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01-000000-1100001344-ACM-ENV-RPT-000005 Rev.

01 Dated: 29 June 2022

NEOM Construction Environmental Inspection Report

Inspection: Weekly Inspection Week 26

Site: 1100001344-04- Demolition Works - Bin Zafrah
Contractor Name:
Date of Inspection: 29/06/22
Report by: Ahmed Faraz

Compliance Score:

Inspection Observations
Observation Action Date Type Attachment Solved?

Contractor to refer NEOM-NEV-

Stock piles at Qiyal Laydown TGD-702 Section C.3.3 to
area observed not dampened to address the issues associated 29/06/22 Minor Finding No
prevent airborne dust. with stock piles and their

Contractor to refer NEOM-NEV-

Waste container observed
TGD-702 Section C.3.11.6 to
overfilled and waste stored on 29/06/22 Minor Finding No
comply the requirements of
waste storage.

Checklist: Environmental Construction Inspection Checklist

1 Air Emissions Score

1 Are emissions from generators/vehicles/equipment clear and free from dark vapours? 10
2 Is unnecessary operation of engines while equipment/vehicles are stationary prevented? 10
3 Do the movements of vehicles/equipment on site adhere to the site speed limit? 10
4 Are vehicle routes kept sufficiently damp with water for the volumes of vehicular movements? 10
5 Is airborne dust around loading / unloading areas and activities prevented? 10
6 Are stockpiles actively managed (covered/dampened) to prevent airborne dust? 0
Score per section 50
2 Nuisance Control Score
1 Are nuisance noise levels, which effect sensitive receptors, prevented on site? 10
2 Are all generators encased in integrated acoustic housing, which doors remain closed? 10
3 Is the site free of presence of vermin/pests (rats, flies, cats, dogs)? 10
4 Are materials which attract vermin (food waste, accumulated water) adequately controlled? 10
5 Are nuisance odours prevented on site? 10
6 Is track-out of sediment onto publicly used roads prevented? 10
7 Are wheel wash facilities/rumble grids provided on site to eliminate track-out? 10
Score per section 70
3 Resources / Materials Score
1 Are construction materials protected from damage/deterioration? NA
2 Are powdered materials stored/managed in a manner which prevents wastage? NA
3 Are energy conservation practices promoted and observed on site? 10

01-000000-1100001344-ACM-ENV-RPT-000005 Rev. 01 Dated: 29 June 2022
4 Is the mixing of mortar/cement on bare ground prevented? NA
5 Is plastic sheeting used at concrete transfer points? NA
6 Is excess concrete beneficially reused on site, to avoid it becoming waste? NA
7 Is concrete wash-out on site prevented? NA
Score per section 10
4 Waste Management Score
1 Is the site free of litter? 10
2 Is all waste on site containerised at all times? 10
3 Are bins/waste containers suitable for the types of waste being generated at work locations? 10
4 Are all bins clearly labelled, with lids that remain closed? 10
5 Is overfilling of bins/waste containers prevented? 10
6 Is a dedicated central waste storage facility (CWSF) provided for the site? 10
7 Is the dedicated CWSF clearly identified with suitable signage? 10
8 Are there a sufficient number of skips provided at the CWSF? NA
9 Is all waste at the CWSF stored in skips and prevented from being stored on the ground? NA
10 Is the CWSF sited a sufficient distance from sensitive receptors? 10
11 Is waste segregated into the correct dedicated skips/containers at the CWSF? 10
12 Are skips/containers which contain light-weight material covered with a net? 10
13 Is overfilling of skips/containers prevented? 0
14 Is a HAZWASTE Storage Facility (HWSF) provided? 10
15 Are stored quantities of hazardous waste suitable for the capacity of the HWSF? 10
16 Is general waste bins/skips/ containers free of chemical/contaminated/hazardous waste? 10
17 Are liquid hazardous wastes stored in closed top/lidded containers? 10
18 Are all liquid hazardous waste containers provided with secondary containment/spill trays? 10
19 Are contaminated soils resulting from spills stored in the HWSF? 10
Score per section 160
5 Earthworks & Soil Score
1 Are site and earthworks boundaries clearly marked/identified and being adhered to? 10
2 Are stockpiles sited in location(s) which do not pose risks to sensitive receptors? 10
3 Are soil erosion measures in place at required location(s) and effective? 10
Score per section 30
6 Water Resources and Dewatering Score
1 Is water waste generated as a result of defective equipment / systems, prevented? 10
2 Is water waste generated as a result of unwanted behaviours by workers, prevented? 10
3 Is wastewater piped to and stored in storage tanks prior to disposal? 10
4 Are wastewater storage tanks sited within concrete secondary containment? 10
5 Is pools/accumulation of stagnant water on site prevented? 10
6 Are water resources adequately protected from pollution risks? NA
7 Are hazardous/chemical materials stored min 50 metres away from water bodies? NA
8 Do all dewatering wells have well casings installed? NA
9 Do all dewatering booster pumps sit within a spill tray? NA
10 Is dewatering equipment free from defects/operating efficiently? NA
11 Are dewatering hose clamps/connections free of damage, well maintained and free of leaks? NA
12 Are all dewatering hoses clearly identified with a unique labelling system? NA
13 Is localized flooding/unplanned release of water prevented? 10
14 Are sediment tanks free of silt and providing adequate capacity for throughput volumes of water? NA
15 Are sediment lagoons effective in removing suspended sediment from the water? NA
Score per section 60
7 Fuel and Chemical Management Score
1 Are site fabricated bulk fuel storage tanks prohibited on site? 10
2 Do bulk fuel storage tanks reside within concrete bunds which are free of damage/defects? NA
3 Has a bunded refuelling apron been installed, within which fuel transfers take place? NA
4 Is a spill kit, adequate for stored volumes, available at the bulk fuel storage area? NA
5 Is fuel dispensed from the bulk fuel storage tanks using an automatic refuelling nozzle? NA
6 Are fuel hoses used for fuel transfers intact and free from damage? NA

01-000000-1100001344-ACM-ENV-RPT-000005 Rev. 01 Dated: 29 June 2022
7 Are all containers in the chemical store placed within secondary containment? NA
8 Is a chemical spill kit available at the chemical store? NA
9 Are MSDS's available for ALL chemicals in storage? NA
10 Is an up to date chemical store inventory available and displayed within the chemical store? NA
11 Are ALL containers stacked less than 1.5m in height? NA
12 Is the chemical store free of volatile organic compounds (VOC's)? NA
13 Do all chemical/hydrocarbon containers at point of use reside within spill trays? NA
14 Are all chemical/hydrocarbon stored in their original, clearly labelled containers? NA
15 Are leaking/defective chemical/hydrocarbon containers promptly removed off site? NA
16 Are manufactured funnels available and used for chemical / fuel transfers? 10
Score per section 20
8 Spill Management Score
1 Are chemical/hydrocarbon spills to bare ground prevented? 10
2 Are soils contaminated by chemical/hydrocarbon spills immediately cleaned? 10
3 Is chemical/hydrocarbon transfer equipment and methodology acceptable? 10
4 Is secondary containment (spill trays/concrete bunds) of adequate size and free of spills? 10
5 Do all spill kits have a spill kit checklist available, completed monthly? 10
6 Are details of emergency spill response teams displayed at all spill sensitive locations? 10
7 Are spill warning signs/awareness material displayed at all spill sensitive locations? 10
Score per section 70
9 Welfare / Laydown Score
1 Do all site generators reside within concrete bunds? 10
2 Is the generators concrete bund in good condition/free of holes? 10
3 Are spill kits available at all generator locations on site? 10
4 Do the spill kits at generator locations have adequate contents? 10
5 Are the toilet facilities on site free of leaks? 10
6 Is the wastewater storage tank linked to the toilet facilities tank in good condition? 10
7 Does the wastewater storage tank have a securely fitting lid attached? 10
8 Are spills and unplanned releases of wastewater prevented? 10
9 Does the mess hall have food waste bins with lids that close? 10
10 Is the mess hall cleaned to prevent the attraction of vermin and pests? 10
11 Is pest control at the mess hall available and effective? 10
12 Is there a dedicated environmental notice board at locations where works congregate? 10
13 Are environmental awareness material displayed on the environmental noticeboard? 10
Score per section 130
10 Ecology/Conservation Score
1 Are protected nests/burrows/fauna habitats fenced off? 10
2 Are exclusion zones around nests/burrows/fauna habitats installed and observed? 10
3 Are terrestrial fauna fatalities prevented? 10
4 Is appropriate signage erected at protected nests/burrows/fauna habitats? 10
5 Are protected plants/vegetation/flora habitats fenced off? 10
6 Are exclusion zones around plants/vegetation/flora habitats installed and observed? 10
7 Are heritage/high value ecological sites protected and exclusion zones observed? NA
8 Is nearshore/floating/benthic marine litter prevented? NA
9 Are marine fauna fatalities prevented? NA
10 Are marine environments unaffected by project activities? NA
11 Are coastal systems unaffected by project activities? NA
12 Are pollution risks to the marine adequately controlled by distance/barriers? NA
13 Are vessel/equipment movement risks in the marine environment adequately controlled? NA
Score per section 60
11 Landform/Topography Preservation Score
1 Are landform and topograpy modifications outside approved work boundaries prevented? 10
2 Is material extraction, infilling and stockpiling restricted to approved locations? 10
3 Is blasting activities restricted to approved locations? NA
4 Is blasting activities controlled to minimise impacts from fly rock and projectiles? NA

01-000000-1100001344-ACM-ENV-RPT-000005 Rev. 01 Dated: 29 June 2022
Score per section 20
12 Vehicle and Equipment Management Score
1 Are site temporary roads demarcated, graded/stabilised and used for all movements? 10
2 Is Vehicle / Equipment on site in a good state of repair and suitable for the tasks? 10
3 Are spill trays clean & free of litter/sediment? 10
4 Are all vehicles and equipment free of hydrocarbon leaks? 10
5 Are hydraulic hoses free of damage/excessive wear and tear? 10
6 Is maintenance conducted in a bunded maintenance workshop with impervious flooring? NA
Score per section 50
1 Air Emissions 83%
2 Nuisance Control 100%
3 Resources / Materials 100%
4 Waste Management 94%
5 Earthworks & Soil 100%
6 Water Resources and Dewatering 100%
7 Fuel and Chemical Management 100%
8 Spill Management 100%
9 Welfare / Laydown 100%
10 Ecology/Conservation 100%
11 Landform/Topography Preservation 100%
12 Vehicle and Equipment Management 100%
FinalScore 97%


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