Declaration of Philippine Independence

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1. Who is Ambrosio Rianzares-Bautista? Give three significant facts about him.

a. The author of The Declaration of Philippine Independence

b. He is War Counsellor

c. Special Delegate designated to proclaim and solemnize this Declaration of

Independence by the Dictatorial Government of the Philippines

2. What does the document want to convey? (10 points)

"That they are and have the right to be free and independent; that they no longer owe
any allegiance to the Crown of Spain; that all political ties between them have been
severed and should be completely dissolved; and that, like other free and independent
States, they have full authority to declare war and peace, to conclude commercial
treaties, to form alliances, to regulate commerce, and to carry out all other acts and
things that an independent State is entitled to do. And filled with unwavering faith in
Divine Providence.

- The Act of Declaration of Philippine Independence declares the liberation of the

Philippines. People must be equal in order for them to have equal rights. It all revolves
around the Philippines becoming emancipated from the nations who colonized them;
hence, it requires signing commercial deals and becoming an independent state. They
have total control over all actions and things that an independent state is allowed to do,
such as making war and peace, forming alliances, regulating trade, etc.
3. How did the Filipinos regard the United States of America based on the
document? (5 points) What is your stand on this? Do you agree with the Filipinos
the way they looked at the Americans? (15 points)

They view the United States of America as a strong and kind country. The Filipino
people, in my opinion, made a wise choice that allowed them to have the Act of
Declaration of Philippine Independence. Because the United States of America shielded
the Filipinos, the Philippine flag includes the colors red, blue, and white as a tribute to
that country's flag. The Philippines saw many sufferings during its colonization by
different nations, particularly at the hands of the Spaniards. The Philippines would still
be colonized by the Spaniards if the Americans had not obtained a treaty with them.
Filipinos suffered a lot from the colonization of Spain therefore without the Americans it
would have been harder to have an act of declaration of independence.

4. What is the importance of this document in the history of our country? (10

This is a very significant historical document, and the Philippines became an

independent state as a result. The nation was colonized for hundreds of years by a
number of different countries. Imagine obtaining freedom after all of your difficulties; it is
a priceless achievement. The independence symbolizes a state of liberty in which
individuals are unrestricted in their speech, actions, and pursuit of happiness. Freedom
is essential since it improves productivity and life quality on the whole. The text is
therefore crucial since it played a role in the Philippines' history by serving as the
justification for our nation's independence from colonial powers.

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