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Chapter 6+7

Particle Dynamics II
+ Work and Energy

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6.3 Satellite Orbits

Ting Lung P.20

6.3 Satellite Orbits
• Figure 6.15 shows a particle of mass m in stable circular orbit
around a stationary body of mass M. in Newton’s second law,
F=ma, the inward force of gravity provides the centripetal
acceleration. Eq 6.3 takes the form

Ting Lung P.21

6.3 Satellite Orbits

Ting Lung P.21

6.3 Satellite Orbits

Ting Lung P.22


Ting Lung P.24


Ting Lung P.24


Ting Lung P.25


Ting Lung P.25

Chapter 7 Work and Energy

• In principle, all problems in classical mechanics can

be solved by using Netwon’s laws.
• In practice, we often have little information on the
forces involved in a given situation.
• Therefore, we introduce a different approach to the
solution of problems in mechanics that is based on
the concepts of work and energy.
• Although energy can change form, it can be neither
created nor destroyed. This is called the principle of
conservation of energy.

Ting Lung P.2

7.1 Work Done by a Constant Force

• The work W done by a constant force F when its point of

application undergoes a displacement s is defined to be

• where θ is the angle between F and s as indicated in Fig.7.1

Ting Lung P.3

• Work is a scalar quantity and its SI unit is joule (J).

Ting Lung P.4

Work Done by a Constant Force:

Ting Lung P.5

Work Done by a Constant Force:

Ting Lung P.6

Ting Lung P.7
Negative Work and Work Done by

Ting Lung P.8

Negative Work and Work Done by

Ting Lung P.8

• A crate is being pushed with a constant horizontal
force, F. Four forces can be identified: 1) F, 2) the
gravitational force, 3) the normal force, and 4) the
frictional force. Which forces do NO work on the
• A) 1&4
• B) 2&3
• C) 2&3&4
• D) 1&2&3

Ting Lung
• A crate is being pushed with a constant horizontal
force, F. Four forces can be identified: 1) F, 2) the
gravitational force, 3) the normal force, and 4) the
frictional force. Which forces do NO work on the
• A) 1&4
• B) 2&3
• C) 2&3&4
• D) 1&2&3

Ting Lung
What is the total work done by the 50-N
a) A) 120 J
b) B) 160 J
c) C) 200 J
d) D) 280 J
e) E) 0 J

Ting Lung
What is the total work done by the 50-N
a) A) 120 J
b) B) 160 J
c) C) 200 J
d) D) 280 J
e) E) 0 J

b) Only the component

of force in the
direction of motion
does work:
= (40 N) · (4 m)
= 160 J.
Ting Lung
Work Done by Gravity

Ting Lung P.10

Ting Lung P.11

Ting Lung P.12

Ting Lung P.13
Suppose that you can crush an aluminum can by
dropping a rock of mass m on it from a
height h. Which of the following scenarios would
also crush one can?
A) dropping a rock of mass 2m from height 1/2h
B) dropping a rock of mass 1/4m from height 4h
C) dropping a rock of mass ½m from height 2hof
D) all of the above
E) none of the above
E) none of the above
Ting Lung
Suppose that you can crush an aluminum can by
dropping a rock of mass m on it from a
height h. Which of the following scenarios would
also crush one can?
A) dropping a rock of mass 2m from height 1/2h
B) dropping a rock of mass 1/4m from height 4h
C) dropping a rock of mass ½m from height 2h
D) all of the above
E) none of the above
E) none of the above
Ting Lung
7.2 Work by a Variable Force in
One Dimension

Ting Lung P.14

Work Done by a Spring

• Hooke’s Law

where k, measured in N/m, is called the spring


Ting Lung P.15

Ting Lung P.16

Ting Lung P.18


Ting Lung P.18

Ting Lung P.19
Work as an Integral of the Fx versus x

Ting Lung P.20

Ting Lung P.21
Ting Lung P.22

• 1. A 5.00 kg block moves up a rough incline (μk = 0.150) under the

action of a horizontally applied force F = 140 N. What is the total
work in Joules done on the block as it travels a distance s = 1.75 m
up the incline?

• 2. A man pulls a 10 kg block 10 meters along a level floor at a

constant speed with a force directed 30º above the horizontal. If the
coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and floor is 0.20,
how much work does the man do on the block?

Ting Lung 37

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