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Hi there!

I am Teacher
Rowena saying, “Once a
Reader, Always a learner,
Tomorrow’s achiever!”
So, Kids be ready… your
journey of Success starts
here. Today you will
learn about Lesson 10:
Reading words with long /
i / sound as in line.)
Particularly the word
family of -ine.
Are you ready? To start
with, let me show you
pictures that speak about
words belonging to- ine
family. What do people
do in this picture? They __
Correct! They dine. “duh”
-ine dine.
Kids try this one. What
kind of day is in the
picture? The day was
Good job! The day was
fine. “fuh” – ine fine.
Another one. What is in
the picture?
Perfect! This is a line.
“luh”- ine line.
Let’s go to the fourth
sample word. What do
you see in the picture?
What number is this?
Excellent! This is number
nine. “nnn”– ine nine.
We are now on the last
word sample. What kind
of tree is this? Exactly!
This is a pine tree.
“puh”- ine pine.
Now, I will read again
the words while you
listen, later you will read
after me and finally read
them by yourselves. I will
read it now: dine, fine,
line, nine, and pine.
Read after me.
dine, fine, line, nine, pine
Now it’s your turn to read
the words orally.
Teacher will point to the words and act as she listening to the learners.)

Great job! You read words

very well.)
Let’s go to the next level.
Are you ready? I have here
some phrases on the
screen. We will read them
together, but I will read
them first.
(Appear on the screen one by one.)

fine day
to dine
under the pine tree
nine ducks
in line
Wonderful job! Now do
read them by yourselves.
Teacher will point to the phrases and acts as listening to learners.

Excellent job! You read

the phrases very well.
Now let’s level up. Together
we will read the sentences,
but let me do it first for you.
(Teacher pointing to sentences.) (Appear on screen one by one.)

Read after me.

(Teacher will point to the sentences as she reads and acts as if listening and
giving opportunities to learners to read after her.)

The day is fine.

Mother bakes a cake to dine.
She has nine ducks under the
pine tree.
The nine ducks say “quack” in
Way to go children!
Now it is your turn.
(Teacher will point to the sentences and acts as if listening and giving
opportunity to learners to read by themselves.)

Superb job kids!

At last! We will read a story
combining all those words we
learned today! So be ready, I
will read first the story for you.
The title is One Fine Day.
One Fine Day
The day is fine.
Mother bakes a cake to dine.
She has nine ducks under the
pine tree.
They say “quack” in line.
Now altogether we will read
the story.
(Teacher points to the sentences in the story as she reads them with the
learners.) One Fine Day …… Story

Now kids it's your time to

shine! Read the story by
(Teacher points to the sentences in the story as the learners read it.) One Fine

I am very happy you read it

correctly! Again, I am Teacher
Rowena, saying “Once a
Reader, Always a learner,
Tomorrow’s achiever!”
Goodbye kids!

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