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8051 microcontroller is designed by Intel in 1981. It is an 8-bit microcontroller. It is built

with 40 pins DIP (dual inline package), 4kb of ROM storage and 128 bytes of RAM storage, 2
16-bit timers. It consists of are four parallel 8-bit ports, which are programmable as well as
addressable as per the requirement. An on-chip crystal oscillator is integrated in the
microcontroller having crystal frequency of 12 MHz.

The 8051 memory is organized in a Harvard Architecture. Both the code memory space
and data memory space begin at location 0x00 for internal or external memory which is different
from the Princeton Architecture where code and data share same memory space. The advantage
of the Harvard Architecture is not only doubling the memory capacity of the microcontroller
with same number of address lines but also increases the reliability of the microcontroller, since
there are no instructions to write to the code memory which is read only.

1. Features of 8051 Microcontroller

An 8051 microcontroller comes bundled with the following features.

 64K bytes on-chip program memory (ROM)

 128 bytes on-chip data memory (RAM)
 Four register banks
 128 user defined software flags
 8-bit bidirectional data bus
 16-bit unidirectional address bus
 32 general purpose registers each of 8-bit
 16 bit Timers (usually 2, but may have more or less)
 Three internal and two external Interrupts
 Four 8-bit ports,(short model have two 8-bit ports)
 16-bit program counter and data pointer

2. Architecture Of 8051 Microcontroller

Figure 1.4 shows the architecture block diagram of 8051.

2.1 8051 Memory Organization
8051 microcontroller has an internal program of 4K size and if needed an external
memory can be added (by interfacing) of size 60K maximum. So in total 64K size memory is
available for 8051 micro controller. By default, the External Access (EA) pin should be
connected Vcc so that instructions are fetched from internal memory initially. When the limit of
internal memory (4K) is crossed, control will automatically move to external memory to fetch
remaining instructions. If the programmer wants to fetch instruction from external memory only
(bypassing the internal memory), then he must connect External Access (EA) pin to ground

2.2 Timers and Counters

Timer means which can give the delay of particular time between some events. For
example on or off the lights after every 2 sec. This delay can be provided through some assembly
program but in microcontroller two hardware pins are available for delay generation. These
hardware pins can be also used for counting some external events. How much times a number is
repeated in the given table is calculated by the counter.

In MC8051, two timer pins are available T0 and T1, by these timers we can give the
delay of particular time if we use these in timer mode. We can count external pulses at these
pins if we use these pins in counter mode. 16 bits timers are available. Means we can generate
delay between 0000H to FFFFH. Two special function registers are available. If we want to
load T0 with 16 bit data then we can load separate lower 8 bit in TL0 and higher 8 bit in TH0. In
the same way for T1. TMOD, TCON registers are used for controlling timer operation.

2.3 Serial Port

There are two pins available for serial communication TXD and RXD. Normally TXD is used
for transmitting serial data which is in SBUF register, RXD is used for receiving the serial data.
SCON register is used for controlling the operation.

2.4 Input Output Ports

There are four input output ports available P0, P1, P2, P3. Each port is 8 bit wide and has
special function register P0, P1, P2, P3 which are bit addressable means each bit can be set or
reset by the Bit instructions (SETB for high, CLR for low) independently. The data at any port
which is transmitting or receiving is in these registers. The port 0 can perform dual works. It is
also used as Lower order address bus (A0 to A7) multiplexed with 8 bit data bus P0.0 to P0.7 is
AD0 to AD7 respectively the address bus and data bus is demultiplex by the ALE signal and
latch which is further discussed in details. Port 2 can be used as I/O port as well as higher order
address bus A8 to A15. Port 3 also have dual functions it can be worked as I/O as well as each
pin of P3 has specific function. P3.0 – RXD – {Serial I / P for Asynchronous communication
Serial O / P for synchronous communication. P3.1 – TXD – Serial data transmit. P3.2 – INT0 –
External Interrupt 0. P3.3 – INT1 – External Interrupt 1. P3.4 – T0 – Clock input for counter 0.
P3.5 – T1 – Clock input for counter 1. P3.6 – WR – Signal for writing to external memory. P3.7
– RD – Signal for reading from external memory. When external memory is interfaced with
8051 then P0 and P2 can’t be worked as I/O port they works as address bus and data bus,
otherwise they can be accessed as I/O ports.
2.5 Oscillator
It is used for providing the clock to MC8051 which decides the speed or baud rate of
MC. We use crystal which frequency vary from 4MHz to 30 MHz, normally we use 11.0592
MHz frequency.

2.6 Interrupts
Interrupts are defined as requests because they can be refused (masked) if they are not
used, that is when an interrupt is acknowledged. A special set of events or routines are followed
to handle the interrupts. These special routines are known as interrupt handler or interrupt service
routines (ISR). These are located at a special location in memory. • INT0 and INT1 are the pins
for external interrupts.

1. Pin Diagram Of 8051 microcontroller

1.1 Pin Description

The EA' (External Access) pin is used to control the internal or external memory access.
The signal 0 is for external memory access and signal 1 for internal memory access. The
PSEN' (Program Store Enable) is for reading external code memory when it is low (0) and EA
is also 0. The ALE (Address Latch Enable) activates the port 0 joined with port 2 to
provide 16 bit external address bus to access the external memory. The ALE
multiplexes the P0: 1 for latching address on P0 as A0-A7 in the 16 bit address buss, 0
for latching P0 as data I/O. P0.x is named ADx because P0 is multiplexed for Address
bus and Data bus at different clock time. WR' provides the signal to write external data
memory RD' provides the signal to read external data and code memory.
 PORT P1 (Pins 1 to 8): The port P1 is a port dedicated for general I/O
purpose. The other ports P0, P2 and P3 have dual roles in addition to their
basic I/O function.
• PORT P0 (pins 32 to 39): When the external memory access is required then
Port P0 is multiplexed for address bus and data bus that can be used to access external
memory in conjunction with port P2. P0 acts as A0-A7 in address bus and D0-D7 for
port data. It can be used for general purpose I/O if no external memory presents.
• PORT P2 (pins 21 to 28): Similar to P0, the port P2 can also play a role (A8-
A15) in the address bus in conjunction with PORT P0 to access external memory.
 PORT P3 (Pins 10 to 17): In addition to acting as a normal I/O port,
 P3.0 can be used for serial receive input pin(RXD) • P3.1 can be used for
transmit output pin(TXD) in a serial port,
 P3.2 and P3.3 can be used as external interrupt pins(INT0’ and INT1’),
 P3.4 and P3.5 are used for external counter input pins(T0 and T1),
 P3.6 and P3.7 can be used as external data memory write and read control
pins(WR’ and RD’)read and write pins for memory access.


1. Double Click on the  icon on the desktop.

2. Close any previous projects that were opened using – Project -> Close.
3. Start Project – New Project, and select the CPU from the device
database (Database-Atmel- AT89C51ED2 or AT89C51RD2 as per the
board).On clicking ‘OK’, the following option is displayed. Choose

4. Create a source file (using File->New), type in the assembly or C

program and save this (filename.asm/filename.c) and add this source file
to the project using either one of the following two methods. (i)
Environment Books->addfiles-> browse to the required file -> OK
“OR” ii) right click on the Source Group in the Project Window and
the Add Files to Group option.

5. Set the Target options using -> Project – Options for Target
opens the µOptions for Target – Target configuration dialog. Set the
Xtal (Crystal frequency) frequency as 11.0592 MHz, and also the
Options for Target
– Debug – use either Simulator / Keil Monitor- 51 driver.

6. If Keil Monitor- 51 driver is used click on Settings -> COM Port

settings select the COM Port to which the board is connected and select
the baud rate as 19200 or 9600 (recommended). Enable Serial Interrupt
option if the user application is not using on-chip UART, to stop program
7. Build the project; using Project -> Build Project. 
application and links. Any errors in the code are indicated by – “Target
not created” in the Build window, along with the error line. Debug the
errors. After an error free, to build go to Debug mode.

8. Now user can enter into Debug mode with Debug- Start / Stop Debug session

dialog. Or by clicking in the icon.

9. The program is run using the Debug-Run command & halted using

Debug-Stop Running. Also the (reset, run, halt) icons can

be used. Additional icons are (step, step over, and step

into, run till cursor).
10. If it is an interface program the outputs can be seen on the LCD, CRO, motor, led
status, etc. If it is a part-A program, the appropriate memory window is
opened using View -> memory window (for data RAM & XRAM
locations), Watch window (for timer program), serial window, etc.

11. Note: To access data RAM area type address as D: 0020h. Similarly to
access the DPTR region (XRAM-present on chip in AT89C51ED2) say
9000h location type in X: 09000H.

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