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A member of CIBA

Co-operative & Data Base
Managemet System (DBMS)
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Introduction - CIBA
The Council of indigenous Business Associations (CIBA) was
established by a Legislative Instrument, PNDC Law 312 of 1993 to act
as a focal point and unified voice for the informal business sector in
Ghana. The Council’s objective is to oversee the affairs of all
indigenous business associations in Ghana.

As the largest informal sector group in the country, conservatives

estimates show CIBA's total association members numbers are in the
millions, and they constitute large percentage of the informal labour
Introduction - CIBA
Registered CIBA Member Associations include:

1. Ghana National Association of Garages (GNAG)

2. National Drinking Bar-operators Association (NADBOA)
3. Ghana Bar Operators Association (GHABOA)
4. National Association of Beauticians & Hairdressers (NABH)
5. Ghana Hairdressers & Beauticians Association (GHABA)
6. National Refrigerators and Air-condition Workshop Owners Association (NARWOA)
7. Federation of Ghana Goldsmith & Jewelers’ Association (FGGJA)
8. Ghana National Association of Traditional Healers (GNATH)
9. Market Traders Association (MTA)
10. Ghana Traditional Caterers Association (GTCA)
11. Indigenous Caterers Association of Ghana (ICAG)
12. Ghana Electronics Serving Technicians Association (GESTA)
13. Ghana Association of Barbers & Barbering Salon Owners (GABBSO)
14. Ghana National Tailors and Dressmakers Association (GNTDA)
15. National Co-operative Butchers Association (NCBA)
The Greater Accra Market Traders Association (GAMTA), a member of
CIBA, in line with Ghana’s digitization drive with the intrinsic goal to
accelerate economic growth and facilitate job creation, and provide
welfare and other benefits for member associations, has decided in
exclusive partnership with Waltergates Ghana Ltd to establish a
Database Management System (DBMS) and Co-operative Societies for
its various markets respectively, cumulatively estimated in excess of
100,000 members spread over 67 markets within the Greater Accra

Through the Co-operative infrastructure established and managed by

Waltergates Ghana Ltd, each registered trader will be required to make
a minimum mandatory contribution into their co-operative accounts
towards welfare and other benefits.
Database Management System (DBMS) is
a system software for creating and
managing databases.

The DBMS provides a centralized view of

data that can be accessed by multiple users
from multiple locations in a controlled
manner and makes it possible for end users
to create, protect, read, update and delete
data in a database.
Why DBMS & Cooperative?

1 Improved data sharing and data security

2 Effective data integration

3 Consistent, reliable data for increased productivity &

better decision making
4 Data that complies with privacy regulations

5 Increased productivity & better decision making

6 Welfare benefits

7 Women empowerment through financial and digital inclusion

CIBA DBMS & Co-operative Operational Flow Diagram
CIBA Association
Members Data
Management Smart ID Cards
Life Insurance
Fire Insurance System

Consumer Credit Health Solutions

MMDA Fees & GRA Tax Pensions


over 2million active Members

mandatory accounts Account set-up

Zonal Mobile Bankers

Short-code *920*80#
Daily Collections

API API Connection from

Bank AC to Vendors

Step 1 - Registration of members unto the the database management system (DBMS) and Co-operative, with the necessary KYC such as National ID
cards details, Digital Address location, next of Kin, specialization, contact details, etc. Minimum

Step 2 - A mandatory Cooperative Account will be set up for each registrant ton the cooperative system linked to the cooperative bank account.

Step 3 - Issuance of smart RFID and Chip Based ID card with payment solution capabilities which is being linked to their cooperative account to allow for
cash withdrawal at ATMs and payment with ID cards at Point of Sale Terminals (POS).

Step 4 - Daily/weekly contributions to the cooperative account through short code *920*80# or direct cash payment to mobile bankers at the zonal level.

Step 5 - Mobile Bankers will be employed and located at each of the 67 market across the Greater Accra Region and will have specially configured mobile
devices that will ensure the following when taking daily collections:
Real-time notification to customers when cash is collected, before the mobile bankers depart.
Configured to only take deposits
Configured to have a maximum cash collection notification acceptance limit to allow for upload of cash unto the mobile bankers mobile device to
prevent carrying of large sums of cash.
Cash uploaded unto the Mobile Bankers Ghana Pay Account are automatically swept to the Co-operative account at the Partner's bank in real-time.

Step 6 - Payment of services and premiums, etc will be transferred from the Cooperative account at partner Bank to the service providers, vendors and
Government Agencies such as Pensions, Life Insurance, Health Solutions, etc at the end of each month, backed by a report on the the contributors, etc.
The cooperative system leveraging on the database will provide real-time data, information and report on all contribution made in real-time.
The Mobile Bankers will also be trained as data entry clerks to register and onboard new traders unto the cooperative infrastructure.

The Mobile bankers will be responsible for educating the traders on the various welfare and other financial services that the co-operative offers
through the various partners.
CIBA Database

Cooperative Partner Bank

Association's Database
Cooperative General & Life
Membership Smart ID Cards


5 Health Care

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