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Today we are speaking about the secrets of a happy marriage.

A famous American actor

Robert De Niro once told an interesting story during one of his interviews.

“After 50 years of marriage I once looked at my wife very attentively and said:
“50 years ago we had a small house, an old car, we slept on a sofa and watched small
black & white TV, we got by but every night I went to bed with a beautiful 19-year-old

Now I have a huge house, a lot of expensive cars, a large bed in a beautiful bedroom, a
TV with a flat wide screen but I sleep in one bed with a 69-year-old woman. And now I
am asking myself a lot of questions.

My wife is a wise woman. She did not get offended, she was not angry and she said:
“Why don’t you find yourself a 19-year-old lady and I will look after the rest: that you will
live in a small house, sleep on an old sofa and watch that black & white TV again”.
Aren’t women amazing? They really know how to solve all their husbands’ problems!”

Is there a secret of a happy marriage? Is it simply luck, destiny or hard work?

When couples come across problems, they often prefer to break up than to work them

Maybe the main secret is to choose the right partner at the beginning?

Many years ago my mum told me - «Look for a smart one, not a rich one! A smart one
will always be able to get rich but a fool can easily lose all he has in a day».

I often hear older people say that “If you want to become a general’s wife you should
marry a lieutenant”. Have you heard this phrase before? Have you thought about it?
Does it still make sense today or perhaps you think it has nothing to do with real life?


marriage /ˈmæriʤ/ брак, женитьба

famous /ˈfeiməs/ знаменитый
once /wʌns/ один раз, однажды
during /ˈdjuəriŋ/ в течение
to look at /luk æt/ смотреть на
attentively /ǝ'tentivli/ внимательно
to say /sei/ говорить, сказать
обходиться, сводить
to get by /get bai/ концы с концами
to go to bed /'gəu tu 'bed/ идти спать
huge /hju:ʤ/ огромный
large /la:ʤ/ маленький / большой
bedroom /'bedru(:)m/ спальня

flat wide screen /flæt waid skri:n/ плоский широкий

to ask questions /a:sk 'kwesʧ(ə)nz/ задавать вопросы
wise /waiz/ мудрый
to get offended /get ə'fendid/ обижаться
to be angry with /bi: 'æŋgri/ злиться на кого-то
to look after /luk 'a:ftə/ присматривать,
заботиться о
again /ə'gen/ опять, снова
amazing /ə'meiziŋ/ удивительный
to solve a problem /solv ə 'probləm/ решать проблему
to decide /di'said/ решить, принять

simple - simply /simpl - 'simpli/ простой - просто
luck /lʌk/ удача, везение
destiny /ˈdestini/ судьба
hard work /ha:d wə:k/ тяжелая работа
couple /'kʌp(ə)l/ пара
to come across случайно встретить,
/kʌm ə'kros/ наткнуться
often /'ɔfən/ часто
to prefer /pri'fə:/ предпочитать
to break up /breik ʌp/ расставаться (о паре)
to work something найти выход, разрулить
out /wə:k 'sʌmθiŋ aut/
main /mein/ главный
to choose /ʧu:z/ выбирать
the right partner /rait 'pa:tnə/ “тот самый” (партнер)
at the beginning /æt ðə bɪ'giniŋ/ в начале
to look for /'luk fɔː(r)/ искать
a fool /fu:l/ глупец, дурак
to easily lose /i:zili lu:z/ легко потерять
in a day /in ə dei/ за один день
to become /bi'kʌm/ становиться
to make sense /meik sens/ иметь смысл
perhaps /pə'hæps/ может быть, пожалуй
to have anything иметь отношение к
to do with /'eniθiŋ tu: du: wið/

Посмотрите на таблицу и освежите в памяти, как строятся времена,
которые вы уже знаете: Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple,
а также Present Continuous и его формы в прошедшем времени:

Simle Continuous Perfect


am/is/are working have/has worked

worked was/were working had worked


will work will be working will have worked


И тизер (англ. teaser «дразнилка, завлекалка») нового времени

Present Perfect

Формула: Отрицание
Утвердительные предложения I, you, they, we haven’t + V3
I, you, they, we have + V3 She, he, it hasn’t + V3
She, he, it has + V3 Вопрос
Have I, you, they, we + V3?
Has she, he, it + V3?

Present Perfect обозначает действие, которое завершилось к настоящему моменту

или в сам момент речи. В русском языке нет аналога Present Perfect. Чаще всего
Present Perfect путают с Past Simple. Запомните, что у Present Perfect нет своего
точного места в прошлом - важнее, что есть связь с настоящим!

Yesterday I solved a problem at work. - Вчера я решил проблему по работе.

Тут не связь с настоящим, а «место в прошлом» из-за слова “yesterday”.

I’ve just solved this problem. - Я только что решил эту проблему (и вот оно, решение!
Результат на лицо в настоящем)

Мы часто используем "ever" и "never" с Present Perfect, но их можно использовать

и с другими временами глагола.

I have never been to America. - Я никогда не был в Америке.

I've never come across this word before. - Я никогда раньше не встречала этого слова.
Я бы на этом пока и закончила) Подробнее это время мы разберем в следующих уроках.

1 В правой колонке найдите синонимы к словам из левой

1) to prefer a) clever

2) to say b) at the start

3) to come across c) surprising

4) maybe d) again and again

5) often e) to end the relationship with

your partner
6) smart f) large

7) at the beginning g) to speak

8) to break up h) to choose

9) huge i) perhaps

10) amazing j) to meet

2 Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в правильном времени:

1. When we were kids, my grandmother (to look after) us. — looked after
2. … ever (to come across) this book in your life?
3. “Listen, John, I (not love) you. I (to break up) with you right now!”
4. She (to listen to) me for 30 minutes but still (not understand) anything.
5. My brother (not have) enough money, but he always (to get by).
6. Jenny and Bill (to want) to break up last year but they (to work out) all their problems.
7. I don’t like fantasy books because they (to have nothing to do with) real life.
8. What you (to look for)? Can I help you?”

3 Решите, верно (True) или неверно (False) утверждение.

1. Robert de Niro is a famous American singer. — false

2. In the text, Jim Carrey is telling the story about his marriage.
3. When Robert De Niro and his wife were young they had a small house, an old car, slept
on a sofa and watched black & white TV.
4. Robert De Niro thinks that all women look for young partners.
5. Maria’s mum has never given her any advice about boyfriends.
6. “If you want to become a general’s wife you should marry a lieutenant” is an old Russian
7. If you choose the right partner from the very beginning, you will have a happy marriage.
8. When couples come across problems, they always prefer to work them out.

Составьте предложения по картинкам по модели
4 «Have you ever …?», используя Present Perfect.

2. to climb a mountain

3. to drink coconut milk

1. skydived

5. to sleep on the floor

6. to throw your phone

on the floor

4. to see a giraffe

8. to drive a Ferrari
9. to deep dive

7. to get too drunk

10. to meet a celebrity

Ответьте на вопросы по картинкам, используя активную
5 лексику урока

1. Where did they live? — They lived in a small house

2. What did they watch? -
3. Did they have a car?
4. Where did they sleep?
5. Who did Robert De Niro go to bed with every night 50 years ago?

6. Where does Robert De Niro live now?

7. How many expensive cars does he have?

8. Where does he sleep?

9. What TV do they have?

10. Who does he sleep in one bed with

every night?

Переведите предложения на английский язык в нужном
6 времени, используя активную лексику урока.

1. Знаете ли вы знаменитых людей, у которых счастливый брак?

2. Мой муж зарабатывает деньги, а я забочусь об остальном.

3. Я никогда не встречала богатых глупцов.

4. В течение урока все студенты слушали внимательно.

5. Мои родители сводили концы с концами, но всегда были счастливы.

6. Джон посмотрел на свою красивую жену и сказал:

«Не беспокойся, дорогая, мы найдем выход».

7. «Она о чем вообще говорит сейчас? Это не имеет никакого

отношения ко мне!»

8.«Ты злишься на меня? Ты обиделась?»

Составьте предложения, поставив слова в правильном
7 порядке
1.very / His / gets offended / wife / easily.

2.What / the secrets / marriage? / are / of a happy

3.ever / broken up / Have / first? / you / with someone

4.marry / She / a rich / will / man. heard / him / before? / about / Have

6.general's / want / wife. / I / to become / a

7.are / at? / What / you / looking

8.main / to drink / a lot of / secret / is / The / water.

9.has / to do / This film / life. / with / real / nothing

10. cup of / we can / Perhaps / a / have / coffee / one day

Когда лицо или предмет производят действие, направленное само на себя,
используются возвратные местоимения.
В русском языке они соответствуют частице -ся или местоимению себя.
I fell and hurt myself – Я упал и поранился.
В английском у каждого личного местоимения есть относящееся к нему
возвратное: myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves,
themselves, oneself.

him, her, them и my, our, your + окончание -self/-selves.
Во множественном числе (we, you, they) в слове self f меняется на v и добавляется
окончание -es.
Don't hurt yourself, Andrew! – He ушибись, Эндрю! Don't hurt yourselves, guys! –
Не ушибитесь, ребята!
Возвратное местоимение oneself применительно ко всем людям,
когда мы говорим в общем, не имея ввиду кого-то конкретного.
It seems that to call oneself brave is brave in itself.
- Назвать себя храбрым, кажется, смело само по себе.

8 Выберите правильный вариант:

1. Children! Be attentive, you can 2. I am not angry with you.

easily hurt I am angry with
_____________________________ _____________________________
b.themselves b.himself
c.yourself c.myself

3. My father built this house by 7. Did you turn off the TV? No, it turned
_____________________________ off by
a.themselves _________________________________.
4. I am at work, so please cook
dinner by
8. To become smart, he must educate
a.ourselves _________________________________.

b.themselves a.them
c.yourselves b.itself
5. Guys, how was Jack's Birthday
party? Did you enjoy 9. She asks a lot of questions.
____________________________? _________________________________
a.yourselves a.himself
b.yourself b.herself

6. He was not listening attentively,

10. “So, friend, you think I'm a fool?
so she decided not to repeat
Well, look at ______________________”.
c.herself c.yourself

9 Подберите предлог, подходящий по смыслу предложения.

for / across / at / in / at / on / about / of / by / with / out / with / up

1.“Look at you! So grown up and handsome”.

2.__________ the beginning Jane and John were a perfect couple, but 3 years after they
broke _____________________ .

3. - “What are you looking __________________?”

- “My glasses!”
- Here they are _____________________ your head!”

4.He did not become smart _______________ a day, he read a lot _________ books at school
and University.

5.He is definitely in love with her, he thinks and speaks _______________ her all the time.

6.Why did you buy such an expensive car? The money you get is only enough to get
________________ .

7.When my boyfriend is angry with me, we try to solve the problem and work everything
___________________ together.

8.“Don't get angry ________________ me, I'll find your wedding ring!”

9.The recommendation that my friend gave me has nothing to do ________________ real life.

10. “Don't worry, people come _________________ problems all the time”.

10 Заполните пропуски в тексте выражениями ниже:

famous / expensive cars / got by / during / very attentively/ wise woman /

solve / work them out / main secret / always be able / lieutenant / perhaps /
look after / screen/ come across/

Today we are speaking about the secrets of a happy marriage. A 1. famous American
actor Robert De Niro once told an interesting story 2._______________ one of his interviews.

“After 50 years of marriage, I once looked at my wife 3. _______________________ and said:

“50 years ago we had a small house, an old car, we slept on a sofa and watched a small
black & white TV, we 4.____________________ but every night I went to bed with a beautiful
19-year-old lady.

Now I have a huge house, a lot of 5.________________, a large bed in a beautiful bedroom,
a TV with a flat wide 6._________________ but I sleep in one bed with a 69-year-old woman.
And now I am asking myself a lot of questions.

My wife is a 7._______________. She did not get offended, she was not angry, and she said:
“Why don't you find yourself a 19-year-old lady and I will 8.____ the rest: that you will live in a
small house, sleep on an old sofa and watch that black & white TV again”.
Aren't women amazing? They really know how to 9.____ all their husbands' problems!”

Is there a secret of a happy marriage? Is it simply luck, destiny or hard work?

When couples 10.______ problems, they often prefer to break up than to 11.__________.

Maybe the 12. ____________ is to choose the right partner at the beginning?

Many years ago, my mum told me: – «Look for a smart one, not a rich one! A smart one will
13.__________________________ to get rich, but a fool can easily lose all he has in a day».

I often hear older people say that “If you want to become a general's wife, you should marry
a 14._______________________”. Have you heard this phrase before? Have you thought
about it? Does it still make sense today or 15.___ you think it has nothing to do with real life?

Упражнение 1.
2- g; 3- j; 4- i; 5-d; 6- a; 7- b; 8-e; 9-f; 10- c.

Упражнение 2.
2. Have you (ever) come across; 3. don't love, am breaking up; 4. was listening to, didn't
understand; 5. doesn't have, gets by; 6. wanted, worked out; 7. have nothing to do with;
8. are you looking for.

Упражнение 3.
2. false; 3. true; 4. false; 5. false; 6. true; 7. true; 8. false.

Упражнение 4.
2. climbed a mountain; 3. drunk coconut milk; 4. seen a giraffe; 5. slept on the floor;
6. thrown your phone on the floor; 7. got too drunk; 8. driven a Ferrari; 9. deep dived;
10. met a celebrity.

Упражнение 5.
2. They watched black & white TV.
3. Yes, they had an old car.
4. They slept on a sofa.
5. He went to bed with a beautiful 19-year-old lady.
6. He lives in a huge house.
7. He has a lot of expensive cars.
8. He sleeps in a large bed in a beautiful bedroom.
9. They have a TV with a flat wide screen.
10. He sleeps in one bed with a 69-year-old woman.

Упражнение 6.
1. Do you know famous people who have a happy marriage?
2. My husband earns (the) money and I look after the rest.
3. I have never met rich fools.
4. During the lesson all students were listening attentively.
5. My parents got by but were always happy.
6. John looked at his beautiful wife and said: “Don't worry, dear, we will work it out”.
7. “What is she talking about right now? This has nothing to do with me!”
8. “Are you angry with me? Did you get offended?”

Упражнение 7.
1. His wife gets offended very easily.
2. What are the secrets of a happy marriage?
3. Have you ever broken up with someone first?
4. She will marry a rich man.
5. Have you heard about him before?
6. I want to become a general's wife.
7. What are you looking at?
8. The main secret is to drink a lot of water.
9. This film has nothing to do with real life.
10. Perhaps we can have a cup of coffee one day?

Упражнение 8.
2. c; 3. b; 4. c; 5. a; 6. c; 7. b; 8. c; 9. b; 10. c

Упражнение 9.
2. at, up; 3. for, on; 4. in, of; 5. about; 6. by; 7. out; 8. with; 9. with; 10. across

Упражнение 10.
2. during; 3. very attentively; 4. got by; 5. expensive cars; 6. screen; 7. wise woman;
8. look after; 9. solve; 10. come across; 11. work them out; 12. main secret; 13. always be able;
14. lieutenant; 15. perhaps

2 2

-Is she the most famous Russian ballerina? — Yes, she is.
-Was he the first person to land on the Moon? — Yes, he was.
-Do baby zebras have no stripes? — Yes, they do. They have stripes when they are born.
-Is poker an Olympic sport? — No, it is not.
-Does a Queen always rule a country? — No, she does not.
-Does Dubai have a king? — No, it does not.
-Did the Americans invent cupcakes? — Yes, they did.
-Will you stay alive if you eat 200 apple seeds? — No, you will not.
-Has the unicorn been the national animal of Scotland since 1603? — Yes, it has.
-Has any woman ever had more than 10 children at once? — No, they have not.

-What does the phrase “go awry” mean?
-What do the Americans cook for Thanksgiving?
-Where is the world's tallest man from?
-What do the Japanese people do when they greet each other?

-How much does an average cloud weigh: 500 kilos or 500 tonnes?

-Who was the legendary monk who invented champagne?
-Who was the last tsar in Russia?
-Who became the woman with the most Grammy Awards?

-Cinderella was the first Disney princess, wasn't she? —
No, she was not.
-An octopus has three hearts, doesn't it? — Yes, it does.
-The first iPhone was made in 2005, wasn't it? — No, it wasn't.

2 2

to land /lænd/ приземляться

a stripe /straip/ полоска
almost /ˈɔ:lməust/ почти
to rule /ru:l/ править
to invent /inˈvent/ изобретать
a cupcake /ˈkʌpˌkeik/ кекс, капкейк
apple seed /æpl ˌsi:d/ яблочное семя
a unicorn /ˈju:nikɔ:n/ единорог
at once /ət ˈwʌns/ разом
to go awry /ˈgəu ə:ˈrаi/ идти наперекосяк
to go tits up /ˈgəu ˈtits ˈʌp/ накрыться медным тазом
dressed herring /drest ˈheriŋ/ селёдка под шубой
Russian salad /rʌʃn ˌsæləd/ оливье
turkey /ˈtə:ki/ индейка
Turkey /ˈtə:ki/ Турция
to greet smb /ˈgri:t ˈsʌmˌbʌdi/ приветствовать кого-либо
greetings /ˈgri:tiŋz/ приветствие, привет
to shake hands /ˈʃeik hændz/ пожимать руки
to bow /bau/ кланяться
average /ˈævəriʤ/ среднестатистический
to weigh /wei/ весить
weight /weit/ вес
to wait /weit/ ждать
legendary /ˈleʤəndri/ легендарный
a monk /mɔŋk/ монах
an award /əˈwɔːd/ награда
an octopus /ˈɔktəpəs/ осьминог

2 2

Порядок слов в вопросах. Типы вопросов.

Научимся задавать вопросы всех типов. В английском их пять.

1 Общий вопрос


Делать, бегать, прыгать, танцевать и т.д. - глаголы действия.
Такие вопросы будем употреблять с вспомогательным глаголом do/does
(для 3 лица ед.ч.), вынося его на первое место в предложении.
Если в предложении есть вопросительное слово (о них ниже), то оно идет
первое, а вспомогательный глагол - сразу за ним.
Do you remember?
Does he dance?
How do you know?


Смысловой глагол (я его называю “адекватный”) - это когда легко и понятно,
где он находится в предложении. А в вопросах типа “Он студент?” обычного
смыслового глагола нет. В английском языке мы будем использовать
“являешься” - to be, точнее, одну из его 3-х форм в наст.вр. - am, is, are.

Ты знаменитый? - Are you famous? (“Являешься ли ты знаменитым?”)

Мы друзья? - Are we friends?
Я опоздал? (Да, кажется, что “опоздал” это глагол, но в английском это
“Являюсь ли я опоздавшим?”) - Am I late?

Больше выражений, где в русском адекватный глагол есть,

а в английском нужен to be:

интересоваться - to be interested in
обожать - to be crazy about
гордиться - to be proud of
бояться - to be afraid / scared of
хотеть есть - to be hungry
хотеть пить - to be thirsty
болеть - to be ill
иметь способности к чему-то - to be good at
злиться на - to be angry with

2 2

Может быть и наоборот. Например, в русском “Ты согласен?” - прилагательное,

а в английском это глагол “соглашаться” - to agree, поэтому Do you agree?,
а не Are you agree?

Как будем задавать общие вопросы в разных временах?

Вспомогательный Сказуемое + остальные

глагол члены предложения

Do you like cupcakes?

Does your friend think that unicorns exist?

Did they go on holiday?

Have you ordered food?

Общие вопросы с to be строим, вынося его в самое начало предложения.

Остальные члены
to be Подлежащее

Are they thirsty?

Is he a student?

Was she afraid?

Will you go on holiday?

Предложения, в которых есть модальные глаголы, не требуют

вспомогательного глагола (do/does, did, will и т.д). Чтобы поставить
общий вопрос, мы просто переносим модальный глагол на первое
место в предложении.

My sister should greet the guests. - Моей сестре следует поздороваться

с гостями. И вопрос: Should my sister greet the guests?

2 2

Интересная штука с ответами на общие вопросы, которые содержат отрицание.

Есть подвох. В русском языке отрицание может соседствовать с утверждением
и наоборот, в английском языке - нет! Yes — “да” предполагает положительный
ответ, а No – “нет” отрицательный.

Don't you shake hands when you meet? - Разве вы не жмете руки при встрече?
Yes (= Yes, we do). Да (жмем) или No (=No, we don't). Нет (не жмем).

Чтобы не вышло путаницы, лучше не отвечать односложно, а пояснять,

как бы развёртывая свой ответ, например:
Is there no milk in the fridge? - Разве в холодильнике совсем нет молока?
No, there is not. There is no milk in the fridge.
Yes, there is. There is milk in the fridge.

Упражнение 1
Напишите полные ответы на общие вопросы, согласно указаниям
в скобках.
1. Aren't you afraid of snakes? (-) — No, I am not. I am not afraid of snakes.

2. Is this lady a famous writer? (+)

3. Will you have the rest of your octopus? (-)

4. Did your parents land ok in the storm last night? (+)

5. Are they shaking hands right now? (-)

6. May I come in? (-)

7. Does he not like Russian salad? (+)

8. Should Adam go to this concert? (+)

9. Does your friend agree with us? (-)

10. Is Mike crazy about Helen? (-)

2 2

2 Вопрос к подлежащему

Обычно это вопросы, которые начинаются со слов

What? - Что? или Who? - Кто?

Например: “Кто это получает награду на сцене? - Мерил Стрип

получает награду”. Ответом на вопрос “кто” здесь будет “Мерил Стрип” -
подлежащее. Такой тип вопроса имеет порядок слов обычного
повествовательного предложения без вспомогательного глагола.

Who и what требуют глагола в 3 лице ед.ч.!

Вопросительное Глагол (в нужном Пример

слово времени)

Who knows? Кто знает?

Who came? Кто пришёл?

What happened? Что случилось?

Who rules the country? Кто управляет страной?

What makes you happy? Что делает тебя


Лайфхак - я сначала говорю слово “что-то”

или “кто-то”. Например, “Что-то растет в огороде”.
Далее меняю “что-то” на “what” -
What grows in the garden?

В русском мы часто задаем вопрос, начиная с предлога, например -

С кем ты работаешь? Откуда ты знаешь? На чем ты сидишь? В английском
предлоги чаще всего уходят в конец предложения.
На каком этаже ты живешь? - Не On what floor do you live?, а What floor do you
live on?
О чём ты думаешь? - What are you thinking about?
С кем ты пойдёшь? (“С кем” это “с кто” ) - Who are you going with?

2 2

Упражнение 2
Выберите, какое предложение верно?
1. a) What did happen? b) What happened? — b)
2. a) Who knows? b) Who does know?
3. a) What he usually sings? b) What does he usually sing?
4. a) Who does Anna live with? b) Who lives Anna with?
5. a) Who did this actor play in this film? b) Who did play this actor in this film?
6. a) Who did invite you to the birthday party? b) Who invited you to the birthday party?
7. a) What painted Leonardo Da Vinci? b) What did Leonardo Da Vinci paint?
8. a) What makes you sad? b) What does make you sad?
9. a) Who will proud of you? b) Who will be proud of you?
10. a) What he has for dinner? b) What does he have for dinner?

3 Специальный вопрос

Этот тип вопроса нам пригодится, если мы хотим узнать конкретные подробности
о том, что нас интересует. В специальных вопросах в английском обязательно
используются вопросительные слова/конструкции, и задавать их можно к любому
члену предложения.

Какие вопросительные слова помогают нам строить специальные вопросы?

What? — что?
Where? — где? куда?
When? — когда? Чтобы построить специальный вопрос,
Why? — почему? за основу берем общий.
Who? — кто?
Which? — который? Например, общий вопрос к предложению
Whose? — чей? She was famous 20 years ago. —
Whom? — кому? кого? Она была знаменита 20 лет назад.
будет звучать так:
How? — как?
Was she famous 20 years ago? —
Она была знаменита 20 лет назад?

Теперь добавляем в начало предложения

вопросительное слово:
When was she famous? —
Когда она была знаменита?
и et voilà - получился специальный вопрос!

2 2

Для предметов мы используем which, для людей who, для мест where.
Who - кто, который
Ты знаешь женщину, которая получила
награду? -
Do you know the woman who got the award? И еще из опыта и для
Which - который слова who, which, where
Есть у тебя такая вещь, которой я могу не только помогают задавать
разрезать бумагу? (scissors - ножницы) - вопросы, но ещё и объяснять
Do you have the thing which I can use что-то, например, если
to cut paper? вы не знаете или забыли
Who и which можно заменить на that. какое-то слово.
Допустим, вы не знаете слово
“библиотека”, но вы можете
Where - где (для мест)
сказать “Это место, где вы
What do we call the place where I can read
читаете книги”
or borrow (одалживать) books?

Упражнение 3
Задайте специальный вопрос, используя вопросительные слова,
указанные в скобках:

1. A lot of people came to my party last night. — Where did a lot of people come last night?

2. My brother told me the good news. (whom)

3. We have no cheese in the fridge. (how much)

4. They danced till early morning. (how long)

5. I am in Mike's house now. (whose)

6. An octopus has three hearts. (how many)

7. My uncle will soon become a millionaire. (when)

8. You should leave your flat at once! (when)

9. I will rule this country one day because my father is a king. (why)

10. Helen took the second book from the left. (which)

2 2

Упражнение 4
1. Сколько длилось представление (show)? - Оно длилось 2 часа.

2. Сколько раз в жизни ты видел панду? - Я видел панду всего один раз в жизни.

3. Ты предпочитаешь красное вино или белое? - Я предпочитаю красное.

4. Где ботинки? - Они в коробке.

5. Когда начнется твой отпуск? - Отпуск начнется в следующем месяце.

6. Почему мне нельзя говорить это слово? - Ты не можешь его произносить,

потому что это грубо (rude).

7. У кого не было друзей 5 лет назад? - У моего брата не было друзей 5 лет назад.

8. Как ты добрался домой (get home)? - Я добрался домой на поезде

9. Где будет встреча? - Встреча будет в моем офисе.

10. Как дела у вас? - Мы ок, спасибо.

2 2

Упражнение 5
Объясните эти слова при помощи which/that, who, where.
a bank

a boring person

the brain

a celebrity

a monk

a secret

Упражнение 6
Поставьте who, which, where

1. This is the church where we got married.

2. She can't find the key __________________ opens this door.

3. The Louvre is the museum ____________________ you can see the Mona Lisa.

4. A painter is someone ___________________ paints pictures.

5. A dictionary ____________________ has good examples is very useful.

6. The shop _____________________ I usually buy my bread is closed today.

7. I know a supermarket ____________________ has really good food.

8. Do you know a place ____________________ sells postcards?

2 2

4 Альтернативный вопрос

Практически точно повторяет структуру общего и специального, но в них всегда

присутствует союз “or” (или), который соединяет предложенные варианты.
Вся прелесть в том, что в самом вопросе уже “зашит” ответ. Отвечающему нужно
только выбрать один из вариантов. Главное - не отвечать однозначно “да” или
“нет”, чтобы не выглядеть глупо, вот так, например:
Do you like coffee or tea? - Yes! Не надо так, пожалуйста.

What do you like more: dressed herring or Russian salad? -
Что тебе больше нравится: селедка под шубой или салат “Оливье”?
I like dressed herring more. - Мне больше нравится селедка под шубой.
Никаких “Yes” or “No” - четко выбираем одно из двух (или более предложенных).
Принцип сохраняется вне зависимости от времени, в котором задается этот тип
вопроса. Had the Americans already invented cupcakes or muffins before my friend came
up with the idea.

Упражнение 7
Поставьте альтернативный вопрос к выделенным словам:

1. He is going to sleep all weekend. (to ride a bike) — Is he going to sleep or ride a bike
all weekend?

2. My mum wants to have a cup of tea. (apple juice)

3. Andrew's hobby was to swim. (to play football)

4. Steve loves Sandra. (Jane)

5. The water is boiling. (not boil)

6. Summers in Turkey are hot. (cool)

7. Anne has just brought cupcakes! (pizza)

8. Mike's girlfriend is from London. (Paris)

9. My son usually goes to school by car. (bus)

10. Last Sunday the Browns had an excellent dinner party. (the Smiths)

2 2

5 Разделительный вопрос (или вопрос с “хвостиком”)

У тебя большая семья, не так ли?

Чтобы уточнить информацию, которую мы уже знаем или о которой догадываемся,
в русском языке мы к обычному предложению добавляем “не так ли?”, “не правда ли?”
В английском есть похожая конструкция - вопрос с “хвостиком”. Такой вопрос состоит
из 2-х частей. Первая часть - повествовательное предложение. Вторая часть
(“хвостик”) - вопрос, включающий только глагол и подлежащее. Как батарейки,
эти две части должны иметь разный “заряд”, если первая часть положительная,
вторая - отрицательная и наоборот.

Давайте переведем вопрос выше:

Your family is big, isn't it? (Чтобы не повторять существительное family заменим
его местоимением it), или же Your family isn't big, is it?

Если предложение содержит смысловой глагол (тот, который обозначает действие,

«адекватный»), то в “хвостике” будет вспомогательный (в том же времени, что
и в первой части).
He won't go to Turkey next month, will he?
Grandpa has been sleeping for 3 hours already, hasn't he?

В английском есть слова,

значение которых отрицательное:
never — никогда; ИНТЕРЕСНО:
rarely — редко;
После слов everyone,
seldom — редко;
someone, anyone
hardly — вряд ли; в хвостике используется they.
barely — едва;
nothing — ничего; Everyone can do it,
nobody — никто. can't they?

Такие слова из-за своего

отрицательного значения
меняют смысл утвердительного Повествовательное предложение

предложения в отрицательный Подлежащее

Краткий вопрос

(хотя у нас нет частицы not предложения

в предложении). This + is a good ideaˌ - isn, t it?

You + are Mr. Smithˌ - aren, t you?
Поэтому в хвостике мы She + has got a new car, - hasn,t she?
-haven, t (got)
не можем ставить You
You + like
any brothers,
+ have you?
- don, t you?
частицу not. They - don,t understand us, + do they?
He + speaks English, - doesn,t he?
They never go on holiday, don't they? You - didn, t see him yesterday, + did you?
Life + will be very different in a hundred - won, t it?
years time,
They never go on holiday, do they?

2 2

Упражнение 8
Подберите верный “хвостик”.
1 George plays the guitar, не так ли? — b)

2 She is looking for something, не правда ли?

3 There is a football match today, не так ли?

4 We have left the money at home, не правда ли?

5. She can't find her car keys, не так ли?

a. haven't we? b. doesn't he? c. can she? d. isn't' she? e. isn't there?

Упражнение 9

Выберите правильный вариант “хвостика” из предложенных ниже.

1. You are clever students,_____________?
a) aren't you
b) are you
c) don't you
2. The Norwegians invented cupcakes,_____________?
a) do they
b) didn't they
c) don't them
3. My brother tries to go to the gym 3 times a week, _____________?
a) does he
b) don't he
c) doesn't he

2 2

4. They will wait here for another hour, _____________?

a) will they
b) will not she
c) won't they
5. Jess and Andrew are watching their favourite film now, _____________?
a) don't they
b) aren't they
c) do they
6. After that everything went tits up, _____________?
a) wasn't it
b) isn't he
c) didn't it
7. My mother never orders octopus at restaurants,_____________?
a) isn't she
b) does she
c) doesn't she
8. Everyone listened to the teacher very attentively, _____________?
a) isn't it
b) didn't they
c) did he?

Упражнение 10

Найдите и исправьте ошибки, где необходимо.

1. Is your son interested in music? —
2. Are you agree with me?
3. Have you got any brothers or sisters?
4. Do you afraid of snakes?
5. He really prouded his daughter.
6. My uncle is absolutely crazy about photography.
7. What does your mom good at?
8. She is attractive?
9. My little cousin scares of darkness.
10. Why are you lating again?

2 2

Упражнение 1
2. Yes, she is. This lady is a famous writer. 3. No, I won’t. I won’t have the rest of my octopus.
4. Yes, they did. They landed ok in the storm last night. 5. No, they are not. They are not
shaking hands right now. 6. No, you may not. You may not come in. 7. Yes, he does.
He likes Russian salad. 8. Yes, he should. Adam should go to this concert. 9. No, he doesn’t.
He does not agree with us. 10. No, he is not. Mike is not crazy about Helen.

Упражнение 2
2. a; 3. b; 4. a; 5. a; 6. b; 7. b; 8. a; 9. b; 10. b

Упражнение 3
2. Whom did my brother tell the good news? 3. How much cheese do we have in the fridge?
4. How long did they dance? 5. Whose house am I in now? 6. How many hearts does
an octopus have? 7. When will my uncle become a millionaire? 8. When should I leave
my flat? 9. Why will I rule this country one day? 10. Which book did Helen take?

Упражнение 4
1. How long did the show last? - It lasted (for) 2 hours.
2. How many times in your life have you seen a panda? - I have seen a panda only
once in my life.
3. Do you prefer red or white wine? - I prefer red wine.
4. Where are the shoes? - They are in the box.
5. When will your holiday begin/start? - The/My holiday will begin/start next month.
6. Why can't I say this word? - You can't say it because it is rude.
7. Who didn't have friends 5 years ago? - My brother didn't have (any) friends 5 years ago.
8. How did you get home? - I got home by train.
9. Where will the meeting be? - The meeting will be in my office.
10. How are you? - We're ok, thanks.

Упражнение 5
Disclaimer: ниже мои пояснения, ваши могут быть другие!

a bank - a place where people keep money;

a boring person - a person who is not interesting or fun;
the brain - an organ that does the thinking;
a celebrity - a person who is famous;
a monk - a person who lives in a monastery;
a secret - something that you cannot tell others.

Ответы 2

Упражнение 6
2. which/that; 3. where; 4. who; 5. which/that; 6. where; 7. which/that; 8. which/that

Упражнение 7
2. Does my mum want to have a cup of tea or apple juice?
3. Was Andrew’s hobby to swim or to play football?
4. Does Steve love Sandra or Jane?
5. Is the water boiling or not/not boiling?
6. Are summers in Turkey hot or cool?
7. Has Anne just brought cupcakes or pizza?
8. Is Mike’s girlfriend from London or Paris?
9. Does my son usually go to school by car or by bus?
10. Did the Browns or the Smiths have an excellent dinner party last night?

Упражнение 8
2. d; 3. e; 4. a; 5. c.

Упражнение 9
2. b; 3. c; 4. c; 5. b; 6. c; 7. b; 8. b.

Упражнение 10
2. Do you agree with me? 3. ✓ 4. Are you afraid of snakes? 5. He was really proud
of his daughter. 6. ✓ 7. What is your mum good at? 8. Is she attractive? 9. My little cousin
is scared of darkness. 10. Why are you late again?

3 3

3 3

to take part in [ˈteik ˈpa:t ˈin] принимать участие в

to win [win] выигрывать, побеждать
a win [win] выигрыш
a winner [ˈwinə] победитель
luxurious [lʌgˈʒjuriəs] роскошный
a dream holiday [ˈdri:m ˈhɔlidei] отпуск мечты

to look forward to [ˈluk ˈfɔ:wəd tə] ждать с нетерпением

+ Ving

to keep money in [ki:p ˈmʌni in ə/ðə держать / хранить

a/the bank ˈbæŋk] деньги в банке

definitely [ˈdefinətli] определённо

to share [ʃeə] делиться
to borrow sth from sb [ˈbɔrəu] брать взаймы у
to lend [lend] давать в долг
with interest [wið ˈinterəst] с процентами
without interest [wiðˈaut ˈinterəst] без процентов
to pay tax on sth [ˈpei ˈtæks ɔn] платить налог на
jackpot [ˈʤækˌpɔt] джекпот, самый крупный
выигрыш в лотерее
a cashier [kæˈʃiə] кассир
to make a deal [ˈmeik ə ˈdi:l] заключить сделку, договориться
to give away [giv əˈwei] отдать бесплатно, раздать
drugs [drʌgz] наркотики, лекарства (AmE)
a robbery [ˈrɔberi] ограбление
to lose [lu:z] терять
most of sth [ˈməust əv] большая часть
It took me time [it tuk mi ˈtaim] Мне потребовалось время
Я должен был знать/понять/
I should have known [ai ʃud həv ˈnəun]
people in need [pi:pl in ni:d] нуждающиеся
generous [ˈʤenərəs] щедрый

3 3

Формула: V + ing
Например: win –> winning

Герундий — это глагол + ing, который в предложении ведет себя как существительное.
Герундий может быть подлежащим:
Winning the jackpot in a lottery is big luck. — Выиграть джекпот в лотерее – большая
Keeping money in a bank is safe. — Хранить деньги в банке безопасно.

Лайфхак: если глагол с окончанием «-ing» стоит в самом начале предложения,

то это 100% герундий.

Требуется после предлогов:

I’m looking forward to travelling to Europe. — Я с нетерпением жду поездки в Европу.
He believes in making a deal of his life one day. — Он верит в то, что однажды заключит
сделку всей своей жизни.

Употребляется после ряда глаголов:

enjoy - наслаждаться, I enjoy taking part in karaoke contests. -
обожать Я обожаю участвовать в караоке-конкурсах.

I love helping people in need. -

love - любить Я люблю помогать нуждающимся.

I like thanking people who are kind to me. -

like - нравиться Мне нравится благодарить людей, которые
добры ко мне.

(don’t) mind - I don’t mind reminding you to pop into the supermarket
on the way home. - Я не против напомнить тебе
(не) возражать зайти в супермаркет по дороге домой.

hate - ненавидеть I hate losing things. - Я ненавижу терять вещи.

I started living a normal life without drugs. -

start - начинать Я начал жить нормальной жизнью без наркотиков.

Please stop giving away things – we need them! -

stop - прекращать Прекрати, пожалуйста, раздавать вещи — они нам

I have finished talking to the cashier -

finish - закончить Я закончил болтать с кассиром.

3 3

Например: Формула: to + V,
I advise her to lend money with то есть начальная форма глагола.
interest only. - Я советую ей давать
деньги в долг только под процент.

Используется после всех остальных глаголов:

I would like to make a deal with you. - Я бы хотел с тобой договориться.
I want to take part in a quiz. - Я хочу принять участие в викторине.
I need to pay tax on my win. - Мне нужно заплатить налог на свой выигрыш.
— чтобы выразить цель
I bought a lottery ticket to win a lot of money. - Я купил лотерейный билет,
чтобы выиграть много денег.
— после прилагательных
It’s generous to share your win with your relatives. - Щедро поделиться своим
выигрышем с родственниками.

Отрицательная форма инфинитива образуется без вспомогательного do / does,

но при помощи одной частички not.
I promised myself not to lend money to anyone. —
Я пообещал себе не одалживать никому деньги.
not + to V Parents told me not to borrow things from friends. —
Родители сказали мне не одалживать ничего у друзей.
Try not to lose your new phone. — Постарайся
не потерять новый свой телефон.

Вот несколько глаголов, которые после себя требуют инфинитив:

I agreed to make a deal and sign the contract. —
to agree — соглашаться Я согласился заключить сделку и подписать контракт.

The bank offered to lend me money with reasonable interest. —

to offer — предлагать Банк предложил одолжить мне деньги под разумный процент.

I prefer not to share my food. – Я предпочитаю не делиться

to prefer — предпочитать едой.

I promise to pay you back tomorrow. — Я обещаю отдать

to promise — обещать долг завтра.

Many young people want to help people in need. —

to want — хотеть Многие молодые люди хотят помогать нуждающимся.

If you wish to win the jackpot, buy more lottery tickets. —

to wish — желать Если ты хочешь выиграть джекпот, покупай больше
лотерейных билетов.

I wouldn’t like to lose all my money. — Я бы не хотела

would like — хотел бы потерять все свои деньги.

3 3

Значение некоторых глаголов меняется в зависимости от того, что стоит после —

герундий или инфинитив.

Remember to make a deal with them. — Не забудь заключить с ними сделку
(это важно для компании!).
I remember making a deal with them. — Я помню, что заключал с ними сделку
(но после той вечеринки уже не так хорошо).
We stopped to take part in a streetball game. — Мы остановились, чтобы
поучаствовать в игре по стритболу (шли и увидели, как ребята играют,
тоже захотелось).
I stopped taking part in streetball games. — Я перестал участвовать в стритболе
(из-за травмы).
Try helping people in need. — Попробуй помогать нуждающимся (возможно, тебе
понравится, и ты станешь волонтёром).
I try to help people in need. — Я стараюсь помогать нуждающимся (прилагаю усилия,
из раза в раз).

В следующих примерах герундий используется, чтобы подчеркнуть, что действие

было в процессе, а инфинитив (без to) - чтобы просто указать на факт.
Значение в данных случаях не меняется.

I saw her doing drugs. - Я видел, как она принимала наркотики. (в процессе)
I heard him planning a robbery. - Я слышал, как он планировал ограбление. (в процессе)
I saw her do drugs. - Я видел, как она принимала наркотики. (факт)
I heard him plan a robbery. - Я слышал, как он планировал ограбление. (факт)

Глаголы “позволять” - let и “заставлять” -

let make требуют инфинитива без частицы to.
make + инфин
без to

Let her borrow your pen. - Позволь ей взять твою ручку.

Let me dream about a luxurious holiday. - Дай мне помечтать о роскошном отпуске.
Let your dad ask you about your plans. - Дай отцу спросить о твоих планах.

The bank makes me pay interest. - Банк заставляет меня платить проценты.
This group of your new friends will make you drink alcohol. - Эта компания твоих
новых друзей будет заставлять тебя пить.
In childhood mum always made me share sweets with my little brother. - В детстве
мама всегда заставляла меня делиться сладким с младшим братом.

3 3

Упражнение 1

Инфинитив или герундий?

1. Would you like (come in) to this luxurious house? — to come in

2. (Not talk) to me is rude of you.

3. We enjoyed (to see) Jack win this competition (соревнование).

4. He worked on weekends (to earn) more money.

5. She likes (to relax) and (not do) anything on weekends.

6. We were unhappy with the service so the restaurant manager offered (to give)
us a free dinner.

7. Is it difficult (to learn) Japanese?

8. He's very competitive. He thinks (to win - победа) is the most important thing.

9. She tried (not to hit) the man but she was driving too fast.

10. She finished (to study) when she was 21.

3 3

Упражнение 2

Найдите и исправьте ошибки, где необходимо.

1. He wants to lend his sister a lot of money. — ✓

2. Andrew definitely hates to getting up early.

3. We enjoyed to take part in the show.

4. Most of the students have already finished reading this text.

5. Would you mind to pay for this, please?

6. William offered helping the people in need.

7. I’d like winning the jackpot, but I think my chances are low.

8. I wanted to go out, but I changed my mind and stayed in.

9. My brother promised lending me money for my studies.

10. My wife asked me to remember buying some drugs at the drugstore (аптека, AmE).

3 3

Упражнение 3

Переведите предложения:

1. Победа (от глагола “выигрывать”) лучше поражения (от глагола “терять”).

2. Ты бы хотела принять участие в этом соревновании?

3. Он просто хочет жить нормальной жизнью.

4. Ему потребовалось время, чтобы заработать больше денег.

5. Он любит договариваться/заключать сделки.

6. Он предпочитает не делиться едой.

7. “Мам, позволь мне держать мои деньги в банке”.

8. Ты хорошо (good at) запоминаешь имена людей?

3 3

Упражнение 4

Поставьте “to” перед инфинитивом, где необходимо.

1 . My son asked me … let him … borrow money from his elder brother. — to, ✓

2 . You must make him … pay tax on everything he earns.

3 . Let me … help you with your work.

4 . She asked me … give away the things I didn’t need and …. help the people in need.

5 . I looked for my glasses everywhere but could not … find them.

6 . I saw Jeremy … leave the house with his girlfriend.

7 . We had … put on our raincoats because it was raining.

8 . A wise man told me not … trust Jim. Two days after Jim … let me down (подвел меня).
I should have known.

9 . Did you hear him … plan a robbery?

10. She does not want … let me … see her in her wedding dress.

3 3

Be used to - привыкнуть к чему-то, иметь постоянную привычку, буквально

“быть привыкшим к чему-то”, поэтому глагол to be здесь используется в настоящем
времени. В отрицании добавляем not после to be, в вопросе ставим to be на первое

I am
+ used to +
He / she / it is сущ. / Ving
We / you / they

Чтобы глагол наделить признаками существительного, добавляем -ing

to keep -> keeping — хранить -> хранение
to swim -> swimming -> плавать -> плавание

I am not used to having so much money. — Я не привык иметь столько денег.

You are used to making million dollar deals. — Вы привыкли заключать сделки
на миллионы долларов.
They are used to buying a lottery ticket every time they go to a supermarket. —
Они привыкли покупать лотерейный билет каждый раз, когда идут в супермаркет.
Are you used to borrowing money from the bank? — Ты привык занимать деньги в банке?
He isn’t used to taking part in quizzes. — Он не привык участвовать в викторинах.

Get used to — получить привычку

Get used to + сущ. / Ving

I got used to being a billionaire. — Я привыкла (т.е получила привычку) быть миллионером.
I couldn’t get used to having so much money, (я не могла привыкнуть иметь
столько денег) then I got used to it (потом я “получила привычку”),
and now I’m used to managing it, sharing, and helping people in need (и сейчас
я “являюсь привыкшей” управлять ими, делиться и помогать нуждающимся).

Used to — чтобы рассказать о прошлых привычках или действиях, которые

мы больше не совершаем. Эта конструкция — глагол to use в Past Simple, поэтому:

Used to + V Didn’t use to + V Did … use to + V?

My uncle used to be generous before. —

Раньше мой дядя был щедрым.
Did he use to be generous before? —
Он раньше был щедрым?
He didn’t use to be generous before. —
Он раньше не был щедрым.

3 3

Упражнение 5

Составьте предложения о том, что вы привыкли делать, используя

be used to + данные глаголы:

1. drive fast cars — I am used to driving fast cars.

2. speak English

3. go out every weekend

4. have a large family

5. watch Netflix after dinner

6. live in this city

Упражнение 6
Составьте 3 предложения о том, какой(-им) вы были раньше, и какая(-ой) вы
I used to be..., now I am …



3 3

Упражнение 7
Составьте 3 предложения о том, к чему вы раньше не могли привыкнуть,
но потом привыкли, и сейчас это ваша привычка:
I couldn’t get used to… , then I got used to … , and now I’m used to … .



Упражнение 8
Дополните предложения used to, be used to, get used to в нужной форме
с глаголом, подходящим по смыслу.

1. When I started to work here I needed a lot of help, but now I am used to doing
all the work on my own.
2. He ________ several books a month, but he doesn't have time any more.
3. We were surprised to see her driving – she _______ when we first met her.
4. Don't worry, it's an easy App to use. You _______ it in no time, I'm sure.
5. When I had to take a train to work every day I _______ very early.
6. I'm afraid I'll never _________ in this place. I simply don't like it and I never will.
7. Every time we came to London we _______ at the Savoy hotel. So luxurious,
we loved it.
8. When Thomas was the boss, everything _______ well organized. Now it's total
chaos (хаос) in here.
9. Andrea was shocked when she joined our busy office because she _________
so much work every day.
10. This diet is crazy! How ______ you _______ it?

3 3

Упражнение 9
Расставьте слова в правильном порядке, чтобы получились предложения.

1. in this / I / part / remember / don’t / taking / game — I don’t remember taking

part in this game.

2. to / My mother / in the bank. / keep / money / her / prefers

3. Can / money? / me / you / some / lend

4. to / a deal. / We / make / have

5. my friend. / It / time / to forgive / took / a long / me

6. the lottery / one / Everyone / to / wishes / day. / win

7. people / I / thank / always / who / are kind / remember / to me. / to

8. income (доход). / Every / tax / have to / I / year / pay / on my

9. My students / making / afraid / mistakes. / are / of / not

10. seeing / evening. / to / I / forward / this / look / you

3 3

Упражнение 10
Заполните пропуски в тексте выражениями ниже:

used to / spending / joke / robberies / With interest / make / should have / took part /
plans / stop doing

In the last video you 1. took part in a Quizz and you know what? I have fantastic news for you!
You have won! Yes, you are the winner of 1 million dollars! USD 1,000,000.00
What are you thinking about right now? An expensive house? A luxurious car? Your dream holiday?

Are you looking forward to 2. _________ your million or will you keep it in a bank?

Will you tell all your friends about your win? They will definitely ask about your 3. _________.
Will you share your plans with them? What if they want to borrow some money from you?
Will you lend it to them? For how long? 4. ________ or without?

Let me remind you that you will have to pay tax on your win.

But first, let me tell you a story about one of the largest jackpots in history. In 2002
Jack Whittaker won US$315 million!

Jack 5.________ buy lottery tickets every month. He was really looking forward to winning one day.

“I remember going to the supermarket to buy some food…

I talked to the cashier. As always, she offered to buy a lottery ticket. She was very sweet and kind
to me. We agreed to 6. __________ a deal. I promised to buy something for her if I won.
I always remember to thank people who are kind to me. So when I won the lottery, I bought a
house and a new car for that lovely cashier”.

Jack Whittaker did not 7. _________ the good things. He started giving away his money to people
in need. There was a lot of positive news about the generous guy in newspapers and on TV.
But it is not a story with a happy end.

Drugs, alcohol and 8. __________ happened to Jack. He lost most of his money, friends and family.

“It took me time to understand all the drama. It was the worst thing that has ever happened to me. I
9.__________ known… I used to live a normal life, I am not used to having so much money.
I never got used to it. Money didn’t make me happy. I should have said “No” to that nice cashier lady”.

Back to the good news, my friends. Remember I told you about your 1-million-dollar win? It was a
10. __________! You’ll have to earn it yourselves and it will be a win with a very different story!
I believe in you!

Ответы 3

Упражнение 1:
2. Not talking, 3 seeing, 4. to earn,
5. relaxing, not doing, 6. to give, 7. to learn,
8. winning, 9. not to hit, 10. studying.

Упражнение 2:
2. getting, 3. taking, 4. ✓, 5. paying, 6. to help, 7. to win,
8. ✓, 9. to lend, 10. to buy

Упражнение 3:
1. Winning is better than losing. 2. Would you like
to take part in this competition? 3. He just wants to
live a normal life. 4. It took him time to earn more money.
5. He loves making deals. 6. He prefers not to share
food. 7. “Mum, let me keep my money in the bank”.
8. Are you good at remembering people’s names?

Упражнение 4:
2. ✓, 3.✓ , 4. to, to/✓, 5. ✓, 6. ✓, 7. to, 8. to, ✓,
9. ✓, 10. to, ✓.

Ответы 3

Упражнение 5:
2. I am used to speaking English. 3. I am used to going
out every weekend. 4. I am used to having a large family.
5. I am used to watching Netflix after dinner.
6. I am used to living in this city.

Упражнение 8:
2. used to read, 3. didn’t use to drive, 4. will get used
to (using) it, 5. used to wake up/get up, 6. get used
to living, 7. used to stay, 8. used to be, 9. was not
used to doing, 10. did you get used to.

Упражнение 9:
2. My mother prefers to keep her money in the bank.
3. Can you lend me some money?
4. We have to make a deal.
5. It took me a long time to forgive my friend.
6. Everyone wishes to win the lottery one day.
7. I always remember to thank people who are kind to me.
8. Every year I have to pay tax on my income (доход).
9. My students are not afraid of making mistakes.
10. I look forward to seeing you this evening.

Упражнение 10:
2. spending, 3. plans, 4. With interest, 5. used to, 6. make,
7. stop doing, 8. robberies, 9. should have, 10. joke

4 4

Last Sunday the world saw a presentation of a new invention by Steve Crops and
the media have already called him a crazy genius. He has not finished the
development yet but people have been speaking about it for a week already.

“The world has changed. I have developed something that nobody has ever seen
before. I’ve been working on this technology for 3 years.

We have been using mobile phones for 14 years and they have become a part of
us. Now is the time when it becomes a reality, not just a popular metaphor. Our
phones are inside us, literally. You are the Internet, you are Wikipedia.

The experience of the whole world is now in your mind - just ask the right question.
There is no need to google anymore. Think of something and your mind will give
you the answer. If you want to call someone, you don’t have to dial their number -
you will connect to the person automatically. You will communicate brain-to-brain.

Imagine that all this time your eyes have been recording everything and have been
working like a camera. If you see something once, it will stay with you forever. You
have a camera in your eyes. Now it is all about memory cards. You can buy this
memory card today because at the end of the development it will cost you an arm
and a leg”.

4 4

Later Steve Crops presented these unusual memory cards for our brains.

Memory card Type

Memory card Type A
- The childhood of yo
space to ur 2 kids
This card will have enough - 10 foreign languag
oo d of your child es
remember the childh - Up to 100 books un
2 for eig n languages der your belt
till their 5th birthday,
out your family
and all the information ab
need to
and two best friends. No
bir thd ays , business
remember about
cto r's ap po intments
meetings and do


Premium Memory

- all the knowledge

available on the Internet
- Limitless memory

“A human brain is not ready for so much information. But I am sure that next year
people will be using the standard memory cards and by 2050 thousands of users
will have bought the premium memory cards.

4 4

By 2030:
- People will have solved all ecological problems
- All countries will have agreed to live peacefully
- All economic problems will have disappeared
- The doctors will have found cures for all diseases
and the secret for a longer life.

Next week we will have been discussing this invention

with other countries for a month already. By the end of this
decade we'll have been selling it as the most valuable item”.

What do you think about it, my friends? Would you

like to make a deal?
How much would you pay for such memory cards?

4 4


an invention /inˈvenʃ(ə)n/ изобретение

the media /ðəˈmi:diə/ средства массовой
development /diˈveləpmənt/ разработка
literally /ˈlitərəli/ буквально
inside /inˈsaid/ внутри, внутрь
on the Internet /ɔn ðə ˈintənət/ в интернете
experience /iksˈpi:riəns/ опыт
mind /maind/ разум
no need to do smth /ˈnəu ˈni:d tə ˈdu:/ нет нужды что-то делать
to dial a number /ˈdaiəl ə ˈnʌmbə/ набрать номер
automatically /ˌɔ:təˈmætikəli/ автоматически
to communicate /kəmˈju:nikeit/ общаться, коммуницировать
to imagine /iˈmæʤin/ представлять, воображать
imagination /iˌmæʤiˈneiʃən/ воображение
to record /riˈkɔ:d/ записывать
a camera /ˈkæmərə/ фотоаппарат
a memory card /ˈmeməri ˌka:d/ карта памяти
to memorise /ˈmeməraiz/ запоминать
to remember /riˈmembə/ помнить
to cost an arm /ˈkɔst ən ˈa:m ænd ə стоить очень дорого,
and a leg ˈleg/ бешеные бабки

at the end of smth /ət ði ˈend əv ˈsʌmθiŋ/ в конце чего-то

development /diˈveləpmənt/ развитие, разработка

to present smth /priˈzent ˈsʌmθiŋ/ делать презентацию чего-то

4 4


enough /iˈnʌf/ достаточно, хватит

space /speis/ место, пространство, космос

childhood /ˈʧaildˌhud/ детство

to make an /ˈmeik ən əˈpointmənt/ записаться на прием,

appointment назначить встречу

under one's belt /ˈʌndə wʌnz ˈbelt/ в активе, за плечами

knowledge /'nɔliʤ/ знания

to be available /bi: əˈveiləb(ə)l/ быть в наличии, доступным

limitless /ˈlimitləs/ неограниченный

human /ˈhju:mən/ человеческий

peacefully /ˈpi:sfuli/ тихо, мирно

economic /ˌikəˈnɔmik/ экономический

economical /ˌikəˈnɔmikəl/ экономичный

to disappear /ˌdisəˈpi:ə/ исчезать

to find а cure for /ˈfaind ə ˈkju:ə fɔ:/ найти лечение

a disease /diˈzi:z/ болезнь, заболевание

to discuss /disˈkʌs/ обсуждать

a decade /ˈdekeid/ десятилетие

an item /ˈaitem/ вещь

valuable /ˈvæljuəb(ə)l/ ценный

valuables /ˈvæljuəb(ə)lz/ ценные вещи

4 4

Present Perfect

Используем, когда хотим

have/has + V3
обозначить действие, которое
(V - “verb”, то есть “глагол”)
завершилось к настоящему
моменту. Здесь нам важен
? have/has + подлежащее
результат завершенного
+ V3
действия и то, что он
на лицо в настоящем.
- have/has + not + V3

I have just made an appointment with my GP —

Я только что записался на прием к моему терапевту.
(действие завершилось, результат — запись к терапевту)

Чаще всего Present Perfect путают c Past Simple. Запомните, что

у Present Perfect нет своего точного места в прошлом; важно,
что есть связь с настоящим!

Yesterday I read about his new invention on the Internet. —

Вчера я читал в Интернете про его новое изобретение.
Тут не связь с настоящим, а место в прошлом, т.к. есть слово “yesterday”.

В Present Perfect особенно важны слова-маркеры.
Обратите внимание на их место в предложении:

already - уже; I’ve already written the email.

just - только что; I’ve just taken a photo with my camera.
yet - еще (в отрицаниях), уже (в вопросах); I haven’t decided yet. Have you decided
recently - недавно; I’ve recently discussed it with my dad. “recently”
прекрасно себя чувствует и в конце предложения.
lately - в последнее время; Have you had any doctor’s appointments lately?
this week/month/year - на этой неделе/месяце/году; I haven’t worked this month
at all.
ever/never - когда-либо/никогда Have you ever heard it?
since - с … ; I haven’t seen him since Monday.
for - в течение; I’ve lived here for 5 years.

4 4

Упражнение 1

Выберите правильный вариант.

1. We have lived in this city for / since fifteen years. — for

2. The team hasn't yet / just finished the development of the app.

3. “Sony” has just / yet presented a new product.

4. You have not memorised new words already / yet.

5. Scientists have already / yet found a cure for this disease.

6. I have just / yet discussed my holiday dates with my boss.

7. She has worked with me since / for 2008.

8. I haven't seen him since / for two weeks.

9. How long / much have you known him for?

10. I have already / yet made an appointment with Dr Clark.

4 4

Упражнение 2

Раскройте скобки в Past Simple или Present Perfect.

1. Jess (to call) me yesterday to invite me to her party. —

I just (to get) the invitation too. — Jess called me yesterday to invite me to
her party. — I have just got the invitation too.

2. I (to see) this invention on the Internet last night. — Oh, really?
I (to google) anything for ages!

3. We (never hear) of this show before. Is it famous in your country? —

Yes, it is. It (be) popular here for many years.

4. What you (to do) last Sunday? — I (to meet up) with Helen and we
(to speak about) her new house. She recently (to move) in.

5. You ever (to dial) your ex's number by mistake? —

Yes! I (to do) that literally last night when I (to be) at my friend's party.

6. My uncle (not to travel) much in his life.

7. Doctors all over the world (to do) a lot of research about this disease
from 2010 to 2020 but (not find) the cure till this day.

4 4

Present Perfect Continuous

1) Используем, чтобы рассказать

о действии, которое началось
в прошлом и продолжается до
настоящего момента. При этом
мы подчеркиваем процесс,
длительность действия
Формула: (в отличие от Present Perfect).
have/has been + Ving

- have/has not + been Слова-маркеры:

+ Ving for - в течение;
I have been living in Israel for 5 years.
? have/has + подлежащее
+ been + Ving since - с; She has been cooking
since I came home.

all day/month - весь день/месяц;

Grandpa is not well. He's been
sleeping all day.

2) Действие началось в прошлом, продолжалось и завершилось

к настоящему моменту. Есть результат.

I have been painting the walls so I have a headache. - Я красила

стены, теперь у меня болит голова.
Why is your face red? - I have been reading in the sun. -
Почему у тебя лицо красное? - Я читал на солнце.

4 4

Упражнение 3


1. Они обсуждают этот вопрос (issue) уже полчаса.

2. Мой брат с утра пытается записаться на прием.

3. Они правда уже 4 часа обсуждают это новое изобретение?

4. — Что Мария делает с 09.00 утра? — Она делится (to share) знаниями
с ее учениками.

5. Я пытаюсь найти эту ценную информацию в Интернете уже 3 часа.

6. — Как долго ты учишь английский? — Я учу английский с 4-х лет.

7. — Какую статью (an article) он пишет с раннего утра? — Он пишет

статью о своем опыте в джунглях Амазонки (the Amazon jungle).

8. — Что они обсуждают уже час? — Они обсуждают разработку нового

мобильного приложения (a mobile app).

9. Марта потеряла все свои ценные вещи, и уже час пытается их найти!

10. Энди уже три часа разговаривает со своим другом из Бразилии

по телефону. Это будет ему стоить бешеных денег.

4 4

Упражнение 4

Найдите и исправьте ошибки во временах глагола.

— Hi, Mark. I didn’t see you since yesterday morning.

— Where did you be? — Hi Mark, I haven't seen you since yesterday morning.
Where have you been?

— Actually, I work on my first invention.

— Good for you! How long have you worked on it for?

— Three weeks. I've already created a lot of interesting functions, I was very
busy all day today. You know, I did not have a single cup of coffee since

— And how much have you been finishing so far (до настоящего момента)?

— It is almost done! I have thought of a nice name for it too, but I didn't decide
yet how to sell it.

— Well, best of luck!

4 4

Future Continuous
Future Continuous используется, Формула:
когда хотим сказать о длительном
действии (процесс!), которое будет will be + Ving
происходить в определенный
момент в будущем. - will not be +

I will be recording a new video for ? will + подл

+ be + Ving
my blog next Sunday at 7 p.m. —
В следующее воскресенье в 7 вечера
я буду записывать новое видео
для своего блога.

Так же, как и Present Continuous, оно используется, чтобы сообщить

о запланированных действиях, которые произойдут в ближайшем
будущем. Но (!) только Future Continuous может использоваться для
описания будущего действия в определенное, конкретное время.

I'm flying to London next Monday.

В следующий понедельник я лечу в Лондон. (фиксированные планы)

I'll be flying to London at 9 a.m. next Monday. — В следующий понедельник

в 9 утра я буду лететь в Лондон. (действие в определенное время
в будущем). Present Continuous здесь употреблять неуместно!

Вместо слов-маркеров может быть указание точного времени
в будущем, чтобы подчеркнуть, что именно в этот момент будет
происходить этот процесс.

tomorrow at 07.00 (точный момент времени)

when you come — когда ты придешь (точный момент времени)
all day long — целый день
all night — всю ночь
all the time — всё время

4 4

Упражнение 5

Ответьте на вопросы в Future Continuous и переведите.

1. What will this actor be doing? (to talk to journalists)

This actor will be talking to journalists.

2. What will your brother be doing? (to surf the Internet)

3. What will Anna be doing? (to present her invention)

4. What will your grandma be doing? (to sleep peacefully)

5. What will Eric be doing all day? (to dial his girlfriend's number)

6. What will two best friends be doing? (to share memories from their

7. What will the scientist (ученый) be doing at the end of the lecture?
(to ask questions)

8. What will you be doing? (to think about limitless capabilities

(способность) of our mind)

9. What will two colleagues be doing tomorrow at 14.00?

(to communicate by email).

4 4
Обозначает действие, которое
Future Perfect совершится к определенному
моменту в будущем.

We will have built our new house

by next year. — Мы построим наш
Формула: новый дом к следующему году.
will have + V3
- will not have + V3 by - к; I will have finished everything
by noon. - Я всё закончу к полудню.
? will + подлежащее before - до, прежде чем;
+ have + V3 Before we leave, I will have memorised
all the new words for my English lesson.
- До того, как мы уйдем, я запомню
все новые слова к уроку английского.

Упражнение 6 Переведите:

1. Мы не закончим этот проект до конца этого десятилетия.

2. Мой ассистент сложит все ваши ценные вещи в коробку до того, как
вы вернетесь.

3. До которого часа водитель доставит все карты памяти в офис? —

Он привезет карты памяти завтра до 6-ти часов вечера.

4. Он напишет отчет (a report) до пятницы? — Нет, до пятницы он еще

не вернется из командировки (business trip).

5. Я отремонтирую ваш фотоаппарат к вечеру.

6. Ты слишком много пользуешься Интернетом — к концу месяца мне это

обойдется в копеечку!

7. Кто уже закажет (to book) мне прием у доктора к следующему

понедельнику? — Мама закажет его.

8. К следующему году она уже получит достаточно знаний, чтобы

поступить в Университет (enter University).

4 4

Упражнение 7

Расставьте слова в правильном порядке, чтобы получились

верные предложения.

1.communicated / by Wednesday. / idea / will / I / have / to you / my

2. Peter / have memorised / next / rules / by / will / new / week. / the

3. not have / the time / the job / finished / I / will / by / come. / you

4. then. / more / Maria / by / will / to be / learnt / have / economical

5. 6 pm. / I / remembered / by / have / will / it

6. Monday. / by / He will / it / have / by / discussed / the media / with

4 4

Future Perfect Continuous

will have been + Vin
by — к (какому-то времени)
for — в течение - will not have been
since — с (какого-то времени) + Ving

? will + подлежащее
+ have been + Ving

1) Используем, чтобы рассказать о действии, которое началось в прошлом

и будет продолжаться до какого-то момента в будущем.

By next year they will have been together for 50 years. —

В следующем году будет 50 лет, как они вместе.
How long will you have been studying by the time you graduate? —
Сколько времени ты будешь учиться к моменту, когда выпустишься?

2) Действие началось в прошлом, продолжается и завершится

к какому-то моменту в будущем. Есть причинно-следственная связь.

We will stop because we will have been driving for 6 hours by then.
— Мы остановимся, потому что к тому времени будем ехать уже 6 часов.

Jason will be tired when he gets home because by that time he will have
been jogging for over an hour. — Джейсон устанет,
когда доберется домой, потому что
к тому моменту он будет бегать уже больше часа.

4 4

Упражнение 8

Поставьте глагол в скобках в Future Perfect Continuous.

1. In 20 minutes the audience will have been listening to the presentation about a new
invention by Steve Crops for 2 hours already. — Через 20 минут зрители
будут слушать презентацию о новом изобретении Стива Кропса уже 2 часа.

2. Next year he … (to develop) memory cards for our brains for 3 years
already. — В следующем году он будет разрабатывать карты памяти
для мозга уже 3 года.

3. By tomorrow we … (to use) mobile phones for 14 years. — К завтрашнему

дню мы будем пользоваться мобильными телефонами 14 лет.

4. By noon I … (to google) the answers to my exam questions all morning. —

К полудню я буду гуглить ответы на вопросы к экзамену всё утро.

5. I … (to dial) local dental clinic numbers for 30 minutes already by the time they can book
me in. — Я буду набирать номерa зубных клиник уже 30 минут к тому времени,
как меня смогут записать.

6. By 2050 we … (to communicate) brain-to-brain for 10 years. — К 2050 году

мы будем уже 10 лет как будем общаться мыслями.

7. How long … mankind … (to solve) environmental problems before they finally
solve them? — Как долго человечество будет решать экологические проблемы,
прежде чем решит их окончательно?

8. How long … all countries … (to negotiate) about world peace by 2030? — Как долго
страны будут вести переговоры о мире во всем мире к 2030?

9. Next week we … (to discuss) this invention with other countries for a month already. —
На следующей неделе мы уже целый месяц будем обсуждать это изобретение
с другими странами.

10. By the end of this decade, we … (to sell) it as the most valuable item. — К концу
этого десятилетия мы будем продавать его как самую ценную вещь.

4 4

Упражнение 9

Выберите верный вариант ответа.

1. Wow! ___ a new robot on Thursday? I ___ ! — а)

a) Will 'The NewTech' be presenting…will come
b) Have 'The NewTech' presented…will have come
c) Will 'The NewTech' have presented…am coming

2. An hour ago I ___ my hairdresser, ___ an appointment, and ___ the call.
a) dialled…made…finished
b) have dialled…made…finished
c) have been dialling…making…finishing

3. Probably, this time next week our band ___ a new album at the studio.
a) will have recorded
b) has recorded
c) will be recording

4. I ___ 10 math problems by 5 o'clock.

a) will have solved
b) will be solving
c) have been solving

5. — How long ___ each other for? — Since school.

a) will you have known
b) have you known
c) have you been knowing

6. — How long ___ a new drug for the rash (сыпь)? — She ___ on the team for 5 years.
a) has she been developing…has been
b) will she be developing…has been
c) she has been developing…was

4 4

Упражнение 9

7. — ___ buying a Premium Memory Card. — It will cost you an arm and a leg!
a) I've been thought about
b) I've been thinking of
c) I've been thinking about

8. — What ___ getting a Memory card Type B? — Sounds great!

a) do you think of
b) are you thinking of
c) have you thought about

9. By the time there is no space on the memory card, the camera ___ for 5 hours.
a) will have recorded
b) will have been recording
c) will be recording

10. Sam is a fantastic shop assistant. He ___ new gadgets all next month. By the end
of the month, he___ one hundred and sixty-three items.
a) will be selling…has sold
b) sells…will have been selling
c) will be selling…will have sold

4 4

Упражнение 9

11. People ___ disappearing animals as of a serious problem.

a) have never thought about
b) have never thought of
c) have never been thinking of

12. I will have to think of the way to solve this problem. My guess is that I ___
the solution by the end of the day.
a) will be finding
b) will have found
c) will have founded

13. ___ making a deal with the Feds (федералами)? They ___ long.
a) You have thought about…will be waiting
b) Have you thought of…won't be waiting
c) Have you thought about…won't be waiting

4 4

Упражнение 10

В тексте урока найдите все примеры глаголов в указанных


Напротив названия каждого времени укажите цифрой, сколько

примеров вам удалось насчитать.

Present Perfect - ____________примеров

Present Perfect Continuous - ___________ примеров

Future Continuous - ___________примеров

Future Perfect - ___________примеров

Future Perfect Continuous - ___________примеров

Ответы 4

Упражнение 1:
2. yet; 3. just; 4. yet; 5. already; 6. just; 7. since; 8. for; 9. long; 10. already.

Упражнение 2:
2. saw, haven't googled; 3. have never heard, has been; 4. did you do, met up, spoke
about, has moved; 5. have you ever dialled, did, was; 6. hasn't travelled; 7. did, haven't

Упражнение 3:
1. They have been discussing this issue for half an hour already.
2. My brother has been trying to make an appointment since this morning.
3. Have they really been discussing this new invention for 4 hours already?
4. — What has Maria been doing since 09.00? — She's been sharing her knowledge with
her students.
5. I've been trying to find this valuable information on the Internet for 3 hours already.
6. — How long have you been studying / learning English? — I've been studying / learning
English since I was 4 (years old).
7. — Which article has he been writing since early morning? — He has been writing an article
about his experience in the Amazon jungle.
8. — What have they been discussing for an hour already? — They have been discussing the
development of a new mobile app.
9. Marta lost all her valuables and has been trying to find them for an hour already!
10. Andy has been talking on the phone to his friend from Brazil for three hours already.
This will cost him an arm and a leg.

Упражнение 4:
-Actually, I have been working on my first invention.
-Good for you! How long have you been working on it for?
-Three weeks. I've already created a lot of interesting functions. I have been very busy
all day today. You know, I have not had a single cup of coffee since morning.
-And how much have you finished so far (до настоящего момента)?
-It is almost done! I have thought of a nice name for it too, but I haven't decided yet how
to sell it.
-Well, best of luck!

Упражнение 5:
2. My brother will be surfing the Internet.
3. Anna will be presenting her invention.
4. My grandma will be sleeping peacefully.
5. Eric will be dialing his girlfriend's number.
6. Two best friends will be sharing memories from their childhood.
7. The scientist will be asking questions at the end of the lecture.
8. I will be thinking about limitless capabilities of our mind.
9. Two colleagues will be communicating by email at 14.00 tomorrow.

Ответы 4

2. Мой брат будет сидеть в Интернете.

3. Анна будет презентовать свое изобретение.
4. Моя бабуля будет мирно спать.
5. Эрик будет набирать номер своей девушки.
6. Два лучших друга будут делиться воспоминаниям из их детства.
7. Ученый будет задавать вопросы в конце лекции.
8. Я буду размышлять о безграничных возможностях нашего мозга.
9. Двое коллег будут общаться по имейлу (электронной почте) завтра в 14.00.

Упражнение 6:
1. We will not have finished this project by the end of this decade.
2. My assistant will have put all your valuables in a box before you come back / return.
3. By what time will the driver have delivered all memory cards to the office?
— He will have brought / delivered the memory cards by 6pm tomorrow.
4. Will he have written the report by Friday? — No, he will not have yet returned from his
business trip by Friday.
5. I will have fixed your camera by this evening.
6. You use the Internet too much — by the end of the month it will have cost me an arm and
a leg.
7. Who will have booked me a doctor's appointment by next Monday? — Mum will have
booked it.
8. By next year she will have got / obtained enough knowledge to enter University.

Упражнение 7:
1. I will have communicated my idea to you by Wednesday. 2. Peter will have memorised
the new rules by next week. 3. I will not have finished the job by the time you come.
4. Maria will have learnt to be more economical by then. 5. I will have remembered it by 6pm.
6. He will have discussed it with the media by Monday.

Упражнение 8:
2. will have been developing; 3. will have been using; 4. will have been googling;
5. will have been dialling; 6. will have been communicating; 7. will mankind have been solving;
8. will all countries have been negotiating; 9. will have been discussing;
10. will have been selling.

Упражнение 9:
2. a; 3. c; 4. a; 5. b; 6. a; 7. c; 8. a; 9. b; 10. c; 11. b; 12. b; 13. c.

Упражнение 10:
Present Perfect - 6 примеров (have already called; has not finished; has changed;
have developed; has ever seen; have become)
Present Perfect Continuous - 5 примеров (have been speaking; I've been working;
have been using; have been recording; been working)
Future Continuous - 1 пример (will be using)
Future Perfect - 5 примеров (will have bought; will have solved; will have agreed;
will have disappeared; will have found)
Future Perfect Continuous - 2 примера (will have been discussing; we'll have been selling)

5 5

, a summer garden in
Picture a morning at a grand mansion. The aroma of fresh coffee
d couple are enjoying the sun
bloom, the smell of freshly cut roses… A wealthy marrie
while their maid and gardener are busy doing their chore s.
dead body! Was it a murder?
But nobody expected this peaceful morning to end with … a
If yes, let’s find the killer!

Mr. Johnson:
— What were you doing at 12.00?
n me, because the whole
— By 12.00 I had already spent 2 hours in the bathroom, pardo
morning I was feeling unwell and rather dizzy.
— When did you start feeling unwell?
— Around 09.00, right after I had had my morning coffee.

Sofia, maid:
ner in the world!
— I can’t believe that Ludwig is dead. He was the best garde
— Sofia, and what did you do in the morning?
asked me to do it. It is
— In the morning I went to the market, because Ludwig had
busy and looked
usually him who goes there but this morning he was particularly
Johns on, I saw them. Ludwig
nervous. They were whispering about something with Mrs morning exercises in
on was doing
was holding Mrs Johnson by her hand, while Mr Johns
his bedroom.
— What were you doing in the garden?
walking in the garden for
— By 12.00 o’clock I had already cooked lunch and I had been
10 minutes when I saw Ludwig on the groun d.

Mrs. Johnson:
— Mrs. Johnson, tell me about your morning.
e to get some fresh air,
— There wasn’t anything unusual. My husband and I went outsid the coffee when the
y poure d us
Ludwig was looking after the roses. Sofia had alread
us a very good morning and
gardener put the freshly cut flowers into the vase. He wished
continued his work in the garden.
— Your husband felt unwell because he had had coffee.
that I had.
— This can’t be - it was the most usual coffee! The same coffee
— Tell me about your relationship with your garde ner?
— Which relationship? He was working for us, same as Sofia.
— Where had Ludwig lived before you employed him?
— I don’t know. I never asked him.
— You were not interested in your brother’s life?
— What? What are you talking about?

5 5

Hercule Poirot:
— It was easy to guess that Ludwig was your brother. You made a plan to
kill Mr Johnson with poison, by spraying it into his morning coffee. But by
accident Ludwig mixed up the containers and the chemical for the roses got
into Mr Johnson’s coffee. That is why Mr Johnson had an upset stomach.
But this did not kill him. Meanwhile, the gardener was using the poison all
morning in the garden. By breathing in the poison, he poisoned himself.

— But how did you realise that Ludwig was Mrs Johnson’s brother? Didn't
they have an affair?

Hercule Poirot:
— Have a look at the locket from Ludwig’s neck - there are photos of 2
elderly people in it. These are the people from the painting that hangs in the
living room. They are the parents of Mrs Johnson … this means …

Mr. Johnson:
— Traitor! You and your brother planned to poison me and get all of my
— (to Sofia) Darling, how are you feeling?

Mrs. Johnson:
— “Darling?” Sofia is your lover?

Mr. Johnson:
— This should not bother you in prison!

Mr. Johnson:
— We had been dreaming about it for so long and in the end it happened!

*Mrs. Johnson gets into the police car and it drives away.*
*Sophia and Mr. Johnson share a kiss.*

5 5

to picture ['pikʧə] представлять,


grand [grænd] большой, величественный

a mansion ['mænʃ(ə)n] особняк

an aroma [ən ə'rəumə] аромат, запах

in bloom [in blu:m] в цветении, в цвету

wealthy ['welθi] обеспеченный, богатый

to be rich in smth [tə bi: riʧ in 'sʌmθiŋ] быть богатым чем-то

while [wail] в то время как

chores [ʧɔ:z] обязанности, работа по дому

to do chores [tə du: ʧɔ:z] заниматься работой по дому

to expect [iks'pekt] ожидать

peaceful ['pi:sf(ə)l] мирный, безмятежный

a murder ['mə:də] убийство (намеренное)

an accident [ən 'æksid(ə)nt] несчастный случай

a killer [ə 'kilə] убийца (более общее понятие)

убийца (тот, кто убил

a murderer [ə 'mə:d(ə)rə]
с намерением лишить жизни)

Pardon me! ['pa:d(ə)n mi:] Извините!

the whole morning [ðə həul 'mɔ:niŋ] целое утро

to feel unwell [tə fi:l ʌn'wəl] плохо, неважно себя


5 5

to feel dizzy [tə fi:l 'dizi] испытывать головокружение

rather ['ra:ðə] довольно-таки, весьма

particularly [pə'tikjuləli] в особенности, особенно

to whisper ['wispə] шептать(-ся), перешептываться

to pour (some tea/

[tə pɔ:] лить, наливать (чая, кофе, вина)
coffee, wine)
to continue [tə kən'tinju:] продолжать

a relationship [ə ri'leiʃ(ə)nʃip] отношения

to hire = to employ ['haiə / im'plɔi] нанимать (на работу)

to be interested [bi: 'intrestəd in 'sʌmθiŋ] интересоваться чем-то

in smth
to guess [tə ges] гадать, угадывать

to poison [tə 'poizn] отравить

by accident [bai 'æksid(ə)nt] случайно

to mix up [tə miks ʌp] перепутать

to have an upset [tə hæv ən ʌp'set 'stʌmək] иметь расстройство желудка


meanwhile ['miːnwail] тем временем

to have an affair [tə hæv ən ə'feə] крутить роман

to realise ['riəlaiz] понять, осознать

a locket ['lɔkit] медальон (украшение)

elderly people ['eldəli 'pi:pl] лица пожилого возраста

a traitor [ə 'treitə] предатель

to betray [tə bi'trei] предавать

to bother [tə 'bɔðə] волновать

to drive away [tə draiv ə'wei] уезжать, отъезжать

to share a kiss [tə 'ʃeə ə kis] целоваться

5 5

Упражнение 1
Соедините стрелочкой новое слово с его синонимом.

1. to picture a) rich
2. an aroma b) to understand
3. wealthy c) to kill
4. to murder d) to worry
5. whole e) sick
6. to hire f) elderly
7. to realise g) to imagine
8. old h) all
9. to bother i) a smell
10. unwell j) to employ

Упражнение 2
Соедините стрелочкой слово из левого облачка и подходящее ему слово из
правого, чтобы получилось словосочетание.

1) have
2) feel 3) in me dizzy
6) pardon stomach
5) dead 4) the whole body morning
8) upset 10) share up
an affair bloom
7) mix 9) breathe
in a kiss

5 5

Past Continuous
Здесь нам очень важно, что это
был процесс!
“I was feeling particularly hungry all
Утвердительные предложения day long!” - Весь божий день я
I, he, she, it was + Ving
you, we, they were + Ving умирал с голода (в животе бурчало
весь день).
Отрицание Мы знаем, что этот процесс был
I, he, she, it wasn’t + Ving
you, we, they weren’t + Ving фоном для другого действия!
“I was having a dream in which
Вопрос I shared a kiss with the girl I like,
was I, he, she, it + Ving? when the alarm clock rang.” - Когда
were you, we, they + Ving?
зазвенел будильник, мне снился
сон, в котором я целовался
с девушкой, которая мне нравится.

А также:
Часто используется для того, чтобы:
— описать предисловие истории, Важно! Если дейс
твия происходят
написанной в прошедшем времени, одно за другим, то
для их обозначени
используется толь я
например, “The sun was shining and the ко Past Simple.
birds were singing ...”
— с ‘wonder’ при создании
вежливой просьбы, например:
“I was wondering if you could baby-sit for
me tonight.”

Чтобы не путаться, полезно будет знать, чем отличаются союзы when и while.
Союз while подчеркивает длительность, и глагол после него ставится в Continuous,
а when подчеркивает факт, и глагол после него ставится в Simple.

Вместо слов-"маркеров" для Past Continuous может быть указание точного времени
в прошлом. Чтобы подчеркнуть, что именно в тот момент был этот процесс.
yesterday at 7.00
when you came... - когда ты пришел

Или указываем на длительность:

while - в то время как, пока all day long - целый день
all night - всю ночь all the time - все время

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Упражнение 3
Соедините половинки предложений.

1. The students were whispering the answers for the test to each other – h)

2. Steve was holding Nancy by her hand in the cinema

3. The gardener was cutting fresh roses

4. I was looking after the soup on the stove

5. During her holiday Sandra was enjoying the aroma of flowers in bloom

6. The waiter was pouring us tea

7. The couple was sharing a kiss

8. Bobby was holding the locket in her hand

9. The murderer was hiding in an empty mansion

10. We were driving away from the house

a) when all of a sudden he felt dizzy.

b) when the car hit our neighbours’ rubbish bin by accident.
c) when he mixed up our cups.
d) when she realised who the people in the photo were.
e) while the hotel staff were doing their chores.
f) when their taxi arrived.
g) when the owners arrived unexpectedly and called the police.
h) when the professor caught them.
i) while they were watching a film.
j) when I heard my child crying.

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Упражнение 4

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Past Simple или Past Continuous.

1. She (to feel dizzy) yesterday. — She felt dizzy yesterday.

2. My best friend (to feel dizzy) at three o'clock yesterday.

3. Jack (to cook) from 14.00 till 16.00 two days ago.

4. I remember you warned (предупреждал) me but I (not to listen) to you then

and now I am sorry.

5. I (to listen) to music while I (to do the house chores).

6. My sister (to water) the flowers in the garden yesterday.

7. I (to water) flowers in the garden at five o'clock yesterday.

8. What you and Jane (to whisper about) when I saw you through the window last night?

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Past Perfect
Утвердительные предложения
I, you, we, they, he, she, it had + V3

I, you, we, they, he, she, it hadn’t + V3

Had I, you, we, they, he, she, it + V3?

Рассмотрим 2 предложения:
1. Anna had already cooked breakfast when we got up. Past Perfect
2. Anna was cooking breakfast when we got up. Past Continuous
И тут и там, вроде, все проснулись и вкусно позавтракали. Но вопрос:
В первом предложение Анечка молодец, проснулась раньше всех и приготовила
завтрак, а во втором, готовила завтрак, когда все проснулись. Все благодаря
формуле Past Perfect! Мы понимаем, какое действие произошло ПРИНЦИПИАЛЬНО
раньше другого!

Одно действие произошло раньше другого.

We arrived at the station at 7.30, but the train had already left. – Мы прибыли на вокзал
в 7:30, но поезд уже ушел. (сначала поезд ушел, потом мы прибыли на вокзал).

Предпрошедшее повлияло на результат в прошлом.

Мы хотим показать, что действие, выраженное Past Perfect, стало причиной того,
что произошло другое действие.
He was hungry. He hadn’t eaten for eight hours. – Он был голоден.
Он не ел восемь часов. (Поэтому и был голодным).

Слова - “маркеры”

by - к..
by 7 a.m. – к 7 утра.

before - до... / прежде чем... / перед тем...

before we left – до того, как мы уехали

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Упражнение 5

Напишите вопрос или отрицание в Past Perfect к выделенным словосочетаниям.

1. She had already lost interest in him by the time he arrived. (?) –
Had she already lost interest in him by the time he arrived?

2. Our boss had hired Anastasia before I joined. (-)

3. The gardeners had cut all the flowers before the sun rose. (?)

4. My father had poisoned 15 mice with chemicals by the time the specialist arrived. (?)

5. After he had eaten that salad, he had an upset stomach. (?)

6. He had had love affairs before he got married. (-)

7. Jack had already betrayed Tom twice before Tom realised he was a traitor. (?)

8. Her boyfriend had already driven away before Ann got back to the house. (?)

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Упражнение 6

Составьте предложения в Past Perfect, расставив слова в правильном порядке.

1. already been / an accident. / James / before / in hospital / had / he –

James had already been in hospital before he had an accident.

2. he / mixed up / at the party. / He realised / had / their names

3. whispering./ I didn’t say / finished / they / until / anything / had

4. moved out / her notes. / I found / she had / After

5. Before / house chores. / had / all the / I knew it / she / finished

6. last week. / never / until / He had / felt dizzy

7. employed / 2008. / She had / before / Jack

8. asleep / fallen / eight o’clock. / I had / before

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Past Perfect Continuous

т е л ь н ы е п редложения
Утверди , it had been
+ Ving
w e , s h e , h e
I, you, they,
Отрицание Ving
, s h e , h e , it hadn’t been +
, they, w e
I, you
Вопрос g?
w e , s h e , h e , it been + Vin
Had I, you, they,

Действие началось в прошлом и продолжалось до определенного момента

в прошлом.
She had been feeling unwell and rather dizzy all morning before the doctor came. —
Все утро до прихода доктора она чувствовала себя плохо, и у нее кружилась голова.
(Врач пришёл – момент в прошлом, до этого момента она всё утро чувствовала себя

Действие, которое длилось в течение какого-то времени в прошлом, и результат

которого был виден в прошлом.
The maid had been doing chores since early morning. When we woke up the breakfast was
already on the table and the house was clean. — Служанка занималась домашними
делами с раннего утра. Когда мы проснулись, завтрак уже был на столе, и в доме
было чисто. (Мы не застали процесс, как она это делала, но мы увидели результат –
готовый завтрак и убранный дом).

Cлова - “маркеры”

all day - весь день before - до / раньше / прежде чем...

all day long - целый день since – с… (какого-либо времени)
by - к… since yesterday - со вчерашнего дня
by the time - к тому времени, когда... for – в течение… (какого-либо времени)

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Упражнение 7

Раскройте скобки и переведите, используя Past Perfect Continuous.

1. Max got sick … (потому что бегал на улице в холодную погоду). –

because he had been running outside in cold weather.

2. Morgan was late for work … (потому что всё утро чувствовал себя неважно).

3. They hired her as a babysitter … (потому что до этого она целых десять лет
присматривала за ребёнком из одной обеспеченной семьи).

4. Jonathan got into an accident last night … (потому что он всё время водил машину
неосторожно (carelessly).

5. The murderer poured poison in their tea — (он планировал их убийство уже долгое

6. (Они мирно спали) … until the dog started barking (лаять).

7. (Начальник крутил роман со своей секретаршей) … until his wife found out (узнала).

8. (Весь день у меня было расстройство желудка) … until I took a pill.

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Упражнение 8

Прочитайте предложения о каждом персонаже: два из них – правда,

одно – ложь. Найдите ложь и исправьте.

Mr Johnson:
1. By 12.00 he had already had his morning coffee.
2. He was feeling fresh as a daisy (как огурчик). — He was feeling unwell
3. He has a mistress.

Sofia, maid:
1. She went to the department store and cooked lunch.
2. She saw Ludwig and Mrs Johnson whispering about something.
3. She was walking in the garden.

Mrs Johnson:
1. She had a coffee that morning.
2. She and her husband went outside to get some fresh air.
3. She thinks her morning was quite unusual.

Ludwig, gardener:
1. He doesn’t have any siblings.
2. He’s quite absent-minded.
3. He had quite an unfortunate accident that morning.

Hercule Poirot:
1. He is a private detective.
2. He solved the murder case.
3. He realised that Ludwig was Mrs Johnson’s lover.

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Упражнение 9

Найдите, посчитайте и пропишите примеры употребления в тексте Past Continuous,

Past Perfect и Past Perfect Continuous.

Past Continuous - столько-то раз и далее перечислить все примеры Past Continuous из текста.

Past Perfect...

Past Perfect Continuous...

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Упражнение 10

Заполните пропуски в тексте выражениями ниже:

affair / interested / looking after / by / share / rather / while / vase / expected /

particularly / relationship/ ground / outside / meanwhile / bother

Picture a morning at a grand mansion. The aroma of fresh coffee, a summer garden in bloom,
the smell of freshly cut roses… A wealthy married couple are enjoying the sun
1. while their maid and gardener are busy doing their chores.
But nobody 2. ________ this peaceful morning to end with … a dead body! Was it a murder?
If yes, let’s find the killer!

Mr. Johnson:
— What were you doing at 12.00?
— By 12.00 I had already spent 2 hours in the bathroom, pardon me, because the whole
morning I was feeling unwell and 3. ________ dizzy.
— When did you start feeling unwell?
— Around 09.00, right after I had had my morning coffee.

Sofia, maid:
— I can’t believe that Ludwig is dead. He was the best gardener in the world!
Sofia, and what did you do in the morning?
— In the morning I went to the market, because Ludwig had asked me to do it. It is usually him
who goes there but this morning he was 4. ________ busy and looked nervous. They were
whispering about something with Mrs Johnson, I saw them. Ludwig was
holding Mrs Johnson 5. ________ her hand, while Mr Johnson was doing morning exercises
in his bedroom.
— What were you doing in the garden?
— By 12.00 o’clock I had already cooked lunch and I had been walking in the garden for
10 minutes when I saw Ludwig on the 6. __________.

Mrs. Johnson:
— Mrs. Johnson, tell me about your morning.
— There wasn’t anything unusual. My husband and I went 7. _________ to get some fresh
air, Ludwig was 8. _________ the roses. Sofia had already poured us the coffee when the
gardener put the freshly cut flowers into the 9. _________. He wished us a very good
morning and continued his work in the garden.
— Your husband felt unwell because he had had coffee.
— This can’t be — it was the most usual coffee! The same coffee that I had.

5 5

— Tell me about your 10. __________ with your gardener?

— Which relationship? He was working for us, same as Sofia.
— Where had Ludwig lived before you employed him?
— I don’t know. I never asked him.
— You were not 11. _________ in your brother’s life?
— What? What are you talking about?

Hercule Poirot:
— It was easy to guess that Ludwig was your brother. You made a plan to kill Mr Johnson
with poison, by spraying it into his morning coffee. But by accident Ludwig mixed up the
containers and the chemical for the roses got into Mr Johnson’s coffee. That is why Mr
Johnson had an upset stomach. But this did not kill him. 12. _________, the gardener was
using the poison all morning in the garden. By breathing in the poison, he poisoned himself.

— But how did you realise that Ludwig was Mrs Johnson’s brother? Didn't they have an
13. _________?

Hercule Poirot:
— Have a look at the locket from Ludwig’s neck — there are photos of 2 elderly people in it.
These are the people from the painting that hangs in the living room. They are the parents
of Mrs Johnson … this means …

Mr. Johnson:
— Traitor! You and your brother planned to poison me and get all of my money!
— (to Sofia) Darling, how are you feeling?

Mrs. Johnson:
— “Darling?” Sofia is your lover?
Mr. Johnson:
— This should not 14. __________ you in prison!

Mr. Johnson:
— We had been dreaming about it for so long and in the end it happened!

*Mrs. Johnson gets into the police car and it drives away.*
*Sophia and Mr. Johnson 15. _________ a kiss.*

Ответы 5

Упражнение 1:
2-i; 3-a; 4-c; 5-h; 6-j; 7-b; 8-f; 9-d; 10-e.

Упражнение 2:
2. feel dizzy; 3. in bloom; 4. the whole morning; 5. dead body; 6. pardon me; 7. mix up; 8. upset
stomach; 9. breathe in; 10. share a kiss.

Упражнение 3:
2-i; 3-a; 4-j; 5-e; 6-c; 7-f; 8-d; 9-g; 10-b.

Упражнение 4:
2. My best friend was feeling dizzy at three o’clock yesterday. 3. Jack was cooking from 14.00 till
16.00 two days ago. 4. I remember you warned me but I did not listen to you then and now I am
sorry. 5. I was listening to music while I was doing the house chores. 6. My sister watered the
flowers in the garden yesterday. 7. I was watering the flowers in the garden at five o’clock
yesterday. 8. What were you and Jane whispering about when I saw you through the window last

Упражнение 5:
2. Our boss hadn’t hired Anastasia before I joined. 3. When / by what time had the gardeners cut
all the flowers? 4. How many mice had my father poisoned with chemicals by the time the
specialist arrived? 5. What did he have after he had eaten that salad? 6. He hadn’t had love
affairs before he got married. 7. Who had already betrayed Tom twice before Tom realised he was
a traitor? 8. When / by what time had Ann’s boyfriend already driven away?

Упражнение 6:
2. He realised he had mixed up their names at the party. 3. I didn't say anything until they had
finished whispering. 4. After she had moved out, I found her notes. 5. Before I knew it, she had
finished all the house chores. 6. He had never felt dizzy until last week. 7. She had employed
Jack before 2008. 8. I had fallen asleep before eight o'clock.

Упражнение 7:
2. because he had been feeling unwell the whole morning; 3. because before that she had been
looking after a child from a wealthy family for 10 years; 4. because he had been driving carelessly
all the time; 5. he had been planning their murder for a long time already; 6. They had been
sleeping peacefully; 7. The boss had been having an affair with his secretary; 8. All day I had
been having an upset stomach.

Упражнение 8:
Sofia: 1. She went to the market.
Mrs Johnson: 3. There wasn’t anything unusual that morning.
Ludwig: 1. Mrs Johnson and Ludwig are siblings.
Hercule Poirot: 3. He realised that Ludwig was Mrs Johnson’s brother.

Упражнение 9:
Past Continuous – 8 times: were you doing (x2), was feeling, were whispering, was holding, was
doing, was looking, was working, was using
Past Perfect – 6 times: had already spent, had had, had asked, had already cooked, had already
poured, had Ludwig lived
Past Perfect Continuous – twice: had been walking, had been dreaming

Упражение 10:
2. expected, 3. rather, 4. particularly, 5. by, 6. ground, 7. outside, 8. looking after, 9. vase, 10.
relationship, 11. interested, 12. Meanwhile, 13. affair, 14. bother, 15. share

6 6

Day 1 — Hi, my name is Elsa. I am very stressed. When I am stressed,

the palms of my hands get wet, sorry about that. If you want to know why
I am stressing, I will tell you immediately. I am literally about to faint.

Tomorrow I have a job interview. If I don’t have a meal now, I won’t calm
down. If I don’t calm down, I won't have a good night’s sleep. If I don’t
sleep well, I won’t feel rested and my brain won’t function properly.

How do I stop worrying? Perhaps I could have some wine? It usually

helps! If I have wine, I always feel so relaxed. Just a moment … If I drink
wine, I’ll get drunk. If I am not sober, I will sleep through my alarm and
be late for the interview. If I run late, they will think that I am an
irresponsible person and I am not like that! So… as a responsible person
I have to pull myself together and … I’m off to bed!

Day 2 — Good morning, today is THE day! If I were more self-confident I

would not be so worried today. If my English were better, I would not be
so nervous today. If I were better educated I would not stress about job
interviews at all. If I could, I would cancel all interviews altogether and
hire people based on their CVs only.

Day 3 — Oh my god, it was so bad yesterday. If you had seen it

yesterday you would have been shocked! If I had been filmed, I would
have definitely become a meme star! If I had not got stuck in a traffic
jam, I would not have been late for the interview. If I had made it on time,
maybe it would have started differently. But I was out of breath, shaking
and nervous as hell! If I had not been so stressed then, I would not have
forgotten all my English. I was just mumbling and probably made no

Two days later: If the interview had gone well, I would not be so hard on
myself now. If I were more responsible, I would have prepared better!
If I were more self-confident, I would not have stuffed it up!
Just a moment.. “Yes, yes … Are you hiring me? Thank you so much!”
See? If you focus on the result, you always succeed! If you are a true
professional, people never miss your talent.

6 6


a palm [pa:m] ладонь

immediately [iˈmidiətli] сразу, тут же, моментально

literally [ˈlitərəli] буквально

about to faint [əˈbaut tə ˈfeint] почти падаю в обморок

a job interview [ʤɔb intəvju:] собеседование

to have a meal [hæv ə ˈmi:l] есть (блюдо / приём пищи)

to calm down [ka:m daun] успокоиться

to function [ˈfʌnkʃən] работать, функционировать

properly [ˈprɔpəli] как нужно, правильно

perhaps = maybe [pə:ˈhæps] возможно

to be drunk [bi: drʌŋk] быть пьяным

to get drunk [get drʌŋk] напиться

sober [ˈsəubə] трезвый

to sleep through [sli:p θru: ðə əˈla:m]

the alarm проспать будильник

to be late for [bi: leit fɔ:] опаздывать куда-то

responsible [risˈpɔnsibl] ответственный

irresponsible [ˌirisˈpɔnsibl] безответственный

a responsibility [risˌpɔnsiˈbiliti] ответственность

to pull oneself [pul wʌnˈself təˈgeðə] собраться


6 6


to be off somewhere [bi: ɔf ˈsʌmˌweə] отправиться, пойти

self-confident [self ˈkɔnfidənt] самоуверенный

to be educated [bi: ˈedju:ˌkeitid] быть образованным

at all [ət ˈɔ:l] совсем, вообще

to hire someone [ˈhaiə ˈsʌmwʌn] нанять кого-либо

to fire someone [ˈfaiə ˈsʌmwʌn] увольнять кого-либо

definitely [ˈdefinətli] определённо

traffic jam [ˈtræfik ˌʤæm] пробка на дороге

to make it on time for [ˈmeik it ɔn ˈtaim fɔ:] успеть вовремя

to be out of breath [bi: ˈaut əv ˈbreθ] запыхаться

Things happen! [θiŋz ˈhæpən] Всякое случается.

to mumble [mʌmbl] мямлить

probably [ˈprɔbəbli] вероятно

to make sense [meik sens] иметь смысл

to be hard on someone [bi: hard ɔn ˈsʌmwʌn] быть строгим к кому-либо, ругать

to prepare [priˈpeə] подготовиться

to stuff something up [stʌf ˈsʌmθiŋ ʌp] запороть что-то

to focus on something [ˈfəukəs ɔn ˈsʌmθiŋ] сосредоточиться на чём-либо

6 6

Условные предложения
Нулевой тип. Очевидные факты.

Используем, когда говорим о чем-то, что верно всегда, при любых

обстоятельствах. Такими всегда верными утверждениями могут быть:
научные факты, законы природы, общепринятые
и очевидные понятия.

If + Present Simple, Present Simple.

И в главной, и в условной части

используем Present Simple.

If you heat water to 100C, it boils. -

Если подогреть воду до 100С,
то она кипит.
If it rains, the ground gets wet. -
Если идет дождь, то земля
становится мокрой.

Союз if в таких предложениях

можно смело заменять на when

Вопросы и отрицания образуем по той же схеме, что и в Present Simple.

Do/does + not в отрицаниях, а в вопросах do/does на первое место.

Рассмотрим на примерах:

If he doesn't wash the dishes, she gets angry. -

Если он не моет посуду, она злится.

Do people get fat, if they eat too much food? -

Люди толстеют, если слишком много едят?

Does your father get worried, if you come home late? -

Твой папа волнуется, если ты поздно приходишь домой?

6 6

Упражнение 1

Переведите, используя 0-й тип условных предложений.

1. Когда она нервничает, ее ладони потеют.

2. Если уронить тарелку, она разбивается.

3. Если уходишь из офиса в 17:00, всегда попадаешь в пробку.

4. Если он пьет кофе вечером, он не спит.

5. Тебе тяжело дышать (от «запыхаться»), если быстро бежишь?

6. Если младенец голодный, он плачет?

7. Если она не убирается дома, родители злятся.

8. Если он приезжает, мы устраиваем семейный обед.

9. Если ты мямлишь, никто тебя не понимает.

10. Если я не сплю, мой мозг не функционирует как нужно.

6 6

Упражнение 2

Соедините новое слово с его синонимом.

1. sober a) to concentrate
2. to prepare b) to ruin
3. perhaps c) to work
4. to stuff it up d) maybe
5. to be off e) not drunk
6. to focus f) to criticize smb
7. to function g) to leave
8. to be hard on smb h) get ready

1-й тип.
Реальное условие. Формула:
Simple (то есть will) + V
If + Present Simple, Future
can + V
Здесь имеем в виду, что
если выполнится условие, е наклонение (Do! - Дела
й! Read! - Читай! и т.д.)
*imperative - повелительно
то действие
произойдет в будущем.

If you lend me 5 dollars, I will pay you back tomorrow.

…, I can pay you back tomorrow.
Если ты одолжишь мне 5 долларов, я верну тебе их завтра.
…, я смогу вернуть их тебе завтра.

If I lend you 5 dollars, pay me back tomorrow!

Если я одолжу тебе 5 долларов, верни завтра!

6 6

Еще примеры:
If you don’t hire this specialist, you’ll miss such a talent. —
Если вы не наймете этого специалиста, вы потеряете такой талант!
If you show me your palm, I’ll tell you your future. —
Если ты покажешь мне свою ладонь, я расскажу тебе твоё будущее.
If Georgia faints, she can hold on to her boyfriend. —
Если Джорджия упадет в обморок, она сможет ухватиться за своего
бойфренда (= у нее будет такая возможность).
If the car doesn’t function properly, call the mechanic. — Важно:
Если машина не будет работать как нужно, позвони механику. им
посл if не став
will (!)
Will you get drunk if we share a bottle of wine? —
Ты запьянеешь, если мы употребим бутылочку вина на двоих?

Упражнение 3
Составьте предложения, используя 1-й тип условных предложений
(реальное условие), переведите.

1. to eat a lot of junk food / to put on weight (толстеть) –

If you eat a lot of junk food, you will put on weight. —
Если ты будешь есть много вредной еды, то потолстеешь.

2. not to have good skin / to wear a lot of make-up

3. not to have any money left (останется) / to continue to spend it all on clothes

4. not to start eating healthily / to reduce your lifespan (сокращать продолжительность жизни)

5. to be late for the driving test / not to leave immediately

6. not to be off to bed before midnight / to sleep through the alarm

7. canˈt make a presentation at the meeting / not to calm down

8. not to be off now / not to make it on time for the job interview

9. not to mumble / to understand you

10. to eat properly in the morning / not to get hungry so fast

6 6

Упражнение 4
Составьте условные предложения 1-го типа, сделав перевод в скобках, используя
активную лексику урока.

Пример: If we drink some wine tonight, (ничего плохого не произойдёт). —

If we drink some wine tonight, nothing bad will happen.

1. If the sun is too hot, (я почти упаду в обморок).

2. If I don’t get better educated, (то не получу работу мечты).

3. (Он возьмёт себя в руки), if he calms down?

4. If I don’t sleep well, (мой мозг не будет работать нормально).

5. If he sleeps through the alarm, (он опоздает на работу).

6. If this photo gets on the Internet, (я стану мемом).

7. If we don’t stay up very long, (то не проспим будильник утром).

8. If William doesn’t learn English, (то он не станет более уверенным в себе).

9. The job interview will go well, (если я не буду мямлить).

10. (Если он застрянет в пробке), he won’t make it on time.

6 6

2-й тип. Нереальное условие,

направлено на настоящее
или будущее.
would + V
If + Past Simple,
Здесь говорим о событиях, сould + V
которые маловероятны или

If you lent me 5 dollars, Если бы ты одолжил мне 5 долларов

I would pay you back tomorrow. (сейчас), я бы вернул их тебе завтра (будущее).
If you lent me 5 dollars, Если бы ты одолжил мне 5 долларов, я бы
I could pay you back tomorrow. смог вернуть их тебе завтра.

Ещё примеры:
It would be irresponsible if you slept through the alarm on the first day at work.
Было бы безответственно, если бы ты проспал будильник в первый рабочий день.
The film would be cancelled if no one bought the tickets.
Фильм бы отменили, если бы никто не купил билеты.

Что касается формы глагола to be, в этом типе условных предложений

предпочтительна форма were для всех лиц. Хотя в разговорной речи допустимо
и привычное употребление was для ед.ч. (I was, he was, she was).

If he were/was more self-confident at job interviews, they would hire him
without second thoughts.
Если бы он был более уверенным на собеседованиях, его бы нанимали не раздумывая.

HO только were в выражении if I were you… - “на твоем месте”, were на was мы
заменить не можем. Запоминаем!

If I were you, I would practice my speech not to mumble tomorrow.
На твоем месте, я бы потренировала свою речь, чтобы не мямлить завтра.

6 6

Упражнение 5
Раскройте скобки, используя 2-й тип условных предложений
(нереальное условие), переведите.

Пример: 1. I (to focus) on the task better if I (to be) sober. –

I would focus on the task better, if I was/were sober. –
Я бы лучше сосредоточился на задании, если бы был трезвый.

2. If I (to sleep) more, I (to feel) better rested.

3. If I (can), I (to hire) a maid.

4. If parents (not to be) so hard on their kids, they (to be) more self-confident.

5. I (to be off) to the shops, if I (to have) a lot of money.

6. The fortune-teller (to read) my palm, if I (to pay) her.

7. Dustin (to be out of breath) if he (to run) across the sports field.

8. If Bob (to pull oneself together), he (can) move mountains.

9. It (to make sense) to study harder if it (to be) the night before the exam.

10. The assistant (to make coffee) immediately if it (to be) his responsibility.

6 6

Упражнение 6
Найдите и исправьте ошибки в предложениях. Среди них есть
и верно написанные, их отметьте плюсиком “+”

Пример: If I stop stressing out, my palms wouldn’t get wet. —

If I stopped stressing out, my palms wouldn’t get wet.

1. I faint if it was too hot outside.

2. Would it be my responsibility if they would hire me?

3. The car wouldn’t function properly if it was freezing tomorrow morning.

4. If he is sober, he could do this much better.

5. We would start at eight sharp if the boss didn’t sleep through the alarm all the time.

6. If you weren’t so hard on yourself, you would be more self-confident.

7. If they were better educated, they wouldn’t say such silly things.

8. Would the film was based on the book, if it be written by Steven King?

9. Could you made it on time for my engagement party tonight if you would leave work earlier?

10. The concert could be cancelled this week if the headliner doesn’t arrive?

6 6

3-й тип. Нереальное условие в прошлом.

Этот тип предложений нам нужен, чтобы выразить сожаление

о совершенных (или несовершенных) поступках или критиковать то,
что уже произошло и что нельзя изменить.

Формула: 3
would + have + V
If + Past Perfect, 3
could + have + V

If he had studied better, he would have got a job. —

Если бы он лучше учился, он бы получил работу.

If you had asked me, I would have helped you. —

Если бы ты меня попросил (а ты не попросил!),
я бы тебе помог (но я не помог, ты же меня не попросил).

Давайте теперь напишем это же предложение, но во втором типе

Conditionals и посмотрим, как будет отличаться перевод:

If you asked me, I would help you. —

Если бы ты меня попросил (когда-нибудь), я бы тебе помог
(не отказал бы, так что если что — можешь просить).

6 6

Упражнение 7 Выберите правильный вариант.

1. It _____ be nice if you _____ me. — c)

a) would, help
b) will, helped
c) would, helped

2. If Mary ______ me, I ______ her.

a) asked, would have helped
b) had asked, would have helped
c) had asked, had helped

3. If I ______ on my education now, I ______ a good job in the future.

a) had focused, will get
b) focus, will get
c) had focused, would gotten

4. If I _____ nervous, the palms of my hands ____ sweating.

a) get, start
b) got, had started
c) get, started

5. ______ I _____ at the interview if I _______ myself together right before it?
a) Did, succeed, had pulled
b) Would, succeed, had pulled
c) Would, have succeeded, had pulled

6. If I ______ the house in the next 10 minute, I ________ it on time for the meeting.
I must hurry!
a) left, will make
b) leave, will have made
c) leave, will make

7. If I ________ for my presentation, I _______ definitely ________it up! I am glad

everything went well.
a) hadn’t prepared, would have, stuffed
b) didn’t prepared, would, stuff
c) hadn’t prepared, will have, stuffed

8. If you ______ mumbling, I ______ not talk to you ever again! Stop mumbling at once.
a) will continue, will
b) continue, will
c) continued, would have

6 6

4-й тип. Смешанный тип -

только второй и третий тип.

Поясним на примерах:

If + 2-й тип, 3-й тип

If I were clever enough, I wouldn’t have done this —
Будь я достаточно умен (в принципе), я бы этого
не сделал (тогда, в прошлом).

If + 3-й тип, 2-й тип

If I had won that lottery, I would now live in France —
Если бы я выиграл в той лотерее (а я не выиграл
в прошлом), я бы сейчас жил во Франции.

6 6

Упражнение 8

Составьте предложения в Mixed Conditionals (смешанный тип).

Пример: I / to be more self-confident / to stuff the job interview up —

If I was/were more self-confident, I would not have stuffed up the job interview.

1. I / to have a better job now / I / not to be so irresponsible at school.

2. the boss / not to trust / me / he / to fire / me months ago.

3. I / to look at the map / I / not to be lost / now.

4. I / to be a calm person / my brain / to function properly / at the interview that day.

5. you / to catch that bus to work then / you / to be dead now.

6. Chris / to be better educated / he / to look better / against (на фоне)

other candidates that day/

7. I / to win the lottery two years ago / I / to live / in my dream house now.

8. We / not to get / in that traffic jam yesterday / you / to be a better driver.

6 6

Упражнение 9

Определите, какие из утверждений верные (true), а какие — нет

(false), исходя из содержания текста.

Пример: When Eleanor gets stressed, the palms of her hands get wet. —
false (т.к имя героини рассказа — Elsa)

1. Elsa’s brain never functions properly when she drinks wine.

2. Elsa is literally about to faint from stress.

3. Elsa thinks that if she sleeps through her alarm, her potential employer will
think that she is an irresponsible person.

4. When she has wine, Elsa always feels so relaxed.

5. If Elsa’s English were better, she would have got the job straight away.

6. Elsa thinks that the potential employer wanted to get rid of her
(избавиться от нее) because she mumbled during the interview.

7. If Elsa were more responsible, she would have prepared for her
job interview much better.

8. The employer fired Elsa after two weeks.

6 6

Упражнение 10

Заполните пропуски в тексте выражениями ниже:

myself / shocked / cancel / pull / properly / talent / rested / literally / sober /

palms/ faint / moment / better / breath / on

palms of
Day 1 - Hi, my name is Elsa. I am very stressed. When I am stressed, the 1. _______
my hands get wet, sorry about that. If you want to know why I am stressing, I will tell you
immediately. I am 2. __________ about to 3. _______.

Tomorrow I have a job interview. If I don’t have a meal now, I won’t calm down. If I don’t
calm down, I won't have a good night’s sleep. If I don’t sleep well, I won’t feel 4.
________ and my brain won’t function 5. _________.

How do I stop worrying? Perhaps I could have some wine? It usually helps! If I have
wine, I always feel so relaxed. Just a 6. _________ … If I drink wine, I’ll get drunk. If I am
7. _________, I will sleep through my alarm and be late for the interview. If I run late,
they will think that I am an irresponsible person and I am not like that! So… as a
responsible person I have to 8. ________ myself together and … I’m off to bed!

Day 2 - Good morning, today is THE day! If I were more self-confident I would not be so
worried today. If my English were better, I would not be so nervous today. If I were
9. ________ educated I would not stress about job interviews at all. If I could, I would
10. ________ all interviews altogether and hire people based on their CVs only.

Day 3 - Oh my god, it was so bad yesterday. If you had seen it yesterday you would have
been 11. ________! If I had been filmed, I would have definitely become a meme star! If I
had not got stuck in a traffic jam, I would not have been late for the interview. If I had
made it on time, maybe it would have started differently. But I was out of 12._________,
shaking and nervous as hell! If I had not been so stressed then, I would not have
forgotten all my English. I was just mumbling and probably made no sense…

Two days later: If the interview had gone well, I would not be so hard on 13. _________
now. If I were more responsible, I would have prepared better!
If I were more self-confident, I would not have stuffed it up!
Just a moment.. “Yes, yes … Are you hiring me? Thank you so much!”
See? If you focus 14.________ the result, you always succeed! If you are a true
professional, people never miss your 15._________.

Ответы 6

Упражнение 1:
1. When she gets stressed, her palms get wet.
2. If you drop a plate, it breaks.
3. If you leave the office at 17:00, you always get (stuck) in a traffic jam.
4. If he drinks coffee in the evening, he does not sleep.
5. Are you out of breath if you run fast?
6. If the/a baby is hungry, does it cry?
7. If she doesn't clean the house/do work around the house, the parents get angry.
8. If he comes, we have a family dinner/meal.
9. If you mumble, no one understands you.
10. If I don't sleep/have a good night sleep, my brain doesn't function properly.

Упражнение 2:
2. h; 3. d; 4. b; 5. g; 6. a; 7. c; 8. f.

Упражнение 3:
2. You will not have good skin if you wear a lot of make-up. — У тебя не будет хорошей
кожи, если ты будешь наносить много косметики/много краситься.
3. You will not have any money left if you continue to spend it all on clothes. —
У тебя не останется денег, если ты продолжишь тратить их все на одежду.
4. If you do not start eating healthily, you will reduce your lifespan. —
Если вы не начнете правильно питаться, вы сократите продолжительность своей жизни.
5. You will be late for the driving test if you do not leave immediately. —
Ты опоздаешь на экзамен по вождению, если не выйдешь сейчас же.
6. If you are not off to bed before midnight, you will sleep through the alarm. —
Если ты не отправишься спать до 12, ты проспишь будильник.
7. You canˈt make a presentation at the meeting if you do not calm down. —
Ты не сможешь сделать презентацию на встрече, если не успокоишься.
8. If you are not off now you will not make it on time for the job interview. —
Если ты не выйдешь прямо сейчас, то не успеешь вовремя на собеседование.
9. If you do not mumble, people/everyone will understand you. —
Если ты не будешь мямлить, то люди/все поймут тебя.
10. If you eat properly in the morning, you will not get hungry so fast. —
Если ты поешь хорошо с утра, то не проголодаешься так быстро.

Ответы 6

Упражнение 4:
1. If the sun is too hot, I will be about to faint.
2. If I don’t get better educated, I won't get my dream job.
3. Will he pull himself together, if he calms down?
4. If I don’t sleep well, my brain won’t function properly.
5. If he sleeps through the alarm, he will be late for work.
6. If this photo gets on the Internet, I will become a meme.
7. If we don’t stay up very long, we won’t sleep through the alarm.
8. If William doesn’t learn English, he won’t become more self-confident.
9. The job interview will go well, if I don’t mumble.
10. If he gets (stuck) in a traffic jam, he won’t make it on time.

Упражнение 5:
2. If I slept more, I would feel better rested. — Если бы я больше спала,
то чувствовала бы себя более отдохнувшей.
3. If I could, I would hire a maid. — Если бы я могла, я бы наняла домработницу.
4. If parents were not so hard on their kids, they would be more self-confident. —
Если бы родители не были так строги к детям, они были бы более уверенными в себе.
5. I would be off to the shops if I had a lot of money. — Я бы отправилась по магазинам,
если бы у меня было много денег.
6. The fortune-teller would read my palm if I paid her. — Гадалка погадала бы мне
по руке, если бы я заплатила ей.
7. Dustin would be out of breath if he ran across the sports field. — Дастин запыхался бы,
если бы перебежал спортивное поле.
8. If Bob pulled himself together, he could move mountains. — Если бы Боб взял себя
в руки, он бы смог свернуть горы.
9. It would make sense to study harder if it wasn’t the night before the exam. —
Был бы смысл учиться усерднее, если бы сегодня не была ночь перед экзаменом.
10. The assistant would make coffee immediately if it was his responsibility. —
Ассистент бы немедленно сделал кофе, если бы это было его обязанностью.

Упражнение 6:
1. I would faint if it was too hot outside.
2. Would it be my responsibility if they hired me?
3. +
4. If he was sober, he could do this much better.
5. +
6. +
7. +
8. Would the film be based on the book, if it was written by Steven King?
9. Could you make it on time for my engagement party tonight if you left work earlier?
10. Could the concert be cancelled this week if the headliner didn’t arrive?

Ответы 6

Упражнение 7:
2. b; 3. b; 4. a; 5. c; 6. c; 7. a; 8. b.

Упражнение 8:
1. I would have a better job now if I had not been so irresponsible at school.
2. If the boss did not trust me, he would have fired me months ago.
3. If I had looked at the map, I would not be lost now.
4. If I was a calm person, my brain would have functioned properly at the interview that day.
5. If you had caught that bus to work then, you would be dead now.
6. If Chris was better educated, he would have looked better against (на фоне) other
candidates that day.
7. If I had won the lottery two years ago, I would live in my dream house now.
8. We wouldn’t have got in that traffic jam yesterday if you were a better driver.

Упражнение 9:
1. false. 2. true. 3. true. 4. true. 5. false. 6. false. 7. true. 8. false.

Упражнение 10:
2. literally; 3. faint; 4. rested; 5. properly; 6. moment;
7. sober; 8. pull; 9. better; 10. cancel; 11. shocked; 12. breath;
13. myself; 14. on; 15. talent.

7 7

– “Attention! Attention! The tour is starting – welcome to the castle.

This castle was built hundreds of years ago. It is known as the most mysterious one in
history. Many historians still have a lot of questions about it which are not answered to
this day… but today one of these secrets will be revealed to you.

They say that the most inventive king in history was born and lived here. He was kind and
good-looking but for some reason he was always sad. The only passion he had was art. It
was the only thing that made him smile. Almost all of his collection is displayed here.

Your attention, however, should be directed to one particular painting. Look, what can you
see in it? A young man wearing a military uniform is riding a horse and it is written here:
“A portrait of an unknown soldier”. But his tender look, smooth skin, plump lips and well-
groomed hands look rather feminine. The only thing that we may be confused by is men’s
clothing. A fair question can be asked: “Is it a man or a woman?”

A similar question may be asked about other paintings in this hall. All of them were
painted upon orders of the same king, were kept in the same castle and painted by the
same painter.
The secret of these paintings was revealed in the 20th century. They were X-rayed later
and it was then discovered that under men’s clothing there had been hidden a slender
female body.

You will be surprised to know that the king was an extreme womanizer. It was a well-
known fact in the palace, which drove his wife even more crazy. That’s why the king was
cut off from all interaction with women. Only men were hired to work around the castle
and only once a month the king was allowed to hunt in the forest where … he met with
other women and all of them were his mistresses. He was in love with all of them and
ordered their portraits from various street painters. Later his own court painter was given
a task to repaint these portraits in a decent way covering them up with men’s clothes.
This way they could be admired by the king in his castle. All the walls in the king and
queen’s bedroom were covered with these paintings”.

Give the wolf the best food, but he would hanker for the wood!

7 7

a castle [ka:sl] замок

mysterious [misˈtiəriəs] загадочный

a history [ˈhistəri] история (средних веков,

a story [ˈstɔri] история, рассказ
still [stil] всё еще
to reveal [riˈvi:l] раскрывать, выявлять
they say [ðei sei] говорят
inventive [inˈventiv] изобретательный
in (1985) в … (году)
on (11th October) какого-то числа (с днями)
kind [kaind] добрый
what kind of ... [wɔt ˈkaind əv] какого рода...
good-looking [gud ˈlukiŋ] миловидный, привлекательный

for some reason [fə sʌm ˈri:zən] по какой-то причине

passion [ˈpæʃ(ə)n] страсть, увлечение

to make somebody [meik ˈsʌmbədi ˈdu: заставить кого-то сделать

do smth ˈsʌmθiŋ] что-то

to display [disˈplei] изображать, выставлять,

however [hauˈevə] однако
particular [pəˈtikjələ] особенный, конкретный
in the photo [in ðə ˈfəutəu] на фото
a look [luk] взгляд
smooth [smu:θ] гладкий
skin [skin] кожа (человека)
leather [ˈleðə] кожа (животного) материал
plump [plʌmp] пухлый
well-groomed [wel ˈgru:md] ухоженный

7 7

rather [ˈra:ðə] весьма

feminine [ˈfeminin] женственный

[kənˈfju:z] сбивать с толку, вводить

to confuse в заблуждение

fair (adj) [feə] честный

to order [ˈɔ:də] заказывать, приказывать

upon orders [əˈpɔn ˈɔ:dəz] по приказу, указанию

to X-ray [ˈeksrei] подвергать рентгену

a womanizer [ˌwuməˈnaizə] бабник

a well-known fact [wel nəun fækt] хорошо известный факт

to cut off [kʌt ɔf] отрезать

interaction [intərˈækʃən] общение

to hire [ˈhaiə] нанимать

to allow [əˈlau] разрешать

to hunt [hʌnt] охотиться

other / another [ˈʌðə / ənˈʌðə] другой (мн.ч) / еще один (ед.ч)

a mistress [ˈmistrəs] любовница

various [ˈveriəs] различный

court (adj) [kɔ:t] придворный

двор (частично или полностью
a courtyard (n) [ˈkɔ:tja:d] окруженная стенами или зданиями
территория под открытым небом)

[kɔ:t] ухаживать (т.е оказывать

to court smb знаки внимания)

a task [ta:sk] задание

decent [ˈdi:sənt] приличный

to admire [ədˈmaiə] восхищать(-ся)

7 7

Passive Voice - Страдательный (пассивный)


Страдательный залог используется, чтобы

показать, что объект не сам выполняет действие,
а действие совершается над ним, т.к. часто Формула
be + V3 / V :
неизвестно или неважно, кто именно выполняет ed (by ...)
это действие. С творческими работами можно
добавить автора:
This painting was painted by Leonardo da Vinci. -
Этот портрет был написан Леонардо да Винчи.

Пассивная конструкция часто встречается в речи

гидов и в новостях, но также используется и
в разговоре, поэтому нам важно не только уметь
понимать её на слух, но и строить самим.

Всё, что нам нужно — уметь изменять глагол be

по временам. Третья форма глагола НЕ меняется.

ной формы
Внимание! Пассив
не существует в:
Future Continuous
Present Perfect Co
rfe ct Continuous
Present/Past/Future Pe


Active voice (Действительный залог) Passive voice (Страдательный залог)

Hunters hunt animals. Animals are hunted (by hunters).

Охотники охотятся на животных. Животные отлавливаются (охотниками).
(Present Simple) (Present Simple)

7 7

Secrets are revealed all the time. — Секреты постоянно раскрывают.

The secret is being revealed. — Секрет раскрывается (сейчас).
The secret was revealed ten years ago. — Секрет был раскрыт десять лет назад.
The secret has just been revealed. — Секрет только что раскрыли.
The secret will be revealed. — Секрет будет раскрыт.
The secret will have been revealed by next week. — Секрет раскроют к следующей неделе.
The secret had been revealed before they were stopped. — Секрет был раскрыт до
того, как их остановили.

Иногда, когда мы говорим об общеизвестных фактах, можно использовать

как настоящее, так и прошедшее время, т.к. разницы в значении нет:

The portrait of the king’s mistress is painted by the court painter. —

Портрет любовницы короля написан придворным живописцем.
The portrait of the king’s mistress was painted by the court painter. —
Портрет любовницы короля был написан придворным живописцем.

Ниже обзорная таблица страдательного залога во всех временах:

Present Past Future

am/is/are was/were will be

Simple + + +
Ved/V3 Ved/V3 Ved/V3

am/is/are being was/were being

Continuous + +
Ved/V3 Ved/V3

have/has been had been will have been

Perfect + + +
Ved/V3 Ved/V3 Ved/V3

Perfect Continuous

7 7

Часто вместо подлежащего выступает не предмет, над которым совершили

действие, а человек, которому этот предмет предназначается.

The order was given by the king. — Приказ был отдан королём. →
Servants were given an order. — Слугам отдали приказ.

The castle was presented to the queen. —

Замок был подарен королеве. →
The queen was presented with a castle. —
Королеве подарили замок.

Резюмируем на таком примере: The king gave orders.

Итого: чтобы из активного залога переделать предложение в пассивный,

1. поменять подлежащее и дополнение местами (king и orders)
2. определить, в каком времени было предложение в активном залоге,
и поставить в это же время глагол be (gave - Past Simple, поэтому ставим were)
3. добавить смысловой глагол в третьей форме после be (от give это given)
4. если важно, кто это сделал, то в конце ставим by + кто-то (того человека,
который в активном залоге был подлежащим, то есть king)

The orders were given (by the king).

7 7

Упражнение 1
Соедините слово с толкованием его значения.

1. interaction a) to make something difficult to understand

2. a womanizer b) a situation where two people communicate

3. decent c) the one that you are talking about, and not any other

4. to hanker for d) a man who has a lot of sexual partners

5. passion e) able to think of new, different, or interesting ideas

6. particular f) following moral standards

7. to confuse g) a strong interest

8. inventive h) to have a strong desire for something

Упражнение 2
Соедините слова, чтобы получились словосочетания.

a secret
1) upon
5) plump hands
4) for some story
3) a mysterious 8) a well-known
6) well-groomed orders
7) a fair
2) to reveal

7 7

Упражнение 3
Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в страдательном залоге
в нужном времени.

Пример: Her hands … just (to groom) at the beauty salon. —

Her hands have just been groomed at the beauty salon.

1. My secret (not to reveal) as long as I’m alive (пока я жива).

2. The paintings from the king’s castle (to display) to the public until the end of the year.

3. Jason (to make) to move from his parents by his wife a month ago. Now they are renting
a small flat.

4. A lot of questions … still (not to answer) by historians.

5. She met a good-looking man at the bar and all night her attention (to direct) to him.

6. The women in these portraits (to dress) in men’s clothing.

7. It’s a well-known fact – it (to know) by everyone.

8. Today the boy (to cut off) from the Internet for a week. He’s been playing video
games too much.

9. I had received a job offer before I (to hire) by this firm.

10. Michelangelo’s sculptures and frescos (to admire) by people all over the world.

7 7

Упражнение 4
Составьте предложения в страдательном залоге, расставив слова
в правильном порядке.

1. is / My car / repaired / now / being / at the service centre.

2. by a hurricane. / has / The roof / blown off / been / of his house

3. are / findings / in the lab / Archaeologists’ / X-rayed / right now. / being

4. A normal life / by / celebrity. / hankered for / every / is

5. for / for art. / This king / known / passion / is / his

6. you / womanizer? / Have / ever / courted by / a / been /

7. walked. / She was / as / she / being / at / looked

8. Why / you / confused / so / are / by this?

7 7

Упражнение 5
Исправьте ошибки в употреблении страдательного залога в разных
временах. Некоторые предложения верны.

1. The meeting has beens moved three times already! — ✓

2. Your lungs will X-rayed in 2 hours.

3. Shakespeare was admired by many.

4. By the time we returned, the electricity had already cut off for 3 hours.

5. Various opinions (мнения) be divided into two groups at the conference yesterday.

6. Wow, I can’t believe that his story being listened to by all these people now.

7. Breakfast will have already been served by 1 p.m. tomorrow.

8. Am I not allowed to enter this room, mum?

9. The decision, however, must have made immediately. Come on, you have to decide now.

10. The professor’s rather feminine voice was not like by any of the students.

7 7

Упражнение 6
Переведите предложения, используя действительный или страдательный залог.

1. Многие короли в истории были весьма изобретательными людьми.

2. Этот загадочный замок сделан из белого камня. Его посещают (to visit) сотни
туристов каждый год.

3. Чай был обнаружен (discover) в Китае много-много лет назад. Его пьют
во многих странах мира. Я это знаю, потому что это хорошо известный факт.

4. Джинсы носят люди во всем мире. Их изобрел (to design) Ливаем Страуссом
(Levi Strauss) в 1873 году.

5. Какого рода музыку слушали до того, как ты родился?

6. Принцесса Диана всё еще любима всеми британцами. Она навсегда в их сердцах.

7. Меня полностью (totally) сбило с толку одно из заданий на экзамене вчера.

Я не смог его решить.

8. — Когда у тебя День рождения? — Я был рожден 18 марта 1990.

7 7

Пассивный залог с модальными


В пассивном залоге могут употребляться

все модальные глаголы. Таким образом,
пассивный залог с модальными глаголами
Формула: используем, чтобы давать строгие указания,
Modal V + be + выражать возможность, способность,
Past Participle необходимость, вероятность совершения
действия в отношении какого-либо лица
или предмета.

- must be (д
В результате получаются следующие олжен быть
- have to be )
конструкции с теми (должен бы
- can be (мо ть)
глаголами, что мы уже знаем: жет быть)
- should be
(следует бы
- may be (м ть)
ожет быть)


The job has to be done. — Работа должна быть сделана.

Various opinions must be discussed. — Различные мнения нужно обсуждать.

This task can’t be done so late. — Это задание

не может быть выполнено так поздно.

This video has to be seen by the next lesson. —

Это видео должно быть просмотрено
к следующему уроку.

7 7

Упражнение 7
Переделайте предложения из действительного залога в страдательный,
обращая внимание на модальные глаголы.

1. Perhaps, you can do this work in five days. - Perhaps, this work can be done in five days.

2. You should cut the grass in the courtyard. It’s too long.

3. Everyone should drink 2 litres of water every day.

4. I have to buy a new leather bag.

5. You may use all kinds of books to prepare for the exam.

6. They say they don’t have to follow the king’s orders.

7. I can’t call this particular photo a good one — the photographer cut off my toes!

8. You must not hire this extreme womanizer!

7 7

Упражнение 8
Переведите на русский язык.

1. The secret must not be revealed to anyone.

2. These vitamins should be taken in the mornings — otherwise they will have a rather weak
(слабый) effect.

3. The correct text could not be displayed on the screen for some reason.

4. Every candidate has to be good-looking to be hired as a model.

5. This may be said, yes, however, not everyone will agree with you.

6. He may have been born in 1983, but I’m not sure.

7. Must I really be ordered what to do? I am not your slave (раб)!

8. This interaction has to be continued, it is very important for the health of the patient.

7 7

Упражнение 9
Определите, какие из утверждений верные (true), а какие — нет (false),
исходя из содержания текста.

Пример: The castle is really old. — True

1. The castle is one of the mysterious ones in the world.

2. The king had a very strong interest in art.

3. The tourists are allowed to see only one particular painting.

4. All men in the paintings were women hidden under men’s clothing.

5. The king was a womanizer.

6. Only men were given a job in the castle.

7. The king painted portraits of his mistresses himself because he was into art.

8. All the walls in the king and queen’s bedroom were covered with paint because he
also used it as his studio.

7 7

Упражнение 10
Заполните пропуски в тексте выражениями ниже (некоторые из них лишние!):

castle / history / made / however / womanizer / off / hunt / mistresses / court / decent /

admired / hanker / revealed / feminine / X-rayed

— “Attention! Attention! The tour is starting – welcome to the 1. castle.

This castle was built hundreds of years ago. It is known as the most mysterious one in
2. _______ . Many historians still have a lot of questions about it which are not answered
to this day… but today one of these secrets will be 3. _______ to you.

They say that the most inventive king in history was born and lived here. He was kind and
good-looking but for some reason he was always sad. The only passion he had was art.
It was the only thing that 4. _______ him smile. Almost all of his collection is displayed here.

Your attention, 5. _______ , should be directed to one particular painting. Look, what can
you see in it? A young man wearing a military uniform is riding a horse and it is written here:
“A portrait of an unknown soldier”. But his tender look, smooth skin, plump lips and
well-groomed hands look rather 6. _______ . The only thing that we may be confused by
is men’s clothing. A fair question can be asked: “Is it a man or a woman?”

A similar question may be asked about other paintings in this hall. All of them were painted
upon orders of the same king, were kept in the same castle and painted by the same painter.
The secret of these paintings was revealed in the 20th century. They were 7. _______
later and it was then discovered that under men’s clothing there had been hidden a slender
female body.

You will be surprised to know that the king was an extreme 8. _______ . It was a well-known
fact in the palace, which drove his wife even more crazy. That’s why the king was cut
9. _______ from all interaction with women. Only men were hired to work around the castle
and only once a month the king was allowed to 10. _______ in the forest where … he met
with other women and all of them were his 11. _______ . He was in love with all of them
and ordered their portraits from various street painters. Later his own 12. _______ painter
was given a task to repaint these portraits in a 13. _______ way covering them up with men’s
clothes. This way they could be 14. _______ by the king in his castle. All the walls in the king
and queen’s bedroom were covered with these paintings”.

Give the wolf the best food, but he would 15.___ for the wood!

Ответы 7

Упражнение 1: 2-d; 3-f; 4-h; 5-g; 6-c; 7-a; 8-e.

Упражнение 2:
2. to reveal a secret; 3. a mysterious story; 4. for some reason; 5. plump lips;
6. well-groomed hands; 7. a fair question; 8. a well-known fact.

Упражнение 3:
1. will not be revealed; 2. will be displayed; 3. was made; 4. are still not answered; 5. was
directed; 6. are dressed; 7. is known; 8. has been cut off; 9. was hired; 10. are admired.

Упражнение 4:
1. My car is now being repaired at the service centre.
2. The roof of his house has been blown off by a hurricane.
3. Archaeologists’ findings are being X-rayed in the lab right now.
4. A normal life is hankered for by every celebrity.
5. This king is known for his passion for art.
6. Have you ever been courted by a womanizer?
7. She was being looked at as she walked.
8. Why are you so confused by this?

Упражнение 5:
2. Your lungs will be X-rayed in 2 hours.
3. ✓
4. By the time we returned, the electricity had already been cut off for 3 hours.
5. Various opinions (мнения) were divided into two groups at the conference yesterday.
6. Wow, I can’t believe that his story is being listened to by all these people now.
7. ✓
8. ✓
9. The decision, however, must be made immediately. Come on, you have to decide now.
10. The professor’s rather feminine voice was not liked by any of the students.

Упражнение 6:
1. Many kings in history were rather inventive people.
2. This mysterious castle is made of white stone. It is visited by hundreds of people every
3. Tea was discovered in China many-many years ago. It is drunk in many countries of the
world. I know it, because it is a well-known fact.
4. Jeans are worn by people all over the world. They were designed by Levi Strauss in
5. What kind of music had been listened to before you were born?
6. Princess Diana is still loved by all the British people. She is forever in their hearts.
7. I was totally confused by one of the tasks at the exam yesterday. I could not solve it.
8. When is your birthday? I was born on 18 March 1990.

Ответы 7

Упражнение 7:
2. The grass should be cut in the courtyard. It’s too long.
3. 2 litres of water must be drunk (by everyone) every day.
4. A new leather bag has to be bought (by me).
5. All kinds of books may be used to prepare for the exam.
6. They say the king’s orders don’t have to be followed.
7. This particular photo can’t be called a good one — my toes were cut off (by the
8. This extreme womanizer must not be hired.

Упражнение 8:
1. Секрет не должен быть никому раскрыт.
2. Эти витамины должны быть приняты по утрам — иначе у них будет весьма
слабый эффект.
3. По какой-то причине верный/правильный текст не мог быть изображен на
4. Каждый кандидат должен быть приятной внешности/симпатичный, чтобы
быть нанятым в качестве модели.
5. Это может быть сказанным, да/Ты (вы) можете так сказать, но не все с вами
6. Возможно, он был рожден в 1983, но я не уверен (-а).
7. Мне действительно должны приказывать, что делать? Я тебе (вам) не раб!
8. Это общение должно быть продолжено, это очень важно для здоровья

Упражнение 9:
1. False – It is the most mysterious castle. 2. True – The only passion he had was art.
3. False – Almost all of the king’s collection is displayed in the castle. 4. True – Under
men’s clothing there had been hidden a slender female body. 5. True – It was a well-
known fact in the palace. 6. True – Only men were hired to work around the castle.
7. False – He ordered their portraits from various street painters. 8. False – They
were covered with the paintings of kingˈs mistresses.

Упражнение 10:
2. history; 3. revealed; 4. made; 5. however; 6. feminine; 7. X-rayed; 8. womanizer;
9. off; 10.hunt; 11. mistresses; 12. court; 13. decent; 14. admired; 15. hanker.

8 8

Mum: Honey, I remember you said that you wanted to introduce us to your new
boyfriend. You said that he was a foreigner. Where is he from again?
You said that he did not speak English?

Anna: He said that he would leave work earlier tonight and would be on time for

Mum: “Oh, that's great because your dad also said that he would definitely make it
and would not miss it for the world!”

Anna: Did he say 7 p.m. worked for him?

Mum: Yes, that's right. See you tonight!

Anna: Dear parents, please meet Vadim. He does not speak English and he asked
if I could translate for him.
Vadim: Приятно познакомиться.
Anna: He says that it is nice to meet you.
Vadim: О, классный дом! Сколько такой стоит?
Anna: Vadim really likes this house.
Dad: Oh, thank you!
Vadim: Так сколько, я не понял! Хау мач?
Anna: Erm… He asked how many beautiful paintings we have in this house.
Dad: Oh, quite a lot! What do you do for a living?
Anna: Папа спрашивает, чем занимаешься?
Vadim: Да чем придется, шарашки всякие, то там, то сям. Я ж языка не знаю.
Anna: He says that he is in the construction business.
Mum: Great, good for you! You have huge potential.
Vadim: О, потэншн! йес, йес - а у тебя классные родоки! Расскажи им про
Anna: Oh, yes, by the way, yesterday we Skyped Vadim's parents. They are
awesome. His mum said that they wanted to come to the US to get acquainted with
you guys. She asked if you would be in town in April. She asked you not to make
plans for the end of the month.
Mum: Have they ever been to America?
Anna: No, she said that they had not. But she mentioned that they had visited
Canada 2 years ago.
Mum: Oh, that would be nice to show them around.
Dad: Meeting the parents? Vadim, are you going to propose?
Anna: Daddy! That's inappropriate!
V: Что-что?
Anna: Да он спрашивает, когда уже с родителями
Vadim: Скоро-скоро!
Anna: Soon, daddy, soon :)

8 8


to introduce somebody to ['intrə'dju:s]
someone кого-го кому-то

a foreigner ['fɔrinə] иностранец

не пропустил(-а) бы ни
would not miss it for the [wud nɔt mis it fɔ: ðə wə:ld] за какие коврижки! Ни за что
world на свете

(it) works for me! [wə:ks fɔ: mi:] супер, мне подходит

I’ll make it [ail meik it] Я успею (приду)

I can’t make it [ai ka:nt meik it] Я не успеваю (не могу прийти)

quite [kwait] довольно-таки, вполне

quiet ['kwaiət] тихий

What do you do for a living? Чем ты занимаешься?

[wɔt du: ju: du: fɔ: ə liviŋ]
Кем работаешь?

construction business [kən'strʌkʃ(ə)n 'biznis] строительный бизнес

Good for you! [gud fɔ: ju:] Молодец! Браво!

At a boy (girl)! [æt ə boi / gə:l] Молодец!

huge [hju:ʤ] огромный

potential [pə'tenʃ(ə)l] потенциал

by the way [bai ðə wei] кстати

to get acquainted with smb [get ə'kweintəd] познакомиться с кем-то

to be in town [in taun] быть в городе

8 8


to be around [ə'raund] находиться поблизости,


to make plans [meik plænz] строить планы

to mention ['menʃ(ə)n] упоминать

to show smb around [ʃəu 'raund] показывать

устраивать экскурсию кому-то

to propose [prə'pouz] делать предложение

inappropriate ['inə'prəupriət] неуместный

to advise [əd'vaiz] советовать

to demand [di'ma:nd] требовать

to add [æd] добавлять

to suggest [sə'ʤest] предлагать

to remind [ri'maind] напоминать

to reply = to answer [ri'plai = 'a:nsə] отвечать

following ['fɔləuiŋ] следующий

previous ['pri:viəs] предыдущий

8 8

ся, чтобы
REPORTED SPEECH - использует чьи-то

Косвенная речь
Прямая речь (Direct Speech)
(Indirect / Reported Speech)

Марта сказала: “Я очень устала”. Марта сказала, что она

Marta said: “I am very tired”. очень устала.
Marta said that she was very

Чтобы передать слова другого человека, в начале фразы используем:

Подлежащее + said / told / asked

Есть небольшая разница в использовании глаголов say и tell:

Tell + кому - She told me that she had been to Spain. - Она сказала мне, что
была в Испании.
Say to + кому - She said to me that she had been to Spain.

В отличие от tell, say может употребляться без упоминания того, кому мы

рассказываем - She said that she had been to Spain. - Она сказала, что была в Испании.

В обоих случаях с tell и say союз that можно опускать -

She said she had been to Spain. You told him it wasn't true.

Чтобы переделать вопрос в косвенную речь мы используем глагол ask и прямой

порядок слов в бывшем вопросе.
Общий вопрос присоединяем союзом if:
Did you go to the doctor? - She asked if I had gone to the doctor.
Специальный вопрос присоединяем при помощи вопросительного слова:
What did he say? - She asked what I had said.

8 8

При переводе из прямой речи в косвенную важно соблюдать согласование

времен. Подсказка: все времена делают шаг назад, в прошлое:

Время в прямой речи Время в косвенной речи

Present Indefinite Past Indefinite

Present Continuous Past Continuous

Present Perfect Past Perfect

Past indefinite Past Perfect

Past Perfect Past Perfect

Future Indefinite Future Indefinite in the Past

Важно, что от Present Perfect и Past Simple в косвенной речи одинаково

образуется Past Perfect. Это исключение из правила.

Упражнение 1

Переведите из прямой речи в косвенную, используя “She said (that)...”

“My boyfriend's name is Vadim, he's from Russia, but he's living in America.
There's a little problem – he doesn't speak English. My parents really want to
get acquainted with him. A bit later we are all meeting for dinner. Dad is very busy
but he is going to make it. I am going to translate. Vadim's already introduced
me to his parents – we spoke with them on Skype. We want to show them around
when they arrive in the States. I am not sure what Vadim does for a living.
It sounds like some side job (подработка на стороне). He's been working day
and night since he came to America. I hope he is going to propose soon!”

8 8

Упражнение 2
Восстановите диалоги между Anna и George в прямой речи на основе
предложений в косвенной.

Пример: Anna asked George if he was in town on the weekend.

He said that he was visiting his grandma in the village nearby.

- “Are you in town on the weekend, George?”

- “No, I am visiting my grandma in the village nearby”

1. Anna asked if George wanted to go out later. He answered that he was very busy.

2. George asked Anna if 7 p.m. worked for her. She said it suited perfectly.

3. George asked Anna to translate for him. Anna apologised and said she did not speak

4. Anna asked George how many paintings there were in his house. George answered
they had five.

5. George asked Anna what her mum had done for a living when she had been younger.
Anna answered that she had been an accountant.

6. Anna asked George if he was in town then. He said that he was not and that he was
away on holiday.

7. Anna asked George if he was going to propose to his girlfriend. He replied that they had
been going out for only one week.

8. George asked Anna if she had ever been to a restaurant with a Michelin star.
She replied that she had when they were on their honeymoon in France.

8 8

Упражнение 3
Переведите, обращая внимание на согласование времен:

remind - напоминать / agree - соглашаться / decide - решать /

explain - объяснять / promise - обещать / say - говорить, утверждать /
answer - отвечать / mention - упоминать

Пример: 1. Моника сказала, что хочет представить меня своим родителям. —

Monica said she wanted to introduce me to her parents.

2. Папа утверждает, что не пропустил бы футбольный матч ни за что на свете.

3. Моя подружка слышала слухи (to hear the rumours), что он собирается
сделать предложение.

4. Он упомянул за обедом, что не сможет прийти на вечеринку.

5. Питэр ответил в имейле, что 14.00 ему подходит.

6. Вадим согласился, что у него огромный потенциал.

7. Анна решила, что сможет прийти.

8. Диана сказала, что ей было страшно разговаривать с родителями парня

по Скайпу.

9. Мы пообещали, что устроим им экскурсию.

10. Джеймс упомянул, что он ещё не построил планы на выходные.

11. Джессика объяснила, что их не будет в городе, и мы не сможем

остановиться у них.

12. Учитель напомнил нам, что разговаривать на уроке неуместно.

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Повелительное наклонение в косвенной речи

1. Убираем кавычки и меняем слово “say” на “tell”, если это приказ и на “ask”,
если это просьба.

She said to me: “Introduce me to your parents”. –

Она сказала: «Представь меня своим родителям».
She told me to introduce her to my parents. –
Она мне сказала представить её моим родителям.

He said to me, “Translate for me, please”. –

Он мне сказал: «Переведи для меня, пожалуйста».
He asked me to translate for him. –
Он попросил меня перевести для него.

Чтобы разнообразить свой рассказ/пересказ, полезно выучить ряд глаголов,

которые помогут передать чужую речь без привычных told и asked.
Например, advise (that), demand (that), add (that), offer (to), remind (that) и другие -
в скобках указала управления этих глаголов, чтобы вы вдруг не стали “ляпать”
после каждого частицу to.

2. Ставим глагол с частицей to

Ставим частицу to и смысловой глагол в начальной форме. Согласовывать
времена нам не нужно.

3. Заменяем некоторые слова в предложении согласно здравому

смыслу (this -> that, etc)

Чтобы в косвенную речь в повелительном наклонении добавить отрицание,

нам нужно поставить not перед to. Все остальное будет точно так же, как
и в утвердительном предложении.

Mum said: “Do not make any plans”. –

Мама сказала: «Не строй никаких планов».
Mum said not to make any plans. –
Мама сказала не строить никаких планов.

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Упражнение 4
Составьте предложения в косвенной речи, расставив слова в правильном порядке.

Пример: Lisa to Tracy: "Pass me the salt, please!"

Lisa / the salt / pass her / Tracy / to / asked -
Lisa asked Tracy to pass her the salt.

1. Mum to dad: “Don't miss the dinner!”

Mum / to / dad / the dinner / miss / told / not

2. My girlfriend to me: “Find some side job! I want to go on vacation.”

wanted / told / find / on vacation / me / My girlfriend / some side job / to /
because / to go / she

3. My boyfriend's parents to my parents: “Come and stay with us!”

my parents / come and stay / My boyfriend's parents / to / offered / to / with them

4. George's girlfriend to him: “Don't make plans for the weekend!”

him / not / to / for the weekend / make plans / George's girlfriend / asked

5. Our guests to us: “Show us around, please!”

Our / us / to / them / show / guests / asked / around

6. Ken to Barbie: “Don't mention that I am a foreigner!”

that / foreigner / told / Barbie / he / not / to / Ken / mention / was / a

7.Granny to Jack: “Don't use inappropriate words!”

to / words / told / Granny / inappropriate / Jack / use / not

8. Michael's colleague to him: “Propose to her!”

to her / colleague / advised / to / Michael's / colleague / him / propose

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Вопросы в косвенной речи

Прямая речь Косвенная речь

обратный порядок слов в вопросе прямой порядок слов в косвенном

прямой речи + знак вопроса вопросе + в конце предложения
в конце предложения точка

Общий вопрос: через союз if или whether (“ли”)

He asks me: “Are you a student?” He asks me if I am a student.
Он спрашивает меня: “Ты студент”? Он спрашивает меня, студент ли я.

Специальный вопрос: Через вопросительное слово:

Emma asks Jack: “How old are you?” Emma asks Jack how old he is.
Эмма спрашивает Джека: Эмма спрашивает Джека,
“Сколько тебе лет?” сколько ему лет.

Вспомогательные глаголы do / did опускаем, порядок

слов как в утверждении и обязательно соблюдаем
закон согласования времен:

Andrew asked: “Who was that foreigner at last night's party?” –

Эндрю спросил: «Что это был за иностранец на вчерашней

Andrew asked who that foreigner at last night's party had been? –
Эндрю поинтересовался, кем был тот незнакомец
на вчерашней вечеринке?

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Упражнение 5
Составьте косвенные вопросы:

1. Do you want to show Anna around?

He asked her... — He asked her if she wanted to show Anna around.

2. "Do you work in the construction business?"

Mike asked me...

3. "What music do you like?"

I asked her what music...

4. "Are you happy?"

She asked me...

5. "Have you been to America?"

I asked them...

6. "Where do you like to travel the most?"

He asked me...

7. "Does Jack's project have huge potential?"

She asked him...

8. "What do you do for a living?"

I asked him...

8 8

Модальные глаголы, местоимения и наречия

в косвенной речи

сan could
Не все модальные глаголы may might
в косвенной речи делают
must had to
шаг назад.
Запоминаем те, которые will would
меняют свою форму: have or has to had to

He said: “I can dance well”. — Он сказал: «Я умею хорошо танцевать».

He said that he could dance well. — Он сказал, что умеет хорошо танцевать.

А те, что ниже, в косвенной речи можно смело оставлять без изменений:
should | would | could | might | need | had to

Anna said: “It would be nice if we could visit America again”. —

Анна сказала: “Было бы здорово снова съездить в Америку”.

Anna said that it would be nice if they could visit America again. —
Анна сказала, что было бы здорово снова съездить в Америку.

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Упражнение 6
Передайте реплики ниже в косвенной речи и переведите, обращая
внимание на то, как себя вeдут модальные глаголы.

My cousin said: “I will not miss your wedding for the world!” —
My cousin said that he would not miss my wedding for the world.

1. Alice: “Mike can't speak your language, I will have to translate for him”.

2. Anna: “You should not make plans if you are not sure about your future”.

3. Ben: “Can you introduce me to your dad?”

4. Alex: “By the way, I think it may rain so you should take your raincoat with you”.

5. Julia: “You have to date for a while longer before she introduces you to her father”.

6. Kate: “I had to do it, could not control myself!”

7. Dad: “You must make it on time for dinner this time!”

8. Mum: “It will always be hard to live here as a foreigner”.

8 8

Что касается местоимений, здесь нет конкретного правила. Просто

внимательно слушаем или читаем предложения в прямой речи и меняем
местоимения по смыслу. Держим в голове здравый смысл!

Anna says: “ My boyfriend is very smart” –

Анна говорит: «Мой парень очень умный».
Anna says that her boyfriend is very smart. —
Анна говорит, что ее парень очень умный.

А вот наречия времени и места изменяются при переходе в косвенную речь —

в помощь табличка ниже:

Прямая речь Косвенная речь

this / these that / those

now then / at that moment
today that day
tonight that night
ago before
yesterday the day before
the day before yesterday two days before
at the moment at that moment
tomorrow the following day / the next day
the day after tomorrow in two days’ time
next week the following week
last week the previous week/the week before
here there

8 8

Упражнение 7
Передайте реплики ниже в косвенной речи:

Пример: Eric said: "I arrived there an hour ago".

Eric said he had arrived there an hour before.

1. Mandy: “I will introduce you to my best friend the day after tomorrow”.

2. Bill: “Will you make it to my Birthday party tonight?”

3. Katy: “Let's go on holiday next week to get better acquainted!”

4. Mum: “Stephen, don't mention anything about the puppy to your sister tomorrow!”

5. Jill: “ Don't talk, Andrew. You have to stay quiet”.

6. Dean: “Last week I saw a great film. You should watch it!”

7. Tim: “There are kids here - you can't swear, it's inappropriate!”

8. Andy: “I will have to pack in a hurry tomorrow!”

8 8

Упражнение 8
Выберите верный вариант ответа:

1. Patrick said: “I went to my parents' yesterday”. Patrick said (that) he … — a)

a) had gone to his parents the day before.
b) went to his parents yesterday
c) went to his parents the day before.

2. She said: “I saw this film last night”. She said (that) …
a) she had seen that film the previous night.
b) she saw that film last night.
c) she had seen this film the previous night.

3. Mother: “Can you please open the door?” She asked…

a) if I can open the door
b) if the door is open
c) if I could open the door

4. Scientists: “If you eat 1000 apple seeds you could die”. They said (that) if …
a) I eat 1000 apple seeds I could die
b) I ate 1000 apple seeds I can die
c) I ate 1000 apple seeds I could die

5. Mum: “You don't have to eat all the food at once!” She said (that) …
a) I didn't eat all the food at once
b) I didn't had to eat all the food at once
c) I didn't have to eat all the food at once

8 8

6. Kate: “What will you say if Pete proposes to you?” Kate asked …
a) what will I say if Pete proposes to me
b) what I will say if Pete proposed to me
c) what I would say if Pete proposed to me

7. Jane: “What are you reading now?” Jane asked …

a) what I was reading now
b) what I was reading then
c) what I am reading then

8. Anna: “Don't listen to him! He is lying!” Anna told me …

a) to not listen to him because he is lying
b) not to listen to him because he was lying
c) don't to listen to him because he was lying

9. Mum: “Jack didn't go to the village the day before yesterday” Mum said (that) …
a) Jack hadn't gone to the village the day before yesterday
b) Jack hadn't gone to the village two days before
c) Jack didn't go to the village two days before

10. Kelly: “Why are you smiling?” She asked me …

a) why I am smiling
b) why I was smiling
c) why am I smiling

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Упражнение 9
Найдите и исправьте ошибки. Некоторые предложения верны.

Пример: She said: "I can see the Eiffel Tower from here".
She said that she could see the Eiffel Tower from there.

1. The female tourist asked us: "Can you show me the way?"
The female tourist asked us if you can tell me the way.

2. Sophie: "I went to bed early last night".

Sophie said that she went to bed early the night before.

3. Nick: "I am going to see my parents next month."

Nick said that I was going to see my parents next month.

4. Jonathan: "I don't think so".

Jonathan said he didn't think so.

5. Susan asked me: “ Did you take my pen?"

Susan wanted to know if I took her pen.

6. The doctor said: "You must stay in bed until next Monday !"
The doctor ordered (приказал) I must stay in bed until next Monday.

7. The teacher said: “Turn the music down”!

The teacher ordered us to turn the music down.

8. Miho: “I'm flying back to Japan tomorrow”.

Miho said me that she's flying back to Japan tomorrow.

9. James and David: "We have to go now."

James and David tell me that we have to go now.

10. Barbara: "Must I do my homework this afternoon?"

Yesterday Barbara asked me must she do her homework this afternoon.

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Упражнение 10
Заполните пропуски в тексте выражениями ниже:

get acquainted / inappropriate / paintings / introduce / construction /

mentioned / on time / world / would / good for you / worked for / around

Mum: Honey, I remember you said that you wanted to 1. introduce us to your new
boyfriend. You said that he was a foreigner. Where is he from again? You said that he did
not speak English?
Anna: He said that he would leave work earlier tonight and would be 2.________ for
Mum: “Oh, that's great because your dad also said that he would definitely make it
and would not miss it for the 3._________________ !”
Anna: Did he say 7 p.m 4. _____________ him?
Mum: Yes, that's right. See you tonight!
Anna: Dear parents, please meet Vadim. He does not speak English and he asked
if I could translate for him.
Vadim: Приятно познакомиться.
Anna: He says that it is nice to meet you.
Vadim: О, классный дом! Сколько такой стоит?
Anna: Vadim really likes this house.
Dad: Oh, thank you!

Vadim: Так сколько, я не понял! Хау мач?

Anna: Erm… He asked how many beautiful 5.________________ we have in this house.
Dad: Oh, quite a lot! What do you do for a living?
Anna: Папа спрашивает, чем занимаешься?
Vadim: Да чем придется, шарашки всякие, то там, то сям. Я ж языка не знаю.
Anna: He says that he is in the 6.________________ business.

Mum: Great, 7.___________________! You have huge potential.

Vadim: О, потэншн! йес, йес - а у тебя классные родоки! Расскажи им про моих!
Anna: Oh, yes, by the way, yesterday we Skyped Vadim's parents. They are awesome.
His mum said that they wanted to come to the US to 8.______________________
with you guys. She asked if you 9.________________________ be in town in April.
She asked you not to make plans for the end of the month.

Mum: Have they ever been to America?

Anna: No, she said that they had not. But she 10._____________________ that they had
visited Canada 2 years ago.

Mum: Oh, that would be nice to show them 11._________________________.

Dad: Meeting the parents? Vadim, are you going to propose?
Anna: Daddy! That's 12. ________________________!
Vadim: Что-что?
Anna: Да он спрашивает, когда уже с родителями познакомится.
Vadim: Скоро-скоро!
Anna: Soon, daddy, soon :)

Ответы 8

Упражнение 1:
She said that her boyfriend's name was (is) Vadim, he was (is) from Russia, but he was
living in America. There was a little problem - he didn't speak English. Her parents really
wanted to get acquainted with him. A bit later they were all meeting for dinner.
Her dad was very busy (that day) but he was going to make it. She was going to translate.
Vadim had already introduced her to his parents - they had spoken with them on Skype.
Anna and Vadim wanted to show them around when they arrived in the States. She was not
sure what Vadim did for a living. It sounded like some side job. He'd been working day and
night since he had come to America. Anna said she hoped he was going to propose soon!”

Упражнение 2:
1.- ”Do you want to go out later?”
- “I am very busy”.
2.- “Does 7 p.m. work for you, Anna?”
- “It suits perfectly”.
3.- “Anna, please translate for me”.
- “I'm sorry, I don't speak Russian”.
4.- “How many paintings are there in your house, George?”
- “We have five”.
5.- “Anna, what did your mum do for a living when she was younger?”
- “She was an accountant”.
6.- “Are you in town now, George?”
- “No, I am not. I am away on holiday”
7.- “Are you going to propose to your girlfriend, George?”
- “We've been going out for only one week!”
8.- ”Anna, have you ever been to a restaurant with a Michelin star?”
- “Yes, I have when we were on our honeymoon in France”.

Упражнение 3:
2. Dad says he wouldn't miss the football match for the world.
3. My friend heard the rumours that he was going to propose.
4. He mentioned at lunch that he couldn't make it to the party.
5. Peter answered in his email that 14:00 worked for him.
6. Vadim agreed that he had huge potential.
7. Anna decided that she would make it.
8. Diane said that she had been scared/afraid to Skype (with) her boyfriend's parents.
9. We promised that we would show them around.
10. James mentioned that he hadn't made plans for the weekend yet.
11. Jessica explained that they wouldn't be in town, and we couldn't stay with them.
12. The teacher reminded us that talking in class was inappropriate.

Упражнение 4:
1. Mum told dad not to miss the dinner.
2. My girlfriend told me to find some side job because she wanted to go on vacation.
3. My boyfriend's parents offered my parents to come and stay with them.
4. George's girlfriend asked him not to make plans for the weekend.
5. Our guests asked us to show them around.
6. Ken told Barbie not to mention that he was a foreigner.
7. Granny told Jack not to use inappropriate words.
8. Michael's colleague advised him to propose to her.

8 8

Упражнение 5:
2. Mike asked me if I worked in the construction business.
3. I asked her what music she liked.
4. She asked me if I was happy.
5. I asked them if they had been to America.
6. He asked me where I liked to travel the most.
7. She asked him if Jack's project had huge potential.
8. I asked him what he did for a living.

Упражнение 6:
1. Alice said that Mike couldn't speak our language, she would have to translate for him.
2. Anna said that I should not make plans if I was not sure about my future.
3. Ben asked if I could introduce him to my dad.
4. Alex said that he thought it might rain so I should take my raincoat with me.
5. Julia said that we had to date for a while longer before she introduced me to her father.
6. Kate said that she had to do it and (that she) could not control herself.
7. Dad told me that I had to make it on time for dinner that time.
8. Mum said that it would always be hard to live there as a foreigner.

Упражнение 7:
1. Mandy said she would introduce me to her best friend in two days' time.
2. Bill asked if I would make it to his Birthday party that night.
3. Katy suggested that we go on holiday the following week to get better acquainted.
4. Mum told Stephen not to mention anything about the puppy to his sister the next day /
the following day.
5. Jill asked Andrew not to talk and said (that) he had to stay quiet.
6. Dean said that he had seen a great film the week before. He added that I should watch it.
7. Tim said that there were kids there, that I could not swear and that it was inappropriate.
8. Andy said he would have to pack in a hurry the following day / the next day.

Упражнение 8:
2. a; 3. c; 4. c; 5. c; 6. c; 7. b; 8. b; 9. b; 10. b

Упражнение 9:
1. The female tourist asked us if we could show her the way. 2. Sophie said that she had
gone to bed early the night before. 3 Nick said that he was going to see his parents the
following month. 4. ✓ 5. ✓ 6. The doctor ordered me to stay (told me that I had to stay) in bed
until the following Monday. 7. ✓ 8. Miho told me that she was flying back to Japan the next
day. 9. James and David told me that we had to go then 10. Yesterday Barbara asked me if
she had to do her homework that afternoon.

Упражнение 10:
2. on time; 3. world; 4. worked for; 5. paintings; 6. construction;
7. good for you; 8. get acquainted; 9. would; 10. mentioned; 11. around; 12. inappropriate


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