Modification and Designing of Exisiting and New Plans

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AN ISO 9001 CERTrFlED DllG~~'5MlO!

(ife Jnsuronu <torporation (Nepal) Ctd. ~u~
ISO 9001:2008 ~
(A Joint Venture of life Insurance Corporation of India) Cetttflcem No_ U693

9 October 2018

Mr. Salil Mulay

Actuarial Manager
Mis K.A.P<lndit
Consultants and Actu ri· s

DC'ell Sir,

Tti" is further to the discussion tllat we had by the side of our Board Meeting on 0210.2018 The Goard
01 this Company, in its 05 Meeting held on 2"" October 2018, had approved modifications in the
existing pr·odults and designing the new products. The details are as given below.

I. Modificatiol i xisting plans:

M,Jrlificlltions in our following existing pluns to Single Premium Option and Limited TerrTl Premium
Paytnent Option (I; yeilrsJ.

• Endowment (333)
JeeVdn AIIJnd (3 LI2)
• Jeevan Tarang (3LJ5)

!)k'ilse provide us tlie tallulelr premium and commission relte of these products.

II. Designing New Plans: (Product Name and Plan Numbers will be decided later)

oney Back (10 Years Term)

- --
Eligibili y Conditions
----- ---- -- -­ -

-- ---
IVlinimum Age at f:ntry 13 yec1rS(U3D)
Muximum Ag(O at Entry 60 years
IVldximum Age at Matul lty 70 Yedrs
fvlinimurll Sum Assured 100000
PoliCY Term 10 Years
Premium Paying Term 10 Years

Mdximurn Sum Assured As per underwriting eligibility

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Cife Jnsurnnce <torporation (Nepal) Ctd. ISO 9001 :2008 fl"
(A Joint Venlura of Life Insurance Corporation of India) CeJttflc.ate No. 4-281:1

Cash Back Rate

lllircJ Year 33%

Sixth Year 33%
1 tenth Year 66% + Bonus
[)ealll Benefit Sum Assured + Vested Bonus

Men y Bac! (15 e r Tc m)

Eligibility Conditions

- -
Minimum I\ge at Entry 13 years(LBD)

Maximum I\(;e at Entry 55 years

Maximum i\ge at lVIatlllity 70 Years
Mil1irnunl Sum Assured 100000
I)o!lcy Terill 15 YezJrs
Premium Paying Term 15 Years
IV1(lxirnum Sum I\ssured As per underwriting eligibility
CJsh Bacl ate

~ I Yl:dr 15%
G Year 15%
:J Year 15%
1i': Year 15%
1')111 Year 40% + Bonus
Dcall18enefit Sum r~ssured -/ Vested Bonus

Children's Money Back

Eligibility Conditions

- -- -- - ---- - -_.­
i\1inimurll I\ge at fntry o year
I.~<.lxirnurn /\ge allntry 11 years (NGD)
Mlllirl1ulTI Sum I\SSLII cd 200000
Pulicy Term Up to 20 Years of age
Pr ~mium Paying Ter-m 16 Years age of child (i.e. PPT:.: J6 -­ At;e at entry)
J\.1Elximum Sum A<;,lIfed !\s per uIHlerwriting eligibility

'~isk COlT1rnellCe on child NIL

"cHent Age at EntrV 18 Years to 50 years NBD

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fife Jnsuranct <lorporation (Nepal) (td. ISO 9001;2008 OA'
(A Joint Venwre of Life Insurance Corporation of India) c.ruft.eate No. 42693

Cash Bacl< and Maturity Benefit

On Policy Anniversary after 16th Birthday 20% *'
On Policy Annivel-sar'y after" 17th Birthday 20%
On I)olicy Anniversary after 18th Birthday 20%
Orl !)olicy ,L\nniversary after 19th [3irthday 20%
On Policy Anniversary after 20th Birthday_ 20% *'
- ­ - --­
eat Benefit

Return of premium excluding extra premium charged (if any), If

death of child occurs during money back period, already paid Survival
Cililcl Benefit shall not be deducted,
- -
J, PWB To be inbuilt in tabular premium,
b, Monthly Income Benefit @ 1% of Basic Sum Assured to be
paid monthly for rest of the policy term, This is in addition to
the regular Survival and Maturity Benefits that shall be paid

* Bonus:

We seek your suggestions in paying bonus which can be either with the first installment of Survival
[1 -nelit or with last installment of Survival Benefit.

Spouse Cover Policy

This is an Endowrnent type policy where Life Risk of Spouse is covered up-to 50% of the Basic Sum Assured which
COlilinences on Deilth of the Proposer and is available till the end of the Term,

Eligibility Conditions
IVlillimunl Age at Entr"y (Both Spouse) 18 years LBD
I\'laximum Age at Entry (i30th Spouse) 60 years NBD
"'!dximum Age at Maturity 75 Years NBD
1\'lirlinlLlfY1 Sum Assured 200000
Policy Term 15 Years (Fixed)
Pft'lllium Paying Term 15 Years (Fixed, i,e, Full terlll Plan)
IVlaximum Sum Assurccl As per underwriting eligibility
Description Payment
PH Survives up to Maturity Sum Assured +Vested Bonus on Maturity
PH Dies but Spouse survives rill DOM Sum Assured +Vested Bonus paid on Date of Death of PH
I Spouse of PH dies but PH survives till rn~t~!ity Sun~ Assured +Ve~ed Bonus on M~turity
- -
Spuuse of PH dies first JncJ PH dies later but before
IVli1turity Sum Assured +Vested Bonus paid on Date of Dearh of PH

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Cift Jnsuronct <Lorporation (NtPClI) Ctd. ~~
. ISO 9001 :2008 ~
(A Joint Venture of Life Insurance Corporation of India) Certffic.-ate No. '2693

IJH dies first and spouse of PH dies later but before SUnl Assured +Vested Bonus paid on Date of Death of PH
Maturity + 50% of Sum Assured on death of Spouse

150% of Sum Assured +(Vested Bonus on basic SA) paid

I)H ilnd Spouse of PH dies simultaneously on Date of Death of PH and Spouse
AI3 I· EPDS Orl the life of PH only.

We seek your support in designing and pricing the above rnerltioned new products.

Tl1clllking you,

Yours truly

iii' ~';d"r
ticiating Chief Executive Officer

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