Personal Minimums

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Private Pilot Minimums - Troy Kelley

Version 1.0 1MAR2023


Fuel Reserves (Cross Country)

45 minutes DAY
60 minutes Night

Flying new Make and/or Model SEL

● Read POH cover to cover and summarize differences with Cessna 172s
● Minimum of 8 hours of instruction
● If avionics are different, at least 10 hours training in simulator or airplane for VFR proficiency
● Extra time for High Performance or Complex airplanes

No VFR over top
No flights through MOA unless outside hours via contact controlling agency or flight following vectors
No flights through Restricted, Alert or Warning areas at any time
Flight Following on all XC flights over 100 nm
No INOP equipment for NIGHT VFR during the day
Night flights restricted to 25 nm from Origin under SKC conditions only, excepting pattern work
No flights over 10,000 ft MSL
Cloud clearances - Double horizontal and vertical regulatory minimums, excepting pattern work
Crosswind MAX = 10 kts
Gust MAX = 8 kts
Thunderstorms - 250 miles away from forecasted areas along flight path

Minimum Pilot Gear

● iPad - Garmin Pilot
● iPhone - Garmin Pilot
● Garmin GDL50 - ADSB, Weather
● PJ2 Comm Radio
● Paper charts will be current and available for all XC flights
● At least two writing utensils
● 12v Charger with adapters for all electronic devices
● Backup battery charger
● Flashlight
● E6-B
● Logbook

Runway minimums
Performance calculated distance + 50%

Practice & Training

● Instrument Rating by June, 2024
● Short/Soft Field TOL - 4 each/month
● Steep turns - 4/month
● Crosswind Landings - 10/month

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