt from Rob-
May our feeling penetrate
ert Powell’s new book arises from his study of esoteric
Christianity, astrosophy, and the visions of Sister Anne into the center of our heart,
Catherine Emmerich, and “Weekly Meditations” brings and seek, in love, to unite itself
short excerpts from that popular new book. “Touch-
ing the World” records a talk by Dan McKanan at this with the human beings seeking the same goal,
year’s Spiritual Research Seminar in NYC. Included, too, with the spirit beings who — bearing grace,
is Michael Lipson’s introduction to Georg Kühlewind’s
strengthening us from realms of light,
new book, Wilt Thou Be Made Whole?
We hope you enjoy and benefit from this issue of Steiner and illuminating our love —
& Spirit. Let us know what you think—we always enjoy
are gazing down upon
hearing from you.
All best wishes, our earnest, heartfelt striving.
Gene Gol l ogly
President & CEO, SteinerBooks

P. S. Your financial gifts are vital to our efforts to bring

you a wide range of literature on spiritual science and
related issues. The generous support of readers like
you is greatly appreciated and, of course, always tax-
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PO Box 58, Hudson, NY 12534, or call (413) 854-1125
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All prices are subject to change. Steiner & Spirit Catalog copyright © 2008 SteinerBooks/Anthroposophic Press
Catalog & cover design by William Jens Jensen | cover background image © by Z-River
C o n t e n t s

Books: Economic Renewal & Social Issues 71

Biography 74
New for 2008 3
Spiritual Fiction 75
The Collected Works of Rudolf Steiner 21
Prayer, Verses & Meditations 76
Rudolf Steiner’s Foundational Works 24
Arts & Literature 78
The Fundamentals of Anthroposophy 26
Science & Nature 83
Rudolf Steiner’s Talks with Workers at the Goetheanum 33
Biodynamic Farming & Gardening 88
The Life & Work of Rudolf Steiner 34
Star Wisdom 90
Esoteric Studies 36
Inner Development 41 Articles & Excerpts:
Myth, Evolution & History 43 “The Inner Life of the Earth” by Paul V. O’Leary 93
Life after Death 46 “The Mystery of Mary Magdalene” by Robert Powell 96
Reincarnation and Karma 47 “Weekly Meditations” by Rudolf Steiner & Patsy Scala 101
Spirit Worlds & Beings 49 “Touching the World” by Dan McKanan 104
Esoteric Christianity 50 “Six Meditations” by Rudolf Steiner 111
Sophia Studies 60 “Wilt Thou Be Made Whole?” By Michael Lipson 112
The Cycle of the Year 62
Index of Books & Authors 114
Nutrition, Health & Therapies 63
Biographical Issues 68 SteinerBooks’ Statement of Purpose 118

Soul & Spirit 69 How to Order 119

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N e w f o r 2 0 0 8

Traveling Light The Light of the “I”

Walking the Cancer Path Guidelines for Meditation
William Ward Georg Kühlewind
Introduction by Christopher Bamford
T his generous, courageous, and wise book offers a self-
less glimpse behind the curtain of a journey with can-
cer, from shock to inner rebirth and the gradual discovery
“I recommend this generous, instructive book to anyone
who wants to begin meditating and also to those who
of light in the darkness. want to refresh their existing practice.”
William Ward has written a personal account of his —Gertrude Reif Hughes, Professor Emerita of English
life following a fateful diagnosis of a brain tumor. With and Women’s Studies at Wesleyan University
no trace of self-pity and rising above sentimentality, he
describes the landscape of his outer path through hospi-
tals, surgeons, pain, powerful drugs, and the support of
T his remarkable short guide to meditation is the fruit of
many years of meditative experience as well as thirty
years of teaching meditation. Through exercises and
family, friends, and community. With fearless honesty he meditation sentences it delineates an accessible, system-
invites the reader to accompany him on the inner path of atic process of inner work by which a person can come to
inevitable regrets, self-examination, fears, and hopes in experience both the “I,” and the miraculous nature of the
the face of a potentially terminal illness. interior Light we call attention.
Until it happens to us, we can never know for sure how Beginning with simple meditation sentences that illumi-
we would respond as individuals to a catastrophic event nate the role of attention in perception, the person wish-
in our lives, but by telling the most personal of all stories, ing to take this path is led gradually to the reality and
William Ward shows us a way forward that goes well experience of form-free attention. Kühlewind provides
beyond our personal differences. With compassion and guidance through systematic concentration exercises,
humor, Ward bears witness to the presence of living light sentence meditations, visualizations (image or symbol
in the darkest of human experiences, demonstrating how, meditations), and perceptual meditations. He also offers
if we face it, the Dark Night of the Soul necessarily leads advice and help with difficulties and some of the prob-
to awaking in the light of a new dawn. lems that can arise.
William Ward is a native of Michigan. He Each stage of the path is presented in a way to be
majored in English literature as an under- understood through meditative thinking. Deepened in
graduate at Columbia University and then this way, it becomes, as well, a work of philosophy—but
studied elementary education at the Waldorf philosophy understood as a transformative way of life,
Institute of Adelphi University, receiving a an inner path.
master’s degree there. For the past twenty- Georg Kühlewind (1924–2006) was a
five years, he has been a class teacher at the Hungarian philosopher, writer, lecturer, and
Hawthorne Valley School in Harlemville, New York. A meditation teacher who worked from the tra-
lover of the theater, William has written many class plays dition of Rudolf Steiner’s spiritual science. A
and festival presentations and collaborated in all-school prolific author, Kühlewind spent much time
musical productions. traveling, lecturing, and teaching meditation,
ISBN: 9781584200611 psychology, epistemology, child development,
Paperback Anthroposophy, and esoteric Christianity.
Lindisfarne Books
$20.00 ISBN: 9781584200598
240 pages Paperback
Lindisfarne Books
See our 2008 Spring Reader for an excerpt from William’s book
68 pages

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N e w f o r 2 0 0 8

Death as Metamorphosis of Life The Influence of the Dead on Destiny

Including “What Does the Angel Do in our Astral Body?” Rudolf Steiner
& “How Do I Find Christ?” Introduction by Christopher Bamford
Rudolf Steiner 8 lectures, Dornach, December 2–22, 1917 (CW 179)
Introduction by Christopher Bamford
Translated by Sabine Seiler
7 Lectures, various cities, Nov.–Oct. 1918 (CW 182)
W ith a single observation, Rudolf Steiner can some-
times outline a radically new reality that changes
everything. Here, he introduces these extraordinary lec-

S teiner begins by describing the three realms after tures by proposing that the boundary between the physi-
earthly life—that of intense, surging sensations cal and spiritual worlds “lies right in the middle of the
of sympathy and antipathy; the ebb and flow of will human being.”
impulses that stream into the human sphere, affecting in One indication of this boundary may be found in
increasingly wider circles human life on Earth; and the what science mistakenly differentiates as the sensory
spiritual hierarchies. As he says, “My primary mission and motor nerves, which, for Steiner, do not represent
these days is to make people aware again, with the help two different kinds of nerve functioning, but rather a
of such ideas, that the dead are working and contributing gap, or interruption, through which soul-spiritual real-
to human development.” ity incarnates and the spiritual world participates in the
Next, Steiner amplifies this mission, explicitly and physical-natural world. This gap makes it possible for us
implicitly. The point is to understand that we are spir- to inwardly experience and participate in not only the
itual beings and live in perpetual interaction with the outer world, but also in the spiritual world and the world
spiritual world—not just the dead, but also with Christ of the so-called dead. It also functions as the boundary
and angelic worlds. The final two lectures offer a clarion between the conscious and subconscious.
call for us to awake to the demands of human evolution, The lectures that follow enter the vast field of the dead,
toward which the entire spiritual world is working: free- the spiritual worlds, and the many ways these influence
dom and love, which requires us to work with the angels and play into earthly and human life. Steiner shows how
and with Christ to overcome egotism, the sole obstacle the living, the dead, and the whole spiritual world are
to the spirituality of the future. interrelated and how history is the result of this interplay
Rudolf Steiner (1861–1925) became a between the “living” and the “dead.” Realizing “this
respected and well-published scientific, lit- feeling of being together with the dead” is indispensable
erary, and philosophical scholar. He devel- for continued human development.
oped his earlier philosophical principles Understanding of the influence from the dead and the
into an approach to methodical research spiritual world on human destiny deepens with each
of psychological and spiritual phenom- lecture as Steiner shows how this reality becomes truly
ena that has led to innovative and holis- essential—and a question of personal decision—through
tic approaches in medicine, philosophy, religion, educa- the Archangel Michael’s great deed in 1879, when he
tion, science, agriculture, and the arts. He founded the assumed responsibility for the guidance of humanity.
General Anthroposophical Society, which has branches Together with Michael and the whole spiritual world,
throughout the world. the “dead” call upon us to change our consciousness.
ISBN: 9780880106078 ISBN: 9780880106146
Paperback Paperback
SteinerBooks SteinerBooks
$20.00 $25.00
160 pages 184 pages

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N e w f o r 2 0 0 8

Goethe’s Theory of Knowledge Weekly Meditations

An Outline of the Epistemology of His Worldview Rudolf Steiner’s “Calendar of the Soul”
Rudolf Steiner with Accompanying Reflections
Tranlated by Peter Clemm Rudolf Steiner & Patsy Scala

Written 1886 (CW 2) sked how one might find a way into Christianity,

A s the editor of Goethe’s scientific writings during the the Benedictine monk Brother David Steindl-Rast
1880s, Rudolf Steiner became immersed in a world- advised, “Meditate the sacred year.” In the same vein,
view that paralleled and amplified his own views in when asked what a lifetime’s study of Anthroposophy
relation to epistemology, the interface between science had given him, the English philosopher Owen Barfield
and philosophy, the theory of how we know the world replied, “I now have some idea of the reality of the liv-
and ourselves. At the time, like much of the thinking ing year.” For readers who like to chew meditatively on
today and the foundation of modern natural science, the poetry, Weekly Meditations will put them firmly on the
predominant theories held that individual knowledge is path to realizing both of these great realities.
limited to thinking that reflects objective, sensory per- Rudolf Steiner’s weekly verses allow attentive readers
ception. Steiner’s view was eventually distilled in his to follow the course of the year in body, soul, and spirit.
Anthroposophical Leading Thoughts in 1924: In addition, from the perspective of one who has sought
to live inwardly with the sacred, living year, Patsy Scala’s
There are those who believe that, with the limits of poetic reflections, which arose from her deep practice
knowledge derived from sensory perception, the lim- of the verses, provide an accessible and complementary
its of all insight are given. Yet if they would carefully guide to one’s daily practice.
observe how they become conscious of these limits, they Weekly Meditations is a book to keep handy and reread
would find in the very consciousness of the limits the throughout the seasons of the year.
faculties to transcend them.
Patsy Scala is the vice president and a
In Goethe’s Theory of Knowledge, Steiner lays out his director of the Center for Spiritual and
argument for this view and, moreover, begins his expli- Cultural Unity in Syracuse, NY, a not-for-
cation of how one goes beyond thinking to observation profit organization and resource for those
of thinking itself. This is valuable reading for an essen- in search of a complete life in body, soul,
tial understanding of the foundations underlying Rudolf and spirit. A former vice president at Mer-
Steiner’s Anthroposophy. rill Lynch, she retired in 2007 after twenty-seven years
with the firm. Patsy’s first book, Seven Steps to Everyday
ISBN: 9780880106238
Paperback Mysticism, was published in 2002, and she has spoken
SteinerBooks extensively in Unity churches on Creating Prosperity in
$20.00 Your Life. A student of Anthroposophy, she is a mem-
156 pages ber of the Anthroposophical Society in America, as well
as the First Class of the School of Spiritual Science. She
lives on Mystic Mountain in New Woodstock, New York,
with her husband Joseph and their dog Muffin.
ISBN: 9780880105897
128 pages
See page 101 for an excerpt from this book.

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N e w f o r 2 0 0 8

Youth and the Etheric Heart Becoming the Archangel Cosmic New Year
Rudolf Steiner Speaks Michael’s Companions Thoughts for New Year 1920
to the Younger Generation Rudolf Steiner’s Challenge 5 lectures, Stuttgart, December 18,
to the Younger Generation 1919–January 4, 1920 (CW 195)
Rudolf Steiner
Introduction by Christopher Bamford Rudolf Steiner Rudolf Steiner
16 lectures, 1920–1924 (CW 217a) Translated by René M. Querido Introduction by Christopher Bamford
Translated by Peter Clemm
13 lectures, Stuttgart, Oct. 3–15, 1922
A t the first event in the
Goetheanum, in autumn 1920,
(CW 217)
D uring Christmastime of 1919

Steiner addressed the students udolf Steiner presented these lec- to 1920, Rudolf Steiner was
assembled in Dornach. He continued tures to about a hundred German in Stuttgart to celebrate the end
the theme in Stuttgart during spring young people who hoped to bring of the first semester of the first
1921. The first five lectures begin Waldorf education into the culture of Waldorf school and participate in
in Dornach during the first course their time and for the future. Steiner its Christmas festivities. During his
on higher education in 1920 and stressed upon his listeners the great visit, he gave not only two courses
end in Stuttgart the following year importance of “self-education” as a for teachers (The Light Course
at a public conference, “Cultural prerequisite to all other education. and The Genius of Language),
Prospects of the Anthroposophical His was an attempt to guide the but also the five lectures for
Movement.” The October lectures youth toward understanding them- Anthroposophical Society members
of the youth course took place the selves within the world situation. collected in this book.
following year. Steiner showed how the stream As with all of Steiner’s lectures
At Christmas 1922, Steiner of generations had been interrupted given around the Holy Nights, these
announced another lecture course: by eighteenth-century intellectual- jewel-like lectures are both inspir-
“The Moment of Emergence of Natu- ism, emphasizing that they would ing and sobering. The Archangel
ral Science in World History and Its have to reject the general acceptance Michael is once again the “world
Subsequent Development.” The lec- of impersonal social routine, dead regent.” He shows us a new path to
tures were open to members of the intellectual thinking, and personal Christ and to the spirit world, call-
Anthroposophical Society and those and social egoism. Steiner discussed ing on us to create new relationships
with an unbiased interest. Young the need, instead, for a form of edu- to spiritual realities. Yet, inertia or
adults were present, and Steiner cation permeated by art and feel- lack of will, materialism, and pow-
addressed them specifically on Janu- ing, which brings inner nourishment erful opposing forces make his and
ary 6, 1923. that can grow throughout one’s life. our task more difficult. World War
Later, at the “Christmas Confer- It was his view that, without such I had ended, but peace was still a
ence,” Steiner created the Section for an education, society will not reach distant hope. Prescient to our own
the “Spiritual Striving of Youth.” In a future built on moral love and moment, these stirring lectures are
a series of essays, he drafted the idea mutual human confidence—a truly more relevant than ever, still inspir-
of this workplace for young adults human culture. ing a call to arms.
and the goals it would attempt to A previous edition was titled The ISBN: 9780880106139
realize. Younger Generation. Paperback
ISBN: 9780880106160 ISBN: 9780880106092 $20.00
Paperback Paperback 128 pages
SteinerBooks SteinerBooks
$25.00 $25.00
256 pages 240 pages

6 | Find full descriptions of all our books and more online at steinerbooks.org
N e w f o r 2 0 0 8

The Mystery, Biography, and Destiny The Inner Life of the Earth
of M ary M agdalene Exploring the Mysteries of Nature, Subnature, and Supranature
Sister of Lazaraus John & Spiritual Sister of Jesus Paul V. O’Leary, editor
Robert Powell Contributors: Christopher Bamford, Dennis Klocek,
David Mitchell, M arko Pogacnik, Robert Powell,
I n this lean, accessible, and cogent book,
Robert Powell sifts through the rubble of
Rachel C. Ross
fads and distortions, through the shadows
of misunderstanding and doubt, to reveal
the true Mary Magdalene. He finds her in
T hroughout human history, ancient wis-
dom and traditional myths have placed
human beings between the heavens and the
the work and visions of the German nun underworld, describing the heavens as the
and mystic, Anne Catherine Emmerich light-filled realm of the gods and the source
(1774–1824). A contemporary of Beethoven and Goethe, of goodness, and characterizing the under-
as well as the poet Clemens Brentano, who had a close world as a demon-filled realm of darkness
relationship with and was her scribe, Sr. Emmerich and the source of evil. Modern science, however, denies
received the stigmata at the age of thirty-eight. She lived the heavens and knows little of the Earth’s interior — even
for another twelve years without eating solid food, except physically — beyond the first few miles, after which it
for taking daily communion. For the most part illiterate, simply resorts to conjecture based on the extrapolation
Sr. Emmerich dictated remarkably accurate accounts, of existing sensory data. In other words, natural science
within the bounds of scholarship, of Jesus’ ministry. fails to take into account that the Earth is a living, spiri-
Sr. Emmerich’s visions include the life of Mary tual being and ignores the presence of its soul-spiritual
Magdalene and the remarkable relationship she had with qualities and influences.
her siblings, Lazarus and Martha. Although Lazarus To remedy this, during the early twentieth century,
and Martha lived the spiritual life and recognized Jesus Rudolf Steiner researched the psychic, spiritual, and
as the Messiah, Mary lived the high life. All three grew cosmic nature of the Earth’s interior. He described how
up in a castle northeast of Jerusalem. Eventually, Mary the different layers of the inner Earth affect and interact
found herself riveted by the powerful words of Jesus. with human beings living on Earth. More theologically
He first cast out one demon, then the seven demons as and cosmically, he spoke of the layers of “Hell,” through
described in the Bible. Joining the Virgin Mary’s circle which the Jesus Christ traveled in the period between the
of women, Mary Magdalene was prepared for the great Crucifixion and the Resurrection, uniting and integrat-
experience of discovering the empty tomb on the morn- ing himself with the Earth and human destiny.
ing of Jesus’ Resurrection. The seven authors in The Inner Life of the Earth
approach this difficult and little-discussed topic from
Robert Powell was born in Reading, Eng-
different directions. They discuss how the forces ema-
land, in 1947. He received a master’s degree
nating from the interior of the Earth affect the weather,
in mathematics at the University of Sussex
our atmosphere, human beings, and how human behav-
and a Ph.D., at the Academy of Science
ior in turn affects them, showing that earthly and human
in Warsaw. He is a eurythmist and move-
evolution are a unity and should never be thought of as
ment therapist living in Kinsau, Germany.
occurring separately. They also discuss the deep signifi-
Powell is author of numerous books and articles and is a
cance of Christ’s incarnation, by which he united with
cofounder of the Sophia Foundation of North America.
the Earth to become the Spirit of the Earth.
ISBN: 9781584200581
Paperback Paul V. O’Leary is a retired real estate
Lindisfarne Books appraiser and “recovering attorney” who
specialized in forensic appraisals and the
128 pages
appraisal of conservation properties. He
See page 96 for an excerpt from Robert’s book.
has written, taught and lectured exten-
ISBN: 9780880105958
304 pages
See page 93 for an excerpt from Paul’s introduction.

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N e w f o r 2 0 0 8

Sacred Geography Venice

Geomancy: Co-creating the Earth Cosmos Discovering a Hidden Pathway
M arko Pogacnik M arko Pogacnik

S acred Geography has been in the making for well over

ten years, as Marko and his daughters Ana and Ajra
have continued to develop, teach, and practice a new geo-
M arko Pogacnik researched the inner meaning and
patterns in Venice. The tools for his inner work—
the science of intuition—include the classic four elements
mancy throughout the world. Sacred Geography is the of earth, water, air and fire; the Chinese polarity of yin
consummate synthesis of Marko’s thinking and practical and yang; and the alchemical concept of creation as the
work since taking up the task of addressing how we can wedding of feminine and masculine.
live and co-create with the many dimensions of life on Using this process, Pogacnik discovered that nothing
our beloved Earth. in Venice is happenstance, including its shape, which
“Geomancy is an ancient word denoting knowledge of suggests a great fish; its overall layout, architecture, and
the invisible and visible dimensions of the Earth and location; the locations of palaces and places of worship;
its landscapes. I see it as an essential complement to and even Venetian works of art. The “hidden path” is
modern geography, which is interested exclusively in one revealed when the author joins the results of his intuitive
level of reality, the material level of existence. To convey research with rational modes of perception.
the idea that geomantic knowledge in a very specific way Venice: Discovering a Hidden Pathway offers not only
complements the material point of view of geography, I a new way to see Venice, but also new insights and ways
refer to geomancy as “sacred geography.” By “sacred” I to go beyond the surface of any cultivated cityscape.
mean that the task of geomancy in our present day is Thoroughly illustrated.
not simply to foster public interest in etheric, emotional
and spiritual levels of places and landscapes, but also to Marko Pogacnik was born in 1944 in
promote a deeper, more loving, and more responsible re- Kranj, Slovenia. He studied sculpting at
lationship toward the Earth, the Cosmos, and all beings, university and acquired an international
visible and invisible.” reputation in conceptual land art. He has
developed this further into Earth “lith-
Marko describes the essence and purpose of this book
opuncture,” whose goal is to heal disturbed
as not only a theoretical introduction to the worlds of
landscapes and power points. He leads sem-
sacred geography, but, more important, a practical guide
inars in earth healing in several countries and provides
through various dimensions of place and landscape. The
advice on landscape matters for communities and busi-
text is brought alive and illustrated with nearly two hun-
nesses. Marko Pogacnik is a lecturer at the Hagia Chora
dred original drawings to accompany the exercises and
School for Geomancy, founded in 1995. Marko is the
practical examples from around the world.
author of numerous other books, including How Wide
ISBN: 9781584200543 the Heart with Ana Pogacnik (2006) and Turned Upside
Down (2004).
Lindisfarne Books
$20.00 ISBN: 9781584200550
248 pages Paperback
Lindisfarne Books
See our Spring Reader for an excerpt from Marko’s book. $35.00
9 x 8½ inches
264 pages

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N e w f o r 2 0 0 8

Wilt Thou Be Made Whole? The Therapeutic Eye

Healings in the Gospels How Rudolf Steiner Saw Children
Georg Kühlewind Peter Selg
Introduction by Michael Lipson, ph.d.
“Georg Kühlewind has and continues to be a central for-
mative being in the work of spiritual psychology and my
R udolf Steiner’s extraordinary ability to perceive the
inner nature and development of children provided
insights at many levels and areas of the creative learning
own individual meditative practices as well.” process. He spoke of this ability as a precondition for all
—Robert Sardello, Codirector, forms of healthy childhood education—including special
The School of Spiritual Psychology, education—and suggested that teachers should develop
author, Love and the World and Silence
such a capacity within themselves.

W hat is the power that Jesus calls to awaken in us? This process involves the recreation of the child within
What does it mean to be healthy and whole? How oneself, based on what we are able to observe in the
can we open ourselves so that the healing power can heal child’s physical appearance, temperament, ways of mov-
what is sick? How can we awaken this inner power? ing, and environment. In The Therapeutic Eye, Dr. Peter
“Wilt thou be made whole?” is the question Jesus Selg discusses Steiner’s views on childhood development,
addressed to the paralyzed man who had waited in vain how teachers can look at children, and ways that these
for years at the Pool of Bethesda. Not really answering, approaches can be used to develop lessons and classroom
he replied that he had no one to carry him down when activities to deal with behavioral extremes and learning
the angel stirred the waters. “Take up your bed and challenges.
walk,” Jesus tells him, and the man was made whole The Therapeutic Eye is a valuable resource for teachers
and walked. and parents.
Beginning with a meditation-based account of the Peter Selg was born in 1953 in Stuttgart
embodied psycho-spiritual human being, Kühlewind and studied medicine in Zurich and Berlin.
describes the preconditions and possibilities of healing in Until 2000, he worked as the head physician
the Gospels. He goes on to discuss in depth and detail, of the juvenile psychiatry department of Her-
through meditations, Christ’s various psychological and decke hospital in Germany. He works as a
physical healing events. youth psychiatrist at the Ita Wegman Clinic in Arlesheim,
The unique quality of this book is that Georg Küh- Switzerland, and lectures extensively. Dr. Selg is also the
lewind utilizes healing events in the Gospels as themes author of Karl Konig’s Path to Anthroposophy; Ita Weg-
for meditation—spiritual exercises that can bring us to a man and Karl König; and Seeing Christ in Sickness and
more intimate understanding of Christ’s healing power. Healing. He is married with three children.
In this way, Kühlewind shows us how to approach a ISBN: 9780880105941
deeper understanding of the healing process itself and Paperback
begin to heal ourselves. In the process, we come to SteinerBooks
understand the Gospels and ourselves in a new way. $15.00
160 pages
ISBN: 9781584200574
Lindisfarne Books
160 pages
See page 112 for an excerpt from Michael’s introduction.

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N e w f o r 2 0 0 8

Eurythmy Forms Christ and the Human Soul The Festivals and Their Meaning
for Tone Eurythmy Rudolf Steiner Rudolf Steiner
Rudolf Steiner 4 lectures, Norrköping, Sweden,
July 1914 (CW 155)
T hirty of Rudolf Steiner’s most

S teiner produced some fifteen important lectures on the festivals

hundred forms for speech and
tone eurythmy performances in
Dornach and other places. Many of
I n these four remarkable lectures,
Steiner contends that Christ has
been working on the behalf of
are contained in this important col-
lection. He illumines the true mean-
ing of Christmas, Easter, Ascension,
the forms for tone eurythmy came humankind since the very begin- Pentecost, and Michaelmas, empha-
about as spontaneous responses nings of human existence, long sizing their inner spiritual and outer
to requests from eurythmists for before the inception of Christianity. cosmic aspects. Steiner shows that
forms—a spontaneity that is readily Steiner indicates how—in the the festivals not only commemorate
apparent in the sketches themselves. ancient mystery schools and in the great historical events and truths
Some forms were drawn at rehears- miraculous events depicted in the of the Christian tradition, but are
als as Steiner listened to the music. Old Testament—the guiding hand of themselves spiritual events that man-
Others he sketched in the evening Christ shaped and developed human ifest in natural rhythms and carry a
after having heard the music once, cognition. significance that grows and deepens
having them ready for rehearsal the The ultimate divine intervention with human evolution.
next day. During the time he was took place with the incarnation ISBN: 9781855840454
confined to bed with his final illness, of Christ in human form, which Paperback
Steiner drew new forms by merely culminated in the Mystery of Gol- Rudolf Steiner Press
gotha. Through this grand event, $32.00
looking at the sheet music.
400 pages
This volume contains facsimiles the opportunity arose for every soul
of the Steiner’s original drawings to develop immortal individuality The Book of Revelation
and, in many cases, instructions for and “I” awareness. Steiner clarifies And the Work of the Priest
performance. Included are forms for the difficult concepts of sin, guilt, 18 Lectures, with conversations,
compositions by Bach, Beethoven, and karma and explains the mean- Dornach, September 1924 (CW 346)
Brahms, Chopin, Franck, Grieg, ing of “forgiveness of sins” and the
Rudolf Steiner
Handel, Lewerenz, Liszt, Mozart, “resurrection of the body.” Looking
Reger, Schubert, Schumann, Scri-
abin, van Stuten, Tartini, and many
forward to future great periods of
evolution, he speaks of the separa-
tion of humanity into the two races
S teiner had already presented his
insights on the Apocalypse to
various audiences, but in 1924 he
Students, performers, and teachers of good and evil and describes how presented a completely new per-
will benefit from Eurythmy Forms Christ will continue to work in that spective. This time, his comments
for Tone Eurythmy, as well as any- critical time of human development. were in response to requests from
one who would like to better under- ISBN: 9781855842038 priests of the Christian Community,
stand eurythmy movement. Paperback the movement for religious renewal,
ISBN: 9780880105798 Rudolf Steiner Press which itself had taken form on the
Paperback $18.00 basis of Steiner’s insights.
SteinerBooks 80 pages
ISBN: 9781855840522
$35.00 Paperback
208 pages Rudolf Steiner Press
296 pages

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N e w f o r 2 0 0 8

The Four Seasons The Fall of the Spirits of Darkness Mani & Service
and the Archangels Rudolf Steiner Classics from the
Experience of the Course of the Year 14 lectures, Dornach Sept.–Oct. 1917 “Journal for Anthroposophy”
in Four Cosmic Imaginations (CW 177) Robert Sardello, editor

Rudolf Steiner teiner reveals the spiritual roots Series Editor, Robert McDermott
5 lectures, Dornach, Oct. 5–13, 1923 of the crises of our times and the
(CWs 223, 229) means by which we can overcome S
teiner was deeply aware and
inwardly present to the real-
them. Since 1879, Steiner tells us ity of the spiritual tradition that
T hese five profound lectures look at
the cosmic forces behind the four
great festivals of the year, provid-
that “backward” angels, or “spirits inspires active service. The indi-
of darkness”—who were forced out vidual known as Mani, a third-cen-
ing a wealth of material for fruit- of the heavens and made their abode tury Persian mystic, and the spiri-
ful thought and meditation. Steiner on Earth following their defeat in a tual streams that flowed from his
presents great imaginative pictures forty-year battle with the Archangel teachings—the Cathars, Templars,
that unite the heavens and the Earth Michael—have influenced human and others—had the special pur-
through a portrayal of the activities minds. It is now possible to awaken pose of “spiritualizing service,” in
of the archangels Michael, Gabriel, more consciously to the truth of that the spiritual worlds become the
Raphael, and Uriel. these changes and inwardly counter conscious wholeness through which
In the course of the lectures, Rudolf the fallen spirits’ influences. We can we help others. Without the capac-
Steiner offers spiritual insight into come to realize that specific spiritual ity to comprehend the nature of this
subjects that include the alchemical causes lie behind earthly events in wholeness and how to develop it,
processes of sulfur, mercury, and salt our rapidly changing times. all of our attempts to serve can fall
in the cosmos; the realms of human- In these fourteen lectures, fol- into mere functionality.
kind and plants; spiritual “combus- lowing four years of war in Europe, The articles in this volume (pre-
tion” processes; crystals; clouds and Steiner speaks on the complex spiri- viously published in the Journal of
meteors; the movements of elemental tual forces behind the World War I, Anthroposophy) present a picture of
beings in nature; and the conflicting humanity’s attempts to build theo- Manicheism, which Steiner held in
efforts of Lucifer and Ahriman— retically perfect social orders, and high esteem. The authors discuss the
the two great adversaries—to divert the many divisions and disruptions long-forgotten cosmology and prac-
Earth from its true purpose. that have continued into our time. tices of Mani, which hold important
Includes five color plates of Rudolf Humanity in general was asleep to seeds for the future; the inner capaci-
Steiner’s blackboard drawings from the fact that fallen spirits, cast from ties inspired by Manicheism that
the lectures. the spiritual worlds, had become relate to serving others; caring for
intensely active on Earth. This mani- the wounded soul; being able to help
ISBN: 9781855840508
fested mainly in human thinking and others in the most selfless ways; and
Rudolf Steiner Press perception of the surrounding world. working through the heart.
$20.00 However, the defeat and fall of these Mani & Service presents these arti-
88 pages spirits also ensured that a science of cles together for the first time.
the spirit would always be available
ISBN: 9780967456249
to humanity.
ISBN: 9781855840102 Anthroposophical Society in America
Paperback $15.00
Rudolf Steiner Press 136 pages
220 pages

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N e w f o r 2 0 0 8

Anthroposophy Relating to Rudolf Steiner Avai l a b le Agai n

A Concise Introduction to Rudolf Steiner’s And the Mystery of the Laying of the In the Belly of the Beast
Spiritual Philosophy Foundation Stone Holding Your Own in Mass Culture
Henk van Oort Sergei O. Prokofieff Sevak Edward Gulbekian

P eople today recognize Rudolf

Steiner’s work largely because
of initiatives such as the worldwide
P rokofieff writes that the future
of both the Anthroposophical
Society and movement depends on
T he Beast. We all know it. We’re sur-
rounded by it. Mass culture; con-
sumerism; materialism; the endless
Waldorf school movement, biody- people realizing a true spiritual con- quest for wealth, goods, and celeb-
namic agriculture, and anthropo- nection with Rudolf Steiner as the rity; a continuous scroll of names
sophic medicine. Nevertheless, the founder of Anthroposophy. He elab- and events. The Princess Diana
comprehensive spiritual philosophy orates the mysteries surrounding the saga, gangsta rap, Beavis and Butt-
behind these movements is not so Society’s spiritual Foundation Stone head, violence in the movies and TV,
well known. In this concise presen- and the 1923 Christmas Meeting. thinking machines and mechanized
tation, based on years of teaching That event, he asserts, ensured that humans, exaggerated nationalism,
introductory courses on the sub- a personal relationship with Steiner sports rage, the domination of art
ject, van Oort presents an overview would not remain abstract or intel- by commerce. Should we jump head-
of key aspects of Steiner’s thought. lectual, but become a true inner act. long into popular culture or retreat
He deals with concepts such as Relating to Rudolf Steiner also from it into meditation? There is
body, soul, and spirit; the relation- includes an essay on the “problem” of another way.
ship between humankind and the digitally publishing Steiner’s esoteric Sevak Gulbekian offers a middle
animal kingdom; and the evolution texts and the esoteric background of approach: holding our ground in the
of consciousness, a topic that opens the internet and electronic media. midst of it all. He shows how to take
panoramic vistas of human develop- In response to readers’ questions one’s spiritual focus right into the
ment in the form of successive cul- about how to counteract the harm- belly of popular culture, to really get
tural periods extending over thou- ful consequences of these develop- within its skin and work within the
sands of years. ments, Prokofieff has expanded and Beast itself and comprehend it. It all
Henk van Oort has taught developed his original essay on this has meaning for us, even the seem-
for forty years in primary subject. ingly destructive and evil aspects.
and secondary education, Sergei O. Prokofieff It can be interpreted and changed
including class teaching in was born in Moscow in inwardly in relation to the deep,
a Waldorf school, teach- 1954. After the fall of underlying currents and trends in
ing English, and leading educational Communism, he became a human evolution and spirituality.
courses and seminars for teachers cofounder of the Anthropo- Sevak Gulbekian is chief
and parents. His interest in litera- sophical Society in Russia. At Easter editor of Clairview Books,
ture and poetry led to appearances 2001, he became a member of the Temple Lodge Publishing,
at storytelling and poetry seminars, Executive Council of the General and Rudolf Steiner Press.
and his introductory courses to Anthroposophical Society at the He lives in Sussex, Eng-
Anthroposophy have been highly Goetheanum. land.
successful. He is based in the Neth- ISBN: 9781902636955 ISBN: 9781571743053
erlands. Paperback Paperback
ISBN: 9781902636924 Temple Lodge Hampton Roads
Paperback $22.00 $20.00
Temple Lodge 144 pages 288 pages
96 pages

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N e w f o r 2 0 0 8

Touching the Horizon Did Jesus Come to Britain?

A Woman’s Pilgrimage across Europe An Investigation into the Traditions
to the Castle by the Golden City that Christ Visited Cornwall and Somerset
K arin Jarman Glyn Lewis

A s a child, Karin Jarman had an urge to travel—the

very word seeming to have an enchanting effect. This,
along with a deep connection to fairy tales, inspired her
“And did those feet in ancient time walk upon England’s
mountains green? And was the holy Lamb of God on
England’s pleasant pastures seen?” —William Blake
to embark on her own magical journey to discover a mys-
terious castle by a far-off Golden City.
Entertaining many doubts, she eventually set aside work
T he many traditions and legends of Jesus’ travels to Britain
are deeply impressed into English culture, owing espe-
cially to famous allusion by William Blake. These tales
and family and began a pilgrimage to the fourteenth-cen-
tell that, while still a boy, Jesus accompanied his uncle,
tury Gothic castle of Karlstein near Prague. Unlike many
Joseph of Arimathea—an importer/exporter of metals—
modern-day pilgrims, however, she made the entire jour-
on expeditions to Cornwall to engage in the tin trade.
ney on foot while gratefully accepting the hospitality of
Later, it is said that Jesus made additional trips to visit
strangers. Her purpose was not feats of endurance or ath-
the location of the Druid school of learning, Glastonbury.
letic prowess; rather, she was trying to create a mood of
Though charming and romantic, do such stories have any
true pilgrimage—to encounter the sacred through outer
historical foundation?
travels and inner transformation. Her eventful travels
Using the work of fellow researchers as his starting
covered more than 1,200 miles, taking around twenty-
point, Lewis studies the locations that Jesus supposedly
two weeks, during which time she stayed with more than
visited—from Cornwall to Somerset—producing striking
a hundred hosts. Having confronted many issues of her
evidence combined with his fine photography, along with
biography, she returned home a changed person with
useful maps. Lewis’s combines original research with
fresh resolve and initiative.
broad and insightful analysis of the existing material,
Touching the Horizon is Karin Jarman’s remarkable
making a convincing case for Jesus indeed having walked
story, from her first inklings that such a journey might
“upon England’s mountains green.”
be possible, to the arrival at the beautiful fairy-tale castle
of Karlstein. She also describes the aftermath of her pil- Glyn Lewis, born in the UK, works as a pho-
grimage and its effects on her and her family. This is a tographic essayist, beginning in Hong Kong,
rare and gripping narrative of possibility, realization and where he recorded the plight of people living
metamorphosis. on the streets and in crowded public lodging;
Karin Jarman, born in Baden-Baden, in the UK, producing photographic essays
studied Waldorf education at the Goethea- on the Ministry of Agricultural Chaplains to
num. She moved to Great Britain, where she the farming community; on the work of Park Attwood
worked in a Camphill center for adults with Clinic, and the role of various therapies in aiding healing
special needs and later studied art therapy. processes; and on the religious order of the Poor Clares.
She works as an art therapist at St. Luke’s His photographic essay, “The Gospel, Told in Photo-
Medical Center in Stroud and helped establish the Hiber- graphs and Words,” has been exhibited in the cathedrals
nia College of Art Therapy. Karin also facilitates spiritual of Wells, Exeter, and Chichester.
support groups for people with chronic health issues and ISBN: 9781905570157
life crises. Paperback
Clairview Books
ISBN: 9781902636948
104 pages
Temple Lodge
192 pages

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N e w f o r 2 0 0 8

Secrets of the Stations of Thinkers, Saints, Heretics Living on Purpose

the Cross and the Grail Blood Spiritual Paths of the Middle Ages Meaning, Intention, and Value
The Mystery of Transformation Virginia Sease & Graham Dunstan M artin
Judith Halle, M anfred Schmidt-Brabant
he view of most contemporary

Tranlated by Matthew Barton he history of Europe was deter- thinkers is that there is no real
mined largely by the thinking purpose or value in the universe or
A fter she received the stigmata in
2004, Judith von Halle began
to experience the events at the time
of people during the Middle Ages,
which has endured to be believed
in nature. Following on from the
success of his book Does It Matter?
of Christ. These continuing experi- and fought over. This emerges today Graham Martin sets out to discredit
ences are not visionary or clairvoy- in individual consciousness as well that viewpoint.
ant, but actual, sensory participa- as in the fabric of our communities. Living On Purpose addresses
tion in those events. To complement To help us understand this criti- several large issues, including the
this means of witnessing Christ’s life, cal period, the coauthors of Paths problem of evil, the mystery of the
von Halle applies a spiritual-scien- of the Christian Mysteries and The afterlife, and evidence for a spiritual
tific mode of observation: crossing New Mysteries embark on a broad dimension to human experience.
the spiritual threshold while fully historical survey, both exoteric and Ultimately, the author insists that
conscious. Combining the results, esoteric, of the culture and history our human intuitions offer genuine
she describes secrets connected to of the Middle Ages. On this jour- hope of a moral and rational order
events of Christ’s Passion. ney, we visit King Arthur and the in the universe.
Von Halle discusses the Mystery Celtic mysteries; Francis of Assisi, This fascinating and important
of Golgotha in relation to the Res- the Franciscans and the School of book is for all those who want to
urrection Body; the Mystery of the Chartres; Thomas Aquinas, Aver- question the modern-day ruling phi-
Spear Wound in Christ’s side and roes, and much more. losophy.
the Grail Blood; and how Christ’s Virginia Sease has been a mem- Graham Dunstan Martin was
Seven Words on the Cross relate to ber of the Executive Council of the born in Leeds, England, in 1932. He
the Stations of the Cross. Goetheanum since 1984. She directs taught French and English in schools
Judith von Halle was born in the English language Anthropo- for several years before lecturing in
Berlin and attended school in Ger- sophical Studies Program at the French poetry, literature, and philos-
many and the U.S. She encountered Goetheanum. ophy at the University of Edinburgh
Anthroposophy and began working Manfred Schmidt-Brabant was from 1965 to 2000. He is the author
as a staff member at Rudolf Steiner a member of the Executive Council of many books, including Shadows
House in Berlin, where she also lec- of the General Anthroposophical in the Cave: Mapping the Conscious
tured, while maintaining an archi- Society and served as Chair of the Universe, two novels for children,
tectural practice. She is also the Council from 1984 until his death in four fantasy novels for adults, trans-
author of And If He Had Not Been 2001. lations of French poetry, and three
Raised... and The Lord’s Prayer. works of literary criticism.
ISBN: 9781902636900
Paperback ISBN: 9780863156328
ISBN: 9781902636894
Temple Lodge Paperback
$30.00 Floris Books
Temple Lodge
224 pages $40.00
288 pages
160 pages

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N e w f o r 2 0 0 8

Colour From Neurons to Notions Peter Russell is the author of sev-

A Textbook for Anthroposophical Brains, Mind, and Meaning eral books, including From Science
Painting Groups Chris Nunn to God: A Physicist’s Journey into
the Mystery of Consciousness (2003)
Liane Collot d’Herbois
C hris Nunn builds a picture of our and Waking up in Time: Finding

C olor is both a constant and minds that is especially suited to Inner Peace in Times of Accelerating
dynamic force in our world. the twenty-first century. His picture Change (1998). He lives in London
Liane Collot D’Herbois was a pio- is developing rapidly and in ways and California.
neer of spiritual color theory who very different from prevailing views Isbn: 9780863156168
explored the artistic and therapeu- of even twenty years ago. He outlines Paperback
tic qualities of light and darkness in ways in which our minds behave Floris Books
painting. This book is a combination during sleep; how the belief in alien $35.00
288 pages
of her original works that presented abduction arose; and possible bases
her remarkable ideas: Colour, parts for our sense of beauty. In the final
one (1979) and two (1981). Preferring chapters, Nunn extends his ideas to The Hidden Qualities of Water
to write in “pictures” rather than cover near-death experiences (NDE), Wolfram Schwenk, editor
“chapters,” Collot D’Herbois explains mysticism, and related topics.
the principles behind her work and Chris Nunn is associate editor of
demonstrates how each color has its the Journal of Consciousness Stud-
T heodor Schwenk, the acclaimed
author of Sensitive Chaos, devel-
oped the “drop picture method” to
own unique movement and inherent ies. He has written numerous papers, analyze water quality in the most
quality. articles and reviews. His books holistic way. This collection of
Liane Collot d’Herbois was born include Awareness: What It Is and articles from the Institute of Flow
in Cornwall, England What It Does (1996) and De La Sciences, which he founded, provides
in 1907. After studying Mettrie’s Ghost: The Story of Deci- detailed information on how the
painting in Birming- sions (2005). drop picture method works and how
ham and London, she ISBN: 9780863156175 impartiality is assured and discusses
encountering the work Paperback research into various parameters that
of Rudolf Steiner, which Floris Books
affect the images.
became an important $35.00
224 pages The Hidden Qualities of Water
stimulus to her artistic and therapeu- includes a study of a section of pol-
tic career. She was led to collaborate luted river that exhibits self-purifying
with Dr. Ita Wegman, with whom
The Global Brain
properties, as well as an evaluation
she developed a unique approach to The Awakening Earth in a New Century
of the issues of clean and safe drink-
painting therapy. She died in 1999. Peter Russell ing water.

ISBN: 9780863156250 eter Russell, an acclaimed author Wolfram Schwenk is a leading
Paperback and speaker, weaves together expert in water research and the son
Floris Books
modern technology and ancient mys- of Theodor Schwenk.
160 pages ticism to present a startling vision ISBN: 9780863156106
of the world to come—one in which Paperback
humanity is a fully conscious super- Floris Books
organism in an awakening universe. $35.00
144 pages
He shows that the human potential
movement is growing quickly while
influencing business, politics, and

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N e w f o r 2 0 0 8

Reading the Face The Death of Merlin The Healing Power of Prayer
Understanding a Person’s Arthurian Myth and Alchemy Hans-Werner Schroeder
Character through Physiognomy Walter Johannes Stein Tranlated by Jon Madsen
A Spiritual-Scientific Study
Norbert Glas T he story of King Arthur and the
Grail still holds a remarkable fas- T here will always be times in life—
during bereavement, a sudden job

I n Reading the Face, the first trans- cination for many people. In this loss, or other troubling periods—
lation into English of his seminal classic work, Walter Johannes Stein when we must make an effort to
work, Glas begins by defining the traces its origins in early Christianity find inner balance and peace. Often,
three parts of the human face and and classical and Nordic mythol- we may feel drawn to the support
explaining the importance of their ogy, and follows its development in of something greater than ourselves.
relative proportions. A face that is medieval and modern times. In par- Even physicians today are beginning
more pronounced in any of these ticular, Stein explores the parallels to recognize the healing power of
areas tends to indicate certain per- between the quest for the Grail and prayer, the most visible of whom are
sonality traits and specific physio- the medieval alchemists search for Larry Dossey and Dean Ornish.
logical characteristics. People with a the Philosopher’s Stone. In The Healing Power of Prayer,
strong mouth and chin, for example, The Death of Merlin collects Hans-Werner Schroeder looks at
tend to have a strong will and an Stein’s essays and lectures from the various aspects of prayer and shows
active, driven, and assertive nature. 1920s and 1930s. The first section how we can call upon our frequently
With the help of many photos and contains Stein’s memoirs, which pro- unrecognized and untapped inner
drawings, Glas presents the physiog- vide context for his research within powers for help. He offers practi-
nomy of three basic types and anal- the culture of the era. cal advice on how to integrate the
yses the specifics of the head, fore- Dr. Walter Johannes Stein, born practice of prayer into our lives and
head, ears, eyes, mouth, and nose. in 1891, was a personal student of ways to maintain inner harmony
Reading the Face will be valuable Rudolf Steiner. In 1919, Steiner asked and peace.
to doctors, teachers, and anyone him to become a faculty member at Hans-Werner Schroeder is a
who wants to better understand, the Waldorf school in Stuttgart as a priest of the Christian Community.
accept, and love others. teacher of German Literature and He teaches at the seminary in Stutt-
Norberet Glas, m.d. (1897–1986), History, even though his education gart and is also the author of The
was born in Austria. After receiving was in philosophy, mathematics, Cosmic Christ, Necessary Evil, and
his medical degree at the Faculty of and physics. Through Stein’s efforts The Trinity (all from Floris Books).
Medicine in Vienna, he practiced to master this new material, he was ISBN: 9780863156243
medicine in Austria and later in able to bring a fresh approach to the Paperback
England. He wrote numerous books, epic of Parzival. Through the use of Floris Books
which have been published in several unconventional research methods $11.95
and concepts of reincarnation and 64 pages
karma, he developed revolutionary
ISBN: 9781902636931
Paperback new insights into the Grail mystery.
Temple Lodge ISBN: 9780863156410
$30.00 Paperback
192 pages Floris Books
240 pages

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N e w f o r 2 0 0 8

Cancer Recovery Guide Healing the Skin Infertility to Fertility

15 Alternative and Complementary Holistic Approaches to The Journey of the Psyche
Strategies for Restoring Health Treating Skin Conditions Dr. Patricia Sherwood
Jonathan Chamberlain A Practical Guide Based on
Anthroposophic Medicine H ere is an inspiring case study of

C hamberlain watched his wife a client’s psycho-spiritual jour-

suffer and eventually die—from Lueder Jachens, md ney through the maze of infertility to
explore the connection between her
both her cancer and the conventional r. Jachens, a dermatologist, aller-
treatments she had undergone. His gist, and physician, offers wise bodily experiences of infertility and
experience led to a search for other advice in his expertly written and underlying emotional experiences.
methods of treating cancer. What he helpful “owner’s handbook.” He The reader will journey with the cli-
discovered stunned him. Dozens of offers his insights into individual ent into her ovaries and womb to
treatments exist, many offering very conditions, their causes, and how to uncover the remarkable experiences
good chances of recovery. treat them. He also presents a holis- that are carried in the bodily organs
In Cancer Recovery Guide, Cham- tic understanding of the skin itself— and contribute to infertility.
berlain presents fifteen simple and the largest human organ—to help us Based on the holistic anthropo-
practical strategies, grouped into develop better health and harmony sophic model, Infertility to Fertility
three families: those that relate to in the longer term. provides a deeply profound path of
the mind and the emotions; those Jachens begins with an anatomy healing, incorporating the artistic
that address the health of the whole of the skin and its relationship to therapies of sound, color, movement,
body; and those that focus on attack- our physical and spiritual existence. gesture, and clay, to transform the
ing cancerous tumors directly. He goes on to study specific condi- life-destructive energetic patterns
The personal stories cited in Can- tions and treatments, including pso- into life-renewing and life-flourish-
cer Recovery Guide testify to the riasis, dermatitis, acne, boils, hayfe- ing patterns.
many therapeutic possibilities. ver, alopecia (hair loss), melanoma, Infertility to Fertility is an impor-
Jonathan Chamberlain abscesses, impetigo, fungal infec- tant resource for anyone interested
grew up in Ireland and tions, herpes, scabies, head lice, sun- in the body-mind connections that
Hong Kong, where he lived burn, and much more. influence physical health. It is for art
and worked for many years Includes eight pages of color plates. therapists, counselors, and clients
as a teacher and writer. His who wish to be inspired by a quest to
Lueder Jachens, md, participated
books include Fighting Cancer: A create wholeness and wellbeing.
in anthroposophic medical student
Survial Guide and King Hui: The groups while studying medicine in Patricia Sherwood, ph.d., has
Man Who Owned All the Opium in Göttingen and Kiel, Germany. He trained counsellors for community,
Hong Kong. His website on cancer- specialized in dermatology and aller- private and government organiza-
related issues is at www.fightingcan- gology before working in medical tions for over a decade. She has
cer.com. Jonathan is the founder of departments at an anthroposophi- extensive experience in tertiary edu-
two charities: The Hong Kong Down cally oriented hospital. He has a pri- cation, having lectured for twenty-
Syndrome Association and Mental vate practice as a skin specialist in five years in universities in the areas
Handicap Network China. Germany and developed the Christo- of psychology, counselling, social sci-
ISBN: 9781905570140 phorus Medical Center. ences, cultural studies, youth work,
Paperback and human services.
ISBN: 9781902636917
Clairview Books ISBN: 9780980404401
$25.00 Paperback
Temple Lodge
176 pages Sophia Publications
224 pages $25.00

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N e w f o r 2 0 0 8

The Ascent of Man Easter Now in P ap e r b a c k

Eleanor C. Merry The Legends and the Facts The Childhood of Jesus
Eleanor C. Merry The Unknown Years
T he Ascent of Man offers an over-
Emil Bock
view of the spiritual development ere is a perfect companion to

of humankind. Merry applies her The Ascent of Man. In this ospel accounts of the birth
wide-ranging knowledge of esoteric volume, Eleanor Merry applies her and childhood of Jesus have
wisdom to assert that the world’s remarkably wide-ranging knowl- puzzling discrepancies and contra-
past ages must be reviewed before edge of world religion and mythol- dictions that have, in general, been
the significance of the our own age ogy to the Easter story. She focuses ignored by biblical scholars. In par-
can be understood. on three legends: that of The Holy ticular, Matthew and Luke give very
Her grand survey covers the Grail and Parzival; an old Irish leg- different versions of Jesus’ birth and
major ancient civilizations, reli- end, and the legend of Faust. the events that follow.
gions and thinkers, including India, With the Sun, the Moon, and A long obscured tradition has held
Persia and Zarathurstra, Egypt, Nature forming a continuous back- that there were two families and two
Greece, Hibernia, Krishna and ground to her ideas, Merry draws Jesus children—one from the kingly
Buddha, Heraclitus and Aristotle, out the common themes that lead, line of Solomon and the other from
Melchisedek, and Zion and Gnosis. ultimately, to the Christian Easter the priestly line of Nathan—whose
She then turns to the Middle Ages story. destinies were to join and be ful-
and to the Renaissance before fin- ISBN: 9780863156434 filled through the Divine plane. Emil
ishing with twentieth-century phi- Paperback Bock shows how the pattern and
losophy and materialism. Floris Books structure of the four Gospels sup-
Eleanor C. Merry (1873–1956) $26.95 port the stories of two boys called
136 pages
was a poet, artist, musician and Jesus, living side by side in Nazareth
anthroposophist with a strong until the age of twelve, and right up
The Flaming Door
Celtic impulse and a life-long to the dramatic day of their visit to
interest in esoteric wisdom. Born
The Mission of the Celtic Folk-Soul the temple in Jerusalem.
in Eaton, England, she studied in Eleanor C. Merry The author also recreates the years

Vienna and met Rudolf Steiner in he author discusses the time before between this time and Jesus’ baptism
1922 after becoming interested Christ and includes studies of the in the river Jordan, demonstrating a
in his teachings. She went on to Bards, the Cauldron of Ceridwen, strong Essene influence on his spiri-
organize Summer Schools at which and Hu the Mighty. Part two dis- tual development.
Steiner gave important lectures, cusses the time since Christ, which The Childhood of Jesus is for any-
and she was secretary for the World includes the Legends of Odrum, St. one who has ever been puzzled by
Conference on Spiritual Science in Columba, and the Legends of the the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ birth.
London in 1928. Rose and the Lily. See more books by Emil Bock on
ISBN: 9780863156427 This is must reading for anyone page 68.
Paperback interested in Celtic myths and Chris- ISBN: 9780863156199
Floris Books tianity. Paperback
$30.00 Floris Books
304 pages ISBN: 9780863156441
320 pages
Floris Books
304 pages

18 | Find full descriptions of all our books and more online at steinerbooks.org
N e w f o r 2 0 0 8

A Farm Available Again The Dream Song of Olaf Åsteson

Paintings from a Bygone Age Vladimir Soloviev An Ancient Norwegian Folksong
Carl L arsson Russian Mystic of the Holy Nights
Paul M. Allen Janet Jordan,
arl Larsson is one of Sweden’s

best-loved artists. His stunning ladimir Soloviev (1853–1900), Preface by Jonathan Stedall
watercolors of his home and family one of the greatest philosophers Introduction by Andrew Welburn

from the end of the nineteenth cen- of the nineteenth century, was the his legendary folk song came to
tury are acclaimed as one of the rich- founder of a tradition of Russian light in 1850, when a member of
est records of life at that time. spirituality that brought together the clergy named Landstad first
The paintings in this book all depict philosophy, mysticism, and theology heard it in a lonely valley of Telemark,
the farm of Spadarvet in Sundborn, with a powerful social message. A Norway. The epic narrative—whose
in west Sweden, which Carl Larsson Platonist and a gnostic visionary, as origin is lost to time—tells of a young
bought in 1897. The accompanying well as a close friend of Dostoevsky, man who slept for twelve nights dur-
text provides a fascinating insight Solovyov was also a prophet who ing the deep winter days and nights.
into farm life and into Carl’s paint- was granted three visions of Sophia, When he finally awoke, he shared the
ing techniques. Divine Wisdom. A poet and a pro- wondrous sights he had seen.
Carl Larsson (1853–1919) was foundly Christian metaphysicist, his This edition of The Dream Song of
born into a poor family in Stock- works include The Justification of the Olaf Åsteson is illuminated by Janet
holm, Sweden. He was accepted at Good; War, Progress, and the End of Jordan’s striking paintings, which
the Stockholm Academy of Fine Arts History; and The Meaning of Love. give new life to this timeless legend
at the age of thirteen and spent sev- This unique, timely book—the and help modern readers connect
eral years working as a newspaper first full-length portrait of Soloviev more intimately with its profound
and magazine illustrator. He moved as a mystic to appear in English—is meaning.
to Paris, where, as a penniless art- the rich fruit of Dr. Allen’s lifelong Contains ten color illustrations.
ist, he met his wife Karin, also an interest in the cultural and spiritual Janet Jordan is a painter and print-
artist. In 1888, they moved back to achievements, the mysticism, and the maker and spends much of her time
Sundborn in Sweden. Carl Larsson is esoteric work of the Russian people creating original and eye-catching
best known for his lovely watercolor during Tsarist times leading up to etchings. Her work ranges from
paintings of his home and family the twentieth century. illustrative to abstract, and her inspi-
which were popularized through a Paul Marshall Allen was an rations come from many sources,
series of books. authority on the life and work of including poetry and the natural
ISBN: 9780863156304 Rudolf Steiner and edited many of world. She obtained a B.A. in Fine
Hardcover his books as well as A Christian Art at Wolverhampton Polytechnic in
Floris Books Rosenkreutz Anthology. With his 1975. She has an interest in textile art
$24.95 wife Joan deRis Allen, he coauthored and wrote her thesis on tapestry. Ms.
11¾ x 8½ inches
Fingal’s Cave, the Poems of Ossian, Jordan lives and works in Somerset,
32 pages
and Celtic Christianity; Francis of England
Assisi’s Canticle of the Creatures;
ISBN: 9780863156205
and The Time Is at Hand! Hardcover
ISBN: 9781584200536 Floris Books
Paperback $30.00
Lindisfarne Books 80 pages
352 pages

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N e w f o r 2 0 0 8

N e w E d i t i o n Avai l a b le Agai n Avai l a b le Agai n

An Esoteric Cosmology Nutrition The Nature of Substance

Evolution, Christ, and Modern Spirituality A Holistic Approach Spirit and Matter
Rudolf Steiner Rudolf Hauschka Dr. Rudolf Hauschka
Foreword by Edouard Schuré
Preface by Bernard Garber
T oday’s understanding of nutri-
tion is based largely on physical, D r. Hauschka shows that open-
minded study, based on quali-

I n his foreword, Edouard Schuré chemical considerations and analy- tative observation and quantitative
writes, “These priceless lectures sis. Dr. Hauschka, however, views research, can overcome this now
mark a significant phase of Rudolf matter—especially food—as having standardized view. Without deny-
Steiner’s thought—that of the spon- a spiritual aspect. From this holistic ing the laws of matter, he shows the
taneous burst of his genius and its perspective he presents a new, prac- limitations of a science restricted by
first crystallization.” Here, Steiner tical approach to nutrition. them, and points to new research
began a process of distinguishing In an era of mass food produc- that indicates the primal nature of
his Christ-centered spiritual sci- tion, Hauschka considers one of spirit. The author avoids technical
ence from the Eastern orientation of the most neglected aspects of nutri- terms and academic style in favor of
Theosophy, with which he was still tion: the quality of food. He dis- vivid descriptions and lively discus-
associated at the time. He carefully cusses aspects of food that can be sions. His fascinating study takes
connected the essence of spiritual measured by conventional scientific in many substances, with chapters
science to the role of the Christ in means, as well as aspects that defy on plants, animals, oils, proteins,
human evolution, as well as to the quantification by the usual methods. carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals,
Rosicrucian and Christian mystery He relates these findings to a histori- metals, carbon, oxygen, poisons,
traditions, the primary carriers cal survey of food cultivation, prep- high dilutions, and much more.
of the previously hidden, esoteric aration, and preservation, as well as
Rudolf Hauschka (1891–1969),
Christian stream. To accomplish to the question of today’s chemically
an Austrian chemist, began experi-
this, Steiner presented the roots of treated foods.
menting with various methods of
Christianity in the ancient mysteries In the present climate of food
preparing botanical extracts based
and in cosmic evolution itself. scares and concerns—BSE, foot
on rhythmical exposure to elemen-
The miracle of these lectures may and mouth disease, genetic modifi-
tal polarities and the homeopathic
be that Steiner was able to condense cation, chemical poisoning, etc.—
principle of potentization. In 1929,
and outline such a grand cosmology Hauschka’s book takes on a new
he achieved success in creating a
into these eighteen lectures, from relevance, adding a significant con-
water-based extract of rose petals
which Schuré was able to capture tribution to the current debate. Also
that remained stable without the
their essence in his relatively brief included are concise dietary sugges-
use of alcohol or preservatives. Dr.
notes. A few years later, Steiner tions by Dr Margarethe Hauschka
Hauschka was able to open the first
expanded the content of these lec- for healthy as well as sick people.
WALA laboratory in Germany in
tures and presented it in An Outline This book is a companion volume
1935. Today WALA, a manufac-
of Esoteric Science. to the author’s other work, The
turer of anthroposophic medicines
ISBN: 9780880105934
Nature of Substance, which was
and skin-care products, is based on
Paperback reprinted simultaneously.
Hauschka’s discoveries.
SteinerBooks ISBN: 9781855841178
$18.00 ISBN: 9781855841222
132 pages Book (Paperback)
Rudolf Steiner Press
Rudolf Steiner Press
248 pages
256 pages

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Th e C o ll e c t e d W o r k s o f R u d o l f S t e i n e r

The Collected Works

of Rudolf Steiner

N e w E d i t i o n N e w E d i t i o n Esoteric Lessons 1904–1909

From the History and Contents The Spiritual Hierarchies and From the Esoteric School
of the First Section of the the Physical World Introduction by Christopher Bamford
Esoteric School 1904-1914 Zodiac, Planets & Cosmos Translated by James H. Hindes
Letters, Documents, and Lectures Rudolf Steiner 1904–1909 (CW 266/1)
Edited by Hella Wiesberger
Introduction by Christopher Bamford o read this book is to be part of
Translated by John Wood Translated by René M. Querido Rudolf Steiner’s esoteric school,
(CW 264) 10 lectures, 1909 (CW 110) to experience the growth and devel-
opment of Anthroposophy from
T his volume collects important
texts, documents, and talks for
those interested in exploring the
In these remarkable lectures, Steiner
reestablishes the human being as a
First, and most important, is prac-
participant in an evolving, dynamic
development of Rudolf Steiner’s tice. Most of us waste much time and
universe of living spiritual beings:
teaching and for obtaining a glimpse energy on thoughts and feelings that
a living universe, whole and divine.
into the advice and admonitions he go nowhere. Meditation, however,
He does so in concrete images, capa-
offered to his earliest students. The begins self-gathering. By controlling
ble of being grasped by human con-
reader gains a rare view of the birth thoughts, one begins to form the
sciousness as if from within.
of Anthroposophy out of late nine- “mental” (ether) body. By ordering
How is this possible? Implicit in
teenth-century Theosophy, as well memories, one works on the astral
Rudolf Steiner’s view is the fact
as a clear picture of why Steiner body. “We must make our life into a
that, essentially, the universe con-
could no longer work within the school for learning.” Humility is the
sists of consciousness. Everything
theosophical framework. key; when the world becomes our
else is illusion. Hence, to under-
Includes documentation of the teacher, we must become humble.
stand the evolution of the cosmos
events leading to the split between Throughout the lessons, Steiner
and humanity in any terms other
the Theosophical Society and the moves between the “Christian-
than consciousness is also an illu-
German Esoteric School; exercises Gnostic” path and the Theosophical
sion. Whenever we are dealing with
and advice from Steiner to his eso- framework of the “Masters.” Even-
grand cosmic facts, we are dealing
teric students; Steiner’s early lectures tually, the work moves away from
with states of consciousness. Stein-
and teachings on the “Masters” and Blavatsky’s template toward a deeper,
er’s spiritual science is a science
their relationship to human evolu- more universal contemporary focus.
of states of consciousness and the
tion; introductory remarks by the Steiner reveals that, behind H. P.
beings who embody them. Indeed,
book’s original editor, Hella Wies- Blavatsky lies the wisdom of Atlan-
any science—physics, chemistry,
berger; a new introduction by Chris- tis, which must again come to life.
botany, psychology—is a science of
topher Bamford; extensive notes; Here, Christian Rosencreutz, the
beings. And the sensory perception,
bibliography; and an index. Rosicrucians, and the “old” philos-
or physical trace, is simply the outer
This volume is essential for every- ophers, or alchemists, gain impor-
vestment of the activity of beings in
one who wishes to understand tance. It was their purpose to bring
various states of consciousness.
Anthroposophy and the development this wisdom, now “enchristed,” to
ISBN: 9780880106016 the West.
of the Anthroposophical Society out Paperback
of Theosophy. SteinerBooks ISBN: 9780880106108
$25.00 Paperback
ISBN: 9780880104340
256 pages SteinerBooks
576 pages
464 pages

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Th e C o ll e c t e d W o r k s o f R u d o l f S t e i n e r

Approaching the “Freemasonry” and Ritual Work Autobiography

Mystery of Golgotha The Misraim Service Chapters in the Course of My Life:
Introduction by Christopher Bamford Texts and Documents from the Cognitive- 1861–1907
Translated by Michael Miller Ritual Section of the Esoteric School, Introduction by Christopher Bamford
10 lectures, various cities, 1913–1914 1905–1919 Notes by Paul Marshall Allen
(CW 152) Introduction by Christopher Bamford Written 1924–1925 (CW 28)
Translated by Paul Emberson
T he year 1913 was a turning
point for Rudolf Steiner and (CW 265) T his book offers a rare glimpse into
some of the most intimate aspects of

Anthroposophy. In February, after longside the Esoteric Section, his inner life, personal relationships,
more than a year of gestation, Steiner created the “Cognitive and significant events. Moreover,
the first General Meeting of the Ritual Section” connected to this edition restores the original
Anthroposophical Society took Masonic tradition, but independent format of seventy chapters as origi-
place. In September, the Foundation and anthroposophically inspired. nally written for the Goetheanum
Stone for the Goetheanum was This volume contains the rituals, weekly newsletter. This is not sim-
laid in Dornach. The ground for lectures, meditations, and other ply a narrative of Steiner’s successes
Anthroposophy as we know it today instructions Steiner gave. As he and failures, but the story of a soul
was established. began to establish his esoteric mis-
possessed of a precise, probing sci-
In these lectures, Steiner estab- sion, Steiner chose to connect his
entific mind and a natural clairvoy-
spiritual goals and efforts with the
lishes a relationship to Christ and ant ability to see into the spiritual
wisdom streams that had prepared
the spiritual worlds in keeping with world. Though naturally clairvoy-
the ground for his task. For the sake
the spirit of the times, the Archan- of conscience, gratitude, and conti- ant, Steiner always recognized the
gel Michael. He Steiner reveals the nuity, he chose to acknowledge those integrity and importance of mod-
need for a true Michaelic school and who preceded him and to relate him- ern scientific methods, and thus he
that the fruit of spiritual science are self to them in a free, creative, con- developed a modern discipline he
earthly representatives of Michael. scious, and independent way. named Anthroposophy, or spiritual
Christ and Michael are the guid- Steiner understood that ritual science.
ing lights of this collection, which is central, even necessary, as the During the century that followed
itself represents a profound act of essence of embodied spiritual work. the events recorded in this autobi-
Christ-Michael service. He returns Though he never “joined” the ography, Rudolf Steiner’s insights
repeatedly to the sacrificial acts of Masons, based on his obvious, ini-
have touched and enriched numer-
Christ—creative, sustaining, and tiatory status , Steiner was granted
ous areas of life in ways that con-
a patent to direct his own “order”
enabling our humanity—before, tinue to transform people’s lives in
under the name Mystica Aeterna—
during, and after Golgotha. later the “Cognitive-Ritual Section” the twenty-first century.
The teaching at the heart of this of the Esoteric School of the German This illustrated, revised, and
volume, as it is at the heart of the Section of the Theosophical Society. updated edition was the first volume
Christ, is selflessness: the overcom- ISBN: 9780880106122 in The Collected Works of Rudolf
ing of egotism and the primacy of Paperback Steiner—the series that will gradu-
the other. SteinerBooks ally collect all of Rudolf Steiner’s
ISBN: 9780880106061 $29.95
works in English translations.
Paperback 600 pages
ISBN: 9780880106009
SteinerBooks Paperback
$24.95 SteinerBooks
208 pages $29.95
416 pages

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Th e C o ll e c t e d W o r k s o f R u d o l f S t e i n e r

A Way of Self-Knowledge Rosicrucianism enewed The Sun Mystery & the

and The Threshold of the Spiritual World The Unity of Art, Science & Religion Mystery of Death and
Translated and Introduced by The Theosophical Congress of Whitsun Resurrection
Christopher Bamford 1907 Exoteric and Esoteric Christianity
Written 1912 and 1913 (CW 16/17) Introduction by Christopher Bamford Introduction by Christopher Bamford
Translated by Marsha Post Translated by Catherine E. Creeger
P art one, “A Way of Self-Knowledge,”
contains eight meditations that
take the reader on a journey through
13 lectures, various cities,
1907–1924 (CW 284)
12 lectures, various cities, March–June
1922 (CW 211)

human experience. Steiner offers he Congress of the Federation hese lectures were given in 1922,
ways to imagine and understand of the European Sections of the midway between the end of World
the physical body, the elemental (or Theosophical Society was held in War I and Steiner’s death in 1925.
etheric) body, the elemental world, Munich at Pentecost 1907. It marked The first two lectures are a call to
the Guardian of the Threshold, the the emergence of Anthroposophy arms and a return to basics. Steiner
astral body, the I-body (or thought from Theosophy as Rudolf Steiner speaks existentially and phenomeno-
body), the nature of experience in introduced the Rosicrucian path of logically, building on descriptions
suprasensory worlds, and ways of thinking and the unification of art, of familiar experiences. He shows
perceiving previous earthly lives. science, and religion. how the three states of consciousness
Part two, “The Threshold of the Surrounding the performance of (waking, dreaming, and dreamless
Spiritual World,” contains sixteen Édouard Schuré’s Sacred Drama of sleep) have initiatory possibilities.
short chapters in which Steiner pro- Eleusis in the meeting hall, were red- Next, he addresses the evolution of
vides aphoristic thoughts on trusting draped walls with apocalyptic and consciousness in relation to the uni-
one’s thinking, cognition of the spiri- the planetary seals (reproduced in versal significance of the Christ event.
tual world, karma and reincarnation, color plates in the book). With this Through the resurrection, Christ
the astral body and luciferic beings, seminal event, a decisive element entered earthly evolution; as a result,
how to recognize suprasensory con- entered the spiritual stream of the we see the world differently. Ancient
sciousness, the true nature of love, day. humanity experienced “Not I but the
and more. Also, Steiner laid the foundation divine spirit around me,” whereas we
The books included in this volume of his idea for a building that, after can experience “Not I, but the Christ
represent Steiner’s most personal several transformations, culminated in me.” Thus we reach the heart of
statements about his own spiritual in the first Goetheanum in Dornach, this volume—esoteric Christianity.
path. He speaks directly from expe- Switzerland. He thus indicated the To Rudolf Steiner, the foremost
riences of cognitive research and possibility and spiritual need for purpose of being human is to over-
explorations. a new style of architecture and the come death by uniting with the
ISBN: 9780880104432 importance of having a place dedi- Christ. Human survival depends on
Paperback cated to the performance of the mys- the “enchristing” of the world. The
SteinerBooks tery dramas. With this congress in purpose of Anthroposophy is to bring
Munich, Rudolf Steiner planted the this reality into evolution for all.
220 pages
seeds of Anthroposophy, or spiritual ISBN: 9780880106085
science, as we know it today. Paperback
Sixty-four–page color insert SteinerBooks
ISBN: 9780880106115
232 pages
424 pages

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R u d o l f S t e i n e r ’ s F o u n da t i o n al W o r k s

Rudolf Steiner considered several of his written works fundamental

to the recovery of human dignity, freedom, and wisdom. These
foundational books contain the essence of his teachings.

How to Know Higher Worlds Intuitive Thinking as Theosophy

A Modern Path of Initiation a Spiritual Path An Introduction to the Spiritual Processes in
Translated by Christopher Bamford A Philosophy of Freedom Human Life and in the Cosmos
Written 1904–1905 (CW 10) Introduced by Gertrude Reif Hughes Translated by Catherine E. Creeger
Translated by Michael Lipson Written 1904 (CW 9)
T his is the classic account of the mod-
Written 1894 (CW 4)
ern Western esoteric path of initia- key work for anyone looking for

tion made public by Steiner in 1904. f all Steiner’s works, this is the a solid founda­tion in spiritual
He begins with the premise that “the one he believed would have the reality. Steiner presents a compre­
capacities by which we can under- longest life and the greatest spiri- hensive understanding of human
stand the higher worlds lie dormant tual and cultural consequences. This nature — from the physical body and
within each one of us.” Steiner care- seminal work asserts that free spiri- the soul to our central spirit being.
fully and precisely leads the reader tual activity — the human ability to He also provides an extraordinary
from the cultivation of the funda- think and act independently of physi- overview of the laws of reincarnation
mental soul attitudes of reverence and cal nature — is the appropriate path and karma and the various ways we
inner tranquility to the development for people today who wish to gain live within the three worlds of body,
of inner life through the stages of true knowledge of themselves and soul, and spirit, describing the path
preparation, illumination, and initia- the universe. This is not abstract phi- of knowledge through which each of
tion. He provides practical exercises losophy; it is a warm, heart-oriented us can begin to understand the mar-
of inner and outer observation and guide to the practice and experience velously harmonious and complex
moral development. By patiently and of “living thinking.” Readers will not worlds of soul and spirit.
persistently following his guidelines, find abstract philosophy here, but a Theosophy is the work by Rudolf
new “organs” of soul and spirit begin step-by-step account of how a person Steiner that one should read first for
to form, which reveal the contours of may come to experience living, intui- a real understanding of the truths
the higher worlds thus far concealed tive thinking — “the conscious expe- behind Anthroposophy.
from us. rience of a purely spiritual content.” ISBN: 9780880103732
ISBN: 9780880103725 ISBN: 9780880103855 Paperback
Paperback Paperback SteinerBooks
SteinerBooks SteinerBooks $16.95
$16.95 $17.95 256 pages
288 pages 304 pages

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R u d o l f S t e i n e r ’ s F o u n da t i o n al W o r k s

O ther E ditions of
F oundational W orks :
Knowledge of the Higher Worlds
and Its Attainment
Trans. George Metaxa, revised by
Henry Monges &Lisa D. Monges
ISBN: 9780880100465
288 pages
An Outline of Esoteric Science Christianity as Mystical Fact Knowledge of the Higher Worlds
Translated by Catherine E. Creeger And the Mysteries of Antiquity How Is It Achieved?
Written 1910 (CW 13) Rudolf Steiner Trans. John Davy, & D. S. Osmond
ISBN: 9781855841437
T his masterwork of esotericism Introduction by Christopher Bamford
Translation, preface & notes by Paperback
places humankind at the very Rudolf Steiner Press
Andrew Welburn
heart of the vast, invisible processes $17.95
Afterword by Michael Debus
of cosmic evolution. When we use 224 pages
the term “natural science,” don’t Written 1902 (CW 8) The Philosophy of Spiritual Activity

we mean that we are dealing with uring the fall and winter of Trans. William Lindeman
human knowledge of nature? 1901–1902, Steiner gave a series ISBN: 9780880101561
In this essential work of spiritual Paperback
of lectures called “Christianity as SteinerBooks
science, we see how the creation and Mystical Fact” to members of the $29.95
evolution of humanity is embedded Theosophical Society. The lectures
in the heart of the vast, invisible The Philosophy of Freedom
were rewritten and issued as a book
web of interacting cosmic beings, The Basis for a Modern
later that year. They mark a water-
through whom the alchemical pro- shed in the development of Western World Conception
cesses of cosmic evolution continue Trans.Michael Wilson
esotericism. ISBN: 9781855840829
to unfold. Included are descriptions This is a foundational work—in Paperback
of the various bodies of the human Stiener’s own development, in that Rudolf Steiner Press
being, their relationship to sleep of Western esotericism, and for our $16.95
and death, and a detailed, practi- understanding of the Christ event. 264 pages
cal guide to methods and exercises, Readers will find the evolutionary Theosophy
including the “Rose Cross Medita- development from the ancient Mys- An Introduction to the Supersensible
tion,” through which we can attain teries through the great Greek phi- Knowledge of the World and the
initiation knowledge. losophers to the events portrayed in
Perhaps most remarkable and Destination of Man
the Gospels. Trans. A.P. Shepherd
revolutionary of all is the central Included are an infomative intro- ISBN: 9781855841314
function that Steiner allots to the duction and annotated notes by Paperback
Christ and his entrance into earthly Andrew Welburn and an afterword Rudolf Steiner Press
evolution through the Mystery of by Michael Debus, a priest of the $20.00
Golgotha. 160 pages
Christian Community, who sum-
ISBN: 9780880104098
marizes the book and places it in Occult Science
SteinerBooks context. An Outline
$19.95 ISBN: 9780880104364 Trans. George & Mary Adams
Paperback ISBN: 9781855841369
448 pages
SteinerBooks Paperback
$25.00 Rudolf Steiner Press
240 page $26.00
352 pages

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Th e F u n dam e n t als o f A n t hr o p o s o ph y

The Fundamentals The Foundation Stone Meditation The Foundation Stone

of Anthroposophy A Key to the Christian Mysteries Willem Zeylmans van Emmichoven
Sergei O. Prokofieff
The Esoteric Significance of Spiritual
Work in Anthroposophical Groups
Translated by Maria St. Goar
he author was present
when Steiner intro-

And the Future of the

Anthroposophical Society
rokofieff’s research
embraces, among other
aspects, the relation-
duced the “Foundation
Stone Meditation” and,
for the next thirty years,
Sergei O. Prokofieff ship of the “Foundation lived intensively with the
The author elaborates Stone Meditation” to the meditations. Gradually,
the tasks of the Anthro- being Anthroposophia, he made people aware of the seminal
posophical Society and the spiritual hierarchies, forces in the meditation. His book
connects these with the human karma, the Rosicrucian, has inspired generations of students
spiritual hierarchies, the Michaelic and Grail streams, the of Anthroposophy.
Michael movement, the Mystery of Golgotha, the two ISBN: 9781902636375
Grail mysteries, the work Jesus children, the three spiritual Paperback
of new Group Souls, and the Founda- sources of Anthroposophy, and Temple Lodge
tion Stone Meditation. He shows that, even the Constitution of the General
128 pages
esoterically, the General Anthropo- Anthroposophical Society.
sophical Society was created so that ISBN: 9781902636825
At Home in the Universe
human beings could learn to work Paperback
with the gods. Temple Lodge Exploring Our Suprasensory Nature
ISBN: 9781902636832
$30.00 Rudolf Steiner
256 pages 5 talks, The Hague Nov.13–18, 1923
Temple Lodge (CW 231)
The Foundation Stone /
Introduction & Afterword
64 pages The Life, Nature & Cultivation of by Paul Margulies
The Foundation Stone Meditation Anthroposophy
Rudolf Steiner Rudolf Steiner
T he key to being at home
in the universe is to
Introduction by Michael Wilson he first part contains com­prehend the signifi-
3 English translations & the original Steiner’s comments on cance of our individual
German (CW 260) “The Foundation Stone
lives on Earth and after
Meditation,” which is

“T he Foundation Stone we leave the physical

central in the medita-
Meditation” is cen- tive life of many students world. Steiner describes
tral to the inner life of of spiritual science. Part our journey after death and its conse­
many students of Rudolf two, “The Life, Nature, quences for our future. He shows
Steiner’s work. This bud- and Cultivation of Anthroposophy,” us how our char­acter and actions
get-priced, pocket version contains Steiner’s letters to mem- on Earth affect us after we die and
features three alternative translations bers of the society following the how those experiences shape our
(by George Adams, Pauline Wehrle Christmas Conference. They contain next physical life. Includes exercises
and Richard Seddon), along with the thoughts and guidelines regarding that help us explore our suprasensory
the Anthroposophical Society and its human nature, so that we can begin
original German verses.
members’ conduct in the world. to act more consciously by recogniz-
ISBN: 9781855841734 ISBN: 9781855840751
Paperback ing the real nature of morality and
Rudolf Steiner Press Rudolf Steiner Press the consequences of our present lives.
$10.00 $17.95 ISBN: 9780880104739
4” x 3 ¼” 144 pages Paperback
48 pages SteinerBooks
144 pages

26 | Find full descriptions of all our books and more online at steinerbooks.org
Th e F u n dam e n t als o f A n t hr o p o s o ph y

The Archangel Michael The Battle for the Soul Secrets of the Threshold
His Mission and Ours The Working Together of Three Rudolf Steiner
Rudolf Steiner Great Leaders of Humanity 8 lectures, Munich, Aug. 24–31, 1913
Selected by Christopher Bamford Bernard Lievegoed (CW 147)

T his collection includes

early lectures about the L ievegoed shares his
thoughts about three S teiner’s topics include
the fourth
tery play, “The Soul’s
event of 1879, Michael spiri­tual streams in
and Christ, Michael as human evolution led by Awakening”; Ahriman
Archangel and Time Spirit, Rudolf Steiner, Christian and Lucifer; the elemen-
and Michael and the fall Rosenkreutz, and Manu. tal world; the ascent
of the spirits of darkness. Bernard Lievegoed was a distin- from the elemental world
Also includes “The Mission of the guished physician, educator, and to spirit; more.
Archangel Michael,” a selection from industrial psychologist. ISBN: 9780880101950
the “Michael Letters,” and an extract Paperback
ISBN: 1869890647
of Steiner’s last address. SteinerBooks
ISBN: 9780880103787 Hawthorn Press
168 pages
Paperback $19.95
SteinerBooks 142 pages Truth and Knowledge
$24.95 The Bridge Between Universal Introduction to
320 pages Spirituality and the Physical Philosophy of Spiritual Activity
Constitution of Man Rudolf Steiner
Approaches to Anthroposophy Written 1891 (CW 3)
Rudolf Steiner
Rudolf Steiner
Translated by D.S. Osmond riginally pub-
2 lectures, Basel, Jan. & Oct. 1916
(CW 35) 3 Lectures, Dornach, December 17-19, lished with The
1920 (CW 202) Philosophy of Freedom

A n excellent introduction to a gen-

uinely modern spiritual teaching
for Western humanity, using scien- L ectures include “Soul-and-Spirit
in Man’s Physical Constitution”;
in a single volume, this
work is fundamental to
understanding that work (now pub-
tific methods to investigate spiritual “The Moral as the Source of World-
lished as Intuitive Thinking As a
realities by awakening higher percep- Creative Power”; “The Path to
Spiritual Path).
tion. Freedom and Love and Their
Significance in World Events.” ISBN: 9780893452124
ISBN: 1855841517 Paperback
Paperback ISBN: 9780910142038 SteinerBooks
Rudolf Steiner Press Paperback $15.95
$16.95 SteinerBooks 112 pages
72 pages $15.95
Materialism and the
Anthroposophy in Everyday Life 68 pages
Practical Training in Thought Rudolf Steiner on His Book Task of Anthroposophy
Overcoming Nervousness The Philosophy of Freedom Rudolf Steiner
17 lectures, Dornach, Apr.–June 1921
Facing Karma Otto Palmer
(CW 204)
The Four Temperaments Translated by Marjorie Spock
Rudolf Steiner
P almer collects most of S teiner shows a way out of today’s
blind materialism and toward new

F our of Steiner’s most

practical and best-loved
lectures are collected in
what Steiner had to say
about his most important
anthroposophic work.
spiritual perception and knowledge,
which is the only way that we will
find the Christ in our time.
this book. ISBN: 9780910142687 ISBN: 0880101768
ISBN: 9780880104272 Paperback Paperback
Paperback SteinerBooks SteinerBooks
SteinerBooks $18.95 $18.95
$9.95 144 pages 368 pages
96 pages

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Th e F u n dam e n t als o f A n t hr o p o s o ph y

The Essential Steiner The Effects of Esoteric Development What is Anthroposophy?

Basic Writings of Rudolf Steiner Rudolf Steiner, Sergei O. Prokofieff
Robert McDermott, editor Introduction by Christopher Bamford Translated by S. Blaxland de Lange

10 Lectures, the Hague; March 20–29,
obert McDermott rokofieff focuses on the
begins with an overview 1913 (CW 145); 1 lecture, Berlin
central Christological
of Steiner’s life and work. February 3, 1913
insights that make up the

Selections from Steiner’s eginning with ques- core of Rudolf Steiner’s
writings are presented in tions regarding the philosophy.
five chapters with intro- body’s experience of food ISBN: 1902636783
ductory commentaries. and drink—meat, coffee, Paperback
Robert McDermott has served as alcohol, and so on—he Temple Lodge
president of the New York Center for lays out the progression of $15.00
48 pages
Anthroposophy and Rudolf Steiner anthroposophic spiritual
Institute and as chair of the board inner work, up to direct perception What Is Anthroposophy?
of Sunbridge College and Rudolf of “Paradise” and the Holy Grail. He Three Spiritual Perspectives
Steiner College. He was a member of discusses the role of human beings on Self-Knowledge
the council of the Anthroposophical in our evolution that takes place Rudolf Steiner
Society in America and is the found- between the forces of Lucifer and Introduction by Christopher Bamford
ing chair of the board of the Sophia Ahriman.
3 lectures, Dornach, July 20–22, 1923
Project, an anthroposophic home in ISBN: 9780880104203 (CW 225)
Oakland, California, for mothers Paperback
and children at risk of homelessness.
He is the author of several books.
224 pages
S teiner discusses death;
our physical life on
Earth and the etheric,
ISBN: 9781584200512
Paperback The Time Is at Hand! astral, and spiritual life
SteinerBooks The Rosicrucian Nature of Goethe’s Fairy of the cosmos; how physi-
$29.95 Tale of the Green Snake and the Beautiful cal lives are completely
468 pages
Lily and the interwoven with cos­mic
Anthroposophy (A Fragment) Mystery Dramas of Rudolf Steiner existence; and how the “missing
A New Foundation for the Study of links” in evo­lution are spiritual in
Paul M arshall Allen
Human Nature & Joan deRis Allen
nature. Steiner also considers wak-
Rudolf Steiner ing, dream­ing, and sleeping and how
Foreword by Robert Sardello, ph.d
Introduction by James A. Dyson, md T he authors discuss
Goethe’s life and the
importance his fairy tale
each is connected with our lives.
ISBN: 0880105062
Translated by Catherine E. Creeger Paperback
& Detlef Hardorp in the development of SteinerBooks
Steiner’s spiritual science. $9.95
Written 1910 (CW 45) 96 pages
Included is Carlyle’s clas-

A lthough fragmentary, sic translation of the fairy The Meaning of Life

this key work on tale and illustrations, plus Steiner’s And other Lectures on Fundamental Issues
Anthroposophy is of enor- essay on its inner meaning. Rudolf Steiner
mous importance, taking ISBN: 9780880104005 7 selected lectures
the first steps toward a Paperback
true psychology of spirit.
ISBN: 9780880104012
192 pages
T opics include practical and funda-
mental issues facing us in our mod-
ern lives.
SteinerBooks ISBN: 1855840928
$24.95 Paperback
256 pages Rudolf Steiner Press
176 pages

28 | Find full descriptions of all our books and more online at steinerbooks.org
Th e F u n dam e n t als o f A n t hr o p o s o ph y

Love and Its Meaning The Spiritual Guidance of the Cosmic Memory
in the World Individual and Humanity The Story of Atlantis, Lemuria,
Rudolf Steiner Some Results of Spiritual-Scientific and the Division of the Sexes
Introduction by Christopher Bamford Research into Human History and Rudolf Steiner
Development Introduction by Paul Marshall Allen
C hapters include “The
Division of the Sexes”; Rudolf Steiner
Introduction by Hilmar Moore
Written 1904-1908 (CW 11)

“Lucifer and Christ”; “The rom the akashic
Mission of Reverence”; Translated by Samuel Desch
record, this volume
“The Buddha’s Teaching Written 1911, from 3 lectures, reconstructs events that
of Compassion and Copenhagen, June 1911 (CW 15) span the time between
Love”; “Faith, Love, and
Steiner points to our the origin of the Earth
Hope”; and the title lecture, “Love awareness of a second and the beginning
& Its Meaning in the World.” Also self that guides us through of recorded history.
included as an epilogue: “I-Feeling, life. Through this initial Through this discussion of our true
the Soul’s Capacity to Love, and wisdom, we enter the origins, Cosmic Memory offers a
Their Relationship to the Elemental physical realm and, as we genuine foundation for our lives,
World.” grow, exchange it for self- allowing us to realize our real value,
ISBN: 0880104414 awareness and memory. Steiner sug- dignity, and essence.
Paperback gests that wisdom is connected with ISBN: 0893452270
SteinerBooks Paperback
the “higher self” of humankind that Garber Books
208 pages lived in Jesus between his baptism $25.00
and the Crucifixion. 256 pages
The New Experience of
the Supersensible
ISBN: 0880103647 The Spiritual Foundation
Paperback of Morality
Jesaiah Ben-Aharon SteinerBooks, Classics in
Anthroposophy Francis of Assisi & the Christ Impulse
A ccording to Steiner,
the greatest spiritual
event of our time is the
124 pages
Rudolf Steiner
Translated & introduced
An Introduction to by Malcolm Gardner
renewal and reawakening of our
human suprasensory relationship Anthroposophy 3 lectures, Norrköping, May 28–30,
to the higher spiritual worlds. The Rudolf Steiner’s World View 1912 (CW 155)
L. Francis Edmunds
force that leads to this development rancis exemplifies
is called the “Christ impulse” by
T his is a warm and morality as the mid-
Anthroposophy. This book builds dle path, as his warrior
clear introduction to
an all-important bridge between the nature was transformed
Anthroposophy that will
naturally given suprasensory experi- into mercy, compassion,
prove valuable to any-
ence and its conscious cognition. and love. Steiner shows
one who wants a better
This new paperback edition adds a the transformation of
understanding of Rudolf
new introductory chapter. the virtues through the evolution of
Steiner’s work.
Dr. Jesaiah Ben-Aharon is a
L. Francis Edmunds began his consciousness and Christ’s incarna-
founder of Global Network for Three-
studies as a medical student, but tion and the Mystery of Golgotha.
folding, Activists for Israeli Civil
became a teacher and founded Emer- Since then, true morality works to
Society, and of a School for Spiritual build up Christ’s being.
son College in the UK.
Science. He also cofounded Kibbutz ISBN: 0880104252
ISBN: 1855841630 Paperback
Harduf (1980), where he lives. He is
Paperback SteinerBooks
the author of several books. Rudolf Steiner Press $10.95
ISBN: 9781902636849 $18.00 108 pages
Paperback 208 pages
Temple Lodge
272 pages

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Th e F u n dam e n t als o f A n t hr o p o s o ph y

A Study Companion to Understanding the Human Being Chance, Providence & Necessity
An Outline of Esoteric Science Selected Writings of Rudolf Steiner Rudolf Steiner
Clopper Almon Rudolf Steiner 8 lectures, Dornach, Aug.–Sept. 1915
Edited by Richard Seddon (CW 163)

T he author, a long-time

student of An Outline his selection of Steiner’s teiner describes nature
of Esoteric Science, writings illustrates his spirits, particularly
guides the reader, step- manifold talents and gnomes, and relates his
by-step, through one of sure eye toward spiritual penetrating insights to
Steiner’s most difficult knowledge. the question of the death
works. Almon’s commen- of children and the sig-
ISBN: 1855840057
tary is keyed by paragraph number to Paperback nificant role this plays
the text, with themes and brief sum- Rudolf Steiner Press in earthly culture and the spiritual
maries of the main points; review $16.95 worlds.
questions; discussion ques­tions; and 208 pages ISBN: 0880102624
observations on the text. Community Life, Paperback
ISBN: 0880104538 Inner Development, Sexuality, SteinerBooks
Paperback and the Spiritual Teacher 148 pages
Ethical and Spiritual Dimensions of the Hardcover; ISBN: 0880102616; $20
128 pages Crisis in the Anthroposophical Society, Earthly Knowledge and
Rudolf Steiner’s Vision of Love Dornach, 1915 Heavenly Wisdom
Spiritual Science and Rudolf Steiner Rudolf Steiner
the Logic of the Heart 7 lectures, Dornach, Sept. 10–16, 1915 9 lectures, Dornach, February, 1923
Bernard Nesfield -Cookson (CW 253) (CW 221)

T he author shows the

supreme importance S teiner shows that our physical life,
including sexuality, has spiritual S
teiner tells us that, to
reach higher stages of
roots and makes clear that being part development after death,
of the greatest of all acts
of love—the Mystery of of any spiritual community entails we must become fully
Golgotha. special responsibilities and a new human in earthly life and
way of being. that we must experience
ISBN: 1855840480
Paperback ISBN: 088010354x the Christ in ourselves as
Rudolf Steiner Press Paperback light, life, and love.
$30.00 SteinerBooks
ISBN: 0880102942
352 pages $14.95
192 pages
The Sources of Inspiration SteinerBooks
Hardcover; ISBN: 0880103558; $14.95
of Anthroposophy
$24.95 190 pages
Sigismund von Gleich Michaelmas and the Freedom as Spiritual Activity

V on Gle­ich, basing his

research on the work
Soul Forces of Man
Rudolf Steiner
Edward Warren

of Rudolf Steiner, pres-

ents the fivefold stream of
4 lectures, Vienna, 1923 (CW 223) O
bserving Steiner’s wish that his
main philosoph­ical book, Die

inspiration from the spirit teiner speaks of a new kind of Philosophie der Freiheit (Intuitive
world, which is the basis autumn festival, Michaelmas. Thinking As a Spiritual Path), be
of Anthroposophy. Steiner introduces a theme he reworked in every new generation,
expanded on in The Four Seasons Warren treats this theme in a fresh
ISBN: 0904693872
and the Archangels. and lively way.
Temple Lodge ISBN: 0880100079 ISBN: 0904693600
$12.95 Paperback Paperback
56 pages SteinerBooks Temple Lodge
$7.95 $17.95
69 pages 96 pages

30 | Find full descriptions of all our books and more online at steinerbooks.org
Th e F u n dam e n t als o f A n t hr o p o s o ph y

The East in the Light of the West The Great Religions Awakening to Community
Two Eastern Streams in the Light of Pathways to Our Innermost Being Rudolf Steiner
Christian Esotericism, Part 1: Agni Yoga Pietro Archiati 10 lectures, Jan.–Mar. 1923 (CW 257)
Sergei O. Prokofieff
rchiati shows that the
S teiner explains that in anthropo-

In this first volume of his study of various religions rep- sophic communities we can expe-
two influential Eastern streams, resent stages in individual rience our first awakening to the
Prokofieff considers the spiritual human development and spirit in our encounters with others,
movement of Agni Yoga as presented that the great religions and he describes how the “reverse
by Helena and Nicholas Roerich. form an absolute unity. cultus” forms the foundation for a
Helena developed Agni Yoga, “Living ISBN: 1902636015 new community life.
Ethics,” in fourteen volumes, which Paperback ISBN: 0910142610
she believed to have been dictated by Temple Lodge Hardcover
Eastern masters. $24.00 SteinerBooks
192 pages $16.95
ISBN: 0904693570
Judaism & Anthroposophy 178 pages
Temple Lodge Interfaces: Anthroposophy & the World May Human Beings Hear It!
$22.00 Fred Paddock & The Mystery of the Christmas Conference
176 pages Sergei O. Prokofieff
M ado Spiegler, editors
Esoteric Studies
The Flaming Word
Pioneers of Spiritual Science, vol. 2
T his book explores the
relationship between
Anthroposophy and reli-
T his study suggests that
the impulse of the
Christmas Conference
M arie Steiner gion, between Christian can be reenlivened today

T his volume includes and Jewish esotericism, through conscious

insightful forewords and between Cabala efforts to experience its
that Marie Steiner wrote and Anthroposophy. spiritual essence. It offers
for many of Steiner’s pub- It also focuses on Jews in ways to illuminate various aspects of
lications. Anthroposophy — Martin Buber, the conference, the Foundation Stone,
Hugo Bergman, Shimon Levy, and and its meditation. It also explores
ISBN: 0904693589
Paperback Ernst Müller. The problem of anti- the link between the Christmas
Temple Lodge Semitism is also explored. Conference and human evolution;
$16.95 ISBN: 0880105100 the inner relationship between each
144 pages Paperback anthroposophist and the Christmas
Esoteric Studies SteinerBooks Conference; and much more.
From Mathematics to Star-lore: $19.95
ISBN: 1902636538
128 pages
Pioneers in Spiritual Science, vol. 3 Hardcover
Human and Cosmic Thought Temple Lodge
Elizabeth Vreede $64.00
Rudolf Steiner

E lizabeth Vreede writes 944 pages

4 lectures, Berlin, January 20–23, 1914
on subjects as varied (CW 151) The Christmas Conference
as star lore, pyramids, For the Foundation of the General
Michaelmas, anthropo-
sophic group work, and T hrough insights into the
true nature of human
thinking, we come to
Anthroposophical Society 1923/1924
Rudolf Steiner
mathematics. This book Introduced by Virginia Sease
features many rare arti­ understand the nature of
cosmic thought, which Foreword and conclusion
cles, reviews, and essays, as well as a by Marie Steiner
biographical sketch. is brought by the cosmic
hierarchies. Conference & Lectures, Dornach,
ISBN: 0904693643 ISBN: 1855841401 1923–1924 (CW 260)
Paperback Paperback ISBN: 0880101938
Temple Lodge Rudolf Steiner Press Hardcover
$14.95 $13.95 SteinerBooks
144 pages 72 pages $29.95
324 pages

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Th e F u n dam e n t als o f A n t hr o p o s o ph y

World History and the Mysteries in Harmony of the Creative Word natural alchemy: mercury, sulphur,
the Light of Anthroposophy The Human Being and the Elemental, salt; beyond nature consciousness:
Animal, Plant & Mineral Kingdoms the spiritual goal.
Rudolf Steiner
9 lectures, Dornach, Dec. Rudolf Steiner ISBN: 1855840898
1923–Jan. 1924 (CW 233) 12 lectures, Oct. 19–Nov. 11, 1923 Sophia Books
(CW 230)
S teiner surveys the devel- $15.95
112 pages
opment of memory in
human evolution and how
people saw themselves
S teiner speaks of the
plant and animal
worlds in planetary and
Christian Rosenkreutz
The Mystery, Teaching and Mission of a
and the world in the ancient East and cosmic evolution and Master
how that understanding manifested
introduces us to elemental opics here include the mystery of
in the ancient mysteries and influ- nature spirits, the beings Christian Rosenkreutz, today and
enced modern spiritual life. behind plants and ani- in the past; the guardian of mod-
ISBN: 1855840669 mals. Their relation to humankind is ern knowledge; ancient and modern
Paperback the harmony of the Creative Word. Rosicrucian teachings; Rosenkreutz
Rudolf Steiner Press
ISBN: 1855840987 at the Chymical Wedding and his cos-
Paperback mic mission; Rosicrucian literature.
160 pages
Rudolf Steiner Press
Rosicrucianism $22.00 ISBN: 1855840847
& Modern Initiation 244 pages
Sophia Books
Mystery Centers of the Middle Ages $15.95
Rudolf Steiner Th e P o c k e t L ibrar y 96 pages
6 lectures, Dornach, Jan. 4–13, 1924 o f S piri t u al The Druids
(CW 233) Wisd o m Esoteric Wisdom of the
Ancient Celtic Priests
S teiner shows how natural aware-
ness of spirit in nature disappeared
in favor of materialism and how eso-
The Holy Grail
The Quest for the
S un initiation of the Druids; mys-
teries of ancient Ireland; Celtic
Renewal of the Mysteries
teric knowledge was preserved by Christianity: Druid heritage: spirit
early Rosicrucian schools and alche-
mists and later occult schools. . F rom the Mysteries to Christianity;
death and resurrection in ancient
Egypt; the miracle of initiation; the
in nature; the great mysteries: the
mystery of Christ; the function of the
ISBN: 0854403817 standing stones.
Paperback Mystery of Golgotha; the mystery of ISBN: 1855840995
Rudolf Steiner Press the higher “I” and the Holy Grail; Paperback
$12.95 the Grail and the spiritual evolution Sophia Books
98 pages of humanity; the Gnostic crisis and $15.95
Founding a Science of the Spirit the loss of the Mysteries; stages of 96 pages
Rudolf Steiner evolution; archaic clairvoyance; the The Goddess
14 lectures, Stuttgart, role of the Mysteries; the secret of From Natura to the Divine Sophia
Aug.–Sept., 1906 (CW 95) ediscovery of the goddess Natura;
ISBN: 185584074x mediaeval thought and the school
T opics include human nature in rela-
tion to the cosmos; earthly evolu-
tion; the soul’s journey after death;
Sophia Books
of Chartres; the goddess Natura in
the ancient mysteries; the goddess in
reincarnation and karma; good and 96 pages the beginning; esoteric Christianity:
evil; and meditation training. The Alchemy the virgin Sophia; the search for the
new Isis; the renewal of the mysteries;
emphasis throughout is on scientific The Evolution of the Mysteries
exposition of spiritual phenomena. the modern Isis, the divine Sophia.
ISBN: 1855840774
A lchemy and the modern myster-
ies; loss of the divine, the alchem-
ical quest; mysteries of the metals;
ISBN: 1855840944
Sophia Books
Rudolf Steiner Press
$22.00 the standpoint of human wisdom $15.95
today; alchemy and consciousness; 112 pages
168 pages

32 | Find full descriptions of all our books and more online at steinerbooks.org
R u d o l f S t e i n e r ’ s Tal k s w i t h W o r k e rs a t t h e G o e t h e a n u m
Rudolf Steiner’s Talks with Workers at the Goetheanum

T he books below record informal discussions between Rudolf Steiner and workers at the first Goetheanum in
Dornach, Switzerland. The subjects were chosen by the audience, and Steiner took questions. The astonishing
nature of his responses — their insight, knowledge, and spiritual depth — is testimony to Steiner’s outstanding abil-
ity as a spiritual initiate and profound thinker. Accessible, entertaining and stimulating, the records of these ses-
sions will be a delight to anyone with an open mind.

From Sunspots to Strawberries... From Comets to Cocaine... blood cir­culation; honesty; boredom;
Answers to Questions Answers to Questions opinions; kidneys; plant and human
14 discussions with workers, Dornach, 18 discussions with workers, Dornach, fertilization.
June to Sept. 1924 (CW 354) Oct. 1922–Feb. 1923 (CW 348) ISBN: 1855840782

S ubjects include Lemuria

and Atlantis; Chinese
and Indian cultures; raw
N icotine and alcohol;
illness; pregnancy;
vegetarian and meat diets;
Rudolf Steiner Press
328 pages
food; vegetarianism; chil- the human nose; smell and From Elephants to Einstein...
dren’s nutrition; farming taste; eye and hair colors; Answers to Questions
matters such as manure planets and metals; mental 10 discussions with workers, Dornach,
and soil; hardening of the illness; the ice age; the thy- Jan. to Feb. 1924 (CW 352)
arteries; the sense of smell; planetary roid and hormones; bea­vers; wasps;
influences; weather and its causes;
creation of the world; origin of the
bees; jaundice; smallpox; rabies.
ISBN: 185584088x
D iscussions cover ele-
phants; ants and bees;
shells and skeletons; ani-
human being; Saturn, Sun and Moon; Paperback
Darwinism; Earth strata and fossils; Rudolf Steiner Press mal and plant poisons;
star wisdom; lightning and volca- $30.00 bodily secretions and
noes; more. 320 pages nutrition; potatoes; the
ISBN: 1855841126
From Beetroot to Buddhism... human eye; fresh and salt
Paperback Answers to Questions water; fish and bird migration; cloth­
Rudolf Steiner Press 16 discussions with workers, Dornach, ing; opium and alcohol; and more.
$26.00 March to June 1924 (CW353) ISBN: 1855840812
240 pages Paperback
From Crystals to Crocodiles...
Answers to Questions
C hristianity and Islam;
mummies; astronomy,
Tibet and the Dalai Lama;
Rudolf Steiner Press
288 pages
10 discussions with workers, Dornach,
Aug. to Sept. 1922 (CW 347)
Freemasonry; moon and From Limestone to Lucifer
sun religions; the Myster­ Answers to Questions
S peech and languages;
lefthandedness; dino-
saurs; turtles and croco-
ies, the Trinity; Moses;
Easter; ancient cultures;
nationalism; and more.
12 discussions with workers, Dornach,
Feb. to May 1923 (CW 349)

diles; oxygen and carbon;

ancient giant oysters; the
ISBN: 1855840626
T opics include technol-
ogy; the Earth; heal-
ing; color and illness;
Moon, Sun, and Earth; the Rudolf Steiner Press
Old Testament; the nature $30.00 rainbows; childhood
of Adam; breathing and brain activ- 304 pages diseases; seances; sleep;
ity; sugar; the liver and perception; From Mammoths to Mediums... dreams; reincarnation;
brain cells and thinking; Paracelsus; Answers to Questions more.
alcohol; and more. 16 discussion with workers, Dornach, ISBN: 1855840979
May 1922 to Sept. 1923 (CW 348) Paperback
ISBN: 185584107x
Rudolf Steiner Press

Paperback opics include danc- $26.00
Rudolf Steiner Press
ing and sport; guard- 256 pages
192 pages ian angels; stars; Druids;
Aristotle; Catholic and
Masonic rit­uals; proteins;
fats; carbohydrates; salts;

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Th e L i f e & W o r k o f R u d o l f S t e i n e r

The Life & Work A Life for the Spirit Correspondence & Documents
of Rudolf Steiner Rudolf Steiner in the 1901–1925
Crosscurrents of Our Time Rudolf Steiner
Into the Heart’s Land Henry Barnes (CW 262)
A Century of Rudolf Steiner’s
Work in North America
Henry Barnes
P eople today who rec-
ognize Rudolf Steiner’s
name know that nearly all
U nique insight both
into the develop-
ment of the anthropo-

T he author of A Life for fields of life have been fruc- sophic movement and
the Spirit brings read- tified by his insights — not the relationship between
ers a comprehensive view in abstract ways, but in Rudolf Steiner and
of the roots and develop- concrete ways that change Marie Steiner-von Sivers
ment of Anthroposophy real lives. No wonder, then, that through their letters. Subjects range
throughout North Steiner has been called “the best kept from an esoteric view of human evo-
America. From its semi- secret of the twentieth century.” lution to how to deal with problem
nal beginnings with a few hearty In this biography, Barnes recounts personalities, as well as many discus­
souls in New York City, it moved Steiner’s dynamic life, given entirely sions of organizational details.
across the prairies to the west coast to the service of humanity and to the ISBN: 0880102071
and beyond, to Canada, Mexico, and spirit. Steiner is seen here as an active Paperback
Hawaii, and took root in the hearts leader in the crosscurrents of history. SteinerBooks
and minds of the “new world.” Here $25.00
ISBN: 0880103957
340 pages
is the story of those adventurous Paperback
spirits who took responsibility for SteinerBooks, Vista Series Rudolf Steiner’s Philosophy
bringing the work of Rudolf Steiner $18.95 and the Crisis of Contemporary Thought
320 pages
to North America in the form of Andrew Welburn
study groups, agricultural initiatives, Rudolf Steiner
Waldorf and special education, the
arts, and so much more.
& the Founding of the New Mysteries
Sergei O. Prokofieff
udolf Steiner created a
vast legacy of practical
contributions to cultural,
This thorough history will acquaint
the reader with the individuals who
have nurtured Anthroposophy in
T he author investigates
the deepest myster-
ies of Steiner’s life and
scientific, and spiritual
renewal. And behind it
all is a highly developed
North America as well as the orga-
the establishment of new system of thought that
nizations and initiatives they devel-
myster­ies on Earth dur- addresses some of the most problem-
ing the twentieth century. atic philosophical issues.
Henry Barnes, born in 1912 in He examines the physi- Welburn presents fascinating
New York City, attended Lincoln cal and suprasensory aspects of the insights into the radical nature of
School of Teachers’ College and Har- first Goetheanum, the implications Steiner’s thinking by examining his
vard College and went on to Waldorf of the Christmas Conference, and inheritance of ideas from Goethe, his
teacher training in Stuttgart before the Foundation Stone meditation, a attempts to break away from Carte-
becoming a class teacher for many legacy from Steiner to the Anthropo­ sian dualism and Kantian idealism,
years. He was also a general secre- sophical Society. This study is unprec- and his challenge to the conventional
tary of the Anthroposophical Society edented in its depth and significance. framework of European philosophy.
in America.
ISBN: 0904693619 Andrew Welburn is a fellow of
ISBN: 0880105542 Hardcover
Hardcover Temple Lodge
New College, Oxford. He has writ-
SteinerBooks $55.00 ten, translated, and edited numerous
$40.00 480 pages books on spiritual science and early
7 x 10 inches Illustrated Christianity.
688 pages ISBN: 0863154360
Floris Books
288 pages

34 | Find full descriptions of all our books and more online at steinerbooks.org
Th e L i f e & W o r k o f R u d o l f S t e i n e r

Rudolf Steiner Rudolf Steiner Time of Decision with

An Illustrated Biography An Introduction to His Rudolf Steiner
Johannes Hemleben Spiritual World-View Experience and Encounter
Roy Wilkinson Friedrich Hiebel
T his classic biography
Translated by M. St. Goar
sheds light on Steiner’s hese succinct summa-

life — his childhood and ries of Steiner’s thinking he author writes of the
his youthful years as introduce aspects of his early Anthroposophical
a respected Goethean philosophy. Twelve chap- Society and Steiner’s work
scholar and philoso- ters cover Steiner as the and relationship to his
pher in Weimar; his herald of a new age; rein- students, as well as the
involvement in the Theosophical carnation and karma; the Christmas Conference of
and Anthroposophical societies; the spiritual nature of human beings; the 1923, which he attended.
development of spiritual science; the development of human conscious- He recreates the mood of laying
creation of spiritual initi­atives in art, ness; cosmic and human evolu­tion; the Foundation Stone and offers his
the social sciences, education, med­ relationships between the living and insights into the structure and mean-
icine, agriculture, religion and archi- those who have died; evil; a modern ing of the “Foundation Stone” medi-
tecture; the Christmas Foundation path of initiation; life between death tation.
meeting. Also includes a chronology, and rebirth; the spiritual hierar­chies; ISBN: 0880102748
personal tributes, an extensive sec­ a philosophical approach to spirit; Paperback
tion for further reading, an index, and the mission of Christ. SteinerBooks
and sixty-nine photographs and illus- ISBN: 1902636287 $19.95
trations. Paperback 390 pages
ISBN: 1855840936 Temple Lodge Reminiscences of Rudolf Steiner
Paperback $22.00 and Work on the First Goetheanum
Sophia Books 256 pages
Assya Turgeniev

216 pages Meeting Rudolf Steiner ssya Turgeniev, a colleague of
Rudolf Steiner Classics Selections From the Rudolf Steiner, answers many
Herald of a New Epoch Journal for Anthroposophy questions in this first-hand account
Stewart Easton Joan Almon, editor
of her close relationship with Steiner
from 1912 until his death in 1925.

T his full-scale, classic Series editor Robert McDermott

She recounts the burning of the
biography of Rudolf
Steiner is the first written
in English. It shows how
T his collection of arti-
cles consists of first-
hand accounts of what
Goetheanum, the period surround-
ing Steiner’s death, the early per­
formances of his mystery plays, his
Steiner’s thought and it was like to live and lectures and travels, and the artis-
work developed year by work with Rudolf Steiner. tic work and performances at the
year and provides back- Articles range from inti- Goetheanum.
ground to his various books, lectures, mate experiences of Steiner’s dinner ISBN: 1902636406
artistic achievements, and activi- table humor to vivid descriptions Hardcover
ties. At the same time, the reader of the first Goetheanum burning to Temple Lodge
gets to glimpse the man himself, the the ground. Authors include: Albert $26.00
unique personality who founded Schewitzer, Bruno Walter, Arvia 144 pages
Anthroposophy and whose influence MacKay Ege, Andrei Belyi, Lisa
is still increasing after more than Monges, and others.
eighty years since his death in 1925.
ISBN: 0967456282
ISBN: 0910142939 Paperback
Paperback Anthroposophical Society in America
SteinerBooks $10.00
$16.95 112 pages
376 pages

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Es o t e ric S t u di e s

Esoteric Studies Mystics after Modernism Rosicrucian Wisdom (CD Set)

Discovering the Seeds of a New Science An Introduction
Philosophy as an in the Renaissance 14 lectures, Munich, May 22–June 6,
Approach to the Spirit Rudolf Steiner 1907 (CW 99)
An Introduction to the Foreword by Christopher Bamford Rudolf Steiner
Fundamental Works of Rudolf Steiner Afterword by Paul M. Allen Read by Peter Bridgmont
Richard Seddon Written 1901 (CW 7)

T hough Steiner’s work

remained largely unno- E leven mystics
the world, God, and
saw T he CD edition, complete and
unabridged, was recorded by Alan
Marriott and read by the respected
ticed by contemporary themselves in ways that actor and speech teacher Peter
philosophers, his philoso- foreshadowed all that we Bridgmont, author of Liberation of
phy lays the foundation for practice now in the best the Actor.
all that followed. Because of meditation, both East ISBN: 9781855841345
it describes Steiner’s expe- and West. Steiner describes their pas- Audio CDs
riences of the physical and invisible sion for unity, their practice of inten- Rudolf Steiner Press
worlds, the author places it in the sifying their perception, and their $45.00
context of a brief biography to show 7 CD set
ever-fresh insights into the process of
how Steiner’s thinking developed. knowing itself.
Richard Seddon studied moral sci-
ISBN: 0880104708
ences (philosophy, ethics, logic, and Paperback
A Spiritual Biography
psychology) with Bertrand Russell SteinerBooks Richard Seddon
and John Wisdom—an advocate and $18.95
colleague of Ludwig Wittgenstein—
at Cambridge.
208 pages
Rosicrucian Wisdom T he author discusses Europe from
the perspective of the various
“archangels of time” and their rule,
ISBN: 1902636694 An Introduction
from Michael’s regency in the mid-
Paperback Rudolf Steiner sixth to third centuries b.c. and up to
Temple Lodge 14 lectures, Munich, May 22–June 6, his present rule from 1879 until the
$18.00 1907 (CW 99)
144 pages twenty-second century.
In one of Steiner’s most
The Incarnation of Ahriman ISBN: 9780904693720
complete discussions of Paperback
The Embodiment of Evil on Earthmodern spirituality, he Temple Lodge
Rudolf Steiner speaks from the very $19.95
Translation revised by M. Barton stream of Rosicrucian 128 pages
7 lectures (collected) teaching. Rather than Mystery Knowledge
borrowing old ideas from & Mystery Centres
S teiner spoke
Ahriman as an actual,
living spiritual entity who
of historical tradition, however, he pres-
ents a wholly new contribution that
Rudolf Steiner
Introduction by Andrew Welburn
arises from the results of his own
works to embed human 14 lectures, Dornach, 1923 (CW 232)
experiential, spiritual research.
beings firmly into physi-
cality, materialistic atti-
tudes, and dry intellect.
Rosicrucian Wisdom is one of the
best lecture courses for gaining a S
teiner describes the ancient mys-
tery schools, as well as the mys-
deeper understanding of the spiritual teries of Artemis, Hibernia, Eleusis,
He talks about an actual incarnation principles behind Anthroposophy. Samothrace, the Middle Ages, and
of Ahriman on Earth and the poten- Previous edition: Theosophy of the the conditions of initiation today.
tial consequences of this event. Rosicrucians ISBN: 1855840618
ISBN: 1855841789 ISBN: 9781855840638 Paperback
Paperback Paperback Rudolf Steiner Press
Rudolf Steiner Press Rudolf Steiner Press $26.00
$19.00 $22.00 272 pages
128 pages 194 pages

36 | Find full descriptions of all our books and more online at steinerbooks.org
Es o t e ric S t u di e s

The Interior of the Earth The Karma of Untruthfulness, 1 A Secret History of Consciousness
An Esoteric Study of the Secret Societies, the Media, Gary L achman
Subterranean Spheres and Preparations for the Great War Introduction by Colin Wilson
Rudolf Steiner Rudolf Steiner “A marvelously
Revised by Paul V. O’Leary Introduction by Terry M. Boardman exhilarating gallop
Selected lectures 13 lectures, Dornach & Basel, Dec. through every
4–31, 1916 (CW 173) important modern

M odern science can-

not speak with real
authority about much
Amid the turmoil of
World War I, Steiner
theory of consciousness,
from Steiner to Maslow,
from Bucke’s ‘cosmic
of the Earth’s interior. spoke out courageously consciousness’ to
Steiner’s discussions of against the hate, lies, and Gebser’s ‘integral consciousness.’”
the subterranean spheres propaganda of the time. —Colin Wilson, author of
are gathered, along with His detailed research into The Outsider
notes and an introduction, for the the spiritual impulses of
“Opens up vast vistas of
first time in this comprehensive vol- human evolution allowed him to
possibility . . . that the evolution
ume. The Interior of the Earth is a reveal the dominant role that secret of human consciousness may be
great companion to The Inner Life brotherhoods played in events that as fundamental a process as our
of the Earth (page 7). culminated in that cataclysmic war. development through genetics. A
He warned that the retarding forces must-read for those seeking an
ISBN: 9781855841192
of nationalism must be overcome escape from our contemporary
Rudolf Steiner Press before Europe can find its true destiny. culture’s cul-de-sac.”
$20.00 He also emphasized the urgent need —Daniel Pinchbeck, author of
144 pages for new social structures in order to Breaking Open the Head
The Transformation of Evil avoid such future catastrophes. ISBN: 9781584200116
And the Subterranean Spheres ISBN: 185584186x Paperback
Paperback Lindisfarne Books
of the Earth $29.95
Rudolf Steiner Press
Sigismund von Gleich $29.00 280 pages
Introduction by Paul V. O’Leary 336 pages Coping with Evil
The Karma of Untruthfulness, 2 Bruce H. McCausland
V on Gleich offers a pow-
Secret Societies, the Media,
erful meditation on evil rawing on the spiri-
and its eventual transfor- and Preparations for the Great War tual investigations
mation. Focusing on the Rudolf Steiner of Rudolf Steiner, Sri
realm of “subnature,” or Introduction by Terry M. Boardman Aurobindo, and others,
“the subterranean spheres,” and from his own inner
12 lectures, Dornach Jan. 1–30, 1917
he shows how the vari- work, McCausland takes
(CW 174)
ous layers of the Earth’s interior are us on a journey into the
linked directly to the mystery of evil.
In a new introduction, Paul V.
O’Leary places this work within the
I n volume 2, Steiner
takes these lectures fur-
ther, again offering much
hidden recesses of this very timely
subject, helping us understand and
cope with today’s events and our
context of today’s world. insight into today’s politi- daily lives.
ISBN: 1902636716 cal spin, media distor- Bruce H. McCausland is a stu-
Paperback tions, propaganda and dent of the Western mystery tradition
Temple Lodge downright lies. and leads seminars and workshops
ISBN: 1855841916 on a wide variety of subjects. He is
72 pages
Paperback a director of the Western New York
Rudolf Steiner Press
Holoscopy Group.
264 pages ISBN: 1584200448
Lindisfarne Books
192 pages

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Es o t e ric S t u di e s

Green Hermeticism The Tree of Life and the Holy Grail Camino Walk
Alchemy and Ecology Ancient and Modern Spiritual Paths and Where Inner & Outer Paths Meet
Peter Lamborn Wilson, Kevin Townley the Mystery of Rennes-le-Château M arie-L aure Valandro
& Christopher Bamford Sylvia Francke
Introduction by Pir Zia Inayat-Khan V alandro takes read-

R ecent fiction and ers on a very personal

In Green Hermeticism, popular history pro- pilgrimage along the

Peter Lamborn Wilson, mote the idea that the centuries-old Camino
explores the ramifications Holy Grail represents a de Santiago in northern
of the alternative world- physical bloodline from Spain. The Camino de
view of Hermeticism. Jesus Christ and Mary Santiago de Compostela
Christopher Bamford Magdalene. The author (the Way of St James) is literally a
gives a broad historical exposes this idea as a misinterpre- path of devotion to the beings of
overview of the tradition, from the tation of the mystery traditions that Christianity—to Christ, to Mary,
ancient mysteries to contemporary preceded and ran parallel to the birth and to Saint James, for whom the
manifestations of the alchemical tra- of Christianity. Camino and the cathedral at the end
dition. And Kevin Townley brings a Sylvia Francke studied for the stage are named. The Camino de Santiago
practical dimension by teaching the and trained to be a teacher of drama winds its way through terrain that
preparation of herbal elixirs, demon- at Rose Bruford College in Kent. She ranges from high plateaus to rugged
strating that cosmology and philoso- is a writer, lecturer and a trustee of mountain trails. It is a challenging
phy can become a truly healing path RILKO (Research Into Lost Knowl- pilgrimage during which inner and
for the Earth. edge Organization). outer paths meet.
ISBN: 9781584200499 ISBN: 9781902636870 Marie-Laure Valandro was born
Paperback Paperback in Tunisia and has lived and traveled
Lindisfarne Books Temple Lodge in numerous places around the globe
$25.00 $30.00 since then.
224 pages 240 pages
ISBN: 9781584200529
Life from Light The Knights Templar Paperback
Is it possible to live without food? The Mystery of the Warrior Monks Lindisfarne Books
A scientist reports on his experiences Rudolf Steiner $18.00
Michael Werner & Thomas Stöckli 176 pages
Compiled by Margaret Jonas
The Mysteries
W erner presents a
new challenge to
sceptics. A fit family man
In this unique collection
of lectures and writings,
Rudolf Steiner’s Writings
on Spiritual Initiation
Steiner offers a new per- Rudolf Steiner &
in his fifties with a doc-
spective on the Templars’ Andrew Welburn
torate in chemistry, he
connection to the esoteric

is the managing direc- he results of Steiner’s
tradition of St. John and
tor of a research insti- anthroposophic spiri-
the Holy Grail and their
tute in Switzerland. Life from Light tual research reveal
spiritual dedication to Christ. He
describes how he stopped eating in both the ancient mys-
describes a secret order within the
2001 and has thrived ever since. teries and modern ini-
Templars and their strange rituals.
Included are reports from others tiation. He outlines the
He also sheds light on the Templars’
who have attempted this way of life, origin of plants and
attitude toward the Roman Church
plus possible scientific explanations. animals and humanity’s connection
and the spiritual forces that inspired
ISBN: 9781905570058 their torture and confessions. with the Earth, giving a panoramic
Paperback view of humanity’s past, present, and
Clairview Books ISBN: 9781855841796
Paperback future.
$26.00 ISBN: 0863152430
232 pages Rudolf Steiner Press
$22.00 Hardcover
176 pages Floris Books
208 pages

38 | Find full descriptions of all our books and more online at steinerbooks.org
Es o t e ric S t u di e s

Spiritualism, Madame Blavatsky Secret Brotherhoods Philosophy, Cosmology & Religion

& Theosophy And the Mystery of the Human Double Rudolf Steiner
An Eyewitness View of Occult History Rudolf Steiner 10 lectures, Dornach, Sept. 1922
Rudolf Steiner 7 lectures, various cities, Nov. 1917 (CW 215)
(CW 178)
Edited & introduced by teiner focuses on exer-

Christopher Bamford aking readers behind cises to attain higher
the scenes, Steiner spiri­tual development,
W ithout the spiritual-
ist movement and
the amaz­ing personality
reveals a dark world of
secret elitist brother-
describing philosophy
as based on imagination,
hoods trying to control cosmology on inspira-
of H. P. Blavatsky, the the masses through eco-
Theosophical Society, and tion, and reli­gion on
nomics, technology, and intuition.
the spiritual revolution political assassinations.
of the twentieth century, ISBN: 0880101105
ISBN: 1855841622 Paperback
today’s spiritual movements would Paperback SteinerBooks
be unimaginable. Nor would the Rudolf Steiner Press $9.95
works of Rudolf Steiner and many $26.00 190 pages
other spiritual teachers of the past 240 pages
The Threefold Nature of
hundred years. The Temple Legend
Destiny Learning
Steiner, a major participant, goes Freemasonry and Related
into occult history and the roots of Occult Movements Coenraad van Houten

Theosophy in Western esotericism, Rudolf Steiner he author extends
especially Ros­icrucianism, secret his earlier works—
20 lectures, Berlin, 1904–1906
societies, and the hidden history Practising Destiny and
(CW 93)
behind the creation of Theoso­phy in Awakening the Will. He
the nineteenth century.
ISBN: 0880104953 S teiner reveals the hid-
den meaning of images
in myths, sagas, and leg-
shows that learning from
destiny and awakening
Paperback the will are continuing
SteinerBooks ends, and clarifies the his- processes.
$24.95 tory and nature of ritual
288 pages ISBN: 1902636589
tradition; Freemasonry; Paperback
Principles of Spiritual Science Rosicrucians; Manicheism; Temple Lodge
Carl Unger and more. Includes extensive notes. $15.95
80 pages

S teiner asked the author ISBN: 1855840413

to work intensely with
Paperback The Future Is Now
Rudolf Steiner Press Anthroposophy at the New Millennium
spiritual science, and $35.00
this booklet presents 408 pages Sevak Gulbekian, editor
the essence of what he
Evil hese eighteen essays
accomplished. It supports Selected Lectures offer thoughts on
and extends Steiner’s where Anthroposophy in
Rudolf Steiner
Anthroposophy, providing a secure its earthly manifestation
foundation in suprasensory real­ities.
Carl Unger was a close student of T he effects of Lucifer and Ahriman now stands and to what
hinder our way, but self-develop- extent it is fulfilling its
ment depends on coming to terms tasks.
Rudolf Steiner. He was also author of
The Language of the Consciousness with evil, which, in the end, allows ISBN: 1902636090
Soul. the possibility of freedom. Paperback
ISBN: 1855840464 Temple Lodge
ISBN: 0910142696
Paperback $26.00
Rudolf Steiner Press 272 pages
$4.95 $24.00
80 pages 224 pages

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Es o t e ric S t u di e s

The Redemption of Thinking Macrocosm and Microcosm Trumpet to the Morn

A Study in the Philosophy of Rudolf Steiner The Golden Blade 2001
Thomas Aquinas 11 lectures, Vienna, March 1910 William Forward &
Rudolf Steiner (CW 119) Simon Blaxland -de L ange, editors

3 lectures, Dornach, uman life alternates between his insightful collec-
May 1920 (CW 74) the great outer macrocosm and tion of articles brings

S teiner describes the the hidden inner microcosm. Steiner out new anthroposophic
background of early discusses the various paths of inner research, with topics
Chris­tian thought and devel­opment that lead to crossing ranging from clairvoy-
focuses on the question: these two thresholds and the trans- ance to Bolshevism to
How can human thinking be made formation of soul forces into spiritual com­puters and psychia-
Christlike and develop upward to a organs of perception. try.
ISBN: 0880102004
vision of the spirit world? ISBN: 0953160033
ISBN: 0880100443 Paperback
Paperback Emerson College
SteinerBooks $15.00
208 pages
$12.95 134 pages
ISBN: 0880102012 Hardcover
191 pages $20.00 Working with Destiny II
Toward Imagination The Golden Blade 1998
Culture and the Individual Reality, Truth & Evil William Forward
Rudolf Steiner Facts, Questions, and Perspectives on Simon Blaxland -de L ange &
7 lectures, Berlin, June 6–July 18, 1916 September 11, 2001 Andrew Wolpert, Editors
(CW 169) T. H. Meyer
T his collection is devoted

teiner deals with the sing the events of 9/11 and Pearl to taking charge of
importance of balance Harbor as his backdrop, Meyer destiny by understand-
in life; the twelve senses studies reality, truth, and evil. ing, in practical ways,
and their relation­ship to ISBN: 190263666x
one’s karmic stream.
the cosmos; psychology; Paperback Contributors include
the arts; and the Temple Lodge Owen Barfield, Baruch
importance of imagination. $22.00 Urieli, Christopher Clouder, Trui
ISBN: 0880102853 160 pages Derwig, Elizabeth Atwell, and oth­
Paperback Transparent Realities ers.
SteinerBooks ISBN: 0953160009
Hans Peter van M anen

192 pages he first part explores Golden Blade
ISBN: 0880102845 Hardcover the role of spiritual $12.95
$24.95 science and spiritual 98 pages
Transforming Earth— impulses in rescuing our The Ultimate Communion
Transforming Self environ­m ent and how to of M ankind

Carlo Pietzner develop a healthy rela- A Celebration of Rudolf Steiner’s Book

tionship to nature. The “The Philosophy of Freedom”
T he development of consciousness, author shows how an intimate con­
the intimate relationship between nection to the divine Sophia can lead
K aren Swassjan
the physical world and higher to moral activity in this world. The
worlds, and the power of the word second part focuses on thirty-three- S
wassjan’s humor, wit, and lively
style make this a thoroughly
as a transform­ing force are recurring year rhythms in the history of the unique discourse on what is perhaps
themes in these lectures. Anthroposophical Society. Steiner’s most important work.
ISBN: 0880104287 ISBN: 0904693627 ISBN: 0904693821
Paperback Paperback Paperback
Camphill Publications Temple Lodge Temple Lodge
$16.95 $12.95 $19.95
224 pages 64 pages 112 pages

40 | Find full descriptions of all our books and more online at steinerbooks.org
I n n e r D e v e l o pm e n t

Inner Development Raising the Soul Esoteric Development

Practical Exercises for Lectures and Writings
Transforming the Soul, vol. 1 Personal Development Rudolf Steiner
Rudolf Steiner Warren Lee Cohen Introduction by Stephen Usher
Translated by Pauline Wehrle
9 lectures, Berlin, 1909 (CW 58) T his handbook is based
on seven contemplative H ere is an orderly
sequence of state-

S teiner describes the mis- exercises from the work ments by Steiner on the
sions of anger, truth of Rudolf Steiner. Cohen presents a development of higher,
and reverence, the signifi- pathway to saying “yes” to more of suprasensory know-
cance of human character, what life offers and to be more open ing — imagination, inspi-
the meaning of asceticism to the abundance of life’s experi- ration, and intuition.
and illness, and the phe- ences. Nine chapters discuss inner devel-
nomenon of egoism. He ISBN: 1855841096 opment, the need for higher know-
also clarifies the differences between Paperback ing, and examples of the necessary
Buddhism and Christianity, describes Rudolf Steiner Press practices and inner gestures. Steiner
the goal of spiritual science, and $20.00 describes the steps and stages, always
160 pages
makes some esoteric observations emphasizing the free, individual, and
about the moon. Enlivening theChakra cognitive nature of spiritual-scientific
A previous translation was titled of the Heart research.
Metamorphoses of the Soul: Paths of The Fundamental Spiritual Exercises ISBN: 0880105240
Experience, vol. 1. of Rudolf Steiner Paperback
ISBN: 1855841584 Florin Lowndes $20.00
Paperback 208 pages
Rudolf Steiner Press
256 pages
L owndes details funda-
mental exercises and
offers sugges­tions for
Anthroposophy & the Inner Life
An Esoteric Introduction
Transforming the Soul, vol. 2 developing living thinking, Rudolf Steiner
Rudolf Steiner which is closely related to 9 lectures, Dornach, Jan.–Feb. 1924
Translation revised by Pauline Wehrle the heart chakra. (CW 234)
Florin Lowndes founded the Cen-
9 lectures, Berlin, 1910 (CW 59)
ter of Heart Thinking in Boston.
T hese lectures were
given to an audience
T hese lectures conclude Transforming
the Soul, vol. 1, but can also be read
ISBN: 1855840537
Sophia Books
of seasoned students of
Anthroposophy. However,
$22.00 Steiner described this
ISBN: 9781855841833 208 pages course as “introductory.”
Rudolf Steiner Press Lighting Fires He felt that it was vital
$25.00 Deepening Education through Meditation to describe the purpose and nature
232 pages of Anthroposophy from numer-
Jörgen Smit
Self Transformation ous perspectives and, most impor-
Rudolf Steiner S mit addresses the inner
path of the teacher and
tant, to reveal the esoteric nature of
Anthroposophy in an exoteric way.

S elected lectures offer exercises for gives practical examples Previous edition: Anthroposophy:
breaking free of ordinary con- that can help develop the An Introduction.
sciousness and advice on developing powers of thinking, per- ISBN: 0854403876
clear thinking, inner tranquillity, and ception, living in time, or Paperback
“becoming,” and imagina- Rudolf Steiner Press
pos­itivity, the necessary foundation $17.95
for esoteric work. tion. 136 pages
ISBN: 1855840197 ISBN: 9781869890452
Paperback Paperback
Rudolf Steiner Press Hawthorn Press
$26.00 $16.00
256 pages 96 pages

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I n n e r D e v e l o pm e n t

Guidance in Esoteric Training The Seer’s Handbook Start Now!

From the Esoteric School A Guide to Higher Perception A Book of Soul and Spiritual Exercises
Rudolf Steiner Dennis Klocek Rudolf Steiner
Early talks & writings (CW 245) Edited and introduced
A fter presenting the
by Christopher Bamford
S elected from material practical exercises

given by Steiner to and commentary, Klocek tructured in chap-
members of his esoteric shows how the path can ters that lead the
school (1904–1914), this be followed by under- reader from foundational
expanded edition features standing an alchemical instructions and practices
exercises, meditations, image of the soul’s jour- to more advanced work with verses,
and practices for spiri- ney. meditations, and visualizations, Start
tual self-development. In contrast to Dennis Klocek is director of their Now! is an inspiring guide to all the
Eastern methods of inner develop- Consciousness Studies Program at practical aspects of Anthroposophy.
ment, these practices arise from the Rudolf Steiner College in California. No one who is serious about spiri-
Western, Rosicrucian stream, adapted ISBN: 0880105488 tual practice — whether a beginner
fully to modern consciousness. Paperback or an advanced student — should be
ISBN: 1855840766 SteinerBooks without this handbook!
Paperback $25.00 ISBN: 0880105267
Rudolf Steiner Press 288 pages Paperback
$22.00 Stairway of Surprise SteinerBooks
192 pages $20.00
Six Steps to a Creative Life 272 pages
Working with Anthroposophy Michael Lipson, Ph.D.
The Practice of Thinking Turned Upside Down
Georg Kühlewind
S ix steps outlined here—
thinking, doing, feeling,
A Workbook on Earth Changes
and Personal Transformation
G eorg Kühlewind will
help guide begin-
loving, opening, and thank-
ing—show how to infuse
M arko Pogacnik
ning students and inspire
longtime students along
consciousness and mindful-
ness into ordinary parts of life. W e earthlings are
about to enter a dra-
the path made public by Michael Lipson, Ph.D. is a clinical matic period of change.
Rudolf Steiner. As with psychologist practicing in Great Bar- The physical Earth is
all of Kühlewind’s works, rington, Massachusetts. changing and entering a
this book brings new insights with ISBN: 9780880105071
multidimensional form.
each reading. Paperback The purpose of the physi-
ISBN: 0880103612 SteinerBooks cal Earth as we know it has been to
Paperback $14.95 help us individuate. Now the Earth is
SteinerBooks 128 pages about to give in to a new multidimen-
$10.95 The Will to be Free sional consciousness. However, this
96 pages A Philosophy for Young People cannot happen unless we understand
An Exercise for Karmic Insight Valentin Wember that, as human beings, we are being
Rudolf Steiner asked to change. We are being asked
Translated by Pauline Wehrle
1 lecture (CW 236)
W ember describes a path that to let go of our attachments to physi-
depends on inner activity cal things. We must learn to let go.
and enables us to become free. The Resistance and panic will only hinder

S teiner presents an exercise for author offers real assistance to any- the inevitable processes of evolution-
understanding karma. one searching for the next step in ary transformation.
ISBN: 9781855841543 inner development.
ISBN: 1584200251
Paperback ISBN: 1902636082
Numerous line drawings
Rudolf Steiner Press Paperback
$6.00 Temple Lodge
Lindisfarne Books
48 pages $13.00
64 pages
280 pages

42 | Find full descriptions of all our books and more online at steinerbooks.org
M y t h , Ev o l u t i o n & H is t o r y

Meditation Egyptian Myths and Mysteries Turning Points in Spiritual History

Transforming Our Lives Rudolf Steiner Rudolf Steiner
for the Encounter with Christ 12 lectures, Leipzig, Sept. 1908 Introduction by Edward R. Smith
Jörgen Smit (CW 106) Lecture collection, 1911—1912

Jörgen Smit removes the

mystique surrounding Sbetween
teiner emphasizes the
special relationship
our time and that
A ccording to Steiner,
there were five turn-
meditation practice. He shows how ing points in the process
to form meditative images and how of ancient Egypt and that
it is especially relevant to leading to the Mystery of
to control thoughts and volition Golgotha. Each is exem-
look at ancient Egypt with
through simple exercises that lead to fresh eyes. plified by an individual:
experience of the higher self. Zarathustra, Hermes,
ISBN: 0880101989
ISBN: 9781855841499 Paperback Moses, Elijah, and the Buddha. Each
Paperback SteinerBooks lecture deals with one of these great
Rudolf Steiner Press $14.95 beings and provides astonishing views
$12.00 160 pages of esoteric history, showing how the
48 pages
One Language spiritual world guided and nurtured
Source of All Tongues spiritual evolution to prepare for
Myth, Evolution & History Dr. Arnold D. Wadler Christ’s appearance on Earth.
“The book is one which ISBN: 9780880105255
The Return of Merlin cannot fail to be of the Paperback
Star Lore and the Patterns of History SteinerBooks
greatest use and interest
Gordon Strachan to all whose concern 220 pages
is with the word as a means of ap-

M erlin and related proach to the spiritual world and

Aspects of Human Evolution
events appear to the history of the human being.” Rudolf Steiner
in roughly 700-year ––Owen Barfield Foreword by J. Leonard Benson
cycles in British history.
ISBN: 1584200464 8 lectures, Berlin May–July 1917
Considering areas of his- Paperback (CW 176)
tory in which this pattern Lindisfarne Books
emerges, Strachan challenges readers
to find links to history based on their
324 pages S
teiner explains how
to exert thinking
birth dates. Megalithic Measures and Rhythms and feeling to keep the
ISBN: 0863155537 Sacred Knowledge of the Ancient Britons soul alive and growing.
Paperback Ultimately, this is the
Floris Books Anne M acaulay
only way we can make
$30.00 Edited by Vivian Linacre
144 pages
this incarnation success-
& Richard Batchelor
ful. Through such effort, we con-
Ancient Myths & Macaulay concludes tinue to develop inwardly until a very
the New Isis Mystery that the extraordinary advanced age, each year, becoming
Rudolf Steiner mathematical skills of the richer and more interesting than the
7 lectures, Jan. 1918 (CW 180); British megalithic build- year before. These lectures give real
1 lecture, Dec. 1920 (CW 202) ers was original and self-contained— meaning to the idea that we live in a
and eventually, the elite of that soci- state of becoming!
S teiner looks at ancient myths, ety became the “proto-Greeks” as
showing how the Osiris–Isis
myth expresses the loss of direct
This volume and The Karma of
their knowledge flowed toward the Material­ism comprise the whole of
Eastern Mediterranean. CW 176.
suprasensory experience, and how
ISBN: 0863155545 ISBN: 0880102527
we must bring new life to our Hardcover
abstract ways of knowing today. Paperback
Floris Books
ISBN: 0880103779 SteinerBooks
Paperback 288 pages $9.95
SteinerBooks 208 pages
$14.95 ISBN: 0880102519 hardcover $18
184 pages

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M y t h , Ev o l u t i o n & H is t o r y

The Karma of Materialism .The Secret Stream Mystery of the Universe

Rudolf Steiner Christian Rosenkreutz & Rosicrucianism The Human Being, Model of Creation
9 lectures, Berlin, 1917 (CW 176) Rudolf Steiner Rudolf Steiner
Foreword by Owen Barfield Introduction by Christopher Bamford 16 lectures, Dornach, April–May 1920
(CW 201)

S teiner examines the effects of sci-

entists’ failure to examine think-
ing itself and explains that there is a
his volume collects
Rosicrucians S teiner explains that
the ancient maxim
lack of harmony between the human and answers such ques- “know thyself! does not
intellect and the sense of morality, tions as: Who are the mean for us to study
which involves our “I” being. Rosicrucians? What is subjec­tively our personal
ISBN: 0880101296 Alchemy? What is the character, but to know
Paperback Rosicrucian path? What is the dif- our true, archetypal
SteinerBooks ference between Rosicrucianism and human nature and our place in the
$10.95 mysticism? And what does it mean cosmic scheme.
176 pages for today? ISBN: 9781855840690
The Evolution of the World ISBN: 0880104759 Paperback
and of Humanity Paperback Rudolf Steiner Press
SteinerBooks $24.00
Rudolf Steiner 240 pages
13 lectures, Wales, Aug. 1923
256 pages Light for the New Millennium

T hese lectures are about the three

stages of higher con­sciousness, the
human being’s relation to the three
History in
Owen Barfield
English Words Rudolf Steiner’s Association with Helmuth
and Eliza von Moltke—Letters, Documents
Foreword by W. H. Auden & After-Death Communications
worlds, the ruling spirit in nature,
existence in the spiritual world after T. H. Meyer, editor
death, and the human being’s entry
into the era of freedom.
B arfield’s classic histor-
ical excursion through
the English language is a T his collection
letters and documents
ISBN: 089345060x
Hardcover brief and brilliant history deals with karma and
Garber Books of the peoples who have spoken the reincarnation; life after
$18.00 Indo-European tongues, illustrated death; the function
246 pages by current English words whose deri- of evil; the destiny of
Destinies of Individuals vation from other languages record Europe; and the hidden
and of Nations and unlock a larger history. causes of World War I.
ISBN: 1855840510
Rudolf Steiner ISBN: 0940262118
14 lectures, Berlin 1914–1915 Paperback
Rudolf Steiner Press
Lindisfarne Books
(CW 157) $49.00
404 pages

teiner begins this volume with a 192 pages
consider­ation of the destinies of The Great Initiates The Mysteries of the East
from a spiritual perspective. and of Christianity
A Study of the Secret
He goes on to consider the Christ History of Religions Rudolf Steiner
impulse and Michaelic spirits. Also 4 lectures, Berlin, February 3–7, 1913
included are lectures on the three Edouard Schuré
(CW 144)
stages of imagination, sleeping and
waking, the physical and etheric bod-
ies, dreams, and the cosmic meaning
his overview of history describes
the lives and works of extraordi-
nary human beings, including Rama,
teiner sketches the evolution of the
mys­teries from ancient Persia to
of our senses, thinking, feeling, and the present day.
volition. Krishna, Hermes, Moses, Orpheus,
ISBN: 0893450596
ISBN: 0880102055 Pythagoras, Plato, and Jesus. Hardcover
Paperback ISBN: 0893452289 Garber Books
SteinerBooks Paperback $10.00
$16.95 Garber Books 96 pages
258 pages $24.95
480 pages

44 | Find full descriptions of all our books and more online at steinerbooks.org
M y t h , Ev o l u t i o n & H is t o r y

The Spiritual Event of The Principle of Spiritual Economy The Spiritual Origins
the Twentieth Century Rudolf Steiner of Eastern Europe
The Occult Significance of the 12 Years, 11 lectures, 1909 (CW 109) And the Future Mysteries of the Holy Grail
1933–45, in the Light of Spiritual Science Sergei O. Prokofieff
Jesaiah Ben-Aharon T hese talks reveal an aspect of how,

throughout history, humankind sing Steiner’s spiritual

B en-Aharon gives a has been guided spiritually by the research, Prokofieff

first-hand testimony life forces and astral bodies of the shows that human con-
on Steiner’s view of the great initiates and avatars, which science arose from ancient,
new Christ revelation were preserved, duplicated, and hidden mystery centers
and offers his findings on interwoven with the leading person- in Hibernia and among
the “spiritual event of the alities of history. Slavic people. As a result,
twentieth century.” ISBN: 0880101628 compassion, patience, and willing-
ISBN: 0904693775 Paperback ness for sacrifice developed in the
Paperback SteinerBooks souls of Eastern Europe­ans, leading
Temple Lodge $12.95 to a true “Grail mood.”
$15.95 164 pages ISBN: 0904693554
80 pages Polarities in the Hardcover
Necessity and Freedom Evolution of Mankind Temple Lodge
Rudolf Steiner $65.00
Rudolf Steiner 560 pages
5 lectures, Berlin, Jan.–Feb. 1916 11 lectures, Stuttgart, Mar. 5–Nov. 22,
(CW 166) The Tension between
1920 (CW 197)
East and West
S teiner illuminates the questions of
free­dom and necessity, guilt and
innocence. He includes questions of
S teiner discusses the
polarities of West and
Rudolf Steiner
Introduction by Owen Barfield
East, materialism and
evolution, his­tory, and culture, show- 10 lectures, Vienna, June 1–11, 1922
mysticism, knowledge and
ing how and where human beings (CW 83)
belief. He describes the

carry responsibility for these devel- forces of decline in mod- teiner explains that
opments. ern civilization, how they we can extend the
ISBN: 0880102608
are trying to overcome free­dom in limits of ordinary scien-
SteinerBooks human destiny, and how Christ is tific thinking in a healthy
$9.95 pouring a new spirit into human evo- way through two kinds
134 pages lution. of meditative exercises,
The Occult Movement ISBN: 0880105569 which are different from
Paperback Eastern and old paths. They lead to
in the Nineteenth Century SteinerBooks
the discovery of a paradox: to know
Rudolf Steiner $12.95
190 pages yourself, look into the world; to know
10 lectures, Dornach, Oct. 1915
the world, look within.
(CW 254) The Future of ISBN: 0880100710
Humanity and the Earth
W ays of thinking and their spiri- Paperback
tual and social structures in As Foreseen by Rudolf Steiner $10.95
any period are not accidental. They Richard Seddon 188 pages
are brought about by certain groups
of people working together for good
or evil. Steiner describes these hidden A
n overview of Rudolf Steiner’s
spiritual research into the course
groups in the nineteenth century and of human evolution.
ISBN: 1902636295
their effects today. Paperback
ISBN: 0854402802 Temple Lodge
Hardcover $22.00
Rudolf Steiner Press 160 pages
190 pages

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L i f e a f t e r D e a t h

Life after Death meditation practices and verses that Crossing the Threshold
worked for him. Practical and Spiritual Guidance on Death
Experiences with the This important volume will help and Dying, Based on the
Dying and the Dead those who want to deepen their rela-
Work of Rudolf Steiner
Waking to Our Connections tionships to the living, to those who
Nicholas Wijnberg & Philip M artyn
have died, or to the spiritual world
with Those Who Have Died
Claire Blatchford
ISBN: 9780880104623
W riting from the per-
spective of Steiner’s
spiritual philosophy, the
A t the age of six, the author lost
her hearing. As she adjusted to
her new state of being in the world,
with the
ways of
time lead-
288 pages ing up to death and the
she began to develop a new organ period afterward.
of inner perception. Thoughts and The Dead Are with Us
ISBN: 1902636422
realities spoke to her with an “inner Rudolf Steiner Paperback
voice.” By opening to the presence of 1 lecture (CW 182) Temple Lodge
the dead, the veil between the worlds $17.95
becomes thinner, and our inner eyes
and ears open in new ways. We
I n this important lecture, Steiner
clearly describes life after death and
explains how those on the Earth can
80 pages
Light beyond the Darkness
awaken to a new world—the commu- How I Healed My Suicide Son
maintain a connection with loved
nity of human beings on both sides of
ones who have passed on. .
after His Death
the threshold. Doré Deverell
ISBN: 9781855841048
Claire Howell Blatchford lives Paperback Foreword by George Ritchie
with her husband in northwestern Rudolf Steiner Press
Massachusetts and works at the
Clarke School for the Deaf. She is
48 pages
D everell’s son Richard
led a difficult life of
physi­cal and mental ill-
the author of books on being deaf, as
well as several published by Lindis- Bridge over the River ness and depression. His
farne Books. After Death Communications of suicide at the age of thirty-
ISBN: 9781584200420 a Young Artist Who Died in World War I six devastated her, but she
Paperback was determined to find
Anonymous healing. This is a first-hand account
Lindisfarne Books
136 pages A fter experiencing an
inner unrest lead-
of how, through the work of Steiner,
she discovered how to communicate
Staying Connected ing to the feeling that with her son’s spirit. Illustrated.
How to Continue Your Relationships with her brother—a young ISBN: 1902636198
musician who died in
Those Who Have Died 1915—was trying to
Temple Lodge
Rudolf Steiner contact her, the author $19.95
Edited and introduced by gradually achieved con- 136 pages
Christopher Bamford scious contact with him, receiving Life between Death and Rebirth
the remarkable messages included

T he idea of “working here, messages that she shared with Rudolf Steiner
with the dead” — main- Steiner. Containing prayers, medita- 16 lectures, 1912–1913 (CW 140)
taining, continuing, and tions, insights, advice, and a view of
enhancing one’s relation-
ships with those who
the world born aloft by love, it will
comfort, enlighten, and speak to
S teiner deals with the
experiences of the
human soul during and
have died — was a funda- hearts of all persuasions.
after death.
mental aspect of Rudolf ISBN: 0910142599
Steiner’s work. This volume collects Paperback ISBN: 0910142629
SteinerBooks Paperback
a rich harvest of his thoughts on the SteinerBooks
subject, gathered over many years. $12.95
108 pages
Steiner spoke directly from his own 320 pages
experience and formulated various

46 | Find full descriptions of all our books and more online at steinerbooks.org
R e i n car n a t i o n a n d Karma

Life beyond Death One Step at a Time Where Are You?

Rudolf Steiner Mourning a Child Coming to Terms
Selected lectures Betty M adill with the Death of My Child
K arin V. Schilling
H ere, Steiner affirms
T he author combines

that life continues sensi­tive recommenda- askia, the author’s
beyond death. Far from tions with recognized fou r teen-year- old
being dissipated, the individual’s bereave­ment counselling daughter, died instantly
consciousness awakens to a new advice. She offers practi- in a car accident. Karin
reality, beginning a great journey to cal suggestions to help was plunged into despair.
the farthest expanses of the cosmos. people begin their own This is her account of
One’s consciousness embarks on a path of healing and acceptance. the long odyssey to
journey and process of purification ISBN: 0863153380 understanding.
and preparation. Paperback ISBN: 0880102683
ISBN: 9781855840171 Floris Books Paperback
Paperback $13.95 SteinerBooks
Rudolf Steiner Press 128 pages $7.95
$26.00 85 pages
Though You Die
256 pages
Death and Life beyond Death
A Rainbow over the River
Stanley Drake Reincarnation and Karma
Experiences of Life, Death & Other Worlds
Veronika van Duin
A Christian Community
priest gathers a large
Reincarnation and Karma

T he author tells her Two Fundamental Truths of Existence

amount of evidence in
remarkable story, from this thought-provoking Rudolf Steiner
her earliest glimpses of book about death and 5 Lectures, Berlin,
the other side to her most life beyond death. Stuttgart, 1912 (CW 135)
recent excursions “over
the river.” She also records
her mother’s passing, rich
ISBN: 0863153690
Floris Books
T hese are some of
Steiner’s most impor-
tant teachings on rein-
in love, care, and profound under-
$13.95 carnation and karma,
standing of suffering. 128 pages
ISBN: 1902636473 which can lead to direct
Paperback When Death Enters Life knowledge of the laws
Clairview Books John Baum of reincarnation and
$22.00 karma.
240 pages

T his inspiring book is for
those facing their own
death or those experienc-
Topics include: How to perceive
directly the part of our being that
Near-Life Experiences passes through many lives on earth;
ing the death of someone
How to develop a “feeling memory,”
Gabriel Bradford Millar, editor close. It gathers thoughts,
needed to experience reincarnation;
feelings, experiences, and
P eople returning to life
after serious accidents
occasionally describe
observations about death,
offering both spiri­t ual and practical
Thought exercises for gaining knowl-
edge of reincarnation and karma;
Examples of how karma works
so-called near-death guidance. It will help prepare both
between incarnations; How knowl-
experiences. Thresholds those facing death and their caretak-
edge of reincarnation and karma
gathers a variety of ers.
affects our moral life.
ISBN: 0863153895
accounts of “near-life” Paperback ISBN: 0880105011
experiences. Floris Books Paperback
ISBN: 9781869890681 $17.95 SteinerBooks
Paperback 160 pages $6.95
Hawthorn Press 104 pages
192 pages

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Karmic R e la t i o n ships

Karmic Relationships

Near the end of his life, Steiner assumed his special destiny: to awaken the West to reincarnation
and karma. He gave more than eighty lectures in 1924 to reveal the destinies of various individu-
als from one life to the next, to show how the laws of karma work in various cases. He also
revealed the karmic streams of members in the Anthroposophical Society.

Volume 1 Volume 5
12 lectures, Dornach, Feb. 16–Mar. 23, 1924 (CW 235) 7 lectures, Prague, Paris, Mar.–May, 1924 (CW 239)
An overview of karma. Considers the incarnations of The difference between “moon karma” and “sun karma”;
Friedrich Nietzsche, Lord Bacon of Verulam, Lord Byron, influences of Christian and Islamic think­ing; the trans-
and many others. formation of inner human qualities from one life to the
ISBN: 0854402608 next; and more.
Hardcover ISBN: 0854404325
$29.95 Hardcover
205 pages $29.95
Volume 2 128 pages
16 lectures, Dornach, Apr. 6–Jun. 29, 1924 (CW 236) Volume 6
Individual karmic relationships in history, such as Marx 9 lectures, various cities, Jan 25–Jul. 20, 1924
and Engels. Surveys karma in human life; the formation (CWs 235, 236, 240)
of karma after death; and the cosmic form of karma. Studies the karma of the anthroposophic move­ment and
ISBN: 0854402810 society; the spiritual gates of the Sun and Moon; and
Hardcover more.
$29.95 ISBN: 085440242x
256 pages Hardcover
Volume 3 $29.95
11 lectures, Dornach, Jul. 1–Aug. 8, 1924 (CW 237) 184 pages
Discusses karmic relationships within the anthro­ Volume 7
posophic movement; predispositions that lead people to 9 lectures, Breslau, June 7–15, 1924 (CW 239)
Anthroposophy; the two streams in the movement; Rosi- Focuses on human experiences after death and before
crucianism; Islam; Aristotelian­ism; Platonism; and the rebirth; karma in world history; the cosmic nature of
School of Michael. Christ; waking, dreaming, sleeping; and the physical
ISBN: 0854403132 effects of karma.
Hardcover ISBN: 0854402764
$29.95 Hardcover
192 pages $29.95
Volume 4 148 pages
11 lectures, Dornach, Sept. 5–24, 1924 (CW 238) Volume 8
Karmic groups of souls connected to Aristotelian­ism 6 lectures, England, Aug. 12–27, 1924 (CW 240)
and Platonism; the karma of the anthropo­sophic move- Subjects include cosmic Christianity; the Michael impulse;
ment; and individual incarnations. Includes Steiner’s last the Arthurian and Grail streams of wis­dom; Gregory
address. VII; Haeckel; Swedenborg; Loyola; Haroun al-Raschid;
ISBN: 0854404120 Byron; and Voltaire.
Hardcover ISBN: 0854400184
$29.95 Hardcover
176 pages $29.95
104 pages

48 | Find full descriptions of all our books and more online at steinerbooks.org
S piri t W o rlds & B e i n gs

Reincarnation and Immortality A Western Approach Children Who Communicate

Rudolf Steiner to Reincarnation and Karma before They Are Born
5 lectures, various cities, Rudolf Steiner Conversations with Unborn Souls
1916–1922; 1 essay, 1905 Selected Lectures & Writings Dietrich Bauer, M ax Hoffmeister
& Hartmut Goerg
S teiner shows that Edited & introduced by René Querido

immortality is not just Foreword by Robert McDermott xpectant mothers often
a continuation of life after experience a deep con-
death, but also involves a
continuation of life in the spiritual
Q uerido presents a
karma and
rebirth in
nection to their unborn
child, knowing the baby’s
world through reincarnation in the appearance, character, or
physical world. He also explores the light of Steiner’s spiri-
life path before giving
the mysteries of the human being, tual science. He selected
birth. The accounts here
human evolution, the nature of Steiner’s most important were gathered by three medical doc-
Anthroposophy, and social issues. lectures and writings on
the causes and effects of karma in
ISBN: 0833417061 ISBN: 1902636686
Paperback rela­
tion to world events, natural phe-
Garber Books nomena, illness, and more. Temple Lodge
$5.95 ISBN: 9780880103992 $26.00
208 pages Paperback 256 pages
SteinerBooks, Vista Series Nature Spirits & What They Say
Manifestations of Karma $16.95
Rudolf Steiner 224 pages Interviews with Verena Holstein
11 lectures, Hamburg, May 16–28, Wolfgang Weirauch, editor
1910 (CW 120)
Spirit Worlds & Beings
n these interviews, we

R udolf Steiner speaks hear the spirits of fire,

of karma as a reality air, water, and stone. We
that, if we understand it, hear from spirits of glass,
answers our deepest ques-
Selected Lectures house, salt, paper, and sil-
tions about life’s meaning Rudolf Steiner ver. They speak of their
and pur­pose. Many areas Translated by A.R. Meuss involvement with nature
of individual and world and their lack of human contact and
karma are discussed in this exciting
T hrough clair­voyance, Steiner con-
firmed the existence of angelic
beings and showed how modern
about cosmic secrets and about the
past and future of humankind.
ISBN: 086315462x
ISBN: 1855840588 minds could gain access to their Paperback
world. Floris Books
Rudolf Steiner Press
ISBN: 9781855840607 $25.00
Paperback 256 pages
240 pages
Rudolf Steiner Press Encounters Angels
Reincarnation in Modern Life $22.00
Toward a New Christian Awareness 192 pages Dan Lindholm
Pietro Archiati
Nature Spirits
T he author has gathered

A rchiati addresses the question of Selected Lectures accounts of these encoun-

whether reincarnation appears in ters from sources in various
Rudolf Steiner
the New Testament and explains how countries.

we can understand theological prob- teiner suggests that instinctive ISBN: 086315137x
understanding for elemental Hardcover
lems such as Christ’s Resurrection Floris Books
and the resurrection of the body. beings needs to be transformed into $15.95
ISBN: 0904693880
clear scientific knowledge 80 pages
Paperback ISBN: 1855840189
Temple Lodge Paperback
$19.95 Rudolf Steiner Press
136 pages $25.00
208 pages

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Es o t e ric C hris t ia n i t y

What the Angels Guardian Angels According to Luke

Need to Tell Us Now Connecting with Our The Gospel of Compassion
Receiving, Considering & Acting Spiritual Guides & Helpers and Love Revealed
on Their Messages Rudolf Steiner Rudolf Steiner
Irene Johanson Collected by Margaret Jonas 10 lectures, Basel, Sept. 15–26, 1909
(CW 114)

P art one focuses on the

author’s angelic guid- S teiner describes the role of guard-
ian angels and our relationship
Introduction by Robert McDermott

ance during her years as to the heav­enly hierarchies of spiri- ere is the most acces-
a Christian Community tual beings as a whole and how they sible and illuminat-
priest. Part two consists of messages shape our human form through cos- ing of Steiner’s revelations
received through her friend Agnes, mic activity. about the significance
whose ability to communicate with ISBN: 1855840731 of the Christ for the
the angelic world is fully conscious. Paperback
Rudolf Steiner Press
spiritual development of
Irene Johanson is the priest for the $19.95 humanity. He discusses
Munich congregation and lectures. 144 pages the link between the Buddha and
ISBN: 1902636309 the Christ, which unites Buddhism
Paperback and Christianity—not in theory but
Temple Lodge Esoteric Christianity in the spiritual activities of those
$22.00 two beings. Steiner also describes
144 pages According to Matthew the relationship between the Greek
More Messages from the Angels The Gospel of Christ’s Humanity Mystery traditions and the Mystery
Preparing to Receive, Verifying Rudolf Steiner of Golgotha:
and Confirming the Truth Introduction by Richard Smoley Previous translation: The Gospel of
Irene Johanson 12 lectures, Berne, St. Luke.
ISBN: 0880104880

Johan­son offers advice Sept. 1–12, 1910 (CW 123) Paperback

on preparing to receive teiner shows how each SteinerBooks
angelic mes­sages, explain- Gospel presents a dif- $16.95
ing how to distinguish 224 pages
lens onto Christ’s
spirits and know when life and message. He
information is genuine.
Background to the
reveals that Matthew’s
Gospel of St. Mark
ISBN: 1902636368 Gospel emphasizes
Paperback Christ’s humanity. He also Rudolf Steiner
Temple Lodge traces Christ’s life and message to 13 lectures, 1910–1911 (CW 124)
$19.95 spiritual impulses that go back to the
112 pages

The Work of the Angel

legendary civilization of Atlantis, to
the mysterious Zoroaster, and to the S teiner stresses the relationship
between Mark’s gospel and the
“language of the macrocosm.” He
Jewish Essene sect.
in Our Astral Body also dis­cusses the two main streams
An introduction by Richard Smo-
Rudolf Steiner ley, author of Inner Christianity, of post-Atlantean civ­ilization, the
1 lecture (CW 182) puts Steiner’s vision into perspective purpose of our time, the laws of
rhythm in the soul and spirit, and
teiner reveals that the angels wish for modern readers. Once you have
S to create images in human astral experienced Steiner’s powerful explo-
bodies to bring about “definite condi- ration of Matthew, you will never see
much more.
ISBN: 0880101458
tions in the social life of the future,” the Gospels in the same way again. SteinerBooks
related to brotherhood, religious free- Previous translation: The Gospel of
St. Matthew. $12.95
dom, and conscious spirituality. 220 pages
ISBN: 1855841983 ISBN: 0880105046
Paperback Paperback
Rudolf Steiner Press SteinerBooks
$6.00 $25.00
3 ¾ x 5 ¼ inches 240 pages
48 pages

50 | Find full descriptions of all our books and more online at steinerbooks.org
Es o t e ric C hris t ia n i t y

Christ and Sophia to understand that the John’s Gospel Charles S. Tidball has been a stu-
Anthroposophic Meditations on the is a continuing spiritual presence, to dent of Rudolf Steiner’s work since
Old Testament, New Testament, and be recalled, meditated, and perme- 1948.
ated with one’s own life. In doing so, ISBN: 9780880105583
Apocalypse Paperback
we realize that our purpose—and
Valentin Tomberg that of all humankind—is to become SteinerBooks
Introduction by Christopher Bamford $25.00
the Virgin Sophia, a receptacle for
306 pages
the Holy Spirit.
T omberg shows how
the entire Bible tells
the history of the Christ
ISBN: 9780910142137
Why Jesus Didn’t Marry
Mary Magdalene
SteinerBooks A Short History of Esoteric Christianity
being, as well as the cos- $19.95
mic and earthly prepara- 192 pages John van Schaik

tions for the Mystery of Lazarus, Come Forth! an Schaik explores
Golgotha, its significance Meditations of a Christian Esotericist Christian history and
for humanity and the world; the cen- on the Mysteries of the Raising of Lazarus, secret practices at the time
tral role of the Sophia being and her the Ten Commandments, the Three of Jesus. Though it may
relationship to the Christ, the Holy disappoint many theorists,
Kingdoms & the Breath of Life
Spirit, the Disciples, Pentecost, and he concludes firmly that
all humanity; and the Grail nature Valentin Tomberg
Jesus and Mary Magdalene were not
of the Christ’s involvement in earthly Translated by Robert Powell married.
history. & James Morgante
John van Schaik helped establish

Valentin Tomberg (1900–1973) hese meditations reflect and directs the Origenes Institute in
was drawn to the Russian Christian the author’s personal the Netherlands.
esoteric tradition and to Vladimir journey into the ISBN: 9780863155826
Soloviev at an early age, and later depths of God’s kingdom Paperback
had a personal experience of the within — within the soul, Floris Books
Sophia in a Cathedral. Under the within personal relation- $18.00
ships, within nature and 144 pages
auspices of the Anthroposophical
Society, he lectured in Holland and the cosmos. Paths of the Christian Mysteries
England and wrote extensively on his A previous edition was titled Cov- From Compostela to the New World
esoteric understanding of the Bible enant of the Heart. Virginia Sease &
ISBN: 9781584200406
and Christianity. Paperback M anfred Schmidt-Brabant

ISBN: 9780880105651 Lindisfarne Books
ecently, there has been
Hardcover $30.00
Lindisfarne Books 300 pages an upsurge of interest
in “the Camino,” the pil-
$50.00 Jesus, Lazarus, and the Messiah
7 x 10 inches grim’s route to Santiago
472 pages Unveiling Three Christian Mysteries de Compostela in north-
The Gospel of St. John Charles S. Tidball ern Spain. The authors
Rudolf Steiner With Robert Powell assert that we live in a
Foreword by Christopher Bamford time of spiritual quest, discovery, and
Introduction by Marie Steiner
change and that primal memories are
Translated by Maud B. Monges he book unravels three
beginning to emerge in human con-
12 lectures, Hamburg, key mysteries: the nature
May 5–31, 1908 (CW 103) of Jesus; the identity of ISBN: 1902636430
Lazarus and the meaning
R eaders will find that the incarna- Paperback
of his initiatory “raising Temple Lodge
tion, death, and resurrection of the
from the dead”; and the $32.00
Divine Word reveals the mission of 256 pages
Messianic mystery of the
the Earth—Love. Also explained are
incarnation of the Christ. In the pro-
the mysteries behind Lazarus’ resur-
cess, much is learned about the dates
rection, the “I AM” sayings, and the
of Gospel events, as well their reper-
seven degrees of initiation. We come
cussions in history.

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Es o t e ric C hris t ia n i t y

The New Mysteries The Mystery of John the Baptist The Lord’s Prayer
And the Wisdom of Christ & John the Evangelist at An Esoteric Study
Virginia Sease & the Turning Point of Time Rudolf Steiner
M anfred Schmidt-Brabant An Esoteric Study Introduction by Judith von Halle
Sergei O. Prokofieff
T he authors expand their Translated by Pauline Wehrle

previous study, Paths of rokofieff addresses the 4 lectures (CWs 96, 97)
the Christian Mysteries, mystery of the “two
by drawing attention to
the effect of the “Christ
Johns,” solving many
unanswered questions.
I n these four lectures,
Steiner penetrates the
esoteric significance of the
mysteries.” Some of the
ISBN: 1902636678 Lord’s Prayer by relating
essential themes of this Paperback the seven petitions in the
new volume include the transforma- Temple Lodge
prayer to the seven spiri-
tion of conscience, the place of prayer $15.00
48 pages tual and physical human
and meditation, and the significance
bodies. He also discusses the differ-
of sacrifice today. The Gospel of St. Mark
ence between prayer and meditation.
ISBN: 9781902636740 Rudolf Steiner This volume features an introduc-
Paperback 10 lectures, Basel, Sept. 1912 (CW 139)
Temple Lodge
tion by Judith von Halle, whose work
$29.00 Introduction by Stewart Easton is valued for her experiential knowl-
208 pages edge of the Lord’s Prayer and the
The Trinity
Hans-Werner Schroeder
A ccording to Steiner, Mark was
especially able to reveal Christ
as a cosmic being of greatness and
events of Christ’s life.
ISBN: 9781855841642
Translated by Eva Knausenberger power. Rudolf Steiner Press
ISBN: 0880100834

ev. Schroeder, a priest of Paperback
88 pages
the Christian Community, SteinerBooks
focuses on the issues sur- $12.95 The Lord’s Prayer
rounding the Father God, 232 pages The Living Word of God
the Son God, and the Spirit From Jesus to Christ Judith von Halle
God. Rudolf Steiner Translated by Matthew Barton
ISBN: 9780863155796

11 lectures, Karlsruhe, on Halle considers the
Hardcover Oct. 4–14, 1911 CW 131)
Floris Books historical circumstances
$40.00 Steiner describes the at the time of Christ, the
224 pages problematic aspects of preparations he made for
The Mystery of the Christian theology, such passing the prayer on to
Two Jesus Children as the resurrection of the others, the prayer’s meaning
physical body. He empha- to the disciples, and how the Lord’s
And the Descent of the Spirit of the Sun
sizes the esoteric path to Prayer acts as a mediator between
Bernard Nesfield -Cookson Christ and encourages worlds. Moreover, she reflects on the

he author uses the Bible, us to awaken to the new revelation doxology of the Lord’s Prayer and its
apocrypha, manifesting in our time—the Christ relationship to the Sephiroth Tree.
“Dead Sea Scrolls,” as “Lord of Karma.” This slim volume will be of ser-
and other sources, espe- ISBN: 1855841959 vice to anyone interested in a deeper
cially statements by Steiner Paperback
understanding of the Lord’s Prayer
to speak of the two Jesus Rudolf Steiner Press
$22.00 and its meaning for the world.
children. Illustrated.
ISBN: 1902636651 208 pages ISBN: 9781902636856
Paperback Hardcover
Temple Lodge Temple Lodge
$20.00 $20.00
112 pages 96 pages

52 | Find full descriptions of all our books and more online at steinerbooks.org
Es o t e ric C hris t ia n i t y

And If He Had Not Been Raised... David’s Question The Incredible Births of Jesus
The Stations of Christ’s Path to Spirit Man “What is Man?” [psalm 8]: Rudolf Steiner,
Judith von Halle Anthroposophy, and the Holy Scriptures S mith brings the
insights he discovered
in Anthroposophy into
Translated by Brian Strevens he model for a union of the heart of mainstream
science and religion is
A t Passiontide 2004, Judith von Christianity. He focuses
Steiner’s spiritual science. on the Nativity, offering
Halle received the stigmata, By allowing phenom­ena
the duplication on her body of the a way to understand the
to speak to us instead signifi­cance of the Bible
wounds of Christ. After careful con- of sinking into abstract as the story of human develop­ment,
sideration, she decided to share this theories, they are seen from the distant past to the distant
event with a small group in Berlin at as images of the spirit future.
world—as above, so below.
Michaelmas that year. Usually, the ISBN: 0880104481
At the heart of this work are “Fire” Paperback
stigmata are either seen as a miracle (where Earth and Heaven meet),
or simply denied. Based on Rudolf SteinerBooks
“Light” (first form of corporeality $9.95
Steiner’s spiritual-scientific knowl- from which all else follows), “Blood” 112 pages
edge, the author tries to understand (meeting point of inner and outer
the phenomenon and its significance worlds), and “What Is Man?” (how The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved
for individual destiny. beings of the higher worlds form the Unveiling the Author of John’s Gospel
earthly vehicle for the human being).
Judith von Halle works principally
as a lecturer and author.
ISBN: 0880105003
Paperback S mith reveals the identity
of John and Christian
initiation in a new way
ISBN: 9781902636887 SteinerBooks
that is both suggestive
Paperback and conclusive. This
Temple Lodge 560 pages
small book is a profound
$30.00 .The Soul’s Long Journey revolution in this field. If
192 pages How the Bible Reveals Reincarnation you wish to understand
more deeply the mystery of Jesus
Books by
R e a u gh
Ed w ard
S mi t h
mith shows how rein-
carnation is powerfully
revealed in the Bible’s
Christ and his “beloved disci­ple,” this
is must reading.
ISBN: 0880104864
most fundamental aspects. Paperback
The Burning Bush How and why have these SteinerBooks
Rudolf Steiner, Anthroposophy, and the insights escaped attention $9.95
for so long? Here they
Holy Scriptures: An Anthroposophical are finally uncovered by
96 pages
Commentary on the Bible a confluence of conventional Bible Edward Reaugh Smith is
an Illinoisan transplanted
This Bible commentary study and the ground-breaking spiri-
tual discoveries of Rudolf Steiner. to Texas at mid-century.
incorporates the spiritual He is a husband, father,
insights of Anthroposophy. With emphasis on the organic pro-
visions of the Old Testament, Smith and grandfather with
Smith combines knowl- broad interests in life. A
edge of traditional bibli- shows both the assumptions of those
who heard Jesus’ words and how the successful lawyer and businessman,
cal scholarship with years amateur musician, and athlete, his
of con­centrated study New Testament confirms the ancient
heritage. Arising from the canon is lifelong search for the deeper meaning
of Steiner’s works. The of the Bible—which he taught for over
Burning Bush deviates from the nor- an exciting story of the long jour-
twenty-five years before discovering
mal commentary mode, pre­senting a ney of humanity and every human the writings of Steiner—expresses itself
series of essays on terms and phrases soul — each a “beloved sheep” whom in this extensive work. For more about
of critical importance to a deeper the Creator is unwilling to lose. this interesting, hard-working author
comprehension of the biblical mes- Smith has produced a potential
and his books, please visit his website,
sage. It includes an extensive bibli­ classic the serious Bible student can “The Bible and Anthroposophy” (www.
ography of Steiner’s works as well ill afford to ignore. bibleandAnthroposophy.com).
as numerous charts, diagrams, and ISBN: 0880105356
cross references. Paperback
ISBN: 0880104473 SteinerBooks
Paperback $19.95
SteinerBooks 360 pages
800 pages

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Es o t e ric C hris t ia n i t y

Books by Emil Bock The Rhythm of the Christian Year The Three Years
Renewing the Religious The Life of Christ between
Emil Bock (1895–1959) was one of
the foremost theologians of his day in
Cycle of Festivals Baptism & Ascension
Germany. He played an important role
in starting The Christian Commu­nity, Bock explores ways to
deepen our under-
the movement for religious renewal, standing of Christian
H ere, skeptical read-
ers can rediscover
the healings and miracles
which he led from 1938 until his festivals. When actively of Christ. Bock adds the
death. renewed, they can historical and geographi-
heighten our awareness cal background of the
Kings and Prophets of the Earth as a living Gospels to their spiritual
Saul, David, Solomon, Elijah, being and provide new energy for wisdom. He sees the Gospel of John
Jonah, Isaiah, and Jeremiah human society. as the most precise record of Christ’s

T he Israelites of the final Most important, festivals provide three-year ministry, as well as the
pre-Christian millen- opportuni­ties for a new understand- Gospel with the deepest esoteric sig-
nium were the illumi- ing of the Christian mystery mani- nificance.
nated center of world festing today—the appearance of ISBN: 0863155359
Christ in the etheric realm. Nature Paperback
history—a focus for all
Floris Books
human endeavors. Bock is awaiting redemption through our
paints a picture of the work as human beings. Bock pro- 320 pages
Old Testament prophets as guided vides meditations to help us take up Threefold Mary
from above by the Christ spirit as this spiritual responsibility. Afterword by Michael Debus
they prepared the way for his human ISBN: 0863153089

Hardcover mil Bock gave these
incarnation. He also shows how the
Floris Books
prophets can help prepare us to meet $32.00
three lectures during
Christ. 240 pages the 1950/51 Christmas
ISBN: 9780863155734
Saint Paul Holy Nights under the
Paperback title “The Mystery of
Floris Books Life, Epistles, and Teaching
the Virgin Mary in

$30.00 ock’s study gives a
380 pages
Body, Soul, and Spirit.”
truly spiritual dimen- On November 1, 1950, Pius XII
The Apocalypse of Saint John sion to Paul’s background, had proclaimed the Dogma of the

John’s rich, pictorial lan-

guage is often seen as
harsh and mysterious,
offering a deeper under-
standing of this great
Christian and his teaching.
Assumption—Mary’s bodily assump-
tion into heaven—which sent shock
waves around the Christian world
but Bock helps the reader He shows that Paul car- at the time. C. G. Jung, for instance,
understand that John ried Christianity beyond the Jewish wrote his Answer to Job in response.
deals with the univer- communities and to humanity as Bock’s response was these lectures, in
sal problems of spiritual a whole. In his epistles, Paul makes which he tried to answer some of the
development. This is not merely a it clear that the Law of Moses had issues, while broadening the scope
commentary on the Apocalypse, but run its course and that conscience— to include not only the Mary-Sophia
a profound examination of human as “inner jurisdiction”—would mystery in human history, but also
needs today. Bock shows how we can replace the externally imposed rules the meaning of the feminine element
read the Revelation to understand and commandments of Mosaic and in the evolu­tion of consciousness.
Christ’s position as leader through Judaic laws. ISBN: 088010533x
danger, now and in the future. ISBN: 0863155367 Paperback
ISBN: 0863155391 Paperback SteinerBooks
Paperback Floris Books $15.00
Floris Books $30.00 96 pages
$30.00 384 pages
208 pages

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Es o t e ric C hris t ia n i t y

The Apocalypse of St. John Genesis The Fifth Gospel

Lectures on the Book of Revelation Secrets of Creation From the Akashic Record
Rudolf Steiner Rudolf Steiner Rudolf Steiner
12 lectures, Nuremberg, 11 lectures, Munich, Aug. 13 lectures, various cities, 1913–1914
June 17–30, 1908 (CW 104) 16–26, 1910 (CW 122) (CW 148)
Introduction by B. Urieli
S teiner shows that the
messages to the seven
Translated by P. Wehrle
F rom his
ant reading of the

churches and the unseal- teiner presents a per- akashic record — or the
ing of the seven seals must spective on creation cosmic memory of all
be understood as an ini- beyond the polarized argu- events, actions, and
tiation text. Based on his ments between creationists thoughts — Steiner was
initiation and on spiritual and scientific reductionists. able to speak about
science, Steiner interprets John’s He describes the work of aspects of the life of Jesus Christ not
insights into cosmic and human his- spiritual hierarchies in found in the four biblical Gospels.
tory. In this way, the spiritual images Earth’s creation and clarifies the rela- The results of this research have been
of John’s writing—the twenty-four tionship between the Elohim and the called the “fifth gospel.” After an
elders, the sea of glass, the woman biblical Jehovah. He also discusses intense inner struggle to verify the
clothed with the sun, the vials of themes of light and darkness, the exact nature of these events, and after
wrath, the lamb and the dragon, the meaning of Adam and Eve, the “day checking the results of his research,
new heaven and the new Earth, and of rest,” the stages of human devel­ Steiner described many detailed epi-
the number of the beast—all take on opment on Earth, and the special sodes from the akashic record.
new meaning. character of the Hebrew language. ISBN: 1855840391
ISBN: 0880101318 Paperback
Includes a previously unpublished Rudolf Steiner Press
introductory lecture on the meaning $24.00
$25.00 of mystery drama. 264 pages
ISBN: 1855841029
240 pages The Christian Book of the Dead
Esoteric Christianity Rudolf Steiner Press Accompanying Their Journey after Death
And the Mission of Christian Rosenkreutz $26.00 M argareet van den Brink
Rudolf Steiner 192 pages & Hans Stolp
Necessary Evil
W ith an intimate
knowledge of his
subject, Steiner brings
Origin and Purpose
Hans-Werner Schroeder
M any who have had
“near death” expe-
riences tell of a world

esoteric, or Rosicrucian, rawing on Rudolf of light, others tell of
Christianity into the light. Steiner’s philosophy, profound encoun­ters
He shows the influence of the author shows that with deceased friends
Christ’s power through the roots of evil lie with and family. Drawing
history, the function and effects of angelic beings. Schroeder on personal experience, the authors
karma, the role of the Buddha and discusses the prehistory describe seven steps into the world
bodhisattvas, and the vital work of of evil in heaven and of light. They also draw on spiritual
Christian Rosenkreutz, Jeshu ben shows how the polarity of two Christian traditions—mostly ignored
Pandira, and more. kinds of evil — with good as the bal- by mainstream Christianity—to offer
ISBN: 1855840839 ance — manifests in earthly history, timely insights into what happens
Rudolf Steiner Press
education, work, human relation- after death.
ships, sexuality, religion, and tech- ISBN: 1903458315
$30.00 Paperback
336 pages nology.
Hawthorn Press
ISBN: 086315476x
160 pages
Floris Books
224 pages

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Es o t e ric C hris t ia n i t y

How Do I Find the Christ? Seeing Christ in Chronicle of the Living Christ
Rudolf Steiner Sickness and Healing The Life & Ministry of Jesus Christ:
1 lecture (CW 182) Peter Selg Foundations of Cosmic Christianity
Robert Powell
H ow does one find the
S ometimes we may tend

Christ today? Steiner to forget the larger pur- owell works with
emphasizes the importance pose of healing owing to a the visions of Anne
of working toward need to focus on the daily Catherine Emmerich and
knowing one’s true self, or mechanics of healthcare. the spiritual discoveries of
“I” being, the significance Selg shows how anthro- Rudolf Steiner to establish
of experiencing powerlessness, and posophic therapies draw the dates of daily events
the eventual resurrection from heavily on the Christian concept of in the life of Jesus Christ.
powerlessness. healing as seen in the Christian Bible. He gives a historical overview, then,
In this important lecture, Steiner He suggests that, through medita- using esoteric sources and sidereal
also discusses the ancient Academy tion, healers and caregivers can allow astrology, he offers insights into the
of Gondishapur, the significance of the healing power of Christ to work birth of Christ. He also gives a daily
the year 666, the mission of Islam, through them by recognizing that chronicle of the three-and-a-half–
and the crucial consequences of the sickness is part of a person’s destiny year ministry of Jesus, dating the
Nicaean Council of 869. and that healing can help realize the events with an unprecedented accu-
ISBN: 1855841932 purpose in one’s life. Nurses, caregiv- racy. He correlates signifi­cant events
Paperback ers, social workers, therapists, coun- in Christ’s life with future dates.
Rudolf Steiner Press
selors, and doctors can all benefit ISBN: 0880104074
from this insightful book. Paperback
3 ¾ x 5 ¼ inches
ISBN: 0863154778 SteinerBooks
64 pages
Paperback $25.00
The Beginnings of Christianity Floris Books 464 pages
Essene Mystery, Gnostic Revelation, $29.50 The Ninth Century &
and the Christian Vision 160 pages
the Holy Grail
Andrew Welburn The Bible’s Hidden Cosmology Walter Johannes Stein
Gordon Strachan
T he esoteric current of Introduction by John Matthews
early Christianity is
reflected in the New
Testament writings of
B y returning to the
principles of ancient
cosmology, that is, how
T his study of Parzival
by Wolfram von
Eschenbach offers
Mark, Paul, and, above all, the biblical writers viewed
ground-breaking insights
John. Gnostic Christians the universe, the author
into the mystery of the
tried to preserve this tra- reveals a new under-
Grail. Stein searches
dition, using the archaic mysteries as standing of the Bible. He
historical records and
a way to know (gnosis) cosmic truths. uses the disciplines of music theory,
identifies individuals and events and
The full scope of the traditions on astronomy and astrology, numerol-
reveals Eschen­bach’s spiritual mes-
which the Gnostics drew is clearer ogy, and sacred geometry to uncover
following the finds at Qumran and hidden wisdom and allow the ancient
Includes an index and thirty-eight
Nag Hammadi. Welburn discovers a secrets of the Bible to shine through.
pages of illustrations.
real kinship between today and the This book gives readers a deeper ISBN: 1902636228
early Christians’ time, showing that understanding of ancient wisdom Paperback
we have the chance to rediscover the traditions and a new respect for the Temple Lodge
spiritual world and the meaning of implicit coding of the Bible. $32.00
Christian origins. Includes thirty-five black and white 384 pages
ISBN: 0863154484 illustrations
Paperback ISBN: 0863154794
Floris Books Hardcover
$38.00 Floris Books
360 pages $29.50
192 pages

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Es o t e ric C hris t ia n i t y

Give Us This Day and artistic inspiration for centuries. of “wisdom as master craftsman,”
The Story of Prayer To understand Fingal’s influence in Strachan explores the deep layers of
Rufus Goodwin Celtic culture, we must understand Mystery knowledge shared by the
his poems of Ossian and the develop- world of Jews and Greeks and that of
Foreword by Robert Sardello
ment of Celtic Christianity. the northern Druids-using the secret

G oodwin examines The authors show why his works geometry of masons and builders,
many different tradi- have influenced such diverse figures which Jesus would have encountered
tions of prayer. He gets at as Mendelssohn, Jefferson, Napo- in his work as a craftsman in Pales-
the essential technique and leon, and Turner. tine, as well as the biblical Gematria,
the attitude of prayer—its Illustrated. or numeric encryption.
cognitive working. Prayer ISBN: 0826411444 Gordon Strachan teaches in the
may be seen as a key to Department of Architecture and
one’s active inner life and one’s expe- $24.95 Centre for Continuing Education at
rience of the higher self. He shows 284 pages the University of Edinburgh.
us how prayer can bring about a ISBN: 0863152953
cognitive restructuring that provides The Hope of the World Paperback
greater access to renewal, imagina- Floris Books
Contemplations and Aphorisms $32.00
tion, inspiration, and intuition, while
Rudolf Frieling 302 pages
also providing an anchor and mean-
ing in daily life.
Compiled by Werner Bril Deeper Secrets in Human History
In the Light of the
Rufus Goodwinserved as a for-
eign correspondent assigned to the
Vatican to cover the first papal trip
T his collection helps the
soul to contemplate
the presence of the risen
Gospel of St. Matthew
Rudolf Steiner
by Pope Paul vi to the Holy Land in Christ and to experience 3 lectures, Berlin, Nov. 1–23, 1909
1964. He wrote several books, includ- the peace and power of (CW 117)
ing Dreamlife: How Dreams Hap- certainty. This collection is thus a
pen (2004) and Who Killed the Holy
Ghost? A Journalist Reports on the
signpost to a new understanding S
teiner examines the four aspects
of Christ in the four Gospels, with
of Christianity. Alongside his basic a special emphasis on the Gospel of
Holy Spirit (2005), both published theological works, Rudolf Frieling Matthew.
by Lindisfarne Books. Mr. Goodwin left a large body of essays from which
ISBN: 0880101326
died in 2005. Werner Bril has gathered and selected
ISBN: 0940262967 this important material. SteinerBooks
Paperback Rudolf Frieling (1901–1986) was $6.95
Lindisfarne Books 80 pages
a founder of The Christian Commu-
256 pages nity and, from 1960 until his death, Becoming Aware of the Logos
Fingal’s Cave was its leader. He wrote several books The Way of St. John the Evangelist
on Christianity and the Bible. Georg Kühlewind
the Poems of Ossian, and Celtic
ISBN: 0863153445
Paul M. Allen & Joan deRis Allen
Floris Books
T his volume places the
reader in the world of
living thinking and cog-
O n the isolated island
of Staffa, near Iona,
Scot­land, stands a natu-
96 pages
Jesus, the Master Builder
nitive love. It teaches the
way of grace and truth
Druid Mysteries & the Dawn of Christianity in a radical, original
ral wonder—Fingal’s
Cave, an extraordinary
Gordon Strachan manner. For the Logos,
The author uncovers although it is the ground of any true
Cathedral-like space,
fascinating interconnec- logic, is beyond ordinary dia­lectic.
whose sides and roof are ISBN: 0940262096
hexagonal basaltic columns and its tions between the Celtic
floor the ocean, playing constantly and Mediterranean cul- Lindisfarne Books
music with the tides. The cave has tures and philosophies. $9.95
been a source of spiritual insight Taking the biblical image 196 pages

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Es o t e ric C hris t ia n i t y

Gnosis of Christian Rosenkreutz and other The Mystery of Arthur at Tintagel

The Mysteries & Christianity: An Anthology of historical figures such as Jeshu ben Richard Seddon
Essene, Gnostic & Christian Writings Pandira. This book features clas-
Andrew Welburn
sic lectures such as “Facing Karma,”
“The Death of a God and Its Fruits in T
his book distinguishes
clearly the substance

T he Dead Sea Scrolls, Nag Humanity,” “The Etherization of the of the Arthurian myster-
Hammadi, and other Blood,” “Faith, Love, Hope,” and ies, which originated in
early texts have shed new “Cosmic Ego and Human Ego.” Brit­a in in pre-Christian
light on the emerging faith ISBN: 1855840839 times, from that of the
of the first Christians. They Paperback Grail, which came from
Rudolf Steiner Press the East at the time of Christ.
reveal that early Christians
$30.00 ISBN: 0854404368
drew inspiration from a 336 pages Paperback
number of sources — Judaic tradition,
From Christianity to Christ Rudolf Steiner Press
the Essenes, and other gnostic sects. $22.95
Welburn presents the most important
Christianity as the Essence of Humanity in
196 pages
early texts, along with commentary. Rudolf Steiner’s Science of the Spirit
The Holy Grail & the Eucharist
ISBN: 0863151833 Pietro Archiati
Hardcover Sergei Bulgakov
Floris Books
304 pages
B ased on Steiner’s state-
ment that Christianity
“started as a religion but
Introduction by Fr. Robert Slesinski
Afterwords by Constantin Andronikof
& Caitlin Matthews
The Cosmic Christ is greater than all reli-
Hans-Werner Schroeder gions,” the author takes
us from the “all-too- T he eminent Orthodox
theologian and sophiolo­

S chroeder summarizes
the cosmic dimen-
sion of Christ in the
human” Christianity
to “Christian” Christianity and its
gist discusses the Holy
Grail, the chalice used
by Joseph of Arimathea
future develop­ment through spiritual
New Testament and the science. to catch Jesus’ blood and
development of human ISBN: 090469383x water as it flowed from his
consciousness in relation Paperback side when it was pierced by the spear
to the Logos, examin- Temple Lodge of Longinus. His essay on John 19:34
ing how we are to engage in a natu- $19.95 reveals that the Earth, and hence the
128 pages
ral, conscious relationship with the human uni­verse, is the Grail wherein
Christ. How Can Mankind Find Christ lives forever.
ISBN: 0863152600 the Christ Again ? ISBN: 0940262819
Hardcover The Threefold Shadow-Existence of Our Paperback
Floris Books Lindisfarne Books
Time and the New Light of Christ $14.95
256 pages Rudolf Steiner 160 pages
Esoteric Christianity 8 lectures, Dornach, Religion
And the Mission of Dec. 1918–Jan. 1919 (CW 187) An Introductory Reader

Christian Rosenkreutz teiner says that we can take Rudolf Steiner
Rudolf Steiner “spiritual thoughts and cosmic Edited by Andrew Welburn
23 lectures, 1911–1912 (CW 130) powers” into our souls, not as theo-
Foreword by Marie Steiner ries or teaching, but in such a way
that the soul is moved to its very A collection focusing on what
Steiner had to say on religion.

S teiner describes the depths, warmed and illumi­nated by ISBN: 1855841282

influence of Christ’s spiritual life. Paperback
Rudolf Steiner Press
power throughout history, ISBN: 0880100796 $17.95
the activity and functions Paperback 224 pages
of karma, the role of the SteinerBooks
Buddha and Bodhisattvas, $9.95
as well as the vital work 192 pages

58 | Find full descriptions of all our books and more online at steinerbooks.org
Es o t e ric C hris t ia n i t y

The Voice of the Eagle The Twelve Holy Nights and looks at the different forms
The Heart of Celtic Christianity: John & the Spiritual Hierarchies of prayer and their effects on our
Scotus Eriugena’s Homily on the Prologue higher bodies.
Sergei O. Prokofieff ISBN: 1855840154
to the Gospel of St. John
P rokofieff leads the Paperback
Christopher Bamford reader through the Rudolf Steiner Press
Foreword by Thomas Moore $19.95
zodiac and spiritual hier- 112 pages
archies and shows how
J ohn Scotus Eriugena
was born and raised in
Ire­land during the early
they form a path from
Jesus to Christ and that
Christ and the Son
Wilhelm Kelber
of Man

the starry script is a key to hrist called himself
ninth century. Neither
anthroposophic Christology and to “the Son of Man,” a
monk nor priest but
the first Goetheanum. title that has never been
a “holy sage,” he car-
ried the flower of Celtic ISBN: 1902636619 fully explained. Kelber,
Paperback a founding Christian
Christianity to France. His homily,
Temple Lodge Community priest, shows
The Voice of the Eagle, is a jewel of $22.00
lyrical mysticism, theology, and cos- that esoteric knowledge
208 pages
mology, containing the essence of can illuminate these references in
The Reappearance of sacred literature.
Celtic Christian wisdom. Christopher
Christ in the Etheric ISBN: 0863152511
Bam­ford’s reflections “unpack”
Rudolf Steiner Paperback
the luminous, life-giving meaning Floris Books
implicit in this purest of Christian 13 selected lectures, 1910–1917
traditions. Introduction by Stephen Usher 128 pages
ISBN: 0970109709 The New Testament
Lindisfarne Books
T his collection gathers
much of what Steiner
had to say about the
Jon M adsen, english rendering

228 pages
The New Spirituality
Second Coming of Christ.
ISBN: 0880105194
M adsen, a priest of the Christian
Commu­nity, has attempted to
recover the overtones and subtleties
And the Christ Experience Paperback of the original language of the New
of the Twentieth Century SteinerBooks
Testament, making it more transpar-
Rudolf Steiner 256 pages ent for the general reader.
7 lectures, Dornach, Oct. 1920 Floris Books
The Gospel of St. John and Its 336 pages, hardcover
(CW 200)
Relation to the Other Gospels ISBN: 0863151841

S teiner traces the development of $29.50

Rudolf Steiner
consciousness and the human soul Translation revised by M. St. Goar New Testament Studies
through history and describes the Rudolf Frieling
14 lectures, Kassel, June 24–July 7,
need for new methods of inner devel-

1909 (CW 112) rieling brings alive the events of
opment if we are to perceive spiritual
Christ’s life and shows how the
realities today. He tells us how new
forces of spiritual perception are S
teiner offers insights into the truths
behind the Christ event, leading
awak­ing, through which humanity up to the turning point in time.
Gospels can be directly related to the
events and problems of everyday life.
will perceive the activity of Christ in He con­cludes with a consideration of
ISBN: 0880100141
the etheric. Paperback
agape, the divine love in the Gospel
ISBN: 0880102136 SteinerBooks of St. John. Rudolf Frieling, together
Paperback $29.95 with Friedrich Rittelmeyer and Emil
SteinerBooks 320 pages Bock, laid the theological founda-
128 pages
The Realities of Prayer tions of the Christian Community.
ISBN: 086315185x
ISBN: 0880102128 Hardcover Gilbert Childs Hardcover

C hilds shows the rela­t ionship Floris Books

between prayer and meditation.
250 pagesEaster

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S o phia S t u di e s

An Introductory Reader St. John’s The Fall of Sophia

Rudolf Steiner An Introductory Reader A Gnostic Text on the
Translated by Matthew Barton Rudolf Steiner Redemption of Universal Consciousness
Collected by Matthew Barton Violet M acDermot
I n this introductory reader,
Foreword by Stephan A. Hoeller
Barton collects excerpts n this introductory

from Steiner’s many talks reader, Matthew Barton n this profound yet acces-
and writings on Easter. It collects excerpts from sible work, Egyptologist
also features an editorial Steiner’s talks and writ- Violet MacDermot gives
introduction, afterword, ings on the festival of us a fresh translation of
commentary, and notes. St. John’s Tide. It also the Pistis Sophia, one of
Chapters: features an editorial introduction, the most sublime Gnostic
1. Can we Celebrate Easter? afterword, commentary, and notes. texts, and discusses it in
2. The Earth and the Cosmos Chapters: its historical setting. She also shows
3. Rising Sun 1. Midsummer Dream, the Earth how Sophia’s story tells of our sepa-
4. Nature and Resurrection Breathes Out ration and isolation as a result of “I”
5. Golgotha, the Central Deed of 2. Finding the Greater Self consciousness. .
Evolution 3. “He Must Increase, I Must Violet MacDermot studied Egyp-
6. Easter, a Festival for the Decrease” tology at University College, London,
Future 4. Creating Vision and was a board member of the Egypt
Exploration Society.
ISBN: 9781855841390 ISBN: 9781855841741 ISBN: 1584200006
Paperback Paperback Paperback
Rudolf Steiner Press Rudolf Steiner Press Lindisfarne Books
$14.00 $12.00 $18.00
160 pages 112 pages 224 pages
Whitsun and Ascension Pistis Sophia
An Introductory Reader Sophia Studies A Gnostic Gospel
Rudolf Steiner G. R. S. Mead
Translated by Matthew Barton The Heavenly Sophia and

In this introductory
reader, Matthew Barton
the Being Anthroposophia
Sergei O. Prokofieff
T his translation was the
most influential of all
Gnostic studies before
collects excerpts from Translated by Simon Blaxland de the discovery of the Nag
Steiner’s many talks and Lange Hammadi library.
writings on the festivals of Include: Documents
Whitsun and Ascension. It
also features an editorial
P rokofieff shows that the
being Anthroposophia
is not merely a poetic
& General Lit­erature of
Gnosticism; Probable History of the
introduction, afterword, commen- Treatise; Jesus Hitherto Instructeth
image or an abstract con-
tary, and notes. Chapters: His Disciples Only up to the Region
cept, but an actual spiri-
1. Rising to the Clouds, Tethered tual entity who works in of the First Mystery; Trea­sure of
to Earth the higher worlds to ben- Light; Confusion of the Powers &
2. Suffering’s Open Door efit earthly evolution and bring to the Great Earthquake; Mystery of
3. All One to Alone to One in humanity “the new revelation of the the Five Words on the Vesture; and
All heavenly Sophia, the divine wisdom.” more.
4. Human Freedom and the ISBN: 1902636791
ISBN: 0893450456
Word Paperback
Garber Books
Temple Lodge
ISBN: 9781855841697 $25.00
Paperback 368 pages
312 pages
Rudolf Steiner Press
128 pages

60 | Find full descriptions of all our books and more online at steinerbooks.org
S o phia S t u di e s

Isis Mary Sophia The Sophia Teachings Sophia

Her Mission and Ours The Emergence of the Divine Feminine in The Wisdom of God
Rudolf Steiner Our Time Sergei Bulgakov
Edited and introduced by Christopher Robert Powell
B ulgakov shows how

P owell uncovers a secret the Divine Sophia, in

T he feminine divine has stream of wisdom flow- whom all things are cre-
had many names, and ing through the heart of ated, is present in the Holy
Rudolf Steiner calls her Christianity: the feminine Trinity itself and how, as
Anthroposophia, who principle known in Greek the “creaturely Sophia,”
descended from the spiri­ as “Sophia,” or the being she works together with
tual world and passed of Holy Wisdom herself. her divine counterpart in the work of
through humanity to This sacred embodiment, named in the Holy Spirit for the redemption of
become the archetype of human wis­ the Old Testament as the first living the world.
dom in the cosmos. being made by God, has comforted Sergei Bulgakov (1879–1944), fol-
Each chapter explores the mys- and guided seekers of truth in every lowing in the footsteps of Vladimir
tery of the different relationships of age and in every human culture. Solovyov and Pavel Florensky, began
Sophia: Sophia and Isis, Sophia and ISBN: 9781584200482 to develop a profound and original
the Holy Spirit, Sophia and Mary, Paperback vision of Sophia.
the mother of Jesus (and Mary Lindisfarne Books ISBN: 0940262606
Magdalene), Sophia and the Gnostic $20.00 Paperback
176 pages Lindisfarne Books
Achamod, and Sophia and the New
Isis. The Most Holy Trinosophia $17.95
224 pages
ISBN: 0880104945 & the New Revelation of the Divine
Paperback Feminine The Archetypal Feminine in the
Robert Powell
Mystery Stream of Humanity
$24.95 Towards a New Culture of the Family
224 pages Introduction by Carol E. Parrish-Harra
M anfred Schmidt-Brabant
Myth of the Nativity
The Virgin Birth Re-examined R obert Powell suggests
that Western civiliza-
& Virginia Sease
Andrew Welburn tion is making a long-
term, radical shift toward T he authors maintain that,
during ancient times,

W elburn states that

we must re-imagine
the events of the virgin
conscious incor­poration
of Sophianic wisdom.
people saw the spirit world
populated by goddesses
Sophia is inter­preted as and thus honored women
birth through the eyes of as priestesses and guard-
a Trinity—Mother, Daughter, and
the Gospel writers. He ians of sacred rites. The
Holy Soul—as well as the femi-
explores many parallel Greeks and Romans, by contrast,
nine aspect of the Divine Godhead.
stories and prototypical were patriarchal. More recently, we
Powell also draws on the teaching
characters drawn from the ancient have seen an emancipation of the
of the Sophianic Russian philoso-
traditions of Judaism, Persia, Egypt, feminine, but patriarchy still domi-
pher Pavel Florensky, and on the
and Rome—all of which could have nates our Western culture.
work of the modern Russian mystic
been known to the early Christian ISBN: 1902636120
Daniel Andreev, author of The Rose
writers. Stories of unusual children Paperback
of The World, who beheld the Divine Temple Lodge
with mysterious parenthood have, in
Sophia’s gradual approach to the $18.95
fact, long inspired human beliefs and
Earth. 112 pages
storytelling, and most of this has been ISBN: 0880104805
lost to modern exoteric Christianity Paperback
and theology. SteinerBooks
ISBN: 086315543x $16.95
Hardcover 144 pages
Floris Books
224 pages

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Th e C y cl e o f t h e Y e ar

Lectures on Divine Humanity It is also important to The Illustrated

Vladimir Solovyov bring the past into the Calendar of the Soul
present by invoking Meditations for the Yearly Cycle
S olovyov views
Sophia in a variety of
ways—as the eternal ideal
the great beings in the evo-
lution of consciousness
Rudolf Steiner
Images by Anne Stockton
on their appropriate
prototype of humanity, Translated by John Thomson
birth or death days, and
as the world soul actively
to celebrate the Holy his edition features
engaged in actualizing Days. Anne Stockton’s fifty-
this idea, and as the fully Steiner designed new zodiacal two celebrated and evoca-
developed divine-human being. This images for each month, traced the
tive paintings, a wonder-
Sophia is both the active principle in phases of the moon, and specified
ful complement to the
the process of creation and its real- significant people, events, and/or fes-
text. John Thomson has
ized goal: the kingdom of God. tivals for each day. By living into the translated Steiner’s words especially
ISBN: 0940262673 year in this way, one is ready for the for this edition.
Paperback meditative year as expressed by the ISBN: 1902636627
Lindisfarne Books weekly verses of the soul calendar. Hardcover
$18.95 ISBN: 0880105348 Temple Lodge
192 pages Paperback $25.00
SteinerBooks 4¾ x 6¾ inches
$30.00 112 pages
The Cycle of the Year 6¼ x 10¼ inches The Cycle of the Seasons
160 pages
Calendar of the Soul And the Seven Liberal Arts
Calendar of the Soul
Rudolf Steiner Sergei O. Prokofieff
The Year Participated
Introduction by Hans Pusch
Translation by Hans and Ruth Pusch
Rudolf Steiner
Translated by Owen Barfield I n this small book, Prokofieff offers
his ideas for establishing a connec-
tion between the various arts, the
Written 1912 (CW 40)

T his durable, pocket-sized

hardcover volume also
T hese meditative verses
for each week of the
year help awaken a feel-
cycle of the seasons and the festivals.
ISBN: 0904693732
includes a short introduction Temple Lodge
ing of unity with nature
by Hans Pusch, describing $12.95
and stimulate self-discov- 48 pages
a unique and useful way to ery and lead to a greater
approach the Calendar of the Soul. The Cycle of the Year
feeling of unity with the
ISBN: 9780880102636
surrounding world. This budget-
As a Path of Initiation
Hardcover Leading to an Experience
SteinerBooks priced pocket version features Owen
$12.95 Barfield’s pioneering translation of the Christ Being
4 x 5½ inches based on more than fifty years study- Sergei O. Prokofieff
53 pages ing this text. As Barfield asserts, no
Calendar 1912–1913
Facimile edition of the original book
simple translation can convey the
real thrust of these verses. Because
Prokofieff discusses the
esoteric realities of the
seven Christian festivals
containing the calendar created by of this, he tries to “suggest” rather
and shows that they are
Rudolf Steiner for the year 1912–1913 than simply reproduce the original in
spiritual facts that exist indepen-
exact English translations.
Rudolf Steiner ISBN: 1855841886
dently of religious traditions and cul-
(CW 40) Paperback tural customs.
Rudolf Steiner Press ISBN: 0904693708
S teiner discusses the calendar as a
means to connect past and future
as well as Earth and cosmos. It is
3¾ x 5¼ inches
64 pages
Temple Lodge
important to get a sense of the move- 496 pages
ments of the Sun and Moon in rela-
tion to the planets and fixed stars.

62 | Find full descriptions of all our books and more online at steinerbooks.org
N u t ri t i o n , H e al t h & Th e rapi e s

The Easter Festival Secrets of the Skeleton Foundations of

in the Evolution of the Mysteries Form in Metamorphosis Anthroposophical Medicine
Rudolf Steiner L. F. C. Mees, M.D. A Training Manual
4 lectures, Dornach, April 1924
D r. Mees discovers Guus van der Bie
(CW 233a) & M achteld Huber, editors
numerous intrigu-

S teiner leads us to an understanding ing correspondences

of the true meaning of Easter— of form, especially
perhaps the most significant of the between bones of the
A comprehensive textbook for doc-
tors or other health profession-
als studying anthroposophically
Christian festivals—by tracing its lower body and those of extended medicine.
history from the pre-Christian era to the skull. Interpreting
ISBN: 0863154174
our time. He shows that it is through the gestural language hidden within Paperback
knowing the true signifi­cance of the skeleton from the background of Floris Books
Easter that we come to understand Rudolf Steiner’s spiritual science, the $55.00
our relationship to spiritual reality. author reaches startling conclusions 320 pages
ISBN: 088010256x concerning those correspondences— In Place of the Self
Paperback conclusions that support the reality How Drugs Work
SteinerBooks of reincarnation and the concept of Ron Dunselman
$7.95 a body of formative forces, or what

62 pages. some call the human “etheric body.” hy are heroin,
Contains 103 illustrations. alcohol, hash-
Nutrition, Health ISBN: 9780880100878 ish, ecstasy, LSD, and
Paperback tobacco attractive sub-
& Therapies stances for so many peo-
$25.00 ple? Why are unusual,
Beyond the Medical Meltdown 7 x 10 inches visionary and ‘high’
Working together for 108 pages
experiences so important to users?
Sustainable Health Care Bach Flower Remedies These and other questions about
Robert Zieve, m.d. Form and Function drugs and drug use are answered
Julian Barnard comprehensively in this book.
D r. Zieve shows that
ISBN: 9781903458266

there is enough qual- n the 1920s, the physi- Paperback
ity health care and enough cian and homeopath Dr. Hawthorn Press
money to pay for it, that Edward Bach discovered $40.00
more drugs and surgery the healing effects of 304 pages
are not necessarily bet- flower essences. Barnard Light, Darkness, and Colour
ter, and that the present describes how Bach made in Painting Therapy
health care quandary is his discoveries and exam-
unnecessary. To change health care ines the living qualities of Liane Collot d’Herbois
will require people to wake up, think
the plants in their context and how his is an essential guide
outside the box, and take action. the remedies are actually produced. for understanding the
Robert J. Zieve, m.d., practices Illustrated throughout processes involved in
comprehensive medicine, homeopa- Julian Barnard is the author of therapeutic painting and
thy, European biological medicine, a series of books about Dr. Bach’s
anthroposophical medicine, neural the use of colors for heal-
flower remedies and was instrumen-
therapy, nutrition, and energy medi- ing body and soul.
tal in establishing the Bach Educa-
cine. He is cofounder and director of tional Program. He gives talks and Liane Collot d’Herbois
the Pine Tree Clinic for Comprehen- leads workshops in Europe and the (1907–1999), with Dr. Ita Wegman,
sive Medicine in Prescott, Arizona Americas. developed a unique approach to
(www.pinetreeclinic.com). ISBN: 1584200243 painting therapy.
ISBN: 0880105720 Paperback ISBN: 0863153275
Paperback Lindisfarne Books Paperback
Bell Pond Books $25.00 Floris Books
$16.50 7 x 10 inches $40.00
104 pages 320 pages 258 pages

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N u t ri t i o n , H e al t h & Th e rapi e s

Foundations of Curative Eurythmy The Biodynamic Food & Handbook for

M argarete Kirchner-Bockholt Cookbook Rhythmical Einreibungen
Real Nutrition that Doesn’t Cost the Earth According to Wegman / Hauschka
B ased on Steiner’s 1921
lectures on the topic, Wendy E. Cook Monica L ayer, editor

Dr. Kirchner-Bockholt llustrated with his clear, comprehensive
published the basic prin- hundreds of color manual is intended for
ciples of therapeutic photographs, The all those who wish to use
eurythmy along with Biodynamic Food & rhythmical Einreibungen,
Steiner’s advice on its use. Cookbook explains the whether professionally or
Previous edition: Fundamentals principles behind bio- as a thorough introduc-
Principles of Curative Eurythmy dynamic methods and tion to this effective heal-
Margarete Kirchner-Bockholt places it in the context ing method.
was a medical doctor and eurythmist. of food and cooking through the ISBN: 9781902636764
She worked with Rudolf Steiner, ages. Cook includes more than 150 Paperback
who asked her to develop curative delicious recipes. Temple Lodge
eurythmy and train curative Wendy E. Cook is a writer and $40.00
eurythmists. She died in 1973. 176 pages
speaker on nutritional issues.
ISBN: 0863154662 ISBN: 1905570015 Anthroposophical
Paperback Paperback Therapeutic Speech
Floris Books Clairview Books
$40.00 Barbara Denjean-von Stryk
192 pages 8 ¼ x 11 ¾ inches Edited by Dietrich von Bonin
Stars of the Meadow 256 pages
Medicinal Herbs As Flower Essences
David Dalton
Understanding What We Eat &
W ritten for speech therapists and
doctors, this book gives a pre-
cise, practical summary of anthropo-
How It Affects Us sophical therapeutic speech.
D alton investigates
the relationship Wendy E. Cook Barbara Denjean-von Stryk
teaches speech formation in Ger-
between health and ook offers her per-
the human personal- many and Switzerland, and has a
spectives on human
ity and explores how practice for therapeutic speech.
evolution related to food,
to use more than forty the importance of agri- ISBN: 9780863154188
medicinal herbs as Paperback
cultural methods, grasses
Floris Books
flower essences, por- and grains, human diges­ $50.00
traying each flower tion, and vegetarianism. 192 pages
in a way that is both substantive and She ends with tips on cooking, menus, Home Nursing for Carers
inspired. Dalton also connects dif- chil­dren’s food, and recipes.
ferent types of flowers—based on Tineke van Bentheim
ISBN: 1902636392

the number and arrangement of pet- Paperback ll aspects of home
als as well as associated colors and Clairview Books nursing are covered,
qualities—to the system of human $34.00 including the patient’s
chakras, or energy centers. 352 pages room, meals, taking a
David Dalton is the founder and Diet and Cancer temperature, and wash-
director of Delta Gardens in southern Udo Renzenbrink ing the patient. She also
New Hampshire, a center for flower details holistic treat-
essence research and education.
ISBN: 1584200359
A valuable guide to diet for those
dealing with cancer.
ISBN: 0854407669
ments, such as herbal and plant rem-
edies, baths, foot baths, compresses,
Paperback Paperback and poultices.
Lindisfarne Books Rudolf Steiner Press ISBN: 0863155413
$20.00 $11.95 Paperback
7 x 10 inches 72 pages Floris Books
128 pages $19.95
160 pages

64 | Find full descriptions of all our books and more online at steinerbooks.org
N u t ri t i o n , H e al t h & Th e rapi e s

An Introduction to ing that brings together body and Extending Practical Medicine
Anthroposophical Medicine soul and helps them function in effec- Fundamental Principles Based on
Extending the Art of Healing tive and powerful ways. the Science of the Spirit
A previous revious edition was
Victor Bott, m.d. Rudolf Steiner & Ita Wegman
titled Pastoral Medicine
Written 1925 (CW 27)
D r. Bott presents a new
approach to under-
standing various types of
ISBN: 0880105038
Foreword by Dr. Michael Evans

diseases and discusses the

increasing prevalence of
176 pages R udolf Steiner worked
in a unique literary
collaboration with the
cancer and specific phe- The Anthroposophical
physician Ita Wegman
nomena such as the men- Approach to Medicine to revitalize the art of
strual cycle. An Outline of a Spiritual healing through spiri-
ISBN: 1855841770 Scientifically Oriented Medicine, vol. 1 tual knowledge, yet in so
Paperback Otto Wolff, m.d. & doing they did not dismiss modern
Rudolf Steiner Press
Friedrich Husemann, m.d. allopathic medicine. As Ita Wegman
wrote in her preface: “It was impor-
224 pages his volume explores
tant to add to existing knowledge
Healthy Medicine developmental disor-
the insights that can come from true
A Guide to the Emergence of Sensible, ders and childhood dis-
perception of the spirit, enabling us
Comprehensive Care eases, followed by an in-
to understand the processes of illness
Robert Zieve, m.d. depth exploration of the
and healing.”
polarity of inflammation,

D r. Zieve presents a new sclero­sis, and the pathol- Dr. Ita Wegman (1876–1943) was
paradigm for health ogy of nutrition and metabolic disor- made leader of the Medical Section
care that shows us how to ders. of the Anthroposophical Society in
go beyond the limitations 1923 and devoted herself to work in
ISBN: 0880100311
and severe deficiencies of the clinic, where she died.
our current sickness care SteinerBooks ISBN: 9781855840805
system. It embraces and $39.95
414 pages Rudolf Steiner Press
synthesizes the emerging models of $19.95
integrative medicine, energy medi- A Child Is Born 144 pages
cine, and energy psychology into an A Natural Guide to Pregnancy, Complete Healing
effective and affordable approach to Birth & Early Childhood Regaining Your Health through
healing for everyone. Wilhelm zur Linden Anthroposophical Medicine
ISBN: 0880105607

Paperback eginning with the Michael Evans, m.d. & Iain Rodger
growing embryo dur-
Bell Pond Books he authors explain
$24.95 ing pregnancy, the author the principles behind
400 pages guides the reader through this holistic extension of
Broken Vessels the birth; the postnatal medical practice.
The Spiritual Structure of Human Frailty period and breastfeeding; Previously published
Rudolf Steiner care of newborn babies; meals for as Anthroposophical
Foreword by Michael Lipson, Ph.D. babies; and caring for children when Medicine
they are sick. He includes useful sec-
11 lectures, Sept. 8–18, 1924, Dornach tions on bottle-feeding, almond milk, ISBN: 0880104899
(CW 318) Paperback
and water quality. SteinerBooks

S teiner suggests ways

to approach mis­
alignments of abnormal
Dr. Wilhelm zur Linden is a pedi-
atrician and general practitioner.
192 pages
ISBN: 1855841924
inner structures and psy­ Paperback
chic difficulties, using Rudolf Steiner Press
what he calls “pastoral $22.00
224 pages
medicine”—holistic heal-

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N u t ri t i o n , H e al t h & Th e rapi e s

Gold & the Philosopher’s Stone Blessed by Illness vision of humankind as a “true being”
Treating Chronic Physical & L. F. C. Mees itself — a living organism. The ill-
Mental Illness with Mineral Remedies nesses that characterize our time are
Peter Grünewald, m.d. T he author traces the
history of our changing
looked at within the context of these
birth pangs of a new era of evolution

G rünewald exam- concept of healing, from and consciousness.

ines the spiritual the so-called temple sleep ISBN: 1855841827
aspects of using mineral of ancient Egypt—when Paperback
spiritual science tells us Rudolf Steiner Press
remedies used to treat
that human beings still $24.00
chronic physi­cal, neuro- 128 pages
logical, developmental, had a living connec-
tion with the spiritual hierarchies— The Harmony of the Human Body
emotional, behavioral,
and mental conditions and illnesses. through the herbal lore of ancient Musical Principles in Human Physiology
Dr. Peter Grünewald is a general Greece and the healings of Christ, to Armin Husemann, m.d.
the rise of modern medicine, based
prac­titioner and medical adviser for usemann applies
people with special needs. He has primarily on treating symptoms.
musical principles
studied and prac­ticed anthropo- ISBN: 9780880100540 as a method of gaining
sophic medicine for more than six- Paperback
insight into the struc-
teen years. ture of the human body
ISBN: 1902636317 250 pages and the forces that work
Paperback The Vaccination Dilemma on it, seeking to use our
Temple Lodge experience of music to explain the
$35.00 Sophia Christine Murphy
physiological and anatomical rela­
144 pages
Mistletoe and Cancer Therapy
M urphy describes the
immune system,
how it works, and the
tionships in the body and the spiri-
tual influences that determine physi-
cal development.
Sophia Christine Murphy, editor state of scientific knowl- ISBN: 0863153801
edge on the subject. She Paperback

A s early as 1917, Steiner

suggested treating
cancer with injec­tions of
offers suggestions and
resources for parents
Floris Books
256 pages
whose children are sick and makes a Medicine
mistletoe extract. Murphy
case for the alternate view of disease.
gathers the work of doc- An Introductory Reader
tors and clinicians who ISBN: 1930051107
Rudolf Steiner
have been using Iscador.

Lantern Books teiner’s topics include
Dr. Rich­ard Wagner answers ques- $15.00
tions his patients have asked about true human nature as
144 pages
Iscador. Dr. Thomas Schuerholz, a Medicine, Mythology & Spirituality a basis for medical prac-
cancer specialist, offers an overview tice; the science of know-
Recollecting the Past ing; reverence; the four
of the terms, procedures, and various
approaches to cancer.
and Willing the Future temperaments; the supra-
Christine Murphy specializes in
Ralph Twentyman sensory bodies; the invisible human
within us: the pathology underlying
anthroposophically extended and
homeopathic medicines and thera- T
wentyman places the
problems of modern
pies. She is the editor of several medicine in the context
therapy; cancer and mistletoe, and
aspects of psychiatry; case history
questions: diagnosis and therapy;
books on healing and health issues. of the evolution of con-
anthroposophic medicine in practice:
ISBN: 193005176x sciousness and the mod-
Paperback and three case histories.
ern crisis of selfhood and
Lantern Books ISBN: 1855841339
community. He relates
$20.00 Paperback
208 pages this to today’s tragically common
Rudolf Steiner Press
experience of loneliness in relation $17.95
to the experience of individuality. In 240 pages
contrast, he points to the dawning

66 | Find full descriptions of all our books and more online at steinerbooks.org
N u t ri t i o n , H e al t h & Th e rapi e s

A Slice of Life An Occult Physiology Water, Electricity & Health

A Personal Story of Rudolf Steiner Protecting Yourself from Electrostress
Healing through Cancer at Home and Work
Lee Sturgeon-Day D espite advances in mod-
ern technology, there Alan Hall

ourteen years ago, the are vast areas of human his is his fascinating journey of
author was diagnosed physiological activity that discovery into the nature of water
with breast cancer and chose anthro- remain undetectable to as the bearer of life and a carrier of
posophic medicine. In this account conventional scientific death. His discovery of biody­namic
of her illness and healing, she writes observation. Those pro- fields is applied to countering the
vividly and clearly of all she learned cesses, according to Rudolf Steiner, harmful effects of electromagnetic
through her experience. are related to spiritual forces and fields.
Lee Sturgeon-Day lives in Arizona beings. ISBN: 1869890949
and works in adult education. Steiner focuses here on the relation- Paperback
ship between those forces and the Hawthorn Press
ISBN: 0863153569 $26.00
Paperback human physical organs. In particular,
192 pages
Floris Books he discusses the organs that make up
$17.95 our digestive and respiratory systems; Cookery Book for Patients
160 pages the significance of “warmth” in the with Cancer or
Medicine for the Whole Person function of the blood and its effects Precancerous Conditions
A Guide to Anthroposophical Treatment on the “I”; and the evolutionary pro- Dr. Silke Helwig
Dr. Geoffrey Douch cess implicit in the formation of the Dr. Silke Helwig, a
spinal column and brain. His is a sci- physician at the Lukas
T his book provides a con-
cise overview of the phi-
losophy of anthroposophic
entific approach that will appeal to
doctors and therapists, as well as stu-
Clinic, offers suggestions
for healthy eating; brief
dents of spiritual science. These talks discussions of a healthy
medicine. It is a useful are also remarkably accessible to the diet; and a questionnaire
resource that describes general reader. on eating habits.
the main therapies, including rhyth- ISBN: 9781855841413 ISBN: 0854407162
mic massage, hydrotherapy, sculp- Paperback Paperback
ture therapy, and therapeutic speech. Rudolf Steiner Press Rudolf Steiner Press
It also includes a list of common con- $22.00 $7.95
208 pages 75 pages
ditions and suggested remedies.
Dr. Geoffrey Douch is a general
Spirit Healing Why Me?
practitioner specializing in anthropo- Bob Woodward Interviews with Seven People with AIDS

sophic medicine. oodward has prac- M argje Koster
ISBN: 9780863153624 ticed spiritual heal-
Floris Books
ing and has extensive expe-
rience in the therapeutic
S even people living
with AIDS talk about
them­selves and their lives.
64 pages
and medical approach pio- They tell the dramatic
neered by Rudolf Steiner.
Home Remedies In this clear, revealing
stories of what happened
Herbal & Homeopathic Treatments to them and how they
account, Woodward examines vari- learned to cope with hav-
for Use at Home ous forms of healing, the role of heal- ing to live face to face with death.
Otto Wolff ers, and the indications that Steiner ISBN: 0863151698
provided for a deeper understanding
ncludes sections on asthma, fever,
of the spiritual world and our rela- Floris Books
skin conditions, migraine, arthritis, $12.95
tionship with it through this form of
and diabetes. 144 pages
ISBN: 0880103620 healing.
Paperback ISBN: 0863154441
SteinerBooks Paperback
$12.95 Floris Books
124 pages $27.00
144 pages

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B i o graphical I ss u e s

Biographical Issues Friends and Lovers Phases

Working through Relationships The Spiritual Rhythms in Adult Life
Biographical Work Julian Sleigh Bernard Lievegoed
A Handbook for Practitioners
Gudrun Burkhard,
Translated by Christina D’Agostino
F riendship, love, mar-
riage, and divorce , Tofdescribes
his classic bestseller
each phase
life — adolescence, the
are explored against the
twenties, thirties, forties,
B urkhard describes the background of mod-
ern Western culture, in and beyond — and looks
steps that practitioners at the inner qualities and
should follow. These are which, for many men
challenges that arise with
based on seven-year cycles and women, social and
each stage.
in human life, with par- sexual roles are being defined amid
ISBN: 9781855840560
ticular attention focused much confusion.
on the period of the twen- ISBN: 0863152678 Rudolf Steiner Press
ties and early thirties. She includes an Paperback $24.00
analysis of Charlie Chaplin’s biogra- Floris Books 216 pages
phy and what that reveals about his 192 pages
life and work.
In Search of Home Development, Crises, and
Gudrun Burkhard is a doctor,
Women Working, Caring, Sharing Illnesses of the Soul
therapist, and author in Brazil, where Rudolf Treichler
cofounded the Tobias Clinic and Noragh Jones
Artemesia in São Paolo. She lectures
and is the author of Taking Charge. Jones listens to women
whose stories reveal
D r. Treichler offers
insights into personal
growth through the phases and turn-
ISBN: 9780863155987 how each creates her own
ing points of human life, outlining
version of “home.” This a profound image of both child and
Floris Books
may sometimes bear little adult development. The developmen-
256 pages resemblance to tradition, tal needs, potentials, and questions
Crisis Points but all show a path travelled through of each life phase and passage are
experience towards emotional and mapped.
Working through Personal Problems
moral maturity. Dr. Rudolf Treichler worked at
Julian Sleigh Noragh Jones leads workshops on the Friedrich Husemann Clinic as a
consultant and gave courses.
S leigh has distilled his women’s spirituality and is the author
years of experience into of Power of Raven, Wisdom of Ser- ISBN: 1869890132
a process of twelve steps pent: Celtic Women’s Spirituality Paperback
that help to resolve all (Lindisfarne Books). Hawthorn Press
ISBN: 0863152767 $35.00
sorts of difficult situations. 320 pages
Those steps are designed Floris Books Springboard
to help a person face the facts of one’s $16.95
life and per­ceive the feelings and emo-
Women’s Development Workbook
248 pages
tions that arise from destiny. Liz Willis & Jenny Daisley
From Stress to Serenity
Julian Sleigh is a priest and coun-
selor working in South Africa. He is
Gaining Strength in the Trials of Life
Angus Jenkinson Thumor.
his workbook is practical and filled
with positive thinking and good
Readers report excit­ing life
also the author of Friends and Lov-
ers and Thirteen to Nineteen, a book
for parents with teenagers. A n enlightening workbook and
thought-provoking analysis of
the roots of stress and its meaning
changes including promotions, solv-
ing difficult relationships, regaining a
healthy lifestyle, being more assertive,
ISBN: 0863152821
Paperback for our personal and spiritual devel- and generally feeling greater self-con-
Floris Books opment. fidence and independence.
$7.95 ISBN: 1869890191
ISBN: 1855841576 Paperback
64 pages
Paperback Hawthorn Press
Rudolf Steiner Press $55.00
$26.00 320 pages
288 pages

68 | Find full descriptions of all our books and more online at steinerbooks.org
S o u l & S piri t

Soul & Spirit How Wide the Heart The Meaning of Love
The Roots of Peace Vladimir Solovyov
From Normal to Healthy in Palestine and Israel Introduction by Owen Barfield
Paths to the Liberation of Consciousness M arko Pogacnik &
Georg Kühlewind
Translated by Michael Lipson, Ph.D.
Ana Pogacnik
W hat is the meaning of
love’s intense emo-

T his practical guide to

the self-healing of con-
T he authors offer an
overview of the plan-
etary role and the true
tion? Solovyov points to
the spark of divinity that
we see in another human
sciousness—it is both identity of the Holy Land. being and shows how this
spiritual psychology and The authors affirm the “living ideal of Divine love,
a contemporary manual capacity of the landscape antecedent to our love, contains in
for the inner life—begins of Israel and Palestine to itself the secret of the idealization of
by laying out very clearly communicate messages that have, so our love.”
the unhealthy, unfree state of today’s often in the past, been turning points ISBN: 0940262185
consciousness. for human history. Paperback
Attention and practice of the Part two contains messages that Lindisfarne Books
author’s exercises begins to expand Ana received from the deep source $16.95
128 pages
one’s range of possible understanding of love and wisdom that Westerners
and action. The exercises are based generally call “Christ energy.” The Anthroposophical
on the Buddha’s Noble Eightfold ISBN: 1584200391 Understanding of the Soul
Path and Rudolf Steiner’s cognitive Paperback Willem Zeylmans van Emmichoven
spiritual path. They lead to a new life Lindisfarne Books
in which superconscious intuitions
gradually take the place of supercon-
216 pages The author exam­ines psycho-
logical processes in the light of
scious formations. Love and the World
ISBN: 0880100192
ISBN: 094026210x A Guide to Conscious Soul Practice Paperback
Paperback Robert Sardello SteinerBooks
Lindisfarne Books
240 pages
Facing the World with Soul
ased on a synthe-
sis of C. G. Jung’s
writings on soul, James
170 pages

Lifting the Veil of

The Reimagination of Modern Life Hillman on the work of Mental Illness
Robert Sardello soul making, and Rudolf An Approach to
Steiner on the formation Anthroposophical Psychology
B eginning with the myth
of Sophia, or “Soul
of a spiritual culture, Love and the
World establishes a ground of hope,
William Bento

of the World,” Sardello as well as a radically fresh direction ento looks at the human body,
evokes a sense that the for psychology—one concerned with soul, and spirit and the way the
world is filled with her what we can be, rather than what has environment of physical phenomena,
presence. He goes on to influenced us from the past. life forces, and spirit beings affects us
suggest that the soul’s pri- This is a revised edition of Love as individuals. Going well beyond our
mary aspects constitute a surrender and the Soul. immediate, earthly surroundings, the
of subjective states to the conscious- author considers the cosmic effects
Robert Sardello, ph.d., has been
ness that is the soul of the world. He of sun, planets and stars, offering a
a practicing psychotherapist for over
shows how we can begin to approach holistic view of the human soul.
twenty years, working in existential,
daily life in a new way by practicing William R. Bento lectures and
Jungian, and archetypal psychologies.
these arts. The chapters that follow writes and is working toward a Ph.D.
He is the author of numerous articles
establish a psychology of the world.
and several books. ISBN: 0880105305
ISBN: 1584200146 ISBN: 9780970109743 Paperback
Paperback Paperback SteinerBooks
Lindisfarne Books Lindisfarne Books $20.00
$19.95 $19.95 128 pages
240 pages 224 pages

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S o u l & S piri t

Star Children A Psychology of The Speech of the Grail

Understanding Children Who Set Us Body, Soul & Spirit A Journey toward Speaking
Special Tasks and Challenges Anthroposophy, Psychosophy, that Heals and Transforms
Georg Kühlewind Pneumatosophy Linda Sussman
Rudolf Steiner
M uch has been written
about “gifted” chil-
dren with special abilities,
12 lectures, 1909–1911 (CW 115)
Introduction by Robert Sardello
U sing von Eschenbach’s
epic story of the Grail,
Sussman describes a path to healing
sometimes called “indigo speech—to truth in word and action.
children,” or “crystal chil-
dren.” It is said that these
T hese three lecture
courses offer a precise
understanding of the
Linda Sussman teaches storytelling
and mythology.
children are coming to Earth to help ISBN: 094026269x
human soul in relation to
humanity in its development. Based Paperback
the senses and the subtle
on extensive research, Kühlewind Lindisfarne Books
processes that form the
confirms that this new generation $18.95
human body; focus the 296 pages
has been incarnating among us for
human soul; and portray the rela-
the past two decades. Understand Your Temperament!
tionship of soul to spirit.
ISBN: 190263649x Previous edition: Wisdom of Man,
A Guide to the Four Temperaments
Paperback Gilbert Childs
of the Soul, and of the Spirit.
Temple Lodge
160 pages
ISBN: 9780880103978
D r. Childs offers a
refreshing treatment of
the ancient doctrine of the
Man on the Threshold $24.95 four temperaments — the
The Challenge of Inner Development 272 pages choleric, sanguine, phleg-
Bernard Lievegoed Sleep and Dreams matic, and melancholic
A Bridge to the Spirit types.
he theme of this book
is inner development.
for growth, hid-
Rudolf Steiner
Introduction by
ISBN: 1855840251
Rudolf Steiner Press
den within each person, Michael Lipson, Ph.D. $19.95
are described along with These lectures, selected 145 pages
maps and guidelines for and introduced by Children and Their Temperaments
either those on an inner journey or
Michael Lipson, pro- M arieke Anscüutz
people wishing to work therapeuti-
vides a unique way of
cally with others. hrough her experience
approaching dreams,
ISBN: 0950706264 of working with chil-
based on an understand-
Paperback dren, Anschütz provides
Hawthorn Press ing of the spiritual in
a guide to children’s
$19.95 human nature. The reader is offered
temperaments and their
224 pages a radically new view of dreams “as
role in the development
the threshold to spiritual reality”—
Our Twelve Senses of character, health, and
knowledge that physical existence
Wellsprings of the Soul personality.
is just the tip of an iceberg hidden
Albert Soesman mostly in the spiritual world. Marieke Anschütz is the author of
ISBN: 9780880105125 But Who Made God? Religion and
S oesman explores the twelve
senses: touch, life, self-movement,
balance, smell, taste, vision, tem­
Your Growing Child and Children
and Their Temperaments.
perature, hearing, language, concept, 240 pages ISBN: 0863151752
and the “I.” Floris Books
ISBN: 1869890752 $13.95
Paperback 128 pages
Hawthorn Press
162 pages

70 | Find full descriptions of all our books and more online at steinerbooks.org
Ec o n o mic R e n e w al & S o cial I ss u e s

Economic Renewal Conversation Organizational Integrity

& Social Issues A New Theory of Language How to Apply the Wisdom of the Body to
Carl H. Flygt Develop Healthy Organizations
Revisioning Society and Culture Foreword by Madison Smartt Bell Torin M. Finser, ph.d.
Classic” Articles from The Journal for
Issue # 77, spring 2007 F lygt asserts that the
phenomenon of con- D r. Finser makes the
case that we need a
new ecology of organi-
versation has an objec-
Douglas M. Sloan, editor
tively treatable structure zations. Moreover, he
Series editor Robert McDermott and, as such, can be held shows us how to achieve
to standards that not only this seemingly impossi-
hroughout his life,
stressed that
most crucial task for
can awaken human clair-
voyance, but can also liberate the
ble task by “organ-izing”
organizations and transforming
today is to transform our emotions and the spiritual will and organizations into living systems that
usual ways of viewing contribute to a cultural background serve and protect human interests.
the world by developing that makes real community into Torin M. Finser, ph.d., is Director
the capacity for knowing an explicit and fundamental social of the Waldorf Teacher Education
spirit. These articles rein- value. Program at Antioch University New
force and amplify that point. Carl H. Flygt is an anthroposophic England and founding member of the
ISBN: 9780967456263 psychologist living near San Fran- Center for Anthroposophy, Collabor-
Paperback cisco. ative Leadership Training, and Tem-
Anthroposophical Society in America plar Associates in New Hampshire.
ISBN: 1584200383
Paperback ISBN: 9780880105828; Hardcover
128 pages
Lindisfarne Books SteinerBooks
Growing Eco -Communities $25.00 $30.00
Practical Ways to Create Sustainability 224 pages 268 pages
Money Can Heal ISBN: 9780880105781; Paperback
Jan M artin Bang $25.00
Evolving Our Consciousness
I n Ecovillages, his
first book, Jan Bang
explained the principles
The Story of RSF
and Its Innovations in Social Finance
A Sustainable Community
in the Egyptian Desert
and practice of estab- Siegfried E. Finser
Dr. Ibrahim Abouleish
lishing a sustainable
community. Here, he looks at what E xploring the wonders
of every kind of mone-
Illustrator Markus Kirchgessner

comes next. The author provides an tary transaction, Siegfried ekem has grown
overview of the changes that groups Finser reveals how all strong and prosper-
can experience and offers seasoned transactions interact ous during the past thirty
advice on how to handle situations with the human psyche. years, both economically
that can arise. As in Ecovillages, Having evolved through and socially. This is the
this book uses numerous case stud- the ages, money is no longer an object story of this vigorous
ies of real-life communities and how so much as a “worldwind” of circu- community—the origi-
they’ve dealt with change. lation, moving at various speeds and nal vision, the challenges and hard
Jan Martin Bang has spent a life- achieving a myriad of results. work, and the eventual successes—
time working in alternative commu- Siegfried Finser RSF, where he in founder Ibrahim Abouleish’s own
nities, from kibbutz in Israel to his serves on the Board of Trustees. He words.
present home in the Solborg Camp- has held numerous corporate posi- Illustrated in color.
hill community in Norway. He leads ISBN: 0863155324
tions and writes and lectures.
training and development for new Paperback
ISBN: 9780880105736 Floris Books
ecovillage projects around the world. Paperback $35.00
ISBN: 9780863155970 SteinerBooks 240 pages
Paperback $25.00
Floris Books 248 pages
256 pages

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Ec o n o mic R e n e w al & S o cial I ss u e s

The Olive and the Tree of confrontation by seizing “golden The Esoteric Aspect
The Secret Strength of the Druze moments” and strengthening empa- of the Social Question
Dr. Ruth K. Westheimer thy; and much more. The Individual and Society
& Gil Sedan Dr. Friedrich Glasl is a recog- Rudolf Steiner
nized authority on methods of con-

B ased on a documen- 4 lectures, 1919 (CW 193)

flict resolution.

tary of the same title, ISBN: 186989071x teiner presents his inner,
The Olive and the Tree Paperback esoteric perspective on
describes the roots of the Hawthorn Press social concerns and origi-
Druze strength, a story $27.00
192 pages
nal ways of organizing
that has much to teach society and dealing with
Westerners. Homemaking as a Social Art social issues. Includes a
Dr. Ruth K. Westheimer earned Creating a Home for Body, Soul & Spirit previously unpublished
a doctorate from Columbia Univer- Veronika van Duin lecture.
sity in the Interdisciplinary Study of
ocial and economic Previous translation: The Inner
the Family. She has initiated several Aspect of the Social Question.
books and documentary films inves- pressures today affect
the traditional role of ISBN: 1855840642
tigating the family and teaches semi- Paperback
nars at Yale and Princeton. This is homemaking. Emphasis
Rudolf Steiner Press
her thirty-second book. has been placed on the $17.95
working world, and many 112 pages
ISBN: 9781590561027 struggle to fulfill several
roles. Taking a spiritual
The Challenge of the Times
Lantern Books Rudolf Steiner
perspective inspired by Rudolf Steiner,
160 pages the author suggests that homemaking 6 lectures, Dornach, Nov.–Dec. 1918
needs to be undertaken consciously (CW 186)
America’s Global Responsibility as an honored and valued area of
Jesaiah (Yeshayahu ) Ben-Aharon work — as nothing less than a “social
art.” I n these lectures, Steiner describes
developments in mechanics, poli-

T he author reminds us
of the founding vision
of the United States and
ISBN: 1855840685
tics, and the economy, as well as new
capacities and methods in the East
Rudolf Steiner Press and West.
describes the dire con­ $24.00 ISBN: 0910142831
sequences of ignoring 224 pages Paperback
those obligations. He Garber Books
The Enterprise of the Future $5.95
explains how Steiner’s
How Companies Develop 224 pages
threefold concept of society can help.
ISBN: 1584200189 Friedrich Glasl Speaking, Listening,
lasl explores moral
Lindisfarne Books
intuition in lead- The Art of Creating
144 pages ership and organiza- Conscious Conversation
tional development and Heinz Zimmermann
Confronting Conflict describes how companies
A First-Aid Kit for Handling Conflict
Friedrich Glasl
grow through the pioneer,
differ­entiated, integrated,
and associative phases of
Zcisesimmermann writes about group
conversations and offers excer-
to make them more conscious
T he author presents the tools to ana- development.
lyze the symptoms, types, and causes
of many types of conflict; understand
ISBN: 1869890795
and effective.
Heinz Zimmermann has worked
with language in Waldorf education
how temperaments affect conflicts Hawthorn Press and in lectures and workshops.
and what you can do; acknowledge $23.00
ISBN: 0940262754
when conflict occurs, understand 118 pages
how it escalates, and learn how to Lindisfarne Books
reduce conflict by changing behav- $16.95
ior, attitudes, and perceptions; prac- 128 pages
tice developing considerate means

72 | Find full descriptions of all our books and more online at steinerbooks.org
Ec o n o mic R e n e w al & S o cial I ss u e s

Male and Female Social and Political Science Vision in Action

Developing Human Empathy An Introductory Reader Working with Soul & Spirit
Baruch Luke Urieli Rudolf Steiner in Small Organizations
Edited by Stephen Usher Christopher Schaefer
T he author examines
& Tÿno Voors
mythology and the opics include: psychological cogni-

Judaeo-Christian tradi- tion; the social question; the social chaefer and Voors have
tion in terms of the sex question and theosophy; Memoranda been active for years in
and gender issues today. of 1917; the metamorphosis of intel- community and organiza-
He develops the theme of ligence; culture, law, and economy; tion development. They
“empathy” as a guide for and Central Europe between East created this guide for those
male-female relationships, based on and West. interested in grassroots
mutual recognition, acceptance, and ISBN: 1855841037 development of social, ser-
dependence. Paperback vice, or educational organizations.
Rudolf Steiner Press
ISBN: 1902636252 ISBN: 0940262746
Paperback Paperback
224 pages
Temple Lodge Lindisfarne Books
$19.95 Human Encounters and Karma $16.95
96 pages Athys Floride 272 pages
The Renewal of the Social Towards Social Renewal
Rudolf Steiner
F loride develops a path
to commu­nity and
shows how we can make
Rethinking the Basis of Society
Rudolf Steiner
26 essays, written 1919–1920 (CW 24) everyday more sacred Written 1919 (CW 23)
through awareness of
T hese essays cover a range
of issues with special
atten­tion to money, the
past and future karma in
our relation­ships.
Sits teiner suggests that society has
three distinct realms—its economy,
political structure, and its cul-
ISBN: 0880102918
division of labor, human ture—and that the autonomy of these
motivation, and educa- SteinerBooks
three areas must be respected before
tion. $9.95 social prob­lems can be resolved.
ISBN: 0880101253 128 pages ISBN: 1855840723
Paperback Social Issues Paperback
SteinerBooks Rudolf Steiner Press
$10.95 Meditative Thinking & $19.95
174 pages the Threefold Social Order 144 pages
Mystery Streams in Europe Rudolf Steiner Transforming People
and the New Mysteries Introduction by Gary Lamb & Organizations
Bernard Lievegoed 5 lectures, Jan.–March 1920 (CW 334) The Seven Steps of Spiritual Development
M argarete Brink
he author shows how van den
teiner shows that today’s political,

Tis hegrowth
the four great mystery economic, and social problems author shows that the process of
streams have worked in are symptoms of our faulty think- through the seven phases
the past and how Steiner ing. In a very accessible way, Steiner essentially a process of spiritual
joined them to create describes how spiritual science and development. Her approach offers
the new mysteries at the the kind of thinking it fosters can a new and dynamic way forward in
Christ­mas Foundation lead to a renewal of society and to contrast to most of the ‘rationalist’
Meeting. true freedom for individuals. methodologies of mainstream con-
ISBN: 0880103582; Paperback sultancy and personal development.
ISBN: 0880100028
Paperback SteinerBooks ISBN: 1902636503
SteinerBooks $12.95 Paperback
$8.95 152 pages Temple Lodge
86 pages ISBN: 0880103590; (Hardcover $24.00
$24.95 224 pages

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B i o graph y

A Vision for the Millennium The Builders of Camphill Evelyn Francis Capel
Modern Spirituality and Cultural Renewal Lives and Destinies of the Founders A Celebration of a Pioneering Spirit
Rudolf Steiner Friedwart Bock Various Authors
Edited by Andrew Welburn
T his is the story of
A collection of moving tributes to
the inspi­rational work of Evelyn
T his collection includes Camphill’s eleven
intrepid founders, docu- Capel, the first British woman to
commentary on the sig-
menting how those pio- become a priest in the Christian
nificance of the coming
neers and others came Com­munity. She was loved for her
transformation of all areas many books, lively lectures, work-
of life, the importance of together to form a net-
shops, and dedicated work as a coun-
“spiritual ecology,” the work that today includes
transfiguration of Earth, more than a hundred homes, schools,
ISBN: 0904693937
and the roles of spirit beings today. and villages. More than 100 photo-
Rudolf Steiner Press Temple Lodge
ISBN: 0863154425
144 pages, Paperback $19.95
ISBN: 185584043x
Floris Books 176 pages
The Personal World 288 pages Marie Steiner
John Macmurray on Self and Society Willem Zeylmans van Emmichoven Her Place in World Karma
Philip Conford An Inspiration for Anthroposophy, Hans Peter van M anen
A Biography
M acmurray argues that we must
begin with the living reality of Emanuel Zeylmans Rmentudolf Steiner’s wife and close col-
league contributed to the develop-
of Anthroposophy, par­ticularly
being a human being in the world,
maintaining that the self exists H
ere is the story of a
remark­able life. The
through action and mutuality, and author brings to life an
in her work to renew the perform-
ing arts. Van Manen pre­sents Marie
Steiner’s karmic past and links her to
not in isolation as a mere observer. exciting and dif­ficult a well-known individual connected
ISBN: 0863152368 time in the development with Aristotle.
Paperback of new spiritual ideas. ISBN: 0904693767
Floris Books
Illustrated. Paperback
224 pages ISBN: 190263635x Temple Lodge
Paperback $12.95
Temple Lodge 48 pages
Biography $45.00
312 pages Eternal Individuality
Owen Barfield Kaspar Hauser Towards a Karmic Biography of Novalis
Romanticism Come of Age; A Biography The Struggle for the Spirit Sergei O. Prokofieff
Peter Tradowsky
Simon Blaxland -de L ange he author develops and expands
Foreword by Andrew Welburn
In this work, Tradowsky addresses on Rudolf Steiner’s spiritual
leading to a more compre-
T he author studies the the mysteries surrounding Kaspar
hensive understanding of Novalis
influences on Barfield Hauser’s life, using spiritual-scientific
and his crucial future mission for
by the Romantic poet research. His analysis delves into the
Coleridge and the philoso- occult significance of the individual
incarnated as Kaspar Hauser. ISBN: 0904693392
pher Rudolf Steiner, while
also focusing on Barfield’s ISBN: 0904693899
Paperback Temple Lodge
profound personal con-
Temple Lodge $55.00
nection with C. S. Lewis.
$30.00 400 pages
ISBN: 1902636775 336 pages
Temple Lodge
356 pages

74 | Find full descriptions of all our books and more online at steinerbooks.org
S piri t u al Fic t i o n

A Measure of Endurance Valentin Tomberg & The Dawnwatchers

The Unlikely Triumph of Steven Sharp Anthroposophy A Novel of the Twenty-First Century
William Mishler A Problematic Relationship Hiram A. Bingham
Sergei O. Prokofieff
S teven Sharp, a hard-
A romantic adventure,

working, was seriously rokofieff presents research that he spanning three conti-
injured when a hay baler believes shows Tomberg’s follow- nents, The Dawnwatchers
suddenly and mysteriously ers to be misguided. enacts an alternate his-
turned itself on and sev- tory that portrays the
ered both his arms. With ISBN: 9781902636641
Paperback central questions of our
the help of a brilliant, ide-
Temple Lodge age: the meaning of free-
alistic trial lawyer named
$18.00 dom, the nature of evil, the evolution
Bill Manning, they took on a mul- 64 pages
tinational, multibillion-dollar com- of humanity and the nature of the
pany and emerged triumphant. Second Coming.
William Mishler retired from the Spiritual Fiction Hiram Bingham is a graduate of
University of Minnesota, where he Yale and Columbia with degrees in
taught Scandanavian languages, lit- Black Earth literature and law. He was strongly
erature, film, and culture and wrote Towards a New Mystery Drama influenced by Anthroposophy.
extensively. He died in 2002.
Christopher M arcus ISBN: 0961360208
ISBN: 9780375411335 Paperback
I nspired by Rudolf
Steiner’s mystery dramas,
Black Earth is a bold and
Triune Books
343 pages
320 pages
powerful play of soul and Legend
Sir George Trevelyan spirit, based on themes of A Novel
And the New Spiritual Awakening technology, art, destiny,
Barry M aher
Frances Farrer and metamorphosis.

T revelyan was a pioneer of investi-

gating angels, the effects of crystals,
Christopher Marcus trained at
the Drama Centre in London and, Tthe
his cult classic tells the
story of a future city in
process of devouring
later, at the Goetheanum in Switzer-
ley lines, organic farming, and com- land, before establishing his own the- itself. A young man and
munal living. He encouraged a syn- ater group, Theatre of the Word. woman manage to escape
thesis of sci­ence and spirituality and their rough lives on the
ISBN: 1902636244
taught extensively. Paperback streets only to be trapped
ISBN: 0863153771 Temple Lodge between a parasitic government and
Paperback $19.95 an insane, satanic underworld. To
Floris Books 120 pages
triumph, the young woman must
208 pages Giving Judas a Chance understand what cannot be under-
At Dawn of a New Age
the The Vision and Venture stood; the young man must become
of Weaving Many Lives a god. This post-apocalyptic novel
Memoirs of a Scientist convincingly portrays self-discovery
Rudolf Hauschka Pietro Archiati
amid life’s hindrances and limita-

T his is the story of the founder of

Wala Pharmaceutical Company, A fresh view of reincarnation and tions, out of time and out of place.
karma that encourages a new Barry Maher is a management,
which bases its research and medi- motivational, and sales keynote
ISBN: 1893843009
cines on the foundation of Steiner’s speaker. He is the author of numer-
work. Spiritual Science Publications ous books.
ISBN: 9780919924253 $13.00 ISBN: 1584200081
Paperback 140 pages Paperback
SteinerBooks Lindisfarne Books
$19.95 $19.95
104 pages 312 pages

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P ra y e r , V e rs e s & M e di t a t i o n s

Nicaea Zanoni Strange Life of Ivan Osokin

A Book of Correspondences A Rosicrucian Tale P. D. Ouspensky
M artin Rowe Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton If I had my life to live over again …
well, what would you do?
U sing letters, medita-
T he conflict between head and heart

tions, Arabic folktales, that must be resolved through spir- n his classic novel, set in
a Sufi zhikr, prayers and itual initiation is played out during the last years of Tsarist
Turkish shadow puppet the French Revolution in this classic Russia, P. D. Ouspensky
theater, Nicaea explores Rosi­crucian account. The seven parts explores imaginatively
faith and political power, of this novel indi­cate the sevenfold one of the chief themes
individual conscience and path of spiritual development behind in his philosophical
collective responsibility, art and truth, the story itself. work: the idea of “eter-
and the sacred and profane. ISBN: 0833400177 nal recurrence.”
Martin Rowe is the editor in chief Peter D. Ouspensky (1878–1947)
Garber Books
of Lantern Books and editor of The $18.95 was one of the first in the modern era
Way of Compassion (1999) and the 416 pages to explore questions of higher con-
founding editor of Satya: A Maga- Rites of Rock sciousness and personal transforma-
zine of Vegetarianism, Environmen- One Man’s Journey through tion.
talism, Animal Advocacy, and Social ISBN: 1584200057
50 Years of Rock ‘n’ Roll
Justice. He lives in New York City. Paperback
Eric G. Müller Lindisfarne Books
ISBN: 1584200200
Hardcover “Eric Müller’s succulent Jeremiad $14.95
Lindisfarne Books of rock rings necessary bells. The 192 pages
$19.95 insidious commercial culture of
288 pages rock, indubitably megalomaniacal,
Prayer, Verses
The Parchment present and past, is his subject—
deeply intuitive and fully educated. & Meditations
A Novel
—Robert Hunter, chief lyricist for
Gerald T. McL aughlin the Grateful Dead Breathing the Spirit
Meditations for Times of Day &
I n a.d. 70, a document is
hidden that will threaten
the very foundations of
Eric G. Müller was
born in South Africa and Seasons of the Year
studied literature and his- Rudolf Steiner
the Church. In time, it tory at university. After Selected verses (CWs 40, 267, 268)
unleashes schemes and a variety of jobs and
intrigues that involve the
Vatican, the Templars,
playing in bands travel-
ing across Europe, he In this popular collec-
tion, Steiner delves into
the rhythms of nature
kings, and eventually two twentieth- attended Emerson College
century professors, all wishing to use in England and the Waldorf Institute and their relationship
it for their own purpose. in Witten-Annen, Germany. With to us as human beings.
This is a dazzling story of two his family he then moved to Eugene, Part 1 relates to the cycle
millennia and the continuing battle Oregon, where he taught for eight of waking and sleeping,
years. He lives in upstate New York, while echoing the larger rhythms of
between good and evil.
where he teaches music, drama, and birth and death. Part 2 focuses on the
Gerald T. McLaughlin is dean English. He has written short stories,
emeritus and professor of law at Loy- human individual’s passage through
plays, poetry, and articles on music nature’s changing seasons—Earth’s
ola Law School in Los Angeles and and music education.
has written and lectured extensively. greater cycle of sleeping and waking.
ISBN: 0932776329 ISBN: 9781855841444
ISBN: 1584200308 Paperback Paperback
Hardcover Adonis Press Sophia Books
Lindisfarne Books $14.95 $10.00
$24.95 376 pages 128 pages
304 pages ISBN: 1855841428

76 | Find full descriptions of all our books and more online at steinerbooks.org
P ra y e r , V e rs e s & M e di t a t i o n s

Centering Prayer and Living with the Dead Prayers for Parents & Children
the Healing of the Unconscious Meditations for Maintaining a Connection Rudolf Steiner
Fr. Murchadh Ó M adagáin to Those Who Have Died

T he author describes the

life and thoughts of
Rudolf Steiner
Selected verses
Includes verses for every
occasion of parent-
ing. Includes prayers for
Fr. Thomas Keating, the
teiner stresses the morning and evening
Trappist monk who was continuing links and graces for mealtimes.
a founder of the center- the living and A lecture by Steiner pro-
ing prayer movement. the dead and shows vides context and insight
Centering prayer aims to how our thoughts can into our greater cosmic relationships
reclaim the Christian contemplative help those who have before birth, during life, and after
and mystical traditions after centu- departed earthly life. death.
ries of neglect and to make it avail- Included are poems that express ISBN: 1855840367
able for modern spiritual seekers. Fr. what those who have died expe­rience Paperback
Ó Madagáin traces its roots back to in their new existence. Rudolf Steiner Press
the fourth- and fifth-century Desert $14.95
Fathers and shows how it was used in ISBN: 1855841274
80 pages
The Cloud of Unknowing and prac- Imagination’s Music
Sophia Books
ticed by John of the Cross and Teresa $19.95 From Youth to Old Age
of Avila, then revived by Thomas 64 pages
Merton during the twentieth century. Christy M ackaye Barnes
The Heart of Peace
Fr. Murchadh Ó Madagáin is a his book begins with a selection of
priest of the Diocese of Galway in Meditations for Courage and Tranquillity
Christy’s early poems followed by
the West of Ireland since 1998. He is Rudolf Steiner
more recent, previously unpublished
also the author of Thérèse of Lisieux: Selected verses (CWs 40, 267, 268)
Through Love and Suffering (St.
Paul’s, 2003).
ISBN: 9781590561072
T hese verses aim to strengthen the
heart by warming and enlivening
thinking, allowing for genuine peace
Christy MacKaye Barnes and her
husband Henry Barnes helped estab-
lish the community in Harlemville,
Lantern Books
of mind; by drawing feeling into the New York. She died in 2002.
$18.00 dark depths of our will in order to ISBN: 0932776302
336 pages help develop courage; by nurturing a Paperback
Finding the Greater Self real sense of peace within the heart Adonis Press
and by helping us to help others. $13.95
Meditations for Harmony and Healing 128 pages
ISBN: 1855841320
Rudolf Steiner Hardcover Hymns to the Night/
Selected verses (CWs 40, 267, 268) Sophia Books
Spiritual Songs

Ting,hese meditations pro-

mote harmony, heal-
and self-knowledge.
96 pages
Meditative Prayers for Today
Foreword by Sergei O. Prokofieff
Adam Bittleston
By integrating spirit and
H ymns to the Night

matter within, we can hese prayers help us to experience poetically describes
also heal our relation- the rhythms of waking and sleep- the poet’s inspired awak-
ships with others. For ing, the days of the week, the sea­sons ening, and Spiritual
people today, increasingly divorced Songs expresses his trans-
of the year. Daily use of these prayers
from a living relationship with nature, formed relationship to
makes us conscious of how we stand
these verses help develop a world of the world, humanity, and
interconnections. continually in world rhythms.
ISBN: 1855841371 ISBN: 0863153070 Christianity.
Hardcover ISBN: 0904693414
Floris Books Paperback
Sophia Books
$9.95 Temple Lodge
60 pages $13.95
80 pages
64 pages

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A r t s & L i t e ra t u r e

Shards from the Heart Arts & Literature Goethe & Palladio
A Spiritual Odyssey in 20th-Century Goethe’s study of the relationships
America Leonardo da Vinci between art and nature, leading through
Bernard Garber The Last Supper: A Cosmic Drama architecture to the discovery of the
and an Act of Redemption metamorphosis of plants
G arber explores the great myster-
ies of human life and shows how
Michael L adwein David Lowe & Simon Sharp
the purpose of life culminates in free-
dom of action. This book grew out Rudolf Steiner called
The Last Supper the
of study sessions over several years in world’s most important
T he authors explore how
Goethe’s experience of
Palladio’s architecture
New York City. work of art, adding that influenced his view of the
ISBN: 0833410156 it revealed “the mean- relationship between art
Paperback ing of Earth existence.”
Garber Books and nature and helped
Michael Ladwein sheds light on many him understand meta-
160 pages aspects of the spiritual facts that can morphosis, leading to his discovery
be uncovered in this immortal paint- of the “archetypal plant.”
Prayers and Graces
ing — one that has lost nothing of its ISBN: 9781584200369
Michael Jones, editor urgency in our modern world. Paperback

T his collection includes Michael Ladwein is an art histo- Lindisfarne Books

prayers for expectant rian and expert on religions who now 96 pages
mothers, for children before conducts art study tours. Visit his
and after birth, for the soul
Romantic Religion
website at ladwein-reisen.de.
of a suicide, and for souls A Study of Owen Barfield, C. S. Lewis,
ISBN: 1902636759
between the time of death and the Paperback Charles Williams, and J. R. R. Tolkien
funeral. Temple Lodge R. J. Reilly
ISBN: 0863152449 $30.00
Floris Books
140 pages
Spirit and Art T
his is the first study to
examine in depth the
theological and philo-
96 pages
Pictures of the Transformation of
sophic implications of
Verses & Meditations Consciousness the work of that remark-
Rudolf Steiner Van James able group of writers

L avishly illustrated, now called the Oxford

F eaturing more than

ninety of Steiner’s best-
loved verses and medita-
this text reveals how
human conscious-
Christians. In focusing on the central
religious concern of the group, R. J.
ness has evolved and Reilly provides an approach destined
tions, this volume col- to become the norm. This is not a
lects a range of material makes the case for a
hidden stream of art work of convention literary biogra-
on various themes, such phy (even less hagiography) or con-
as working with spiritual throughout history.
Originally part of the secret mystery ventional literary history. Rather, it is
beings, connecting with loved ones intellectually informed criticism that
who have passed over, developing cults, the visual arts have become an
selfhood, and celebrating festivals expression of the individual creative makes possible a deep understand-
intuition. ing of the enduring dimensions of the
and seasons. Countless people have work of four of the most attractive
worked with these meditations over Van James is a Hawaiian-based art-
and challenging writers of our time.
the decades and can testify to their ist and author and graduate of the
San Francisco Art Institute, Emerson ISBN: 1584200472
power, as well as to the strength and Paperback
comfort they offer for meditation and College in England, and the Goethea-
Lindisfarne Books
contemplation. num Painting School in Switzerland. $25.00
ISBN: 1855841975 ISBN: 9780880104975 220 pages
Paperback Paperback
Rudolf Steiner Press SteinerBooks
$22.00 $30.00
256 pages 256 pages

78 | Find full descriptions of all our books and more online at steinerbooks.org
A r t s & L i t e ra t u r e

Number and Geometry Dostoevsky Blackboard Drawings

in Shakespeare’s M acbeth The Scandal of Reason 1919–1924
Sylvia Eckersley M aria Nemcová Banerjee Rudolf Steiner
“This work is based on Edited by Walter Kugler
E ckersley had studied
Maria Nemcová Baner-

scene symmetry in teiner gave more
jee’s many years of teach-
Shakespeare’s plays and than 5,000 lec-
ing and reflecting on the
was struck by the exact meaning of Dostoevsky’s tures to explain his
middle lines of Macbeth novelistic world and ideas, and he fre-
as numbered on a First worldview. Her grasp of quently illustrated
Folio edition: his words with col-
his religious imagination is firm
See they encounter thee with their and her interpretations are chal-
ored chalk on a large
harts thanks lenging. Professor Banerjee is a
black­board. After the autumn of
Both sides are euen: heere Ile sit i’th’ trustworthy guide in analyzing
1919, thick black paper was used to
mid’st Notes from the Underground and
cover the blackboards, and after the
The Brothers Karamazov. lec­tures the drawings were rolled up
She uncovered never-before doc-
—George A. Panichas,
and protected. This selection from
umented numerical patterns and Editor, Modern Age:
rhythms in Macbeth that could pro- more than a thousand such drawings
Maria Nemcová Banerjee is a provides a much deeper appreciation
foundly influence future interpreta-
professor of Russian and compara- of Steiner’s work.
tions and productions of this great
tive literature at Smith College. Contains 120 color plates.
and timeless work.
ISBN: 9781584200413 ISBN: 1855841525
Sylvia Eckersley developed her Paperback
ideas on Shakespeare for more than Lindisfarne Books Rudolf Steiner Press
twenty five years. She died in 2001. $25.00 $50.00
176 pages 10 ½ X 10 inches
ISBN: 9780863155925
200 pages
Hardcover What Is Art?
Floris Books Conversations with Joseph Beuys A Way of Seeing
304 pages Joseph Beuys & Volker Harlan Perception, Imagination, and Poetry
The Green Snake John Allison
and the Beautiful Lily
A Fairy Tale
oseph Beuys’s work
continues to influence
and inspire artists and P oet John Allison
shows how ordinary
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe thinkers around the imagination can be inten-
Color illustrations by Hermann Linde world. sified to become a means
Edited by Joan DeRis Allen Harlan — whose own of cognition and a path
Afterword by Paul Marshall Allen work explores substance to knowing and how
and sacrament — spoke with Beuys poetry — poetic know-

T he twelve full-page,
color paintings in
this book represent
about the deeper motivations behind
“social sculpture” and about his views
ing and seeing — can reveal aspects
of the world invisible to science. He
on art. These profound reflections describes a path to true imagination
the soul experiences and thoughtful essays give a sense and attention.
of the “Youth” in of the interconnected nature of all John Allison, a former Waldorf
the fairy tale. They are the fruit of life forms and provide the basis for a teacher, is a management consultant
an intense collaboration between path toward a future that is ecologi- and lecturer. He is a musician and
Hermann Linde and Rudolf Steiner, cally sustainable. Features more than a poet, with three collections and
who commissioned the work. forty illustrations. poems in journals worldwide.
ISBN: 9780880105705 ISBN: 1902636597 ISBN: 158420012x
Hardcover Paperback Paperback
SteinerBooks Clairview Books Lindisfarne Books
$25.00 $30.00 $16.95
11 x 8 ½ 7½ x 9¾ inches 160 pages
56 pages 128 pages

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A r t s & L i t e ra t u r e

The Lady & the Unicorn The Secret Heresy of Opening Our Moral Eye
Gottfried Buttner Hieronymus Bosch Essays, Talks, and Poems
Foreword by Baruch Urieli Lynda Harris Embracing Creativity & Community

M. C. Richards
A rt is rooted in cul- he strange paintings

ture and history of the Dutch artist his collection explores
and its interpretation Hieronymus Bosch have authenticity, imagina-
can provide valuable intrigued people for cen- tion, creativity, whole-
insights into human turies. The author offers ness, Rudolf Steiner and
nature. Buttner dis- surprising new insights Waldorf education, and
cusses the rich symbol- into Bosch’s detailed the sacred quality of
ism and significance of and cryptic visual fantasies. His nature. Includes four
unicorns as expressed in the beauti- paintings, done for Catholic patrons, color plates of her paintings and a
ful, enigmatic tapestries of the Cluny contain symbols of his beliefs within substantial col­lection of poems.
Museum in Paris, telling us how the the imagery, which Harris deciphers
M. C. Richards (1916–1999) wrote
unicorn is related to the human soul’s as Bosch’s heretical religious beliefs
several books, including the classic
development. from the Cathar faith.
Includes sixteen color plates. Illustrated in color.
ISBN: 0940262789
ISBN: 1869890523 ISBN: 0863151981 Paperback
Hardcover Hardcover Lindisfarne Books
Hawthorn Press Floris Books $19.95
$40.00 $75.00 208 pages
8 ½ x 11 inches 350 pages
112 pages Ninetta Sombart Sing Me the Creation
Who Wrote Bacon? Life and Art Paul M atthews
William Shakespeare, Volker Harlan
Francis Bacon & James I
Richard Ramsbotham T his is the only over-
view of Ninetta
A workbook to inspire
you to think and write
more creatively. More than

S ome researchers view Sombart’s life and work 300 exercises encour­age
Bacon as the covert as a painter. Though your fantasy and provide
author of works attrib- her paintings are widely the tools to craft poetry
uted to Shakespeare and known, they are shown and story. The exercises
wish to place Bacon on here for the first time as will prove invalu­able for group work,
the pedestal of British a comprehensive collection. Her style individuals wishing to develop more
civilization. The author is distinct, with most of her paintings creativity, and class teachers.
shows substantial evidence that based on Gospel images, showing ISBN: 1869890604
Shakespeare and Bacon were linked, Jesus as the Son of God rather than Paperback
Jesus the man. She has developed a Hawthorn Press
but challenges the Baconian move-
unique color technique that better $22.00
ment. He offers remarkable new per- 192 pages
spectives on King James I and his con- expresses the esoteric aspect of the
nections with Shakespeare and Bacon, Christ.
as well as Jakob Böhme, Rudolf II, Includes more than ninety color Color & P ai n t i n g
Rosicrucianism, Freemasonry, and illustrations.
the original Globe Theatre. ISBN: 0863154654
Hardcover An Introductory Reader
Richard Ramsbotham teaches
Floris Books Rudolf Steiner
drama at Glasshouse College, UK, $55.00
and is writing a biography of Vernon Edited by Anne Stockton
9½ x 12½ inches
256 pages teiner’s view of art was
ISBN: 1902636546
that it should reflect
Temple Lodge human experience of the
$25.00 divine. However, one
184 pages must have a true sense of

80 | Find full descriptions of all our books and more online at steinerbooks.org
A r t s & L i t e ra t u r e

spirit, and Steiner helps in this way Architecture as a E u r y t hm y

through these lectures and writ- Synthesis of the Arts
ings. Eurythmy
Rudolf Steiner Rhythm, Dance & Soul
ISBN: 185584138x 8 lectures, Berlin, Dornach, 1911–1914
Paperback Thomas Poplawski
(CW 286)
Rudolf Steiner Press
272 pages
Introduction by
Christian Thal-Jantsen T he author provides an
illustrated, historical
context for eurythmy with
Rudolf Steiner
3 lectures, Dornach, May 6–8, 1921;
T his illustrated volume
shows Steiner’s vision of
archi­tecture as a culmina-
a brief overview of dance,
from the ancient mysteries
to modern forms of dance
9 lectures 1914–1924 (GA 291) tion of the arts. and movement.
ISBN: 185584057x

S teiner shows how color

affects us in life and
distinguishes between
Rudolf Steiner Press
Illustrated in color.
Thomas Poplawski is a eurythmist
$26.00 and practicing psychotherapist.
“image” and “luster” col- 216 pages
ISBN: 9780863152696
ors and lays a foundation Chartres Paperback
for a technique of work- Sacred Geometry, Sacred Space Floris Books
ing with color that leads Gordon Strachan
to new artistic creativity. 128 pages

ISBN: 1855840855
Rudolf Steiner Press
T his illustrated work
explores the structure
of Chartres Cathedral
An Introductory Reader
Rudolf Steiner
$24.00 and influences on medi-
224 pages Edited and Introduced by Beth Usher
eval master builders.

ISBN: 0863153917 opics include “In the beginning,
A rchi t e c t u r e God created out of movement”;
Floris Books
& S c u lp t u r e $30.00 “School eurythmy—a kind of spiri-
112 pages tual gymnastics”; “Eurythmy ther-
Architecture Living Architecture apy—the word of the heavens is the
An Introductory Reader being of man”; “Silent soul, speak-
Kenneth Bayes
Rudolf Steiner ing soul: Eurythmy as a performing
Edited by Andrew Beard
A n illustrated intro-
duction to the archi-
art”; “How eurythmy arises out of

A n excellent overview of
Steiner’s ideas for archi-
tecture. Topics include: the
tectural ideas of Rudolf
Steiner. He was an early
exponent of what has
ISBN: 9781855841147
Rudolf Steiner Press
origins and nature of archi- come to be called organic $22.00
tecture; the formative influ- 328 pages
design in architecture,
ence of architectural forms; and this little volume clearly shows How the New Art of
the history of architecture in the Steiner’s influence on architects and Eurythmy Began
light of humankind’s spiritual evolu- designers around the world. Lory Maier-Smits, the First Eurythmist
tion; a new architecture as a means ISBN: 0880103809 M agdalene Siegloch
of uniting with spiritual forces; art Paperback

SteinerBooks his book traces the story
and architecture as manifestations of
$9.95 of the first eurythmist,
spiritual realities; metamorphosis in
128 pages Lory Maier-Smits.
architecture; and more.
ISBN: 0904693902
ISBN: 1855841231 Paperback
Paperback Temple Lodge
Rudolf Steiner Press $22.00
$19.95 168 pages
288 pages

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A r t s & L i t e ra t u r e

M u sic & S i n gi n g Singing and the Etheric Tone Four Mystery Dramas
Gracia Ricardo’s Approach to Singing, The Portal of Initiation; The Souls’ Probation;
Based on Her Work with Rudolf Steiner The Guardian of the Threshold;
His Musical Style and His Role in the
Hilda Deighton, Gina Palermo The Souls’ Awakening
Development of Human Consciousness
& Dina Soresi Winter Rudolf Steiner
Brien M asters

A n introduction to practical, joy- Translated by Ruth and Hans Pusch

T his book attempts to

“describe the self’s jour-
ful singing, inspired by Gracia
Ricardo’s work with Rudolf Steiner.
Written 1910-1913 (GA 14)

ney toward the richness

of Mozart’s musical style
ISBN: 0880103566
S teiner’s four mystery
dramas are powerful
portrayals of the complex
[and] to shed Mozartean SteinerBooks
light onto the self as the $15.95 laws of reincarnation and
central element in the 96 pages karma. They transport us
human constitution. The former per- into a landscape of the
spective is a comment on the signifi- Expanding Tonal Awareness human soul and spirit,
cance of his genius appearing in the A Musical Exploration of the where suprasensory beings are active.
second half of the eighteenth century. Evolution of Consciousness ISBN: 9780880105811
The latter has relevance, among other Paperback
Heiner Ruland
things, for the debate on and under- SteinerBooks

R uland shows that the $35.00

standing of the so-called Mozart
elements of music 572 pages
Effect today.”
Brien Masters, ph.d., is director of embody modes of con-
sciousness. He examines
the London Waldorf Teacher Train- The Souls’ Awakening
ing Seminar. ancient musical systems
and demonstrates our
A Mystery Drama
ISBN: 9781902636818
contemporary musical Rudolf Steiner
situation. Translated by Hans & Ruth Pusch
Temple Lodge
$27.00 ISBN: 1855841703 Written in 1914 (CW 14)
160 pages Large Format
Intervals, Scales, Tones
and the Concert Pitch c = 128 Hz
Rudolf Steiner Press
I n the fourth mystery drama, we
follow the characters on a journey
through states of consciousness, until
M aria Renold 187 pages they return to their present difficul-
ties with a greater understanding of
W hy do certain
intervals, scales,
and tones sound genu-
S p e e ch & D rama
their interwoven destinies.
ISBN: 0880104260
ine and others false? Speech and Drama Paperback
Is the modern person 19 lectures, Dornach, April 10 - SteinerBooks
able to experience a September 23, 1924 (CW 282) $12.95
qualitative difference 5¼x8
in a tone’s pitch? If so,
Rudolf Steiner 192 pages
what are the implications for modern Foreword by Marie Steiner
concert pitch and how instruments of The Soul’s Awakening
fixed tuning are tuned? Renold tack-
les these and other questions. S
teiner shows that speech is a pow-
erful tool for any serious drama-
tist in conveying the reality of worlds,
A Drama of the Soul & Spirit
Rudolf Steiner
Maria Renold (1917-2003) stud- Translated by Michael Burton
ied eurythmy, violin, and viola and whether visible or invisible, to the &Adrian Locher
toured with chamber groups. individual souls in the audience.
ISBN: 9780880101424 Written in 1914 (CW 14)
ISBN: 1902636465
Paperback ISBN: 090469366x
SteinerBooks Paperback
Temple Lodge
$45.00 Temple Lodge
418 pages $12.95
9 x 12 inches
208 pages 144 pages

82 | Find full descriptions of all our books and more online at steinerbooks.org
S ci e n c e & Na t u r e

Working Together on the World Health Organization in Sri Science & the Paranormal
Rudolf Steiner’s Mystery Dramas Lanka and Zimbabwe. He devoted Altered States of Reality
available time to exploring nature
Hans Pusch and pursuing his passion for angling. Arthur Ellison
Foreword by David Fontana
A n excellent workbook for per- He is also the author of The Revenge
forming the plays and for insight of the Fishgod: Angling Adventures
into the plays’ spiritual content and around the World. He lives in Cam-
significance. bridge, Massachusetts.
E llison, who
dreaming, and clairvoy-
ISBN: 0910142912; Paperback ISBN: 9781584200451
ant experiences, writes
SteinerBooks Paperback
$9.95 Lindisfarne Books convincingly about the
160 pages $25.00 limits of the scientific
ISBN: 0910142904; hardcover 232 pages worldview and empha­
$15.95 Nature’s Due sizes the importance of paranor-
Three Lectures on Healing Our Fragmented Culture mal phenomena and the evidence of
the Mystery Dramas parapsychology to revealing the true
Brian Goodwin
The Portal of Initiation and nature of human beings.
the Soul’s Probation
3 lectures: Basel, Sept 1910, and Berlin, G

we can
in har-
Arthur Ellison was a distin-
guished professor of engineering and
Oct 1910 (CW 125); Berlin, Dec 1911, president of the Society for Psy­chical
(CW 127) mony with nature to Research. He died in 2000.
achieve true sustainabil- ISBN: 0863153682
Rudolf Steiner ity, we must be willing to Paperback
Translated by Ruth and Hans Pusch give nature its due—we Floris Books
must recognize what we actually owe $40.00

S teiner discusses the origin and

spiritual significance of two mys-
tery dramas.
to the natural world and resist selfish
384 pages
Eco -Geography
Brian Goodwin teaches Holistic What We See When
ISBN: 0880100605 We Look at Landscapes
Paperback Science at Schumacher College, UK.
SteinerBooks ISBN: 9780863155963 Andreas Suchantke
$8.95 Paperback
108 pages Floris Books
$30.00 S uchantke’s interest is
a new way of seeing
the physical landscape. It
224 pages
Science & Nature Viktor Schauberger is based on precise obser-
vation that is not just
A Life of Learning from Nature
The Hunter’s Trance analyzed “objectively,”
Jane Cobbald
Nature, Spirit & Ecology but recreated in an active

Carl von Essen iktor Schauberger’s act of imagination. Nature is then
insights into natural experienced as a form of meaning, a

V on Essen explores the

phenomenon of nature
mysticism from the per-
energies are explained in
clear, unassuming, and
language. The quality of our relation-
ship to nature is determined by how
entertaining words. The well we understand this language.
spectives of the recorded author shows that his The practical use of the imagination
experiences of outdoors remarkable inventions becomes an ecological activity.
people and others; the can reveal much-needed solutions Includes eighty illustrations.
increasing knowledge of to our energy, transport, and health Andreas Suchantke taught natu-
our psychic and biological roots; the issues. ral sciences for nineteen years in the
theoretical and experimental studies Zurich Waldorf school.
ISBN: 9780863155697
by neuroscientists; and the thoughts Paperback ISBN: 0940262991
of philosophers and psychologists Floris Books Paperback
such as William James. $17.95 Lindisfarne Books
Carl François von Essen prac- 144 pages $9.95
ticed and taught medicine and served 256 pages

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S ci e n c e & Na t u r e

Time Stands Still $50.00 The Holy Order of Water

400 pages
New Light on Megalithic Science Healing the Earth’s Waters and Ourselves
Eclipses 2005–2017
Keith Critchlow William M arks
A Handbook of Solar and Lunar Eclipses
C ritchlow
als on temple build-
& Other Rare Astronomical Events
Wolfgang Held M arks’ topics include
water’s role in the
origin of the universe
ing and applies them
to British sites. He T his handbook for
eclipse viewers gives
detailed information on
and life; cosmic rain
and water in interstel-
offers evidence that lar space; water in myth
carved stone spheres solar and lunar eclipses and religion; the power
in Scotland predate Plato’s writings for the next twelve of water in the natural world; vor-
on geometric figures by more than a years. Maps show the best points for tex energy and living water; water
thousand years. viewing, and provides background and the human body; water healing;
Keith Critchlow is Director of and tips for viewers. Includes safety and a history of water pollution. He
Research of the Prince of Wales Insti- glasses, maps, and color images. offers hope by discussing the work of
ISBN: 0863154786 visionaries such as Theodor Schwenk
tute of Architecture.
ISBN: 9780863155871 and Viktor Schauberger.
Floris Books
Paperback $19.95 William E. Marks has been work-
Floris Books 224 pages ing with water for most of his life. He
Bees & Honey is founding publisher and editor of
224 pages
From Flower to Jar Martha’s Vineyard Magazine.
The Secrets of Metals
Michael Weiler ISBN: 088010483x
Wilhelm Pelikan Paperback

H ere is a classic text for

understanding metals
W eiler reveals the
secret life of bees
vividly describes their
Bell Pond Books
256 pages
more deeply as a whole
remarkable world. Sensitive Chaos
and for gaining a fuller
appreciation of spiritual- Michael Weiler has The Creation of Flowing Forms
scientific research meth- helped develop guidelines in Water and Air
ods in relation to the for ecological beekeeping and leads Theodor Schwenk
world we inhabit. seminars on the life of bees and Preface by Jacques Cousteau
Wilhelm Pelikan (1893–1981) was healthy beekeeping.
a director of laboratories for Weleda
in Germany. He died in Silesheim,
ISBN: 9780863155758
Paperback T
his beautifully illus-
trated, classic text
on water phenomena
Switzerland. Floris Books
$17.95 shows how forces
ISBN: 158420043x
120 pages become form. The­
Lindisfarne Books E xtraordinary Plant Q ualities odor Schwenk shows
$25.00 for Biodynamics that the laws gov-
228 pages
Jochen Bockemühl erning the subtle patterns of moving
The Vortex of Life & K ari Järvinen water are the same as those percep-
Nature’s Patterns in Space and Time tible in bones, muscles, and myriads
L awrence Edwards
Edited by Graham Calderwood
he authors consider the qualities of other natural forms. He illustrates
of seven plants, showing how their these unify­ing forces in phenomena
nature and habits relate to the posi- such as the flight of birds, the move-

E dwards’ work suggests that uni- tive characteristics they bring to bio- ment of fish, the human sense organs,
versal laws, not yet fully under- dynamic methods. Illustrated.
stood, guide an organism’s growth ISBN: 0863155766
sound, mountains and deltas, sand
patterns, and much more.
into predetermined patterns. Paperback ISBN: 1855840553
Floris Books Paperback
ISBN: 0863155510 Rudolf Steiner Press
Paperback $38.00
160 pages
Floris Books 232 pages

84 | Find full descriptions of all our books and more online at steinerbooks.org
S ci e n c e & Na t u r e

N e w objective, everyday thinking is the Childhood

The Schiller File lowest rung of a ladder that reaches And Human Evolution
Supplements to the Collected Edition up to literally infinite heights.
Friedrich Kipp
of Rudolf Steiner: Scientific Research ISBN: 0880104724
Suggested by Rudolf Steiner
Paul-Eugen Schiller, editor
K ipp shows that childhood and
youth is necessary for human evo-
lution. His study of the juvenile stage
256 pages

T his important vol- in animals and humans illuminates

ume describes natu- human evolution and our relation-
Moon Rhythms in Nature ship to the animal primates.
ral scientific research
How Lunar Cycles Affect Living Organisms
by scientists working ISBN: 0932776337
at the Goetheanum Klaus-Peter Endres Paperback
and following sug- & Wolfgang Schad Adonis Press

gestions from Rudolf his brilliant book distills 128 pages
Steiner, leading, for wide-ranging observa-
example, to research on gases at
Does It Matter?
of lunar influences
low temperatures and high vacuum. on the earth’s bio­sphere The Unsustainable World
Steiner told them, “You will tend to from plants to humans. of the Materialists
produce conditions at the Sun’s cen- Following an introduc- Graham Dunstan M artin
ter, where matter is annihilated and tion to the astronomy
exists in a negative state; similarly
with space. Spectrum analysis was
of the moon rhythms is
a study of how the tides and other T
he book delves into areas
as diverse as quantum
intricate ocean movements are con- physics, cosmology, artifi-
used in these experiments, but for
nected with the life processes of cial intelligence, brain sci-
‘true’ results, the spectroscope would
numerous organisms. ence, biology, mysticism,
need to be modified.” On electricity,
ISBN: 0863153607 and philosophy to assess
Steiner told them, “We do not know
Paperback the possibilities that the
electricity, except by its effects. . . . In Floris Books materialists are right.
origin, it is an astral force.” $40.00
ISBN: 0863155332
ISBN: 9780904822168 308 pages
Comb Binding Developmental Dynamics Floris Books
Henry Goulden Books
In Humans and Other Primates $40.00
256 pages
8 ½ x 11 ½ inches Discovering Evolutionary Principles
196 pages through Comparative Morphology Earth -Friendly
Jos Verhulst Re-Visioning Science and Spirituality
The Fourth Dimension through Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas &
Sacred Geometry, Alchemy & Mathematics
Rudolf Steiner
Vthaterhulst elaborates the
evolutionary theory
dynamic principles
Rudolf Steiner
Sr. Adrian Hofstetter
Translated by Catherine E. Creeger in the development of “The spiritual sci-
Introduction by David Booth individual organisms also ence flowing from the
6 lectures, Mar. 24–June 7, 1905, and 2 function in all animal thought of St. Albert and
lectures, Nov. 7, 1905 & Oct. 22, 1908, evolution. The author St.Thomas, as developed
Berlin (CW 324a) shows that our human seven hundred years
tendency to retain our fetal form later by Rudolf Steiner,

T he point, line, plane, and

solid objects represent
the first three dimensions,
is complemented by further devel-
opment of various organs, through
could recapture the true
greatness of the West as
which we attain our human capaci- it reaches out to the East to create an
but a kind of reversal of ties. ‘Earth-friendly re-visioning of science
space is involved in the and spirituality.’” (from the book)
ISBN: 0932776299
ascent to a fourth dimen- Paperback ISBN: 1584200235
sion. Here, Steiner leads us Adonis Press Paperback
to the brink of this new perspective. $24.95 Lindisfarne Books
In doing so, he continues his lifelong 432 pages $20.00
project of demonstrating that our 192 pages

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S ci e n c e & Na t u r e

Goethe and the Power of Rhythm Flowforms Goethe on Science

A Biographical Essay The Rhythmic Power of Water Anthology of Goethe’s Scientific Writings
John Barnes John Wilkes Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Jeremy Naydler, editor
B arnes traces a power-
ful 18.6 year rhythm W ork­ing with his
invention, the
Foreword by Henri Bortoft

in Goethe’s biography, flowform, Wilkes his anthology provides a system-
showing how his creative uncovered many hid- atic arrangement of extracts from
genius unfolded through den secrets of water, Goethe’s major scientific works.
repeated periods of cri- while creating a beau- ISBN: 0863152376
ses and renewal. The fact tiful art form. This Paperback
that this rhythm corresponds exactly lavishly illustrated book is based on Floris Books
with cyclical movements of the Earth a lifetime of research. .
144 pages
and Moon suggests a strong connec- John Wilkes is director of the Vir-
tion between the life of Goethe and bela Rhythm Research Institute in New Eyes for Plants
the pulsing life of nature. the UK. M argaret Colquhoun
John Barnes is now a publisher and ISBN: 0863153925 & A xel Ewald
author, focusing on Goethean, phe- Paperback
nomenological science.
ISBN: 0932776248
Lantern Books, Floris Books
208 pages
T he writers present a
different way of see-
ing and understanding
nature. A wide vari-
Adonis Press The Origins of Natural Science ety of common plants
96 pages Rudolf Steiner are beautifully drawn
9 lectures, Dornach, Dec. 1922– Jan. at every stage of their
The Heritage of Trees 1923 (CW 326) development—from bud and seed to
History, Culture & Symbolism Introduction by Owen Barfield flower and fruit—and are comple-
Fred Hageneder mented by clear instruc­tions, enabling

A wide-ranging study
of the symbolism and
S teiner traces the subtle changes
in human notions and feelings in
relation to the development of nat­ural
the reader to create finely observed
and accurate drawings.
cul­tural meaning of the ISBN: 186989085x
science and shows the significance of
tree through history. Paperback
scientific research and thinking. Hawthorn Press
ISBN: 0863153593 ISBN: 0880101407 $30.00
Hardcover Paperback 160 pages
Floris Books SteinerBooks
$40.00 $10.95 Science
224 pages 148 pages An Introductory Reader
Emerson and Science The Enigma of Sunspots Rudolf Steiner
Peter Obuchowski A Story of Discovery & Scientific Edited by Howard Smith
O buchowski shows how early
nineteenth-century science
Judit Brody T opics: from pre-science
to science; the origin of
helped shape the thinking of this
truly American philosopher, poet,
and mystic.
T he author describes a strange and
powerful phenomena that may
hold a key to our understanding of
mathematics; the roots of
physics and chemistry, and
the urge to experiment;
Peter A. Obuchowski has written the Sun. the boundaries of science;
numerous articles on literature of the ISBN: 0863153704 understanding organisms:
Romantic period. Paperback Goethe’s method; much more.
ISBN: 1584200324 Floris Books ISBN: 1855841088
Paperback $25.00 Paperback
Lindisfarne Books 168 pages Rudolf Steiner Press
$25.00 $18.95
144 pages 256 pages

86 | Find full descriptions of all our books and more online at steinerbooks.org
S ci e n c e & Na t u r e

The Marriage of Sense & Thought for the planet, life after death, and Projective Geometry
Imaginative Participation in Science thinkers such as E. F. Schumacher L awrence Edwards
Stephen Edelglass, Georg M aier, and Elisabeth Kübler-Ross.
Hans Gebert & John Davy ISBN: 0950706272
Paperback T he exercises in this
book reveal the secrets

T he authors lay founda- Hawthorn Press of space. With over 200

tions for a science that, $13.95 instructive diagrams.
while maintaining its rig- 274 pages Laurence Edwards,
orous methodology, can Nature’s Open Secret the author of The Vortex
begin to incorporate the Introductions to Goethe’s Scientific of Life, has researched
fullness of human experi­ and taught this subject for more than
ence into its domain. forty years.
Previous edition: Matter and Rudolf Steiner
ISBN: 0863153933
Mind. Written 1884–1897 (CW 1) Paperback
ISBN: 0940262827
Edited and introduced by John Barnes Floris Books
Paperback $34.95
Lindisfarne Books
$16.95 G oethe’s studies of
nature had remark-
able and far-reaching
352 pages

The Sun
160 pages
effects on Steiner’s episte- The Ancient Mysteries and a New Physics
The Mystery of Physical Life
mology and spiritual sci­ Georg Blattmann
E. L. Grant Watson
ence. This book describes
Preface by Owen Barfield
Foreword by Ralph Twentyman
a new way of perceiving
the world.
U sing examples from art history,
astrophysics, and the Gospels,
Blattmann examines the Sun and

W atson tried to bring Includes an essay on participatory

reaches startling conclu­sions about
nature and con- science by John Barnes.
its interior through pro­jective geome-
sciousness into a uni- ISBN: 0880103930 try, showing the spiri­tual connection
fied vision that would Hardcover
between the Sun and Christ.
establish meaning in the SteinerBooks
$35.00 ISBN: 0880101482
world without losing Paperback
320 pages
wonder. He also studied SteinerBooks
Jung, early Christian Gnostics, and Thinking beyond Darwin $16.95
Anthroposophy, which brought him The Idea of the Type 238 pages
to an imaginative perception of liv- as a Key to Vertebrate Evolution Water
ing things based on the conviction of Ernst-Michael Kranich The Element of Life
the presence in all things of a spiri- Theodor Schwenk
tual reality.
Elliot Lovegood Grant Watson By applying Goethe’s
method to evolution-
& Wolfram Schwenk
(1885-1970) was a writer, anthro-
pologist, and biologist.
think­ing, Kranich
that evolution is
governed by the inner
T he authors suggest that
we need a new and
radical understanding of
ISBN: 0940262533
Paperback laws of living organisms water — that we must, in
Lindisfarne Books and that we must partici- fact, attain a revolutionary
$16.95 pate in these processes with forma- new level of consciousness
224 pages tive thinking. if the Earth is to remain
Hope, Evolution, and Change Ernst-Michael Kranich is direc- alive and available to human habita-
tor of the Free University in Stuttgart, tion.
John Davy This illustrated, pioneering classic
and a lecturer at the Uni­versity of
Introduction by Owen Barfield is more relevant than ever before.

T his book reflects the author’s work

as scientist, journalist, and lecturer.
It includes articles on evo­lution, lan-
ISBN: 0940262932
Lindisfarne Books
ISBN: 0880102772
$17.95 $25.00
guage, education, science, caring
192 pages 264 pages

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B i o d y n amic Farmi n g & G ard e n i n g

The Tourmaline Toward a Phenomenology of Water Crystals

A Monograph the Etheric World Making the Quality of Water Visible
Friedrich Benesch & Bernhard Wohrmann Jochen Bockemühl, editor Andreas Schulz

T he extraordinary
qualities of the
mysterious tourma-
A collection of essays that acquaints
the reader with the various
aspects of the etheric world and the
U sing water samples
from many parts of
the world, this remark-
line are unique in the formative movements and forces able and beautiful
mineral realm. This that are the very “substance” of life. book provides a unique
volume has involved Illustrated. insight into the world of
fourteen years of vis- ISBN: 0880101156 water—its life cycles, its nature, and
its to scientific collec- Paperback its structures.
tions in London, Paris, Berlin, and SteinerBooks Andreas Schulz is cofounder of a
Vienna, supplemented by contacts $16.95 water crystal research laboratory in
and correspondence with experts 240 pages the United States. He lives in Tübin-
around the world. Understanding Water gen, Germany.
This lavish, over-size book is one Developments from the Work of ISBN: 0863154867
that your family will treasure for Theodor Schwenk Paperback
generations to come. Floris Books
Andreas Wilkens, Michael Jacobi
Friedrich Benesch (1907–1991) & Wolfram Schwenk 192 pages
was a leader of the Christian Com-
munity seminary in Stuttgart.
ISBN: 3825174050
T he authors of this
illustrated book offer
a unique view into the
Biodynamic Farming
Hardcover & Gardening
Urachhaus world of water to under-
$150.00 stand better one of the
The Biodynamic Year
12 x 16 inches most essential elements
248 pages of our earthly life.
Increasing Yield, Quality and Flavour
100 Helpful Tips for the Gardener or
Sky Phenomena ISBN: 0863155405
A Guide to Naked-Eye Observation Floris Books M aria Thun,
of the Stars $25.00
Norman Davidson 112 pages
D iscover how to pro-
duce abundant and

R eaders are led from The Wholeness of Nature flavorful crops; how
the stars as seen from Goethe’s Way toward a Science of special preparations
Earth, through the Sun, can transform soil and
Conscious Participation in Nature
Moon, and various plan- plants; how the moon
ets to the Copernican Henri Bortoft
affects planting and
revolution, to comets and
meteors, and to the sky
of the Southern Hemisphere.
B ortoft shows how
Goethe’s way of sci-
ence is a genuine alter-
growth; the difference between root,
leaf, blossom, and fruit plants; the
best storage methods; much more.
The text includes mythological and native to today’s domi- Contains a wealth of advice for
historical aspects of the subject and nant scientific paradigm. gardeners who wish to care for and
numerous exercises. His participatory phe-
manage nature more responsibly and
nomenology proposes a
Norman Davidson was director successfully.
workable solution to the
of teacher training at the Waldorf ISBN: 9781902636863
dilemmas of contemporary, post-
Institute of Sunbridge College. He modern sci­ence. Hardcover
died in 2007. Temple Lodge
ISBN: 0940262797 $32.00
ISBN: 158420026x Paperback 128 pages
Paperback Lindisfarne Books
Lindisfarne Books $29.95
$25.00 424 pages
208 pages

88 | Find full descriptions of all our books and more online at steinerbooks.org
B i o d y n amic Farmi n g & G ard e n i n g

The Biodynamic Farm Principles of Biodynamic Spray Biodynamic Agriculture

Agriculture in Service of the Earth and and Compost Preparations Willy Schilthuis
Humanity M anfred Klett
Herbert Koepf A
concise, illustrated

biodynamic expert introduction to biody-

K oepf provides a vast discusses the practi- namic methods.

array of research calities of spray and com- ISBN: 0863153976
data and results, as well post preparations and the Paperback
as many helpful details philosophy behind them. Floris Books
on animal feeding, crop Dr. Manfred Klett is 128 pages
rotation, diseases, pests, the former head of the
and fertilizing. He shows
Agricultural Section at the Goethea-
that the biodynamic method of farm- num. An Introductory Reader
ing and gardening is the alternative ISBN: 0863155421
Rudolf Steiner
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Th e I n n e r L i f e o f t h e Ear t h

Th e I n n e r L i f e of the Earth had a powerful experience in which your reactions

run the gamut from fear, anger, revenge, and shock to
bewilderment, confusion, compassion, forgiveness, and
willingness to sacrifice? Have all these thoughts and
Fr o m t h e I n t r o d u c t i o n
emotions happened almost or actually simultaneously?
Pa u l V. O’L e a r y Of course, you have; you are a human being. Angels,
archangels, and so forth have no experience of this; it
Paul V. O’Leary, a devoted student of is outside their realm. Schizophrenia belongs to human
Anthroposophy, is a retired real-estate beings and to human beings alone. It is unique to the
appraiser and lawyer who specialized in human condition.
forensic appraisals and the appraisal of Our dual nature is a primal phenomenon, an Ur-phe-
conservation properties. He has written,
nomenon of our very being. It is our signature and marks
taught and lectured extensively on real-
us out for what we truly are: the microcosm of the mac-
estate economics and appraisal for the
rocosm. The split of the universe into spirit and matter,
Appraisal Institute, the Massachusetts Board of Real
Estate Appraisers, the American Society of Appraisers,
inner and outer, darkness and light, or the “matter” and
the Massachusetts and United States Bar Associations, “anti-matter” of contemporary physics, is reflected in our
and is a faculty member of the Lincoln Institute for inner nature in the duality of percept-concept, mind-body,
Land Policy in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Paul was thought-will, good-evil, life-death, and so on. “There is
instrumental in bringing to publication The Transfor- an important occult axiom: every quality has two oppo-
mation of Evil by Sigismund von Gleich (2005) and site poles. So, we find, just as positive and negative elec-
the collection of Rudolf Steiner’s lectures on the sub- tricity complement one another, so we have warmth and
terranean spheres, which appeared under the title The cold, day and night, light and darkness, and so on.”1
Interior of the Earth: An Esoteric Study of the Subter- Everyone has a “dark side,” a “shadow,” which is
ranean Spheres (2006). revealed in every sphere of life. Saint Paul famously
describes the division in his soul: “For I do not the
‰ good that I wish, but the evil that I do not wish, that
I perform . . . unhappy man that I am!” (Rom.

I f you could ask an angel what he or she found

to be remarkable about human beings, the
likely reply would be, “We are fascinated that
7:19, 24). The poetic form of the same lament
is Goethe’s famous “Two souls, alas, reside
within my breast; the one from the other would
humans are split in two, that they live their lives be parted.” (Faust part one, lines 775–776). It
divided within themselves. How do they stand is you and it is I, every time we act less mor-
it? How can they manage all that conflict? And ally than we know to be our best. It is the rift
how do they live without knowing their purpose, manifest in the twin opposites of higher self and
without knowing why they are alive?” lower self. Why we cannot be as “good” or as
From the angelic viewpoint, humans present “moral” as we can think; and why our thoughts,
themselves as an immediate and obvious dual- emotions, and actions are out of sync with one
ity. Angels are not divided beings; they are unitary and another : these issues reveal the fundamental problem. On
not composite, as we are. Angels and the other Hierar- the other hand, we experience our ego most intensely pre-
chies of Good exist apart from, yet have their reflection cisely through the encounter with our own polarity.
or counter-pole in, the Hierarchies of Evil. Together, both “One does not usually notice that a human being is
echelons of spiritual beings comprise a duality, but not a duality,” notes Rudolf Steiner. Nevertheless, we are
separately. The Hierarchies of Good can do good, or do doubtlessly a duality. Moreover, that fact pervades the
better, but they cannot harbor a good and evil thought spiritual-scientific worldview from anthroposophic med-
at the same time, as we humans can. The Hierarchies of icine to biodynamic agriculture, from the description
Evil have a similar but polar perspective. Neither group is of the constellations of the zodiac to the description of
both good and evil, as we are, who bear our polaric sides the various members of the human being. With its sister
within the same being — ourselves: hence, the uniqueness concepts “polarity” and “metamorphosis,” this dynamic
of specifically human conscience. Only human beings can drives evolution itself through the cultural epochs and
experience freedom. from ancient Saturn to future Vulcan. It stands behind
Angels stand in awe of our normal, everyday situa- the esoteric mantra: “That which is above is like to that
tion, where we can intuit multiple, yet contrary, ideas,
motives, and emotions at the same time. Have you ever 1. Rudolf Steiner, October 1, 1905. lecture 6, Foundations of
Esotericism (London: Rudolf Steiner Press, 1983), pp. 41–42.

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Th e I n n e r L i f e o f t h e Ear t h

which is below, and that which is subterranean spheres and the interior the Fall, we must first recognize
below is like to that which is above.” of the Earth? them, acknowledge their existence,
This is true within the human being The goal of human evolution is that and bring them into full conscious-
as well. we develop an independent, free “I,” ness. We are slaves to our own nature
Continuing from the quote on or self. We are to evolve from created and to the karmic web we live in
duality, we learn from Steiner that beings to creative beings, motivated because of our past lives. Freedom, as
what appears in the lower part of and permeated by love, an energy such, is currently not possible within
one’s organism always corresponds that will be comprised of the trans- the sphere of human will; freedom
to something in the upper part of the is possible only within the realm of
organism; that certain organs could thinking. Free thought can lead to
not come into being in the upper part freedom from enslaving emotions,
unless parallel organs — in a certain Natural science knows urges, and passions. Free thought is
sense, opposing organs — were able to less about the depths the precondition for the moral trans-
have a place in the lower part as the formation needed to become a free
opposite pole; that there is an inner
of our oceans than it personality. To the degree we lack
relationship between the form of the does about the depths self-knowledge, we are controlled by
intestine and the form of the brain of outer space, and our subconscious life. Steiner noted
and that the intestinal organs are even less about the that where self-knowledge ends, self-
truly the reverse side of the brain.1 love begins . . .  and vice versa. Descent
The macrocosm and microcosm interior of the Earth. into the subterranean spheres is a
mirror each other. The phenomenon descent into the lower self and the
of the human being’s dual nature is forces of egotism. Enhanced under-
shown by the Earth as seen floating formed wisdom we have learned standing of these forces is a prerequi-
in space. The Earth has no light of its through our many incarnations. This site to increasing self-knowledge and
own, but receives its light from the new form of love will be an objective, facilitating purification and spiritual-
Sun and stars and from the reflected cosmic force, universal in scope and ization of one’s all-too-human nature.
light of the Moon. Half of the Earth not subjective, personal, and limited Otherwise, we cannot avoid “the
is always in darkness, while the as it is now. To that extent, we must catastrophe of the lower nature.”4
other half is flooded with light. From acquire self-knowledge. “Know thy Our very “I”-consciousness
a Goethean point of view, where Self” is the profound esoteric man- is possible because the mineral
physical facts simultaneously rep- date of the past, present, and future. earth — the first layer of the inte-
resent spiritual reality, this picture At the event known in the Bible as the rior of the Earth — and the other
portrays the essence of polarity. For Fall, Lucifer provided our initial self chthonic regions exist. Our human
Goethe, natural phenomena are liv- and imbued humankind with a self- nature is a reflection of the sub-
ing expressions of the theory (idea) ish nature in our astral body. This earthly and supraearthly realms
that created them. “The best of all permeation by selfishness, or egotism, that comprise the macrocosm and
would be to realize that every fact is however, also provided the basis of the microcosm. “The true meaning
already theory. The blue of the sky our freedom; “freedom and evil have of the microcosm–macrocosm anal-
shows us the principals of color. We the same original source.”3 ogy is not that the human being is
need not look for anything behind Selfishness transforms and reap- a little cosmos, but that the cos-
phenomena; they themselves are the pears in the ether body as falsehood mos is a big human being.”5 From
doctrine.”2 If the phenomena are and lying, and descends further into this perspective it makes complete
the theory, then the dark and light the physical body, where it mani- sense that the subterranean realms
Earth revolving through space per- fests as sickness and death. These described by spiritual science live
fectly expresses both the dynamic of forces, originating from selfishness, within the deepest realms of our
polarity and our human nature. are found within the human subcon-
4. Ehrenfried Pfeiffer, October 10, 1958,
What has all this to do with the scious, the subterranean spheres, and Subnature and Super-nature in the Physi-
subject of this book, the realm of the are the sources of evil. In order to ology of Plant and Man: the True Foun-
transform these forces and overcome dations of Nutrition, Spring Valley, NY:
1. Rudolf Steiner, March 24, 1920. cited Mercury Press, 1981, p. 25.
in Karl König, Earth and Man (Wyoming, 3. Rudolf Steiner, Nov. 22, 1906, The 5. Christopher Bamford, “Paradoxi-
RI: Biodynamic Literature, 1982), p. 267. Origin of Suffering; the Origin of Evil, Ill- cal Thoughts on Christ and Sophia in the
2. From Christopher Bamford, An End- ness and Death, N. Vancouver, BC: Steiner Human Mystery of the Earth,” in The Inner
less Trace (SteinerBooks, 2006), p. 57. Book Centre, 1980, pp. 20–21. Life of the Earth, SteinerBooks, 2008.

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Th e I n n e r L i f e o f t h e Ear t h

human nature and subconscious a picture of human nature as a vol- even that it is a “self-regulating, liv-
life of darker feelings and will. cano fueled by ancient energies from ing being.”5 For spiritual science “the
Deep within the human being, they the subterranean spheres, capped evolution of the human being and
radiate into the shadows of thought. and (ideally) controlled by the devel- the evolution of the Earth are a sin-
This region is more familiarly oping and newest member of human gle process.”6 They each condensed
known as Hell, Hades, or the Abyss. nature: the nascent ego, or “I.” into physical substance through the
The subterranean spheres, then, are Two paths are available to pen- same event — the Fall, also character-
the Earth’s “dark side.” This per- etrate the maya of existence toward ized as the fall into matter. Moreover,
spective is clearly Manichean. genuine spiritual reality: the outer they mutually depend upon the same
The energies that feed our irratio- path through the outer world, and polar event — the Mystery of Gol-
nal side pour forth from these depths. the inner path via one’s inner life. gotha — for their transformation and
We can view human history, or sim- Tracing the chthonic energies to their spiritualization.
ply everyday life, as a constant battle source is, obviously, part of the inner For those readers who wish to pen-
between the irrational and rational. path. Steiner warns of the dangers etrate more deeply into the anthro-
We humans, individually and collec- for those who would follow this path. posophic worldview concerning the
tively, have a “self-destruct” impulse One can observe human beings who interior of the Earth, two recent
deep within our nature, whereby we have become addicted to the lower publications are useful. Sigismund
destroy the things we hold most dear passions through perverted sexual- von Gleich’s Transformation of Evil
and kill those things we most love. ity, drugs, greed, gambling, the lust (see page 44) provides an excellent
Historical events since the dawn of for power, and even rape and mur- summary of the spiritual-scientific
the Age of Light in 1900, as well as der. The washed-out addict or serial picture of the interior of the Earth,
the daily news headlines, provide killer appears hollow, an empty the corresponding energies of evil and
overwhelming proof of this. Money, shell; the self is devoured while that their counter-pole in the nine Beati-
power, sensuality, and violence person devours others by indulging tudes of the Sermon on the Mount.
enthrall human beings. What was in, or being dominated by, the pas- The other, The Interior of the Earth:
culturally unacceptable forty or even sions. The depths of the subterranean An Esoteric Study of the Subterra-
twenty years ago is now normal. The realm eventually lead to the source of nean Spheres (see page 41), offers
gradual, manifold, and seemingly black magic, which Steiner defines as Rudolf Steiner’s only five lectures that
inevitable degradation of cultural “magic based on egotism.”3 address the topic directly. In addition,
norms, sliding progressively down From a more global perspective, it contains relevant excerpts from
into the abyss, needs no additional the Earth, as a planet within the solar five other lectures by Steiner, as well
documentation for the reader of this system, is very much a living being. It as material from Adolf Arenson and
book. Thoughtful people question was only with the advent of modern Countess von Keyserlingk. The pres-
whether we should classify human natural science that the Earth began ent collection may be considered the
beings as “rational creatures” at all. to be seen as a dead, lifeless ball float- third in that series.
“A bevy of experiments in recent years ing in the vacuum of space. Natural
suggests that the conscious mind is science knows less about the depths
like a monkey riding a tiger of sub- of our oceans than it does about the

conscious decisions and actions in depths of outer space, and even less
progress, frenetically making up sto- about the interior of the Earth. The For more on this book, please see
ries about being in control.”1 Robert materialistic worldview has reached page 7. The complete text of this in-
Kagan, a professor and historian at its zenith; since the middle of the troduction is posted on our website,
Yale, recently commented, “To me, last century, new-age scientists and www.steinerbooks.org.
the deepest message, the most tragic, spiritually minded people have ini-
is [Thucydides’] picture of civilization tiated countervailing concepts that
as a very thin veneer. When you punch the Earth has qualities of life,4 or
a hole in it, what you find underneath 3. Rudolf Steiner, June 12, 1906, “Earth-
is hollow, the pre-civilized character- quakes, Volcanoes and the Human Will,” versity Press, 1967.
istics of the human race — animalistic in The Interior of the Earth: An Esoteric 5. See, for example, James Lovelock,
in the worst possible way.”2 More Study of the Subterranean Spheres, London: Gaia: A new Look at Life on Earth, New
appropriate to this particular book is Rudolf Steiner Press, 2006, p. 22. York: Oxford University Press, 2000.
4. See Erwin Schrodinger, What is Life? 6. Christopher Bamford, “Paradoxical
1. Maureen Dowd, January 7, 2007. (with Mind and Matter and Autobiographi- Thoughts on Christ and Sophia,” The Inner
2. New York Times, May 29, 2007. cal Sketches), New York: Cambridge Uni- Life of the Earth.

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Th e M y s t e r y o f M ar y M agdal e n e

Th e M y s t e r y of M a ry M ag da l e n e ized on a large scale by Dan Brown’s book The Da Vinci

Code, published in 2003, in which the theory that had
Ro b e r t Pow e l l been presented in The Holy Blood, and the Holy Grail
was put forward in a modified form. Since then, there
Robert Powell, PhD, is an international- have been further publications in which people’s imagi-
ly known lecturer, author, eurythmist, and nations have found fertile ground. A recent book by Lynn
movement therapist. He is founder of the Picknett, called Mary Magdalene: Christianity’s Hidden
Choreocosmos School of Cosmic and Sa- Goddess, speculates that Mary Magdalene may have
cred Dance, and cofounder of the Sophia been an Egyptian priestess who practiced ritual sex or
Foundation of North America. He received that perhaps she was from Africa and was black, and she
his doctorate for his thesis The History of goes so far as to suggest that there may be ancient docu-
the Zodiac, now available as a book from ments that prove that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were
Sophia Academic Press. His published works include The sexual partners (married or otherwise) that the church
Sophia Teachings, a six-tape series (Sounds True Record- has acquired and suppressed.1 Various ideas of this kind
ings), as well as the following books: Divine Sophia – Holy are floating around, which have come about mainly, as
Wisdom; The Most Holy Trinosophia and the noted, in the last thirty years.
New Revelation of the Divine Feminine; The So-
The question may be asked: Why live with
phia Teachings; Chronicle of the Living Christ;
speculations if it is possible to know the truth?
Christian Hermetic Astrology; The Christ Mys-
I believe it is possible to know the truth about
tery; The Sign of the Son of Man in the Heavens;
The Morning Meditation in Eurythmy; and the
Mary Magdalene, and to know her biography.
yearly Christian Star Calendar. He translated To give an indication of this, I will briefly refer
the spiritual classic Meditations on the Tarot to the research in my book Chronicle of the Liv-
and co-translated Valentin Tomberg’s Lazarus, ing Christ, published in 1996, which contains a
Come Forth! He is coauthor with Lacquanna day-by-day biography of the life of Christ. This
Paul of Cosmic Dances of the Zodiac and Cos- book was the result of ten years of research that
mic Dances of the Planets. He teaches a gentle form of I undertook into the works of a German nun, who was
healing movement: the sacred dance of eurythmy, as well a contemporary of Beethoven and Goethe, named Anne
as the cosmic dances of the planets and signs of the zodiac, Catherine Emmerich (1774–1824). At the age of thirty-
and through the Sophia Grail Circle he facilitates sacred eight she received the stigmata. She then lived for another
celebrations dedicated to the Divine Feminine. Robert of- twelve years without eating any solid food, except for tak-
fers workshops in Europe and North America and, with ing the host at communion once a day. Occasionally she
Karen Rivers, cofounder of the Sophia Foundation, leads would also drink small amounts of water. Already from
pilgrimages to the world’s sacred sites. Visit www.sophia- her earliest childhood, she lived continually in visions
foundation.org for more information. from the life of Christ. This was quite natural for her.
The following excerpt is from Robert Powell’s lat- Her visions were so alive that it was for her as if she were
est book, The Mystery, Biography, and Destiny of Mary physically present at the events she saw. She was able to
Magdalene: Sister of Lazarus John & Spiritual Sister of describe in great detail much about the life of Christ and
Jesus (see page 7). about the people around him.
‰ After she had received the stigmata, there were many
from all over Europe who came to visit her because they

I n the last thirty or forty years, interest in Mary

Magdalene has grown enormously, particularly with the
idea — first presented through the 1971 rock opera (later
wanted to witness this miracle. One of those was a Ger-
man poet, Clemens Brentano, who on meeting her was so
struck and impressed by the purity of her being that he
a Broadway show), Jesus Christ Superstar, and the Oscar- decided to stay and become her scribe. Interestingly, Sister
nominated film adaptation thereof — that there was a love Emmerich had previously had a vision that her guardian
relationship between Jesus and Mary Magdalene. This angel had told her that someone was coming and would
fired people’s imaginations. In 1982, this was brought be her scribe. In the vision this person was referred to as
into literary form by three journalists in England who “the pilgrim.” When Brentano came, Sister Emmerich rec-
wrote a book entitled The Holy Blood, and the Holy ognized immediately that he was the one whom she had
Grail, in which they put forward a theory that Jesus and seen in the vision. Over several years he visited her every
Mary Magdalene had been married, had children, and day and wrote down what she had seen, as she dictated
that the descendants of this lineage were the bearers of
1. Lynn Picknett, Mary Magdalene: Christianity’s Hidden God-
the mystery of the Holy Grail. This idea became popular- dess, New York: Carroll & Graf, 2003.

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Th e M y s t e r y o f M ar y M agdal e n e

the content of her visions to him, describing the events in endar. And since I have a masters degree in statistics and
the life of Christ day by day. The resulting transcription probability theory, I worked out the probability of these
of her visions was eventually compiled in a book pub- very specific indications and found that the probability
lished in four volumes, The Life of Jesus Christ.1 that the dates were random was one in four-hundred-
The fourth volume is mainly concerned with the events and-thirty-five billion. Anyone with any understanding
of Christ’s Passion, which took place between the Last of probability theory will know, therefore, that the dates
Supper and the Crucifixion. Many have heard of—or per- quoted by Sister Emmerich are authentic. To be doubly
haps even seen—the film by Mel Gibson, The Passion of sure, I had my work checked by two other mathemati-
the Christ, which is based on this fourth volume, although cians, who came to the same result.
Gibson did take some liberties in the way in which he Therefore, I feel very secure in saying that for the first
dealt with the content of Sister Emmerich’s work. When time in history it has been possible to find the true and
you read Sister Emmerich’s account of the life of Christ exact dates of the life of Christ, primarily from the Bap-
you do get a sense of authenticity. However, as a scientist tism in the Jordan onward (but also from shortly before
the Baptism), up until the Crucifixion and Resurrection
and shortly thereafter. Moreover, even though she was
When we read the bedridden in the little town of Dülmen in Germany and
read no books—she could hardly read and write—Sister
account by Sister Emmerich gave accurate and detailed descriptions of
Emmerich of the life of local customs at the time of Christ, and also of the exact
Jesus Christ, we are on topography of Palestine, as later I was able to witness
a secure foundation for on pilgrimages to the Holy Land in 1993 and 1997. For
example, the description of the location of the house of
understanding the truth. the Virgin Mary in Ephesus (present-day Turkey) was
so detailed and precise that two priests in the year 1891
I could not be content simply with this sense of truth. I explored the region around Ephesus and found a place
needed a way to know for sure whether her visions were that corresponded to her description. An archeological
true or not. I studied her book The Life of Jesus Christ investigation showed that what they had found were the
line by line and found that she made references to places, remains of a building that dated from the first century
days of the week, and dates in the Hebrew calendar, and that the arrangement of the rooms fitted exactly Sis-
particularly relating to festivals. Without a background ter Emmerich’s description of the structure. The house
in astronomical chronology, one might not necessarily was subsequently rebuilt according to this description
notice these details. For example, on one occasion she and is now an important place of pilgrimage.
said, “Jesus taught in the synagogue at Ainon. . . . That Thus, when we read the account by Sister Emmerich
evening, after the close of the Sabbath . . . it was the com- of the life of Jesus Christ, we are on a secure foundation
mencement of the Feast of Tabernacles.”2 for understanding the truth. Even though one cannot
With a background in astronomical chronology, one say that every single word is absolutely accurate, cer-
can know that the Feast of Tabernacles commences on the tainly from what I have been able to investigate, there
fifteenth day of the month of Tishri in the Hebrew Cal- is no way she could have made it all up. Her work is
endar. This is a lunar calendar so that the fifteenth day— a demonstration of the power and ability of a certain
falling in the middle of a lunar month containing twenty- kind of clairvoyance to determine historical dates and
nine or thirty days—coincides with the Full Moon. (The geographical locations of long-past events—with nearly
month starts with the first appearance at dusk of the thin one hundred percent certainty, as the application of
crescent of the New Moon.) Moreover, since the Hebrew probability theory to Sister Emmerich’s calendar indi-
Sabbath extends from dusk on Friday evening to dusk on cations verifies.
Saturday evening, it must have been Saturday evening The Life of Jesus Christ, stemming from the clairvoy-
“after the close of the Sabbath.” So this event happened ance of Sister Emmerich, is also a source for understand-
on a Saturday evening at Full Moon. I collected all refer- ing the life of Mary Magdalene. It presents something
ences of this kind made by Sister Emmerich and found very different from what the three English journalists
to my astonishment that they all fit exactly in the period and Dan Brown describe in their books. (Some read-
from the year 29 to the year 33 in the Hebrew lunar cal- ers might now wish to consult the last chapter, enti-
tled “The John Mystery,” where I have described Mary
1. Anne Catherine Emmerich, The Life of Jesus Christ (4 vols.)
Magdalene’s biography in some detail, in the context
Rockford, IL: TAN Books, 2004.
2. Ibid., vol. 2, pp. 374–375. of the biography of her brother Lazarus, based on the

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Th e M y s t e r y o f M ar y M agdal e n e

clairvoyant descriptions of Emmer- In fact, Lazarus played an extraor- in her finest clothes and she brought
ich.) In this chapter, I briefly develop dinarily important role in the life some friends who enjoyed living it up
a few aspects concerning the life of of Christ. He was effectively the with her. However, while Jesus was
Mary Magdalene. In what follows, I “patron” of Christ. It is well known speaking she had an extraordinary
am drawing upon Sister Emmerich’s that Jesus did a lot to help the poor experience. We have to remember
descriptions. by often distributing bread and other that when he spoke, his words had
Mary Magdalene was the sister food—and sometimes money—to great power, possessing a strength
of Martha and Lazarus, and grew the poor when he went somewhere. that would move people, affecting
up in the family castle in Bethany, Where did this abundance come them even down into their physical
just northeast of Jerusalem. This is from? Jesus himself had nothing. It body. Mary became riveted by every-
also where Lazarus was later raised was made possible through the sup- thing Jesus said, to the point that—
from the dead by Jesus Christ. Mary port of Lazarus and Martha, who and this is an event that is difficult
Magdalene was the youngest of four took care of the needs not only of for us to understand—Jesus cast a
children and was very beautiful. Her Jesus but also of his disciples. demon out from Mary Magdalene. In
family was considered to be quite As we can see from the fact that modern terminology we would prob-
wealthy. Lazarus had inherited from he was raised from the dead later, ably call it some kind of psychologi-
his father and shared his wealth Lazarus was what we would nowa- cal complex, but in those days it was
with his three sisters. The third sis- days call an initiate, someone who said that the person was possessed by
ter was referred to as Silent Mary had attained an extraordinary level a demon.
who, in modern terminology, would of spiritual development, endowed It is very interesting to look at what
be called developmentally delayed or with remarkable suprasensory gifts. was taking place in the heavens at the
mentally ill. She did not speak but It is not too farfetched to call him time of this event of Jesus casting out
had profound inner visions. She died the spiritual brother of Jesus. Read- a demon from Mary Magdalene. As
at a relatively early age on April 8 in ing between the lines, this is what the research I have presented in vari-
c.e. 30, about six months after the is indirectly stated in chapter 11 of ous publications shows, every event
ministry of Christ began on Septem- the Gospel of John with the words: in the life of Christ had a perfect cor-
ber 23 in 29 c.e., the day of the Bap- “Now Jesus loved Martha and her respondence with what was taking
tism in the Jordan. sister and Lazarus.” The use of place in the cosmos. At that time, the
Already by that time, Mary Mag­ the word loved points to a special Sun and Venus were in conjunction.
dalene was living in her own castle bond that Jesus had with this family, Venus, of course, is known as the
on the southwest shore of the Sea which I have elaborated upon in fur- planet of love and Christ was known
of Galilee in the town of Magdala, ther detail in the last chapter, “The as the Sun Spirit. They were close
referred to by Sister Emmerich as John Mystery.” This bond offers us together—in conjunction—in the
Magdalum, located a few miles a key to understanding the relation- constellation of Scorpio, the Sun at
north of Tiberius. Being wealthy and ship that Jesus had with Lazarus and 17 degrees Scorpio, only two degrees
beautiful she enjoyed life and, cor- also with Mary Magdalene. away from Antares at fifteen degrees,
respondingly, lived the “high life.” Mary Magdalene’s wild life was a the star in the center of Scorpio,
This was a great source of concern source of great concern to Lazarus known as the heart of the Scorpion.
for her brother Lazarus and sister and Martha. They were praying for According to ancient star mythology,
Martha, both of whom had in the guidance as to how to go about intro- this position of the Sun tells us a lot.
meantime become disciples of Jesus ducing their sister to Jesus. Then one In the works of Plutarch, an initiate
of Nazareth. There had been links day Martha received guidance to go who gathered information from many
between the family of Lazarus and to Mary because she knew that Jesus ancient mystery centers and who was
the Holy Family for a long time, was going to be teaching in the area of also a priest at Delphi, the great ora-
even before Jesus was born, as the Magdala, in a place called Gabara— cle center of the god Apollo, we find a
woman (her name was Noemi) who northwest of Tiberius—not far from myth concerning the death of Osiris,
had looked after the Virgin Mary the Sea of Galilee. Martha man- which according to this account took
when she was a Temple virgin was aged to persuade her sister to come place when the Sun was at 17 degrees
an aunt of Lazarus (she was the sis- and hear Jesus preach on a hill near of Scorpio. That was the exact degree
ter of Lazarus’s mother). Gabara on November 8, 30 c.e. Mary at which the Sun was located when
Lazarus and Martha recognized came with an attitude of curiosity to Jesus cast out a demon from Mary
Jesus as the Messiah, and did every- see the new prophet, but not with Magdalene. From a cosmic viewpoint,
thing that they could to support him. any sense of belief. She came dressed evidently Jesus brought to manifesta-

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Th e M y s t e r y o f M ar y M agdal e n e

tion something of the myth of Osiris the last state becomes worse than Mary Magdalene in her own right a
in enacting this deed. Furthermore, the first” (Luke 11:24). In fact, this great initiate, having received her ini-
the number of correspondences is exactly what happened. Mary tiation from Christ, who opened her
between Christ and Osiris is striking, Magdalene did have a relapse; for seven chakras.
the primary one being that Christ she returned to her former lifestyle After he had cast out the demons,
died and rose again from the dead, and become possessed again, this Jesus advised Mary Magdalene to
as is related in the myth of Osiris. At time by seven demons. Martha and stay in the company of the Virgin
this position of the Sun, located at 17 Lazarus, who witnessed this, were Mary. Just as Jesus himself had a cir-
degrees Scorpio, where it was said to of course now deeply concerned and cle of disciples, who were all men—
be at the death of Osiris, Jesus cast kept praying for guidance as to what remembering that it was a patriarchal
out a demon from Mary Magdalene, to do. This new condition lasted for culture—so the Virgin Mary had a
bringing about a chance for new life almost exactly seven weeks. (Again circle of women around her, which
and restoring her to wholeness. and again we find this period of Sister Emmerich refers to as the holy
There is yet another interesting seven weeks in the life of Christ. For women. Mary Magdalene joined this
cosmic correspondence concerning instance, Pentecost came seven weeks circle of holy women and played an
this event, which is that Mercury after the Resurrection.) important role there.
was located at the beginning of Sagit- This was all preparation for the
tarius in conjunction with the galac- great event, later, when she was the
tic center at 2 degrees Sagittarius. one who, on the morning of the
This is a very significant place in the Just as Jesus himself Resurrection, came to the empty
zodiac that has much to do with the had a circle of tomb. There, in the Garden of the
divine power of Christ—the galactic disciples who were Holy Sepulcher, she turned around
center being a location of enormous and saw someone whom she thought
all men, so the Virgin was the gardener—until she heard
This event in the life of Mary Mary had a circle of him speak. Then she knew: This is
Magdalene on November 8, 30 c.e., women around her. the Risen One. He has risen from
occurred a little more than a year the dead. Christ spoke with her and
after the Baptism of Jesus in the said that she should go to the dis-
River Jordan, which had taken place Seven weeks after the encounter ciples and tell them that he would
on September 23, 29 c.e. Five days with Jesus at Gabara, on Decem- be ascending to the Father. He gave
later, on November 13, 30 c.e., Jesus ber 26, 30 c.e., Martha again man- her the task of being a messenger.
came to the town of Nain and raised aged to persuade Mary Magdalene One of the Greek words for messen-
a twelve-year-old boy from the dead. to come and hear Jesus speak, this ger is Apostle. Because it was Mary
This event of the raising from the time in a place called Azanoth, a Magdalene who brought the news
dead of the youth of Nain is described few miles northwest of Gabara. On of the Resurrection to the Apostles,
in the Gospel of Luke. There were this occasion Jesus cast out all seven particularly to Peter and John, she
many other miracles Jesus performed demons, as described in great detail is called the Apostle to the Apostles.
around the time of his encounter by Sister Emmerich, and as is referred The initiation she received from Jesus
with Mary Magdalene, when he cast to briefly also in the Gospel: “Mary, was a preparation for this great event
out a demon from her. The following called Magdalene, from whom seven of being charged with Jesus’ message
words spoken by Christ apply to her: demons had gone out” (Luke 8:2). of his resurrection from the dead,
“When the unclean spirit has gone out This was a kind of initiation. It was thereby bearing witness to the Resur-
of a man, he passes through water- a freeing and opening of all seven of rection and becoming the Apostle to
less places seeking rest; and finding Mary Magdalene’s chakras. Through the Apostles.
none, he says: ‘I will return to my this initiation, she became the first The rest of Mary Magdaline’s life
house from which I came.’ And when fully redeemed soul. is shrouded in mystery. Nevertheless,
he comes he finds it swept and put in This was, of course, an event of with the help of Sister Emmerich it
order. Then he goes and brings seven great importance in the life of Mary is possible to begin to understand
other spirits more evil than himself, Magdalene. Something truly extraor- what took place. After the events of
and they enter and dwell there; and dinary had taken place through which the Resurrection and the Ascension
she was able more and more to find she withdrew to live the life of a her-
1. Lacquanna Paul & Robert Powell, Cos-
her true calling. Just as her brother, mit in the desert, rather like John the
mic Dances of the Planets, San Rafael, CA:
Sophia Foundation Press, 2007, p. 193. Lazarus, was a high initiate, so was Baptist had done before he began to

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Th e M y s t e r y o f M ar y M agdal e n e

baptize people in the River Jordan. accompanied by Camargue guards calling. Mary Magdalene went even
However, when she was visiting her on horseback, to the Mediterranean farther eastward from Marseilles, to
brother and sister in Bethany, about Sea for prayers and veneration. The a cave in the Provence region that is
three years after Pentecost, because narrow streets of St. Maries-de-la- called Sainte-Baume, where she lived
a persecution of Christians by the Mer overflow as the Gypsies honor the life of a hermit for about thirty
Jews had started, she was arrested. the escort, singing hymns untiringly years. This cave is halfway up a sheer
On this occasion Lazarus, Martha, and shouting again and again, “Vive rock face, a very imposing place. The
and Mary Magdalene were all taken Saint Sara!” There are many tradi- path leading up to it goes through an
into custody, as well as the sisters’ tions of this kind relating to the com- ancient, sacred forest. Before Mary
maidservants, Marcella and Sara, ing to the Provence region of Lazarus Magdalene came there, the place was
and two other people who were vis- and his sisters and companions, who sacred to the Druids.
iting Lazarus at the time: one of the were the bearers of Christianity to What was she doing there all that
seventy-two disciples, named Maxi- Europe just three years after the Res- time? She led the life of a mystic,
min, and the man who had been born urrection of Christ. in continual communion with the
blind and was healed by Jesus, Che- angelic realm and with Christ, who
litonius, also sometimes known as was at this time on his path of ascent
Sidonius. These seven were taken to through the heavenly realms. She
the Mediterranean coast, somewhere Right now, in our was living with the words the angels
close to present-day Tel Aviv. They age of television, had spoken at the Ascension: “Men
were put into a little boat, towed computers, cell of Galilee, why do you stand look-
out far into the sea, and cut loose. ing into heaven? This Jesus, who was
The idea was that they would perish,
phones, and iPo ds, taken up from you into heaven, will
but that did not happen. Through such communion come in the same way as you saw
divine providence, this little boat with nature is him go into heaven” (Acts 1:11). The
made it across the Mediterranean so dif ficult to imagine. angels were proclaiming his second
that the family with the servants and coming, what is referred to in the
companions came ashore at a place
But it will come Book of Revelation as his “coming
in the South of France now called St. again in the future. in the clouds” (Rev. 1:7). One of the
Maries-de-la-Mer. things Mary Magdalene did at Sainte-
On the Sophia Foundation pilgrim- Baume was to spend a lot of time
age to the South of France in 1998, I Now we can imagine that Lazarus, contemplating the clouds. She lived
traveled to St. Maries-de-la-Mer and having been raised from the dead, in communion with nature. She was
visited a Romanesque church that had an extraordinary power, as had in effect role-modeling something for
has a crypt with a black Madonna. It Mary Magdalene, and Martha, too, humanity of the future. Right now, in
is not dedicated to Mary, but repre- after having spent so much time in our age of television, computers, cell
sents an image of Sara, the Egyptian the presence of Jesus Christ. When phones, and iPods, such communion
maidservant of Mary Magdalene. Lazarus spoke, it was a power- with nature is difficult to imagine.
Sara is the patron saint of the Gyp- ful experience. While Sara stayed But it will come again in the future.
sies. Each year on May 24, as the behind in St. Maries-de-la-Mer, the She did not have any concern about
Gypsies converge upon St. Maries- rest of the group went to the town her physical well-being since she
de-la-Mer, they are welcomed to the of Massilia (present-day Marseilles), lived in perfect harmony and oneness
ninth-century fortified Romanesque farther eastward along the coast. with nature. Everything was taken
church and the St. Sara Crypt. Their They lived there, and because of care of in a quite natural way. When
purpose is to pay respect to Sara-la- Lazarus’s presence and the power of she needed water, she would find it.
Kali, or Sara the Black. They come his speaking, very soon a community When she needed to eat, she would
by the thousands from around the of people became converted to this find plants to eat. It was a condition
world to this little town for baptisms, new religion of Jesus Christ, the Mes- we can hardly imagine nowadays, a
family reunions, and other events. siah, who had died and risen from condition of oneness with the whole
Everywhere, the bejeweled Gypsy the dead. Lazarus became the bishop of nature.
women are in long, colorful skirts, of this first community of Christians
full white blouses, and kerchiefs. The in Europe. He kept a “spiritual eye”
statue of Sara is carried by specially on Martha and Mary Magdalene, his

chosen men in a solemn procession, two sisters, who each had their own

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W e e k l y M e di t a t i o n s

W e e k ly M e d itati o n s Even though, following Steiner, we

start our journey around the year at
Easter, one may of course start the
Rudolf Steiner’s Calendar of the Soul
weekly meditations and reflections
with accompanying reflections by Patsy Scala at any time. The year is a cycle, and
whenever we begin, going around and
If you wish to know yourself, around, as the Earth herself circles the
Seek yourself in the world’s far breadths; Sun, we are drawn into an ever-deep-
If you wish to know the world, ening awareness of the rhythms, polar-
Penetrate your own inner depths.
ities, and balances that the sacred fes-
Your own depths will disclose,
As in world memory, tivals of all traditions and times have
The mysteries of the cosmos to you. always celebrated.
— Rudolf Steiner, Finding the Greater Self It is important to understand that, though the Chris-
tian festivals—Easter, St. John’s Tide, Michaelmas, and
Prayer in a human being is a conscious Christmas—mark the cardinal points of the meditations
expression of the upward trend of
of Calendar of the Soul, these verses reflect a different
nature found everywhere. So every
impulse or desire of the soul for life, view of the Christ Event than the view contained in tra-
love, light, is a prayer.” ditional Christian theology.
— Charles Fillmore, Teach Us To Pray Rudolf Steiner’s view of the Christ is as a universal,
Weekly Meditations is the result of a year of the all-encompassing being, incarnated for all humanity,
author’s daily reflections, which she edited into regardless of spiritual tradition. Furthermore, in Stein-
a weekly format, then further edited for clarity er’s view, the Christ being is not only divine but also
and continuity. Patsy Scala offers readers her cosmic. This accords with his view that human beings
meditative reflections on Rudolf Steiner’s weekly and the Earth herself are also cosmic, and embedded in
verses as helpful beginning points for one’s own the cosmos. Indeed, the fact that festivals of Easter, St.
reflections, along with Christopher Bamford’s John’s Tide, Michaelmas, and Christmas fall at the turn-
fresh translations of the verses themselves. ing points of the vernal and autumnal equinoxes and the
summer and winter solstices reflect this cosmic aspect of

R udolf Steiner wrote the Calendar of the Soul in 1912, Christianity.

beginning at Easter, which occurred in that year on From Easter through Michaelmas, from spring through
April 7, as a means of helping readers feel the moods of autumn, our senses move outward. The soul expands
the seasons within their own soul moods and understand toward the Earth and the cosmos. Then from Michael-
the relationship between season and soul. Steiner began mas through Easter, from autumn to spring, the Earth
the year at Easter, which marked for him the birth of the moves inward. It contracts, and our souls withdraw into
“I.” Thus the Calendar verses begin with this most sacred themselves. Easter’s resurrection of the Christ and of the
of times. Because the date of Easter is not fixed, we have Earth is mirrored in the Michaelmas thought that, as the
provided five years’ worth of dates to assist the reader in world can go safely to its winter grave, so souls can like-
exploring the movement of his or her soul through the wise move inward with confidence—because resurrec-
cycles of several years. Since Easter’s date can vary by tion will come. Easter’s own resurrection—a rising from
a month or more, the verses and reflections for the year the grave—serves as a reversal of autumn’s movement
speak of a seasonal “mood” rather than a specific festival. toward its wintry grave. Christmas celebrates the birth
For example, the Christmas mood can occur at any time of Jesus and the birth of light into the Earth. St. John’s
from Advent to Epiphany. In the year’s progression, St. Tide invites us to contemplate the baptism of Jesus by
John’s Tide is on June 24, Michaelmas on September 29, John, the coming of the Christ being into Jesus, and the
and Christmas on December 25. The “mood” of these beginning of the waning of earthly light.
festivals, however, permeates the entire season in which In addition, each calendar verse has its own “mirror.”
they occur. verse 1 is echoed in verse 52; verse 2 finds its echo in

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W e e k l y M e di t a t i o n s

verse 51; and so on. The whole is all a sacred and cycli- And as we do this, we give ourselves a gift grander than
cal continuity. any earthly gift. We find our own truth. We give to our-
In all of this, Steiner’s ideas are very close in flavor and selves our Self.
spirit to those of Native American spirituality, with its
Intention: This week, as I take in the sensual joy that
deep, esoteric honoring of the Earth and its cycles. Per- will become memories for the future, I will experience
haps this is why the practice of the Calendar of the Soul reverence in the knowledge that I am greater than just my
(as well as other anthroposophic practices, such as biody- personal self. I am also my Higher Self, and a part of a
namics) seems so appropriate today and on this continent. greater cosmic cycle.
Many tribes do their planting only at certain seasons of
the Moon and harvest these plants only at specific hours
Week 20 (August 3 – 9, 20 08 )
of the day. Like Steiner, the Native Americans understand
the interweaving of the divine, the cosmic, and the earthly. For the first time I feel my being,
Steiner’s closeness with the cosmos is also echoed in the Which, far from world existence,
Native American use of “grandfather,” “grandmother,” Would soon be extinguished in itself
“father,” “mother” as names for cosmos and Earth. And, building only on its own foundation,
In itself would kill itself.

W e e k 19 ( J u ly 2 7– A u g u s t 2, 2 0 0 8 ) s the seasons move one into the next, our soul power
grows and changes. Now, as summer already begins
To surround mysteriously to show traces of autumn, we build the soul-strength that
With memory what I have newly received we will need to carry us and the world through the com-
Must be my striving’s deeper meaning. ing seasons. Our own essence is awakening.
To do so will awaken We look within and see our self. We look to the Earth
My own powers, which are growing and see the summer season: lush, yet fading. And we
stronger within me realize that, without our relation to the world, our souls
And which, ever becoming, will give me would be extinguished. We need the world to understand
to myself. who we are. We need an outer in order to exist in the
inner, just as we need both in-breath and out-breath. We
need to see the world with clarity to see our own truth.
N ow, in mid-summer, we are still being richly fed by
the senses. Even as the Earth seems to be growing
tired, a wealth of beauty still surrounds us. Now we must
We stand at a turning point. We have breathed out into
the lushness of summer. Now we are outside, even as it is
within us. We hold the memory of summer within us as
begin to take this abundance into our memory. Like an
soul strength, as we prepare to turn inward during win-
animal storing food for a barren winter, we store the
ter’s long seasonal inbreathing. We know that, as we feel
meaning of summer’s richness within our souls.
our existence in the world, we are a part of an ongoing
We must remember and hold in our hearts summer’s
cosmic dance.
soul message. Our souls are strengthened by our abil-
Without the part that we play in the world, we would
ity to sustain the memory of receiving summer’s gift of
soon extinguish ourselves. We would kill our souls with
knowing that we are part of a larger cycle, the journey
the lack of knowing anything beyond us or greater than
from birth to death to birth that is our cosmic path.
us. We need the evolving of the world in order to evolve.
We strive to fortify our souls so as to take into our mem-
We need the transcendent in order to understand the
ories all the cosmic richness and meaning we can hold.
immanent. To build our foundations, we cannot stand
We are at a crossing point. As the Earth begins its long
only within our own souls. We must stand firm in the
process of waning, we are beginning the journey toward
world as well. We must be the part of the world that we
the soul strength that will sustain us inwardly during the
were born to be. We must take life from the world, and
winter months.
offer life back to the world.
We take the late summer gifts into our souls and our
If we are to live, we must live as a part, not apart.
hearts, and we know that, like the seasons’ inexorable
movement, one into the next, we too are always becom- Intention: This week I will honor my sense of soul-growth,
ing. We are always creating, always moving from the and know that, without its presence in a greater essence,
already been to the not yet, always strengthening in the it would die. Understanding this, I will make a special
present what will happen in the soon to be. effort to honor the world as well.

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W e e k l y M e di t a t i o n s

Week 21 (August 10 –16, 20 08 ) summer into autumn, we notice that this light appears
to be diminishing. Mornings are darker. Evenings come
I feel a foreign force fruiting, sooner.
Strengthening to give me to myself. But even though the sunlight is moving away from its
I sense the seed ripening summer brilliance, the cosmic light is not gone. Light does
And light-filled prescience weaving not only illuminate the things of the world. The light that
Within me on my selfhood’s power. pours from the cosmos also pours into our souls as the
presence of the sacred: the divine illumination within all

A s the year moves slowly into its time of rest, we feel things. Divine light, having sustained the Earth through-
ourselves awaken. As we watch the world evolving, out the summer months, now bears its fruit within our
we understand that this is the season of the Earth’s fruit- souls.
ing, and we contemplate what this outer fruiting means Invisibly and silently, the cosmic light is moving into
within our souls. each of us, preparing us to be the light that lights the
The Earth is ripe. Yet amid this ripeness, we see signs world. The light from the cosmos penetrates our souls,
of decay and tiredness. We delight in the bounty of the and we feel spirit growing within us. Our souls become
fruits and berries bursting forth to feed our bodies; but stronger, more powerful, and more able to carry the
at the same time we feel an inner newness, something world soul within us.
recalled from other seasons. Blossoming within, we feel Even as we nourish our bodies from the fruits of the
restless. And we know that this restlessness, this growing, Earth, we become the fruit that will sustain the soul of
is the beginning of our own soul’s fruiting. the world. It is all a dance of being and becoming, wax-
Soon we will be the ones who feed the world soul. Soon ing and waning, feeding and being fed. Such is the dance
we will sense more consciously the power of the self. Soon of life. Without it the cosmos would darken and die. As
we must find within our souls the cosmic soul that we we move together with the cosmos through September, a
still experience through our senses. This is our season of holy light passes into us.
preparation. Intention: This week, as I notice the apparent waning of
Living between the fullness and the decay around us, a the light, I will feel reverence for the part that I play in
prescient inner knowing is germinating. We sense a light carrying the cosmic light within my soul. I will use this
within; different from the light we have known outside all light to illumine all that I do, and I will do it all in a state
summer long. We are growing. Inwardly, our own inner of devotion. I will offer my own light to those who live in
power is expanding. soul-darkness.
In the endless dance of becoming, we feel the stirrings
of soul-fruiting. We know that we must become the inner
fruit that feeds the cosmic soul. As we harvest the Earth, Patsy Scala is the vice president and a
we nurture our souls. director of the Center for Spiritual and
Cultural Unity in Syracuse, NY, a not-for-
Intention: This week, as I enjoy the harvest offered by profit organization that is a resource for
the Earth, I will be aware of the growing force within my those in search of a complete life in body,
soul. I will begin to prepare myself inside for the seasons soul and spirit (www.cnyspirituality.org).
when my soul will become the food for the world soul. Formerly a vice president at Merrill Lynch,
she recently retired after twenty-seven years with the firm.
Patsy’s first book, Seven Steps to Everyday Mysticism,
W e e k 2 2 ( A u g u s t 17–23, 2 0 0 8 ) was published in 2002. She has spoken extensively
in Unity churches on the theme “Creating Prosperity
The light that comes from cosmic widths of space in Your Life.” A long-time student of Anthroposophy,
Lives on powerfully within, Patsy is a member of the Anthroposophical Society in
Becoming the soul’s light America and the First Class of the School of Spiritual
And shining into the spirit depths Science. She lives on Mystic Mountain in New
To release the fruits Woodstock, New York, with her husband Joseph and
That will in time allow the human self their dog Muffin.
To ripen from the world’s self.

A cosmic radiance— sacred, holy, and vast—pours itself

forth to illumine all things, and give light to all that is.
As the months and seasons turn, August into September,

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T o u chi n g t h e W o rld

To u c h i n g the Wo r l d Church groups, Grinnell college students, and a pack of

Cub Scouts all appear at the door, either to drop off food
or to help serve the daily meal. It is clear that there are
Dan M cK anan more volunteers than necessary, but each person has a
story to share. An older man, wrestling with the wounds
SteinerBooks NYC Seminar Presentation of a recent divorce, wonders if his faith is calling him to
Saturday, March 15, 2008 a change of lifestyle. A United Parcel Service manager,
intrigued that one of his part time employees is also a
Dan McKanan Ph.D., is associate live-in volunteer at a homeless shelter, peruses the hun-
professor of religion and chair of the dreds of newspaper clippings about anti-war demonstra-
Theology Department at the College of tions that line the walls. A high school senior prepares for
St. Benedict and St. John’s University. her trip to the Worker’s sister village in Chiapas, Mexico.
Educated at Harvard, Vanderbilt, A family volunteers as a group to support their son’s inter-
and the University of Chicago, Dan est in urban justice. A father discusses anarchist philoso-
has dedicated his professional and phy while his twelve-year-old son plays chess with sev-
personal life to recovering peace, eral homeless men he has befriended. A college professor,
justice, and community at the visiting to research a book on intentional communities,
heart of Christian life and theology. He is especially is invited into the game and soundly defeated. And hold-
interested in the contribution of the esoteric Christian ing court at the center of it all is Carla Dawson, who
stream, including Anthroposophy, to these issues. His arrived at the Worker house as a homeless single mother
most recent book is Touching the World: Christian
and is now often described as the community’s “franchise
Communities Transforming Societies, a study of
player.” Carla tells stories, barks orders, stirs soup, and
The Catholic Worker Movement and the Camphill
greets each newcomer with a warmth that seems born of
movement from this point of view. The following talk
was given at the 2008 SteinerBooks Spiritual Research
lifelong friendship.
Seminar at New York University in NYC. Saturdays at Camphill Village Minnesota are usually
quieter, but once a year this rural village of eighty people

In my comments this morning, I would like to do two

things. First, I will provide an overview of my book
Touching the World, which is a study of both Catholic
hosts several hundred visitors for its Open Day. Mostly
residents of the nearby towns of Sauk Centre and Long
Prairie, the visitors are traditional folks who work hard
Worker and Camphill communities. In its original form, on farms and in offices, spend their free time with their
Touching the World also dealt with Brook Farm and children, and worship at Lutheran or Catholic churches.
other intentional communities of the nineteenth cen- A few Amish families, also from nearby farms, mingle
tury, and I will touch on that material as well. I hope with the crowd. As they take a hayride through Camp-
that this overview will not only inspire you to buy my hill’s field, the visitors learn about a lifestyle that is both
book, but will give you a sense of why I think Camphill similar to their own and very different. The Camphill-
has such profound healing power and why I believe that ers share their love of the land and their determination
Camphillers and Catholic Workers can learn much from to preserve a beleaguered agricultural economy, but their
dialogue with one another and with participants in other farming is shaped by “biodynamic” principles that forbid
intentional community movements. the use of chemical pesticides and require that planting
In the second part of my presentation, I will reflect and harvesting follow the astrological rhythms of the
more directly on how that dialogue might deepen our heavens. Rather than traveling to a distant office, Cam-
understanding of the practice of healing. Specifically I phillers alternate between work shifts in the home, the
will consider the ways “healing,” as practiced at Camphill garden, and traditional craft shops that produce wooden
and in other anthroposophic contexts, might connect to toys, woven rugs, and hearty cookies. Though they work
the practices of “liberation” and of “resistance” that fig- as hard as their neighbors do, they receive no individ-
ure more prominently in some of the other social change ual salaries. Decisions about family vacations or private
movements I have studied. And I will invite all of us to school tuition must be negotiated with the entire village,
reflect on ways to bridge the real and apparent divisions though there is usually enough money to go around. Per-
among these practices. haps most importantly, adults with developmental dis-
My first part begins with snapshots of three intentional abilities are at the heart of Camphill life, and on Open
communities that I know well. Day they are especially eager to show off the community
It is Saturday morning, and the kitchen at the Des that they have built up. Sarah, who has Down syndrome,
Moines Catholic Worker house is buzzing with activity. rushes about, offering a boisterous hug to everyone she

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T o u chi n g t h e W o rld

recognizes. Mike, who grew up on communities like them, can easily emphasized personal responsibility,
a farm just ten miles away, beams be lifted up as heroic alternatives to decentralism, and the liturgical foun-
with pride as he reports on the calves a mainstream society that is fatally dations of social justice. Karl König,
and baby goats born on the farm this corrupted by competition, consumer- the first leader of Camphill, was a dis-
year. Martha rocks back and forth, ism, and capitalism. They can also be ciple of Christian esotericist Rudolf
clutching her Cabbage Patch doll, as dismissed as irresponsible utopians Steiner, who also inspired Waldorf
she makes a joke about the name of who have renounced the fallen world, schools and biodynamic agriculture.
each person she meets. “Is your name preferring personal purity to social Associationism blended the utopian
Daniel? Daniel have to tell another responsibility. Neither characteriza- theories of French socialist Charles
joke!” tion does justice to the mixed and Fourier with the native-born zeal of
Turn the clock back one hundred mingled character of life at a Catho- New England pacifists and nonre-
fifty years, and Martha would fit in lic Worker house, a Camphill village, sistants; most of its adherents were
at Brook Farm, a village of farm- or a nineteenth-century “Association” loosely affiliated with the Unitarian,
ers and Transcendentalists located like Brook Farm. It is true that par- Universalist, Quaker, or Swedenbor-
just outside Boston. After serving ticipants in each movement live, or gian churches.
a hearty, mostly vegetarian meal, lived, in ways that are quite different The communities affiliated with
the waiters sit down to eat their from those of their neighbors. These each movement also vary in their
own supper. Others linger outside differences are often heroic and occa- structures and missions. Most Cath-
the windows, waiting for the puns sionally self-righteous; sometimes olic Worker communities are houses
to begin. “Is there any difference they are both at once. But Catholic of hospitality in which persons expe-
between Puseyism and puppyism?” Workers, Camphillers, and Associa- riencing homelessness share daily life
asks one Harvard-educated waiter. tionists also live with their neighbors. with those who have chosen a life of
“Yes, sir,” answers another. “Puppy- They worship together, serve together poverty; others are small, sustainable
ism comes from dogmatism, but Pus- on school boards, share vegetables farms that also practice hospital-
eyism from catechism.” A young boy and political opinions and gossip. ity. Camphills are villages of fifty to
gets up from the table early; as the Community members are eager to a few hundred inhabitants in which
chief and only member of the Knife share the insights they have gleaned persons with and without disabilities
Scrubbers’ group, he has a keen sense from cooperative living, but they are work together at farming, gardening,
of his responsibilities. Later, most of also willing to learn from their neigh- and traditional crafts. Associations
the community sprawls on the floor, bors. It is in this living together, this aspired to be economically produc-
listening irreverently as Margaret mingling with others, that intentional tive townships in which manual and
Fuller, a Transcendentalist who pre- communities can do the most to mental work would be equally attrac-
fers individual to communal action, instill values of cooperation, equality, tive and traditional social hierarchies
gives one of her famous “Conversa- and love in society as a whole. would dissolve.
tions.” But they are all ears the next Over the past five years, I have vis- Despite their diversity, the three
morning when William Allen, one of ited more than a dozen communities movements all defy the stereotype
the few experienced farmers at the affiliated with the Catholic Worker of the sectarian or utopian com-
community, teaches them the proper and Camphill movements, as well mune. Camphillers, Catholic Work-
way to plant potatoes. The commu- as several freestanding communities ers, and Associationists are not
nity’s founder spends the day shovel- inspired by those movements. I have escapists who would create a pri-
ing manure while his wife washes lin- also read widely in the records of vate heaven while letting the rest of
ens, provoking bemused speculation these movements and of nineteenth- the world burn. Instead, they aspire
about whether less cultivated persons century “Associationism.” All three to be “a beacon for all on the path
might have done the same work in movements were born in times of cri- toward social renewal,” to “create
half the time. Yet the whole commu- sis—Associationism after the Panic a new society within the shell of the
nity, children of privilege as well as of 1837, Camphill and the Catholic old,” or to achieve “Christ’s idea of
workers bankrupted by the Panic of Worker during the Great Depression society.” And they have rarely imag-
1837, can come together with neigh- and Second World War—though they ined that theirs was the only path to
bors from the “outside” for a festival built on diverse religious and ideo- a new society. One long-time Cath-
of masquerades and ghost stories. logical foundations. Catholic Worker olic Worker spoke for many when
The Des Moines Catholic Worker, founders Peter Maurin and Dorothy he reflected that “there were times .
Camphill Village Minnesota, and Day drew on the “distributist” strand . . when I wondered if we, far from
Brook Farm, along with dozens of of Catholic social teaching, which being a light unto the nations, were

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T o u chi n g t h e W o rld

behaving even a notch better than of purpose achieved by them. But

the national average—and I con- they wanted something different for
cluded that we probably were not.” The founders of each their own communities. The promise
Such sober self-assessments go hand movement were aware of Brook Farm, wrote Elizabeth Pea-
in hand with a determination to con- of communities that body (herself an extended community
tinue experimenting, searching for practiced celibacy, member of sorts), was that it would
the right balance between idealistic and they reflected preserve “the sacredness of the fam-
withdrawal and creative engagement ily” that had been violated by other
with the large society. This flexibil- long and hard on the communities. Dorothy Day affirmed
ity allowed Associationism to help stability, devotion, and “the normal life in this world today
launch the American labor movement, singleness of purpose and always is that of the family,” and
the Catholic Worker to transform achieved. insisted that the key to social renewal
the ways Americans think about per- was “the re-creation of the Catholic
sons experiencing homelessness, and family, that microcosm of society and
Catholic religious order, and the pio-
Camphill to reveal the profound gifts type of the Mystical Body.” Families
neer of Boston’s classical music com-
of persons with disabilities. that could not do hospitality full-
munity; Camphill and the Catholic
In my research, I have focused on time could still be “Catholic Work-
Worker have inspired potters, weav-
the practices that allow intentional ers” simply by taking a single person
ers, organic farmers, college profes-
communities to maintain a flexible into their homes. Camphill, for its
sors, and entrepreneurs.
engagement with the larger society. part, has made the family a build-
This commitment to vocation
Each movement, for example, has ing block of its communal structure:
means that each community must
honored the diverse vocations of its each village is organized into dis-
accept, even celebrate, the decisions
individual members, recognizing tinct households, in which long-term
of individuals whose vocations lead
that fully developed persons provide houseparents (often but not always a
them out of the community. “The
vital points of contact with the larger couple with children) anchor the life
gold moves on and the dross remains,”
society. In the nineteenth century of disabled villagers and short-term
observed Dorothy Day ironically, and
Associations, vocational discernment volunteers.
she frequently admonished depart-
was achieved through what Fourier Each community has thus “made
ing members not to imagine that the
called “attractive industry”: mem- room” for families in both a literal
community would collapse without
bers performed only those tasks for and figurative sense. The Association-
them. Camphill’s “young coworker”
which they felt a personal attraction ists imagined that they would liberate
program, similarly, attracts twenty-
(either to the work itself or to the women by establishing communal
year-olds from around the world,
other workers), and shifts rotated kitchens and nurseries, but in prac-
many of them drawn simply by a
every few hours to satisfy the “but- tice, most parents preferred to care
desire to travel between high school
terfly passion” for variety. Camphill for their own children and eat some
and college. These young people are
has a similar structure; during my meals at a family table. The Associa-
introduced to new ways of eating,
summers at Camphill Village Minne- tions that lasted longest were those
caring for others, and honoring the
sota, I often found myself the head of that made the transition to a “cottage”
environment, which they in turn can
a cooking crew in the morning and system with minimal conflict. Most
apply to lifestyles far beyond the vil-
a garden or garbage-collecting helper long-term Catholic Worker families
lage. And at most Catholic Worker
in the afternoon. Catholic Workers anchor their own small communities
houses, individuals with established
achieve the same end through less (or simply maintain a “Christ room”
careers participate in house activities
formal means: in many houses, no for a person in need), reconfigur-
as “extended community” members,
specific demands are placed on vol- ing household space with each new
often moving from the “charitable”
unteers, who are thus free to take stage of their children’s development.
work of hospitality to a more radical
personal responsibility for tasks Camphill parents, likewise, insist on
critique of the American social order.
ranging from meal preparation to having meals that are just for the fam-
Another important practice is the
comforting depressed guests to per- ily, or incorporate other community
embrace of family life. The found-
forming civil disobedience at military members into their family rituals. “If
ers of each movement were aware of
installations. Such experimentation we were reading stories in the eve-
communities that practiced celibacy,
can allow many vocations to emerge. nings,” said Roswitha Imegwu, who
and they reflected long and hard on
Brook Farm formed labor organizers, grew up at one Camphill and raised
the stability, devotion, and singleness
journalists, the founder of a Roman her children at another, “we would

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T o u chi n g t h e W o rld

do that in the living room so that any- tice. All Christians talk about loving
one else who wanted to share in that Like a diluted the enemy, welcoming the stranger,
story could do that.” homeopathic remedy, a and sharing their possessions; these
The benefit of making room for communities provide concrete ways
families is that families and children
handful of committed of actually doing so. Once one is
provide links to the larger society. people can bring about immersed in this “practice” of Chris-
“Children are great community build- significant change simply tianity, a variety of things can happen.
ers,” noted Catholic Worker mother by choosing to live in a Some communitarians discard Chris-
(and grandmother) Willa Bickham. new way. tian creeds and rituals as pale substi-
“If you have a child, you go walking tutes for a fully Christian lifestyle;
around the neighborhood and talk insofar as many of its founders were others become increasingly attached
to everybody.” At Anathoth Com- Viennese Jews who had converted to to the rituals; still others are drawn
munity Farm, which was inspired the Anthroposophy of Rudolf Steiner, to other spiritual traditions that offer
by the Catholic Worker movement, and it draws deeply as well on the different paths to the same practices.
parents Mike Miles and Barb Kass Moravian tradition of Jan Comenius In almost every case, the spiritual
invited their son’s second grade class and Nikolas von Zinzendorf. journey leads the individual to make
for a visit, establishing a tradition It is relatively easy, of course, to be connections beyond the boundar-
that lasted through his high school hospitable to a few individuals who ies of the community, thus allowing
graduation. This connection allowed are obviously “different.” What is communal ideas to diffuse into the
the surrounding community to per- even more striking is the way these larger society.
ceive Anathoth as good neighbors as communities have allowed individu- None of these practices—culti-
well as radical peaceniks. Parents at als of the “dominant” tradition to vating individual vocations, making
Camphill Copake, similarly, found follow wayward spiritual paths. The room for families, honoring diverse
that service on a school board helped nineteenth-century Associations spiritual journeys—is without cost.
build ties with suspicious neighbors. provided a seed-bed for the Spiritu- Though they can enhance the expe-
A third practice common to all alist movement, even as other Asso- rience of communal life, they invari-
three movements is that of honoring ciationists were converting to Roman ably draw vital energies out of the
the diverse spiritual paths of their Catholicism. Camphill has encour- community. The nineteenth century
members. Each movement has under- aged its members to explore Buddhist, Associations folded within a decade
stood itself as “Christian,” indeed, as Jewish, and Native American wisdom, or two, largely because of their com-
an attempt to live out the values of the sometimes from within the frame- mitment to individuality, families,
Sermon on the Mount or realize the work of Steiner’s Anthroposophy, but and spiritual diversity. The Catholic
Kingdom of God on earth. But, with sometimes not. The Catholic Work- Worker and Camphill have proved far
a few exceptions, these communities er’s emphasis on liturgy has led some more enduring, but both movements
have not expected every member to members into the Orthodox church, are characterized by revolving door
share this Christian identity. All have even as others have turned their criti- memberships and economic “precar-
been pioneers in ecumenical and cal attention from the government ity.” If longevity were their only goal,
interfaith dialogue. The Association- and corporations to the hierarchi- these communities would do well to
ists believed (perhaps with a touch of cal, sexist, and homophobic practices build higher walls (both literal and
arrogance) that the concrete practice of the Catholic Church. And Kathe figurative) around themselves.
of gospel ideals would dissolve the McKenna, whose Catholic Worker What Catholic Workers, Camphill-
artificial divisions of creed, and took community may have more Buddhists ers, and Associationists have done
pride in the presence of Jews, Catho- than Catholics, once observed that instead is to remain open to both
lics, and freethinkers at their commu- “We’ve had people leave the Catholic death and resurrection. The Associa-
nities. (Liberal Protestants, however, Church. We’ve had people become tionists began by imagining that the
were consistently the majority.) Doro- serious Quakers while they’ve been entire world would be transformed in
thy Day is well known for the ortho- involved with us; we’ve had people a few years, but eventually concluded
doxy of her Catholic faith, but from leave the Quakers. . . . If anybody is that their communities had “tried to
the beginning, the Catholic Worker alive spiritually, they’re searching.” live before [their] proper time, and, of
has stood in solidarity with the Jews Community life is especially con- course, must die and be born again.”
and learned from the nonviolence of ducive to spiritual searching, I Dorothy Day affirmed early on that
Gandhi. Camphill has an even more believe, because it forces people to “What we do is so little we may seem
intimate relationship with Judaism, put their spiritual ideals into prac- to be constantly failing. . . . But unless

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T o u chi n g t h e W o rld

the seed falls into the earth and die, significant change simply by choos- some of the Christian movements
there is no harvest.” Karl König, like- ing to live in a new way. And, finally, that are working today for social
wise, admonished his followers that Catholic Workers, Camphillers, and transformation.
Camphill would not succeed until its Associationists all agree that the heal- Matthew 4:23–25: “Jesus went
values had been so widely diffused ing of society must go hand in hand around all of Galilee, teaching in
that it could no longer be recognized with the healing of nature. All have their synagogues, proclaiming the
as Camphill. incorporated agricultural labor into gospel of the kingdom, and curing
Such guidance, rooted in one of the their community ideal, even though every disease and illness among the
central themes of the Christian theo- farming is certainly not the best way people. His fame spread to all of
logical tradition, expresses a profound to build a strong economic base for Syria, and they brought to him all
social wisdom. Too often, Christian community. This is because, as one who were sick with various diseases
social activists assume that we must of Brook Farm’s founders noted, and racked with pain, those who
either work “inside” or “outside” the one can most easily become a full, were possessed, lunatics, and para-
system—either withdrawing into healthy human being by engaging lytics and he cured them. And great
countercultural ghettoes or partici- nature’s rhythms through farming. crowds from Galilee, the Decapo-
pating fully in conventional political Despite these commonalities, how- lis, Jerusalem, and Judea, and from
and corporate institutions. Camphill, ever, Camphillers and Catholic Work- beyond the Jordan followed him.”
the Catholic Worker, and Associa- ers have generally been unaware of Luke 4:16-21: “Jesus came to Naz-
tionism suggest that there is a third one another’s movements, as well as areth, where he had grown up, and
way. It is possible to experiment with of the legacy of Associationism. This went according to his custom into
radically new social arrangements has much to do with their diverse the synagogue on the Sabbath day.
while maintaining a constructive dia- spiritual roots, and the different He stood up to read and was handed
logue with our neighbors. In a world vocabularies for social healing that a scroll of the prophet Isaiah. He
threatened by ecological catastrophe, stem from those roots. Some words unrolled the scroll and found the pas-
persistent poverty, and a troubling and phrases used by Camphillers can sage where it was written: ‘The Spirit
new imperialism, such communities be off-putting to Catholic Workers, of the Lord is upon me, because he
have a vital role to play in helping us and vice versa. Indeed, this applies has anointed me to bring glad tidings
all envision a new society. even to our theme of “healing”— to the poor. He has sent me to pro-
That, in short, is my understanding this word is simply not as prominent claim liberty to captives and recov-
of how intentional communities can in the Catholic Worker movement, ery of sight to the blind, to let the
be part of the social transformation and in some of the other Christian oppressed go free, and to proclaim a
that our world so desperately needs. social change movements I know, as year acceptable to the Lord.’”
Now I will turn to the second part of it is among Camphillers and Anthro- Matthew 21: 12–13: “Jesus entered
my presentation. What might a dia- posophists. So I’d like to conclude the temple area and drove out all
logue among Camphillers, Catholic my presentation by exploring some those engaged in selling and buying
Workers, Associationists, and other of these differences of vocabulary. there. He overturned the tables of
activists teach us about healing? It may be that, in order to heal the the money changers and the seats of
It should be evident by now that the world, we also need to heal the dif- those who were selling doves. And
healing of society has been central ferences in our words. he said to them, ‘It is written: “My
to the work of all the communities To get this started, let’s do a bit of house shall be a house of prayer,” but
I have studied. And, to a significant brainstorming. What words, phrases, you are making it a den of thieves.’”
extent, they share an understanding images, or practices come to mind Each of the words I have high-
of what healing means. All assume when I say “healing”? lighted—healing, liberation, resis-
that social healing must be holistic: What words, phrases, images, or tance—is prominent in some of the
it is not enough just to change gov- practices come to mind when I say communities and movements I have
ernment structures, or economic “liberation”? studied, but absent in others. Cam-
structures. Instead, all aspects of our What words, phrases, images, or phillers speak regularly of healing
being-together stand in need of heal- practices come to mind when I say but almost never of resistance. Cath-
ing. At the same time, all assume that “resistance”? olic Workers often see “hospitality
small changes in the social body can Now please listen as I read a brief and resistance” as the two primary
have profound effects. Like a diluted text from the gospels corresponding tasks of their communities, with sig-
homeopathic remedy, a handful of to each of these words. Each of these nificantly less emphasis on healing.
committed people can bring about texts has a particular resonance for “Liberation” is the primary theme of

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T o u chi n g t h e W o rld

various movements, rooted especially that are collectively known as “the- understood in psychological and eco-
in Latin America and in the African ologies of liberation.” In Peru, nomic as well as spiritual terms, no to
American community, that have had Roman Catholic priest and theo- the social structures of racism, sex-
an especially strong influence on the- logian Gustavo Gutierrez ascribed ism, and capitalism that bring about
ology as it is practiced in the main- three related levels of meaning to the oppression. That “no” sounds even
stream universities where I have been term “liberation.” First, it expressed more clearly in the theme of “resis-
a student and teacher. Thus, we can “the aspirations of oppressed peoples tance” as it is used in the Catholic
deepen our understanding of these and social classes,” and particularly Worker movement. The “Aims and
three gospel passages by considering their conflict with “wealthy nations Means,” one popular statement of
how each term is used in the context and oppressive classes.” Second, it Catholic Worker ideals, declares that
where it is so popular. suggested that poor people could, by our “capitalist” and “bourgeois” soci-
First, healing. This is one of the most struggling against oppression and ety is “far from God’s justice” because
common words used by Camphillers assuming responsibility for their of its emphasis on violence, privilege,
to describe the mission of their com- own destiny, eventually create “new and the acquisition of material goods.
munities. The Cascadia Society says women and men and a qualitatively In the Catholic Worker movement
that it “is dedicated to bringing heal- different society.” And third, it today, “resistance” functions as
ing to human beings and to the earth.” pointed back to the gospels as the umbrella term for the many ways in
Camphill Copake promises to light a source of liberation. “In the Bible,” which Catholic Workers oppose war
“beacon” toward “a future where the wrote Gutierrez, “Christ is presented and systems of injustice. Many Cath-
work of healing the earth unites with as the one who brings us liberation. olic Workers stress confrontational
the work of healing social life.” Obvi- Christ the Savior liberates human- tactics: massive demonstrations, civil
ously, the stress on healing flows in kind from sin, which is the ultimate disobedience at weapons facilities,
part from the centrality of “curative root of all disruption of friendship sabotage of weapons, tax resistance.
education” to Camphill life, but as and of all injustice and oppression.” A few choose to write letters to their
these quotes suggest, the healing that Meanwhile, in the United States, legislators or even run for office
happens at Camphill is not directed African American Methodist James themselves. (Given the Worker’s tra-
only toward the children or villag- Cone made a similar claim with spe- dition of anarchism, election-time
ers with special needs. Healing also cific reference to the Black Power newsletters often feature debates
describes what happens to coworkers movement. “Black Power,” he wrote about the pros and cons of voting.)
when they enter into community life, provocatively, “is the spirit of Christ In all these activities, Catholic Work-
and what happens to the earth as the himself in the black-white dialogue ers draw inspiration especially from
result of biodynamic agriculture and which makes possible the emanci- Ammon Hennacy, a charismatic
sustainable energy practices. Indeed, pation of blacks from self-hatred leader in the movement in the 1950s
healing might be identified as one of and frees whites from their rac- and the 1960s. At the height of the
the most basic of human potentials. ism. Through Black Power, blacks Cold War, Hennacy persuaded other
Thus, Karl König, near the end of his are becoming men of worth, and Catholic Workers to resist the civil
life, wrote that “simply the meeting, whites are forced to confront them as defense drills required in New York
eye to eye, of two persons creates that human beings.” An organization of City, as a way of pointing out that
curative education which counters, in black pastors echoed Cone’s theology no one would survive a nuclear war.
a healing way, the threat to our inner by declaring that “The message of In his personal life, he worked as a
humanity.”1 liberation is the revelation of God as day laborer in order to avoid paying
Second, liberation. In the late revealed in the incarnation of Jesus taxes that might support warmaking.
1960s, two theologians working in Christ. Freedom IS the gospel. Jesus He picketed constantly, and never
quite different contexts proclaimed is the Liberator! . . . The demand that stopped trying to persuade others
that liberation was the central theme Christ the Liberator imposes on all to embrace his pacifist and anar-
of the Christian gospel, and together men requires all blacks to affirm their chist principles. He was waging, he
they sparked a range of movements full dignity as persons and all whites said, a “one-man revolution,” and
to surrender their presumptions of when asked if he expected to change
1. Karl König, Camphill Brief, Christ- superiority and abuses of power.” the world he replied that “I may not
mas 1965, in Christof-Andreas Lindenberg, Clearly, the theme of “liberation” change the world, but I’ll work so the
“Karl König—a portrait,” in Cornelius as developed by Gutierrez and Cone world won’t change me.”
Pietzner, ed., A Candle on the Hill: Images
implies both a “yes” and a “no”—yes How do these three themes fit
of Camphill Life, Hudson, NY: Anthropo-
sophic Press, 1990, p. 26. to the aspirations of oppressed people, together? Healing, at least to my ear,

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T o u chi n g t h e W o rld

has a very positive connotation—it there is just the person, no distinction

implies saying “yes” without saying Spirit was seen between mind and body.
no. Especially in the Camphill con- I say all this to give you a sense of
text, “healing” talk typically focuses
as “higher” than the confusion I experienced when
on drawing out and building up inner matter, and this basic I first encountered Camphill. Here
strength—not on fighting against hierarchy in turn were people who cared deeply about
disease, illness, or the demons who contributed to the nature, and who stood in solidarity
figure so prominently in gospel sto- full range of social with people with developmental dis-
ries of healing. “Resistance,” on the abilities—one of the most oppressed
other hand, seems to imply a saying
hierarchies and groups in mainstream society. Yet
no without saying yes. As such, it oppressions. these same people were always talk-
can be very hard for Camphillers to ing about “spirit,” and in ways that
understand. When I told one Camp- use of spiritual language to minimize sounded suspiciously like the “dual-
hill friend about Catholic Worker the real differences between poor ism” I had been taught to mistrust.
resistance, she replied, incredulously, and rich people. They much prefer I came gradually to see, of course,
that she could not imagine life in a Saint Luke’s version of the Beati- that Steiner’s threefold understand-
community that was defined by what tudes, in which he says “Blessed are ing of spirit, soul, and body is quite
it was against. the poor,” over Saint Matthew’s ver- different from dualism—though I
The tension between healing and sion, “Blessed are the poor in spirit.” hope that some of you can help me
resistance raises some important Even to talk about spiritual poverty, to understand this difference in more
questions. Is it possible to say yes for the most radical liberationists, detail. But I don’t want to move too
without saying no, or vice versa? Can is a distraction from the liberating quickly to “explanations,” as if my
we really practice healing if we do struggle of materially poor people in initial confusion were only about me.
not pay attention to the patterns and the here and now. I suspect that similar confusions are
structures of illness, whether these This reluctance to spiritualize pov- common whenever people from the
are biological or economic, spiritual erty goes hand in hand with a cri- “Christian Left” encounter anthro-
or psychological? Conversely, can tique of what is often called “mind/ posophic initiatives. I suspect they
we sustain a practice of resistance body” dualism, or “spirit-matter” are even more common when secu-
to injustice without a deeply positive dualism. Liberationists, and indeed a lar leftists meet Camphill communi-
sense of what justice looks like? great many contemporary Christian ties, Waldorf schools, or biodynamic
Liberation, as explicated by Guti- theologians, are critical of the ways farms. We love the work that is being
errez and Cone, might seem to offer in which classical Christian thought done out of Anthroposophy. But all
a middle path—a way of saying placed spirit and matter in a hierar- the spirit talk makes us wonder, “Isn’t
both yes and no. Yet there remain chical relationship. Spirit was seen as it possible to love nature for its own
very important tensions between the “higher” than matter, and this basic sake?” And the strong emphasis on
vision of liberation theology and the hierarchy in turn contributed to the healing makes us ask, “What about
social vision that is carried by Camp- full range of social hierarchies and resistance? What about struggle?
hill communities. In fact, I have oppressions. Men oppressed women, What about fighting the good fight?”
often found myself rather disoriented my liberationist teachers taught There may be easy answers to these
in the Camphill context because my me, by claiming to be more spiri- questions. But I’d like to conclude by
own religious perspective has been so tual—and less bodily—than women. inviting all of us to seek, not the easy
deeply shaped by liberation theology. Whites claimed to be more spiritual answers, but the answers that will
In particular, liberation theologians than blacks, the rich to be more spiri- truly speak to all the different sorts
are typically wary of many ways of tual than the poor. The destruction of people who are seeking peace, jus-
talking about the “spirit”—indeed, of nature was justified because it was tice, reconciliation, and liberation. If
they often see “spiritual” talk as one merely matter, not spirit. And all of we can heal the divide between “heal-
of the oppressive systems that Chris- this, I was also taught, was foreign ing” and “resistance,” we may be one
tians must say “no” to. To be more to the original message of Christian- step closer to healing the Earth.
specific, they are wary of the idea that ity. Spirit-matter dualism, my teach-
ers told me, was not Christian but ‰
poor or oppressed people should not
worry about their suffering because Greek. The true Christian view was
they will receive a spiritual reward Hebrew, they said—and in Hebrew
in heaven. And they are wary of the

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S ix M e di t a t i o n s

S i x M e d itati o n s Rays of human hearts

Remembrance warmed striving —
Such, Christ, are your native places
R u d o l f St e i n e r
In the Father’s earthly house—
T r a n s l at e d by C h r i s to p h e r B a m f o r d You we summon from our own breast,
You we seek in our own spirit:
Rudolf Steiner composed hundreds of meditations of O live with him [or her].
many different kinds. Most often, they were written
for individual students and those who asked for them. Radiant, shining human love,
However, he also wrote verses for himself, for his own Warming solar ray—
intimate life and as part of his spiritual research. Here Such, Christ, are your soul’s raiments
are six that readers might find helpful. They are from In the Father’s human temple —
Mantrische Sprüche, Seelenübungen II (CW 268). You we summon from our own breast
—Christopher Bamford You we seek in our own spirit:
O help in him [or her].
For one seriously ill, February 1925
To H e lp O t h e rs
I immerse myself in the Deepest powers of soul within
There, in feeling, I live in the eternal in my soul. For those Fall e n in War
As the point is without extension in the circle
Spirits of your souls, active guardians,
So is the eternal without bodily being within me.
May your wings bring the protection
With this bodiless being I call to mind Of the human spheres entrusted to you
Aiding in the spirit…. [Insert name] To our souls’ petitioning love,
So that, united with your might,
May the power to be yourself grow stronger in you. Our petition may stream in aid
May the light that shines in your own being revive To the souls who lovingly seek you.
within you. September 1914

May the soul warmth that streams from your own ‰‰

spirit warm you through.
Notebook, no date Spirits,
Who watch over the souls of the spheres,
‰‰ Who weave the souls of the spheres,
Who, protecting human souls,
May my thoughts, Work lovingly out of world-wisdom:
Spirit-grown, Hear our petition and behold our love
Make their way That, intuiting spirit and radiating love,
From my soul to yours. Would unite with your aiding streams of power.
May they work January 1918
In the ground of your heart’s soul
And fill what you strive for in your own way ‰
With life drawn from the spirit.
Notebook, no date
In Danger of Death

Spirit of my life, protecting companion,
Hearts that love,
May you be kindness of heart in my willing
Suns that warm —
May you be human love in my feeling
Such, Christ, are your footprints,
May you be the light of truth in my thinking.
Leading us to the Father’s world —
No date
You we summon from our own breast
You we seek in our own spirit:
O strive to him [or her].

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Wil t Th o u B e M ad e Wh o l e ?

W ilt T h o u B e M a d e W h o l e ? orientation toward spiritual worlds was experiential from

start to finish. His own books are the account of what
H ealin g in the Gospel s he himself experienced; they are not musings, or con-
glomerations of the insights of others. When asked about
G eo rg Kü h lewi n d matters of karma or cosmic history of which he had no
direct meditative experience, he was happy often to say
I n t rodu c t ion by M ic h a e l L i p son , p h . d. he just did not know. Georg called himself an “empirical
idealist”: that is, someone who lives in a world comprised

“B eware when the great God lets loose a

thinker on this planet,” wrote Emerson.
He might almost have been speaking
entirely of meaning and makers of meaning.
In speaking of spiritual or per-
sonal matters, Georg was often
of Georg Kühlewind (1924–2006), the moved to tears. He had lived
Hungarian chemist, linguist, philosopher through two Nazi death camps as
and mystic who shocked heavenward all a youth, and suffered many losses
those fortunate enough to meet him. and confusions of fate throughout
There was always something a bit dangerous about his life. Perhaps, along with his
Georg’s presence. It was not ill will: no one could be spiritual work, these events had
more compassionate. It was not a dark mood: no one opened his heart. The impression
could have a lighter wit, even in the face of horror. It he gave, however, was of being able
was nothing unbalanced: no one could draw on health- to bear tremendous intensities of
ier psychic roots. Yet there was a sense of things on the feeling before giving way to tears.
move, of discoveries that might take you who knows Moreover, he could switch back,
where, of having to put down your baggage and for once in a breath, from the overwhelm of feeling to a fresh,
run free. Freedom: that was the danger in Georg’s pres- crystal-clear exploration of the subject at hand. He said,
ence, threatening to everything in us that wants stasis “We have tears, sometimes of sorrow, sometimes of joy,
and self-protection. It included a great sense of liveli- but then: back to the theme! That is always the gesture.”
ness, like pure oxygen, and this miraculous spacious- The whole spiritual path, for Georg, is there in our funda-
ness occurred even in the simplest of conversations. As mental capacity to concentrate. To hear him teach was to
Georg’s beloved Rainer Maria Rilke wrote, be aware that this capacity can be deepened to a fantastic
degree. It enabled him to listen more intimately to the
See, I live. But from what?
world, so uncovering whole new ranges of experience, as
Neither childhood nor future are diminished:
when he reported on a meditation that he was reluctant
Existence, past all reckoning, springs forth in my heart.
to put into words, that was not originally in words, but
Georg had a look, a glance, a way of communicating that he formulated like this: “To be addressed by some-
intensely with his eyes, that conveyed a special flavor one gives existence. Every moment, Christ is in my heart,
of intelligent love. This glance was an expression of his whispering, ‘YOU ARE.’”
total concern for everyone in the meditation groups he Despite his gifts to thousands all over the world, Georg
taught. When someone was missing from the group after did not claim to be a “good” man, and sometimes
a break, for instance, he always knew whom it was, even explicitly denied that he was one. Yet he said, “The only
in a group of eighty people he had just met. Listening to consequent life is the life of a saint.” He tended to the
the often-cloudy meditation reports by participants, he radical formulation, thinking each thought all the way
would fasten on just the gem, the light, and refer to it to its end and beyond. When, in this book, he raises the
later in the midst of his teaching. His own meditation question of whether human beings are born to die, he
reports opened the theme to us, always from a different means it quite literally. In one of our last meetings, I asked
angle, and with a different intensity, than we expected. him if he thought that really, through our spiritual work,
Though the theme had seemed abstract and theoretical, we would one day, perhaps after many incarnations, be
his report could demonstrate a devotional, loving aspect able to live in one body without laying it down to death.
we had not imagined. With complete seriousness, he said he did indeed think so.
When participants reported on their meditation with I asked for examples, and he came up with several, notably
quotations or old thoughts, Georg would occasionally the legend of the Indian sage Bodhidharma, founder of
meet their contribution with a searching, “Do you know Zen, and a favorite of Georg’s. According to the story, after
that?” For despite his scholarly approach to literature, Bodhidharma’s death in China in about 540 ad, one of
music, linguistics, psychology, and epistemology, Georg’s his disciples met him walking back toward India, barefoot

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Wil t Th o u B e M ad e Wh o l e ?

but carrying one sandal on a stick over his shoulder. The living them out, performing them, we realize what they
disciple rushed to Bodhidharma’s tomb, dug it up, and are all about.
found it empty—except for the other sandal, which he had Georg gives us an entire spiritual psychology in these
left behind in his haste to emerge from the grave. Those pages. Its cogency, however, depends on our going through,
of us who love Georg are probably willing now for him to with some energy, the “ponderings,” and meditations he
progress through purely spiritual forms. Still, we would offers in each section of the text. To do this, it can be help-
be delighted, if not entirely surprised, someday to find ful to work with a friend or two. One enlivening way to
him walking in the Vienna woods, carrying one sandal, approach a meditation is first to deny it, to argue against
whistling silently, or clapping with one hand. it, and then, releasing this intentional refusal, to find your
way into a more intimate affirmation.
The healing direction of the texts takes us into a realm
Expressions such as “glory,” “faith,” of non-duality, back from the sick individualism by which
“life,” “power,” and “word” are we cut ourselves off from the Source. Healing reconnects
anything but the Sunday-school what the Fall split apart: the human and the divine. How-
window-dressing, the spiritual ever, our normal, body-oriented consciousness simply
cannot take the intensity of a non-dual experience of the
garnish, they can seem to be divine. This is why the shepherds, for example, are afraid
to our cliché-worn eyes. of the angelic host (Luke 2:9). To endure the light, to
“bear the beams of love,” as Blake put it, we can awaken
What if, as Georg suggests, the world were not mean- as I AM, or true self. Once we have learned this unusual
ingless but vitally important? What if you had a mission, strength of being, we also turn out to be strong enough
a mission urgent and vast enough to drive you into and to put aside the anxious sheath that separates us, and we
through a complete human existence? It’s worth consid- can merge playfully with the very heart of the world.
ering, since this is the message of the New Testament and All of this can seem too good to be true. We have for-
especially of the “miraculous” healings explored in this gotten that such things are possible. We have a hard time
deeply exciting book. imagining them. We have long since stopped hoping for
In Georg’s view, the healings are neither histories nor them. It can seem that to achieve the reordering of the
symbols. Rather, they are reports of events as meditations. universe that Georg describes is simply beyond us. And
This means that we can only approach them through a so it is! For the realm of healing is not to be achieved at
radically different kind of consciousness, an altogether all, but rather approached through moments of wonder
new intensity of understanding. We miss everything if we and awe, the way innocent Parzival stumbled upon the
read them as accounts of magic, or as supports to reli- Sacred Mountain. Nor does it exist for “us,” for the self-
gious belief, or as literature. pointing, selfish self; but instead healing arises in our for-
The Prologue to the Gospel of Saint John, in words gotten, silent, innermost, and most unconsciously famil-
Georg said we almost “cannot take seriously enough,” iar self. If you are ready for the Great Adventure, Georg
claims that creation originally “was life in Him, and the will lead you with a sure step through the brambles of
life was the light of human beings.” Divine life, which cre- terminology, up the foothills of insight, and suddenly out
ates the world, is also the light of human understanding over an astonishing vista.
in its original force. The same life, re-creating, became
the substance of Jesus’ healings and can now become our Michael Lipson, Ph.D. is a clinical psy-
understanding of them. This means that there cannot be chologist practicing in Great Barrington,
Massachusetts. He is the translator of Ru-
a meditative reading of the healings that does not also
dolf Steiner’s Intuitive Thinking as a Spiri-
heal the reader.
tual Path and of Georg Kühlewind’s From
Along the way Georg shows that expressions such as
Normal to Healthy. Dr. Lipson’s work
“glory,” “faith,” “life,” “power,” and “word” are any- combines the insights of Rudolf Steiner
thing but the Sunday-school window-dressing, the spir- with those of Zen Buddhism. He teaches meditation
itual garnish, they can seem to be to our cliché-worn widely and writes on issues of consciousness, human
eyes. Instead, as in his earlier Becoming Aware of the development, and meditative practice. He is the au-
Logos, he explains them as terms of art, referring to thor of Stairway of Surprise: Six Steps to a Creative
specific spiritual processes that can make an immediate Life (2002).
difference in the structure of our own minds. To work
our way into their full benefit, such terms must become

for us something like musical scores to a musician: in

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I n d e x o f B o o k s & A u t h o rs

70 Years A-Growing 90 Awakening to Community 31 Bortoft, Henri 88 Colquhoun, Margaret 86

According to Luke 50 Bott, Victor 65 Community Life, Inner
According to Matthew 50 Bach Flower Remedies Form Breathing the Spirit 76 Development, Sexuality
and Function 63 Bridge Between Universal ... 30
Agriculture 89
Background to the Gospel of Spirituality and the Complete Healing 65
Agriculture Course, The 89
St. Mark 50 Physical Constitution of Conford, Philip 74
Alchemy 32
Bamford, Christopher 38, 59 Man 27 Confronting Conflict 72
Allen, Joan deRis 28, 57
Banerjee, Maria Nemcová 79 Bridge over the River 46 Conversation 71
Allen, Paul Marshall 19, 28,
Bang, Jan Martin 71 Brody, Judit 86 Cook, Wendy E. 64
Barfield, Owen 44 Broken Vessels 65 Cookery Book for Patients
Allison, John 79
Barnard, Julian 63 Builders of Camphill 74 with Cancer or
Almon, Clopper 30
Barnes, Christy Mackaye 77 Bulgakov, Sergei 58, 61 Precancerous Conditions
Almon, Joan 35
Barnes, Henry 34 Bulwer-Lytton, Sir Edward 76 67
America’s Global
Barnes, John 86 Burkhard, Gudrun 68 Coping with Evil 37
Responsibility 72
Barnwell, John 90 Burning Bush 53 Correspondence &
Ancient Myths & the New Isis
Battle for the Soul 27 Buttner, Gottfried 80 Documents 34
Mystery 43
Bauer, Dietrich 49 Cosmic Christ 58
And If He Had Not Been
Raised... 53 Baum, John 47 Calendar 1912–1913 62 Cosmic Christianity 90
Angels 49 Bayes, Kenneth 81 Calendar of the Soul (Barfield) Cosmic Memory 29
Becoming Aware of the Logos 62 Crisis Points 68
Anschutz, Marieke 70
57 Calendar of the Soul (Pusch) Crossing the Threshold 46
Anthroposophical Approach
Becoming the Archangel 62 Cycle of the Seasons 62
to Medicine 65
Anthroposophical Therapeutic Michael’s Companions 6 Camino Walk 38 Cycle of the Year As a Path of
Speech 64 Bees 90 Cancer Recovery Guide 17 Initiation 62
Anthroposophical Bees & Honey 84 Centering Prayer and
Understanding of the Soul the Healing of the Davidson, Norman 88
Beginnings of Christianity 56
69 Unconscious 77 Davy, John 87
Ben-Aharon, Jesaiah 29, 45,
Anthroposophy (A Concise 72 Challenge of the Times 72 Death as Metamorphosis of
Introduction) 12 Chamberlain, Jonathan 17 Life 4
Benesch, Friedrich 88
Anthroposophy & the Inner Chance, Providence & Death of Merlin 16
Bento, William 69
Life 41 Necessity 30 Developing Biodynamic
Beuys, Joseph 79
Anthroposophy (A Fragment) Chartres 81 Agriculture 89
Beyond the Medical Meltdown
28 Childhood and Human Developmental Dynamics 85
Anthroposophy in Everyday Evolution 85 Daisley, Jenny 68
Bible’s Hidden Cosmology 56
Life 27 Childhood of Jesus 18 Dalton, David 64
Bingham, Hiram A. 75
Apocalypse of Saint John 54 Children and Their David’s Question 53
Biodynamic Agriculture 89
Approaches to Anthroposophy Temperaments 70 Dawnwatchers 75
Biodynamic Farm 89
27 Children Who Communicate Dead Are with Us 46
Biodynamic Food & before They Are Born 49
Approaching the Mystery of Deeper Secrets in Human
Cookbook 64
Golgotha 22 Childs, Gilbert 59, 70 History 57
Biodynamic Sowing and
Arcana of Light on the Path Child Is Born, A 65 Deighton, Hilda 82
Planting Calendar 2007
90 Christ and Sophia 51 Denjean-von Stryk, Barbara
Archangel Michael 27 Christ and the Human Soul 64
Biodynamic Year 88
Archetypal Feminine in 10 Destinies of Individuals and of
Biographical Work 68
the Mystery Stream of Christianity as Mystical Fact Nations 44
Humanity 61 Bittleston, Adam 77
25 Deverell, Doré 46
Blackboard Drawings
Archiati, Pietro 31, 49, 58, 75 Christian Book of the Dead Did Jesus Come to Britain?
1919–1924 79
Architecture 81 55 13
Black Earth 75
Architecture As a Synthesis of Christian Rosenkreutz 32 Diet and Cancer 64
the Arts 81 Blatchford, Claire 46
Christmas Conference 31 Disciple Whom Jesus Loved
Art 80 Blattmann, Georg 87
Christ and the Son of Man 59 53
Ascent of Man 18 Blaxland-de Lange, Simon 40,
Chronicle of the Living Christ Does It Matter? 85
Aspects of Human Evolution 56 Dostoevsky 79
43 Blessed by Illness 66
Cobbald, Jane 83 Douch, Geoffrey 67
At Home in the Universe 26 Bock, Emil 18, 54
Cohen, Warren Lee 41 Drake, Stanley 47
At the Dawn of a New Age 75 Bockemühl, Jochen 84, 88
Collot d’Herbois, Liane 15, 63 Dream Song of Olaf Åsteson
Autobiography 22 Bock, Friedwart 74
Colour 15, 81 19
Book of Revelation 10

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I n d e x o f B o o k s & A u t h o rs

Druids 32 Ewald, Axel 86 From Christianity to Christ Growing Eco-Communities

Dunstan Martin, Graham 14, Exercise for Karmic Insight 58 71
85 42 From Comets to Cocaine 33 Grünewald, Peter 66
Expanding Tonal Awareness From Crystals to Crocodiles Guardian Angels 50
Earth-Friendly 85 82 33 Guidance in Esoteric Training
Earthly Knowledge and Experiences with the Dying From Elephants to Einstein 33 42
Heavenly Wisdom 30 and the Dead 46 Gulbekian, Sevak 12, 39
From Limestone to Lucifer 33
Easter 18 Extending Practical Medicine From Mammoths to Mediums
Easter: An Introductory 65 33 Hageneder, Fred 86
Reader 59 Extraordinary Plant Qualities Hall, Alan 67
From Neurons to Notions 15
Easter Festival 63 for Biodynamics 84 Harlan, Volker 79, 80
From Normal to Healthy 69
East in the Light of the West Harmony of the Creative
From Stress to Serenity 68
31 Fall of Sophia 60 Word 32
From Sunspots to Strawberries
Easton, Stewart 35 Fall of the Spirits of Darkness Harmony of the Human Body
Eckersley, Sylvia 79 11 66
From the History and
Eclipses 2005–2017 84 Farm (Carl Larsson) 19 Harris, Lynda 80
Contents of the First
Eco-Geography 83 Farrer, Frances 75 Section of the Esoteric Hauschka, Rudolf 20, 75
Edelglass, Stephen 87 Flaming Door 18 School 1904–1914 21 Healing Power of Prayer 16
Edmunds, L. Francis 29 Flowforms 86 Future Is Now 39 Healing the Skin 17
Edwards, Lawrence 87 Four Seasons and the Future of Humanity and the Healthy Medicine 65
Effects of Esoteric Archangels 11 Earth 45 Heart of Peace 77
Development 28 Fourth Dimension 85 Heavenly Sophia and the
Egyptian Myths and Mysteries Francke, Sylvia 38 Garber, Bernard 78 Being Anthroposophia 60
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Ellison, Arthur 83 Work 22 Nutrition 89
Hemleben, Johannes 35
Emerson and Science 86 Facing the World with Soul 69 Gardening for Life 90
Heritage of Trees 86
Encounters with Angels 49 Festivals and Their Meaning Gebert, Hans 87
Hidden Qualities of Water 15
Endres, Klaus-Peter 85 10 Genesis (Steiner) 55
Hiebel, Friedrich 35
Enigma of Sunspots 86 Fifth Gospel 55 Give Us This Day 57
History in English Words 44
Enlivening the Chakra of the Finding the Greater Self 77 Giving Judas a Chance 75
Hoffmeister, Max 49
Heart 41 Fingal’s Cave 57 Glasl, Friedrich 72
Hofstetter, Sr. Adrian 85
Enterprise of the Future 72 Finser, Siegfried E. 71 Glas, Norbert 16
Holy Grail 32
Esoteric Aspect of the Social Finser, Torin M. 71 Global Brain 15
Holy Grail & the Eucharist
Question 72 Floride,Athys 73 Gnosis, the Mysteries & 58
Esoteric Christianity 55, 58 Flygt, Carl H. 71 Christianity 58
Holy Order of Water 84
Esoteric Cosmology 20 Foodwise 64 Goddess 32
Homemaking As a Social Art
Esoteric Development 41 Forward, William 40 Goerg, Hartmut 49 72
Esoteric Lessons 1904–1909 Foundations of Curative Goethe and the Power of Home Nursing for Carers 64
21 Eurythmy 64 Rhythm 86
Home Remedies 67
Esoteric Significance of Foundation Stone Goethe on Science 86
Hope, Evolution, and Change
Spiritual Work in (Emmichoven) 26 Goethe & Palladio 78 87
Anthroposophical Groups Foundation Stone / The Life, Goethe’s Theory of Knowledge Hope of the World 57
26 Nature & Cultivation of 5
How Do I Find the Christ? 56
Esoteric Studies (Marie Anthroposophy 26 Gold & the Philosopher’s
How Can Mankind Find the
Steiner) 31 Foundation Stone Meditation Stone 66
Christ Again? 58
Esoteric Studies (Vreede) 31 (Prokofieff) 26 Goodwin, Brian 83
How the New Art of
Essential Steiner 28 Foundation Stone Meditation Goodwin, Rufus 57 Eurythmy Began 81
Eternal Individuality 74 (Steiner) 26 Gospel of St. John (Steiner) 51 How to Know Higher Worlds
Europa 36 Founding a Science of the Gospel of St. John and Its 24
Eurythmy 81 Spirit 32 Relation to the Other How Wide the Heart 69
Eurythmy Forms for Tone Four Mystery Dramas 82 Gospels 59
Human and Cosmic Thought
Eurythmy 10 Freedom As Spiritual Activity Gospel of St. Mark 52 31
Evans, Michael 65 30 Great Initiates 44 Human Encounters and
Evelyn Francis Capel 74 Frieling, Rudolf 57, 59 Great Religions 31 Karma 73
Evil 39 Friends and Lovers 68 Green Hermeticism 38 Hunter’s Trance 83
Evolution of the World and of From Jesus to Christ 52 Green Snake and the Beautiful Husemann, Armin 66
Humanity 44 From Beetroot to Buddhism Lily 79 Husemann, Friedrich 65

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Hymns to the Night/Spiritual Kirchner-Bockholt, Margarete MacDermot, Violet 60 Murphy, Sophia Christine 66
Songs 77 64 Macrocosm and Microcosm Mysteries of the East and of
Klett, Manfred 89 40 Christianity 44
Illustrated Calendar of the Klocek, Dennis 42 Madill, Betty 47 Mysteries (Steiner) 38
Soul 62 Mystery, Biography, and
Knights Templar 38 Madsen, Jon 59
Imagination’s Music 77 Destiny of Mary
Knowledge of the Higher Maher, Barry 75
Incarnation of Ahriman 36 Worlds 25 Magdalene 7
Maier, Georg 87
Incredible Births of Jesus 53 Knowledge of the Higher Mystery Knowledge and
Male and Female 73
Infertility to Fertility 17 Worlds and Its Attainment Mystery Centres 36
Mani & Service 11
Influence of the Dead on 25 Mystery of Arthur at Tintagel
Manifestations of Karma 49
Destiny 4 Koepf, Herbert 89 58
Man on the Threshold 70
Inner Life of the Earth 7 Koster, Margje 67 Mystery of John the Baptist &
Marcus, Christopher 75 John the Evangelist at the
Interior of the Earth 37 Kranich, Ernst-Michael 87 Marie Steiner: Her Place in Turning Point of Time 52
Intervals, Scales, Tones 82 Kühlewind, Georg 3, 9, 42, World Karma 74
Into the Heart’s Land 34 57, 69, 70 Mystery of Physical Life 87
Marks, William 84 Mystery of the Two Jesus
Introduction to
Marriage of Sense & Thought Children 52
Anthroposophical Lachman, Gary 37
Medicine 65 Ladwein, Michael 78 Mystery of the Universe 44
Martyn, Philip 46
Introduction to Lady & the Unicorn 80 Mystery Streams in Europe 73
Anthroposophy 29 Masters, Brien 82
Lamborn Wilson, Peter 38 Mystics after Modernism 36
In Search of Home 68 Materialism and the Task of
Larsson, Carl 19 Myth of the Nativity 61
Anthroposophy 27
In the Belly of the Beast 12 Lazarus, Come Forth! 51
Matthews, Paul 80 Nature’s Due 83
Intuitive Thinking as a Lectures on Divine Humanity
Spiritual Path (Lipson) 24 May Human Beings Hear It! Nature’s Open Secret 87
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Iscador 66 Legend 75
McCausland, Bruce H. 37 Nature Spirits (Steiner) 49
Isis Mary Sophia 61 Leonardo da Vinci 78
McDermott, Robert 28 Nature Spirits & What They
Lewis, Glyn 13
Jachens, Lueder 17 McLaughlin, Gerald T. 76 Say 49
Lievegoed, Bernard 27, 68,
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70, 73
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Life for the Spirit 34
Jarman, Karin 13 Meaning of Love 69 Nesfield-Cookson, Bernard
Life from Light 38
Järvinen, Kari 84 Measure of Endurance 75 30, 52
Life between Death and
Jenkinson, Angus 68 Medicine 66 New Experience of the
Rebirth 46
Jesus, Lazarus, and the Medicine, Mythology & Supersensible 29
Life beyond Death 47
Messiah 51 Spirituality 66 New Eyes for Plants 86
Lifting the Veil of Mental
Jesus, the Master Builder 57 Medicine for the Whole Person New Mysteries 52
Illness 69
Jocelyn, John 90 67 New Testament 59
Light, Darkness, and Colour
Johanson, Irene 50 Meditations on the Signs of New Testament Studies 59
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Lighting Fires 41
Meditative Prayers for Today Nicaea 76
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Mees, L. F. C. 63, 66
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Karma of Untruthfulness, vol. Merry, Eleanor C. 18 Shakespeare’s Macbeth 79
Living Architecture 81 Meyer, T. H. 40, 44
1 37 Nunn, Chris 15
Living on Purpose 14 Michaelmas and the Soul-
Karma of Untruthfulness, vol. Nutrition 20
2 37 Living with the Dead 77 Forces of Man 30
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One Step at a Time 47 Reality, Truth & Evil 40 Schad, Wolfgang 85 Soresi Winter, Dina 82
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Origins of Natural Science 86 Etheric 59 Schiller File 85 Soul’s Long Journey 53
Our Twelve Senses 70 Redemption of Thinking 40 Schiller, Paul-Eugen 85 Souls’ Awakening 82
Outline of Esoteric Science 25 Reilly, R. J. 78 Schilling, Karin V. 47 Soulways 68
Owen Barfield 74 Reincarnation and Schilthuis, Willy 89 Sources of Inspiration of
Immortality 49 Schmidt-Brabant, Manfred Anthroposophy 30
Paddock, Fred 31 Reincarnation and Karma 47 14, 52, 51, 61 Speaking, Listening,
Palermo, Gina 82 Reincarnation in Modern Schroeder, Hans-Werner 16, Understanding 72
Palmer, Otto 27 Life 49 55, 58 Speech and Drama 82
Parchment, a novel 76 Relating to Rudolf Steiner 12 Schulz, Andreas 88 Speech of the Grail 70
Paths of the Christian Religion 58 Schuré, Edouard 44 Spiegler, Mado 31
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Pelikan, Wilhelm 84 Steiner 35 Schwenk, Wolfram 15, 87, 88 Morality 29
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Phases 68 Organism 73 Individual and Humanity
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Sease, Virginia 14, 51, 52, 61
Philosophy As an Approach to Results from the Biodynamic Spiritual Hierarchies and the
Secret Heresy of Hieronymus
the Spirit 36 Sowing and Planting Physical World 21
Bosch 80
Philosophy, Cosmology & Calendar 90 Spiritualism, Madame
Secret History of
Religion 39 Return of Merlin 43 Blavatsky, and Theosophy
Consciousness 37
Philosophy of Freedom Revisioning Society and 39
Secrets of Metals 84
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Secrets of the Skeleton 63 Twentieth Century 45
Philosophy of Spiritual Rhythm of the Christian Year
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Activity (Lindeman) 25
Secrets of the Stations of the Europe 45
Pietzner, Carlo 40 Richards, M. C. 80
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Pistis Sophia 60 Rodger, Iain 65 Spirit and Art 78
Pogacnik, Ana 69 Romantic Religion 78 Spirit Healing 67
Secrets of the Threshold 27
Pogacnik, Marko 8, 42, 69 Rosicrucianism & Modern Springboard 68
Secret Stream 44
Polarities in the Evolution of Initiation 32 Star Wisdom and Rudolf
Seddon, Richard 36, 58 Steiner 90
Mankind 45 Rosicrucianism Renewed 23
Seeing Christ in Sickness and St. John’s: An Introductory
Poplawski, Thomas 81 Rosicrucian Wisdom 36
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Powell, Robert 7, 56, 61 Rosicrucian Wisdom (CD
Seer’s Handbook 42 Stairway of Surprise 42
Prayers and Graces 78 Set) 36
Sekem 71 Stars of the Meadow 64
Prayers for Parents & Rowe, Martin 76
Self Transformation 41 Start Now! 42
Children 77 Rudolf Steiner: An Illustrated
Biography 35 Selg, Peter 9, 56 Star Children 70
Principles of Biodynamic
Rudolf Steiner: An Sensitive Chaos 84 Staying Connected 46
Spray and Compost
Preparations 89 Introduction... 35 Shards from the Heart 78 Stein, Walter Johannes 16, 56
Principles of Spiritual Science Rudolf Steiner: Herald of a Sharp, Simon 78 Steiner, Marie 31
39 New Epoch 35 Sherwood, Patricia 17 Steiner, Rudolf 4–6, 10, 11,
Principle of Spiritual Economy Rudolf Steiner’s Philosophy Siegloch, Magdalene 81 20, 26–30, 32–52, 55–57,
45 34 Singing and the Etheric Tone 59–62, 65, 66, 70, 72–74,
Projective Geometry 87 Rudolf Steiner’s Vision of 82 76–78, 81, 82, 85, 86
Prokofieff, Sergei O. 12, 26, Love 30 Sing Me the Creation 80 Stöckli, Thomas 38
28, 31, 34, 45, 52, 59, 60, Rudolf Steiner & the Sir George Trevelyan 75 Stolp, Hans 55
62, 74, 75 Founding of the New Sky Phenomena 88 Strachan, Gordon 43, 56, 57,
Psychology of Body, Soul & Mysteries 34 Sleep and Dreams 70 81
Spirit 70 Rudolf Steiner on His Book Sleigh, Julian 68 Study Companion to An
The Philosophy of Freedom
Pusch, Hans 83 Slice of Life 67 Outline of Esoteric Science
Sloan, Douglas M. 71 30
Querido, René 49 Ruland, Heiner 82
Smit, Jörgen 41 Sturgeon-Day, Lee 67
Russell, Peter 15
Social and Political Science 73 Suchantke, Andreas 83
Rainbow Over the River 47
Sacred Geography 8 Social Issues 73 Sucher, Willi 90
Raising the Soul 41
Saint Paul 54 Soesman, Albert 70 Sun 87
Ramsbotham, Richard 80
Sardello, Robert 11, 69 Solovyov, Vladimir 62, 69 Sun Mystery & the Mystery of
Reading the Face 16
Sophia 61 Death and . . . 23
Realities of Prayer 59 Scala, Patsy 5
Sussman, Linda 70

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Swassjan, Karen 40 Understand Your

Temperament! 70
Temple Legend 39
Tension between East and
Unger, Carl 39
Urieli, Baruch Luke 73 S t e i n e r B o o ks ’
Stat e m e n t o f P u r p o s e
West 45
Theosophy (Creeger) 24 Vaccination Dilemma 66
Theosophy (Shepherd) 25 Valandro, Marie-Laure 38
Therapeutic Eye 9 Valentin Tomberg and ‰
Thinkers, Saints, Heretics 14 Anthroposophy 75

A P ress (SteinerBooks)
Thinking beyond Darwin 87 van Bentheim, Tineke 64 nthroposophic
Though You Die 47 van den Brink, Margarete 55, is a 501 (c) 3 not-for-profit corporation
Threefold Mary 54 73
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incorporated in the state of New York since 1928
Threefold Nature of Destiny
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Three Lectures on the Mystery Zeylmans 26, 69 and to increase public awareness of Rudolf
Dramas 83 van Houten, Coenraad 39 Steiner (1861–1925), the Austrian-born polymath
Three Years (Emil Bock) 54 van Manen, Hans Peter 40, 74
writer, lecturer, spiritual scientist, philosopher,
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van Schaik, John 51
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Townley, Kevin 38
them and the movement that he founded.
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Trumpet to the Morn 40 Westlake, Jean 90 What Is Art? 79 Working with Destiny II 40
Truth and Knowledge 27 What is Anthroposophy? What the Angels Need to Tell Work of the Angel in Our
Turned Upside Down 42 (Prokofieff) 28 Us Now 50 Astral Body 50
Turning Points in Spiritual What Is Anthroposophy? When Death Enters Life 47 World History and the
Where Are You? 47 Mysteries in the Light of
History 43 (Steiner) 28
Whitsun and Ascension: An Anthroposophy 32
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Twentyman, Ralph 66 Wholeness of Nature 88 Introductory Reader 60
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Wilkens, Andreas 88 Who Wrote Bacon? 80
Ultimate Communion of Why Jesus Didn’t Marry Mary Zanoni 76
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Will to be Free 42
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School of Geomancy
With Marko and Ana Pogacnik
Two-and-a-half-year program – seven unites at various locations
Beginning September 11, 2008 and concluding October 2010

This program will provide teaching on geomancy and personal growth. It is com-
posed of seven units, all of which are vital to complete the program and develop
the inner skills needed to practice this art.
Ana and Marko Pogacnik have, during the last fifteen years, developed an
original approach to geomancy. Working with vital forces, elemental beings,
and spiritual centers of the landscape is linked to the awakening of the personal
sensitivity and inner evolution of the participants. As a result, participants have the possibility
of finding their way in perceiving and interpreting phenomena, both inner and outer, without
being attached to a particular technique or belief system. The basis of the teaching is a holistic
means of perception that includes body, mind, and heart, coupled with the freedom of loving
the Earth and Cosmos.
Each program will be held in different places across the country; participants will give sug-
gestions on places to work and help arrange events. The first unit will be at The Roundhouse,
a retreat center in Colrain, Mass.

MARKO POGACNIK was born in 1944 in Kranj, Slovenia, and studied sculpting at university. He has acquired
an international reputation in conceptual land art and has developed this into Earth “lithopuncture,” with
the goal of healing disturbed landscapes and Earth’s power points. He is the author of
numerous books, including Venice: Discovering a Hidden Pathway (2008);
Sacred Geography: Geomancy: Co-creating the Earth Cosmos
(2008); and Turned Upside Down: A Workbook on Earth Changes
and Personal Transformation (2004).
ANA POGACNIK, born in Slovenia in 1973, is an
archaeologist and pianist living in Munich. She
conducts educational programs and collaborates
with her father Marko Pogacnik in earth-healing
projects throughout the world. In 2001, she founded
the Schule “Wieder Sehen.” Ana has published
numerous books (in Slovenian and German), in
which she hopes to encourage self-development
and a better understanding of the landscape.

Call Marsha Post at 413.528.8233, ext. 203
Email geomancy@steinerbooks.org
Visit steinerbooks.org or www.lifenethome.org.
Our highest endeavor must be to develop free human beings who are able,
of themselves, to impart purpose and direction to their lives.

Steiner & Spirit Catalog copyright © 2008 SteinerBooks/Anthroposophic Press Catalog & cover design by William Jens Jensen | cover background image © by Z-River
Phone (703) 661-1594

--Rudolf Steiner
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40 minutes northwest of New York City,
Sunbridge College has been serving the
Waldorf & Anthroposophical movements for 40 years.
We are part of a thriving community of committed
institutions working out of Anthroposophy:
Green Meadow Waldorf School, Eurythmy Spring Valley,
The Hungry Hollow Co-op, The Rudolf Steiner Fellowship
Community and Farm, and The Pfeiffer Center Biodynamic

At Sunbridge, we educate adults through workshops,

conferences, and professional development courses
in Waldorf education, holistic living, the arts,
sustainability, contemplative inquiry, and biography.
Sunbridge provides an education for the

whole human being.

Please visit our website for all summer offerings and a look at
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