Modal Verb and Its Equivalent

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Modal verb

and its Modal meanings Examples

Can 1. physical or mental 1. I can skate. Soon he will be able
Could ability tospeak English quite fluently.
To be able to 2. possibility 2. Everybody can make a mistake.
3. permission The railways could be improved. The
4. prohibition (in sea canbe rough.
negative sentences = 3. You can go now!
нельзя, не надо) Can I ask you a question?
5. strong doubt 4. You cannot do that!
6. reproach or 5. He can’t be working at this time!
surprise (with perfect 6. You could have told me about it!
infinitive) You can’t have spent all the money,
I’ve given you a lot!
Collocations with can:
I can’t help laughing.
We cannot but hope he is right.
One cannot but wonder.
May 1. permission 1. May I go out? Might I interfere?
Might 2. possibility (might is more polite)
To be allowed 3. prohibition 2. You may find all these books in our
to (in negative library.
sentences = не 3. You may not touch this!
смей!!!) 4. He might be at home, but I am not
4. uncertainty sure.
5. reproach or 5. You might have helped me.
uncertainty (with They might have gone on holiday.
perfect infinitive)
Must 1. obligation or 1. You must do your home work!
To be to necessity You were toread this book.
To have to 2. prohibition What am I to do?
(in negative What is to become of me?
sentences) Where am I to go?
3. near certainty (necessity or obligation arising out of
(a past action with an arrangement or plan)
the perfect infinitive) Will I have to go there alone?
(obligation or necessity arising out of
2. You must not cross the street here!
3. She must be packing for the trip
They must have gone home by now.
1. necessity (in
questions and 1. Need we do the exercises now?
negative sentences) 2. You need not have brought your
2. absence of friend here! ( with perfect infinitive –
necessity (in negative зря, незачем было)
1. moral duty or
1. You should be careful talking to
2. advice
Should him. (следует)
3. reproach or
Ought to 2. You ought to see a doctor.
3. You should have stayed at home!
( with perfect
1. promise, oath or
strong intention 1. It shall be done as you wish.
Shall 2. threat or warning 2. That day shall come.
3. a suggestion or 3. Shall we begin?
And now let us practice what we have just learned.
I. Give the modal meaning of the verbs:

1. He cannot speak German.

2. He might be in his office.
3. You may go home now.
4. Could you show me the way to the supermarket?
5. You ought to take more exercise.
6. She should not have told you that.
7. You don’t have to apologize.
8. I could not find my socks.
9. She must have left her bag on the train.
10. You need not buy any bread, we have got plenty.
11. We can go to the beach if you like.
12. You should consult with the doctor.
13. You must not make any noise.
14. You may retake the exam later.
15. You must have any form of identification.

II. Change the following sentences using the equivalents of the modal verbs and the Past or
Future Simple Tense:

1. You must practice you reading every day.

2. She can translate this article without a dictionary.
3. The doctor must examine the child.
4. I may stay out late at weekends.
5. He can’t join the party, he is busy.
6. We must be there at five o’clock.
7. You can’t take the dog to the shop.

III. Rephrase the following situations using an appropriate modal verb as in the example:
Example: It is not possible that he has finished already.
He can’t have finished already.

1. It was not necessary for you to give him a present.

2. I advise you to stop eating chocolate.
3. I insist on you doing your homework.
4. It was wrong of him to kick this dog.
5. It is possible that she has already phoned him.
6. I will take the dog out if you like.
7. Will you let me speak to John, please?
8. It is possible that he is lying.
9. He was not able to write until he was eight.
10. Talking is not permitted during the test.
11. It would be a good idea for you to give up smoking.
12. I am sure that she has gone home.
13. It isn’t right to speak to your mother like that.
14. It is not possible for me to come to the party tonight.
15. He is obliged to go to the police station twice a week.
16. It is not possible that you have spent all the money.

I’ve given you a lot.

1. I advise you to consult the doctor.

2. Students are not permitted to leave the classroom.
3. Dogs are prohibited here.
4. Were you able to speak Spanish last year?

В английском языке есть множество примеров использования модальных глаголов в

национальных поговорках. Здесь Вы найдёте некоторые из них:

Hares may pull dead lions by the beard. - Зайцы могут дёргать умершего льва за бороду./
Околевший пес не укусит.
No living man all things can. - Ни один человек не может всё./ Нельзя объять необъятное.
Bird may be known by its song. - Птичку можно узнать по тому как она поёт.
As the tree falls, so shall it lie. - Как дерево упадёт, там ему и лежать./ Куда дерево клонилось,
туда и повалилось.
As you brew, so must you drink. - Что заварил, то и расхлёбывай.
Things past cannot be recalled. - Прошлое нельзя вернуть.
Drowning man will catch at a straw. - Утопающий и за соломинку цепляется.
Needs must when the devil drives. - Приходится, когда дьявол подгоняет./ Против необходимости
ничего не поделать.

Таким образом, мы познакомились с особой грамматической темой в английском языке -

модальные глаголы, а также с некоторыми правилами их использования. Модальные глаголы
довольно часто употребимы и ещё не раз будут встречаться в предложениях. Если обращать
внимание на их использование в предложениях, а также стараться самим придумывать свои
примеры, то знания не пройдут даром.
1. Complete the following sentences using the most appropriate forms of the

1. Jack has got a headache. He … sleep well recently.

a) can’t
b) couldn’t have
c) hasn’t been able to

2. I … sleep for hours when I was a little girls.

a) could
b) am able to
c) can

3. Tom … play tennis well but he … play a game yesterday because he was ill.
a) couldn’t, could
b) can, was able
c) can, couldn’t

4. I didn’t want to be late for the meeting. We … meet at 5 sharp.

a) were to
b) had to
c) could
5. Where are my gloves? — I … put them on because it’s cold today.
a) can’t
b) have to
c) needn’t

6. You … take an umbrella today. The Sun is shining.

a) needn’t
b) mustn’t
c) can’t

7. I’m sorry, you didn’t invite me to your birthday party. You … invite me next time.
a) must
b) should
c) need to

8. Well, it’s 10 o’clock. I … go now.

a) can
b) has to
c) must

9. You … smoke so much.

a) would
b) can’t
c) shouldn’t

10. We have got plenty of time. We … hurry.

a) must
b) needn’t
c) should

2. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Вы должны бросить курить.

2. Вечеринка была замечательная. Вам следовало прийти.
3. Ты можешь решить эту проблему.
4. Тебе следует навестить своего больного друга.
5. Тебе следовало навестить своего больного друга, но ты не навестил.
6. Не хотите еще чая?
7. Я вынужден был сделать это.
8. Я не знаю, почему мы спешили. Нам не нужно было спешить.
9. Я бы хотел пойти с тобой.
10. Ты можешь делать все, что хочешь.
11. Ольге нужно уделить больше внимания занятиям по английскому языку.
12. Я не уверен, но возможно он неправ.
13. Ему разрешили взять машину своего отца в прошлую пятницу.
14. Я могу считать до 50 на испанском.

3. There is a mistake in each sentence. Correct the mistakes.

1. Actors may learn a lot of dialogues by heart.
2. Your glass is empty. Must I refill it?
3. Would I introduce Mr. Brown to you?
4. My sister can to play a few musical instruments.
5. Some years ago I didn’t can speak English.

Правильные ответы:

1. Закончите следующие предложения, используя наиболее подходящие

формы глаголов.

1. c | 2. a | 3. c | 4. a | 5. b | 6. a | 7. b | 8. c | 9. c | 10. b

2. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. You must stop smoking.

2. The party was great. You should have come.
3. You can solve this problem.
4. You ought to visit your sick friend.
5. You ought to have visited your sick friend, but you didn’t.
6. Would you like some more tea?
7. I had to do that.
8. I don’t know why we hurried. We needn’t have hurried.
9. I’d like to go with you.
10. You may do everything you want.
11. Olga needs to pay more attention to her English classes.
12. I’m not sure but he may be wrong.
13. He was allowed to borrow his father’s car last Friday.
14. I can count to fifty in Spanish.

3. В каждом предложении есть ошибка. Исправьте ошибки.

1. may — must
2. must — can
3. would — can
4. can to play — can play
5. didn’t can — couldn’t

Заполните пропуски модальными глаголами can, can't, could,

couldn't, must, mustn't, need, needn't.

Пример: I was very busy, so I couldn't meet you at the airport.

1. You ... interrupt the lecturer. It's rude and impolite.

2. My friend ... speak five languages.
3. When I entered the room I ... smell roses.
4. I ... forget about this and move forward.
5. You ... come so early (вам не нужно (нет необходимости) приходить так рано).
Задание 2. Переведите предложения, используя модальные
глаголы might, can, should, have to, be able to.

Пример: Маше следует заниматься спортом каждый день. – Mary should take exercises
every day.

1. Возможно, я поговорю с ней.

2. Тебе следует сходить к зубному врачу.
3. Неужели он до сих пор спит?
4. Я могу починить вашу машину.
5. Мы должны прийти домой в 5 часов.

Задание 3. Укажите верные (correct) и неверные (wrong)


Пример: My father can play the guitar. – Correct.

1. You can not buy the tickets.

2. I must complete a painting by tommorow.
3. Children should respect their parents.
4. May I to come in?
5. I were able to sing very well, when I was young.

Задание 4. Перефразируйте предложения, используя модальные


Пример: Would you mind my opening the window? – May/can/could I open the window?

1. - I can't find George anywhere. I wonder where he is.

- It's possible that he is visiting his grandmother. (перефразируйте данное предложение)
2. Perhaps we will stay here overnight.
3. You are forbidden to enter the engine room.

Ответы с пояснениями
Задание 1.

1. mustn't (правильный ответ mustn't объясняется следующим правилом: (You)

mustn't (do) означает, что вам следует воздержаться от совершения какого–то
действия (не делать этого))
2. can (в данном случае модальный глагол can употребляется для
выражения умственной способности и указывает на то, что
человек умеет говорить на пяти языках)
3. could (модальный глагол can/could употребляется в сочетании с глаголами
чувства и восприятия для придания оттенка усилия в выполнении действия,
выраженного смысловым глаголом. В данном предложении употребляется
форма could, так как из первой части предложения понятно, что действие
происходило в прошлом – when I entered the room)
4. must (в данном предложении must выражает необходимость совершения
действия со значением должен, нужно, надо)
5. needn't (need употребляется для выражения необходимости совершить действие
со значением нужно, надо. В переводе предложения мы видим "не нужно, нет
необходимости", поэтому употребляется отрицательная форма – needn't.)

Задание 2.

1. I might have a talk with her.

2. You should visit a dentist.
3. Can he still be sleeping?
4. I am able to/can repair your car.
5. We have to come home at 5 o'clock.

Задание 3.

1. Wrong (отрицательная форма модального глагола can в настоящем времени

– cannot – пишется слитно с частицей not. Can not – это неверно.)
2. Correct (ошибок в данном предложении нет, модальный глагол must выражает
необходимость совершения действия)
3. Correct (ошибок в данном предложении нет, модальный глагол should выражает
моральную обязанность)
4. Wrong (частицы to в данном предложении быть не должно)
5. Wrong (правильно I was able, а не I were able)

Задание 4.

1. He may/might/could be visiting his grandmother.

2. We may/might stay here overnight.
3. You mustn't/can't enter the engine room.

4. Упражнение 1.
5. Переведите на английский язык.
6. 1. Вы должны бросить курить.
2. Вечеринка была замечательная. Вам следовало прийти.
3. Ты можешь решить эту проблему.
4. Тебе следует навестить своего больного друга.
5. Тебе следовало навестить своего больного друга, но ты не навестил.
6. Не хотите еще чая?
7. Я вынужден был сделать это.
8. Я не знаю, почему мы спешили. Нам не нужно было спешить.
9. Я бы хотел пойти с тобой.
10. Ты можешь делать все, что хочешь.
11. Ольге нужно уделить больше внимания занятиям по английскому языку.
12. Я не уверен, но возможно он неправ.
13. Ему разрешили взять машину своего отца в прошлую пятницу.
14. Я могу считать до 50 на испанском.

7. Ответы:
8. Скрыть

9. 1. You must stop smoking.

2. The party was great. You should have come.
3. You can solve this problem.
4. You ought to visit your sick friend.
5. You ought to have visited your sick friend, but you didn’t.
6. Would you like some more tea?
7. I had to do that.
8. I don’t know why we hurried. We needn’t have hurried.
9. I’d like to go with you.
10. You may do everything you want.
11. Olga needs to pay more attention to her English classes.
12. I’m not sure but he may be wrong.
13. He was allowed to borrow his father’s car last Friday.
14. I can count to fifty in Spanish.

11. Упражнение 2.
12. Переведите на английский язык.
13. 1. Вы можете взять эту книгу, если хотите.
14. 2. Вы можете взять эту книгу: она не тяжелая.
15. 3. Вы можете и не брать эту книгу.
16. 4. Я не могу взять эту книгу.
17. 5. Подумай только: можно было и не ходить туда.
18. 6. Можешь сразу не соглашаться: подумай несколько дней.
19. 7. Можете сегодня туда пойти.
20. 8. Можете сегодня туда не ходить.
21. 9. Можете не переписывать сочинение.
22. 10. Можете остаться: ведь у вас есть время.
23. 11. Можете остаться, если хотите.
24. 12. Можете не оставаться, если не хотите.
25. 13. Можете не говорить ему об этом.
26. 14. Можете сказать ему об этом.
27. 15. Нам можно не повторять эти правила: мы их знаем.
28. 16. Можно было и не писать сочинение.
29. 17. Он мог и не приходить: все было уже сделано.
30. Ответы:
31. Скрыть

32. 1. You may take this book if you like.

33. 2. You can take this book: it is not heavy.
34. 3. You need not take this book.
35. 4. I cannot take this book.
36. 5. Just think: we need not have gone there!
37. 6. You need not agree at once: think a few days.
38. 7. You may go there today.
39. 8. You need not go there today.
40. 9. You need not rewrite the composition.
41. 10. You can stay: you have time, don’t you?
42. 11. You may stay if you like.
43. 12. You need not stay if you don’t want to.
44. 13. You need not tell him about it.
45. 14. You may tell him about it.
46. 15. We need not repeat these rules: we know them.
47. 16. We need not have written the composition.
48. 17. He need not have come: everything had already been done.

50. Упражнение 3.
51. Вставьте подходящие модальные глаголы (must, may, can, need, to have to, to be able to).
52. 1. You … not come to help them tomorrow: the work is done.
53. 2. You … not change the whole text as the beginning is all right. You … only rewrite the second part
of it.
54. 3. … you help me now? — I am afraid not: I am in a great hurry. I shall be free in the evening. Come
to my place at about eight, and I … help you.
55. 4. John … not tell us the rules of the game: we know them.
56. 5. … I return the book to you on Friday? I am afraid I … not finish it before. — No, that is too late.
You … bring it to me not later than Wednesday.
57. 6. It is already six o’clock. We … hurry if we don’t want to be late.
58. 7. … you translate this text into English? — I think I …
59. 8. They spent all the morning on the river bank. Only Ann … return home as she … not stay in the
sun for such a long time.
60. 9. How do you feel when you … take a test? — I'm always a little frightened and unhappy. 10. She …
decorate a room nicely.
61. 11. We … not afford to pay the bill.
62. 12. He’s got a lung problem and he … go to hospital every two weeks.
63. 13. Ann … not go to his birthday party yesterday because she … go to the dentist.
64. 14. You … take medicine three times a day before meals. You … not stop taking it until you have
finished the bottle. Don’t forget. You … drink water as much as you … You … get up tomorrow if you
like. You … not stay in bed all the time. But you … not do any work at all. You … just relax for a few
65. Ответы:
66. Скрыть
67. 1. You need not come to help them tomorrow: the work is done.
68. 2. You need not change the whole text as the beginning is all right. You must only rewrite the second
part of it.
69. 3. Can you help me now? — I am afraid not: I am in a great hurry. I shall be free in the evening. Come
to my place at about eight, and I'll be able tohelp you.
70. 4. John need not tell us the rules of the game: we know them.
71. 5. May I return the book to you on Friday? I am afraid I can not finish it before. — No, that is too late.
You must bring it to me not later than Wednesday.
72. 6. It is already six o’clock. We must hurry if we don’t want to be late.
73. 7. Can you translate this text into English? — I think I can.
74. 8. They spent all the morning on the river bank. Only Ann had to return home as she could not stay
in the sun for such a long time.
75. 9. How do you feel when you have to take a test? — I'm always a little frightened and unhappy. 10.
She can decorate a room nicely.
76. 11. We can not afford to pay the bill.
77. 12. He’s got a lung problem and he has to go to hospital every two weeks.
78. 13. Ann could not go to his birthday party yesterday because she had to go to the dentist.
79. 14. You must take medicine three times a day before meals. You must not stop taking it until you
have finished the bottle. Don’t forget. You mustdrink water as much as you can. You can get
up tomorrow if you like. You need not stay in bed all the time. But you must not do any work at all.
Youmust just relax for a few days.

81. Упражнение 4.
82. Употребление модального глагола should.
83. Переведите на русский язык.
84. 1. You should know how to raise your children not to be losers.
85. 2. You shouldn’t give the child everything he wants. You shouldn’t satisfy his every craving for
food, drink and comfort. Otherwise, he will grow up to believe the world owes him a living.
86. 3. You shouldn’t laugh at him when he picks up bad words. This will make him think he isn’t cute.
It won’t also encourage him to pick up "cuter" phrases.
87. 4. You shouldn’t avoid use of the word "wrong". This won’t condition him to believe, later, when
he is arrested for stealing a car, that society is against him.
88. 5. You shouldn’t pick up everything he leaves lying around — books, shoes and clothing. You
shouldn’t do everything for him, otherwise, he will be experienced in throwing all responsibility onto
89. 6. You shouldn’t quarrel frequently in the presence of your child. Otherwise, he will not be too
shocked when the home is broken up later.
90. 7. You shouldn’t take his part against neighbours, teachers and policemen. They aren’t all
prejudiced against your child.
91. 8. When he gets into trouble, you shouldn’t apologize for yourself by saying, "I never could
do anything with him."
92. Ответы:
93. Скрыть

94. 1. You need not come to help them tomorrow: the work is done.
95. 2. You need not change the whole text as the beginning is all right. You must only rewrite the second
part of it.
96. 3. Can you help me now? — I am afraid not: I am in a great hurry. I shall be free in the evening. Come
to my place at about eight, and I'll be able tohelp you.
97. 4. John need not tell us the rules of the game: we know them.
98. 5. May I return the book to you on Friday? I am afraid I can not finish it before. — No, that is too late.
You must bring it to me not later than Wednesday.
99. 6. It is already six o’clock. We must hurry if we don’t want to be late.
100.7. Can you translate this text into English? — I think I can.
101.8. They spent all the morning on the river bank. Only Ann had to return home as she could not stay
in the sun for such a long time.
102.9. How do you feel when you have to take a test? — I'm always a little frightened and unhappy. 10.
She can decorate a room nicely.
103.11. We can not afford to pay the bill.
104.12. He’s got a lung problem and he has to go to hospital every two weeks.
105.13. Ann could not go to his birthday party yesterday because she had to go to the dentist.
106.14. You must take medicine three times a day before meals. You must not stop taking it until you
have finished the bottle. Don’t forget. You mustdrink water as much as you can. You can get
up tomorrow if you like. You need not stay in bed all the time. But you must not do any work at all.
Youmust just relax for a few days.

108.Упражнение 4.
109.Употребление модального глагола should.
110.Переведите на русский язык.
111.1. You should know how to raise your children not to be losers.
112.2. You shouldn’t give the child everything he wants. You shouldn’t satisfy his every craving for
food, drink and comfort. Otherwise, he will grow up to believe the world owes him a living.
113.3. You shouldn’t laugh at him when he picks up bad words. This will make him think he isn’t cute.
It won’t also encourage him to pick up "cuter" phrases.
114.4. You shouldn’t avoid use of the word "wrong". This won’t condition him to believe, later, when
he is arrested for stealing a car, that society is against him.
115.5. You shouldn’t pick up everything he leaves lying around — books, shoes and clothing. You
shouldn’t do everything for him, otherwise, he will be experienced in throwing all responsibility onto
116.6. You shouldn’t quarrel frequently in the presence of your child. Otherwise, he will not be too
shocked when the home is broken up later.
117.7. You shouldn’t take his part against neighbours, teachers and policemen. They aren’t all
prejudiced against your child.
118.8. When he gets into trouble, you shouldn’t apologize for yourself by saying, "I never could
do anything with him."

120.1. Вы должны знать (Вам следует знать), как вырастить детей, чтобы они не были
121.2. Вы не должны давать ребенку все, что он захочет. Вам не следует удовлетворять его
каждое желание в получении еды, питья и удобств. В противном случае он вырастет с верой
в то, что общество обязано содержать его.
122.3. Вам не следует смеяться над ребенком (над ним), когда он подхватывает плохие слова. Это
заставит его подумать, что он вовсе не очень находчивый (не очень сообразительный;
не очень умный) ребенок. Это также не будет поощрять его в желании схватывать(не будет
способствовать тому, чтобы он схватывал "более симпатичные" фразы.
123.4. Вы не должны избегать употребления слова "Плохо"("Ты не прав"). Это не приучит его
к мысли, что общество против него, если вдруг(позднее) он будет арестован за кражу
124.5. Вам не следует подбирать книги, ботинки, одежду — все то, что он (ребенок) разбрасывает
где попало. Вы не должны делать все для него, иначе он научится перекладывать свою
ответственность на других.
125.6. Вы не должны часто ссориться в присутствии своего ребенка. В противном случае
он не будет слишком потрясен, если позже в семье будет разлад (развалится семья (дом).
126.7. Вам не следует быть на его стороне против соседей, учителей и полицейских. У них
не у всех предвзятое отрицательное мнение о вашем ребенке (Они не все относятся
с предубеждением к вашему ребенку).
127.8. Если он попадет в беду (в неприятную историю), Вы не должны оправдывать себя, говоря:
"Я никогда ничего не мог сделать с ним".

129.Упражнение 5.
130.Переведите на английский язык, употребляя модальный глагол should в сочетании с требующейся
формой инфинитива (Indefinite Infinitive —Perfect Infinitive).
131.1. Дети должны быть более внимательны к своим родителям.
132.2. Ему следует обратиться к врачу.
133.3. Ему следовало давно обратиться к врачу.
134.4. Вы не должны давать ребенку столько конфет.
135.5. Ему следует прочитать эту книгу.
136.6. Ему следовало уже прочитать эту книгу.
137.7. Вам следует пойти туда и поговорить с ними.
138.8. Вам следовало сходить туда (раньше) и поговорить с ними.
139.9. Он не должен был так грубо разговаривать.
140.10. Он не должен был забывать о моей просьбе.
141.11. Ей давно бы следовало вернуться.
142.12. Тебе не следует ходить туда.
143.13. Вам надо было прочитать эту книгу в прошлом году.
144.14. Вам бы следовало поговорить с вашим дядей, когда он приедет.
145.15. Ей не надо было носить такие тяжелые вещи.
146.16. Ему следовало помнить об этом.
147.17. Вы должны были попросить разрешения.
148.18. Вы не должны были беспокоиться.
149.19. Вам следует работать больше.
150.20. Ей следует слушать советы учителя.
151.21. Вам следовало бы извиниться: вы не правы.
152.22. Вам не следует пропускать уроки английского языка.

154. Скрыть

155.1. Children should be more attentive to their parents.

156.2. He should consult the doctor.
157.3. He should have consulted the doctor long ago.
158.4. You should not give the child so many sweets.
159.5. He should read this book. 6. He should have read this book.
160.7. You should go there and speak to them.
161.8. You should have gone there and spoken to them.
162.9. He should not have spoken so rudely.
163.10. He should not have forgotten about my request.
164.11. She should have returned long ago.
165.12. You shouldn’t go there.
166.13. You should have read this book last year.
167.14. You should speak to your uncle when he comes.
168.15. She should not have carried such heavy things.
169.16. He should have remembered about it.
170.17. You should have asked permission.
171.18. You should not have worried.
172.19. You should work more.
173.20. She should listen to the teacher’s advice.
174.21. You should apologize: you are wrong.
175.22. You should not miss English lessons.

Суть: я оставляю описание человека с тремя характеристиками - это может быть возраст, пол, внешность,
профессия, черта характера и т.п. и модальный глагол, а следующий человек заканчивает моё предложение и
оставляет своё:)

Это должно выглядеть, например, так:

15-year old fat girl should... less
A handsome young guy can... nearly every girl:)

Быстро бегать как спортсмен

Я умею, yes, I CAN

Все конфеты есть не смей,

Но немного можно, MAY

Не ленитесь, всякий раз

Вы должны стараться, MUST

По жаре идет верблюд,

Отдохнуть он должен, SHOULD

Разболелся, к терапевту

На прием мне надо, HAVE TO

II. Фонетическая зарядка:

Sing the song “A super cat” with a band.
A super cat.
My cat can sing, my cat can walk,
My cat can watch TV.
My cat can do so many things
And it can play with me!
My cat can't play computer games
And can't sit on my bed.
But all in all.
But all in all
It is a super cat.

Different abilities
The use of the modal verb can for ability lends itself well for any kind of personalised questionnaire about
different abilities. Many coursebook materials have a 'mixed bag' questionnaire of abilities, for instance:

 Can you ski?

 Can you bake a cake?
You can always adapt or extend this kind of activity by having a themed questionnaire (I’m a big fan of themed
questionnaires, you’ll see these in other sections of the Grammar reference pages). So, for example,

 Art and music

Can you paint?
Can you draw?
Can you read music?
Can you play an instrument?
 Sport and health
Can you play a sport? Which sport?
Can you ski?
What sports can’t you do?
Can you touch your toes?

Self evaluation – I can do it

One feature of many modern European coursebooks is self-evaluation. This has been inspired by the Common
European Framework of Languages and a series of published can dostatements that indicate at what level a
student is. You can make your own “Can do” self-evaluations sheets and set students up to interview each
other. Prepare a list of statements. The students put a tick or a cross next to each one. They then turn the
statements into questions and interview a partner. This could take different forms:

1. As revision of material studied in class. Your statements here would cover things you’ve done in class. For
I can remember the difference between past simple and present perfect.
I can understand how to make questions in English.
I can now talk about my family in English.
As a diagnostic for future needs/uses of English. Your statements here would not necessarily be what you’ve
done in English but rather what you think your students need or areas they’ve told you they want to work on.
You could give options here, for example:

I can speak on the phone in English. Very well

I can, but it’s difficult.
I can’t.

Teaching modal verbs and critical thinking at the same time

It is easy to turn a lesson about modal verbs into a lesson about social justice
that promotes critical thinking. What I mean by critical thinking is analyzing an
issue from various perspectives and engaging in meaningful discussion that
takes these perspectives into account. Of course it’s very important to know
what your students’ interests and motivations are in order to provide them with
discussion topics that will be engaging for them. Modal verbs lend themselves
easily to many different discussion topics. This list of modal verb sentences is
meant to facilitate discussion about social justice issues:
1. War can be necessary in some situations.
2. We could solve many of the world’s problems if we eliminated money.
3. Citizens must always follow the laws of their country.
4. Immigration should be strictly controlled.
5. Racism, sexism, homophobia and other kinds of discrimination might be learned
in school.
6. People should not own guns.
7. Climate change will destroy the planet.
8. Women should have the same rights as men.
This list provides just a few examples of statements you could have students
discuss. You might lead a large group discussion or have students break into
smaller groups. You could organize a class debate, and/ or have your
students create their own statements for discussion.

Another option to practice modal verbs is a problem-solving activity. Hand out

cards with different scenarios on them and have students discuss what the
options are to solve the problem presented, and what they think should be
done. For example, one problem might be a case of sexual harassment at
work – students discuss what the possibilities are (what the person can do)
and what their suggestions are (what the person should do).
Whatever the activity, don’t forget to encourage your students to respond with
full sentences (not just “I agree” but “I agree that women should have the
same rights as men”) so that they practice using modal verbs!

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