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1. In what part of the breast is the milk actually produced?

a) the alveoli

b) the areola

c) the milk ducts

d) the Montgomery glands

2. Which of the following options have mothers used to continue breastfeeding after returning

to work?

a) Expressing milk and leaving breastmilk in a bottle at day care with the baby.

b) Having the baby brought at various times to work to be fed.

c) Arranging to take the baby to work with them.

d) All of these

3. How many extra calories should a mother take while she is breastfeeding?

a) 500

b) 200

c) 300

d) 150

4. Mothers suffering from which of these diseases should avoid breastfeeding?

a) Allergies

b) HIV

c) Cancer

d) Hypothyroidism
5. According to popular medical opinion, how long is the optimal length of time to breastfeed

a baby?

a) Nine months- as the old saying goes, 9 months in, 9 months out.

b) As long as mother and baby are happy to do so, but at least a year.

c) Nine months, as all the benefits for mother and baby cease after this time.

d) Six months, as after this stage babies can become too attached to it and it can be hard

to wean.

6. What is the first milk produced after delivery known as?

a) Colostrum

b) Lactose

c) Acidophilus

d) None of the above

7. Which of these medications should be avoided while breastfeeding?

a) Birth control pills

b) Iodine

c) Antibiotics

d) All of the above

8. How often does a normal baby feed in the first month?

a) 8 to 10 times a day

b) 10 to 12 times a day

c) 5 to 6 times a day

d) 3 times a day

9. Which of these is not true?

a) Your breast size determines the amount of milk you can produce
b) Your baby can feel the scent of your milk

c) The breasts tend to get more sensitive during breastfeeding

d) Your baby would be healthier and stronger if he feeds on breast milk rather than

formula mixes

10. How can one tell if the baby is consuming enough milk?

a) Your baby's stools are yellow and loose

b) Your baby empties his bladder often

c) The baby steadily gains weight

d) All of the above

11. After a normal delivery, breastfeeding should be initiated within:

a) 1 Hr.

b) 2 Hrs.

c) 12 Hrs.

d) 24 Hrs.

e) 48 Hrs

12. How to recognize that mother’s milk is sufficient for the baby after 15 days?

a) Urine output & weight

b) Stools

c) Crying

d) By looking at abdomen

13. After delivery, when should mother start using family planning options?

a) One & half months after delivery

b) after first menses

c) Soon after delivery

d) Both a & c

14. Breastfed children are less likely to have:

a) Diarrhea

b) Ear infections

c) Pneumonia

d) All of the above

15. What affects how much milk is made by a lactating mother?

a) How well the baby attaches.

b) The amount of time the infant suckles.

c) All of these.

d) Hormones in the mother's body.

16. Which of the following types of anti-infective components can be found in breast milk?

a) Cellular components such as macrophages, neutrophils and lymphocytes

b) Immunoglobulins such as IgA and IgG

c) Other components such as lactoferrin and lysozyme

d) All of these

17. Which hormone triggers the milk-ejection reflex (sometimes known as the "let-down

reflex") which forces milk down the ducts?

a) oxytocin

b) oestrogen (estrogen in USA)

c) progesterone

d) HGH
18. Which of these reasons makes breastfeeding the ideal method of feeding for the baby's


a) It is always ready, sterile and the perfect temperature.

b) Antibodies help the baby to fight infection.

c) All of these.

d) Breastmilk has the perfect balance of nutrients for human babies.

19. Of the following reasons to quit breastfeeding, which problems could most mothers
overcome and continue breastfeeding, with the correct help, support and persistence?

1. under-supply

2. baby's failure to gain weight

3. cracked nipples

4. sore nipples

5. baby in hospital

6. mother in hospital

7. returning to work

8. mastitis

a) All of them

b) All of 1 to 7

c) 3, 4, 5 and 6

d) Only 3 and 4

20. A breastfeeding mother has gone to her doctor about an unrelated illness. The doctor

wants to prescribe medication. What should the mother do?

a) Take the prescription but only get it filled if she gets sicker.

b) She doesn't need to tell the doctor anything, but if the baby seems unwell she should
go back straight away.

c) Tell the doctor that she is breastfeeding straight away and check that the drug is OK.

d) Nothing, as it is rare that any drug she takes would affect the baby anyway.

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