Sms - Lesson 1-2

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2@ What is a Conceptual Model? SMS = Grid independent representation of the conditions to. be modeled + Extent of region to be modeled * Attributes of features in the area * Basis of automatic grid generation Conceptual Modeling SMs GIS Objects Define the Model Domain Nodes are Connected to Create Arcs ™ Arcs are Connected to Create Polygons Important Features are Located “Feature Objects” * Used for creation of Finite Difference Grids * Feature Points used to alter grid spacing = Supported in CMS- Flow | Map Data + Feature Objects are Divided into Coverages (Like Layers) * Goverage Type Determines how Feature Objects are Used + We Will Use a variety of = coverages. ' a = ADCIRC = = CMS-Flow = Sy of ~ a Using a Conceptual Model fo: Pie ave hyaiais sls "Define Model Area *Higher Detail in Areas of Interest Sreea Areas of Uo ces Saray =a =| + Should be in center of domain away from model boundaries = Includes areas of complex action * Inlets ~ tidal flows « Harbors — wave reflection and refraction = Breakwaters GIS Objects on ___ Background Image SMS Fi oe ‘eature Generation SVS = Web Sources = http:lirimmer.ngde.noza.govimggl/coastige tcoast.html + Points = Import from spread sheet ~~" = Arcs = Shapefile = Coastline File = Create arc along contou: = Convert DXF polyline * Convert grid features — Summation: Conceptual Modeling Procedure SMS * Combine Site Map Data —Lesson 2 * Read in externally defined features * Coastlines = Polygons = Point files « Interactively define other required features * Ocean boundary : = Internal details * Build Polygons * Clean = Assign Attributes 4 — = ee 2 SSS = Boundary Type * Ocean * Coastline “etc * Boundary Condition (model dependent) * Detail based on vertex distribution Ra Unstructured Boundary (een Mainland Boundary we SSA) * Mesh Generation Type * Bathymetry Source * Material Type * Arc Distribution + Mesh Preview ADCIRE Mesh SMS Lesson 2 ADCIRC Conceptual Model 2.1 Introduction This exercise will teach you how to build a conceptual model in the Map module of SMS and convert that model into a mesh (grid) for analysis in ADCIRC. The background data, including a coastline and a bathymetry data will be provided, The data used for this tutorial is from Ocean City inlet and the surrounding coastline in the state of Maryland, 2.2 Background Data The first thing we want to do is read in the background data that was prepared in a process described in exercise I. To do this, open the SMS project “OC initial_SP.sms”, This project file contains the three images of the area, a composite coastline, and a composite bathymetric seatter set all in Maryland NADS3 State Plane Coordinates. Only the coastline and the high resolution image should be visible, because that is where we will begin our work. 2.3 _ Simplifying the Coastline In the disptay options, make sure the toggles to display both nodes and vertices are checked. This makes the coastline appears very thick because we are displaying 2:2 Conceptual Modeling symbols at both nodes and vertices along the are. A node is the end point of an are segment, while a vertex is an intermediate point defining an are shape, However the vertices need to be displayed in order to edit them. Once the coastline is defined as ‘you want, you may turn off the display of vertices and get a cleaner display. We need to smooth out, simplify and correct the coastline for the needs of this study. Before you do this you may want to save a copy of the initial composite coastline, (You already have a copy saved in the input files for this exercise, but in your own. applications, you may want to keep an initial coastline as well.) To save a copy of the composite coastline for later reference: 1. Right click on “Coast” in the project explorer and Select Duplicate. 2. Set the name of the new coverage to “Coast Clean 1”. (Note: In the course of a project, you may have several revisions to a coastline. You may want to give them numbers or more descriptive names.) 3. Click on the newly created coverage to make it the active coverage. 4, Turn off the display of the original coastline coverage. You may tum this on later to compare the coastline before and after editing. 2.3.1_Connect the Coastline ‘When you begin to clean up your domain definition, the coastline should consist of a single arc and each island should also consist of a single arc. If you select the coast Tine are and only part of the coastline is selected, you should merge the ares. Try selecting the coastline, to do thi 1. Select the Select Feature Point“ tool and select all feature points (this includes both feature nodes at the ends of arcs and stand alone feature points if any exist). Selection of all feature points can be done by selecting Ealit |Select if or by right clicking in the graphies window. 2. Try to convert all feature nodes to vertices by right clicking on a selected feature point and selecting the convert command. This converts any feature node that simply connects two arcs info a vertex. and merges those two ares. 3. Select the Select Feature rc tool and select the coastline are, If the entire coastline is not selected, there is a problem. Either the coastline has a gap that needs to be filled, or it has a branch that needs to be removed, 4. Once the coastline is comnected as a single are, double click on it to set its attributes and set it to be “Mainland”. Click OK to close the dialog box. Coastal Circulation and Wave Modeling 2-3 2.3.2 Cleaning Out Extra Islands For this study, we are evaluating the circulation into and out of the Ocean City inlet. Small islands back in the bays behind the inlet will probably not have a significant impact on the circulation patterns, but trying to represent their coastal shapes accurately can be a huge job. For this reason, we first want to remove all the small islands back in the bays. You can do this by selecting individual ares and deleting the island. We need to leave the barrier islands. In 2 real study, you would have to determine which istands impact the flow and leave those. In this ease, we will only Jeave the main barrier island. To remove all other islands: 1. Select the Select Feature Arc ‘* tool and select all feature arcs . Selection of all feature points can be done by selecting Edit |Select All. You can also select all ares by dragging a box around all the arcs. Hold the Shift key click on the coastline and barrier island to unselect them. (You may need to zoom in.) 3. Delete the selected ares by hitting the Backspace or Delete key. (This actually opens up the bay too much to be real, but it illustrates the approach.) 4, Select the barrier island, double click on it and change its type to “Island”. 2.3.3 Resample to desired resolution The detailed coastline extracted from the data base often includes coastal features that are more complex than we want to keep. In fact, sometimes it is just easier to digitize the features you want. Figure 2-1 shows an illustration of the extra detail Zoom into this region behind the barrier island. Figure 2-1. Unnecessary extra detail on the coastline. 24 Conceptual Modeling Select the two vertices as shown in Figure 2-2 (click on the first and "shift" click on ‘the second) and convert them to nodes (right click). This creates a single arc that ‘bounds this little arm of the bay Vertices to convert Figure 2-2. New are that bounds the section of bay. To resample this arc: 1. Select the arc, right click and select the "Redistribute" command, This allows you to specify the size of the feature you wish to represent. 2. Set the method to "Specify Spacing”, enter a spacing of 250.0 meters and check the toggle to "Use Cubic Spline”. Click OK and SMS redistributes the are as shown in Figure 2-3, Fl Figure 2-3. Redistributed to 250 m spacing. Coastal Circulation and Wave Modeling 2-6 2.3.4 Delete extra features ‘The resampled are only includes vertices at approximately the specified spacing, however, it also defines branches and channels that are much smaller than this. Use the Select Feature Vertex!“ tool to delete vertices representing detailed branches of the bay that are smaller than this spacing. ‘The result should look something like Figure 2-4, Figure 2-4. Narrow features deleted. 2.3.5 Smooth Arc ‘Another tool to clean up an are is the "smooth tool. Right click on the are and select "Smooth Aro(s)". Use the default options and Figure 2-5 will result. Figure 2-5. Smoothed arc 2-6 Conceptual Modeling Note that the smooth are sometimes infringes on the land. If this smoothed representation goes too far inland, instabilities may result. One solution is to clean up the shoreline from headland to headland, making each significant location a node jin tum to smooth the arc, Ina real project, the entire coastline needs to be cleaned up. This could be done by moving around the domain, simplifying as you go. This type of cleaning can become monotonous and time consuming, however, you must get a valid representation of the domain you wish to simulate. That is why digitization is sometimes easier. You can also ercate a shoreline from your survey data at the desired elevation if the data spans that elevation, 2.3.6 Sample Edits Pick a few sections of the shoreline and clean them up by redistribution, deletion, smoothing and hand editing. You should try an relatively smooth section, like the coastal side of the barrier island and a detailed reach or two such as the bay illustrated in the previous sections. 2.3.7 Digitizing Details Some features will not be included in any shoreline data base or even local surveys. ‘These may include designed structures such as proposed or recently constructed Jetties or sea walls. These features should be included in the are using manual editing methods. Refine the shape of the shoreline in the area of the inlet to match the photo. To do this: © Zoom into the inlet area, © Using the vertex tools, sculpt the are to appear as shown in (see Figure 2-6. Digitized jetties and channels behind the inlet. Coastal Circulation and Wave Modeling 2.3.8 Read a Complete Simplified Coastline We could continue to clean up and simplify the coastline as we started in the previous section. However, for a coastline as complicated as the one we extracted, this process could take longer than we have time for in this workshop. For this purpose we have prepared a complete clean coastline Open the file “” to read this coastline into SMS. 2.4 _Defining the Domain We will now define the domain of the region to be modeled. This consists of defining an are that connects the two extreme ends of the coastline with a path out into the ocean, ADCIRC does not require any specific boundary shape. You could create an arc to define the offshore edge of the domain manually if you wish, however, SMS includes a command to define the domain using either a rectangular or semicircular are into the ocean as a quick way to define domain, A semi-circle is actually a common shape that we will use here. To do this: 1. Convert the coordinate system over to “Geographic NAD 83". This will result in a semi-circle in the actual computational space. " ‘Tum off the display of all the coverages except “Coast Clean Final” 3. Make sure “Coast Clean Final” is active. 4. Choose the Select Feature Arc 1 tool and click on the coastline are to select it. (The entire coastline should become highlighted.) 5. Choose Feature Objects | Atributes and make sure the type of this are is “Mainland”. This should already be set, but you must make sure it is the proper type to generate the ocean boundary. 6. Choose Feature Objects | Define Domain, 1n the dialog that appears, select the Sem#-circular option and push OK. SMS will create a semicircular are that connects the two ends of the coastline. However, the arc extends inland rather than out 10 sea, This means the coastline was oriented in the wrong direction, Select the semicircular are and delete it, 8. Select the coastline are aga Direction command. , and issue the Feature Objects | Reverse Are 9. Repeat step 5 abave to generate the ocean are. 2-8 Conceptual Modeling 10. Double click on the new ocean are and change its type 0 “Ocean”. This tells ADCIRC t apply a tidal boundary condition to this arc. 11. Convert the data back to Maryland State: Plane NAD83 coordinates for the definition of the size function. 5 Creating a Size Function From the ares that make up the domain boundary, SMS ean create finite elements for numerical calculations. The size and spacing of these elements comes from one of ‘two sources. ‘The first option is to use the spacing of the vertices along the boundaries. Provided ‘you have the spacing specified on those ares they way you want, and there are no interior features that require higher resolution, this method works fine. However itis difficult to adjust the resolution along the entire boundary if different spacing is desired later. The second option, and the one we will use here is a size function. This is simply a collection of scattered vertices (in a scatter data set), that define how large the elements should be in different portions of the domain. You can define this istribution using the scattered data module in SMS. To build a size function, you need to have target element sizes in mind. For this ease, ‘we have the following criteria: © Ocean City Inlet approximately 10 m elements * Indian River Bay — approximately 400 m elements. ‘+ Assawoman Bay behind inlet — approximately 200 m elements. © Chincoteaque Bay south of the inlet approximately 1500 m elements. + Delaware Bay — approximately 2000 m elements * Chesapeake Bay — approximately 5000 m elements © Open Ocean — varying up to 40 Km spacing at the offshore boundary To create a size function of this type we start by defining the size for the arca of highest imterest. To do this: 1. Right clic will initi k on “Scatter Data” and select the New Scatter Set command. This ize a new set of points to define our spacing function, 2. Change the name of the new scatter set to “Spacing”. Coastal Circulation and Wave Modeling 2-9 Zoom into the area Ocean City Tnlet. Select the Create Scatter Point tool and create a scatier point midway between the tips of the jetties. I the edit window at the top of the screen, change the “2” value of the to 10 in the edit window. In this case, the edit field is still labeled as “2 but the value will be used asa size rather than a depth or elevation. Create another point outside of either jetty and change the “Z" value to 20. Create a few more points around the inlet (see Figure 2-7). These points will also have a size of 20 meters, SMS uses the last entered value when creating new scattered vertices, so these default to 20 m. Figure 2-7. Central point with size 10 m and surrounding points with size 20 m. ‘Next we want to transition from the 20 meter size up to 100 meters. Tio do this: bh Zoom outa little to see the adjacent inlet and the bay behind the inlet. Create a point a little further away from the inlet and change its elevation to 100 in the edit window. Create several other points around the bay. (sec Figure 2-8) 210 Gonceptual Modeling Figure 2-8. Ring of scattered vertices with 100 m size specifieation. ‘You could follow this process to create additional points across the entire domain. It is important to remember that the size function should cover the entire domain. If this is not the case, SMS must be given a default size to create elements outside the specified areas. It is generally easier to just define the size funetion everywhere. Remember that the best size functions vary slowly and continuously. To keep things consistent; you should now read in a file with these points already created. To do this: 1. Open the file “OC_Size Function.pts”, On the first step of the import wizard, tum off the header line option and increase the starting line to line 2. Then click the Next and Finish button on the import wizard. When the file is read in, SIMS triangulates the points so you ean turn on contours of the size function. Notice how the points cover the entire domain, and how the size (elevation) varies. ‘You are left with a new scatter set, named “OC_Size Function” that defines the desired size of elements everywhere in the domain. 2.6 Creating Polygons So Seeing Foygons There are many ways in SMS to generate a mesh. These include interactive manual methods and automated methods. Since our model of Ocean City inlet covers a very large area, and will include thousands of elements, we want to use an automatic method for as much of the mesh as possible. However, we still want to. be able to control the size and density of the elements that will be created in our mesh. The goal is to create smaller elements in areas where high detail is desired and larger elements elsewhere. 2.6.1 2.6.2 Coastal Circulation and Wave Modeling 2. The automated mesh generation methods use various methods zones with elements. We will now create these polygons that wi domain, fill in polygonal be filled for this Building Polygons Normally, it #s a good idea to Clean your feature objects after they are constructed before you build polygons. This ensures that the zones will be clearly defined. This has already been done for this conceptual model. ‘To create polygons from the ares on the screen: © Click on “Coast Clean Final™and select Feature Objects | Build Polygons. Polygon Attributes ‘We now have a polygon for the ocean area, as well a polygon representing an island, In a conceptual model, each polygon must be selected to assign the proper attributes. The island is easy to identify since it has a green boundary. To set the attributes for the island polygon. 1. Choose the Select Feature Potygon 23 rook trom the Toolbox and click inside the island polygon (you may need to zoom in). When itis selected, the island will be displayed black, 2. Select Feature Objects | Auributes. (Double-clicking inside the polygon will perform this same step.) The 2D Mesit Polygon Properties dialog will open, 3. Select None as the Mesh Type, This tells SIMS, that no computations will be performed iin this area (because it is dry land), so no elements should be created in this portion of the domain, With the Mesh Type set to none, the other attributes are not used, s0 click OK and exit the dialog. Now the island is set, but we still need to assign attributes for the ocean polygon which is where all the computations will occur, With the Select Feature Polygon 2] tool still selected, double click inside the large ocean polygon, The 2D Mesh Polygon Properties dialog will open. 2:12 Conceptual Modeling Mesh Type Description Tone [ie siemens generated Patch Requires 3or4 sided topology. Generales quadiateral dominated mesh aligned to polygon edges. Most generally apelied to rverine stustons where elements can easly _ igh to Now. ‘eiapive Tetzalaion | Ovetays area wth i. ‘Subdvides each ool of grié based on size of segments of nearest ‘boundaries Uses the “Area Relax’ to move neds to centro of ther area. In ear versions of SMS, was the method of choice when deaing with ‘megutar shaped polygons such as ooean areas. Not recommended now because newer methods are prefered! Paving “Generates elements along the iner edge of tho paygon Based on the spacing of segments sround the polygon, Requires userto manus cstibution of clement along arc to generate desired cs Misses interior etal 13 a good, fat method for generating elements, ised wen no size function avalabe ‘Adaptive Densly Same as Adaptive Tesselaton, bot uses size unalone Conval Sibson of ole, Not recommended sine scalar paving generally alves beter resus, Scalar Paving Same as Paving, bu uses size function to conwolofeat. FReecommenied method for ocean polygons I size function avaiable, Esing Nodes ‘Allows use of exising nodes # mesh already ents Notexensively applizabe The Mesh Type selection controls what algorithm SMS will use to create elements in the polygon. The options and a brief explanation of each are shown in the table. To illustrate a couple of these methods, you will experiment with the mesh type and use the Preview button in the dialog. For large meshes (up to millions of elements), the process of generating elements can be slow. In our case, the process should be fairly quik. If your machine has limited RAM, or is significantly slower than this, You may Want to skip the previewing step. To proceed: 1. Inthe dialog, the Paving option is defaulted for this polygon. Make sure it is still set to Paving. Click the Proview Mesh button and wait. Several messages describing the progress of the algorithm will be displayed in the status bar and message ‘windows. When finished, you will see a mesh in the preview window that Will result form this option. Elements are small along the coastline, where vertices are tightly spaced on the arcs. Elements are larger along the offshore boundary where vertices are further apart, Use the Pan and Zoom tools in the Polygon Attributes dialog to examine the mesh, Zoom into the inlet, and look around the islands. 3. Now set the Mesh Type to Scalar Paving Density. We won't preview this option because we'll see the final mesh later. 4. In the Mesh Type section, click the Scatter Options... button. This opens the Interpolation dialog. Coastal Circulation and 5. Select the “2” function under the “OC_Size Function” data set in the data tee. This is the spacing we created before as our size function. Click on OK twlose the dialog window. ‘You now have the mesh type set and are ready to move on. The last polygon property we will assign is the bathymetry source. We are using bathymetry from a scatter set. To assign this: 1. In the Bathymeiry Type section, select Scatter Set as the type and click the Scatter Options... button. 2. In the Interpolation dialog, choose the “depth” function in the “OC Composite” set as the data set. 3. Click the OX button twice to get out of both dialogs. 2.7_Creating the Mesh Once the polygon attributes are set, the mesh can be generated automatically based on the options that were selected. To generate the mesh: 1. Switeh to the Select Feature Point ® selected. tool to ensure that no polygons are 2. Select Feature Objects | Map -> 2D Mesh. SMS will give you several prompts to inform you what it is doing. Tt will give you ‘an option to save a copy your conceptual model (the coastline ares you are starting with). It does this because the scalar paving option redistributes the vertices on your coastline. Respond “OK” to the query. It may also tell you that it is setting a default value for extrapolation. 2.7.4 Mesh Display Options After SMS has completed generation of the mesh, you should be able to view the bathymetry, nodes, and elements. Examine the variation in element size, the depths that have been assigned to the newly created finite element nodes, and the distribution of the nodes around the boundary: 2.7.2 Coordinate Conversion The coordinates of the mesh are State Plane coordinate system. This is because it is more intuitive to work in meters when creating a mesh. However, the ADCIRC 2-44 Conceptual Modeling expect the coordinates to be in latitude/longitude. To convert the Select Edit | Repraject. 2. In the Comvert so section, set the Horizontal System to Geographic NAD 83 WS). 3. Set the Vertical System to Local. Make sure the Units for the Vertical ‘System are in Meters. 4. Click the OK button to perform the coordinate conversion, Save out the grid file in geometric coordinates by issuing the command File | Save ADCIRC, to do so make sure you have Mesh selected as your active coverage. If you hhave not saved an ADCIRC mesh yet, SMS will prompt you fora file name. 2.8 Conclusion —e nee the mesh has been created and refined, final preparations must still be done in order to run ADCIRC. A later exercise will guide you through the process of setting up an ADCIRC run,

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