Bing 9-13 Cici Aisyah R

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Rangkuman Materi Minggu 9 / Week 9 Material Summary
Lay out of letter
1.Definition of Letter (Letter)
A letter is a written message from one party to another containing
information’ maksudnya Letter/ Surat adalah pesan tertulis dari salah satu pihak lain yang
mengandung informasi. Fungsinya mencakup lima hal: sarana pemberitahuan, permintaan,
buah pikiran, dan gagasan; alat bukti tertulis; alat pengingat; bukti historis; dan pedoman
2. Type of Letter (Letter)
There are two types of letters, namely personal letters, official letters.
Personal letter
Personal letter is a type of letter that contains personal needs which are usually written
personally and addressed to others using non-standard language. Personal letters do not have
binding rules and personal letters can be written according to the tastes of each author.
Personal Letter Characteristics
A personal letter has at least the following 5 characteristics:
1. No letterhead
2. Do not have a letter number
3. The opening or closing greetings vary widely and are more relaxed, non-formal
4. Use of free (non-standard) language according to the author's wishes
5. Free letter format.
Official letter
Official letter is a letter made by a certain agency, organization or company institution which
is addressed to a certain person or other institution. The existence of these agencies,
institutions, organizations and companies is legally ratified. Examples of official letters are
official letters, business letters, and social letters.
Characteristics of Official Letters
1. use effective sentences; simple, concise, clear, polite and attractive.
2. Use standard language according to improved spelling (EYD) in terms of spelling,
vocabulary, and grammar.
3. The presentation is in the form of full block, semi block or indented block.
4.Using letterhead.
5. Include the letter number, attachment, and date.
6. usually include a cap or stamp.
Official Letter
Official letter is a letter issued by a certain agency. In other words, an official letter is a letter
that is used as a communication tool within an agency or between agencies. An official letter
is also called an official letter because this letter can clearly be accounted for for its

Contoh Surat (Letter)

 Surat pribadi

Jl.Bumi manti 3 no 80

Bandar Lampung

Hi my partner, how are you there? I trust you are great. I miss you on the
grounds that we have not met in quite a while. Do you miss me as well? On
the off chance that you are out of town, I trust you can visit Jogjakarta. I hope
we can meet each other soon. I really missing you.

Ideally we can meet soon, my closest partner

Your Partner,


 Surat Resmi
123 Elm Ave.
Treesville, ON M1N 2P3
May 01, 2016

Mr. M. Leaf
Chief of Syrup Production
Old Sticky Pancake Company
456 Maple Lane
Forest, ON 7W8 9Y0

Dear Mr. Leaf:

Let me begin by thanking you for your past contributions to our Little League
baseball team. Your sponsorship aided in the purchase of ten full uniforms
and several pieces of baseball equipment for last year’s season.

Next month, our company is planning an employee appreciation pancake

breakfast honoring retired employees for their past years of service and
present employees for their loyalty and dedication in spite of the current
difficult economic conditions.

We would like to place an order with your company for 25 pounds of pancake
mix and five gallons of maple syrup. We hope you will be able to provide these
products in the bulk quantities we require.

As you are a committed corporate sponsor and long-time associate, we hope

that you will be able to join us for breakfast on May 22, 2016.

Respectfully yours,

Derek Jeter

Rangkuman Materi Minggu 10/ Week 10 Material Summary

Decribe or explain about our topic
Descriptive text is a text that explains or describes people, animals or an object in terms of its
shape, characteristics, number and so on. The purpose of descriptive text is to explain,
describe, or reveal a person or thing.
Ciri-ciri Descriptive Text

• Verb yang digunakan yaitu attribute verb, seperti be (am, is, are)

• Tense yang digunakan yaitu simple present tense

• Hanya fokus pada satu objek tersebut.

Noun : Menggunakan kata benda yang spesifik, seperti misalnya my cat, my boyfriend,
National Monument, Selain itu, sering juga menggunakan adjective (kata sifat) untuk
memperjelas penggunaan noun atau kata benda, seperti a big house, a smart student, an
independence woman.

Simple present tense : menggunakan kata kerja dasar atau bentuk pertama (verb 1) serta
menggunakan kata kerja yang dapat menunjukkan kepemilikan atau keadaan sebuah
objek. Descriptive text menggunakan simple present tense karena descriptive
text menceritakan sebuah fakta dari objek yang dideskripsikan. Misalnya My office has 22
floors, Azka is pretty, dan lain-lain.

Action verbs : Menggunakan kata kerja yang menunjukkan sebuah kegiatan atau sebuah
aktifitas yang bisa dilihat. Misalnya, sleep, walk, sing, dance, dll.

Figurative language : Menggunakan bahasa yang figurative atau menggambarkan sesuatu,

Biasanya menggunakan sebuah metafora untuk memberikan ilustrasi kepada pembaca.


My love for you is as big as the ocean. – Cintaku padamu seluas lautan.

Her skin is as white as the snow – Kulitnya seputih salju.

Untuk memperjelas, lihat beberapa contoh descriptive text berikut ini:

Noun : Menggunakan kata benda yang spesifik, seperti misalnya my cat, my boyfriend,
National Monument, Selain itu, sering juga menggunakan adjective (kata sifat) untuk
memperjelas penggunaan noun atau kata benda, seperti a big house, a smart student, an
independence woman.

Simple present tense : menggunakan kata kerja dasar atau bentuk pertama (verb 1) serta
menggunakan kata kerja yang dapat menunjukkan kepemilikan atau keadaan sebuah
objek. Descriptive text menggunakan simple present tense karena descriptive
text menceritakan sebuah fakta dari objek yang dideskripsikan. Misalnya My office has 22
floors, Azka is pretty, dan lain-lain.

Action verbs : Menggunakan kata kerja yang menunjukkan sebuah kegiatan atau sebuah
aktifitas yang bisa dilihat. Misalnya, sleep, walk, sing, dance, dll.

Figurative language : Menggunakan bahasa yang figurative atau menggambarkan sesuatu,

Biasanya menggunakan sebuah metafora untuk memberikan ilustrasi kepada pembaca.


My love for you is as big as the ocean. – Cintaku padamu seluas lautan.

Her skin is as white as the snow – Kulitnya seputih salju.

Untuk memperjelas, lihat beberapa contoh descriptive text berikut ini:

1. Descriptive text tentang tempat

Singapore is a South-east Asian country located between Malaysia and Indonesia. Despite its
small size, Singapore is known for its transition as a third-world country to the first-world
country. Singapore also was known as the Asian Tiger economy, based on external trade and
its workforce. Singapore size is not as big as Indonesia, but the city ranks highly in numerous
international rankings for its education, entertainment, finance, healthcare, human capital,
innovation, logistics, manufacturing, technology, tourism, trade, and transport.

Singapore is home to 5.6 million people with a diverse culture. Majority ethnic groups in
Singapore are Chinese, Malay, and Indian. Singapore Independence Day was on the 9th of
August 1965. Merlion Statue is the official mascot of Singapore. Singapore is famous for its
Garden by the Bay, Marina Bay Sands, dan Orchard Road.
Arti dalam bahasa Indonesia:

Singapura adalah Negara di Asia Tenggara yang berlokasi di antara Malaysia dan Indonesia.
Walaupun ukurannya kecil, Singapura terkenal dengan transisinya dari negara third-
world menjadi negara first-world. Singapura juga dikenal sebagai Macan Asia untuk
kemajuan ekonomi, berdasarkan perdagangan ke luar dan tenaga kerja. Ukuran Singapura
tidak sebesar Indonesia, tapi Negara ini memiliki ranking yang tinggi di beberapa kategori
internasional seperti pendidikan, hiburan, keuangan, kesehatan, sumber daya manusia,
inovasi, logistik, manufaktur, teknologi, pariwisata, perdagangan, dan transportasi.

Singapura memiliki 5.6 juta penduduk dengan keberagaman budaya. Etnik mayoritas di
Singapura adalah China, Melayu, dan India. Hari kemerdekaan Singapura adalah 9 Agustus
1965. Maskot resmi SIngapura adalah patung Merlion. Singapura terkenal memiliki tempat
terkenal seperti Garden by the Bay, Marina Bay Sands, dan Jalan Orchard.
2. Descriptive text tentang mendeskripsikan sesuatu
My father bought me a present I’ve wanted for years. It’s a dog. A puppy to be exact. I called
him Ross. Ross is a small puppy. His size is as big as the palm of my hand. Ross is so fragile.
Sometimes I afraid I will hurt him if I want to take him up. Dad said he found Ross near our
house, crying looking for his mom. But Dad can’t see her, so Dad decides to bring him home
and give him some comfort. Ross is a good eater. He always finished everything we gave
him. Now, it’s been a year since Ross come to our family. His small body has grown up into
a size of a football ball. Ross is a good dog, and we love him so much.
Arti dalam bahasa Indonesia:

Ayahku memberiku hadiah yang selama ini aku inginkan. Hadiah itu adalah seekor anjing.
Anak anjing untuk lebih jelasnya. Aku memanggilnya Ross. Ross adalah anjing yang kecil.
Ukurannya tidak lebih dari ukuran telapak tanganku. Ross seperti sangat rapuh. Kadang, aku
takut aku akan menyakitinya saat aku menggendongnya. Ayah bilang dia menemukan Ross
di dekat rumah kami sedang menangis mencari ibunya. Ayah mencoba mencari ibunya
namun tidak bisa Ayah temukan. Jadi, Ayah memutuskan untuk membawa Ross pulang ke
rumah. Ross sangat senang makan. Dia selalu menghabiskan semua makanan yang kami
berikan. Sekarang, sudah satu tahun sejak Ross datang di keluarga kami. Tubuh kecilnya
sudah tumbuh sebesar bola sepak. Ross adalah anjing yang baik dan kami sangat menyayangi
Rangkuman Materi Minggu 11 / Week 11 Material Summary
Rewrite our lesson : Sample Valentine's Invitation letter
Rangkuman Materi Minggu 12 / Week 12 Material Summary
Recommendation Letter
Recommendation letter is a letter of recommendation that contains validation of
a person's work, volunteer, skills or academic achievement. The purpose of
writing a letter of recommendation is to strengthen the applicant and provide a
positive value in addition to the applicant's performance or habits. A good letter
of recommendation covers three main points, including: the applicant's
relationship with the person recommending, observing and evaluating an
applicant's work, and the reasons why the applicant is qualified for the position.
Sample Recommendation Letter
Rangkuman Materi Minggu 13 / Week 13 Material Summary
Interview Technique
Interviews are a very valuable opportunity for those who need information/data
for various purposes, such as for: selection, promotion, performance appraisal,
coaching/counseling/mentoring, job evaluation programs, etc. Awareness of the
position of each party determines the direction of the conversation that occurs.
The concept of interaction and communication in the interview session, both the
interviewer (interviewer) and the interviewee (interviewee) must put themselves
in an equal position.
Interviewer representatives from the company must master interview techniques
that build a conducive atmosphere so that the interviewee feels comfortable and
can provide information openly as is according to the data/information he has.
If the interview is conducted for the purposes of employee
selection/promotion/mapping in which the interviewer wants to know the
character, nature, mental attitude and intellect, the recruitment officer can
perform a psychological test (psychotest). Then candidates who pass the
psychological test are called back for an interview session
Purpose and benefits for:
1. Know the stages in the interview/interview process
2. Get a method that suits your needs
3.Improve the ability to conduct interviews
4. Interviewing techniques and skills are used for recruitment
5. Manpower selection/selection and personal placement panel
6. Interviewing the promotion panel
7. Interviewing in the job evaluation program
8. Interviewing performance appraisals
9. Disbursement of certain information or opinions
10.Consultation between counselor and counselee
Material :
 Definition of Interview
 Important things in the interview:
– Reason or Purpose of the Interview
– Factors that influence the Interview
– Some Things to Avoid in Interviews
– Effectiveness of Communication in Interviews and understanding of words
 Conducting interviews :
– Preparation before Interview
– Interview Preparation
– Conducting Interviews
– After Interview
– Interview Guidelines
– Position or place after Interview
 Types of Questions in Interviews
 Behavior in Interview:
– Three Interview Ways in Personal Interaction with the interviewee
– Actions or Behaviors that can help the role of the Interviewer
– The technique of asking questions
– What the interviewee should or should do
– What not to be done by the interviewee
 Type or Type of Interview
 Defense Mechanism in Interview process
 Difference Between Interview and Interrogation
Participant :
 Individuals who are directly in charge of HR
 Heads of Work Units as counselors and users who need new

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