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Today, Wednesday, September 6 2023, I Ibrahim Saadeldin bin Saadeldin Muhammed promises with all

my heart that I will have sex with my wife, Siti Halimah bint H.R Bunyamin, well (mu'asyarah bi al-
ma'ruf) according to Islamic teachings.

To my wife I stated my sigat ta'liq as follows:

If I :

1. Left my wife for 2 years straight.

2. Not providing mandatory maintenance to my wife for 3 (three) months.

3. Physically hurt my wife.

4. Ignoring (not caring about) my wife for 6 months or more

and because of my actions, my wife was not pleased and filed a lawsuit with the religious court, so if the
lawsuit was accepted by the court, then my wife would pay Rp. 10,000 (ten thousand rupiahs) as iwad
(substitute) to me, my divorce is one for him.

I authorize the religious court to accept the iwad and hand it over to the National Zakat Amil Agency for
the purposes of social worship

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