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PARTICIPANTS: Djaaal Marsudi, Department of Information

Francis J. Galbraith, Minister-Counselor

DATE: November 16, 1965

SUBJECT: Request for Assistance for Publication of Anti-coumunist

Materials for Indonesian Consumption.

-------------------------------------------------------··----· -----------
Djamal Marsudi, whose calling card identifies him as Bead of the
Special Division of the Directorate of Press and Social Coaaunications
of the Department of Information, called on me today and requested U.S.
assistance for the publishing of an anti-coumunist tract which he intends
to bring out in Thailand.

Marsudi spent sometime outlining his history and credentials . He

said he had helped the Embassy for a number of years and he named Mr.
Allner and Mr. McCauley (phon) as among those he had worked with here.
Be showed me a number of things he published under the imprint of the
Information Directorate of the Indonesian Armed Forces, for which he
claimed responsibility.

Marsudi also showed me letters, published items and other material

indicating his long interest in the anti-coumunist struggle.

Marsudi said he bad no need for help in rupiah but that he bad agreed
with Ambassador Diab in Bangkok that be should bring out a book on the
subject of coumunism in Indonesia and that he would need foreign exchange
which he did not have. Be wondered if he might get help from the U.S.,
possibly through SEATO.

I told Marsudi that I did not think the U.S. Government would want
to be involved . I said I also thought that it would be unwise from his
standpoint and the standpoint of the Army for the U.S. to be involved in
any assistance in this project. I expressed the belief that Ambassador
Diab and/or the Army could give him the assistance be would need.

_ .. . ..
!Authority flJNO


Marsudi said he had given Mr. Gardner material on the interrogation

of Col. Untung and others, providing detail on the elements involved in
support of the September 30 Movement. Be wondered whether I bad seen
these . I said I hadn't. He gave me a copy of the report marked "Secret",
dated October 29, carrying the imprint of the Intelligence Directorate of
the Indonesian Air Force, summarizing the security situation in Central
Java. It did not contain anything very new or startling although one
paragraph discusses the victims that bad fallen in Central Java and other
paragraphs mentioned activities of the Air Force in helping with the
security situation. This paper is attached.

Novembef 16, 1965

cc: POL


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