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9/25/23, 3:33 PM Promotion Announcements: Tips, Examples & What to Include

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A manager’s guide to
announcements that
get people excited
Leapsome Team

CONTENT When you’ve decided to promote someone, you assume the

hard part’s over. All you’ve got to do now is tell everyone.
What is a Simple, right?
Announcing a promotion is about more than just sharing
What to include in news — it can be a great way to get employees excited
a promotion
announcement and boost their morale. But to do that successfully, you’ll
have to inform people promptly and keep your tone
Tips for a great
promotion professional while kindling your team’s interest.
Ensure your announcement ticks all those boxes by reading
announcement this promotion announcement guide. It breaks down how to
examples deliver the news, what information to share, and key best
Create strong practices. We’ve also included examples to give you a head
processes with 1/13
9/25/23, 3:33 PM Promotion Announcements: Tips, Examples & What to Include

What is a promotion
A promotion announcement is a statement about an
employee’s new role and responsibilities. Typically, managers
make promotion announcements after the employee has
accepted the position, but before its start date.

Promotion announcements can be made in person or with

written statements, like emails or posts in messaging
platforms like Slack or Microsoft Teams. The delivery method
often depends on company size and whether it has a
significant amount of remote workers.

What is the purpose of a

promotion announcement?
Promotion announcements have two main purposes — to
recognize the promoted employee’s success and to keep
the rest of the organization informed.

But there are additional benefits: Done right, promotion

announcements show people what to aim for and boost
their motivation. Businesses can also use promotion
announcements to raise employee engagement and
reinforce the company culture. Studies show that, on
average, staff who receive recognition for their
achievements are four times more engaged than those who

🤩 Want to get your employees excited

about promotions?

Leapsome’s promotion management tool

increases trust, retention, and your promotion-
ready talent base.

👉 Learn more

How to announce a promotion 2/13
9/25/23, 3:33 PM Promotion Announcements: Tips, Examples & What to Include

A great promotion announcement is an ideal way to

conclude a successful employee promotion. To determine
the best way to share your news, consider the context and
tailor your announcement accordingly. Here’s a list of some
of the most common ways to announce a promotion and
the situations they work well for:

During a meeting — A promotion announcement can be a

short agenda point during a routine meeting, whether
online or in person. But this option is best-suited to
smaller companies with regular meetings involving all

On your company’s messaging platform — If you’re an

organization with a significant amount of remote or hybrid
workers, your whole team might not be able to meet
regularly due to time zones. In that case, a Slack or
Microsoft Teams message in your core team channel
might be the best option.

In an email — To deliver promotion news to a bigger group

of people, large companies often opt for email
announcements. Emails also allow you to include clients
or external partners who need to know about the staffing

Via your company newsletter — Since most newsletters

follow a fixed publishing schedule, they work best to
complement an earlier announcement. By announcing the
promotion on several channels, you can get the news to
everyone promptly and in a way that works for them.

On your company website or social media pages —

Online posts are an effective way of sharing promotion
news with people outside your company, like potential
customers and job seekers who admire your people-first
attitude. Sometimes employees also announce their
promotions on sites like LinkedIn, so you can engage with
or share their posts to show your support. 3/13
9/25/23, 3:33 PM Promotion Announcements: Tips, Examples & What to Include

The ideal channel for a promotion announcement depends on the size of

your company and whether your employees work remotely

What to include in a
promotion announcement
When spreading the word about a new promotion, respect
people’s time by keeping your message brief. But don’t leave
out the following details:

Promotion news should come across as congratulatory,
not just another update. Communicate how happy
management is to welcome the employee to their new role.
You want your people to see that you recognize their
colleagues’ achievements and appreciate their hard work.

This acknowledgment doesn’t have to be long and should be

included toward the beginning of your announcement. For
instance, say, “We’re delighted to announce that…” or “Please
join us in congratulating…”.

Employee introduction
Depending on the size of your company, some staff
members may be unfamiliar with the employee you’ve
promoted. So, include their full name, previous job title, and
how long they’ve worked with the company.

Employee achievements &

career story
When you introduce the employee getting promoted,
dedicate a sentence or two to their success at your 4/13
9/25/23, 3:33 PM Promotion Announcements: Tips, Examples & What to Include

organization. You can also acknowledge their education and

previous work experience if it’s relevant. This information
provides context for the employee’s promotion if there
were other internal candidates for the role.

New position & responsibilities

Let team members know what the promoted employee will
do in their new position and how the personnel change will
affect the organization. Specify the employee’s new role and
responsibilities. You’ll also want to mention who will take
over their previous position and whether the promoted
employee will move to a new department or company

Start date
Be clear about the promoted employee’s start date and give
your team a firm timeline for internal changes. If anyone has
questions, this gives them a chance to reach out to
management beforehand.

Invite your team to

congratulate the employee
Encouraging peer recognition reinforces a culture of
continuous feedback and praise within your organization. So,
make the end of your promotion announcement a call for

If you’re announcing the promotion in an email, team

members won’t be able to congratulate their colleague in
person or comment on a post. In that case, suggest how
they can send their well-wishes — this reduces
awkwardness in situations where people want to reach out
but aren’t sure how.

And if you already have an established employee rewards

and recognition program, it’ll guide your team in giving
recognition and celebrating successes like these. For
example, platforms like Leapsome have a virtual praise wall
where colleagues can leave each other praise about
professional achievements like promotions.

Tips for a great promotion

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There’s more to an excellent promotion announcement than

the words you share. Here are some best practices to make
sure your announcement goes smoothly:

1. Set your team’s expectations

Your organization’s promotion decisions shouldn’t come as a
surprise. Employees should feel informed about their career
progress and opportunities due to regular performance
reviews and the compensation review process. If team
members expect unrealistic promotions, you need to review
your internal processes or communications.

Determine objective promotion criteria and state them

clearly in your promotion policy. Employees can refer to
these documents if they’re unsure why someone else got a
promotion or want to research professional development
opportunities for themselves.

Taking these steps means you can reduce resentment

around employee promotions and ensure they’re
celebratory, motivating occasions.

2. Inform close team members

ahead of time
The employee you’re promoting has established a rapport
with department colleagues. They may even be friends.

Even if close team members tend to support their

coworker’s promotion, don’t blindside them with the
news. They may need time to process the internal changes
and get their questions answered. Employees may have
mixed emotions if their promoted colleague leaves the
department or becomes their new manager.

Consider sharing promotion news with close team members

in a private setting. That way, they can process the sadness
of losing a colleague or the stress about their team dynamic
changing without the added pressure of other staff
members being present. 6/13
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Informing close team members about their colleague’s promotion before

sending out an announcement email will make the process go more smoothly

3. Mix up your announcements

with personal details
Avoid making the same promotion announcement over
and over again. Otherwise, your congratulations may sound
generic and insincere, damping employee morale.

The best promotion announcements are brief, so focus on

adding specific details about the employee to show your
appreciation for their contributions to the company. You
could reference one of their best success stories and its
impact on your organization.

4. Make the announcements a

consistent length & format
Minor differences between promotion announcements are
inevitable, but you should keep them as consistent as
possible. Don’t send a 50-word email for one
announcement and write five paragraphs for another.
Employees will pick up on the discrepancies and feel
overlooked if they get less fanfare for their achievement than
a colleague.

You can include announcements in your promotion policy

and use templates like those provided below to align your

5. Encourage employees to
reach out with questions 7/13
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Promotion announcements provoke different reactions in

people. Some employees might feel stressed about the
changes and question how new dynamics could affect their
work. It’s best to prompt people to approach you with their
concerns rather than letting them fester.

Other employees may feel motivated by their colleague’s

success and want to know how they can get the same
results. This is a great chance to arrange a one-on-one
meeting with them and revisit their career development

And some internal candidates may still question why they

didn’t get the promotion. Support disappointed employees
by gently reinforcing why they didn’t get the role,
suggesting further steps to get promoted in the future,
and offering mental health resources.

6. Ensure the promoted

employee’s details are correct
Before you release your promotion announcement, ask the
promoted employee to check it. This gives them a chance to
correct mistakes like dates, name, or pronouns —
information that’s essential to get right.

7. Time your announcements

After you’ve promoted an employee, don’t wait too long to
announce it, or the news will spread around the company
before you get the chance. Making your announcement
promptly will ensure everyone has the correct version of
events rather than relying on word of mouth.

But choose when you share promotion news wisely. If you’re

a larger company, promotions may be biweekly or even
weekly events. In that case, you can announce them on
Monday mornings to energize your people. In a smaller
organization, promotions may be more infrequent and
eventful. You’d be better off announcing the promotion on a
Friday afternoon to allow your team to reflect on and
discuss the news after work. Bonus: You’ll end the week on a
celebratory note.

Promotion announcement
examples 8/13
9/25/23, 3:33 PM Promotion Announcements: Tips, Examples & What to Include

If you’re new to writing promotion announcement emails and

posts, you might not know how to begin. Here are some
examples to show you what they can look like:

Promotion announcement
Subject line: Upcoming promotion

Dear [company name] team,

We’re pleased to announce the well-deserved promotion of

Jamie Smith to the role of regional manager.

Jamie has been working with us in the sales department at

the Easton branch for the past eight years. We’ve cheered
for Jamie and her team as they smashed their sales targets
and achieved high customer satisfaction ratings. We were
especially impressed when Jamie introduced new customer
solutions last year, which helped us renew a contract with a
large client.

Starting on February 10, Jamie will transfer to the Weston

branch to oversee all sales departments. Jude Finch will take
over her role at Easton. Everything’s set up for a smooth
transition, but please contact me if you have any questions.

We’re sure you’re just as excited for Jamie as we are. So,

please join us in congratulating Jamie and wishing her
continued success on the [company name] Slack channel.

Best regards,

Mel Jones

Promotion announcement post

🤩 Exciting promotion news! 🤩

We’re thrilled to announce that @Evan Garcia is moving to

the Weston branch as our new customer service manager!

Congratulations Evan!

Evan started working for the customer retention department

in 2019. They’ve impressed us with their high retention rates 9/13
9/25/23, 3:33 PM Promotion Announcements: Tips, Examples & What to Include

and customer success stories ever since.

Evan will take over the customer service manager role from
@Bobby Blake, who’s retiring next month. I’m sure the
transition will be smooth, but please DM me if you have any

Let’s give Evan a big congratulation on their promotion!

🎉 Promotion announcement tip:

Let managers know when you post an
announcement on social media or your
company messaging app. They can start the
thread of congratulations with their comments
or messages, and the rest of the team will
follow their lead.

Create strong promotion

processes with Leapsome
The key to successful promotion announcements is a strong
promotion process. Without a fair, consistent, and
transparent system, employees may doubt or question your
decisions. Then, your promotion announcements will
generate more anxiety than excitement among your team —
no matter how carefully you plan them.

Leapsome’s promotion management platform lets you

streamline your company’s promotion processes. You can
create reusable templates and automate your workflow to
ensure consistent promotion decisions. That way, you can
provide context and details about internal promotions and
make their announcements an occasion for recognition and

🧐 Wondering how to develop a promotion

process that builds trust?

Leapsome streamlines your workflow to help

managers make objective, data-led promotion
decisions. 10/13
9/25/23, 3:33 PM Promotion Announcements: Tips, Examples & What to Include

👉 Book a demo

FAQs about promotion

How do you announce an
internal promotion?
You can announce an internal promotion in person or online.
For small organizations, you can share the news during a
regular team meeting. In a larger organization, it’s probably
not realistic to meet with all your employees simultaneously,
so you can announce promotions via email, a professional
messaging app like Slack, or your company website.

Should promotions be
Promotion announcements celebrate your people’s
achievements and keep the entire team informed. When
management shares news about decisions like promotions
and explains the processes and reasons behind them, it
encourages transparency across the organization.

How do you announce a

promotion in an email?
You can announce a promotion in an email by including the
following information:

A congratulatory message

An introduction to the employee who’s getting promoted

Their achievements and career story

Their new position and the responsibilities it entails

The start date of the new position

A call for other employees to join you in congratulating the

promoted employee

When should a promotion

announcement be sent? 11/13
9/25/23, 3:33 PM Promotion Announcements: Tips, Examples & What to Include

You should send promotion announcements promptly, but

exactly when depends on your organization type. If you have
a small organization and promotions aren’t a regular
occurrence, schedule the announcement toward the end of
the day or the working week, so employees can discuss and
process the news after work. In large organizations,
promotions may be more commonplace, and you can
schedule the announcement toward the start of the week to
energize your employees with positive, motivational news.


Leapsome Team
Written by the team at Leapsome — the all-in-
one people enablement platform for driving
employee engagement, performance, and

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