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ASSESSMENT 10a (For Direct Expository Methods)

NAME: Maricel B. Amamangpang


B. Answer the following:

1. Give your own definition of approach, method, technique, and strategy of teaching.
(20 pts)
a, Approach
Approach = Assumption. An Approach is a set of correlative assumption about
the nature of language and language learning. An approach is treating something in a
certain way. Teaching approach is your own personal philosophy of teaching. Approach
is a set of assumption (why). An approach is something that reflects a certain model or
research paradigm.

b. Method
Method can be considered as a way of learning that must be taken to realize the
plan that has been a teacher in real and practical activities in the classroom to achieve
learning activities. Method is a settle kind of procedure, usually according to a definite,
established, logical, or systematic plan. Method is general way in which activity is
conducted. A method is a plan for presenting the language material to be learned and
should be based upon a selected approach. Teaching method: refers to how you apply
your answer from the question stated in teaching approaches to your day-to-day
instruction in front of your students.

c. Technique
Technique is the various methods and process developed through knowledge,
skill, and experience. Technique is a very specific, concrete stratagem or trick designed to
accomplish an immediate objective. Technique is a procedure or skill for completing a
specific task. Teaching technique: these are little sneaky tricks we all know and use to get
the job done in the classroom. Technique means a systematic procedure, formula, or
routine by which a task is accomplished. Techniques are steps to achieve certain goals.
Technique is a classroom device or activity, and it is more specific than method. A
technique is the tools and task you use to make your method succeed. A technique is
implementation. Techniques must be consistent with a method and therefore in harmony
with an approach. Technique is a practical method or art applied to some particular task
or skillfulness in the command of fundamentals deriving from practice and familiarity.
Learning techniques is the way in which teacher in carrying out the method of learning.

d. Strategy
Strategy usually requires some sort of planning for setting goals. Learning
strategies is a teacher of learning activities undertaken with the aim of the learning
process that takes place in the classroom can achieve (goals) to effectively and
efficiently. In principle, the learning strategy of conceptual plans that will decisions be
taken in the learning process. Learning strategy is still conceptual, necessary for the
implementation of certain teaching methods.

2. As used in teaching, approach, method, and techniques are interrelated. Explain the
interrelationship of the three terms. (10 pts)
Interrelationship of the three terms: an approach informs methods with both the
theory of language and the theory of learning. An approach is a way of looking at
teaching and learning. Underlying any language teaching approach is a theoretical view
of what language is, and of how it can be learnt. Methods are actual implementations of
approaches. They are theories put into practice. An approach gives rise to methods, the
way of teaching something, which use classroom activities or techniques to help learners
learn. Procedures, in turn, are informed by methods. They are ordered step-by-step events
that have specified outcomes. Procedures rely on techniques to achieve desired results.

3. If a teacher has 50 students, he can use methods more than the number of her students.
Among those many methods of teaching, none is considered as the best method, but
many are good methods. How will you choose for a good method to be used in your
teaching? (15 pts.)
When choosing for a method of teaching, the teacher should consider the
objectives of the lesson, the nature and characteristics of the learners, the subject matter
(since different subjects call for different methods), the availability of instructional
materials, and of course the teacher. Since the teacher is the one who will the method,
he/she should be knowledgeable on how to effectively use the chosen method. Also, for
me a good method It makes use of the principles of learning and permits the operation of
these principles. The three principles are readiness, exercise, and effect which must be
provided for. It utilizes the principle of “learning by doing”. Since one learns through
self-activity, provision should be made for direct experiencing. Activities should be
planned to give children opportunities for doing, reacting, and undergoing. It provides for
individual differences. A method should be flexible enough to serve the bright, the
average, and the slow. There should be provisions for meeting different needs, interests,
aptitudes, and emotional maturity. It stimulates thinking and reasoning. Problems come
up every day in this modern world and the child must learn to solve his own difficulties.
He should get this training in the classroom. It provides for growth and
development. Children should grow in knowledge and ideas, in habits, skills and abilities,
in attitudes and sentiments. Varied activities and experiences that will take care of
development in various directions should be included in the lesson procedure.

4. Deductive, expository, lecture, and demonstration methods are teacher-centred

methods. Despite of their nature, many teachers are still using those. What do you
think are the reasons why many teachers still use those methods? (10 pts)

In teacher-centered learning the more traditional or conventional approach the teacher

functions in the familiar role of classroom lecturer, presenting information to the
students, who are expected to passively receive the knowledge being presented. The
reason why teachers still use the methods because order in the class! Students are quiet as
the teacher exercises full control of the classroom and activities. Being fully in control
minimizes an instructor’s concern that students may be missing key material. When a
teacher takes full responsibility for educating a group of students, the class benefits from
a focused approach to research, planning and preparation. Teachers feel comfortable,
confident and in charge of the classroom activities. Students always know where to focus
their attention on the teacher.

5. In using lecture, deductive, and demonstration method, the students are passive. How
will you ensure the students’ learning when using this method? (10 pts)
On the other hand, there are passive learners. Although these individuals acquire
the information, they don’t eager to apply it in the world outside the virtual classroom.
They might pass every assessment with flying colors and complete every eLearning
activity, but they aren’t planning on changing behaviors or using their newly found
knowledge to improve any aspect of their lives. One of the most effective ways to engage
your passive learners in eLearning is to encourage them to reach out to their peers and
participate in online collaboration activities. For example, you may ask them to create a
video presentation based on the subject matter or even encourage them to contact peers
on LinkedIn or other social media sites to ask questions about a specific topic. Each
learner has a source of motivation, even passive ones. As eLearning professionals, it’s
our job to find out what that motivation is and use it to our advantage when creating
memorable and engaging eLearning experiences. Research your audience to find out
what they expect to receive from the eLearning course and why they have chosen to
participate. Learn as much as possible about their goals and objectives and what
opportunities they hope to get from completing the eLearning course. In other words, by
finding out what they really like, you can tap into their inspiration and get them excited
about the learning process.

6. Using demonstration method in teaching Science does not necessitate return demo
from the students in most of the lessons. Watching the demonstration done by the teacher
is mainly the highlight of the activity. What do you think are the reasons why students are
not asked to do the same activity/experiment shown by the teacher? (10 pts)

For me the reasons why students are not asked to do the same activity/experiment
shown by the teacher because maybe the activity needs only professional one. The
experiment conducted is not suitable to the students maybe there are something which is
hazardous or may cause accident if also the students do the demonstration. That is why
the demonstration is done only by the teacher.
7. Choose lessons which are suitable for deductive, demonstration, and lecture methods
and explain how these lessons can be presented. (15 pts)

a. Deductive Method
A deductive approach to instruction is a more teacher-centered approach. This
means that the teacher gives the students a new concept, explains it, and then has the
students practice using the concept. For example, when teaching a new grammar concept,
the teacher will introduce the concept, explain the rules related to its use, and finally the
students will practice using the concept in a variety of different ways.

b. Demonstration Method
The word demonstration means to give a demo or to perform the activity. In
demonstration method, the teacher teaches his students using demonstration method in a
systematic and a step-by-step process. Demonstration method is practical ways of
teaching; in this method teacher perform an activity to teach his student a concept, this
often occurred when students find it difficult to connect theories to actual practice and
when students are unable to understand the theories and its applications. For example,
cooking activity in the classroom during your TLE subject. They should present first
what is the lesson all about after having all the ingredients the teacher must now do the
demonstration on how to cook carbonara. After, the teacher will ask one student perform
the demo again so that the learning takes place by doing it in their own.

c. Lecture Method
Lecture method is most convenient and inexpensive method of teaching any
subject. It hardly requires the use of scientific apparatus, experiment, and aids materials
except for the black board. Lecture method is teacher controlled and information centered
approach in which teacher works as a role resource in classroom instruction. In this
method, the teacher does the talking and the student is passive listeners. For example,
before the discussion about life of Rizal the teacher may use brainstorming.

Brainstorm: Pose an open-ended question to the class at the beginning of a lecture and
ask students to brainstorm. Write students' ideas on the board or on an overhead. Refer to
these ideas later in the lecture. You can combine or group related ideas and provide major
conclusions or allow students to do this.

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