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SATURDAY 10.06.2023 FROM 9:43 AM TO 12:45PM

1) Opening prayer
2) Communication from the chair
3) Reaction to communication to the chair
4) Reading of minutes
5) Presentation from the investment advisor
6) Reactions to the presentation
7) A.O.B
8) Closing prayer

# Name of Member Location

1 Peter Kalyango Physical
2 Joy Ankunda Physical
3 Michael Odal Physical
4 Kevin Aroni Physical
5 Luwangula Ruth Physical
6 Roselyn Ngorok Physical
7 Specioza Mutyaba Physical
8 Frank Irumba Physical
9 Specioza Mutyaba Online
10 Sarah Ochola Online
11 Wise Besigye Online
12 Hannan A Online
13 Ronald Ssesanga Physical
14 Samson Rubombora Physical
15 Patrick Mugisa Physical
16 Pamela Tumwebaza Online
17 Sarah Nalwoga Online
18 Joy Anne Nyesigye Online
19 Ronald Ddembe Online
20 Dr. Anne Musika online


# Name of Member
1 Phoebe Sevume
2 Carolyn Lakuma
3 Florence Kibande
4 Kunya Carolyn
5 Jennifer Nandutu
6 Thomas Odoi
7 Ampaire Anne Musike
8 Henry Kigundu
9 Elizabeth Ssepebwa


1.0 Opening Prayer:
The meeting was opened with a prayer by Roselyn Ngorok

2.0 Communication from the Chair:

The chair welcomed members and thanked them for showing up for the Peter Better time keeping All members
meeting. He also reminded members about, in order to put our house in order, Kalyango and active
there is a need to keep time and noted, with concern, the poor turn up to the participation
monthly meetings and that there’s a need to do more to get the MPC on
people’s priority list

The chair reminded members about the need to identify and appoint someone to
spearhead marketing (internally and externally). Our products, starting from
loans, need to be marketed. We need to agree how we market our products
Manager to share Job
He further communicated that there’s a need to improve visibility and branding ad for position to Manager
of the AKBF office at Buganda road to make the office and portfolio more members
attractive. He further noted that there’s a need for an assistant to the manager,
though more clarification was needed as to whether it’s an admin assistant,
loans/ credit officer N/A

The chair reminded members that our price list is competitive but that there’s a N/A
need to document and share the prices/interest rates AKBF flyers to be
shared at all IFU
Chair re-echoed that there’s need to generate and invest in promotional material events EC/Manager
for the cooperative and, at the least, have the AKBF Calendar with promotional
items and memorabilia.

Though loans are our major product, investment clubs have been introduced to N/A N/A
be the primary consumer of the loan portfolio and we need to set up at least one
investment club, so others can follow. Chair urged members to join the
proposed investment club(s) to build the spirit of entrepreneurship. He further
mentioned that there are planned arrangements for mentorship and training on
investment clubs to further efficiency and effectiveness
The chair stressed that there’s need to put more emphasis on the targeted
accounts, especially around interest rates, and benefits and that it is upon us to
put into practice what we have talked about

He urged the manager to share monthly updates on the approved budget as

opposed to waiting for the year end to get updates. This will enable us better
manage costs. Starting next month, we need presentations on income/expenses

3.0 Reading of previous meeting minutes (Secretary)

Secretary presented the meeting minutes Michael

4.0 Response to Chairman’s remarks and meeting minutes

A member asked if the meeting minutes can be shared earlier for member to Members Meeting minutes to be Secretary/Vice
review before the meeting shared in advance

A member requested that all meeting resolutions should be highlighted in the Resolutions to be Secretary/Vice
minutes and clearly spelt out to enable better tracking highlighted in minutes

Member requested that the secretary add action points and responsible Column with action Secretary/Vice
individuals to the format of the minutes points to be included

Member requested that AKBF create for the EC members a form of EC members to be EC/Manager
identification e.g., business cards to enable identification of members facilitated with
business cards

Two members proposed that AKBF needs to adopt marketing strategies like Develop digital Secretary and
MOMO loans messages and brochures to attract members to take up loans and marketing material investment
that AKBF needs to appear wherever IFU is appearing, including lunchtime advisor
prayer, national prayer conferences etc.

There’s need for AKBF to contribute to IFU functions e.g., the national prayer AKBF members to Members
conference, and not wait for tithe. The manager guided that members should make contribution
contribute, as opposed to AKBF using member’s money. A proposal was made during monthly
to pass a collection bag during meetings, which members agreed to meetings

A member noted that there’s a need to regularly update member’s biodata to Re-share biodata form
enable better services to members. A proposal was made to re-share the Google Manager
bio data form with all members to update their information

5.0 Presentation on Investment Clubs (Investment Advisor): Patrick

Investment advisor shared a presentation about forming investment clubs and Get and share more Investment
underscored the tennents as follows: information on advisor
1. Membership proposed investment
2. Having a shared or common interest clubs with members
3. Creating and/or formalizing the investment club

He mentioned that members need to be more active and eager to know what’s N/A N/A
going on, including available products.

He reminded members that the time for investment clubs is now, especially for
the Amuru investment) and there’s a need for lobbing between members and
interest groups

Two investment clubs were proposed as follows: Interested members to Members

a. Amuru land investment contact Investment
b. Rabbit farming advisor to join

6.0 Closing prayer and Departure

With no other business to discuss, the meeting was closed at 12:21 with a Onesimus/
prayer from Mr Ronald Ssesanga and members departed at leisure Members



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